Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad (Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics) Warning

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(Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics)


Course: Compulsory English-II (5411) Semester: Spring, 2023

Level: BS Accounting & Finance
Please read the following instructions for writing you assignments. (AD, BS, B.Ed,
MA/MSc, Med, ODL Mode)
1. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks but within a question,
the marks are distributed according to its requirements.
2. Read the question carefully and the answer it according to the requirements
of the question.
3. Avoid irrelevant discussion/information and reproducing from books, study
guide or allied material.
4. Hand written scanned assignments are not acceptable.
5. Upload you typed (in Word or PDF format) assignments on or before the due
6. Your own analysis and synthesis will be appreciated.
7. Late assignments can’t be uploaded at LMS.
8. The students who attempt their assignments in Urdu/Arabic may upload a
scanned copy of the hand written assignments (in PDF format) on University
LMS. The size of the file should not exceed 5MB.

Total Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 50
(Units 1–4)

The following questions are based on Unit - 1. Read the unit carefully and answer the
questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.1 Read pages 29-38 carefully (the content is related to "formal' and 'informal' styles
of writing) and ANSWER the following question (in your own words). (15)

What are the main differences between formal and informal writing? Provide
examples in the support of your answer.

Q2 Read pages 24-30 carefully (the content is about various parts of an academic essay) and
write an academic essay (of about 150 words) on 'the Importance of Media". (10)

Q.3 Read pages 31-34 carefully (the content is about formal and informal styles of writing)
and decide what type of writing style (formal/informal) is used in the following
sentences and how? (5)

i. Can I leave early today?

ii. Is it ok if I join you I the event?
iii. Is it a problem if I don't do the dishes?
iv. We are leaving early, you don't mind, do you?
v. I need to leave, do you mind?
vi. Will you smoke outside please?
vii. Can you drive slowly the car?
viii. Go outside to play.
ix. Why don't you go to watch a movie?
x. Let's go to watch a movie.

The following questions are based on Unit - 2 Read the unit carefully and answer the
questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.4 Read Unit-2 (pages 39-72) on 'sequence' or 'chronological order. Sequence is a

writing technique that writers use to present information in a step by step manner
or in a process or in a sequence (of story, for example).

Have a careful look at the following schedule of a university teacher. Then create
sentences and LINK (connect) them by using appropriate SEQUENCE
MARKERS (such as first, secondly, subsequently, then, after, finally, at last
etc.). You are required to write a paragraph and use at least TEN sequence
markers in your answer. (10)

Time Activity Time Activity

5:00 am Gets up and gets ready 1:30 pm Takes prayers brea
8:00 am Off to work 2:00 pm Eats lunch
8:30 am Reaches his office 2:30 pm Back to offic
9.00 am Goes to his class 3.0 Takes one more class
11:00 am Have tea/coffee break 4:00 pm Ready to go home
11:30 am Resumes work 9:00 pm Time to sleep

Q.5 Read the text titled as 'A Day in the Life of a Nurse' on pages 56-57 carefully.
Also read Exercise-9 given on page 58.

Now write down a PARAGRAPH of about 150 words on A Day in the Life of an
Advocate'. Follow the use of SEQUENCE MARKERS in your answer. (10)

Q.6 Read the text titled as Planting a Tree: A Step by Step Guide' on pages 60-61
carefully. Now draw a flow chart for 'Visiting a Doctor' and write a paragraph on
it by using appropriate SEQUENCE MARKERS. (10)
The following questions are based on Unit - 3. Read the unit carefully and answer the
questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.7 Read the text titled as 'Pollution' on pages 89-91 carefully and complete the
following tasks briefly: (10)

a. Define pollution.
b. Create a diagram illustrating various types of pollution (air, water, environmental
and noise etc.).
c. Explain what causes noise and air pollution?

Q.8 Read the text on 'classification' titled as "Types of Teachers on pages 96-98
carefully and answer the following questions briefly: (10)

a. What are the characteristics of your "ideal" teacher?

b. How would you define your ideal teachers by using the techniques of
The following questions are based on Unit-4. Read the unit carefully and answer the
questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.9 Read about 'Cause and Effect (as given on pages 107-112) carefully and
complete the exercises (given on pages 112-146) in the unit. Now answer the
following questions: (10 + 10 = 20)

a. What are the specific ways to use 'cause and effect' vocabulary effectively? What
are those words and phrases which are used for showing the 'cause and effect'
b. Complete the following sentences using the relevant cause and effect'


Total Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 50

(Units 5–9)
The following questions are based on Unit - 5. Read the unit carefully and answer
the questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.1 Read about 'Compare and Contrast on Pages 147-160. This unit teaches you how
to compare different concepts. You should also read about a brief comparison
and contrast between aeroplane and helicopter given on Page 151. (10)

Now compare the following pairs of concepts. Follow the example:

Example: Sunflower Rose
Both of them are flowers but sunflower is yellow whereas rose may have
different colours such as white and red.
i. Buffalo Cow
ii. Goat Sheep
iii. Lemon Orange
iv. Red kidney beans Black beans
v. Wheat Maize

Q.2 Read about 'Comparison and Contrast' (as given on pages 147-149) carefully. Now
use the following compare and contrast words in your own sentences. (10)
Together Each one Either Or Nevertheless
Whereas On the other hand As opposed to Likewise Likewise

The following questions are based on Unit - 6 Read the unit carefully and answer the
questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.3 Read about 'Academic Reading' on Pages 183-185. Now carefully READ the
following text and REWRITE it in your own words. (15)

It is often said that literature is an index, indeed the principal index, of the soul of an
age. and that to understand the spirit of any historical period, we should look first of

all to the books that were being read by the people of the time. It is, however, much
too easy to suppose that the hooks we today value and associate with a particular
period were valued in an equal degree by the writer's contemporaries. In point of fact,
literary repute of the kind which ultimately establishes a work as a classic is very
often of slow growth. John Keats poems remained almost unknown to his own
generation. It was only among the second generation after his death that his genius
became widely recognized. It is important to remember that a great part of the reading
done in any age is of the rather books of a rather older generation.

The following questions are based on Unit - 7. Read the unit carefully and answer the
questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.4 Read about "Implied Meaning and Making Inferences' on Pages 217-228. Now
briefly DISTINGUISH between connotative and denotative meanings with
appropriate examples: (10)

Q.5 Go to Exercise 7 'a Merchant and his Servant' on Page 235 and carefully READ
the situations given in the story. Based on your reading of the text, answer the
following two questions: (5+5)

a. Why was the servant frightened from the woman (DEATH)?

b. How did the merchant feel when he met the woman himself?
The following questions are based on Unit - 8. Read the unit carefully and answer the
questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.6 Read about 'Denotation and Connotation' on Pages 249-260. Now DEFINE the
following terms with three appropriate examples for each: (5X3-15)

a. Negative connotation
b. Positive connotation
c. Dictionary meaning
d. Neutral connotation
e. Denotative meaning

Q.7 You have read in detail about 'Denotation' and 'Connotation' in Unit 8. Now,
analyze the following words and write down the possible connotative meanings of
the following words: (10)

Commando Social worker Health worker Professor Tiger

Owl Snake Camel Whimsical Upright

The following questions are based on Unit - 9. Read the unit carefully and answer the
questions/solve the exercises given below.

Q.8 Which is your favourite English daily newspaper (out of Dawn, The News and The
Nation) and why? Find out the last FOUR Sunday editions of your favourite
newspaper and make a collection of 'culture related items (also known as "Cultural
Show or Cultural Pages') given in them. Now answer the following questions.

a. What is interesting about the features of Pakistani culture? (10)

b. How can the reading of culture related pages increase your knowledge about
Pakistan and help you while learning new vocabulary? (10)

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