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Practices for Lesson:

Infrastructure Security -
Practice: Create a VCN


1. Log in to OCI with the credentials provided. Click Cloud Menu in the top-left corner
and click Networking  Virtual Cloud Networks.

2. On the Virtual Cloud Networks page, click Start VCN Wizard Button.

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24 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

3. In the Start VCN Wizard page, accept the default and click Start VCN Wizard button.

4. On the Configuration page, enter the following and click Next Button:
Name - CloudNet

5. Verify the details on the Review and Create page; click Create button.

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6. Once the VCN resources are created, click View Virtual Cloud Network button.

7. Verify that VCN and other VCN components are created.

This completes the task of creating VCN.

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26 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

Practice: Create Security List


1. Log in to OCI with the credentials provided. Click Cloud Menu in the top-left corner
and click Networking  Virtual Cloud Networks.

2. Click the CloudNet link to display the VCN details.

3. In the Resources section, click the Security Lists link.

4. On the Security Lists screen, click Create Security List button.

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5. On the Create Security List page, enter the following and click Create Security List button:
Name – SL-WebServer

6. On Security Lists screen, click the SL-WebServer link to view Security List details.

7. On the Security Details screen, click Add Ingress Rules button.

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28 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

8. On the Add Ingress Rules page, enter the following and click Add Ingress Rules button:
Source CIDR –
IP Protocol – TCP
Destination Port Range – 80

9. From the breadcrumb on top left, navigate back to CloudNet VCN.

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10. In the Resources section, click the Subnets link.

11. Click the Public Subnet-CloudNet link, which will display the subnet details.

12. Click Add Security List button.

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30 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

13. On Add Security List page, select the SL-WebServer Security List and click Add Security
List Button.

This completes the task of creating security list.

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Practice: Create Web Server Instances


1. Log in to OCI with the credentials provided. Click Cloud Menu in the top-left corner
and click Compute  Instances.

2. Create a new compute instance with the following details:

Name – WebServer01
Image – Oracle Linux 7.9
Shape – VM.Standard2.1
Network – CloudNet
Subnet – Public Subnet-CloudNet (Regional)
Public IP Address – Choose Assign a public IPv4 address
Add SSH Keys – Add a generated public key

3. After the compute instance is created, note down the public IP of the instance and connect
to the instance using SSH.
Note: Allow few minutes and retry if SSH connection is rejected.

4. After connecting to the compute instance, run the following commands to install and
configure Apache Web server.

sudo yum -y install httpd

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo bash -c 'echo You are visiting Web Server 1 >>

5. After executing all the commands successfully, open a browser in your local system and
open the URL http://<Public IP of Web Server01>.

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32 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

6. Verify that Web Server 1 is accessible, and the browser will display the message given

7. Following the same steps as given above, create another compute instance WebServer02.
Install and configure Apache Web Server in WebServer02. Change the echo command to
reflect Web Server 2.

8. After executing all the commands successfully, open a browser in your local system and
open the URL http://<Public IP of Web Server02>.

9. Verify that Web Server 2 is accessible, and the browser will display the message given

This completes the task of creating web servers.

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Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network 33

Practice: Create Network Security Group


1. Log in to OCI with the credentials provided. Click Cloud Menu in the top-left corner
and click Networking  Virtual Cloud Networks.

2. Click the CloudNet link to view the details of the VCN.

3. Click the Network Resources Groups link under Resources.

4. Click Create Network Security Group button to create a new NSG.

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34 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

5. On the Create Network Security Group page, enter the following and click Next button.
Name – NSG-SSL

6. On the Security Rules Page, enter the following and click Create Button.

Source Type – CIDR

Source CIDR –
IP Protocol – TCP
Destination Port Range – 443

7. Verify the NSG is created successfully.

This completes the task of creating NSG.

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Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network 35

Practice: Create a Self-Signed Certificate

1. Log in to OCI with the credentials provided. Click the Cloud Shell button at the right corner
of the page to open Cloud Shell.

2. Once the Cloud Shell is opened, enter the below command to generate a CSR (Certificate
Signing Request).

openssl req -out ocilb.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout


3. Enter the details prompted as shown below. Note down the password entered.

4. Enter the command below to generate a Self-Signed Certificate:

openssl x509 -signkey ocilb.key -in ocilb.csr -req -days 365 -out

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36 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

5. Verify that the Self-Signed Certificate gets created as shown below:

This completes the task of creating a Self-Signed Certificate.

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Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network 37

Practice: Create a Secure Load Balancer

In this practice, you will create a load balancer with SSL Termination configuration as shown

You have completed the previous practice of creating a Self-Signed Certificate.


1. Log in to OCI with the credentials provided. Click Cloud Menu in the top-left corner
and click Networking  Load Balancers.

2. Click Create Load Balancer button to create a new load balancer.

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38 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

3. In the Select Load Balancer Type page, accept the default Load Balancer and click Create
Load Balancer button to create a new load balancer.

4. On the Add Details page, enter the following and click Next button.
Load Balancer Name – Lb01
Virtual Cloud Network – CloudNet
Subnet – Public Subnet-CloudNet (regional)

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5. On Choose Backends page, click Add Backends button.

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40 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

6. On Add Backends page, select compute instances WebServer01 and WebServer02 and
click Add Selected Backends button.

7. Go to Cloud Shell and run the below command to display the certificate details:
cat ocilb.crt

8. Copy the text from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- to -----END CERTIFICATE-----.

9. Go to Configure Listener page, and in SSL Certificate section, select Load Balancer
Managed Certificate from Certificate Resource.

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Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network 41

And select Paste SSL Certificate option. Paste the certificate contents copied from Cloud

10. Go to Cloud Shell and run the below command to display the private key details:
cat ocilb.key

11. Copy the text from -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- to -----END PRIVATE KEY-----.

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42 Practices for Lesson: Infrastructure Security - Network

12. Go back to Configure Listener page, and in SSL Certificate section, click the Specify
Private Key check box. Select Paste Private Key option. Paste the private key contents
copied from Cloud Shell.

13. Enter the password used while creating the Self-Signed Certificate in the field Enter
Private Key Passphrase.

14. Verify that the page looks like the one shown below and click Submit button.

15. Wait for the load balancer to be provisioned and the status to become Active.

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16. In the Load Balancer Information section, click Edit link next to Network Security Groups.

17. On the Edit Network Security Groups page, select NSG-SSL and click Save Changes

18. Note down the public IP address of Lb01 Load Balancer.

19. Open a browser in your local system and open the URL https://<Public IP of Lb01>
If warning on self-signed certificate is shown, then accept and continue.

20. Verify that Web Server 1 or 2 is accessible, and the browser will display any one of the
messages given below.

21. This demonstrates securing Load Balancer in OCI and using NSG to allow port 443.

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22. Refresh the browser and observe that the response changes between Web Server 1 and
Web Server 2. This indicates that the load balancer is distributing the requests based on
Weighted Round Robin algorithm.

This completes the task of creating a secure load balancer.

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Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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