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Kaitlyn, Landon, Lia and Monica

MEJO 332 APPLES Agency

(704) 123-456


Situation Analysis:
The Women’s Forum of North Carolina is looking to expand their
member base beyond their previous all-time high of over 100 members. The
Women’s Forum of North Carolina is also looking to improve their presence on
social media to be more engaging for their members and constituents.

PR Campaign Objective:
To build a more engaging communication plan that will create an
increase in members and create structure for how to expand their social
media and outreach efforts to reach a wider audience to reach the member

Target Audiences:
1. Women in the age demographic of 20-29
2. Women of all other ages
3. Constituents and supporters of pro-women groups

S.M.A.R.T Goals
1. Add five new members to the Women’s Forum during 2021-22 by
engaging younger women through social media platforms.
2. Grow social media engagement by 20% in 6 months by posting more
consistently to generate a larger following from current and potential
members of the Forum.
3. Improve internal communication to members so as to increase member
engagement by 20% by the end of 2021.
PR Strategy:
- Diversify the content posted to social platforms in order to appeal to a
wider audience and reach new demographics
- Using social platforms to their fullest extent by posting more frequently
and consistently
- The leaders of the organization will update and inform members
consistently in an entertaining fashion to increase member involvement

- Implement a monthly newsletter via MailChimp in late April that will
start by promoting the Spring Forum and including a survey to measure
member engagement
- Develop an electronic brochure that can also be printed to easily
advertise the Forum for prospective members
- Post diverse content including, but not limited to, relevant articles and
celebrity posts to the organization’s Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. An
Instagram account should be made for the organization as well.
- Having regular content to post and engaging with their digital audience
on their Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and, eventually, Instagram. This is
done by liking/posting comments and actively following members and
other important women.
- Develop a Prezi presentation with script to advertise the Forum and its

- The Apples team will task Virginia Adamson with choosing a member of
the organization that is the designated writer for their monthly
newsletter. This should be done soon, within the next few days at most.
- The Apples team will design and develop a brochure that will be spread
digitally. The team will divide into two, one team working on copy and
the other on digital design. The copy group will be done first, by April
22nd, and the design group will be done the following week, allowing
the design group to implement the copy into the design.
- The Apples team will work together to create a Prezi. They will do so by
utilizing Virgina Adamson’s knowledge of the organization and online
resources to craft a visually enjoyable presentation with a script. The
gathering and organization of resources will be done by April 22nd
while the final script and Prezi will be done by April 30th.

The Women’s Forum of North Carolina will be executing this plan
without allocating a budget to these initiatives. The organization wants to
organically grow their membership and social media as much as possible
without paid promotion.

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