CW Creative Writing and Technical Writing Activity

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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
● Define and differentiate between creative writing and technical writing.
● Reflect on their learnings about creative writing skills.
● Practice techniques to enhance imagination and visualization through
creative writing exercises.
A. Topic: Comparing Creative Writing to Technical Writing
B. Reference:
C. Materials
C.1. for the Teacher - Visual aids, videos, and book
C.2. For the Students - Module
D. Teaching Strategies: Effective Questioning Techniques,
Collaborative Learning. Reinforcing Effort/Providing Recognition and
Collaborative Learning
A. Preliminary Activities
● Opening Prayer
“Good morning! Okay students, first let us pray.
Who would like to lead the prayer” (A student will lead the opening prayer)

● Greetings
“Good morning class” “Good morning ma’am.”
“How was your week? Were you able to enjoy the
long weekend? “Yes ma’am, it was fun ma’am ”

 Classroom Conditioning
“Before we begin with our lesson kindly arrange
your chairs properly. Pick up those pieces of (Students will do as the teacher says)
papers and put all your bags down.”

● Checking of Attendance
“Okay great, now let us check your attendance,
when I call your name, please raise your hand and (Students will raise their hand and say present
say present.” as the teacher calls their name)

● Checking of Assignments
“So last week I remember giving you an
assignment, were you able to do your
assignments?” (Students answer) “Yes ma’am”

“Okay then, I will be collecting your assignments, (Students will follow the teacher)
please pass your notebooks in front thank you”

B. Review

C. Motivation
(Students will be given time to participate)
D. Lesson Proper

Generalization (The teacher will then ask students for some

“Before we head on to our activity, I would like to insights.)
first know what you remember about our lesson.”

“Answer the following with full understanding of the

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Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

topic.” (Students answer may vary)

“Who would like to answer the first one?’

“Is it a must for us to use our imagination when we

compose creative writing materials?”

“Very well said.”

“The next one is, What differences have you (Students answer may vary)
noticed from the two. Give some examples.”

“Good job class, let us give ourselves three claps.”

“For this activity, let us test whether you can identify
between creative or technical writing.

Here are the mechanics. Read the following

sentences, if you think the following sentences is an
example of a creative writing, write the letter C.
However, if you think it is an example of technical (Students answer may vary)
writing, write letter T.”

“Write your answers on you big notebook”

“Are we clear with the mechanics? Any questions

so far?”

“If no let us begin.”

(The students will begin answering)

“Okay, let us now check your works, exchange

papers with your seatmates.”

Evaluation (Students answer may vary)

E. Generalization
“Before we begin with our activities let us have a
review of what we have discussed last meeting.”
1. Is it a must for us to use our imagination
when we compose creative writing materials?
2. What differences have you noticed from the
two. Give examples.

F. Application
Directions: Read each sentence and identify
whether it is an example of Creative or Technical
Writing. Write your answers on ½ crosswise. Write
C if it is an example of Creative and T if it is an
example of Technical Writing.
1. T

____________________________________________________________ / Email:
Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

. article about deforestation in watersheds 2. C

3. C
2. Crazy Rich Asians 4. T
5. T
3. mixture description of potassium 6. C
permanganate 7. C
8. T
4. process of COVID-19 vaccine development 9. C
10. T
5. film script

6. anthology of poems

7. research abstract

8. The Hunger Games trilogy

9. SSG accomplishment report for SY 2019-


10. English lyrics of BLACKPINK’s “Lovesick Girls

. article about deforestation in watersheds

2. Crazy Rich Asians

3. mixture description of potassium


4. process of COVID-19 vaccine development

5. film script

6. anthology of poems

7. research abstract

8. The Hunger Games trilogy

9. SSG accomplishment report for SY 2019-


10. English lyrics of BLACKPINK’s “Lovesick Girls

. article about deforestation in watersheds

2. Crazy Rich Asians

3. mixture description of potassium


4. process of COVID-19 vaccine development

5. film script

6. anthology of poems

7. research abstract

8. The Hunger Games trilogy

____________________________________________________________ / Email:
Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

9. SSG accomplishment report for SY 2019-


10. English lyrics of BLACKPINK’s “Lovesick Girls

1. Article about deforestation in watersheds
2. The song rushed through our veins as if it
came from within our bodies.
3. The city only heals if it rains.
4. Mixture description of potassium
5. Process of COVID-19 vaccine development
6. Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far
7. Magic Mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest
one of all?
8. Research abstract
9. And they lived happily ever after.
10. Pour ½ cup of chicken broth. Let it simmer
for 2-3 minutes.


“Compose a paragraph using creative or imaginative

writing about what ability you wish to have. Provide a (Students answer may vary)
suitable title for the piece.”

Research on the following:
1. Sensory Imagery
2. List the different types of
sensory imagery. its meaning
and some examples.

____________________________________________________________ / Email:
Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)

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