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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
● Define and differentiate between creative writing and academic writing.
● Reflect on learnings about the different types of creative writing.
● Demonstrate learning by proficiently applying strategies for both creative
writing and academic writing.
A. Topic: Comparing Creative Writing to Academic Writing
B. Reference:
C. Materials
C.1. for the Teacher - Visual aids, videos, and book
C.2. For the Students - Module
D. Teaching Strategies: Effective Questioning Techniques,
Collaborative Learning. Reinforcing Effort/Providing Recognition and
Collaborative Learning

A. Preliminary Activities
● Opening Prayer
“Good morning! Okay students, first let us pray.
Who would like to lead the prayer” (A student will lead the opening prayer)

● Greetings
“Good morning class” “Good morning ma’am.”
“How was your week? Were you able to enjoy the
long weekend? “Yes ma’am, it was fun ma’am ”

• Classroom Conditioning
“Before we begin with our lesson kindly arrange
your chairs properly. Pick up those pieces of (Students will do as the teacher says)
papers and put all your bags down.”

● Checking of Attendance
“Okay great, now let us check your attendance,
when I call your name, please raise your hand and (Students will raise their hand and say present
say present.” as the teacher calls their name)

● Checking of Assignments
“So last week I remember giving you an
assignment, were you able to do your
assignments?” (Students answer) “Yes ma’am”

“Okay then, I will be collecting your assignments, (Students will follow the teacher)
please pass your notebooks in front thank you”

B. Review
“Before we dive in to our lesson for today, let us (The students will discuss what they have
have a recap of what we have discussed last learned from the last discussion.)

“Very good, it was all about Creative writing and its

different types. Now who can tell me, what is (Students answer may vary)
Creative writing?”

“That’s right. How about technical writing?”

“Great job class”

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BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

“This time, can you tell me your insights about our (Students answer may vary)
last discussions, what have you learned about our

“Very good class. I am happy that you are able to

recall our past lesson clearly.”

C. Motivation
“Before we head on to our discussion for today, we (The students will be given one red flag and
will first have a short activity.” one blue flag to represent their answer.)

“This activity is entitled, Guess the Gibberish.” (The teacher will then ask students for some
Directions: The teacher will present a set of words.
Your task is to create the real word formed in the

Example: Ease-too-dean-its
Answer: Students
1. Late-are-ray-two-your 1. Literature
2. Crew-ate-thieve rye-thing 2. Creative Writing
3. Edge-hue-k-shawn-all moth-eel-rolls 3. Educational Materials
4. A-cow-day-me-ick rioting 4. Academic Writing
5. He-maw-gee-nay-shawn 5. Imagination

D. Lesson Proper
“I hope you enjoyed our short activity class. Are you
ready to listen now?”

“Our lesson for today is about the differences of

Creative and Academic Writing.”

“First, let us define Creative writing. Who would like (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
to read it?”

Creative Writing, a writing that uses imagination

and creativity to convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas
is referred to as creative writing. It is a distinctive
style of writing meant to enthrall, motivate, and
arouse the reader’s emotions.

“Creative writing is used extensively in literary

pieces like poems, novels, short stories and stage
plays, including creative non-fiction. As such,
creative writing is often associated with literature.”

“Thank you very much, now let us head on to the

features of Creative Writing. Please read it” (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)

Features of Creative/ Imaginative Writing

• It has clarity.
• It follows prosaic and poetic form.
• It evokes emotions/ feelings.

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Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

• It has often connotative or implied meaning.

• It uses figurative language.

“How about Academic writing, please read it.” (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)

Academic writing is utilized in academic

environments including colleges, universities, and
research institutions. Information, research findings,
and ideas are communicated to a scholarly audience
using this formal and objective writing style.

“Academic writing is a form of communication

primarily used by researchers and educators to
create research papers, studies, books, and
educational materials.”

“Now let us see the features and uses of academic (A student volunteers to read the selection.)
writing. Please read.”

Features of Academic Writing

1. It conveys facts.
2. It uses formal language and prosaic in form.
3. It has third point-of-view.

“Now that we know the definition of the two, let us

dig deeper and know more about Creative Writing
and Academic Writing.”

“Let us discuss the difference between the two one (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
by one, starting with the purpose. Who would like to
read it?”

Creative Writing
Writing creatively is a tool for expressing ideas,
feelings, and thoughts in a unique and inventive way.
It is employed to enlighten, uplift, and communicate
with the reader. Plays, poems, novels, and short
stories all involve creative writing.

“Thank you very much.”

“Creative writing is a way to express ideas, feelings,

and thoughts in a unique and inventive way. It's
used to inform, inspire, and connect with the reader.
Examples of creative writing include plays, poems,
novels, and short stories.”

Academic Writing
In a formal and objective way, information, facts, and
knowledge are communicated through academic
writing. It is employed to investigate and examine a
certain subject or problem and to give arguments
supported by facts. Academic research and
educational institutions both employ academic

“Academic writing is a way of sharing information,

____________________________________________________________ / Email:
Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

facts, and knowledge in a formal and objective

manner. It's used to explore and analyze a
particular subject or problem, providing arguments
based on facts. Academic writing is common in
research and educational settings.”

“Thank you so much. How about the Audience. (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
Please read it.”

Creative Writing
Creative writing is mostly aimed at people who enjoy
reading fiction, poetry, and other types of literature.

“Creative writing, meanwhile, is often aimed at a

wider, more general audience. Your students
should be able to list all kinds of examples of
creative writing from children’s books to fiction
novels to even the old classics they read in class.”

Academic Writing
Academic writing is usually meant for researchers,
academics, and experts in a specific field.

“Academic writing is typically aimed at a more

specialized and educated audience. For students,
the intended audience for most of their academic
writing will be teachers, professors, and fellow

“Next in line is the style. Who would like to read it?” (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)

Creative Writing
Writing with creativity is informal, individualized, and
subjective. First-person pronouns are commonly
employed, and the writing style and personality of the
author are evident. The writing is typically vibrant and
evocative and places a significant emphasis on
imagery, figurative language, and storytelling.

“Creative writing uses emotive language. Creative

writing is less concerned with presenting factual
information and more focused on exploring themes
and ideas through the use of storytelling and
descriptive language.”

Academic Writing
Academic settings, writing is formal, detached, and
objective. Pronouns in the first person are generally
avoided. The text is straightforward, clear, and basic.
The third person is frequently used when the passive
voice is being used.

“Academic writing uses an objective, unbiased tone

and focuses on presenting research and evidence
to support an argument or claim. Academic writing
is typically based on factual information and aims to

____________________________________________________________ / Email:
Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

inform and educate the reader about a particular


“Thank you so much. How about this one? The (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)
language in the in creative and academic. Please

Creative Writing
The language used in creative writing is looser and
more casual, with a focus on creativity and flair. The
vocabulary is varied, and the tone might be
lighthearted, sentimental, or subjective. Slang and
contractions are permissible, and the author is free
to coin new words and employ turns of phrase.

“In creative writing, the language is relaxed and

casual, emphasizing creativity and style. Writers
use a variety of words, and the tone can be playful,
emotional, or personal. It's okay to use slang,
contractions, and even create new words or

Academic Writing
Accuracy and precision are stressed in formal
language used in academic writing. The tone is
neutral and objective, and the jargon is specialized
and technical. Slang and contractions are not

“In academic writing, it's important to be very careful

and exact with your words. The language should be
neutral and not show personal feelings. Use
specialized and technical terms instead of informal
language. Avoid slang and contractions because
they're not suitable for formal writing.”

“And that will be our lesson for today, any

questions?” (A student volunteers to read the paragraph.)

E. Generalization
“Let us see if you really have understood our lesson

1. “What is the primary purpose of academic

writing? (The students will answer with full
2. How does creative writing differ from understanding of the topic)
academic writing in terms of style?
3. How does the audience for academic writing
differ from that of creative writing?
4. How does the purpose for academic writing
differ from that of creative writing?
5. How does the style for academic writing differ
from that of creative writing?

F. Application
Directions: Read each sentence and identify what is

____________________________________________________________ / Email:
Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010

1. It is used by researchers and educators in making

research papers/ studies, books and other (The students will answer with full
materials for education. understanding of the topic)
2. It uses imagination and creativity to convey
thoughts, feelings, and ideas is referred to as
creative writing. Exclusive Interview with Best- Answers:
Selling Author Jane Doe. 1. Academic
3. It is often associated with literature. 2. Creative
4. For sports, it has lingo. 3. Creative
5. Under the Moonlit Sky, a Mysterious Figure 4. Academic
Emerged from the Shadows. 5. Creative
6. Straightforward and concise. 6. Academic
7. Within the Pages of the Ancient Book, Spells of 7. Creative
Unseen Power Awaited Discovery. 8. Academic
8. It has third point-of-view. 9. Academic
9. A form of communication primarily used by 10. Creative
researchers and educators to create research
papers, studies, books, and educational
10. The old clock on the wall chimed midnight,
casting eerie shadows across the room as
Sarah cautiously opened the dusty, long-
forgotten journal.

A. Directions: Fill in the Venn diagram below with the differences and similarities
between Academic writing and Creative writing.

B. If you were given a chance to write, what kind of writing would you choose?
Academic writing or Creative writing? Justify your answer.

____________________________________________________________ / Email:
Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)
Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010


Research on the following:

1. Sensory Imagery
2. List the different types of
sensory imagery. its meaning
and some examples.

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Telefax Nos: (044) 762-1427 / (044) 762-0120

BASC-IED-QSF-01/Rev.00 (02.03.2020)

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