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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 68


© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 68

1. Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need?

Words may be used:
a shopping habit/just-for-fun shopping
a greater degree of security
exposed to advertising
keep up with your friends/family

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 68

2. Are you good at saving money? Try to give some

Words may be used:
no unnecessary shopping
free online budget tools
prepare easy meals
get books/DVDs from the library

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 68

3. Will you give money to a beggar? Why or why not?

Words may be used:

homeless people
a burden/a trouble
how the beggar spend the money

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 68

4. If someone gave you a million dollars, what would

you do with it?

Words may be used:

give it to charity
use it for vacation
buy a nice house/car
set up a business
pay off everything

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 68

5. If you want to earn some extra money, what should

you do?

Words may be used:

part-time job/second income
become a carer (看护)
rent a room/flat-share
teach students

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 68

Selective Questions:
(*If all the five questions above have already been finished, you can choose to discuss the following ones.)

6. Do you buy lottery?

7. Do you believe that lottery may help you earn a fortune?
8. Do you ever buy second-hand things ("used things")?
9. Do you bargain when you shop?
10. What bank do you use? Do you like the service you receive?

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 68 ₪1

Further Reading:
Don’t Give Money to Beggars

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