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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 88


© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 88

1. Do you prefer to shop alone or with other people? What

are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Words may be used:

focus on
bond with

1 © 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 88

2. Do you like shopping? Why or why not?

Words may be used:

reduce pressure

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 88

3. Do you prefer shopping in big stores or small shops?

Words may be used:

depend on
groceries/clothes/electrical equipment
department store/supermarket

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 88

4. What can shops do to make shopping more pleasant for

their customers?

Words may be used:

air conditioner
shop assistant

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 88

5. How does advertising influence what people choose to

buy? Is this true for everyone?

Words may be used:

tend to
heard about
equal to

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 88

Selective Questions:
(*If all the five questions above have already been finished, you can choose to discuss the following ones.)

6. Have you ever spent too much? What did you buy? How did you feel afterwards?
7. What types of shops do teenagers like best in your country?
8. Would you like to work in a shop?
9. Which do you prefer? Buying things for yourself or for other people?
10. Who does most of the shopping in your family?

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Free Talk with Topic Ⅰ– Lesson 88

Further Reading:
How to Have a Good Shopping Spree

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