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1)C Program /************************************************************ Program for implementing a stack using arrays.

It involves various operations such as push,pop,stack empty,stack full and display. *************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define size 5 /* stack structure*/ struct stack { int s[size]; int top; }st; /* The stfull Function Input:none Output:returns 1 or 0 for stack full or not Called By:main Calls:none */ int stfull() { if(>=size-1) return 1; else return 0; } /* The push Function Input:item which is to be pushed Output:none-simply pushes the item onto the stck Called By:main Calls:none */ void push(int item) {; st.s[] =item; } /* The stempty Function Input:none Output:returns 1 or 0 for stack empty or not Called By:main Calls:none */ int stempty() { if( return 1; else return 0;

} /* The pop Function Input:none Output:returns the item which is popped from the stack Called By:main Calls:none */ int pop() { int item; item=st.s[]; ; return(item); } /* The display Function Input:none Output:none-displys the contents of the stack Called By:main Calls:none */ void display() { int i; if(stempty()) printf(\n Stack Is Empty!); else { for(;i>=0;i ) printf(\n%d,st.s[i]); } } /* The main Function Input:none Output:none Called By:O.S. Calls:push,pop,stempty,stfull,display */ void main(void) { int item,choice; char ans;; clrscr(); printf(\n\t\t Implementation Of Stack); do { printf(\n Main Menu); printf(\n1.Push\n2.Pop\n3.Display\n4.exit); printf(\n Enter Your Choice); scanf(%d,&choice); switch(choice)

{ case 1:printf(\n Enter The item to be pushed); scanf(%d,&item); if(stfull()) printf(\n Stack is Full!); else push(item); break; case 2:if(stempty()) printf(\n Empty stack!Underflow !!); else { item=pop(); printf(\n The popped element is %d,item); } break; case 3:display(); break; case 4:exit(0); } printf(\n Do You want To Continue?); ans=getche(); }while(ans ==Y ||ans ==y); getch(); } /******************** End Of Program ************************/ 2)C Program /************************************************************ Program to evaluate a given postfix expression. The program handles postfix expressions with only binary arithmatic operators +,-,*,/ and ^. Operands are single digit numbers between 0-9. *************************************************************/ /* List of include files */ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <process.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> /* List of defined constants */ #define size 80 /* Global declarations */ struct stack { double s[size]; int top; }st; enum Type { operand, oprtor }; /* The Push function Input : A value to be pushed on global stack Output: None, modifies global stack and its top Parameter Passing Method :By Value Called By : Post()

Calls :none */ void Push(double Val) { if ( >= size ) printf(Error: Stack is Full\n);; st.s[] = Val; } /* The Pop function Input : None, uses global stack and top Output: Returns the value on top of stack Parameter Passing Method :None Called By : post() Calls :none */ double Pop() { double Val; if ( == -1 ) printf(Error: Stack is Empty\n); Val = st.s[];; return(Val); } /* The gettokn function Input : Given infix expression Output: Returns the next character from the expression Parameter Passing Method : By reference Called By : post() Calls : None */ char gettokn( char exp[]) { static int i = 0; char ch; ch = exp[i]; i++; return ch; } /* The Gettype function Input : A character from infix expression Output: Returns the token type as operand or oprtor Parameter Passing Method : By value Called by : post() Calls : none */ enum Type Gettype(char ch) { ch = toupper(ch); /* convert to upper case */ if ( ch >= 0 && ch <= 9) return operand; if ( ch == +|| ch == -|| ch == *|| ch == / ||

ch == ^ ) return oprtor; /* Error */ printf(Invalid operator\n); } /* The post function which contains major logic of the program. Input : A post Expression of single digit operand Output: Resultant value after evaluating the expression Parameter Passing Method :by reference Called By : main() Calls :gettoken(), Push(), Pop() and Gettype()

*/ double post( char exp[]) { char ch,type; double result, Val, Op1, Op2; = 0; ch = gettokn(exp); while ( ch != $ ) { type = Gettype(ch); if( type ==operand) { Val = ch - 48; Push( Val); } else if ( type == oprtor) { Op2 = Pop(); Op1 = Pop(); switch(ch) { case + : result = OP1 + Op2; break; case : result = Op1 Op2; break; case * : result = Op1 * Op2; break; case / : result = Op1 / Op2; break; case ^ : result = pow (Op1 Op2; break; }/* switch */ Push (result); } ch = gettokn(exp); }/* while */ result = Pop(); return(result); } /* The main function

Input : None Output : None Parameter Passing Method : None called By : OS Calls : post() */ void main () { /* Local declarations */ char exp[size]; int len; double Result; clrscr(); printf(Enter the postfix Expression\n"); scanf(%S,exp); len = strlen(exp); exp[len] = ; /* Append at the end */ Result = post(exp); printf(The Value of the expression is %f\n, Result); getch(); exit(0); } / ************** End of the Program ***************** / 3) C Program / ********************************************************** Program for conversion of Infix expression to Postfix form. ************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> char inf[40],post[40]; int top=0,st[20]; void postfix(); void push(int); char pop(); /* The main Function Input:none Output:none Called BY:O.S. Calls:postfix */ void main(void) { clrscr(); printf(n\tEnter the infix expression :: \n\n\t\t); scanf(%s, inf); postfix(); getch(); } /* The postfix Function Input:none Output:none

Called By:main Calls:push,pop */ void postfix() { int i,j=0; for(i=0;inf[i]!=\0;i++) { switch(inf[i]) { case + : while(st[top] > = 1) post[j++] = pop(); push(1) break; case : while(st[top] >=1) post[j++] = pop(); push(2); break; case * : while(st[top] >=3) pos[j++] = pop(); push(3) break; case / : while(st[top] > = 3) post[j++] = pop(); push(4); break; case ^ : while(st[top] >=4) post[j++] = pop(); push(5); break; case ( : push(0); break; case ) : while(st[top] ! = 0 post[j++] = pop(); top ; break; default : post[j++] = inf[i]; } } while(top>0) post[j++] = pop(); print(\n\tPostfix expression is = > \n\n\t\t %s, post); } /* The push Function Input:ele-the element which is to be pushed onto the stack Output:none Called By:postfix Calls:none */ void push(int ele) { top++; st[top] = ele;

} /* The pop Function Input:none Output:e-the popped element Called By:postfix Calls:none */ char pop() { int el; char e; el = st[top]; top; switch(el) { case 1 : e = +; break; case 2 : e = ; break; case 3 : e = *; break; case 4 : e = /; break; case 5 : e = ^; break; } return(e); } /**************** end of program ********************/ 4)C Program /************************************************************ Program for checking the well formedness of the parenthesis. *************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define size 5 /* stack structure*/ struct stack { char s[size]; int top; }st; /* The push Function Input:item which is to be pushed Output:none-simply pushes the item onto the stck Called By:main Calls:none */ void push(char item) {; st.s[] =item; } /* The stempty Function Input:none Output:returns 1 or 0 for stack empty or not Called By:main Calls:none */ int stempty() { if( return 1; else return 0; } /* The pop Function Input:none Output:returns the item which is popped from the stack Called By:main Calls:none */ char pop() { char item; item=st.s[];; return(item); } /* The main Function Input:none Output:none Called By:O.S. Calls:push,pop,stempty */ void main(void) { char item; char ans,bracket[10]; int i;; clrscr(); printf(\n\t\t Enter The expression and put $ at the end); scanf(%s,bracket); i=0; if(bracket[i]==)) printf(\n The expression is invalid); else { do {

while(bracket[i]==() { push(bracket[i]); i++; } while(bracket[i]==)) { item=pop(); i++; } }while(bracket[i]!=$); if(!stempty()) printf(\n The expression is invalid); else printf(\n The expression has well formed parenthesis); } getch(); } 5)C Program /************************************************************* Program for converting decimal number to binary number *************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define size 5 /* stack structure*/ struct stack { int s[size]; int top; }st; /* The push Function Input:item which is to be pushed Output:none-simply pushes the item onto the stck Called By:main Calls:none */ void push(int item) {; st.s[] =item; } /* The stempty Function Input:none Output:returns 1 or 0 for stack empty or not Called By:main Calls:none */ int stempty() {

if( return 1; else return 0; } /* The pop Function Input:none Output:returns the item which is popped from the stack Called By:main Calls:none */ int pop() { int item; item=st.s[];; return(item); } /* The main Function Input:none Output:none Called By:O.S. Calls:push,pop,stempty */ void main(void) { int item,i,num;; clrscr(); printf(\n Program For Decimal TO Binary Conversion); printf(\n\t\t Enter The number); scanf(%d,&num); while(num>=1) { item=num%2; push(item); num=num/2 } while(!stempty()) printf("%d",pop()); getch(); } 6)C Program /************************************************************* Program for reversing the given string using stack *************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define size 10

/* stack structure*/ struct stack { char s[size]; int top; }st; /* The push Function Input:item which is to be pushed Output:none-simply pushes the item onto the stck Called By:main Calls:none */ void push(char item) {; st.s[] =item; } /* The stempty Function Input:none Output:returns 1 or 0 for stack empty or not Called By:main Calls:none */ int stempty() { if( return 1; else return 0; } /* The pop Function Input:none Output:returns the item which is popped from the stack Called By:main Calls:none */ char pop() { char item; item=st.s[];; return(item); } /* The main Function Input:none Output:none Called By:O.S. Calls:push,pop,stempty */ void main(void)

{ char item,string[10]; int i;; clrscr(); printf(\n Program For reversing a given string); printf(\n\t\t Enter The string:); scanf(%s,&string); i=0; while(string[i]!=\0) { push(string[i]); i++; } printf(\t\t\t); while(!stempty()) { item=pop(); printf(%c,item); } getch(); } 7)C Program /************************************************************* Program to implement multiple stacks using single array *************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAX 20 int stack[MAX]; int size[MAX],lb,ub; /* set_stack Function It is for defining the upper limit and lower limit of each stack Input:the index,which indicates the stack number Output:none,It sets the upper and lower boundries of the stack Called By:stempty,stfull,display,display_all Calls:none Parameter passing method:By value */ void set_stack(int index) { int sum,i; if(index==1) { lb=1; ub=size[index]; } else { sum=0; for(i=1;i<index;i++) sum=sum+size[i];

lb=sum+1; ub=sum+size[index]; } } /* stfull Function It checks whether the stack is full or not Input:the index,which indicates the stack number Output:1 if stack is full otherwise 0 Called By:main Calls:set_stack Parameter passing method:By value */ int stfull(int index) { int top,i,sum; set_stack(index); for(top=lb;top<=ub;top++) { if(stack[top]==-1) break; } if(top-1==ub) return 1; else return 0; } /* stempty Function It checks whether the stack is empty or not Input:the index,which indicates the stack number Output:1 if stack is empty otherwise 0 Called By:main Calls:set_stack Parameter passing method:By value */ int stempty(int index) { int top; set_stack(index); for(top=lb;top<=ub;top++) { if(stack[top]!=-1) return 0; return 1; } } /* push Function Input:the item which is to be pushed onto the stack Output:none Called By:main Calls: Parameter passing method:By value */ void push(int item) {

int top; for(top=lb;top<=ub;top++) if(stack[top]==-1) break; stack[top]=item; return; } /* pop Function It pops the element from desired stack Input:none Output:item,popped element Called By:main Calls:none */ int pop() { int top,item;; for(top=lb;top<=ub;top++) if(stack[top]==-1) break; top; item=stack[top]; stack[top]=-1; return item; } /* display Function It displays only desired stack Input:the index,which indicates the stack number Output:none Called By: main Calls:set_stack Parameter passing method:By value */ void display(int index) { int top; set_stack(index); for(top=lb;top<=ub;top++) { if(stack[top]!=-1) printf(%d,stack[top]); } } /* display_all Function It displays all the stacks in the array Input:the n,which indicates total number of stacks Output:none Called By:main Calls:set_stack Parameter passing method:By value */void display_all(int n) { int top,index;

for(index=1;index<=n;index++) { printf(\nstack number %d is,index); set_stack(index); for(top=lb;top<=ub;top++) { if(stack[top]!=-1) printf( %d,stack[top]); } } } /* main Function Input:none Output:none Called By:O.S. Calls:stfull,push,stempty,pop,display,display_all Parameter passing method: */ void main(void) { int n,index,i,item,choice; char ans; clrscr(); ans=y; for(i=1;i<=MAX;i++) stack[i]=-1;/*for initialization of the entire array of stacks*/ printf(\n\t Program For multiple stacks using single array); printf(\n Enter how many stacks are there); scanf(%d,&n); printf(\n Enter the size for each stack); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf(\n size for stack %d is,i); scanf( %d,&size[i]); } do { printf(\n\t\t Main Menu); printf(\n 1.Push \n2.Pop \n3.Display \n4.Dispaly all); printf(\n Enter Your choice); scanf(%d,&choice); switch(choice) { case 1:printf(\n Enter the item to be pushed); scanf(%d,&item); printf(\n In Which stack?); scanf(%d,&index); if(stfull(index)) printf(\n Stack %d is Full,can not Push,index); else push(item); break; case 2:printf(\n From Which stack?); scanf(%d,&index);

if(stempty(index)) printf(\n Stack number %d is empty!,index); else { item=pop(); printf(\n %d is popped from stack %d,item,index); } break; case 3:printf(\n Which stack has to be displayed?); scanf(%d,&index); display(index); break; case 4:display_all(n); break; default:printf(\n Exitting); } printf(\n Do you wish to continue?); ans=getch(); }while(ans==y||ans==Y); getch(); } /********************* End Of Program**********************/ 8)C Program /******************************************************************************************* Program for finding out the factorial for any given number. *************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> /* The fact function Input:the numer n Output: factorial of n Called By:main Calls:itself */ int fact(int n) { int x,y; if(n<0) { printf(The negative parameter in the factorial function); exit(0); } if(n==0) return 1; x=n-1; y=fact(x); return(n*y); } /* The main function Input:none Output:none Called By:O.S.

Calls:fact */ void main(void) { int n,f; clrscr(); printf(\n\t\t Program For finding the factorial of n); printf(\n\n Enter the number for finding the factorial); scanf(%d,&n); f=fact(n); printf(\n the factorial of %d is %d,n,f); getch(); } /********************** End Of Program **********************/ 9)C Program /************************************************************* Program for computing the number in the fibonacci series at certain location.For e.g.the sixth number in fibonacci series will be 8.The fibonacci series is 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34... *************************************************************/ /*header files*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> /* The fib Function. Input:the location n. Output:the value at that location in fibonacci series. Called By:main. Calls:itself. */ int fib(int n) { int x,y; if(n<=1) return n; x=fib(n-1); y=fib(n-2); return (x+y); } /* The main function Input:none Output:none Called By:o.s Calls:fib-the fibonacci function. */ void main(void) { int n,num; clrscr(); printf(\n Enter location in fibonacci series); scanf(%d,&n); num=fib(n); printf(\n The number at %dth position is %d in fibonacci

series,n,num); getch(); } /********************** End of Program ***********************/ 10)C Program /************************************************************* Program for Multiplication Of natural numbers.The multiplication two numbers is considerd.This is program uses the recurssive definition. *************************************************************/ /*header files*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> /************************************************************* mul Function Input:two numbers a,b Output:returns the multiplication result Called by:main Calls:mul i.e.itself *************************************************************/ mul(int a,int b) { if(b==1) return a; else return(mul(a,b-1)+ a); } /************************************************************* main Function Input:none Output:none Called by:O.S. Calls:mul *************************************************************/ main() { int a,b,result=0; clrscr(); printf(\n Enter the values of a and b); scanf(%d%d,&a,&b); result=mul(a,b); printf(The multiplication is =%d,result); getch(); } 11)C Program /************************************************************* Program to find out the greatest common divisor of the two integers. *************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int gcd(int a,int b) {

int temp,ans; if(b<=a &&a%b ==0) return b; else { if(b<a) { temp = a; a = b; /*interchanging the a and b values*/ b = temp; } ans = a%b; return(gcd(b,ans)); } } void main(void) { int a,b,ans; clrscr(); printf(\n\t\t GCD Of two integers); printf(\n\n Enter the two numbers); scanf(%d %d,&a,&b); ans=gcd(a,b); printf(\n The gcd of %d and %d is = %d,a,b,ans); getch(); } /********************** End of program *******************/ 12)C Program /******************************************************************* Conversion of postfix expression to infix form *******************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> typedef struct node { char str[25]; }node; node stack[20]; int top = 1; char input[100]; void post2in(); void push(char *op) { if(top == 20) { printf("\nStack full"); exit(0); } top++;

strcpy(stack[top].str,op); } char *pop() { char *op; op=(char *)malloc(25); if(top==1) { printf("\n\tlllegal expression : operand missing"); exit(0); } strcpy(op,stack[top].str); top--; return(op); } void main() { clrscr(); printf("\n\t\t Program for postfix to infix conversion"); printf("\n\tEnter postfix expression ::\n\n\t\t); scanf("%s",input); post2in(); getch(); } void post2in() { char*op1,*op2,op[25]; int i=0; while(input[i]!='\0') { if(input[i]!='+'&& input[i]!=''&& input[i]!='*'&& input[i]!='/') { op[0]=input[i]; op[1]='\0'; push(op); } else { op2=pop(); op1=pop(); sprintf(op,"(%s%c%s)",op1,input[i],op2); free(op1); free(op2); push(op); } i++; } if(top==0) {

print("\n\tinfix expression is::\n\n\t\t%s", stack[0].str); } else { print("\n\tlllegal input expression:operator missing\n"); } } 13)C Program /******************************************************************* Conversion of postfix expression to prefix form *******************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> typedef struct node { char str[25]; }node; node stack[20]; int top = 1; char input[100]; void post2pre(); void push(char *op) { if(top == 20) { printf("\nStack full"); exit(0); } top++; strcpy(stack[top].str,op); } char *pop() { char *op; op=(char *)malloc(25); if(top==1) { printf("\n\tlllegal expression : operand missing"); exit(0); } strcpy(op,stack[top].str); top--; return(op); }

void main() { clrscr(); printf("\n\t\t Program for postfix to prefix form"); printf("\n\tEnter postfix expression ::\n\n\t\t); scanf("%s",input); post2pre(); getch(); } void post2pre() { char*op1,*op2,op[25]; int i=0; while(input[i]!='\0') { if(input[i]!='+'&& input[i]!=''&& input[i]!='*'&& input[i]!='/') { op[0]=input[i]; op[1]='\0'; push(op); } else { op2=pop(); op1=pop(); sprintf(op,"(%c%s%s)",input[i],op1,op2); free(op1); free(op2); push(op); } i++; } if(top==0) { print("\n\tPrefix expression is::\n\n\t\t%s", stack[0].str); } else { print("\n\tlllegal input expression:operator missing\n"); } }

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