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WORKING WITH GROUPS TOWARDS • Group goals must be clearly

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT understood and relevant to all

members of the group
Group 3. Communication
• Two or more people who have a • Stable mechanism of open
collective identity, communicate with communication in which each
each regularly, and share a common member of the group gives and
purpose or goal receives information is a
• Additional characteristics associated characteristic of effective groups
with groups that can function effectively • Mutual acceptance, trust, and
include group norms, cohesion, active understanding are basic to open
participation, shared leadership, shared communication patterns in which
decision making, problem solving, and group members can freely share
conflict resolution thoughts and feelings
4. Group Norms
Types of Groups • Norms are the spoken and
1. Educational or Learning Groups unspoken rules and politics that
• Designed to provide members govern group behavior
• Make implicit norms explicit by
with knowledge and
discussing and developing
understanding regarding a
specific issue or area of need written rules for group conduct
5. Participation
2. Support Groups
• Help members cope with • All group members listen and are
situational crises, life transitions, listened to, share in decision
and a variety of chronic health making, and contribute to the
achievement of group tasks and
problems through the provision of
emotional support, information
and guidance 6. Shared Leadership
3. Self-Help Groups • Distribute leadership among their
• Defined by self-governance and
common concerns or problem • Associated with higher levels of
• Group members provide one group motivation, involvement,
another with emotional support, commitment, and goal
information, education, social
advocacy, and sometimes 7. Cohesion
material aid • Ability of the group to "stick
4. Therapy Groups together” that is to retain
• Provide treatment, most often members who can work together
professional, for people over a sufficient period to
experiencing an emotional achieve group goals
• Related to the ff factors:
5. Task Groups 1. Positive interpersonal
relationship among group
• Have a primary goal of
accomplishing specified activity members
2. The desire of members to
6. Focus Groups
• Provide a forum for obtaining continue as part of the
data through group interviews group
3. The degree to which
about a variety of issues of
concern to nurses and other members like and are
health professionals satisfied with the group's
composition: the level of
Characteristics of Effective Groups acceptance, trust, and
support among group
1. Collective Identity
• The group identity may be
8. Shared Decision Making
explicit and related to a shared
• An assumption underlying shared
characteristic of the group
decision making is that each
group member has information of
2. Shared Purpose
value that will contribute to
• Goals that transcend the
informed decision making
individual goals of group
• For shared decision making to be
effective, all group members
should understand the ff:
1. The nature of the goal • A psychic struggle between opposing or
and task being incompatible impulses, desires, or
undertaken tendencies
2. Alternative
Causes of Conflict
approaches and
strategies for achieving • Security
the goal on • Inability to control self and others
accomplishing the task • Respect between parties
3. Potential • Limited resources

consequences • Frustration
(positive and negative)
of each alternative Approaches to Conflict Resolution
being considered 1. Accommodating
4. The social, economic, • The person neglects personal
and environmental concerns to satisfy the concerns
costs of each of others
alternative to 2. Compromising
individuals, families, • The individual attempts to find
and organizations in mutually acceptable solutions
the community, as well that partially satisfy parties in
as to the community as reflects assertiveness and
a whole cooperation
9. Conflict Management 3. Collaborating
• Conflict that is not managed • The individual attempts to work
effectively can be harmful to with others toward solutions that
individuals and can destroy satisfy the work of both parties it is

group cohesion and productivity; both assertive and cooperative

however, confit also has a high 4. Competing
potential form promoting • The person pursues personal
involvement in a group and concerns at other’s expense
increasing the creativity and • It is a power-oriented mode that
quality of decision making is assertive but uncooperative
10. Problem Solving 5. Negotiation
• Provide opportunities for • Strategic process used to move
anticipatory problem solving, and conflicting parties toward an
develop mechanisms for outcome
evaluating the effect and quality
of solutions Process/Phases of Negotiation

Group Five-Stage Development Model 1. Phase 1 – establishing the issue and

1. Forming – the team meets and learns 2. Phase 2 – advancing demands and
about the opportunities and challenges uncovering interests
2. Storming – member starts to sort itself 3. Phase 3 – bargaining and discovering
and gain each other’s trust new options – inflict resolution to both
3. Norming – all team members take the parties; options to resolve
responsibility and want to work for the 4. Phase 4 – working out an agreement
success 5. Phase 5 – aftermath: period following an
4. Performing – the team members are agreement where parties are

now competent, making decisions on expanding the consequences of their

their own decisions
5. Adjourning – the team disbands after
finished project, team members are Strategies of Conflict Resolution
moving on to new tasks 1. Win – Lose
Conflict • Position power
• Mental/Physical power
• State of disharmony between • Failure to respond
incompatible or antithetical persons, • Majority rule
ideas, or interests; a clash • Railroading
• Opposition between characters or 2. Lose – Lose
forces in a work of drama or fiction, • Compromise
especially opposition that motivates or • Bribes
shapes the action of the plot • Arbitration
• General rules
3. Win – Lose 3. Interpersonal Conflict
• Consensus • it is a conflict between persons
• Problem – solving that would hinder prosperity
because of the person involved
would not agree to support each
• Shared purposes or goals and achieving other to attain a project due to
outcomes that would not be possible of pride or other reasons
acting alone 4. Hidden Agenda
• a person may open a plan to a
Partnership group but without the knowledge
• joint working agreement where partners of the members
cooperate to achieve a common goal 5. Clash of Interest
but who otherwise independent bodies, • no decision is made since the
giving an impression of partnerships interest of every member is not
being more formal than collaboration met; everybody raises ideas but
no agreement is made
• The One Person Decision - only a one
person’s decision in the group and is 1. Electronic Field Health Service
always final without reference to the Information System
others • Intended to address the short-
• The Handclasp - in a group meeting, term needs of DOH and LGU staff
one member may raise a suggestion in with managerial or supervisory
which everybody would approve functions in facilities and program
without further questions of the said areas
matter 2. Online Health Electronic Injury
• The Flop - in a group meeting, one Surveillance System
member may raise a suggestion of a • Collect data on consumer
certain matter but unfortunately not product-related injuries occurring
given the time to be heard by in the US
everybody in the group 3. Philippine Health Atlas
• The Clique - small exclusive circle or 4. Unified Health Management Information
people who always go against the System
decision approved by the group they • Aims to integrate data collection,
belong; they make foolishness out of the processing, reporting and use of
idea raised by a person so that there the information which is
would be no decision achieved necessary for improving health
• Minority - a small group of members in a service efficiency and
certain organization that are very united effectiveness
and who will decide of a certain matter
Positive Qualities and Values of CHN
beyond the knowledge of the other
members of the organization not • Altruism
belonging to their group • Autonomy
• Majority - during meetings it often • Human Dignity
happens that there are two possible • Integrity
decisions that could be made thus to • Social Justice

eliminate the other, the leader may

Millenium Developmental Goals
decide to have a voting and the
highest will be carried by the body 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
• To achieve full and productive
Difficulties in Decision Making
employment and decent work
1. Fear of Consequences for all, including women and
• this happens when a person is young people
puzzled and is made to choose 2. Achieve universal primary education
one thing from the other but • Ensures that all boys and girls
deliberately sacrifices the other complete a full course of primary
due to the thought that it may schooling
affect the person or the other 3. Promote gender equality and empower
2. Conflicting Loyalties women
• when a person is involved in two • Eliminate gender disparity in
different groups that could no primary and secondary
longer do the role because of education preferably by 2005,
conflict of time to be prioritized and at all levels by 2015
4. Reduce child mortality
• Reduce by two-thirds, between
1990 and 2015
5. Improve maternal health
• Reduce by three quarters the
maternal mortality ratio
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other
• Achieve by 2010, universal
access to treatment for all those
who need it
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for
• Address the special needs of
landlocked developing countries
and small island developing


• Primary level health facility in the

municipality and one of its focuses is
preventive and promotive health

Local Health Boards

• Creates committees that shall advise

local health agencies on various matters
related to health service operations

Health Referral System

• Ensure the continuity and

complementation of health and
medical services

Inter-Local Health Zone

• Ensure the continuity and

complementation of health and
medical services

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