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A Research Paper Presented to

The Faculty of Colegio De San Francisco Javier, Inc.
Palompon, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in Practical Research II

Etulle, Khrisdy B.
Manaloto, Angel A.
Elcana, Izza Belle T.
Baltonado, Nel Vienz D.
Espinosa, Paul Vennedict Q.
Granada, Jules Patrick D.

September 2023

This chapter includes the meaning and the effect of study habits on

the academic performance of the students. It also includes the

background of the study and theories about the study habits of the

students and how it affects their academic performance, the

problem, and definition of terms, schematic diagram, the

significance of the study and the scope and delimitation of the


Background of the Study

Habitat for Humanity for Broward (2023) introduces

education as the key part of a society’s growth and progress. It

shows the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps an

individual grow and develop. According to University of People

(2023), education is the process of learning new information and

concepts in order to apply them to one's daily life. Education can be

acquired through real-world experiences outside of the classroom

as well as knowledge from books. University of People also stated

that there are some reasons how important Education could be, it

includes: Provides Stability, Provides Financial Security, Needed

for Equality, Allows for Self-Dependency, and Economic Growth on

A National Level.
For an individual, education plays an important role in their

personal and professional lives. Having a good career provides

them with a more desirable lifestyle by making them economically

stable and likewise, it also strengthens their self-confidence. And

more often, education works as an instrument to be successful in

this world. Being educated more often changes an individual's view

of society (, 2023).

During all phases of education, students are evaluated on

their abilities and accomplishments. Tests and examination results

indicate their level of accomplishments in the relevant subjects

(Dacles et. al, 2019). Without proper learning, students cannot do

well. Every student employs a variety of strategies and approaches

on a daily basis for learning; these established routines for studying

are known as students' study habits or study skills (Khurshid,

2012). According to Jato (2014), a study habit is an action that

students routinely and habitually carry out in order to complete the

goal of learning. Examples of such actions include reading, taking

notes, and holding sessions for study. Depending on how well it

benefits the students, study habits can either be estimated effective

or ineffective.

For successful academic performance, a good study habit is

essential. Through the use of technology or books, it is essential for

students to develop healthy study habits that will prepare them for
outstanding performance in their academic work (Jato, 2014).

In Alex (2011) statement, a habit is anything that an individual does

on a regular basis and is not relegated to an optional or secondary

role in their life. As a result, the habit formed can be enhanced via

continued exercise, and it is very difficult to break a habit once it

has been established.

According to Aghaei (2019), academic performance of

the students is one of the main indicators used to evaluate the

quality of education in schools. It is a complex process that

influenced by several factors, such as study habits. In other words,

study habits include behaviors and skills that can increase

motivation and convert the study into an effective process with high

returns, which ultimately increases the learning. Also revealed that

most of the great study habits includes studying in a quite place,

studying daily, turn off devices that interfere with study, taking

notes, having regular rests and breaks, studying based on own

learning styles, prioritizing the difficult contents, and listening to soft

music. They also revealed that there are some of the worst study

habits, it includes procrastination, evading the study, studying in

inappropriate conditions, and loud of music, and television during


Therefore, the researcher of this study would like to aim of

how the students in Colegio de San Francisco Javier Inc. conduct

their own success by their own study habits. Do they have a good

study habits or they use such bad way of studying. In order to

determine the relation of study habits and academic performance of

the students, the researchers would like to examine their study

habits before examination and ascertain if those habits were


Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework

This study is based on IDC Theory by Chen 2020, IDC

or Interest-Driven Creator Theory is a design theory that aims to

guide future education design in Asia. It is made up of three

grounded concepts: interest, creation, and habit.This paper

presents the third anchored concept habit as well as the habit loop.

According to this theory, learners can engage in knowledge

creation when motivated by an interest. Additionally, by repeating

this technique in their everyday learning routines, students will

develop interest-driven production habits. The habit loop, or the

process of developing such a habit, is made up of three concepts:

cuing environment, routine, and harmony. The cuing environment is

a habit trigger that informs the brain of the pupils to prepare and go

into automatic mode, allowing a learning behavior to occur. Routine

is a behavioral term. Harmony refers to the affective outcome of

routine activity as well as the integration or stabilization of habits;

that is, students may feel content, satisfied, and at peace as a

result of habitual behavior and action. It is the researchers goal that

such routine knowledge creation behavior can be continued long

enough for pupils to become lifelong interest-driven creators. This

study describes the three components of the habit loop and

explains how they relate to the interest loop and the creation loop in

assisting learners in building their interest-driven creating

Schematic Diagram

Positive outcome

Study English
habits proficiency

Negative outcome

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

This conceptual framework is based on the schematic

diagram of Dacles et. al.’s (2019) quantitative research entitled,

“The Effect of Study Habits Towards the Academic Performance of

The Students”. This diagram shows the results of the academic

performance according to a student’s study habits, the outcomes

may be bad or good academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The primary objective of this research is to find out the relationship

between study habits and academic performance among Grade 10

students of Colegio de San Francisco Javier Inc.

1. What are the study habits of the Grade 10 students in

terms of:

1.1 Time management

1.2 Concentration

1.3 Using the technology

1.4 Taking Notes

2. What is the Academic Performance of the Grade 10

students of Colegio de San Francisco Javier Inc.?

3. Is there a significant relationship between study habits

and academic performance of Grade 10 students?


Given the questions presented, the following hypothesis is


1.There is no significant relationship between study habits

and academic performance of Grade 10 students.

Significance of the Study

Upon the completion of this study, the results of this study

could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the

Students. In this study, the findings of this research will

encourage, enlighten, and become beneficial to the students. This

study can help the students gain more knowledge, and learn new

strategies on how to pursue their studies prosperous.

Teachers. They will be enlightened and informed that the

students have their study habits.

Future Researchers. The result of this study will serve as a

basis or reference material for future researchers who wish to

conduct similar studies and improve the content of this study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the relationship between study

habits and academic performance of Grade 10 students in Colegio

de San Francisco Javier.

This research will let the students know why is the study

habits and academic performance important. The target

respondents of the researchers are the Grade 10 students enrolled

in S.Y. 2023-2024. This study will also help the grade 10 students

in Colegio de San Francisco Javier to enhance their study habits to

relate to their academic performance. The researchers will give

questionnaires to the selected Grade 10 students from different

sections to avoid bias.

Definition of Terms
Study habits. Commonly known as the usual behavior or

habitual practices of a student in order to understand a particular

lesson (Internet Public Library, 2019). This term is use in the study

as the main point if this said variable can affect the dependent


Academic Performance. According to Masud (2019) It

is one of the several components of academic success, typically

measured through grades, test scores, and overall academic

achievement. It reflects how well a student has mastered the

material and met the educational goals. In this study, this term will

be the dependent variable, the researcher use this term as the

mark if study habits can affect the student’s performance in

academic track.

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