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UNIT 1: LOCAL ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................................2

PRACTICE 1..................................................................................................................................................2
UNIT 2: CITY LIFE..................................................................................................................................12
PRACTICE 2................................................................................................................................................12
UNIT 3: TEEN STRESS AND PRESSURE.............................................................................................20
PRACTICE 3................................................................................................................................................20
REVIEW 1 TEST 1....................................................................................................................................31
UNIT 4: LIFE IN THE PAST....................................................................................................................42
PRACTICE 4................................................................................................................................................42
UNIT 5: WONDERS OF VIETNAM........................................................................................................53
PRACTICE 5................................................................................................................................................53
UNIT 6: VIETNAM: THEN AND NOW..................................................................................................68
PRACTICE 6................................................................................................................................................68
REVIEW 2 TEST 1....................................................................................................................................78
UNIT 7: RECIPIES AND EATING HABITS..........................................................................................88
PRACTICE 7................................................................................................................................................88
UNIT 8: TOURISM....................................................................................................................................95
PRACTICE 8................................................................................................................................................95
UNIT 9: ENGLISH IN THE WORLD......................................................................................................98
PRACTICE 9................................................................................................................................................98
REVIEW 3 TEST 1..................................................................................................................................103
UNIT 10: SPACE TRAVEL....................................................................................................................110
PRACTICE 10............................................................................................................................................110
UNIT 11: CHANGING ROLES IN SOCIETY......................................................................................116
PRACTICE 11............................................................................................................................................116
UNIT 12: MY FUTURE CAREER.........................................................................................................123
PRACTICE 12............................................................................................................................................123
REVIEW 4 TEST 1..................................................................................................................................127




I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to choose the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from those of the others.
1. A. surface B. attraction C. lacquerware D. artisan

2. A. layer B. artisan C. frame D. place

3. A. drum B. culture C. museum D. sculpture

4. A. weave B. treat C. deal D. drumhead

5. A. although B. authenticity C. through D. tablecloth

II. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the world that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
6. A. communicate B. generation C. historical D. environment

7. A. handicraft B. department C. embroider D. opinion

8. A. transfer (verb) B. remind C. accept D. publish

9. A. handicraft B. lacquerware C. attraction D. pottery

10. A. architecture B. embroidery C. authority D. historical

11. A. prosperity B. experience C. complicated D. traditional

12. A. bamboo B. village C. workshop D. famous

13. A. business B. grandparents C. experience D. chocolate

14. A. pottery B. lantern C. sculpture D. repeat

15. A. formation B. memorable C. behaviour D. endangered


I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentences
16. ______ for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willingly have helped
with the project.

A. If it had been B. If it had not been

C. Had it been D. Hadn’t it been
17. Whenever he had an important decision to make, he _____ a cigar, supposedly to
calm his nerves!

A. had it B. would have lit

C. would light D. would be lighting
18. Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become _____

A. persistent B. insistent C. consistent D. resistant

19. He had repeatedly warned the children _____ playing too near the canal.

A. of B. with C. about D. for

20. Good restaurants serving traditional English food are very hard to _____.

A. come into B. come by C. come to D. come at

21. Secondary schools offer a wide _____ of subjects.

A. field B. scope C. list D. range

22. If you don’t know the language, you may have to use _____ language.

A. hand B. gesture C. head D. signal

23. The government has recently _____ the buildings in the old section of the city.


A. reformed B. adjusted C. restored D. modified
24. When she came_____, she found herself in hospital.

A. round B. off C. over D. out

25. You’ll have to go for an interview tomorrow, but don’t worry. It’s just a_____.

A. form B. format C. formation D. formality

26. Since the _____ of the motor car, road accidents have increased.

A. approach B. inauguration C. initiation D. advert

27. I must have browsed through hundreds of _____, but I have no idea where to go
for this year holiday.

A. booklets B. yellow pages C. brochures D. propaganda

28. It’s possible to supplement one’s _____ by taking a part-time job.

A. income B. earning C. gaining D. attainment

29. I was _____ in the book I was reading and didn’t hear the phone.

A. engrossed B. submerged C. gripped D. distracted

30. He couldn’t _____ his father that he was telling the truth.

A. admit B. confide C. trust D. convince

II. Provide a fitting subordinator to fill the gaps in these sentences.

31. I’m going to the bank ________ I need some money.
32. I made lunch _________ I got home.
33. ________ it’s raining; she’s going for a walk in the park.
34. ________ she finishes her homework soon; she will fail the class.
35. He decided to trust Tim ________ he was an honest man.
36. ________ we went to school, she decided to investigate the situation.
37. Jennifer decided to leave Tom ________ he was too worried about his job.
38. Dennis bought a new jacket ________ he had received one as a gift last week.
39. Bradley claims that there will be trouble ________ he doesn’t complete the job.

40. Janice will have finished the report ________ the time you receive the letter.
III. Supply the correct forms of the words given in bold to complete the
41. School must try to make science more …………… to youngsters. (ATTRACT)
42. The room is arranged very …………… (ATTRACT)
43. This type of trap uses no bait or others............... (ATTRACT)
44. The letter has been …………… by handwriting experts. (AUTHENTIC)
45. These are novels that …………… represent human experience. (AUTHENTIC)
46. It is clearly the work of a master …………… (CRAFT)
47. The paintings were in an excellent state of …………… (PRESERVE)
48. If an invoice is not paid within seven days, we automatically send out a …….……
49. He is receiving …………… for shock. (TREAT)
50. A multilateral nuclear test ban …………… was to be signed. (AGREE)
I. Use words in the box to complete the passage.



Recently, we made a trip to revisit Dong Ho Village with a desire to meet old
artisan Nguyen Huu Sam. Just when we arrived at the dyke in the village and talked
with the villagers about the (51) __________, they intimately told us about him.
The old house owned by the artisan is (52) __________ in a long alley of the
village. On the walls of the house there are many folk paintings in different genres,
from daily life paintings to landscape. (53) _______ shown in a set of “four seasons”.
Mr. Sam told us about his past. (54) __________ he was three years old, he was
instructed in the craft of making Dong Ho paintings by his father. At five, he could
help his father apply the Dong Ho paintings. At seven, he was able to draw with a pen
(55) _________ made the most difficult samples. Years went by and the soul of Dong
Ho folk paintings has kept seashell powder paint to the Poonah-paper.


In the 1940s this craft flourished. At that time, Nguyen Huu Sam was assigned by
his parents to take the paintings to the market for sale. Mr. Sam said that 17 families in
the village has been (56) __________ in making Dong Ho paintings.
Artisan Nguyen Huu Lam has always been devoted to the making of Dong Ho
paintings and has waited for opportunities to restore this traditional (57) __________.
In 1967, when the local authorities assigned him to restore the traditional genre of
Dong Ho folk paintings, he gathered 50 (58) __________ with professional skills and
collected hundreds of woodblocks to establish the Dong Ho Painting Cooperative.
Thanks to his efforts, such famous paintings (59) __________ “Rat’s wedding”,
“Rooster”, “Scene of jealousy” and “Writing verses about precious flowers” has been
revived. Dong Ho paintings have been available in many (60) _________ of the world
such as Japan, France, Germany, Singapore and the United States.
II. Circle the best option A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the passage.
Many visitors come to Tatter bridge to see the wonderful art (61) __________
and museums, the beautiful buildings and the fantastic parks. Few people go outside
the city, and so they miss out on (62) ________ the scenery and the fascinating history
of this beautiful area. This brochure will tell you what you can see if you (63)
________ a short bus ride out of the city.
The beautiful village of Tatter bridge was (64) __________ to the children’s
writer Jane Potter, whose stories of Benjamin Bear (65) __________ loved by adults
and children around the world. Jane Potter’s home is now a museum and tea shop, and
is well (66) __________ a visit just for its wonderful gardens. It also has a gift shop
where you can buy (67) __________ and books. Tatter bridge has a number of
interesting shops (68) __________ an excellent cake shop, and ‘Wendy’s Gift shop’
where you can find lots of unusual gifts made (69) __________ hand by local artists.
Lover of Jane Potter’s books should also walk to the Green Valley woods, which have
not changed since Jane Potter (70) ________ her stories there one hundred years ago.
61. A. workshops B. stations C. restaurants D. galleries
62. A. experiencing B. questioning C. understanding D. welcoming
63. A. bring B. drive C. take D. sail
64. A. school B. home C. shop D. cottage
65. A. be B. have C. been D. are
66. A. worth B. value C. excited D. known
67. A. vegetables B. souvenirs C. costumes D. materials.

68. A. preserving B. advertising C. including D. purchasing
69. A. at B. in C. with D. by
70. A. carved B. designed C. moulded D. wrote

III. Read the following passage, answer/ complete the questions/ statements
Eskimos live in the Polar areas between latitude 66° N and the North Pole. There
are Eskimos in the Northern Canada, Greenland and Siberia. This means that they are
the only people who have their origins both in the Old World (Europe and Asia) and in
the New World (America).
It is difficult to make an accurate estimate but there are probably about 50,000
Eskimos. Eskimos are not usually tall but they have powerful legs and shoulders. They
have a yellowish skin and straight, black hair. Eskimos have a common language and
can understand members of another group although they may come from many
thousands of miles away. The most important unit in Eskimo society is the family.
Marriage is by mutual consent. The Eskimos do not have a special marriage ceremony.
In the Eskimo community, the most important people are the older man. They
control the affairs of the groups; the economic system of the Eskimo communities
works like a commune: they share almost everything. Eskimos live by hunting, fishing
and trapping. When they go to hunt seals, they sail in Kayaks (light boats made from
skins) and when they hunt animals, they travel across the ice in sleds pulled by teams
of dogs. The Eskimo snow houses made of wood and turf. When not hunting and
working, Eskimos like to carve: they use ivory and wood and they often make very
beautiful objects.
71. There are about ______________________ Eskimos in the world.

72. Eskimos usually live in __________________.

73. Eskimos are _______________ but have __________.

74. They hunt _________________.

75. They travel by ______________.


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
76. It took a long time for them to decide to get married.

They ................................................................................................................

77. I’m more interested in the people than the job.

It’s not the .......................................................................................................

78. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.

The excuse ................................................................................................................................

79. Although Jack drives carefully on public roads, he is a terror on the racetrack.

Jack is a ..........................................................................................................

80. Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our

According to ...................................................................................................

81. “It is, or is it not true that you have been misappropriating company funds?”, the
managing director asked the accountant.

The managing director wanted ......................................................................

82. If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately.

Only by ..........................................................................................................

83. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was late for work every morning.

If ...................................................................................................................

84. Attendances at the exhibition have been down this year.

The exhibition .................................................................................................

85. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.

As long as .......................................................................................................

II. Arrange the words and phrase given to make meaningful sentences.
86. For generations/ history, Vietnamese people/ gather in communal villages
surrounded/ by the rice fields. However, many farmers also/ learn/ produce useful
handicrafts/ daily lives/ clay, bamboo, and/ natural materials.

87. A number/ villages developed/ certain craft for the local market to bring/ local
towns or capital cities/ sale. This/ be the origin/ the Vietnamese handicraft trade


88. These craft villages/ undergo periods of varying success/ failure throughout/ 20 th


89. Some craft village hall, the trade villages/ develop and preserved their best skills/



90. In the craft village hall, the trade villagers often worship and periodically pay
their respects/ the sacred craft master/ handicraft, who has exploits/ founding, teaching
or preserving the particular designs/ the villages produce.


91. Since Vietnam’s current labor costs/ be lower/ compare/ other countries, it brings
advantages/ medium and small handcraft manufacturers.


92. When Giang got the loans/ the project, he/ open/ a smallest enterprise/ ceramics.


93. Although Green Craft has a/ of difficulties. It continually/ work/ improve/

productivity, designing/ sampling.


94. The government/ carry/ a job training program in rural areas/ young people/ find
jobs in/ own villages.


10 | P a g e
95. Some heads/ the businesses had problems/ find markets/ for/ they/ not been
trained in management.




11 | P a g e


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. forbidden B. metropolitan C. polluted D. affordable
2. A. playgrounds B. crowded C. mountain D. countryside
3. A. institutes B. state C. tradition D. statue
4. A. multicultural B. surface C. conduct D. stuck
5. A. combine B. tiring C. hiking D. promise

II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern
6. A. convenience B. resident C. vehicle D. skyscraper
7. A. metropolitan B. university C. organization D. multicultural
8. A. affordable B. environment C. variety D. indicator
9. A. development B. intelligence C. facility D. education
10. A. expensive B. fascinate C. restaurant D. difference

12 | P a g e
I. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences or replace the
underline word.
11. Mary was very unhappy last week, but she has __________ now.
A. cheered up B. made out C. believed D. came up
12. Dubai’s Palm Islands in the blue ocean is the __________ of a good and sunny
A. indicator B. view C. signal D. sign
13. This place is so ____ with the non-stop flow of customers to come and enjoy Pho.
A. delicious B. convenient C. popular D. exciting
14. You don’t need to __________ to go to the mail-jeans and a T-shirt are fine.
A. dress in B. go over C. dress up D. turn up
15. Ha Noi also offers a night life as exciting as __________ in Ho Chi Minh City.
A. it B. which C. what D. that
16. Let me know when you come to Hoi An and I’ll__________.
A. take you out B. bring you around
C. show you around D. cheer you up
17. We expected her at nine but she finally __________ at eleven.
A. turned up B. turned out C. came over D. grew up
18. Linda is taking extra lessons to __________ what she missed while she was sick.
A. take back B. keep up with C. get on well with D. look forward
19. Visitors can take a free boat from Manhattan to Staten Island for a great
__________ of the Statue of Liberty and the Manhattan skyline.
A. view B. sight C. scene D. landscape
20. He’s still hoping something will __________.
A. turn out B. turn up C. come over D. grow up
21. Professor Colin Ever __________ a job at a famous university in Sydney.
A. applied for B. found out C. made up D. stand up
22. We really can’t __________ living like this – we’ll have to find a bigger house.

13 | P a g e
A. go out B. go over C. go up D. go on
23. When you want to relax, you’ll have one of the world’s__________ cities at your
feet, with more than 40% green space and open water to enjoy.
A. greener B. greenest C. mostly green D. green mostly
24. It is considered that life in the city is wonderful and__________
A. funny B. boring C. enjoyable D. helpful
25. Opened in 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco still ranks among the
top 10 __________ bridge spans in the world.
A. long B. longer C. mostly long D. longest
II. Supply the correct forms of the words given in bold complete the sentences.
26. Da Nang is a very nice __________ city. (PICTURE)
27. Verona is a very nice breath-taking place with very nice __________ atmosphere.
28. Ho Chi Minh offers a wider range of __________, especially the nightlife with lots of
concerts for you to choose. (ENTERTAIN)
29. The architects got inspired to use the lotus flower in the design for the
__________. (SKY)
30. Industrialization and __________ as well as global integration have big impact on
lifestyle in the cities. (MODERN)
31. City icons play an important role in the efforts of cities to get __________
32. You’ll have __________ opportunities to widen your global horizons while living
in this cultural capital city. (LIMIT)
33. Vancouver is also great for __________, jogging, and skateboarding. (HIKE)
34. Ha Long Bay is the __________ place for riding, snorkeling, scuba diving, and
relaxing. (IDEA)
35. City is often described as a large and a highly __________ area. (POPULATE)
III. Complete the sentences with suitable phrasal verb from the box.
turn up pull down turn back take off get over

take off grow up give up set up look forward to

36. You need to __________ your shoes before going inside the house.
37. Tom is not very punctual. He usually __________ ten minutes after the lesson has

14 | P a g e
38. They __________ the old cinema to build a new shopping mall.
39. I’m really __________ my holiday to Nha Trang.
40. The police never __________ all hope of finding the lost child.
41. A committee has been __________ to organize social events for the students.
42. It took me a few days to __________ my flu.
43. Please __________ your shoes when you come into the house.
44. The mountain climbers had to __________ because they were exhausted.
45. I was born in Hai Duong, but I __________ in Ha Noi.

I. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the given words in the box.


There are 21,900 (46) __________in an area of less than 100 hectares of the Old
Quarter in Hanoi. In many houses, an entire family may (47) __________ no more
than a single room.
A house on Hang Ca street built in the 1940s, originally belonged to one wealthy
man and his wives, and now there are six households here with about 30 people. Many
say the convenience of Old Quarter living compensates for the shortage of (48)
__________. Tradition is also a(n) (49) _____ because residents have bigger houses
elsewhere but still no one wants to sell the old house or rooms (50)______ these are
the houses of the (51)______.
The authorities of Hanoi have had a plan to (52) _________ 25,000 of the Old
Quarter’s 84,000, (53) _________ beginning in 2009 when 1,900 households will go
to a new development area, across the Red River.
However, people don't want to live in a high-rise block because they are not used
to it. Authorities will take time to (54) _________ what people will need to (55)
_________them feel comfortable in their new neighborhood.


15 | P a g e
II. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question
Ho Chi Minh City’s Coffee Culture
Ho Chi Minh city is a metropolis where life is very busy and hasty. The best way
to enjoy the balance in your mind is such a busy and hasty. The best way to enjoy the
balance in your mind in such a busy city it to sit on the balcony of one the numerous
coffee houses scattered throughout the city. In this way, you will be out of the crowd
but able to look down on the street hustle below. You will also be drinking the beverage
that must be at least partly responsible for the kinetic energy that has transformed this
city into one of the most sophisticated commercial hubs of Southeast Asia in just 20
years – it is coffee. The classic Vietnamese coffee served in this city comprises strong
coffee dripped from a small metal filter into a cup containing a quarter as much
sweetened condensed milk, then stirred and poured over ice in a glass. Coffee was
introduced to Vietnam by the French in the late 19th century but the country quickly
became a strong exporter.
At Trung Nguyen Coffee – the Vietnamese equivalent of Starbucks, with a Chain
of coffee across the city – the coffee menu stretched to five pages. The varieties of
Vietnamese coffee produced by Trung Nguyen deserve exploration. They came with
different bean combinations and recipes, and lofty names such as “Success”, “Creation”,
“Discover” and “Thought”. The “Passiona”, another brand of Trung Nguyen, has been
promoted for women with the promise that drinking this type of coffee would maintain
perfect skin and a life of “passion and success”.
56. The “Passiona”, for women with the promise that drinking this type of coffee
women may have all of the following EXCEPT that ___.
A. They will have perfect skin
B. They will keep their skin lively
C. They will keep become more interested in the life
D. They will be more successful in their life
57. Coffee is considered as ________.
A. The symbol of the busy and hasty life
B. Part of the French culture
C. The biggest part of Vietnam’s exports
D. Part of the kinetic energy of Ho Chi Minh City
58. Which of the following are true about Trung Nguyen Coffee EXCEPT that
A. Its recipes stretch equivalent to Starbucks in Vietnam
B. It is considered equivalent to Starbucks in Vietnam
C. It offers several types of coffee for customers to enjoy

16 | P a g e

1. Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given, do not change the word given. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given.

61. Quite by chance, Brenda met Philip at the station. (RAN)

62. Before I come to a decision, I’ll have to consider their offer very carefully.
63. You’ll just have to learn to accept the facts! (FACE)
64. How can you bear so much traffic noise? (PUT)
65. Charles cheated in his exams, and didn’t get caught. (GOT)
66. Our class football team lost the match, so we tried to encourage them. (UP)
67. I visited a few friends while I was in Manchester. (CALLED)
68. What are you trying to say (GETTING)?
69. I must go to the dentist, and get my teeth taken care of. (SEEN)
70. A committee has been established to examine the question. (SET)
II. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their cored forms.
You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
71.Ho Chi Minh/ exciting/ Da Nang.

72.Its nightlife/so exciting/ many/ neon lights/ nightclubs.


73.No building/ this city/ tall/ the Central Tower.


74.It/ considered/ Entertainment Capital/ world/ so many casinos/ hotels.


17 | P a g e
75.I’ll/ it over/ give you/ answer/ week/

76.Although/ living/ City/ have/ many advantages/ there/ disadvantages/ too.


77.This/ worst hotel/ we/ ever stayed at.


78.As/ there/ a lot of/ vehicles and people/ road/ City/ always busy/ noisy.

79.There/ five big shopping malls/ our city.


80.Please go/ with your work/ not let anything/ interrupt you.

18 | P a g e


19 | P a g e


I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. confident B. graduate C. medicine D. encourage
2. A. depress B. manage C. expect D. assure
3. A. cognitive B. abandon C. emotion D. important
4. A. disappointed B. preparation C. adolescence D. communicate
5. A. convince B. guidance C. friendship D. pressure
II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
6. A. concentrate B. tense C. stressed D. self-aware
7. A. delighted B. decision C. advice D. helpline
8. A. classmate B. missing C. embarrass D. pressure
9. A. adulthood B. frustrated C. study D. columnist
10. A. embarrassed B. empathize C. helpline D. depressed


I. Supply the correct forms of the words given in bold complete the sentences.
11.Do parents get ___________ from their children studies? (SATISFY)
12.He is very ___________ in everything he does. (SYSTEM)
13.Fruit ___________ as it ripens. (SWEET)
14.My brother lives in a ___________ area. (RESIDE)
15.She is extremely ___________ about art. (KNOWLEDGE)
16.They were brought up to behave in a ___________ way in public.
17.Many people limit their ___________ to the sun because their skin burns
very easily. (EXPOSE)
18.Helen was worried about her test, and she didn't sleep well. She was very
tired after a ___________ night. (SLEEP)
19.The price of the book is 10 dollars, including ___________ and packing.

20 | P a g e
20.How are you getting on with your ___________ course in French?
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.
disappointed embarrassed frustrated tired worried
angry bored confident confused delighted
21. I feel ___________. I don't have anything to do.
22. Janet is ___________ because she doesn't know if she got an F or an A in
her test.
23. I feel so ___________ because I've worked all night.
24. The headmaster was very ___________ with Tom because of his bad
behavior at school.
25. The students felt ___________ because they couldn't go camping.
26. Bob looks depressed and ___________. He's constantly signing and
27. Paul was ___________ when he heard his song on the radio.
28. Mum is ___________ because my sister hasn't come home yet.
29. Phuong is ___________ that he will pass the examination.
30. Peter felt ___________ when he was treated in front of some girls.
III. Choose the correct answer among A, B C or D to complete the sentences.
31. I asked Martha ___________ to enter law school.
A. was she planning B. is she planning
C. if she was planning D. are you planning
32. I wondered ___________ the right thing.
A. whether I was doing B. if I am doing
C. was I doing D. am I doing
33. "I wish ___________ eat vegetables", he said.
A. my children will B. my children would
C. whether my children would D. my children must
34. He wants to know whether I ___________ back tomorrow.
A. come B. came C. will come D. would come
35. I wonder why he ___________ love his family.

21 | P a g e
A. doesn't B. don't C. didn’t D. hasn’t
36. He begged them ___________
A. help him B. should help him
C. to help him D. help to him
37. Peter asked Jane why ___________ the film on T.V the previous night.
A. didn't she watch B. hadn't she watched
C. she doesn't watch D. she hadn't watched
38. He advised them ___________ in class.
A. to not talk B. not to talk
C. to talk not D. don't talk
39. Someone was wondering if the taxi ___________ yet.
A. had arrived B. arrived
C. arrives D. has arrived
40. The government has announced that taxes ___________
A. would be raised B. had been raised
C. were raised D. will be raised
41. He proved that the earth ___________ round the Sun.
A. had gone B. was going C. goes D. would go
42. Claire wanted to know what time ___________
A. do the banks close B. the banks would close
C. did the banks close D. the banks closed
43. Julia said that she ___________ there at noon.
A. is going to be B. was going to be
C. will be D. can be
44. He ___________ that he was leaving that afternoon.
A. told me B. told to me
C. said me D. says to me
45. Nam wanted to know what time ___________
A. does the movie begin B. did the movie begin
C. the movie begins D. the movie began

22 | P a g e
I. Read the two letters: one from a girl and the other from Miss Wiselady, then
do the following task.
Dear Miss Wiselady,
I am in grade 9 at a school in town. I absolutely love my school, and I love my
classmates, except one thing. It seems that the girls are always saying negative things
about our teachers, even our headmistress. This kind of gossip makes me
uncomfortable and upset. I don't think it's good for the study atmosphere, and it would
be terrible if the teachers found out. I don't know how to face up to this issue. What
should I do?

Dear Upset,
Well, that is a nasty problem. If you really wanted to do something, you could explain
how you feel. Tell them that they should not go on with the gossip. But it might be too
direct for some people. I suggest you try to keep away from it as much as possible.
Keep quiet, or better still, just leave them if you are not comfortable with the topic of

a. Underline the phrasal verbs in the letters and say what they mean.
b. Mark the sentences (T) for (True) and (F) for (False)
31. Upset wants some advice from Miss Wiselady. __ __
32. Miss Wiselady says the problem is not easy to solve. __ __
33. Upset doesn't love her classmates. __ __
34. There is some gossip among Upset’s friends. __ __
35. Miss Wiselady suggests Upset should deal with the gossip __ __

II. Read the text and use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.


23 | P a g e
embarrassed delighted self-aware informed
reasoning skill independence shape and height
Adolescence is the period between childhood and young adulthood. Your body
will change in (51) ___________. Your brain will grow and you'll have improved self-
control and (52) ___________. Physical changes are different for everyone, so you
don't need to feel (53) ___________ or frustrated!
You'll experience emotional changes as well. You'll feel you want more (54)
___________ and responsibility. You may become more (55) ___________ and care
about other people's opinions, especially those of your friends. But remember you'll
need adult support and guidance to make (56) ___________ decisions and overcome
III. Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each questions.
British teenagers sit up to 70 exams and tests before they reach their GCSEs
(The General Certificate of Secondary Education). But there are ways to ease the
stress at exam time.
What a student eats and drinks in the run-up to exams can influence how clearly
they think and how happy they feel. A balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables,
fish and complex carbohydrates will help them concentrate and think clearly. Too
much high-fat, high-sugar and high-caffeine food and drink can make studying harder.
Sleeping well and for long enough to feel rested, around six to eight hours for
most people, will help thinking and concentration. Students should allow half an hour
or so to wind down between studying, watching TV or using a computer and going to
bed to help them get a good night's sleep. Regular exercise also helps them sleep
better. Cramming all night before an exam is usually a bad idea.
Parents should be flexible around exam time. When a child is revising all day,
don't worry about household jobs that are left undone or untidy bedrooms. If they're a
bit moody they should stay calm. They can help a child to revise by making sure they
have somewhere comfortable to study.
Students should remind themselves that feeling nervous is normal. Nervousness
is a typical reaction to exams. All students will feel it. The key is to put these nerves to
positive use. Being reminded of what they do know and the time they have put into
study can help them feel confident that they can reach their potential.
57.The underlined word "Cramming" in the passage probably means ___________
A. memorizing a lot of things C. reading things aloud
B. having a nightmare D. sleeping for a long time
58.A comfortable place is good for students to ___________

24 | P a g e
A. have a sound sleep C. feel positively about learning
B. stop worrying about exams D. revise more effectively
59.Before exams, it is not unusual to ___________
A. feel nervous B. stay calm C. eat well D. react typically
60.Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. Eating and drinking properly can help students study better.
B. It is impossible for teenagers to ease their stress before exams.
C. Regular exercise and relaxation are necessary for a good sleep.
D. Parents play an important role in raising their children's exam results.
61.What is the main idea of the passage?
A. What teenagers should do to feel rested
B. A balanced diet for examinees
C. How to be well-prepared for exams
D. Nervousness: good reaction to exams

I. Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each sentence below.
60. "Where did you go last night?" she said to her boyfriend.
A. She asked her boyfriend where he had gone the night before.
B. She asked her boyfriend where he went the night before.
C. She asked her boyfriend where had he gone the night before.
D. She asked her boyfriend where did he go last night.
61. "Remember to write to your aunt." I said to Miss Linh.
A. I said to Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt.
B. I said to Miss Linh to remember to write to her aunt.
C. I told Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt.
D. I reminded Miss Linh to write to her aunt.
62. "How long have you lived in Hanoi?" said my friend.
A. My friend asked me how long have I lived in Hanoi.

25 | P a g e
B. My friend asked me how long had I lived in Hanoi.
C. My friend asked me how long I had lived in Hanoi.
D. My friend asked me how long I have lived in Hanoi.
63. "Close the books, please." said our teacher.
A. Close your book said by our teacher.
B. Our teacher asked us close our book.
C. Our teacher said us close our book.
D. Our teacher asked us to close our book.
64. "I didn't break your watch." the boy said.
A. The boy told the girl that he hadn't broken her watch.
B. The boy asked the girl that he hadn't broken her watch.
C. The boy told the girl that he didn't break her watch.
D. The boy told the girl that he hadn't broken your watch.
65. "Don't make noise because I am listening music now." he said to me.
A. He asked me not to make noise because I am listening music now.
B. He asked me not to make noise because I was listening music then.
C. He asked me not to make noise because he was listening music then.
D. He asked me to make noise because I was listening music then.
66. "I have just seen your mother this morning." Laura said to Lewis.
A. Laura told Lewis I have just seen your mother this morning.
B. Laura told Lewis she had just seen his mother that morning.
C. Laura told Lewis she has just seen his mother that morning.
D. Laura told Lewis he had just seen her mother that morning.
67. "We are ready to come with our friends." they said.
A. They told us they are ready to come with their friends.
B. They told us they were ready to come with our friends.
C. They told us we were ready to come with our friends.
D. They told us they were ready to come with their friends.
68. "I was intending to meet you tomorrow." she said.
A. She told me she was intending to meet me tomorrow.
B. She told me she had been intending to meet me the next day.

26 | P a g e
C. She told me she had been intending to meet me tomorrow.
D. She told me she had intending to meet me the next day.
69. Mrs Smith: "Don't play in front of my windows."
A. Mrs Smith told us not to play in front of her windows.
B. Mrs Smith told us not to play in front of my windows.
C. Mrs Smith told us to not play in front of her windows.
D. Mrs Smith said us not to play in front of her windows.
II. Choose A, B, C or D to find the mistake in each of the following sentences.
70. He said me if I had done my homework.
71. They wanted to know how much could you pay for it.
72. You promised you will go on a picnic with us the next Sunday.
73. They asked me what did happen last night, but I was unable to tell them.
74. Ron said that he wasn't sure, but the storm may stop already.
75. I asked him how far was it to the station if I went there by taxi.
76. The shopkeeper warned the boys don't lean their bicycles against his windows.
77. They asked me that I could do the shopping for them.
III. Turn the following statements into reported speech.
78. "Are you at the sports centre now?" Lucia's mother asked her.


79."What time did you come home last night, Mark?" said Tom.


27 | P a g e
80. "Don't go to the park when it gets dark", said Mrs. Brown.


81. "We spoke to your parents yesterday", said Mr. Quang to Trung.


82. "Can I meet you at 4.30 tomorrow afternoon?" Minh asked Phuong.


83. "I'm staying with my aunt and uncle in the suburbs", said Nga.


84. "Who do you talk to when you have problems?" Mary asked me.


85. "I'll help my mum cook dinner tonight", said Hoa.


86. "Tell your teacher what happened" Jack advised me.


87. "My best friend hasn't called me for one week", said Nam.


IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the word given.
88. Charles and his father are exactly alike in appearance. (LOOKS)

Charles _____________________________________________________ his father.

89. Take all your possessions and walk slowly to the exit. (BELONGS)

Take everything ________________________________ and walk slowly to the exit.

90. I'm finding it really enjoyable to work here. (ENJOYING)


28 | P a g e
91. I take work home regularly because of my new responsibility at work. (MEANS)

My new responsibility at work ____________________________ work home regular.

92. In my cycling group there's George, Tom, Harry and me. (CONSISTS)

My___________________________________________ George, Tom, Harry and me.

93. In your opinion, who's going to win the Cup? (THINK)

Who do ___________________________________________________ win the Cup?

94. I'm seeing how wide the door is. (MEASURING)

I ____________________________________________________________ the door.

95. Neil always forgets his wife's birthday. (REMEMBERS)

Neil _________________________________________________ his wife's birthday.

96. It ability to catch fish is the key to the polar bear's survival. (DEPENDS)

The polar bear's _____________________________________________ to catch fish.

97. What's on the mind at the moment? (THINKING)

What ___________________________________________________ at the moment?


29 | P a g e


30 | P a g e
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. pottery B. conical C. local D. historic
2. A. frustrated B. enjoyed C. cleaned D. played
3. A. craft B. hard C. urban D. start
4. A. pretty B. helpful C. delicious D. expect
5. A. naked B. looked C. booked D. liked

II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
6. A. confident B. famous C. skillful D. tradition
7. A. conical B. fabulous C. exciting D. pressure
8. A. delight B. depress C. relax D. concentrate
9. A. understand B. entertain C. introduce D. remember
10.A. neighboring B. international C. heritage D. fascinating


I. Use the correct form of the words given in brackets to finish the sentences.
11.Many people, move to the city because they enjoy the pleasant and
____________ life in there. (CONVENIENCE)
12.New York is a multi-____________ city. It has people from all over the world
living in it. (CULTURE)
13.One of the ____________ in my hometown is the traditional market, which is
open every Sunday. (ATTRACT)
14.What are the differences between Dong Ho____________ and Sinh ones?
15.____________ is one of the biggest problems in this city. (EMPLOY)
16.Preserving some of our old and historical buildings for future generations is
____________. (NECESSCITY)
17.Visiting the village, I was impressed by the ____________ of handicrafts on
offer. (VARY)

31 | P a g e
18.Adolescence is the period between childhood and young adulthood. You will
feel you want more ____________ and responsibility. (DEPEND)
19.The museum has a big ____________ of valuable artifacts. (COLLECT)
20.The artisans in my village prefer to use ____________ looms rather than modern
knitting machine. (TRADITION)
II. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the
underlined word.
21.The village is famous ____________ its traditional craft.
A. in B. at C. for D. up
22.This vase is made by our most skillful ____________.
A. sportsman B. craftsman C. batman D. countryman
22.This city has one of the most ____________ underground rail networks in the
A. efficient B. fashionable C. cosmopolitan D. fascinated
23.This laptop is much more user-friendly, but it costs ____________ the other one.
A. so much as B. as many as C. twice as much as D. twice as many
24.Today’s cities are ____________ than cites in previous times.
A. lots larger B. much larger C. as large D. the largest
25.After I found all the information I needed, I ____________ the computer.
A. turned off B. switched on C. looked for D. put off
26.Japan is the ____________ developed country in the world.
A. most second B. second in most C. second most D. two most
27.My mother said that she would go to Ho Chi Minh city ____________.
A. the last day B. the following day
C. the previous day D. the day before
28.She ____________ flowers on the paintings.
A. embroidered B. carved C. knitted D. casted
29.We arranged to meet in front of the lantern shop at 8 o’clock but she never
A. set up B. turned up C. lived on D. got up

32 | P a g e
31. What time did you ____________ off on your journey to Da Lat?
A. put B. cut C. call D. set
30.Your body will change in shape and ____________.
A. height B. high C. tall D. taller
31.Your brain will grow and you’ll have improved self-control and ____________
A. housekeeping B. reasoning C. social D. emotion control
32.They can’t decide who ____________ first.
A. go B. to go C. went D. going
33.I don’t think Fred gets ____________ with Daniel. They always argue.
A. over B. through C. on D. in
34.My uncle took ____________ the business from my grandparents.
A. on B. at C. in D. over
35.You are not a safe driver! You should drive ____________.
A. careful B. careless C. more carefully D. more carelessly
36.The villagers are trying to learn English ____________ they can communicate
with foreign customers.
A. so that B. in order that
C. in order to D. both A and B are correct.
37.Conical hat making in the village has been passed ____________ from
generation to generation.
A. on B. down C. up D. by
38.Mary asked me why I ____________ absent from class the last day.
A. was B. have been C. had been D. am

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box. You
don’t need to use all of them.


33 | P a g e
39.Do you think that the various crafts ____________ people of a specific region?
40.My aunt never really ____________ over the death of her pet dog.
41.It’s not easy to ____________ up smoking. My uncle has tried to do it lots of
time without success.
42.Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you. Please ____________ on and finish what
you are saying.
43.I enjoyed living in London, but it didn’t really ____________ up to my
44.I'm sorry I'm late, but the car ____________ down on the way here, so I had to
phone for a taxi.
45.You were going too fast. I couldn't ____________ up with you.
46.Remember to ____________ out how many people are coming to the party.
47.The artisans in my village can ____________ on basket weaving.
48.I invited her to join our trip to Trang An, but she ____________ down my

I. Complete the passage by filling each blank with the suitable word.
Some people ask me (51) ____________ I like living in my hometown. The
answer is certainly 'yes'. The simple reason is that it has lots of interesting places. If
you want to widen your knowledge of the past, you can go to the (52) ____________
It's a historical building, with a big collection of valuable artifacts. There is also a (53)
____________ village in my hometown. There, the villagers (54) ____________
drums. Their drums are not only famous in the locality but (55) ____________
nationwide. You can visit the old workshop, where drums are still made in the (56)
____________ way. Some of them are huge! Another attraction in my hometown is
the local (57) ____________ where anyone can borrow books and take them home to
read. Besides, it also has a reading club. I'm (58) ____________ of its members, and
we gather once a week to discuss (59) ____________ we've read together. My
hometown is also a (60) ____________ centre, with many traditional festivals and
activities. I love it very much.

II. Read the passage and then answer the following questions.

34 | P a g e
Many people from rural areas are leaving behind their traditional way of life
and moving to the city. They believe that well-paid jobs are plentiful in the city.
At home on the farm, life is always a struggle with nature. Typhoons, floods or
droughts can easily destroy a harvest and leave the farmer with little or no money until
the following year. Often farmers look for other work when they need more money for
their family.
The increase in population, however, has led to overcrowding in many cities.
This puts a strain on schools and hospitals, as well as water and electricity supplies.
Increased pollution is another unpleasant result. There is also a human side to this
tragedy. Families sometimes have to live apart. In these cases, children may live at
home with relatives, while their parents go and live in an urban area.
Governments all over the world are trying to provide facilities for these
migrants, but it can be quite a problem.
61.Why do many people in the countryside want to move to the city?


62. How is life at home on the farm?


63. When do farmers often look for other work?


64. What are the consequences of overpopulation?


65. Is it true that governments all over the world are trying to provide facilities for

these migrants?


III. Read the following passage and mark the latter A, B, C or D on your answer

35 | P a g e
sheet to indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late
at night but can't find the energy to get out of bed (66) ____________ for school?
According to a new report, today's generation of children are in danger of getting so
(67) ____________ sleep that they are putting their mental and physical health at (68)
____________ Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours' sleep a night, (69)
____________ teenagers require nine or ten hours. According to medical experts, one
in five youngsters (70) ____________ by on between two and five hours' sleep a
night, less than their parents did at their age.
66. A. behind time B. about time C. in time D. at time
67. A. few B. less C. much D. little
68. A. jeopardy B. threat C. risk D danger
69. A. or B. because C. whereas D. so
70. A. puts B. gets C. brings D. makes

IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C. or D for the questions.
Perfume Pagoda is a religious site as well as being a great sight-seeing spot in
Vietnam. It is situated in Huong Son Commune, My Duc District, Hanoi. It is a vast
complex of Buddhist temples and shrines, including Den Trinh (Presentation Shrine)
and Thien Tru (Heaven Kitchen) Pagoda, in the limestone Huong Tich mountains. The
centre of this complex is the Perfume Temple, also called Chua Trong (Inner Temple),
located in Huong Tich Cavern. It is thought that the first temple was built on the
current site of Thien Tru in the 15th century during the reign of Le Thanh Tong. Over
the years some of its structures which were in ruins have been restored or replaced.
Many Vietnamese works of literature, both old and modern, have made Perfume
Pagoda their focus. It has also provided backdrops for many famous paintings. Its
beauty has been used as a theme of many famous songs and a topic of lyric poetry.
Nowadays during its festival (from the middle of January to the middle of March on
the lunar calendar), Perfume Pagoda attracts large numbers of pilgrims from all over
66. Perfume Pagoda is ____________
A. one of the religious sites in Vietnam
B. one of the greatest sight-seeing spots in Vietnam
C. in the North of Vietnam
D. All the above

36 | P a g e
67. Pilgrims visiting Perfume Pagoda belong to ____________
A. Islam B. Hinduism C. Buddhism D. Catholicism
68. The word "It" refers to ____________
A. Den Trinh (Presentation Shrine) B. Thien Tru (Heaven Kitchen) Pagoda
C. Chua Trong (Inner Temple) D. Perfume Pagoda
69. Which statement is NOT true about Perfume Pagoda?
A. Perfume Pagoda is located in Huong Son Commune, My Duc District, Hanoi.
B. Perfume Pagoda includes Den Trinh (Presentation Shrine), Thien Tru (Heaven
Kitchen) Pagoda, and the Perfume Temple.
C. The centre of this complex, the Perfume Temple, also known as Chua Trong
(Inner Temple), is located in Huong Tich Cavern.
D. The best time to visit Perfume Pagoda is from the beginning of January to the
end of March on the lunar calendar.
70. Which of the following people have NOT been likely to use Perfume Pagoda's
backdrops for their famous works?
A. singers B. poets C. writers D. musicians
I. Complete the conversation about traditional games, using the responses (A-G)
given. There are two extra ones.
A. Wow! So, what are the greatest attractions in Sydney
B. Of course! You know
C. It's fabulous
D. it sounds like a good place to get higher education
E. are you from around here
F. I slept pretty well last night
G. What do you think of Sydney
H. What about transport
Paul: Hi, Duong! How's it going? Getting over the jet lag?
Duong: Yes, (76) ____________. Hey, thanks so much for showing me around today.
Paul: No worries, it'll be good fun.
Duong: So, (77) ____________?


37 | P a g e
Paul: Me? Yes, I was born and grew up here. Sydney's my hometown.
Duong: (78) ____________. Is it an ancient city?
Paul: No, it's not very old, but it's Australia's biggest city, and the history of our
country began here.
Duong: (79) ____________?
Paul: Well, its natural features include Sydney Harbor, the Royal National Park, and
Bondi Beach. Man-made attractions such as the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
Opera House, and the Har-bour Bridge are also well known: to visitors.
Duong: (80) ____________?
Paul: Public transport here is convenient and reliable: you can go by bus, by train, or
light rail. Taxis are more expensive, of course.
Duong: And is Sydney good for shopping?
Paul: (81) ____________, Sydney's a metropolitan and multicultural city, so we have
a great variety of things and foods from different countries. I'll take you to Paddington
Market later, if you like.
Duong: Wonderful. What about education? Are there many universities?
Paul: Sydney has five big universities and some smaller ones. The oldest of them was
set up in 1850, I believe.
Duong: Oh, (82) ____________. I like this town!

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
83.They visited the craft village, and then they bought some lacquer ware as gifts for
their family and friends.

After ________________________________________________________________

84. They decided to go camping despite the heavy rain.

Although _____________________________________________________________

85. 'What country do you come from?' said Bill.

Bill _________________________________________________________________

86. 'Did you play for your school team?' asked she.

She _________________________________________________________________

38 | P a g e
87. "Direct to Victoria station as fast as you can. I must catch the 12.50 train", she

She __________________________________________________________________

88. Phong said "My parents are very proud of my good marks"

Phong ________________________________________________________________

89. I've never met any more dependable person than George.

George _______________________________________________________________

90. My mother is the most warm-hearted person I have ever known.

I ____________________________________________________________________

91. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

No __________________________________________________________________

92. To me, English is easier than Maths.


II. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

93. You should use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words. (LOOK)

94. The doctor told my father to stop smoking. (GIVE)

95. The cost of living has been increasing considerably in the past few weeks. (UP)

96. Margaret Thatcher was born and spent her childhood in the town of Grantham,

Lincolnshire, England. (GREW)



39 | P a g e
III. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct
words given forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use
all the words given.
97. Parents/always /expect /her/get/good/grades/and/she/not want/ disappoint/ them.

98. Sometimes /1/ wish/parents/put/themselves / shoes.

99. Hanoi/As/far/I/know, /Bat Trang/ be/ one/most/ famous traditional/craft villages/

100. My/ great-grandparents/ start/ it/ not/ grandparents/ Then/ grandparents/ take/


40 | P a g e


41 | P a g e


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the past underlined.
1. A. activity B. habit C. snack D. illiterate
2. A. face B. artic C. occasion D. behave
3. A. preservation B. fresh C. specific D. entertain
4. A. collect B. delicious C. event D. vendor
5. A. physical B. seek C. seniority D. west
II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
6. A. violence B. important C. buffalo D. grandparent
7. A. igloo B. fatal C. dogsled D. bamboo
8. A. refer B. postman C. programme D. custom
9. A. ability B. especially C. illiterate D. entertainment
10. A. possibility B. tuberculosis C. seniority D. technological


I. Supply the correct forms of the words given in bold complete the sentences.

11. You have to use your _____________ when you read the story. (IMAGINE)
12. High school students used to take the high school ______________ examinations.
13. I think corporal ____________ is prohibited in schools. (PUNISH)
14. All of us were surprised by his strange ____________ at the party. (BEHAVE)
15. At present, students at the school take part in some 50 to 60 _________ games
spread over the week. (TRADITION)
16. The former university ____________ exams with two sessions used to last one
week. (ENTER)
17. The photo brought back many happy memories of my ____________ (CHILD)
18. I think riding a bicycle is ________________, especially when it rains.

42 | P a g e
19. The image of an old lady with the traditional ao dai on a rickshaw on her way back
from the market is still so ___________ for Vietnamese people. (MEAN)
20. Tom says he can’t put up with Mary’s ___________ any longer. (ATTEND)
II. Choose the best one (A, B, C, or D) to complete the sentences or replace the
underlined word.
21. I wish he____________ to me more often.
A. writes B. wrote C. have been D. is writing
22. A postman comes once a day to _________ from the post box.
A. bring B. collect C. take D. get
23. I wish he _________ more time now to help you with your lesson.
A. have B. had C. would have D. had had
24. People in Bac Ninh province believe that if the tug-of-war team facing the east
wins, it will bring bumper crops and good luck, and that the situation will be just
the __________ if the team facing the west wins.
A. different B. same C. other D. opposite
25. “He has to work 12 hours every day”.
A. Sure. B. How cool!
C. I can’t imagine that. D. I wish I could go back to that time.
26. Traditional games __________ as an effective but simple educational method
of centuries.
A. were used B. used to used
C. had used D. have been used
27. Money ____________ buying or selling goods
A. use B. is used to C. is used for D. used to
28. We all ___________ it were the weekend tomorrow.
A. think B. hope C. wish D. want
29. The English men are not used _________ on the right hand side of the street.
A. to drive B. to driving C. for driving D. drive
30. The folk ___________ of top spinning still attracts city children despite the
popularity of modern games such as bowling, skateboarding, billiards and video

43 | P a g e
A. pastime B. ceremony C. activity D. enjoyment
31. Eating from _________ is a popular habit of people in big cities in Viet Nam.
A. street vendors B. libraries C. canteens D. shops
32. Viet Nam’s tug-of-war game was also ___________ as a UNESCO cultural
intangible heritage of humanity in December 2015.
A. realised B. recognised C. allowed D. seen
33. I am accustomed to doing morning exercises.
A. used to do B. being used to do
C. using to do D. used to doing
34. Raising roosters for cockfighting ___________ heavy investments in time and
A. requests B. requires C. satisfies D. asks
35. Minh wishes he___________ English perfectly well.
A. spoke B. speaks C. is speaking D. has spoken
III. Complete the sentences with suitable words from the box
36. Thirty years ago, only _____________ people in the city had the television.
37. In my grandfather’s youth, people didn’t use to ___________ by car. They rode
38. I used to _____________to school, but two weeks ago I got a bike so now I ride it
every day.
39. My grandparent’s family used to ________to a limestone cave in the mountainous
area to escape American bombers.
40. My sister didn’t use to __________ when we went to the beach because she was
afraid of water.
41. We used to _____________ of our home village when we lived overseas.
42. Primary children used to _____________ small porcelain ink pots in the corners of
their wooden tables.
43. She said that in her village ___________ used to be arranged by parents.
44. Mr. Vinh used to ___________ teaching materials in the evening.

44 | P a g e
45. Many students in Binh Phuoc province used to _____________ school because
their families were so poor.
I. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the given words in the box
significant education appliances used to be tools past
vacuum taken place means provided
Over the last century, there have been many (46)________ changes in the way we
live. Obviously, it is hard to compare the life of the ancient people and the life of the
people of the twenty first century because so many changes have occured. However,
even the changes that have (47)________ place over the last ten years are amazing.
To start with, people were not able to travel such long distances in such a short
period of time. The planes were not that popular then because they (48)________
a very expensive (49)_________ of transport. Nowadays, we have become very
mobile. We have fast and comfortable cars and more and more people also travel
by plane. Moreover, in the past people had to work much harder as they did not have
(50)__________ which made their work easier. Today, most of the difficult
and dangerous work is done by computers and other machines. In the past
the conditions of living were not as comfortable as they are now. There were
no bathrooms and running water in many houses, besides many people could
not afford household (51)__________ like fridge, TV set or (52)_________ cleaner
because they used to be luxurious goods. Another difference between living now and
in the past is the fact that nowadays the access to (53)_________ is much easier.
In the past, there were fewer schools and the quality of the education they
(54)________ was much poorer. Besides, nowadays it is much easier to find
the educational materials that you need thanks to the Internet. Another difference
is that in the (55)__________ there were not that many sources of entertainment.
Therefore people used to spend more time with their friends.
II. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C, or D that best fits the blank space
in the following passage.
A hundred years ago people all over the world lived very differently from how we
live now. Let’s look at some ways in which daily life has changed enormously since
Washing: A hundred years ago, washing clothes was much more (56)
______________ and time-consuming because people didn’t
(57)_________________ washing machines. In most parts of Britain, for example,
there was no running water and people washed their clothes in huge (58)

45 | P a g e
______________ of boiling water. They often collected this water from a public tap in
the village and then (59)_____________ it on a wood fire in the kitchen. To wash all
the family’s clothes, they used about sixty buckets of water a week. Keeping clean
was not a priority as it is now. And most people had a bath only once or twice a
month, also using the tub in the kitchen.
Keeping cool: Keeping cool was a priority, however – especially for people in hot
countries. Nowadays, we have air conditioning to keep our houses cool but then, no
modern air conditioning (60) _______________. In some places, like Spain and
Turkey, people lived in houses which were partly caves; large holes cut in the rock in
the (61) _____________ of a mountain. The air in these ‘caves-house’ was always
cool and pleasant. (62) ____________ houses often had high ceilings and large
windows. And houses in the Middle East sometimes had ‘wind towers’ which helped
to keep the air moving inn the house.
Entertainment: The most popular entertainment in the home nowadays (63)
______________ TVs and computers. In Japan, for example, young people spend an
average of two and a half hours watching TV or playing computer games every day.
This is a dramatic (64) _____________ from a hundred years ago. Then, Japanese
young people often spent time doing origami (a special kind of art with paper) or
practicing calligraphy (a special kind of artistic handwriting). It was also traditional
for the whole family to get (65) ___________ every evening to talk and have tea.
Sometimes these sessions include the children doing performances of music or drama
for the other family members to enjoy.
56. A. difficult B. easy C. simple D. hard
57. A. cover B. do C. have D. make
58. A. pipes B. caves C. tools D. tubs
59. A. hot B. heated C. heating D. heat
60. A. turned B. appeared C. existed D. emitted
61. A. vacant B. side C. part D. position
62. A. Other B. Another C. Others D. Anothers
63. A. divides B. provides C. allows D. involves
64. A. unstable B. change C. advance D. resemble
65. A. each other B. individually C. together D. privately

46 | P a g e
III. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each
For formal ceremonies men would have two additional items, a long gown with
slits on either side, and a turban, usually in black or brown made of cotton or silk. In
feudal times, there were strict dress codes. Ordinary people were not allowed to wear
clothes with dyes other than black, brown or white. Costumes in yellow were reserved
for the King. Those in purple and red were reserved for high ranking court officials,
while dresses in blue were exclusively worn by petty court officials. Men's dress has
gradually changed along with social development.

The traditional set of a long gown and turban gave way to more modern looking
suits, while business shirts and trousers have replaced traditional long sleeved shirts
and wide trousers. Traditional costumes still exist and efforts are increasingly being
made to restore traditional festivals and entertainment which incorporate traditional

For women, the outer garment is a special silk gown called an “ao tu than” which
is brown or light brown in colour with four slits divided equally on its lower section.
The second layer is a pink gown. When a woman wears her three gowns, she fastens
the buttons on the side, and leave those on the chest unfastened so that it forms a
shaped collar. This allows her to show the different colours on the upper part of the
three gowns. Today, on formal occasions women wear “ao dai”.
66. Traditional festivals _________.
A. replace traditional suits by business ones
B. make men’s dresses change
C. promote traditional costumes
D. encourage modern-looking suits
67. In the past, the color was used to represent ________.
A. the rank in the society
B. the difference between men and women
C. formal ceremonies
D. the social development
68. The word “gown” in paragraph 1 is closest meaning to __________.
A. a long piece of clothing worn by judges
B. a piece of clothing that is worn over clothes to protect them


47 | P a g e
C. a long dress worn on formal occasions
D. a woman’s dress, especially a long one
69. In the past, for formal ceremonies men wore ____________.
A. costumes made of red cotton or silk
B. dresses in blue as petty court officials
C. costumes in purple or yellow not like the King
D. a long gown and a turban in black or brown
70. All of the following are true about women’s traditional costumes EXCEPT that
A. we can see a shaped collar in the front
B. the two inner gowns cannot be seen
C. the outer gown has four equal parts on its lower section
D. the gowns have different colours on the upper part

I. Complete the conversation about traditional games, using the given responses
(A-G). There are two extra ones.
A. Wow, I can’t imagine that.
B. your grandfather used to make one for me.
C. did you get to know about the world outside?
D. what did you use to do for entertainment?
E. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that time.
F. I wish there were movie teams like that
G. A mobile movie team used to come once every two months,
Father: This is a present for you son, son.
Huyen My: A kite! How cool! Thank you, dad.
Father: I made it for you, just like
Huyen My: Is it a family tradition?
Father: Yes, for generations
Huyen My: I love it. So when you were a kid, (72)

48 | P a g e
Father: Oh, it was all very simple back then. We didn’t have television or the
Internet. (73) _____________________________________ and every
one from the village would be there. The children were always early,
trying to get a place near the screen.
Father: I suppose it was a special occasion, wasn’t it?
Father: Sure.
Huyen My: (74) _____________________________________
Father: Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Huyen My: Then how (75) _____________________________________
Father: We had the radio; actually, only wealthy people did. The whole village
used to listen to the news programme through loudspeaker.
Huyen My: (76) _____________________________________
Father: I know. The world’s changed a lot, see much easier now.
Huyen My: Do you miss the past, dad?
Father: I suppose I do. (77) _____________________________________

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as
possible in meaning to the original sentences. Use the word given and other wrds
as necessary. Do not change the form of the given word.
78. He had a lot of money, but now he doesn’t.

He __________________________________________________________________

79. The boys want to win the football match.

They wish ____________________________________________________________

80. Did you always eat sweets when you were small?

Did you ______________________________________________________________

81. She dreams to spend her vacation in Ha Long Bay.


49 | P a g e
She wishes ___________________________________________________________

82. They didn’t use to drink coffee when they lived in Japan.

They ________________________________________________________________

83. The school authorities can’t set holidays based on local weather conditions.

I wish _______________________________________________________________

84. That university often doesn’t attract enough enrolments for the new school year.

I wish _______________________________________________________________

85. We can’t study the books written by famous scholars in the Ly and Tran dynasties
because Chinese Ming aggressors took them to China.

I wish _______________________________________________________________

86. Many small children don’t learn to swim so they often suffer from drowning.

I wish _______________________________________________________________

87. Many graduates from college don’t have enough skills to meet the requirements of
their jobs.

I wish _______________________________________________________________

II. Write complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct
forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the
words given.

88. My brother/ used/ play football/ but an injury/ stop him/ playing.


89. Mr.Lam/ not use/ watch/ him television/ morning. He/ do it/ evening.


90. David/ be a good climber/ his youth. He/ use to/ climb very high mountains.

50 | P a g e
91. My parents/ not use/ buy me expensive toys/ we/ be not rich.

92. We/ use to/ shop/ town market. We/ bought fish, fruit/ vegetable.


93. Traditional library/ function/ storage/ preservation/ physical items/ particularly

books/ periodicals.

94. Books/ shelves/ divided/ based/ subjects/ and/ readers/ travel/ library/ borrow

95. For/ digital library/ readers/ get/ access/ materials/ house/ Internet.

96. Readers/ browse/ materials/ based/ hyperlinks/ or keywords.


97. With/ digital library/ we/ read/ all the books/ which/ published/ word.



51 | P a g e

52 | P a g e


I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
1. A. position B. government C. recognise D. heritage
2. A. suggest B. measure C. impress D. connect
3. A. picturesque B. souvenir C. recommend D. paradise
4. A. preserve B. landscape C. rickshaw D. structure
5. A. security B. institution C. spectacular D. administer
II. Find the word which has a different sound in the past underlined.
6. A. pilgrim B. surprising C. shrine D. island
7. A. structure B. future C. sculpture D. culture
8. A. cavern B. contestant C. complex D. citadel
9. A. measure B. treasure C. great D. pleasure
10. A. cavern B. cave C. ancient D. aging


I. Give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete each of the
following sentences.
11. Many more tourists have visited Ha Long Bay since UNESCO’s
________________ of this beautiful spot. (RECOGNISE)
12. Bai Dinh Pagoda is a _____________ site which is located in Ninh Binh province.
13. May I have a _____________about the trip to Cuc Phuong National Park next
week? (SUGGEST)
14. My most _____________ experience was my trip to Hoi An in the summer of
2015. (FORGET)
15. We got a lot of ______________ from our holiday in Da Nang last year.
16. There are many sculptures along the ___________ to the main entrance. (ENTER)


53 | P a g e
17. Protecting natural wonders brings both social and ______________ benefits.
18. Phong Nha – Ke Bang can be compared to a precious _____________ museum.
19. The show features six ____________ from different parts of the country.
20. Chua Keo (in Thai Binh province) is a _____________ pagoda which was built
about 400 years ago. (WOOD)
II. Choose the best one (A, B, C, or D) to complete the sentence or replace the
underline word.
21. It _____________ for years.
A. has not be known B. had not been known
C. had not be known D. have not been known
22. It _____________ that learning English is easy.
A. are said B. said C. is said D. is sayed
23. John and Ann _____________.
A. were not mislead B. were not misleaded
C. was not misled D. were not misled
24. Our horses _____________.
A. are well feeded B. are well fed
C. is well fed D. is well feeded
25. Peter and Tom _____________ in an accident yesterday.
A. is hurt B. is hurted C. were hurt D. were hurted
26. South Florida and Hawaii _____________ by a hurricane.
A. is hit B. have been hit C. have are hit D. has been hit
27. The battles _____________ for liberation.
A. had be fought B. had been fighted
C. had been fought D. has been fought
28. We can’t go along here because the road _____________.
A. is repairing B. is repaired
C. is being repaired D. repairs

54 | P a g e
29. The story I’ve just read _____________ Agatha Christie.
A. was written B. was written by
C. was written from D. my hair be cut
30. I’m going to go out and _____________.
A. have my hair cut B. have cut my hair
C. cut my hair D. my hair be cut
31. Something funny _____________ in the class yesterday.
A. happened B. was happened C. happens D. is happened
32. Many US automobiles _____________ in Detroit, Michigan.
A. manufacture B. have manufactured
C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing
33. A lot of pesticide residue can _____________ in unwashed produce.
A. find B. found
C. be finding D. be found
34. We _____________ by a loud noise during the night.
A. woke up B. are woken up
C. were woken up D. were waking up
35. Some film stars _____________ difficult to work with.
A. are said to be B. are said to be C. say to be D. said to be
36. All bottles _____________ before transportation.
A. frozen B. is frozen
C. was frozen D. were frozen
37. Everything that _____________ remained a secret.
A. had be overheard B. had been overheard
C. have been overheard D. would had been overheard
38. Everything _____________.
A. were forbidden B. is forbidden
C. weren’t forbidden D. are forbidden
39. Everything _____________.


55 | P a g e
A. are going to be forgotten B. is going to be forgotten
C. is going to be forgot D. were going to be forgotten
40. I_____________.
A. have not been given the money B. have not been give the money
C. have not given the money D. have not be given the money

I. Match the names of some wonders of Viet Nam with their descriptions. Write
the answer in each blank.
A.Son Doong Cave
B.Hue Imperial City
D.Tran Quoc Pagoda
E.Hoi An Ancient Town
F. Thien Mu Temple
G. Ha Long Bay
H. Cu Chi Tunnels
Some Wonders of Viet Nam
41. ______________________________________________
The vast network was used effectively during the Vietnam War for soldiers to live
and store weapon. Today they are major tourist attraction for Saigon visitors.
42. ______________________________________________
The seven-story pagoda dates back to 1605. It belongs to a complex, which also has
shrines and garden. The religious site overlooks the Perfume River.
43. ______________________________________________
It is the world’s biggest cave and wasn’t discovered until 2009. A 40-story building
could fit into its tallest room. There are controversial plans to construct a cable car
system through this natural wonder.

56 | P a g e
44. ______________________________________________
It is one of the oldest pagodas in Vietnam. Standing at one end of Thanh Nien Road,
one can see the towers of the pagoda rising above the lake’s surface.
45. ______________________________________________
Nearly 2,000 limestone islands and islets push up from the bay, creating a
fascinating natural wonder.
46. ______________________________________________
It was the seat of Vietnam’s last dynasty from 1802 to 1945.
47. ______________________________________________
This central Vietnam town is best known for its silk lanterns that colourfully glow
at night, and for the picturesque old building lining the rover. It used to be a busy
international trading port.
48. ______________________________________________
This remote northern mountainous region of Vietnam boasts photogenic rice
terraces as well as ethnic tribes.
II. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered
Da Lat lies on Lam Vien plateau, in the Central Highland province of Lam Dong,
300 kilometers north of Ho Chi Minh city. Da Lat is a well-known city (49)
_________ all the people who have been there once. Da Lat is known (50) _________
a city of pine trees, waterfalls and flowers. Da Lat is described as a forest of flowers
with (51) ________ colors and various species. Flowers can be found (52) ________
and in any season. We can see flowers in Da Lat in the parks, (53) ________ of the
houses, in the gardens etc. Da Lat has the widest range of orchid varieties in the
country. Da Lat has (54) ________ rivers and canals but it has many picturesque
waterfalls. It takes tourists several days (55) _______ all the waterfalls in the area. The
famous Cam Ly Falls is only 3 kilometers (56) _______ the town center. The Prenn
Falls is 10 kilometers in the south of Da Lat. The water (57) _______ down like a
white shade. Da Lat people are very (58) _______ of it. They always boast to tourists
about it in the first place. Around the Prenn Falls is the valley of various flowers and
pine hills.


57 | P a g e
49. A. attracting B. exciting C. suggesting D. believing
50. A. like B. as C. same D. similar
51. A. astounding B. general C. official D. different
52. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere
53. A. behind B. in front C. opposite D. next to
54. A. lots B. little C. much D. few
55. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited
56. A. from B. at C. to D. in
57. A. falls B. pours C. goes D. walks
58. A. proud B. priding C. prided D. pride
III. Read the passage, and fill in the blank with the suitable word. Use the word
in the box.
There is a saying that if you have not visited Ha Long Bay, you have not yet (59)
____________ to Viet Nam. On the other hand, we can say that if you have not visited
Ha Long bay, you have not yet seen the (60) ______________ beautiful place in the
world. It takes us around 4 hours by bus to travel 180 km from Ha Noi towards the
northeast to Ha Long Bay.
Ha Long Bay has been twice (61) _____________ by UNESCO as a World
Heritage Site in 1994 and in 2000, and also that Ha Long Bay is in the second place on
the worldwide (62) ________ of the World’s Seven Natural Wonders. 1,969 limestone
islands of various shapes, sizes and in different green (63) ______________ amazing
colours rises above the sea level in an area of more than 1,500 square kilometres that
creates this world heritage site. Ha Long Bay still keeps (64) ____________ historical
and cultural values.
Ha Long Bay is attractive and beautiful throughout the four seasons: spring,
summer, autumn, and winter. Traveling on small sailboats (65)______________
hundreds of limestone islands, one may visit the amazing Surprise cave, the floating
fishing village, and see how the locals live, (66) _____________ are top of the list of
things to do here. On Titop Islands, one may swim and relax on the beach or enjoy a
kayaking programme to the nearby Luon Cave and much more.
The experience of visiting Ha Long Bay is (67) ____________, where you will see
something that will stay in your mind and eyes for years. You will enjoy meeting
Vietnamese people and tasting their delicious food. You will have fresh air all day and

58 | P a g e
night, especially if you wake up early in the morning and watch the sun rise on the
deck coming slowly through the islands. Be sure (68) ______________ to miss
visiting Ha Long Bay in your lifetime.

I. Reorder the sentences to complete the dialogue.
a. Veronica: Great, thanks. What’s the best way get around?
b. Veronica: Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. So, what else is worth seeing?
c. Mi: Yes, I have. Three times, actually. It’s an amazing place.
How are you getting there?
d. Veronica: Guess what? I’m going to Hue City next week.
e. Veronica: That sounds better. And do you know any good places to
stay in Hue City?
f. Mi: I’d recommend the Romance Hotel. I can give you the
address if you like.
g. Mi: That’s great! Are you excited?
h. Veronica: My father suggests we should go by air.
i. Mi: It’s probably best to use rickshaw. It’s said that they’re
quicker and cheaper than taxis.
j. Veronica: Very! You’ve been there, haven’t you?
k. Mi: Er no, don’t bother going to the museums. There are much
better things to see there. You should definitely see the
Royal Citadel. It’s said that this complex of monuments is
one of the wonders of Vietnam. In fact, it’s listed as a
l. Mi: UNESCO World Heritage Site.
That’s too expensive! I suggest going by train. You can
m. Veronica: meet people and see a lot of beautiful sights from the train.
Hmm, that’s good to know. So, what are the things we
shouldn’t miss – any good museum?

59 | P a g e
Your answers:
69. 70. 71. 72. 73.
74. 75. 76. 77. 78.
79. 80. 81.

I. Write sentences in passive.

82. I went to see it because I/ tell/ it was a good film/ all my friends.


83. This photograph/ take my grandfather.


84. It looked like the window/ break/ a harmer/ sometime before.


85. Our dog/ give/ an injection/ a special syringe/ the vet.


86. The winning goal in last night’s match/ score/ Donatello/ a brilliant free kick.


87. Your check/ send/ last Friday and/ should/ deliver/ to you tomorrow.


88. Our car/ service/ a mechanic/ at the moment.


89. A man/ shoot/ an air gun/ outside the petrol station last night.


90. Gun powder/ invent/ the Chinese.

60 | P a g e

91. At the surgery yesterday, I/ examine/ Dr Peterson/ and I give/ a prescription.


II. Use the words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words,
if necessary.

UNESCO World Heritage Site in Hue

92. The Complex of Hue Monuments/ be a UNESCO World Heritage Site/ is located
in the city of Hue/ central Vietnam.




93. Hue/ founded as the Vietnam capital city by Gia Long, the first king/ the Nguyen
Dynasty in 1802. It/ held this position for thirteen Nguyen kings until 1945.



94. The massive complex features hundreds/ monuments and ruins, / as the Forbidden
Purple City, once the residence of the royal family/ badly damaged during the
Vietnam War,/ the Imperial City,/ royal tombs,/ the flag tower, pagodas, temples, a
library and a museum.





61 | P a g e
95. Hue, located/ the banks of the Huong River, (also known as the Perfume River)/
be about a hundred kilometres north/ Da Nang.



96. Among the/ impressive monuments in this former grand imperial capital/ is the
Ngo Mon Gate of the Imperial City/ once was exclusively used/ the royal family and
their servants and soldiers, the tomb of Emperor Minh Mang as/ as the tomb of
Emperor Tu Duc.




97. In fact, many of the monuments surrounding the royal buildings/ constructed in
the early 19th century and/ modelled after Beijing’s Forbidden City.




98. The wall that surroundings the citadel/ be six metres high/ two and a half
kilometres long.



99. The historical complex/ known not only for its rich architecture/ of its beautiful
landscape setting. Overall, the site/ is quite spectacular.



62 | P a g e

100.Avoid/ travel/ Hue between October/ December as it get most of its rain from the
northeast monsoon during that period.




101. This small city/ be also famous/ its Imperial-style cuisine.




III. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to choose the sentences has the same
meaning with the given one.
102. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
A. It is believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
B. 13 was believed to have been an unlucky number.
C. 13 was believed that as an unlucky number.
D. It was believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
103. They rumor that the man was still living.
A. It was rumored that the man was still living.
B. The man was rumored to be still living.
C. The man was still living was rumored.
D. It is rumored that the man was still living.
104. They declared that she won the competition.
A. It is declared that she on the competition.
B. It was declared that she won the competition.
C. She was declared that she won the competition.
D. she is declared that she won the competition.

63 | P a g e
105. They know that English is an international language.
A. It was known that English is an international language.
B. English was known as an international language.
C. It is known that English is an international language.
D. English is known as an internal language.
106. People think that Jack London’s life and writings represent the American love
of adventure.
A. It was thought that Jack London’s life and writings represent, the American love
of adventure.
B. It is thought that Jack London’s life and writings represent the American love of
C. Jack London’s life and writings are thought to represent the American love of
D. Jack London’s life and writings are thought to be represented the American love
of adventure.
107. They say that John is the brightest students in the class.
A. John is said that he is the brightest student in the class.
B. It was said that John is the brightest student in the class.
C. It is said that John is the brightest student in the class.
D. John was said that he is the brightest students in the class.
108. They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
A. The President was reported to have suffered a heart attack.
B. The President is reported to have suffered a heart attack.
C. It was reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
D. It was reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
109. They think that he has died a natural death.
A. It is thought that he has died a natural death.
B. It was thought that he has died a natural death.
C. He is thought that he has died a natural death.
D. He was thought that he has died a natural death.
110. They reported that the troops were coming.
A. It was reported that the troops were coming.

64 | P a g e
B. It is reported that the troops were coming.
C. The troops were reported to be coming.
D. The troops was reported to be coming.
111. People believe that the earth stood still.
A. It were believed that the earth stood still.
B. It was believed that the earth stood still.
C. The earth was believed that stood still.
D. The earth was believed to stand still.
IV. Change these sentences into the passive voice.
112. The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War.


113. The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day.


114. Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema.


115. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week.


116. Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum?


117. Some people will interview the new president on TV.


118. They find that the job is not suitable for a girl like her.


119. The teacher explained that this powerful engine pulled the train.


65 | P a g e
120. He told me that his football team had played well last season.


121. They told me that you were the best architect in this city.



66 | P a g e

67 | P a g e


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. rubber B. mushroom C. tunnel D. manual
2. A. tram B. manual C. sandals D. many
3. A. exist B. exhibition C. example D. examination
4. A. pedestrian B. exhibition C. trench D. tunnel
5. A. flyover B. astonished C. cooperative D. noticeable

II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
6. A. surround B. nuclear C. manual D. railroad
7. A. convenience B. fascinate C. compartment D. pedestrian
8. A. initially B. significant C. facility D. elevated
9. A. popular B. tolerant C. uniform D. dramatic
10. A. collective B. equipment C. confident D. astonished


I. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the
underlined word.
11. They _______________ a five-day tour in Malaysia before they enjoyed the Tet
festival last year.
A. had spent B. would spend C. spend D. spent
12. There has been a_______________ increase in high-rise buildings over the last
five years.
A. popular B. considerable C. big D. lot
11. It was very _______________ that a couple in the past could have about 5 to 10
A. shared B. obvious C. popular D. common
12. In the old days, people _______________ phrynium leaves before they made
Chung cakes.
A. had collected B. have gained C. would collect D. had gained
13. We really like the photo _______________ in the school's 70 anniversary.
A. exhibit B. exhibiting C. exhibition D. exhibitioner

68 | P a g e
14. Ho Chi Minh City plans to use the state budget funds to build ten more flyovers
A. methods B. routes C. systems D. sets
15. Wise families accept the _______________ of thinking, and support those who
have different ways of thinking.
A. same B. differences C. similarities D. agreements
16. Nowadays it is easy _______________ to the suburban areas by tram.
A. get B. getting C. gets D. to get
17. Used throughout the 19th century in _______________ classrooms, the slate has
been used for students to write the answers to the problems.
A. most of B. almost C. nearly all D. hardly ever
18. When President Barack Obama arrived in Viet Nam in July 2016, the former US
President Bill Clinton and George W. Bush _______________ here earlier.
A. would come B. had come C. come D. have come
19. Our country became totally _______________ in 1975 after decades of fighting
for freedom.
A. dependent B. independence C. independent D. depending
20. The metro will _______________ Ben Thanh Market in the central area to the
amusement park at Suoi Tien in District 9.
A. link B. go C. connect D. relate
21. As a member of the family, you are _______________ to receive moral support
and material assistance from other members, especially when you are in trouble.
A. refused by B. forced C astonished D. expected
22. In a traditional family, there were three _______________ grandparents, parents,
and children.
A. generations B. groups C. teams D. bands
23. As an old saying in Viet Nam, "Blood is thicker than water", the concept of blood
_______________ is always engraved in the mind of the Vietnamese.
A. joint B. relation C. relationship D. connection

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect tense, past simple tense or past
perfect tense.

69 | P a g e
24. When the waiter finally (arrive) _______________ with the food, the guest
(already leave) _______________ the restaurant.
25. I am sorry that our parents (have) _______________ very poor school facilities.
26. We cannot see Mr. Vinh. He (just park) _______________ in front of the
27. Everyone was glad that the government (decide) _______________ to invest more
in education.
28. The Browns (spend) _______________ two days in Hanoi before they (travel)
_______________ to Sa Pa last week.
29. Everyone (get) _______________ angry because he (leave) _______________
without saying anything.
30. Her bicycle wasn't there because someone (take) _______________ it without
asking her.
31. All of us are delighted that life in the countryside _______________ (improve)
32. Phuong Nhi (not call) _______________ us since she (move) _______________
to Ho Chi Minh City last month.
33. We _______________ (relieve) that we (do) _______________ well in the exam.
III. Supply the correct form of the words in CAPITAL LETTER to complete the
34. It is very _______________ to go around the city centre by bike. (PRACTICE)
35. They were _______________ to get a place in the kindergarten for their small girl
because they couldn't get the application form. (ROMANCE)
36. The boy was too _______________ to speak. He became breathless. (HOPE)
37. We have lived in an _______________ family for over twenty years. (EXTEND)
38. It is not _______________ to cook a lot of food for Tet because we can have
good food all year round. (NECESSITY)
39. The number of private cars on the roads has increased _______________ since
2010 (DRAMA).
40. All of us were _______________ to hear that he had passed the driving test at the
fourth attempt. (RELIEF)
41. In my opinion, a good doctor is always _______________ to his patients.
42. We are proud that our country has become one of the world largest rice
_______________ (EXPORT)
43. These are the most _______________ shoes I have ever worn. I like them very
much (COMFORT)

I. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

70 | P a g e
Today cities are bigger and noisier than cities from the past. They are also more
crowded and much polluted because more (46) _______________ lives in them. Cities
are less relaxed and less friendly than before. Everything (47) _______________ not
only in cities. In the past, people wrote hand-writer letters to their friends.
Today we use computers or laptops for writing or sending e-mails. In fact,
computers are much more used than some years ago. They are also less (48)
_______________ to buy and easier to use.
One of the games children used to play was (49) _______________. Today,
they play much more (50) _______________ and complex games such as Play Station
3. So, games are funnier and more expensive (51) _______________ yesterday games
(52) _______________ most children.
The way we cook has changed, too. In the past, we (53) _______________ cook
on a stove. Today, food is cooked in (54) _______________ microwave oven. Food is
also cheaper and more (55) _______________. So, some things are better than before
and some things are worse than before.
44. A. population B. humans C. citizens D. people
45. A. had changed B. changed C. changing D. has changed
46. A. expenditure B. expensive C. inexpensive D. expense
47. A. riding hourse B. horsing C. horseshoes D. fighting horse
48. A. sophisticate B. sophisticated C. sophisticating D. sophisticating
49. A. as B. so C. than D. like
50. A. according to B. due to C. apart from D. except for
51. A. used B. is used C. used to D. was used
52. A. the B. X C. some D. a
53. A. charming B. fresh C. tasteful D. delicious

II. Fill in the blank with ONE suitable word.

In many modern countries, people think (56) _______________ a family as a
mother, a father and their children. But this is not the (57) _______________ kind of
the family group. In some parts of the world, a family group has many (58)
_______________ members. This kind of large family is called an "extended family"
(59) _______________ a "joint family".
The joint family (60) _______________ all living relatives on either the
mother's or the father's side of the family. It (61) ________made up of grandparents,
parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and cousins. They live together in a large
house or in huts (62) _______________ close together.

71 | P a g e
Early people probably lived in joint families. They (63) _______________ to be
part of a large group in order to survive. The members of the group help (64)
_______________ other hunt. They work together to protect themselves (65)
_______________ dangerous animals and other enemies.
III. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each
From the 20th to the 21st century, there have been significant changes in the
majority of countries around the world. Substantial differences are evident between
the way we live today, and the way we lived a century ago. Vietnam is no exception
although there are some aspects of life in Vietnam that are similar to the way of life of
the twentieth century.
Living in Vietnam today differs greatly from the lifestyle of 100 years ago.
People in the past mainly worked in agriculture, whereas today there are significantly
fewer people working in this sector of the economy. These days, by comparison,
people are more likely to be employed in manufacturing and tourism than in the rice
fields. Moreover, Vietnam, which was traditionally agricultural, is transforming into
an entirely different country. While agriculture is still an important component of the
Vietnamese economy, other enterprises are accounting for an increasing amount of
economic activity.
However, along with the differences, similarities also exist. The Vietnamese
have kept many of characteristics of their forefathers. The Vietnamese people are as
friendly today as they were in the past. This is best illustrated in the way they welcome
foreigners. Moreover, the determination of the people of Vietnam has not changed.
The Vietnamese work collectively and happily towards the development of their
To conclude, while there are differences in past and present lifestyles, there are
important similarities. Although Vietnam has changed in many ways, there always
have been, and always will be, the friendly welcoming smiles of the Vietnamese
66. Nowadays, more people work in _______________
A. manufacturing and tourism B. agricultural section
C. foreign enterprises D. the rice fields
67. Vietnam has had significant changes _______________
A. in the 21" century B. for one hundred years
C. from the 20 century D . in the 20h century
68. All of the following are traditional features of the Vietnamese EXCEPT
A. the entirely different country B. the hospitality to strangers

72 | P a g e
C. the friendly welcoming smiles D. the determination to build the country
69. The word "collectively in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______________
A. as a group B. very common
C. the same as D. owned by a group
70. We can infer from the passage that _______________
A. the majority of population works in manufacturing
B. Vietnam has kept the same lifestyles
C. a lot of people work in agriculture
D. many people work in accounting
I. Complete the conversation about traditional games, using the responses (A-E)
given. There are two extra ones.
A. Hey, and these pictures were taken in 1985
B. Right! The photos explain a lot about our school in the past.
C. Yes, I can't imagine how those students could study in such poor conditions!
D. I think that was during the war so it was necessary to have the trenches right there.
E. But, I'm not sure our grades are better

Duong: Can you believe it's the school's 60 anniversary?

Phuc: I know! I really like the photo exhibition. It's fascinating to see how the school
used to look.
Duong:(71) _______________.
Tom: Look these two pictures were taken in 1970.
Phuc: Wow, that long ago? The school looks more like thatched houses with
paddy fields all around. You can see there were only a few classrooms
and the walls were made of mud and straw and, look trenches!
Duong: (72) _______________.
Tom: Ha... the students in this picture are wearing rubber sandals and straw hats.
Nhi: (73) _______________. Look at the broken tiled roof and wooden
window frames... and some of them are missing.
Duong: (74) _______________.
Phuc Right! Things have improved considerably now. We have everything...
comfortable classrooms, learning facilities like computer rooms...
Nhi: Yeah, we also have nice uniforms and proper shoes. We're much luckier
these days... (75) _______________.


73 | P a g e
I. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one,
using structure "It be + adjective+ (for/of sbd) + to-infinitive."
76. Supporting the victims after the disaster was kind of them.


77. Valuing the improved living conditions we have today is necessary.


78. Crossing the road without looking left and right was stupid of you.


79. Going into the lift alone is dangerous.


80. Following the instructions carefully is important for all of us.


81. Being able to build the country into a powerful one is possible.


82. Speaking English with the foreigners is confident.


83. Showing us the way to the train station was kind of them.


84. Using a long stick to get some fruits was very clever of him.


85. Finding a parking space in the city centre is not easy for you.

II. Complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms.
You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
86. The conversation/take/place/the school's 60th anniversary

74 | P a g e

87. Our grandparents/use/live/an extended family.


88. Because/it/explain/ a lot about how the school/be/ in the past.


89. The roof/ made of tiles/some tiles/broken/ The window frames/ made of wood/
some of them / missing.


90. They/ learn that they/ lucky/have/ such great learning facilities/ nowadays.


91. My mother/ sympathetic woman./She always /care/ how/ we feel.


92. The boys/willing/do/what you want to./They/ really obedient.


93. Having students/work/groups/she hoped/they could learn/ be cooperative.


94. She/ tolerant/her children/ even when they misbehave.


95. Nowadays/ the nuclear family/ becoming more common/ the cities.



75 | P a g e

76 | P a g e


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. present B. special C. preserve D. together
2. A. break B. great C. leak D. take
3. A. moved B. missed C. liked D. watched
4. A. end B. sand C. send D. many
5. A. rubber B. struggle C. stuck D. pressure


77 | P a g e
II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.
6. A. believe B. explain C. exhibition D. imagine
7. A. unusual B. fascinating C. dramatically D. considerable
8. A. pagoda B. religious C. sight-seeing D. including
9. A. mountain B. temple C. limit D. suggest
10. A. grandfather B. grandfather C. actually D. suppose


I. Use the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences.
11. Kids in my days did a lot of physical _______________ in the fresh air. (ACT)
12. In fact, there was only one classroom for 15 students of _______________ ages,
both boys and girls, and one teacher who taught everything. (DIFFER)
13. Perfume Pagoda is a _______________ site as well as being a great sight-seeing
spot in Viet Nam. (RELIGION)
14. Ha Long Bay is one of the most _______________ in natural wonders you will
ever see. (EXTRA)
15. With its rich history and _______________ setting, Ha Long Bay is the perfect
destination for any tourist. (PICTURE)
16. She said that _______________ used to be arranged by parents in her village.
17. Thirty years ago, only _______________ people in the city had the television.
18. We used to _______________ of our home village when we lived overseas.
19. Many children in our village are still _______________. They can't read or write.
20. We usually _______________ ourselves by playing hide-and-seek or flying kites.
II. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence or replace the
underlined words.
21. The children in my home village used to go _______________ even in winter.
Now they all have shoes.
A. on foot B. bare-foot C. playing around D. alone

78 | P a g e
12. We can learn how _______________ Banh Chung at Tet.
A. make B. made bide C. making D. to make
22. Men used _______________ the breadwinner of the family.
A. be B. to be C. to being D. being
23. Should we try to _______________ every custom or tradition which is in danger
of dying out?
A. preserve B. act out C. entertain D. ignore
24. At night they used to entertain _______________ by telling and acting out stories.
A. them B. their C. themselves D. their
25. Every nation has respect for their long-preserved _______________
A. behaviors B. practices C. nations D. traditions
26. Giving lucky money to the young and the old at Tet is a common
_______________ in many Asian countries.
A. behavior B. practice C. tradition D. activity
27. She used to live in an old house _______________ in the 19th century.
A. to build B. built C. building D. build
28. I wish people in the world _______________ conflicts and lived in peace.
A. don't have B. doesn't have C. didn't have D. had
29. I have told you many times _______________ the door open.
A. not leave B. not to leave C. to not leave D. not leaving
30. I wish my friends spent less time _______________ computer games and more
time outdoors.
A. play B. to play C. playing D. played
31. The farmers in my home village _______________ rice' home on trucks. They
used buffalo-driven carts.
A. used to transport B. used to be transported
C. didn't use to transport D. are used to transporting
32. A _______________ is used to make the sound much louder so that many people
can hear it from a distance.

79 | P a g e
A. loudspeaker B. radio C. television D. mouse
33. This machine _______________ cleaned before it is used.
A. can B. must C. must be D. be
34. A _______________ is a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be
defended from attack.
A. fortress B. cathedral C. temple D. pagoda
35. He suggested _______________.
A. that she takes part in the trip with them.
B. that she taking part in the trip with them.
C. that she take part in the trip with them.
D. that she took part in the trip with them.
36. Before the 1990s, trams _______________ a popular means of transport in Hanoi.
A. were B. had been C. are D. have been
37. I am very glad _______________ my old classmate again.
A. seeing B. saw C. to seeing D. to see
38. I'm travelling around Vietnam next week. Can you _______________ a good
place to visit?
A. introduce B. recommend C. talk D. guess
39. A _______________ is a cave that is big enough for humans to go inside.
A. cavern B. bay C. fortress D. pagoda
III. Give the correct forms of the verbs.
40. She wishes her parents (not make) _______________ her to study hard.
41. He suggested (have) _______________ dinner early because they (be)
_______________ hungry.
42. Ha Long is known (recognize) _______________ as a World Heritage Site by
UNESCO in 1994.
43. It (believe) _______________ that the best time to visit the complex of Hue
Monuments is in April.
44. Before the invention of television, people only (see) _______________ films at
the cinema.

80 | P a g e
45. King Duc Duc (rule) _______________ our country for only three days before he
was (overthrow) _______________.
46. My father used to (smoke) _______________a lot when he was young.
47. We are very happy (receive) _______________ your letters.

I. Complete the passage by filling each blank with a suitable word.
Nha Trang Beach City is a (49) _______________ city and capital of Khanh
Hoa Province, on the South-Central Coast of Vietnam. It (50) _______________
bounded on the north by Ninh Hoa district, (51) _______________ the south by Cam
Ranh town and on the west by Dien Khanh District.
Nha Trang beach city is well known (52) _______________ its pristine beaches
and excellent scuba diving and is fast becoming a popular (53) _______________ for
international tourists, attracting large (54) _______________ of backpackers as well
as more affluent travelers on the Southeast Asia circuit. It is already very popular (55)
_______________ Vietnamese tourists. Nha Trang Bay is (56) _______________
considered to be among the world's most beautiful bays. Tourists are welcome to (57)
in the Sea Festival, held biennially. Nha Trang was the site of the (58)
_______________ Universe 2008 Pageant on July 14, 2008 and it also hosted Miss
World 2010.
II. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
In the past, both men and women were expected to be married at quite young
ages. Marriages were generally arranged by parents and family, with their children
having little chance to say no in the matter. In the past it was not surprising to find that
a bride and groom had only just met on the day of their engagement or marriage.
In modern Vietnam, this has changed completely as people choose their own
marriage-partners based on love, and in consideration primarily to their own needs and
wants. Moreover, early marriage is quite illegal.
The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important of traditional
Vietnamese occasions. Regardless of westernization, many of the age-old customs
practiced in a traditional Vietnamese wedding continue to be celebrated by both
Vietnamese in Vietnam and overseas, often combining both western and eastern
elements. Besides the wedding ceremony, there is also an engagement ceremony

81 | P a g e
which takes place usually half a year or so before the wedding. Due to the spiritual
nature of the occasion, the date and time of the marriage ceremony are decided in
advance by a fortune teller. The traditional Vietnamese wedding consists of an
extensive array of ceremonies: the first is the ceremony to ask permission to receive
the bride, the second is the procession to receive the bride along with the ancestor
ceremony at her house), the third is to bring the bride to the groom's house for another
ancestor ceremony and to welcome her into the family, then the last is a wedding
banquet. The number of guests in attendance at these banquets is huge, usually in the
hundreds. Several special dishes are served. Guests are expected to bring gifts, often
money, which the groom and bride at one point in the banquet will go from table to
table collecting.
59. In the past, _______________.
A. Vietnamese couples were free to make a decision on the marriage
B. getting married at an early age was not allowed
C. Vietnamese marriage was decided by parents and family
D. parents had no right to interfere their children's marriage
60. In former days, the fact that a bride and groom had only first met just on the day of
their engagement or marriage was _______________.
A. surprising B. popular C. uncommon D. strange
61. Which sentence refers to Vietnamese modern marriage?
A. Most young people do not have their marriage based on love.
B. All marriages are arranged by parents and family.
C. Marriage is quite westernized.
D. According to the laws, early marriage is quite illegal.
62. According to the passage, _______________.
A. oversea Vietnamese people do not like to organize a traditional wedding
B. there is an engagement ceremony which takes place usually half a year or so
before the wedding
C. many of the age-old customs practiced in a traditional Vietnamese wedding
do not exist nowadays
D. Vietnamese people never ask a fortune teller the date and time of the
marriage ceremony

82 | P a g e
63. Which does not exist in a Vietnamese wedding party?
A. firecrackers B. guests C. dishes D. gifts
III. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer.
The London Underground, (64) _______________ the Tube, is the popular
public transportation system of London. The concept for the London Underground
was first (65) _______________ bed in the 1830s, by a lawyer called Charles Pearson.
(66) _______________ not until 1863 was the first section of the Underground built,
and opened to the public. On its (67) _______________ day, it transported 38,000
passengers, and within the first year it had been used by 9.5 million passengers.
The system has been improved (68) _______________ over the past century, and now
It includes twelve lines serving Greater London, operating from 5.00 am through to
1.00 am, Monday to Saturday. On Sundays, it operates a (69) _______________
service. For the passengers' convenience, the system is also interconnected (70)
_______________ the over ground train network, which links to other parts of the
country outside London.
To enable passengers (71) _______________ around easily, London
Underground maps are distributed freely at all stations. Along with a plan of the Tube
system, the free maps contain useful tips for safe (72) _______________ efficient
travelling. The map itself is a design classic, with the various lines indicated in
different colors, and clearly indicated junctions (73) _______________ the stations
where passengers can change between lines.
64. A. and B. or C. but D. by
65. A. proposed B. initiated C. suggested D. recommended
66. A. Consequently B. Therefore C. However D. Hence
67. A. closing B. opening C. dating D. ending
68. A. dramatically B. romantically C. greatly D. mainly
69. A. reduce B. reduced C. reducing D. reduces
70. A. to B. in C. with D. on
71. A. getting B. to get C. gets D. get
72. A. and B. or C. not D. show
73. A. shows B. shown C. to shown D. showing


83 | P a g e
I. Complete the following conversation, using the responses (A-K) given. There
are two extra ones.
A. Wow, that long ago?
B. I know!
C. Things have improved considerably now.
D. How cool!
E. Hey.
F. I'm not sure our grades are better...
G. I'm not sure.
H. I think.
I. Right!
K. Yes, I can't imagine.

Duong: Can you believe it's the school's 60th anniversary?

Phuc: (74) _______________ I really like the photo exhibition. It's fascinating to see
how the school used to look.
Duong: (75) _______________ The photos explain a lot about our school in the past.
Tom: (76) _______________ Look - these two pictures were taken in 1970.
Phuc: The school looks more like thatched houses with paddy fields all around. You
can see there were only a few classrooms and the walls were made of mud and straw
and, look - trenches!
Duong: (77) _______________ that was during the war so it was necessary to have
the trenches right there.
Tom: Ha... the students in this picture are wearing rubber sandals and straw hats.
Nhi: (78) _______________ and these pictures were taken in 1985. Look at the
broken tiled roof and wooden window frames... and some of them are missing.
Duong: (79) _______________ how those students could study in such poor

84 | P a g e
Phuc: Right! (80) _______________ We have everything... comfortable classrooms,
learning facilities like computer rooms...
Nhi: Yeah, we also have nice uniforms and proper shoes. We're much luckier these
days... But, (81) _______________.

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
82. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
It __________________________________________________________________
83. They rumored that the man was still living.
That man ____________________________________________________________
84. They reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.
The president _________________________________________________________
85. I don't have enough money to buy that car.
I wish _______________________________________________________________
86. He often drank a lot when he was young, but now he doesn't.
He used ______________________________________________________________
87. "Why don't we go out for a drink after work?" said he.
He suggested __________________________________________________________
88. She has the habit of getting up late on the weekend.
She is ________________________________________________________________
89. "Why don't you ask Mr. Pike for his help, Mary?" said he.
He suggested that ______________________________________________________
90. It is necessary that you obey the regulation.
It is necessary for ______________________________________________________
91. She worked for a national bank and then she applied for a new job.
Before _______________________________________________________________


85 | P a g e
II. Complete sentences, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms.
You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
92. We/relieve that/we/do/good/in/exam/
93. I/sorry/that/our parents/used/have/poor/school/facilities/that time.
94. Everyone/was/glad/that/government/decide/invest/much/education/
96. All of us/are/delighted/that/life/countryside/improve/considerably.
97. It was/kind/them/support/victims/after/disaster.
98. She/be confident/Viet Nam/have/good/potential/tourism/


86 | P a g e
I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Food in Northern Vietnam is not as __________ as that in Central and Southern
Vietnam, as black pepper is often used rather than chillies.
A. strong B. flavour C. spicy D. exciting
2. Despite the difference in cuisine of each region, there are similarities, such as the
__________ for the main meals – rice, ways of adding fish sauce, herbs and other
A. basic B. staple C. foundation D. necessity
3. A meal of Hue people has a natural combination between flavours and colour of
dishes, which creates the unique _________ in the regional cuisine.
A. feature B. part C. description D. list
4. __________ of famous dishes in southern Vietnam are Hu Tieu Nam Vang, Bun
Mam, fried rice, flour cake, and many kinds of pudding.

87 | P a g e
A. Any B. A C. One D. Some
5. If I feel hungry in the afternoon, I _________ snacks like fresh carrots, a bottle of
milk or a slice of bread.
A. would have B. had C. might have D. had had
6. My father _________ hot pot, in which there is a combination of seasoned broth,
vegetables and meats if my mother goes home late this evening.
A. will cook B. would cook C. cooks D. cooked
7. If people work so much, they__________ depressed and eat more food containing
a lot of fat and sugar rather than minerals and vitamins.
A. may feel B. could feel C. felt D. may have felt
8. Beet greens are the most _________ part of the vegetable and can be cooked like
any other dark leafy green.
A. careful B nutritious C. traditional D. colourful
9. You _________ chicken. It means that you cook it in an over or over a fire without
A. roast B. steam C. fry D. boil
10. Such ingredients as sugar, sugarcane, and coconut water are mostly used in
southern Vietnamese food than in _________ places in Northern and Central Vietnam.
A. an B. any C. some D. a

II. Complete the following sentences with a, an, some or any.

11. There aren’t _________ good restaurants in this town.
12. Don’t worry about lunch. I’ve bought _________ pizzas.
13. We’d like to stay longer, but we don’t have _______ time.
14. Could you give me _________ information please?
15. I’m really hungry now. Can you give me _________ apple?
III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following text.
Good cooking is always strange (16. MIX) _________ of science and art.
Certainly, you also have to be fairly creative if you want to come up with your own
recipes. All cooking also demands a fair amount of (17. PREPARE) _________, and
this is doubly true when you’re producing original dishes. You also have to be thick-
skinned. You’ll be (18. SURPRISE) _________ by how honest people can be when it
comes to food. I’ve had people tell me my latest dish is (19. DIGUST) _________ and
thoroughly incredible! Sometimes, they were right! But don’t get upset. Just smile
sweetly and thank them for their valuable opinion. And never forget that when you’re

88 | P a g e
waiting (20. ANXIOUS) _________ to hear whether or not your ‘masterpiece’ is a
success and they suddenly show their appreciation you’ll realize it was all worth it.
IV. Read the text below and write one word in each blank to complete it.
In a modern dairy, the milking of cows is carried out by machines. Cows are
usually milked twice a (21) _________ by a milking machine. The warm milk from
cow is collected in a large vat where it is cooled. The milk is then (22) _________ to
another part of the dairy for processing.
Fresh milk is converted to pasteurized milk and cream in the processing section
of the dairy. A number of machines are used to process the milk. Three of the most
(23) _________ machines used to process milk are the separator, the pasteurizer and
the homogenizer.
The separator removes the cream from milk. Milk without cream is known as
skimmed milk. Skimmed milk is drunk by people who want to (24) ___________ the
fat content in their diet. The pasteurizer serves to heat the milk to a certain temperature
so as to destroy any bacteria that it may contain. It is not safe to drink milk that has not
been pasteurized. Cream and milk are blended in the homogenized to produce full-
cream milk. The milk is then cooked and (25) _________. The bottle are stored in a
cool place before they are delivered to shops and home.
V. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True or False
A cacao tree is about seven meters high and is covered with large leaves. Up to
6,000 small pink or white flowers appear on a tree every year. Only a few of those
flowers produce a pod. Each pod is about 15 to 20 centimetres long and contains from
20 to 50 beans. A tree produces only about 20 to 40 pods a year.
People gather these pods, break them open with large knives, take out the beans,
and dry them. After a few days, the beans are cleaned, roasted, and ground into tiny
piece. The natural fat in the beans become a liquid. Chocolate is made from this liquid.
Today the largest suppliers of chocolate are Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and
Brazil. Ghana got its first cacao tree from Fernando Po, a Spanish colony off the coast
of Africa. A Ghanaian who was working on Fernando Po in 1879 took a cacao pod
home and planted it. It grew into a tree. Other people slowly started growing cacao
trees. Before this, there were wars in the region for decades. When people started
growing cacao trees, they stopped fighting. In this way, chocolate brought peace to the
Africans there.
A tropical with an Indian name brought peace to West Africa. Chocolate brings
pleasure to all of us when we eat and drink this delicious food.
26. ________ A cacao tree is about seven meters high and covered with large pink
and white leaves.


89 | P a g e
27. _________ Each year, a cacao tree has 6,000 flowers which produce a pod of
about 15 to 20 centimetres long and contains from 20 to 50 beans.
28. ________ Chocolate is made from the liquid which are the natural fat in the beans
taken from the cacao flower pods
29. ________ People in Ghana started planting cacao in 1879 and cacao tree help
them stop fighting.
30. ________ We can feel happy and comfortable when we eat and drink chocolate.
VI. Read the following text and answer the question below.
Isn’t it amazing how much time we spend talking about food? “Have you ever
eaten …?” “What did you have for lunch?” and so on. And when you travel from one
country to another, you find that people have quite different feelings about food.
People often feel that what they eat is normal, and that what other people eat is strange
or silly.
In most parts of Asia, for example, no meal is complete without rice. In
England, people eat potatoes every day. In the Middle East, bread is the main part of
every meal. Eating, like so many things we do, becomes a habit which is difficult to
change. Americans like to drink a lot of oranges juice and coffee. The English drink
tea four or five times every day. Australians drink large amount of beer and the French
drink wine every day.
The sort of meat people like to eat also differs from one country to another.
Horse meat is thought to be delicious in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy
eating snakes. New Zealanders eat sheep, but they never eat goat meat. The Japanese
don’t like to eat sheep meat because of its smell, but they enjoy raw fish.
So it seems that although eating is a topic that we can talk about for hours, there
is very little common sense in what we say about it. People everywhere enjoy eating
what they have always been eating, and there is very little we can do to change our
eating habits.
31. What does the writer think of people opinions about food?


32. What do people in many Asian countries almost always have in their meals?


33. Where do people prefer tea to other drinks?


34. Why don’t people in Japan like to eat sheep meat?

90 | P a g e

35. What is the text mainly about?


VII. Use the given words to write the complete sentences.

36. There/ nothing more appetizing/ smell of meat over an open fire.


37. Some people/ eat barbecue/ because/ it/ let/ together with friends or family/ make/
feel more sociable.


38. People often/ barbecue/ national holidays/ special occasions/ birthday/ family


39. In the USA, it/ tradition/ have a barbecue/ hamburgers and hot dogs/ Independence
Day, July 4th.


40. If you/ chance to visit/ different places/ worlds, you/ try/ local specialties.


41. There/ any good restaurant/ that town/ we/ decide/ take/ sandwiches for the trip.


42. We’d like/ stay longer/ try local dishes, but we/ not have/ time.


43. We’d like/ stay longer/ try local dishes, but we/ not have/ time.



91 | P a g e
44. He/ learn to become/ good cook/ big restaurant and hotels/ if he/ try/hard.


45. We/ have/ fish? This restaurant/ most famous for it/ this town.


46. If she/ like/ eat spicy food/ she/ add chilli.


VIII. Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same
47. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.

If you _____________________________________________________________

48. I suggest having some spaghetti and pizza tonight.

Why don’t __________________________________________________________

49. My aunt has never tasted sushi before.

This is _____________________________________________________________

50. Eating healthy food is very important.

It is _______________________________________________________________

51. Do more exercise or you can’t lose any weight.

If ___________________________________________________________________

92 | P a g e


93 | P a g e
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the others in each group.
1. A. exotic B. explain C. explore D. excuse
2. A. bank B. travel C. delay D. magnificent
3. A. lag B. safari C. package D. stalagmite
4. A. decision B. erode C. checkout D. exotic
5. A. resort B. season C. excursion D. reasonable
II. Use the words given in the box to complete the following sentences.
low season jet lag stopover luggage reasonable
expedition package tour check-in boarding pass inaccessible
6. Beijing works best as a ________ on journeys to Sydney and Melbourne.

94 | P a g e
7. At this time, it may not be easy to find accommodation with ________ prices.
8. We bought a cheap ________ to Spain and stayed in a big hotel by the sea.
9. We should arrive at the airport before ________ time.
10. She must have a ________ to be allowed to get on an aircraft or a ship.
11. The live in a remote area which is ________ except by horse.
12. I’m still suffering from ________ after my trip to Australia.
13. Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of ________.
14. It is ________ in Cornwall, and hotels have dropped their prices.
15. We are not very forward with our preparations for our Arctic ________ next year.
III. Complete the following sentences with a/ an/ the or ∅ (no article).
16. A: Where are you going this summer?
B: Well, we want to go to _____ island in _____ Greece.
A: That’s fantastic. Which one?
B: We want to go to _____ island of Corfu.
A: It’s _____ beautiful island.
17. A: I eat _____ apple and _____ banana every day.
B: Why do you do that?
A: Don’t you know that _____ apple a day keeps _____ doctor away.
B: What about _____ banana then?
A: Well, I don’t know but I love _____ bananas.

IV. Complete the following sentences with a/ an/ the or ∅ (no article).
18. Jason’s father bought him _____ bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
19. _____ Statue of Liberty was _____ gift of friendship from _____ France to _____
United States.
20. Rita is studying _____ English and _____ Math this semester.
21. _____ judge asked _____ witness to tell _____ truth.
22. Please give me _____ cup of coffee with _____ cream and _____ sugar.
23. _____ big books on _____ table are for my history class.
24. No one in _____ Spanish class knew _____ correct answer to _____ Mrs. Brown’s
25. _____ my car is four years old, and it still runs well.


95 | P a g e
26. When you go to _____ store, please buy _____ bottle of _____ chocolate milk and
_____ dozen oranges.
27. There are only _____ few seats left for _____ tonight’s musical show at _____
V. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
28. British cavers have made some important __________ about Son Doong Cave.
29. Passengers should arrive at check-in at least two hours before __________.
30. They were the first __________ to cross the country from south to north.
31. The island offers such a wide __________ of scenery and wildlife. (VARY)
32. He had always wanted an __________ life in the tropics. (ADVENTURE)
33. During 1984, Remington spent a lot of money on advertising and __________.
34. Upon __________, our driver will pick you up at the airport then drive to Son Tra
Peninsula and enjoy the whole beach city. (ARRIVE)
35. A survey showed people were __________ about what they should eat to stay
healthy. (CONFUSE)
36. It’s a __________ job but I’m sure you’ll prove equal to it. (CHALLENGE)
More and more foreigners like travelling to Vietnam for holiday because things are
__________ here. (AFFORD)

96 | P a g e

I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
1. English is such (an/a) …. language that learning it well brings students great
advantages. (nation)
2. In the first place, because English I often included in learning programs, a
good……… of it helps to meet a compulsory requirement in many schools and
3. Another benefit of learning English lies in exploding more subjects and


97 | P a g e
4. There are a huge number of materials written in English, so this language……..
me to gain further knowledge about all aspects of life. (able)
5. English guarantees a high-paid job since most companies prefer employee with
English ability to…………..with foreigners when necessary. (communication)
6. I like learning English because it is very necessary for my study, my knowledge
and……………….. opportunity.(employ)
7. …………………….. in French and German is required for this job. (fluent)
8. Please……….. the instructions so that the children can understand them.(simple)
9. The house was built in………………… of a Roman villa. (imitate)
10. He resigned his job for a ……………………………… of reason. (vary)
II. Complete the conditional sentences by putting the verbs into the correct form.
11. If we (have)……………………… a yacht, we (sail)……………..the seven seas
12. If he (have)……………………..more time, he (learn)……………………..karate.
13. If they (tell)……………………..their father, he (be)………………very angry
14. She (spend)…………a year in the USA if it (be) ……. easier to get a green card.
15. If I (live)………… on a lonely island, I (run)…………….. around naked all day.
16. We (help)…………………… you if we (know)……………………….how.
17. My brother (buy)……………. a sport car if he (have)………….the money.
18. If I (feel)…………….. better, I (go)………………to the cinema with you.
19. If you (go)………………by bike more often, you (be/not)………… so flabby.
20. She (not/talk)……………….. to you if she (be)…………. mad at you.

III. Rewrite the following sentences using the second conditional.

21. I can’t swim so I’m not going scuba diving with Jack.


22. We’re not going to order a pizza because we don’t have enough money.


23. We’re not staying in the same hotel, so we can’t share a room.


24. I’m not you, but I think you should call Anthony right now!

98 | P a g e

25. I can’t come because I have to help my dad with something.


26. I don’t go to bed as late as you so I’m able to get up early in the morning.


27. I don’t live alone so I don’t get lonely.


28. John’s got such a lot of homework that he’s not going to play football tonight.


29. She can’t buy the dictionary because she doesn’t have enough money.


30. I don’t speak English, so I can’t communicate with some tourists from England.


IV. Decide which is the correct relative pronoun for the following sentence.

31. The Minister, (which/ who) was appointed just last week, made no comment on
the situation
32. Isn’t that the spot (which/ where) these accidents happened last night?
33. The human brain, (which/who) weighs about 1400 grams, is ten times the size of
34. There are several reason (which/why) I don’t want to see Michael tonight.
35. The new girl in our class (who’s/ whose) name is Alexandra, seem really nice.
36. The Titanic, (which/ that) people said was unsinkable, sank on her maiden voyage
37. April 1st. (which/when) we play tricks on people is known as April Fools’Day.

99 | P a g e
38. Harry Hill, (who/ whose) new series starts next week, is one of my favourite
39. All people to (whom/ who) the e-mail was sent replied.
40. Blackpool Tower, (which/that) was modeled on the Eiffel Tower, is a very well-
V. Use relative clauses to combine the following pairs of sentences.
41. My father lives in a small house full of ornaments. This makes it difficult to leave.

My father……………………………………………………………………………

42. Some students take a year out before university. This allows them to work or

Some students……………………………………………………………………………

43. The Guggenheim Museum is in Bilbao. It only displays contemporary art.

The Guggenheim Museum……………………………………………………………..

44. My English teacher is leaving. His lectures are very interesting.

My English teacher…………………………………………………………………

45. The lecture was about current economic policy. It was not easy to understand.

The lecture…………………………………………………………………………….

46. In 1990 my parents arrived in New York. They stayed there for the rest of their

My parents arrived in New York………………………………………………………

47. I gave my assignment to the faculty secretary. She was not very friendly.

I am going to…………………………………………………………………………….

48. English has become a global language. I am going to major in it.

I am going to…………………………………………………………………………….

49. My nephew’s English is fluent. He is studying in an English immersion school.

My nephew……………………………………………………………………………..

100 | P a g e
50. I have never been to Apollo English Centre. Many other students learn English

I have never…………………………………………………………………………….


101 | P a g e

102 | P a g e

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the others in each group.

A. finished B. developed C. defeated D. looked

A. hesitate B. reserve C. physics D. basic

A. whistle B. little C. gentle D. battle

A. malaria B. eradicate C. character D. spectacular

A. hotel B. post C. local D. prominent

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that
of the others in each group.
A. bamboo B. forget C. deserve D. channel

A. endanger B. furniture C. determine D. departure

A. employer B. reunite C. understand D. recommend

A. administrative B. productivity C. electricity D. opportunity

A. listen B. promise C. picture D. accept



103 | P a g e
I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
11. The area has good natural ___________ . (DRAIN)
12. How many __________ metres of water are needed to fill the tank? (CUBE)
13. She is a designer of extraordinary ___________. (VERSATILE)
14. Critics said the government’s policy was ____________. (AFFORD)
15. She experienced a ____________ mixture of emotions. (CONFUSE)
16. My ideas needed more careful ______________. (EXPLORE)
17. There are __________ ways of doing this. (VARY)
18. She works as a____________ secretary for an insurance company.
19. The new airport is now fully ____________. (OPERATE)
20. They always pay ___________. (PUNCTUAL)
II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
21. The country was chopped up ______ small administrative area.
A. into B. to C. between D. from
22. She said ______ or nothing about her experience.
A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
23. I’ll only stay if you ________ me more money.
A. will offer B. offers C. to offer D. offer
24. There was _____ accident here yesterday. _____ car hit a tree and _____ driver
was killed.
A. an/The/the B. an/A/the C. the/A/a D. the/A/the
25. The train ____ goes to Madrid leaves from platform 2.
A. where B. who C. which D. whose
26. Don’t eat so ______ chocolate or you will get fat
A. many B. some C. much D. any
27. I will go to the cinema if I _________ well in my English test.
A. will do B. doing C. do D. did
28. The Browns live in a house. _______ house is very old.
A. A B. The C. x D. The a
29. She ______ a year in the USA if it _______ easier to get a green card.

104 | P a g e
A. Would spend / was B. will spent / would be
C. spent / would be D. would spent / be
30. Here is the newspaper _______ is in my room.
A. which B. where C. who D. whose
31. He is very rich. There is _____ money in his wallet.
A. some B. many C. any D. much
32. What ________ if you don’t do well in the test?
A. will happen B. happened C. happens D. is happen
33. Which is _____ largest desert in the world?
A. a B. an C. the D. x
34. My brother_____ a sports car if he _____ the money.
A. bought / would have B. would buy / had
C. would bought / have D. bought / would had
35. This is the school ______ I learned English.
A. that B. who C. where D. which
III. Use the correct form of words given in the box to complete the following
sentences. You don’t need to use all of them.
sprinkle imitate erode whisk steam pick up
spread dip get by in grill operate promote
36. He__________ the brush into the paint.
37. Please ___________ the sausages for ten minutes. Turning occasionally.
38. The company is __________ ahead with its investment programme.
39. The cliff face has been steadily ___________ by the sea.
40. Bonus payments to staff serve _____________ commitment to the company.
41. The sheets and pillows were ____________with lavender water.
42. Lightly ___________ the eggs and then add them to the mixture.
43. I can just about _____________ German.
44. She knew that the girls used to __________ her and laugh at her behind her back.
45. Solar panels can only _____________ in sunlight
I. Read the text bellow and write one word in each blank to complete it.

105 | P a g e
Korean diet uses (46) ___________ grains and vegetables which add fibre and
protein from (47) _____________ vegetables (bean curd, beansprouts, bean paste, soy
sauce) and meat. Korean food (48) _____________ moderate calories, low fat and
sweet taste- very healthy and well- balanced. Korean food (49) ______________
usually spicy. Tradition Korean meals are noted (50) __________ the number of side
dishes (banchan) that accompany steam-cocked short-grain rice. The (51)
___________ prominent dish is “Kimchi” as it is the must-have dish in every meal. It
is (52) _______________ by fermenting cabbage, red peppers, onions, garlic (53)
________________ others spices. Frequently eaten as an accompaniment to the main
(54) __________, it is common ingredient in many other dishes as well. There are
about hundreds of kinds of Kimchi; there is (55)___________ a Kimchi museum in
II. Read the following text and answer the question bellow.
People often call English the international language of business, and it is increasingly
true as international trade expands every year, bringing new countries into contact.
Many of the best MBA programs are taught in English, so speaking it well can enable
you to get the best training and credentials. Most multinational companies require a
certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees; so, to get a position in
a top company, more and more people are learning English.
If your ambitions lie in science or medicine, you can’t neglect English either. Much
of the technical terminology is based on English words, and if you want to learn about
the latest developments and discoveries from around the world, you’ll read about them
in journals and research reports published in English, no matter whether the scientists
who wrote them are from China or Norway. And, of course, with good conversational
English, you’ll be able to network and make important contacts at conferences and
English also opens doors in the academic world. Of course, if the best program
in your field is in an English-speaking country, English will give you the opportunity
to study with the top scholars. Western universities are attracting more and more
visiting scholars, students and professors from all around the world, and their common
working language is English. As well as studying and teaching, attending international
conferences and publishing in foreign journals are some of the key steps to success in
academia. To speak at these conferences or publish in these journals, excellent English
is essential.
56. According to the passage, what are the reasons why more people are learning
57. What do most multinational companies require from the employees?

106 | P a g e
58. Why is English important when your ambitions lie in science or medicine?
59. What will good conversational English help you?
60. Why is English essential when studying in Western universities?

III. Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each numbered
The first written record of pasta comes from the Talmud in the 5 th century AD
and refers to dried pasta that could be cooked through boiling, which was conveniently
portable. Some historians think that Arabs introduced pasta to Europe (61)
__________ a conquest of Sicily. In the West, it may have first been worked into long,
thin forms in Sicily (62) __________ the 12th century, as the Tabula Rogeriana of
Muhammad Al-Idrisi attested, reporting some traditions about the Sicilian kingdom.
The popularity of spaghetti spread throughout Italy after the establishment of
spaghetti factories in the 19th century, (63) ___ the mass production of spaghetti for the
Italian market.
In the United States around the end of the 19h century, (64) __________ was
offered in restaurants as Spaghetti Italienne (which likely consisted of noodles cooked
past al dente, and a mild tomato sauce flavoured with (65)___ found spices and
vegetables such as cloves, bay leaves and garlic) and it was not until decades later that
it came to be commonly prepared with oregano or basil.
61. A. from B. to C. between D. during

62. A. near B. at C. around D. towards

63. A. letting B. enabling C. giving D. making

64. A. spaghetti B. pasta C. bread D. sausage

65. A. comfortably B. hardly C. easily D. unforgettably

I. Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.

107 | P a g e
66. I can’t meet my girlfriend because I have to study.

If I didn’t ____________________________________________________________

67. I won’t enjoy the film if you aren’t with me.

Unless you _________________________________________________________

68. A monk is a man. The man has devoted his life to God.

A monk ____________________________________________________________

69. A herbivore is an animal. The animal feeds upon vegetation.

A herbivore _________________________________________________________

70. Sydney is the largest Australian city. It is not the capital of Australia.

Sydney ____________________________________________________________

II. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word(s) given so that its
meaning stays the same.
71. If lectures are boring, students will not want to attend (OTHERWISE)


72. If you include all the correct references you will not be plagiarizing. (PROVIDED


73. If you have already answered the first question, you can do the second question.


74. She will graduate next year if she passes all her course. (SUPPOSING)


75. Don’t take this course if you are not ready to study statistics. (UNLESS)


108 | P a g e
III. Use the given words to write the complete sentences.
76. you/ know/ what/ go on/ if/ you/listen.


77. They/ be here/ by now/ if/ they/ catch/ early train.


78. People/ who/ call/ yesterday/ want/ buy/ house.


79. It/ house/ whose/ door/ paint/ red.


80. Your claim/ ought to/ succeed/,/ which case/ damage/ be/ substantial.




109 | P a g e
110 | P a g e

I. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of
the others in each group.
1. A. profession B. altitude C. impressive D. extremely
2. A. orbit B. mission C. spacewalk D. trainee
3. A. astronomic B. emergency C. experiment D. collaborate
4. A. activity B. parabolic C. observatory D. historical
5. A. surface B. approach C. descend D. explore
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the others in each group.
6. A. astronomer B. astrology C. astronaut D. astronomy
7. A. cooperate B. rocket C. telescope D. micro-gravity
8. A. universe B. mission C. rinseless D. space
9. A. stuff B. scuba C. include D. blue
10. A. emergency B. together C. galaxy D. gravity
III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
11. The first………...was done by Alexei Lenovo, a Russia cosmonaut on March 18 th,
1965. It was 10 minutes long.
A. spaceward B. spacesuit C. spacewalk D. spaceship
12. Pham Tuan said everything………….. quite strange although he…………when he
was on the ground.
A. was – had prepared B. had been- prepared
C. was - prepared D. was – has prepared
11. At night, the ISS can easily be seen from the Earth, as it flies at the…………….of
the 320 kilometres above us.
A. attitude B. height C. level D. altitude
12. The Milky Way is just a………….in the universe and it contains our Solar
A. galaxy B. planet C. comet D. meteorite
13. Virgin Galactic is the world’s first commercial……………………

111 | P a g e
A. spaceship B. exploration C. space D. space line
14. Mukai Chiaki, the first female Japanese astronaut……………15 days abroad the
space shuttle Columbia in space before it……………….to the Earth on July 23, 1994.
A. was spending – was returning B. spent – was returning
C. spent – had returned D. had spent – returned
15. NASA uses a variety of facilities to………………….. microgravity conditions.
A. invent B. perform D. create
16. Joan was…………..the moon when she found out she was going to be a
A. in B. over C. up D. into
17. Today, the menu on the ISS includes more than 100 items…………astronauts an
choose their daily meals before they fly into space.
A. In which B. where C. which D. from which
18. “………I go to the cinema, only when there’s a film I really, really want to see.”
A. the sky’s the limit B. Out of this world
C. over the moon D. Once in a blue moon
19. “Did you see the new 3D film at Megastars Theatre?” – “Yes. It was better than
good. It was……………….”
A. out of this world B. the sky’s the limit
C. over the moon D. once in a blue moon
20. The closet potentially…………….. planet ever found has been spotted by
Australian scientists, ant it’s just 14 light years away.
A. transferable B. workable C. foreseeable D. habitable
21. Do you know the reason……………. humans are interested in Mars and other
planets in the solar system?
A. which B. that C. why D. whose
22. She wasn’t listening to me at all. Sometimes I think she’s living……another
A. in B. on C. at D. down
23. In 1998 at the age of 77, John Glenn…………with six other astronauts on the
space shuttle after he…………….. three orbits around the Earth a long time.
A. flew – had made B. had flown – made
C. flew – made D. was flying –made

112 | P a g e
IV. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
24. On the ISS ..................... have to attach themselves so they don’t float around.
25. An unmanned Chinese ..................... has returned safely to Earth. (SPACE)
26. In 2015, NASA discovered an Earth-like planet which might be .....................
because it has ‘just the right’ conditions to support liquid water and possibly even life
27. One of the largest ..................... found on the Earth is the Hoba from southwest
Africa, which weighs about 54,000 kg. (METEORIC)
28. The training often takes place in a water tank laboratory so that trainees become
familiar with crew activities in simulated ..................... in order to perform
spacewalks. (GRAVITY)
V. Read the text below and write one word in each blank to complete it.
The space tourism industry is officially open for business, and tickets are going
for 20 million US dollars (31)..................... a one-week stay in space. Despite
reluctance from NASA, Russian made American businessman Dennis Tito the world’s
first space tourist. Tito flew into (32) ..................... abroad a Russian Soyuz spaceship
that arrived at the International Space (33) ..................... (ISS) on April 30, 2001. The
second tourist, South American businessman Mark Shuttleworth, took off abroad the
Russian Soyuz on April 25, 2002, also bound for the ISS. Greg Olsen, an American
businessman, became tourist number three to the ISS on October 1, 2005.
On September 18, 2006, Anousheh Ansari, a telecommunications
businesswoman (34) ..................... the first female space tourist and the fourth space
tourist overall. She (35) ..................... also the first person off Iranian descent to make
it into space. Charles Simonyi, a software architect, became the fifth space tourist on
April 7, 2007.
VI. Read the following passage and answer the questions by choosing the option
A, B, C or D.
People have always gazed up at the stars in wonder. Their imaginations are
filled with possibility as the think carefully how large the universe is and whether or
not we are alone in it. Of all the stars out there, are there intelligent beings on a planet
circling one of the stars looking back at us and wondering the same thing?
It is difficult to comprehend how many stars there are, or even to guess the
possibilities of their being intelligent life. Yet our interest in finding out is so strong
that the search has been going on for over a century. What we consider the modern
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) began around 1960.


113 | P a g e
The SETI project is not what many people think it is. A simple explanation is
that scientists study electromagnetic waves that are being emitted throughout the
universe. When they are looking at these waves, they have a good idea of what are
considered natural, random patterns the waves take. Therefore, they are searching for
anything that does not appear to be randomly generated. If they were able to find
something non-random, they would believe that an intelligent source of some kind
must be creating it. In other words, intelligent life would have to exist somewhere else
in the universe.
While the SETI project will continue to listen for signals from an intelligent
source, other programmes hope to find any source of life. The Mars rovers will
continue to search for dry lake beds and other areas on the Red Planet that may have
once held life. If any life can be found outside the earth, then we are probably on our
way to finding life that could be similar to our own.
36. When did the modern search for intelligent life begin?
A. There is no record of when it began.
B. It has not actually begun yet.
C. I began around 1960.
D. It has been going on since the beginning of time.
37. How long has the search for life in outer space been going on?
A. Since 1960 B. More than a hundred years
B. For a few years D. Not over two decades
38. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Signals from intelligent sources will most likely be random.
B. The rovers on Mars are looking for signs of life.
C. People have long wondered if we are alone in the universe.
D. Scientists are searching for any form of life that is found elsewhere than the
39. Why are people searching for intelligent life in space?
A. Because it is the reason for people’s existence.
B. Because life must exist somewhere else.
C. Because they want to meet aliens.
D. Because they have a strong interest in it.
40. What are the people in the SETI project listening for?
A. Patterns that are not random B. Special time signals
C. Random waves D. Specific voices in the universe

114 | P a g e
VII. Use relative clauses to combine the following pairs of sentences.
41. The class watched a film yesterday. The film was about the Apollo 13 space


42. We are meeting an astronomer tonight. This astronomer has discovered three
Earth-like planets.


43. We can read about an astronaut. The astronaut travelled into space in 1961.


44. Can you talk more about the parabolic flights? You took them for your training?


45. This is the year. The first human walked on the moon on that day.


VIII. Use the given words to write the complete sentences.

46. Pham Tuan/Vietnam’s/ astronaut, and Christer Fuglesang/ Sweden’s first
47. He found/Earth didn’t look/ big as he thought, no boundaries/ Earth could be seen
from/ we should cooperate/ take care of it.
48. The talked/ him when he/ in space/ that made him happy.
49. They think/ the chance/ fly to/ equal for everyone.
50. He/ think teamwork, social skills, / foreign languages/ important/ an astronaut.


115 | P a g e

116 | P a g e
I. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of
the others in each group.

1. A. forum B. final C. responsive D. whiteboard

2. A. drastically B. advantage C. projector D. dependent
3. A. participate B. individual C. relationship D. participant
4. A. demolish B. syllabus C. principal D. masterpiece
5. A. competition B. technology C. theoretical D. university

II. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
6. He used to be a ______________ who quit 20 years ago. (SMOKE)
7. Scientific advances and other ___________ constantly eliminate some jobs and
create new ones. (DEVELOP)
8. You need to find a way to allow your customers to do some _______________ to
your product so that they can get what they want. (TAILOR)
9. The meeting went very smoothly because we had a very competent ___________
who really understood the needs of all the people who attended. (FACILITATE)
10. He finds the way to a place easily. He has a very good sense of ____________.
III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
11. In our society, men are often expected to be the _______________ in a family.
A. burden B. breadwinner C. content D. sector
12. The Taj Mahal, ______________ is recognized as one of the wonders of the
world, was built by an Indian King in the memory of his beloved wife.
A. which B. that C. where D. what
13. Louis Pasteur, __________ discovered a cure for rabies, was a French scientist.
A. he B. that C. who D. whom

117 | P a g e
14. Teachers in modern classrooms are ____________ because their main task is
to set goals and organise the learning process accordingly.
A. decision-makers B. facilitators
C. facilities D. directions
15. The people about ____ the novelist wrote were factory workers and their
A. who B. whom C. that D. them
16. Some of the boys ______________ didn't come.
A. whom I invited them B. I invited them
C. I invited D. when I invited
17. Companies have to be ____________ to customer demand.
A. responsible B. responsive
C. responding D. responsively
18. The living standards of people in remote areas ______________.
A. will raise B. will be raised
C. will be risen D. will arise
19. The system of water pipes has broken. The supply ____________.
A. will reduce B. will be reduced
C. will have reduced D. will be reducing
20. We went to many places ____________ you find people _____________
language was hard to understand.
A. where - which B. where - whose
C. that - whose D. which – whose

IV. Use the words given in the box to complete the following sentences.

Endangered Guidance Facilitators Independent Necessarily

Theoretically Applicants Involvement Participation responsive

21. Our school will participate in a big campaign to save ____________ species.
22. The role of the modern teachers is to provide ________ to the student.
23. It is good news that all the schools in our city are __________ to changes in the

118 | P a g e
24. Finishing high school at the age of 16 is ___________ possible for many students.
25. It is announced that successful ________ will receive notification within the week.
26. A leg injury is preventing Peter from active ___________ in the competition.
27. Her children are very _______. They do all the shopping and cooking by
28. In the future, students will not __________ go to school every day; they can stay
at home and follow the lesson online.
29. The modern mother will decrease her ___________ in household work as it will
be shared by her husband.
30. Teachers should act as ___________, enabling their students to study in the way
that suits them best.
V. Read the following passage and choose the option A, B, C or D to complete the
following statements.
Men have played a significant role in American society as the main
breadwinner, and protector of the family. But the traditional role of men has slowly
been transferred to women. Society is changing with women going to college, and
gaining jobs. It may even happen in several years' time when women are given sole
earning responsibility in American society as the main breadwinner of the family. That
is due in part to women gained working privileges equal to men in the 1970s.
Up until the 1970’s, men were the traditional family breadwinners, while
women stayed home, raised the kids, made dinner every night, cleaned the house, and
ran all of the errands. Men went to work every day, making enough money to buy a
nice home, buy a new car every so often.
Once women were afforded the opportunity to work in the same jobs men once
held, men’s more traditional foothold in the workplace was loosened, and toppled
over. Women were given bigger jobs with more responsibility. But women were given
these jobs with less pay than men were getting. The practice is still happening today,
with millions of women taking jobs with major responsibility with less pay than men.
The role of men in American society is changing with more women going to
college, and obtaining careers; men are playing more untraditional roles at home.
Women are still giving birth to the kids, but are going to work to earn money to
pay the bills, while men are staying home raising the kids, running errands, cleaning,


119 | P a g e
making dinner. Young children, boys as well as girls, are being raised with dad at
home taking care of the kids.
Millions of families are also raising their young with mom and dad sharing all of
the responsibilities. Today’s role of men in American society is more of a shared role,
with a more undefined role.
31. The shared role of men nowadays is ___________.
A. going to work, and doing housework
B. sharing responsibilities with women at work.
C. the same as their traditional role
D. cleaning the house, and raising the kids
32. The traditional role of men was ___________.
A. the supporter of women
B. the main breadwinner of the family
C. the foothold in the family
D. raising the children when they were at home
33. The word "foothold" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. achievements at work
B. a strong position at work
C. a hole in a rock to support your feet
D. supporting when climbing
34. Women used to stay at home doing housework because ________________.
A. men went to work every day
B. men gained equal working privileges
C. men brought bread home every day
D. men offered a good life to the whole family
35. At work, women take __________.
A. all the jobs once held by men
B. the job of delivering bread
C. the jobs for college graduates

120 | P a g e
D. the same job as men but with less play
VI. Use a relative pronoun or a relative adverb to combine the following pairs of
36. The river is not safe for swimming. It is polluted.


37. The doctor was very gentle. He examined the sick child.


38. The man is standing over there. I was telling you about him.


39. The meeting was interesting. I went to it.


40. We don't like the stories. They don't have happy endings.


VII. Use a relative pronoun or a relative adverb to combine the following pairs of
41. Neil Armstrong lived in USA. He first walked on the moon.


42. The Neil is the home of a great variety of fish. The Neil is in Egypt.


43. The movie Harry Potter is coming soon. I'm longing to see it.


44. We are moving to Manchester. Manchester is in the North West of England.


45. I'll stay with Adrian. His brother is one of my closest friends.

121 | P a g e

VIII. Change the following sentences into the passive voice.

46. Mr. Quang will take the higher scholarship level next term.


47. Some people will interview the new president on TV.


48. The State will assign our students to different jobs.


49. When will you do the work?


50. He won't tell me the truth about the situation.


122 | P a g e


123 | P a g e
I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Police _________ support laws through the detection, prevention and investigation
of crime. (OFFICE)
2. _________ help to advance an understanding of how diet affects the health and
well-being of people and animals. (NUTRITIOUS)
3. _________ school teachers educate children between the ages of 11 and 18 in a
national curriculum subject area. (SECOND)
4. _________ provide financial advice to clients that range from multinational
organisations and governmental bodies to small independent businesses.
5. _________ manage learning resources while keeping the library users’ needs in
mind. (LIBRARY)
6. _________ design buildings that are functional, safe, and beautiful.
7. Multimedia _________ are responsible for combining text with sounds, pictures,
video clips, virtual reality and other forms. (PROGRAM)
8. Tour _________ are responsible for organising and preparing holiday tours.
9. _________ study past human activities by excavating, dating and interpreting
objects and sites of historical interest. (ARCHAEOLOGY)
10. _________ write news stories, and articles for use on television and radio or
within magazines, journals and newspapers. (JOURNAL)
II. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
11. (Although/In spite of/Because of) _________ she is beautiful, everybody hates
12. The children slept deeply (although/in spite of/because of) _________the noise.
13. Kate did not do well in the exam (although/despite/because of) _________
working very hard.

124 | P a g e
14. I managed to sleep (although/in spite of/despite) _________ the hotel was noisy.
15. I went to work the next day (although/in spite of/despite) ___ I was still feeling
16. (Although/In spite of/Despite) _________ the weather was bad, we had a good
17. She refused the job (although/in spite of/because) _________ the low salary.
18. I could not get to sleep (although/in spite of/because) _________ the noise.
19. Liza never talked to him (although/in spite of/despite) _________ she loved him.
20. (Although/In spite of/Because of) _________ we had planned everything
carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
III. Complete the sentences using the correct form (ing-form or to-infinitive) of
the verbs in brackets.
21. The horses struggled (pull) _________ the wagon out of the mud.
22. Anita demanded (know) _________ why she had been fired.
23. My skin can’t tolerate (be) _________ in the sun all day. I get sunburned easily.
24. I avoided (tell) _________ Mary the truth because I knew she would be angry.
25. Fred Washington claims (be) _________ a descendant of George Washington.
26. Mr.Kwan broke the antique vase. I’m sure he didn’t mean (do) _________ it.
27. I urged Omar (return) _________ to school and (finish) _________ his education.
28. Mrs Freeman can’t help (worry) _________ about her children.
29. Children, I forbid you (play) _________ in the street. There’s too much traffic.
30. My little cousin is a blabbermouth! He can’t resist (tell) _________ everyone my
31. He wore glasses (avoid) _________ (be) _________ recognized.
32. Before (give) _________ evidence you must swear (speak) _________ the truth.
33. I tried (persuade) _________ him (agree) _________ with your proposal.
34. Your windows need (clean) _________. Would you like me (do) _________ them
for you?


125 | P a g e
35. Would you mind (shut) _________ the window? I hate (sit) _________ in a
36. I can’t help (sneeze) _________; I caught a cold yesterday from (sit) _________
in a draught.
37. Stop (talk) _________! I am trying (finish) _________ a letter.
38. His doctor advised him (give up) _________ (jog) _________ .
39. My watch keeps (stop) _________.
40. People used (make) _________ fire by (rub) _________ two sticks together.
IV. Finish each of the following sentences so that ít meaning stays the same.
41. Mr.Thuan was injured. He managed to finish the race.

Despite _______________________________________________.

42. Although he had no qualifications for it, he got the job.

In spite _______________________________________________.

43. I didn’t like the CD you have recommended me, but I bought it all the same.

Although _______________________________________________.

44. Thuy went to school. She was ill.

In spite _______________________________________________.

45. We couldn’t win the match. We played well.

Despite _______________________________________________.

46. It rained a lot. We enjoyed our holiday.

In spite _______________________________________________.

47. I told her all the truth. However, she didn’t believe me.

In spite _______________________________________________.

48. They didn’t play well, but they won the game.

Despite _______________________________________________.

126 | P a g e
49. He didn’t get the job. He had all the necessary qualifications.

In spite _______________________________________________.

50. Although the shirts are very expensive, people buy them because they are trendy.

In spite ___________________________________________________.



127 | P a g e

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the others in each group.
1. A. supported B. finished C. noticed D. approached
2. A. teach B. deal C. break D. lean
3. A. laughs B. drops C. maintains D. imports
4. A. justice B. campus C. culture D. brush
5. A. naked B. sacred C. cowshed D. hatred
II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that
of the others in each group.
6. A. oceanic B. advantagerous C. compulsory D. influential
7. A. instrument B. recipe C. commitment D. candidate
8. A. contain B. conquer C. conserve D. conceal
9. A. inflation B. maximum C. applicant D. character
10. A. struggle B. anxious C. confide D. comfort


I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
11. They discussed the ___________ of new conditions to the peace plans.
12. Regular servicing guarantees the smooth ___________ of the engine.
13. Three episodes have been ___________ into a single programme. (TELESCOPE)

128 | P a g e
14. Teachers must keep a record of students’ ___________. (ATTEND)
15. She is still ___________ dependent on her parents. (FINANCIAL)
16. The photographs she takes are a ___________ record of her travels. (VISION)
17. There are a wide variety of popular ___________ which need discussing.
18. The invention would have a wide range of ___________ in industry. (APPLY)
19. Miss Mack had been a ___________ at the Hall for many years. (HOUSE)
20. Training is part of our ___________ career development program. (GO)
II. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
21. Please stop ___________ and tell me what’s wrong.
A. crying B. to cry C. cried D. cry
22. Remember ___________ me when you arrived.
A. calling B. call C. to call D. called
23. The college’s aim is to help students ___________ their aspirations.
A. achieving B. achieved C. having achieved D. achieve
24. They went swimming ___________ of all the danger signs.
A. in spite B. despite C. even though D. though
25. The new model will ___________in July.
A. launch B. launches
C. will be launch D. be launched
26. I’ll never forget ___________ this piece of music for the first time.
A. hearing B. to hear C. heard D. have heard
27. Online training seasons ___________ directly to your desktop.
A. to deliver B. will delivered
C. be delivered D. will be delivered
28. Jane___________ in England before she did her masters at Harvard.
A. has studied B. had studied
C. would study D. have studied
29. Anne was riding her bike to school when Peter ___________ her yesterday.
A. see B. sees C. saw D. seeing

129 | P a g e
30. By the time I met you, I ___________ for Google for 10 years.
A. have worked B. having worked
C. working D. had worked
31. Now I can walk to work instead of ___________ by car.
A. going B go C. to go D. goes
32. I prefer ___________ out on a Friday to staying at home.
A. go B. went C. going D. gone
33. You would have passed your exam if you ___________ harder.
A. have worked B. had worked
C. having worked D. has worked
34. Unattended luggage ___________ by security officers.
A. are removed B. will be removed
C. to be removed D. will remove
35. We stopped ___________ the scenery.
A. admiring B. admired C. to admired D. admires
III. Use the words given in the box to complete the following sentences.
facilitate operate enroll land pull tailor
take float attach orient launch dominate
36. The smell of new bread ___________ up from the kitchen.
37. We shall be ___________ shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts.
38. The satellite was successfully ___________ last year.
39. The new trade agreement should ___________ more rapid economic growth.
40. We identify your needs, and ___________ your training accordingly.
41. France ___________a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers.
42. The centre will soon be ready to ___________ candidate for the new programme.
43. They have ___________ a number of conditions to the agreement.
44. Our students are ___________ towards science subjects.
45. She always says a lot in the meetings, but she doesn’t.


130 | P a g e
I. Read the following text and answer the questions below.
Singapore is preparing for its next transition to become a First World global
city, vibrant and endearing as a home. On this journey, Singaporeans have been
exhorted to embrace a mindset shift in many walks of life – above all, in the economy.
They know there is a need to increase productivity, invest in advanced skills
trainings, move from rote learning and exam obsession towards flexibility, diversity
and creativity in education, shift from value-adding to value-creating activities, take
risks and venture out to other countries, embrace entrepreneurship innovation, and
tolerate failure as a necessary concomitant of these pursuits.
All these mindset shifts are necessary for Singapore to progress to the next level of
development as a mature, high-income, high-cost, land-and labour-constrained
economy subject to intensifying global competition and technological disruption.
Less attention has been paid, we feel, to the necessary social correlates and
underpinnings of such aspirational economic dynamism. Social values and behaviour
commensurate with a First World society are not just means to becoming a successful
First World economy, they are ends in themselves. They too require major mindset
shifts in both public and private domains. If not, the caring and inclusive society we
want as a First World nation will only be incompletely achieved.
46. What does Singapore do to become a First World global city?


47. What does it mean by the word “mindset” in the first paragraph?


48. Why do they think it is necessary to change this mindset?


49. What will they do to achieve a completely caring and inclusive society?


50. Which part do you think this passage belongs to in an article?


II. Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each numbered


131 | P a g e
This is a nerd’s word, and we’re all benefiting (51) ____________ it. With the
computerization of everything from phones (52) ____________ coffeemakers to cars
and airplanes, you’d be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t rely (53)
____________ computers in one way or another. That puts the folks (54)
____________ run the computers in very high demand. Computer systems analysts
ensure that organizations’ technological needs are met and are (55) ____________
improving with the advancements and demand of the increasingly connected world.
Information security analysts-the white hats charged with protecting us (56)
____________the increasing digital dangers-are also in high demand with their
current count of 92,902 people expected to grow 19,6% by 2026.
A bachelor’s degree in information technology or another computer-related (57)
____________ is typical for these workers. But you can also qualify with a liberal arts
degree and techie talents you developed outside of a standard four-year (58)
____________ (perhaps even using free online classes).
Further up the career ladder, (59) ____________ you’ve picked up five or more years
of experience in this field, you might shoot to become a Computer and Information
Systems Manager. The median pay for this (60) ____________ is about $130,400 a
year, and demand for it is projected to grow by 17, 9% percent over the next decade.
51. A. to B. away C. toward D. from
52. A. or B. if C. and D. together
53. A. on C. from D. down
54. A. whom B. who C. which D. where
55. A. accordingly B. constantly C. expensively D. difficulty
56. A. beneath B. up C. from
57. A. field B. scope C. limit D. range
58. A. schedule B. policy C. timetable D. program
59. A. once B. immediately once D. now
60. A. place B. standing C. position D. rank
III. Read the following passage and answer the question by choosing the option
A, B, C or D.
Jupiter has at least 63 moons, which are often named after the Roman god’s
many lovers. The four largest moons of Jupiter, now called Io, Europa, Ganymede,
and Callisto, were discovered by Galileo Galilei himself, and are appropriately known
today as the Galilean satellites.
Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system, larger even than Mercury
and Pluto. It is also the only moon known to have its own magnetic field. The moon

132 | P a g e
has at least one thick ocean between layers of ice, although it may contain several
layers of both materials.
Io is the most volcanically active body in our solar system. The sulfur its
volcanoes spew out gives Io a blotted yellow-orange appearance that is often
compared to a pepperoni pizza. As Io orbits Jupiter, the planet’s immense gravity
causes ‘tides’ in Io’s solid surface that rise 300 feet (100 meters) high, generating
enough heat for volcanic activity.
The frozen crust of Europa is made up mostly of water ice, and it may hide a
liquid ocean holding twice as much water as Earth does. Icy oceans may also exist
beneath the crusts of Callisto and Ganymede. Some of these liquid spouts from the
surface in newly spotted sporadic plumes at the southern pole. Its potential to host life
caused NASA to request funding for a mission to explore Europa.
Callisto has the lowest reflectivity, or albedo, of the four Galilean moons. This
suggests that its surface may be composed of dark, colourless rock.
61. How are moons of Jupiter often named?
A. They are always named by the person who discovered them
B. They are often named after the Roman god’s many lovers
C. They are usually named by Galileo Galilei
D. They have no names
62. What makes Ganymede a special moon?
A. It has a lot of ice
B. It has the same size as Pluto
C. It is heavy
D. It is the only moon to have magnetic field
63. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Io?
A. It is a moon of Ganymede
B. It is the most volcanically active body
C. It orbits Jupiter
D. “Tides” in its solid surface rise 300 feet high
64. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Europa?
A. It has a blotted yellow-orange appearance
B. It has lots of volcanoes
C. It has enough heat for volcanic activity

133 | P a g e
D. It is made of water ice
65. What is possibly the title of this passage?
A. Names of moons B. What is available on the moons
C. Jupiter’s moons D. Charateristics of moons

I. Change the following sentences into the passive voice.
66. Millions of people will visit the museum.


67. They will not show the new film.


68. They will not ask him.


69. Will the company employ a new worker?


70. Will the plumber repair the shower?


II. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word(s) given so that its
meaning stays the same.
71. Mario is the guy who cuts my hair every month. He’s 37 today.

Mario ______________________has his birthday today (WHO)

72. Carol’s house is the largest in the street. She’s my neighbour.

My neighbour is Carol ______________________ in the street. (WHOSE)

134 | P a g e
73. We’ll meet at Christmas. We’ll talk about it then.

We’ll talk about it at ______________________ meet. (WHEN)

74. I spoke to one of the women. She was the one wearing the red skirt.

I spoke to ______________________ the red skirt (WHO)

75. We stayed in the Lodge Hotel in Vermont. It was our honeymoon.

The Lodge Hotel in Vermont was the ______________________. (SPENT)

III. Rearrange the given words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.

76. fire / destroyed / , / was / house / Jack / . / homeless / now / whose / in / the / , / is


77. author / Stephen / . / whose / is / an / books / millions / have /King / sold


78. this / our / . / filmed / honeymoon / where / movie / was in / , / we / Miami / spent


79. that / . / mother / was / me /. / still /by / your /which /, / is / given / television / to /


80. him / . / we / birthday / , / missed / much / disappointed / very / his / party / all /



135 | P a g e

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