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It is common knowledge that books play a major complementary and contributing role
in any educational process. While they are envisioned to facilitate self-learning beyond
classroom exercises, not all of them promote learning; some, indeed, hinder it.
To be useful and worthwhile, a book has to be so designed as to present an appro-
priate body of knowledge in a style that suits students in a particular stage of learning:
undergraduate, postgraduate, or postdoctoral.
Accordingly, a book in pharmacology for MBBS phase-II students would have a
body of knowledge that relates with the study-course objectives and contains ‘must
know’ and ‘nice to know’ levels of factual, conceptual and applied aspects of the subject.
It has a presentation style that offers an integrated composite picture of the subject
interspersed with lucid explanations, cogent reasoning and logical networking of infor-
mation. Contents will enable students to grasp topics in proper perspective and trigger
students’ higher mental skills like critical thinking, logical reasoning, etc. Proficiency so
acquired would enable the students to not only clear qualifying tests but also to wisely
manage drug issues in future.
Designing such a book is a challenging task, especially if it is to be concise and compre-
hensive in scope. Such a version demands wise sifting, prudent pruning and meaningful
condensing of the enormous and variegated knowledge base of pharmacology.
Commendably, Dr (Mrs) Tara Shanbhag has accomplished this in her very first ven-
ture. A fairly large number of charts, diagrams and other forms of illustrations in the
text amply demonstrate this. No wonder, she has received ‘Good Teacher’ award time
and again.
A well written concise book as this one, serves twice as a preparatory tool: at the start
of the study-course it provides a road-map of the subject to be learnt and thus tunes the
students for deeper learning; and at the course-end (and examination time) it helps in
rapid review and recapitulation of what is learnt.
I am confident that this well thought out and well planned book, Preparatory Manual
of Pharmacology for Undergraduates by Dr Tara V Shanbhag will be of tremendous use
to the students.
With pleasure, I compliment Dr (Mrs) Tara V Shanbhag, an erstwhile postgraduate
student of mine, for such a fine piece of work.

Professor DR Kulkarni
Formerly: Head, Department of Medical Education, BM Patil Medical College, Bijapur;
Director of PG Studies, Head, Department of Pharmacology, KMC, Manipal;
Principal, Dr. Patil Medical College, Kolhapur;
Head, Department of Pharmacology, JNMC, Belgaum;
President, Pharmacological Society of India (1995)

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