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• Analytical Exposition

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Ch. 3 Smt 1 (Kurmer). Danu Yusuf, S.Pd
A. Lesson
Task 1
Complete the following vocabulary!

Sense of Sight Sense of Sound Sense of Taste

• … • … • …
• … • … • …
• … • … • …
• … • … • …
• … • … • …
Sense of Touch Sense of Smell
• … • …
• … • …
• … • …
• … • …
• … • …

Feel Look Hear See Smelling Listen Tasting Sweet Blurry

Moist Warm Aromatic Hard Loud Quiet Bitter Stink
Rough Beautiful Salty Smooth Tenderly Acidic Bland

Task 2
Open the page 57 in your text book task 6 and write your opinions!

Picture 1
It’s important to…
I believe…
Picture 2
It’s important to…
I believe…
Picture 3
It’s important to…
I believe…
Picture 4
It’s important to…
I believe…

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Ch. 3 Smt 1 (Kurmer). Danu Yusuf, S.Pd
Picture 5
It’s important to…
I believe…

Task 3
Find the definition based on the terms below!
Terms Definition
Analytical Exposition




Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Ch. 3 Smt 1 (Kurmer). Danu Yusuf, S.Pd
Task 4
Read the following text below!

Task 5
Answer the questions based on the task 4
1. What is the title of the text?
2. What kind of text is that?
3. What is the purpose of the tet?
4. What are the generic structures?
5. What is the main idea of first paragraph?
6. What is the main idea of second?
7. Why cars should be banned?
8. What illnesses that causes by pollution from cars?
9. How many argumens are there?
10. What is the conclusion?

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Ch. 3 Smt 1 (Kurmer). Danu Yusuf, S.Pd
Task 6
Make your own authentic analytical exposition!


Argument 1

Argument 2


B. Creative & Critical

Think creatively and critically based on the question below.
Explain what you know about this chapter.

Why is it important to learn this chapter?


Give suggestion to teacher to make this chapter easy to learn.


C. Reflection
Checkmark whether you understand the material or not.
Material High Fair Low
Master Mastery Mastery
Generic structure of
Analytical exposition

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Ch. 3 Smt 1 (Kurmer). Danu Yusuf, S.Pd
A. Students’ Feedback
Checkmark the statements below
Poin Setuju Kurang Tidak
Setuju Setuju
Guru menjelaskan materi dengan baik.
Guru menyajikan KBM dengan baik.
Guru memperhatikan respon siswa yang
belum/kurang memahami materi
Guru menanggapi pertanyaan siswa dengan tepat
dan benar
Materi yang disajikan mudah dipahami siswa.
Guru memotivasi siswa
Guru menggunakan berbagai Teknik dalam KBM


No English Indonesian English Indonesian
1. Kognitif Beraksi
2. Sarapan Tergantung
3. Glukosa Menyediakan
4. Limbah Perkembangan
5. Karbohidrat Menjelaskan
6. Olahraga Jarang-jarang
7. Sehat Mengakibatkan
8. Merekap Jam sibuk
9. Arsip Maksud
10. Mencatat Membagi
11. Penting Perhatian
12. Mendesak Perhatikan
13. Tujuan Pendapat
14. Tingkatan Racun
15. Obesitas Keringat
16. Aksi Sibuk
17. Aktivis Rapat
18. Aktivitas Anggota dewan
19. Aktivasi Nilai
20. Menon-aktifkan mengevaluasi

Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Ch. 3 Smt 1 (Kurmer). Danu Yusuf, S.Pd

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