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Plural – S

[S] Voiceless – NO vibrate

[p] [t] [k] [θ]
th [f]

[Z] Voiced – Vibrate

[b] [d] [g] [v] [m] [n] [ŋ] [r] [l] [w] [y]
[IZ] - [əZ] [IZ]
[s] [z] [ʃ] [ʒ]ch[tʃ] J[dʒ]
sh Jg

Nouns ending in /f/: Several common nouns
that end in /f/ in their singular form end in /v/
in the plural form. The plural ending is
pronounced /z/.
Leaf – Leaves Knife – Knives Life –
Th sounds before -s endings are often
simplified or dropped.
1.- s - z
2.- z – iz
3.- əz
4.- z
5.- s – z
6.- iz – z
7.- s
8.- əz

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