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M08: Assignment: Interpreting the ILEARN and other

standardized assessments
1. ILearn is a criterion-referenced assessment. What does that mean and
what do you think of its effectiveness?
a. ILEARN being a criterion-referenced assessment means it measures
student performance against specific criteria or standards. For its
effectiveness, I think it is pretty well designed and provides a clear
understanding of student proficiency.

2. What intelligences, skills, or knowledge does ILearn test?

a. ELA, math, science, and social studies with all of their standards
represented in the test blueprints.

3. What are the challenges with ILearn OR other standardized tests:?

a. ILEARN being a criterion-referenced assessment means it measures
student performance against specific criteria or standards. As for its
effectiveness, it's designed to provide a clear understanding of student
proficiency. Teachers may feel pressured to "teach to the test" rather
than providing a broader, more holistic education. High-stakes testing
can contribute to stress and anxiety among students, potentially
affecting their performance. Some argue that standardized tests may
only capture part of a student's abilities, as they often focus on specific
content and skills.

4. What are the benefits of ILearn or other standardized tests?

a. Standardized tests provide a standardized and objective way to
measure student performance. Test results can offer valuable data for
educators and policymakers to identify areas for improvement in
curriculum and instruction.

5. If you could design a standardized test, how would you design it?
a. If I could design a standardized test, I would consider designing it
based on the following principles: holistic assessment, continuous
feedback, real-world application, and fairness and inclusivity.

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