Thesis Statement On Ts Eliot

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Crafting a thesis statement on T.S.

Eliot can be a challenging endeavor for many students and

scholars alike. T.S. Eliot, renowned for his complex and multi-layered poetry, presents a rich tapestry
of themes and symbols that require careful analysis and interpretation. From his exploration of
modernist themes to his profound reflections on spirituality and the human condition, Eliot's work
demands thorough research and critical insight.

Writing a thesis statement that effectively encapsulates the essence of Eliot's poetry while providing
a unique perspective or argument can be daunting. It requires a deep understanding of his body of
work, as well as familiarity with literary theory and criticism. Additionally, synthesizing various
interpretations and scholarly perspectives to develop a coherent and original thesis adds to the
complexity of the task.

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assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers specialized academic writing services
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The zoomorphic metaphor, in reducing Prufrock to an insect, outlines that his social paralysis is
caused by his dehumanising self-doubt. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. pp.122-124.
The Birth should be something magical and transcendent, but instead it burdens the witnesses and is
“hard and bitter agony.” Why? Because the persona, a king or Magi, no longer feels at home in his
kingdom: his subjects are metaphoric “alien people clutching their gods.” Hence, the speaker has a
bitter and condescending tone as he discusses the religious ignorance that sees him as isolated from
his own subjects. The Waste Land. The Waste Land is a highly influential 434-line modernist poem
by T. S. Eliot Eliot published the Waste Land in October 1922 The Waste Land is often read as a
representation of the disillusionment of the post-war generation. The Lovesong of J.Alfred Prufrock.
1917. Modernist. It is a MODERNIST poem. In the landscape of The Waste Land, we are waiting
for water. This history is impressively thorough, and studded with enough rare quotations from the
poet to make it worth skimming: Eliot describing himself as “a person who destroys nothing and
loses everything” is as much a surprise as finding out that the wealthy American poete maudit Harry
Crosby had offered to buy the drafts of “The Love Song of J. His estate did its best to comply and
prevented anyone from quoting any copyrighted or unpublished material without exception, while it
routinely requested exorbitant sums for his work to be reprinted in anthologies. Just in examining
these three poems alone, they can be seen as definitions of poetry itself: they masterfully show the
feelings and experiences of the poet in a way that elicits a related reaction from the reader. These
few poems were culled from a private notebook that the poet gave to Valerie, and are the principal
evidence for concluding that Eliot managed to overcome the torments that had made his first
marriage so disastrous. I would like to allow this exploration to take place as I work on the piece and
not be set in thesis before I have had the time to try out different formations and constructions of
code. 14:28 Akile: In the opening movement of The Waste Land, the individual subject possesses
none of the formal dominance it once enjoyed in Conrad and James. T.S.Eliot Critical Essay for Ugc
Net Notes of English Literature Thomas Steams Eliot (1888-1965) is probably the best known. With
all the new papers available to us, such speculations would seem a happy hunting ground for future
biographies. But he does not mean pedantic knowledge, he means a consciousness of the past. Eliot's
poetry and criticism, we find this emphasis on the artist surrendering. Ultimately, it must have been
the poet himself who missed it. His acquaintances and peers were typically moving away from
religion and closer to atheisim. This is represented by the figure caged within his own head, but also
in part the result of the fragmentation that modern life has created through changing social norms.
Thus Eliot shows that uncertainty can dehumanise the individual, trapping them in the confusion of
the modern world. This Prufrock is old and lonely and possibly impotent, and he knows the young
and beautiful mermaids will have no use for him. The final two lines in this extract are an intertextual
reference to John Donne’s song “Go Catch a Falling Star.” Donne’s poem is about ageing, and the
reference to mermaids refers to the fantastic creatures that pulled men to their deaths under the sea.
In this article, we explain how to analyse music in film or TV and show you how to write about it.
He often suggested in his later lectures that he ought. Soon the erudite young man joined the literary
circle of Pound and Yeats and started to write poetry. Do I dare to eat a peach?I shall wear white
flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.I do not
think that they will sing to me. It was Pound, after all, who revised The Waste Land so dramatically
as to make some of its meanings opaque. Valerie Eliot’s excruciatingly slow “editing” (which was
actually deliberate delaying) of her husband’s letters came to an end with her death in 2012, after
which three volumes appeared in three consecutive years. We can prepare a unique paper on T. S.
Eliot’s Style Analysis for you from scratch. And this is embedded in the lines’ enjambment, too. Well,
Dante is really curious to know why Guido ended up so far down in Hell. Thus Eliot, in part explores
modern life as the catalyst for uncertainty and turmoil, but not as the sole cause.
When he calls to Stetson, the Punic War stands in for World War I; this substitution is crucial because
it is shocking. But this does not mean a poet who deals in abstractions; Eliot's meditations are
meditations on experience, in which the abstractions belong as much as the images; they are all a.
Eliot's poetry and criticism, we find this emphasis on the artist surrendering. The Waste Land was
“taken more than by the postwar generation as a rallying cry for its sense of disillusionment”
(American National). Criticism (1933), and Notes toward the Definition of Culture (1949) and On.
In 1921, Eliot suffered from a nervous collapse, and on his physician’s suggestions he took a three-
month’s restive remedy. Volume I of The Poems alone is a massive 1,311 pages—with 877 pages of
commentary for 314 pages of poetry. The Waste Land was published in the inaugural issue. These
feelings of disillusionment gave way to a more stable religious theme, such as in Journey of the
Magi, later in Eliot’s career. The Lovesong of J.Alfred Prufrock. 1917. Modernist. It is a
MODERNIST poem. Prufrock established Eliot as a major poet of the twentieth century. We can
prepare a unique paper on T. S. Eliot’s Style Analysis for you from scratch. His acquaintances and
peers were typically moving away from religion and closer to atheisim. His transformation is so
comprehensive that he can no longer relate to his personal individuals, the magi now knows the true
God, and the gods of his people become as alien to him as his men and women now look. Soon the
erudite young man joined the literary circle of Pound and Yeats and started to write poetry. Or take
the recent publication of the two-volume Poems of T. S. Eliot, edited by Christopher Ricks and Jim
McCue, and weighing in at a combined 2,032 pages. There is a’ crowd of twisted things’, including a
broken spring (that symbol of. But he does not mean pedantic knowledge, he means a consciousness
of the past. Despite the fact that written for the duration of a really attempting time in his life, it was
the publication of The Waste Land that created “Eliot’s reputation grow to nearly mythic proportions
by 1930, and for the subsequent thirty years, he was the most dominant figure in poetry and literary
criticism in the English-speaking world” (American National). The melancholy and morose lyrical
feast unveils the aridity and impotence of contemporary civilization in a series of at times realistic
and often surrealistic mythological episodes, whose perspectives overlap and underline every single
other with an indescribable total impact. Their journey was at odds with the progress of modernism
and secular liberalism. Bergson Went to Oxford U. (thesis on Bradley) Settled in England during
WWI. The metonymy of the lips divorces the a ct of a “kiss” from particular individuals. He passes
quickly from one detail of analysis to another; he is aggressively aware that he is 'thinking,' his brow
is knit; but he appears to believe that mere fineness of detail will constitute, in the sequence of his
comments, a direction. These hollow men are walking corpses, soulless men and women who do not
know that they have lost their souls. Report this Document Download now Save Save TS Eliot
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1 of 3 Search inside document. The years of Eliot’s poetic maturation have been accompanied by
familial hardship. He took the time to finish a poem he had started in 1919, which became The Waste
Land. If he didn’t, he nevertheless was certain about the origins of Eliot’s most famous poem. I
shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
His first marriage in 1915 was troubled and ended with their separation in 1933. However he is
determined to redeem the soul like, though It looks like a vain attempt to do so. As a result, Eliot’s
emotional turmoil of his youth gave way to a religious maturation both in his person and his poetry.
But for you, of course, after the first few years, his poetry existed undersea, thousands of feet below
the deluge of exegesis, explication, source-listing, scholarship, and criticism that overwhelmed it.
Along the way he is guided by some evil and misguided people. The Hollow Males appears to be
Eliot’s final exorcism of the d?mons of his troubled youth. All the verse that Eliot cared to collect in
his lifetime, and that generations of poetry lovers have memorized, is finished by page 219. Eliot was
quite a careless copy editor, particularly when it came to his own work. The poetic juxtapositions he
uses let Eliot to generate a feeling of shock and awe to offset his message of a hopeless new age.
Volume I of The Poems alone is a massive 1,311 pages—with 877 pages of commentary for 314
pages of poetry. The years of Eliot’s poetic maturation have been accompanied by familial hardship.
But he does not mean pedantic knowledge, he means a consciousness of the past. These ideas reflect
the disillusionment of the Lost Generation poets with tradition spirituality and its failure to provide
certainty. Their models were the metaphysical poets, Dante, and French Symbolists. His
acquaintances and peers were typically moving away from religion and closer to atheisim. The Nobel
Prize in Literature 1948 Written some of the most horrid descriptions of city life. “Beauty is in the
eye of the beholder” Expressed disillusionment of a younger post WWI generation. This is why the
speaker “should be glad of another death,” (this time a real rather than metaphorical one), so he can
meet his saviour in heaven who understands him. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. For the poet himself
very much wanted that anguish, and the sources of it, to remain forever hidden. This is represented
by the figure caged within his own head, but also in part the result of the fragmentation that modern
life has created through changing social norms. Thus Eliot shows that uncertainty can dehumanise
the individual, trapping them in the confusion of the modern world. Louis Missouri, but later became
a British citizen. Brief Biography Eliot the Modernist Prufrock Ideas. Biography. Biography
(continued). In the landscape of The Waste Land, we are waiting for water. He received his B.A.
from Harvard in 1909 and began graduate work in literature and philosophy. I think that Prufrock
has really no clarified, no specified desire, except maybe to hear the mermaids. He gives us that little
fragment from Dante, and then he says: Bradley, Appearance and Reality, p. Russell left behind his
first impressions of T. S. Eliot in a letter that possibly inaugurated the now-standard fiction of the
poet as representing a final, repressed branch of the old Boston Brahmans. Ideally, you will want to
examine a selection of themes in both of these texts. At twenty-two, right after earning each a
bachelor’s and master’s degree, Eliot moved to the Sorbonne University in Paris. By means of the
reading of his perform it is effortless to see why, in 1948, Eliot was awarded the Nobel Prize “for his
outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry” (Nobel).
He has been “led all that way for Birth or Death” (Magi ll 35-36), but does not comprehend that
which he has truly come to see: the child’s birth or his personal death. Bergson Went to Oxford U.
(thesis on Bradley) Settled in England during WWI. It is hard to think of another writer in the last
hundred years (other than J. D. Salinger or Thomas Pynchon) who went to such extraordinary
lengths to frustrate not only biographers and scholars but even ordinary readers. Eliot was an
extraordinarily influential critic, rejecting Romantic notions of unfettered originality and arguing for
the impersonality of great art. Louis, Missouri. 1910: he studied in Paris at the Sorbonne. 1915: he
married the British ballet dancer Vivienne Haigh-Wood. 1917: he established himself as an important
avant-garde poet. T. S. Eliot. Kenner, Hugh. The Invisible Poet: T.S. Eliot. London: W.H. Allen,
1960. pp. 161-164. The Hollow Guys requires place in a twilight planet of lost souls and
disembodied forces. Eliot’s hollow males look to believe, at least to some degree, that if they
withstand “the twilight kingdom” they might uncover some rebirth in “death’s other kingdom.” Via
Eliot’s use of the snippets of the Lord’s Prayer in the poem’s conclusion, he implies that the hollow
men’s adverted eyes may possibly when once more turn to the divine and they could turn into
members of the stuffed men. His estate did its best to comply and prevented anyone from quoting
any copyrighted or unpublished material without exception, while it routinely requested exorbitant
sums for his work to be reprinted in anthologies. We'll assign you an expert who has experience in
this topic free of charge. So seriously was this threat taken that most of the issues were swiftly
destroyed; libraries were even told to cut out the article if they had a copy already. In this article, we
break down what symbolism in film is, how it works, and how to discuss it. Eliot spent his
profession cataloguing his life via its translation into poetry. Lest the reader pass over the lamia
reference here, Ricks helpfully submits: “OED: a fabulous monster supposed to have the body of a
woman, and to prey upon human beings and suck the blood of children.” It is quite remarkable that
young Eliot is already turning innocuous women into fabulous monsters in the pages of the Harvard
Advocate, already negating the passion of young lovers. Eliot and Russell’s partnership soured more
than Russell’s romantic involvement with Vivienne, which led to Eliot not attending his Ph.D.
dissertation defense. With the printing of this edition of Eliot’s poems, alongside his Complete Prose
in a gigantic 7,000-page edition online (Project MUSE) as well as the five volumes of his Letters
available now, one might say that we are just getting to know the Old Possum properly. Louis,
Missouri In 1906, at the age of 18, Eliot attended Harvard University. By this time, of course, Eliot
was dead, but in his later years he had become a cherished layman of the Church of England and a
man of high moral stature. But for you, of course, after the first few years, his poetry existed
undersea, thousands of feet below the deluge of exegesis, explication, source-listing, scholarship,
and criticism that overwhelmed it. However he is determined to redeem the soul like, though It looks
like a vain attempt to do so. Widespread changes during the early 20th Century lead many
individuals to feel their lives were characterised by uncertainty. - The individual has come to inhabit
a world where he is insignific ant, and his feelings or opinions absurd. He had declared himself as a
classicist in literature, an Anglo-Catholic in religion and a royalist. Ts Eliot’s Key to The Wasteland
Essay Example for Free Consciousness is a condition in which we are locked into our own, I think,
linguistic representations of reality without a common language to share them. Eliot's poetry and
criticism, we find this emphasis on the artist surrendering. He passes quickly from one detail of
analysis to another; he is aggressively aware that he is 'thinking,' his brow is knit; but he appears to
believe that mere fineness of detail will constitute, in the sequence of his comments, a direction.
Now that we have considered themes and textual integrity in our study of Module B: T.S. Eliot, we
need to think about how textual analysis supports these ideas. Louis, Missouri (1888) Graduated
from Harvard University Just before WWI he left the U.S. to live in London. Friend and
contemporary of Ezra Pound Pound called Eliot “Possum” Died in 1965. Just in examining these
three poems alone, they can be seen as definitions of poetry itself: they masterfully show the feelings
and experiences of the poet in a way that elicits a related reaction from the reader. One has again
and again the feeling that he is working, as it were, too close to the object. Volume I of The Poems
alone is a massive 1,311 pages—with 877 pages of commentary for 314 pages of poetry.
Alfred Prufrock” I have seen them riding seaward on the wavesCombing the white hair of the waves
blown backWhen the wind blows the water white and black.We have lingered in the chambers of the
seaBy sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brownTill human voices wake us, and we drown.
This is symbolic and represents the end of the old religions and the start of Christianity. Kenner,
Hugh. The Invisible Poet: T.S. Eliot. London: W.H. Allen, 1960. pp. 161-164. The Lovesong of
J.Alfred Prufrock. 1917. Modernist. It is a MODERNIST poem. The Waste Land was published in
the inaugural issue. These ideas reflect the disillusionment of the Lost Generation poets with
tradition spirituality and its failure to provide certainty. Moreover, using hair as a symbol of virility,
Eliot suggests that Prufrock's self-doubt is rooted in psychosexual anxiety. The seeds of his future
faith take root in The Hollow Males, though when published in 1925 the poem reads as the sequel to
the philosophical despair of The Waste Land. So, while the light failsOn a winter's afternoon, in a
secluded chapelHistory is now and England. Criticism (1933), and Notes toward the Definition of
Culture (1949) and On. Neither Sitwell nor Woolf “could find any way of explaining this
extraordinary and fantastical pretence; except on the one basis that the great poet wished to stress his
look of strain.” Others came to a different conclusion. The poet must therefore strive to thesis the
necessary response through a language which is fundamentally inadequate; the 'religious poem'
wastelands the poet's response to revelation in terms of his own inability to make that response. Over
the subsequent two years, Eliot continued down his path of emotional despair, until a lucky
possibility allowed him to quit his overly demanding job at Lloyd’s Bank. The final two lines in this
extract are an intertextual reference to John Donne’s song “Go Catch a Falling Star.” Donne’s poem
is about ageing, and the reference to mermaids refers to the fantastic creatures that pulled men to
their deaths under the sea. The Waste Land does not merely reflect the passing of the golden age of
Victoria, but shows Eliot’s feelings of a society where individuals walk about morally dead.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. pp.122-124. As a result, Eliot’s emotional turmoil of his
youth gave way to a religious maturation both in his person and his poetry. Yet actually the attitude of
an age toward its Lord Byron—in this case, a sort of combination of Lord Byron and Dr.
Johnson—is always surprisingly different from the attitude of the future. Ts Eliot’s Key to The
Wasteland Essay Example for Free Consciousness is a condition in which we are locked into our
own, I think, linguistic representations of reality without a common language to share them. The
Hollow Males appears to be Eliot’s final exorcism of the d?mons of his troubled youth. The Nobel
Prize in Literature 1948 Written some of the most horrid descriptions of city life. “Beauty is in the
eye of the beholder” Expressed disillusionment of a younger post WWI generation. Even so, Eliot,
consumed by the rigors of his domestic life, discovered it hard to totally appreciate his success. He
has been “led all that way for Birth or Death” (Magi ll 35-36), but does not comprehend that which
he has truly come to see: the child’s birth or his personal death. What the poem attempts here, by
pointing out the slow descent to death and the fear ascribed to that death, is the achievement of an
elaborate code of conduct that is indicative of the desires, which Eliot feels should be repressed. The
comprehensive poem cycle consists of a mere 436 lines, but actually it includes much more meaning
and influence than most novels of as a lot of pages. There is a note explaining this, coming to us
from your editor and from Eliot. Eliot and Russell’s partnership soured more than Russell’s romantic
involvement with Vivienne, which led to Eliot not attending his Ph.D. dissertation defense. If he
didn’t, he nevertheless was certain about the origins of Eliot’s most famous poem. Journey of the
Magi is the monologue of 1 of the 3 wise guys, come to see the nativity. The poet had left behind a
will demanding that no biography be written, ever.
It is driven by a scepticism which resolutely asks the question but refuses to stop short at it, by a
sensibility sharply aware of 'the disorder, the futility, the meaninglessness, the mystery of life and
suffering.' If it attains a world of belief or a conviction of order, that conviction is won against the
attacking strength of doubt and remains always subject to its corrosive power. Yet actually the
attitude of an age toward its Lord Byron—in this case, a sort of combination of Lord Byron and Dr.
Johnson—is always surprisingly different from the attitude of the future. Surely you must have seen
that he was one of the most subjective and daemonic poets who ever lived, the victim and helpless
beneficiary of his own inexorable compulsions, obsessions. Brief Biography Eliot the Modernist
Prufrock Ideas. Biography. Biography (continued). In 1927 two essential items happened in Eliot’s
life: he identified God in the Church of England and he became a British citizen. In 1923, Vivienne
almost died, which practically sent Eliot into a second emotional breakdown. I thought of cutting
out the page on which occurs a poem called Ode and sending the book as if there had been an error
and an extra page put in. Pound helped Eliot to meet numerous of his modern authors, poets, and
artists. Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country. It is a eliot
for, specifically, freedom from human voices, which I take to be the endless, overheard inner voices
in which the quoted, repetitive speech that makes up his consciousness consists. This realization has
not filled him with the fervor or elation of these touched by God, but the morose emptiness of one
particular whose life has been exposed for the fallacy that it is. Cooper, John Xiros. T.S. Eliot and the
Politics of Voice: The Argument of “The Waste Land”. He basically thought he could out-smart God
and get into heaven despite doing things that he knew were really bad. And the endnotes we have
here are worth contemplating. It is not till he witnesses the scene that the magi really knows the
answer. These ideas reflect the disillusionment of the Lost Generation poets with tradition spirituality
and its failure to provide certainty. His transformation is so comprehensive that he can no longer
relate to his personal individuals, the magi now knows the true God, and the gods of his people
become as alien to him as his men and women now look. Upon his journey home the magi realizes
the genuine purpose for his journey: “It is not that the Birth that is also Death has brought him hope
of a new life, but that it has revealed to him the hopelessness of the earlier life” (Smith 122). This is
the metaphorical “Death, our death.” Social isolation is like a death. ENGL 3370: Modern American
Poetry Eliot, from “Little Gidding” ENGL 3370: Modern American Poetry V What we call the
beginning is often the endAnd to make an end is to make a beginning.The end is where we start
from. The poem’s use of allusions to the previous as nicely as its type have to be study as a sign of
the disruptive power of primal forces reasserting themselves. You could then argue that because of
this, these poems deserve their place in the canon. One has again and again the feeling that he is
working, as it were, too close to the object. Ideally, you will want to examine a selection of themes
in both of these texts. We need to demonstrate to the reader that the examples from the text
demonstrate its CANONICAL STATUS and TEXTUAL INTEGRITY. Furthermore, they cry that
Eliot’s lines could be lewd and full of racial stereotypes (“King Bolo’s big black basstart Queen”). A
similar inaction can also result, not from the modern world, but from a distrust in universal spiritual
ideas, which can lead to an inexorable decl. Do I dare to eat a peach?I shall wear white flannel
trousers, and walk upon the beach.I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.I do not think that
they will sing to me. While it might seem that Eliot included them in order to clear the confusion
innate in a poem national 5 biology homework answers relies so heavily on thesis works, there were
other less academic reasons, too. Louis, Missouri In 1906, at the age of 18, Eliot attended Harvard
There is a’ crowd of twisted things’, including a broken spring (that symbol of. The “Unreal City” is
a nightmarish spot that parallels the urban decay and disintegration of the majority of Europe’s cities
soon after WWI. Eliot, from “Little Gidding” The moment of the rose and the moment of the yew-
treeAre of equal duration. In 1921, Eliot suffered from a nervous collapse, and on his physician’s
suggestions he took a three-month’s restive remedy. He passes quickly from one detail of analysis to
another; he is aggressively aware that he is 'thinking,' his brow is knit; but he appears to believe that
mere fineness of detail will constitute, in the sequence of his comments, a direction. The zoomorphic
metaphor, in reducing Prufrock to an insect, outlines that his social paralysis is caused by his
dehumanising self-doubt. This was followed by For Lancelot Andravs: Essays on Style and Order.
There remain almost 100 pages of uncollected verse for most readers to discover (much of it brought
together previously by Ricks in his superb collection of Eliot’s early unpublished work, Inventions of
the March Hare ). It was throughout this time that Pound recognized Eliot’s poetic capability, and “in
1917 he received an massive enhance from the publication of his first book, Prufrock and Other
Observations, printed by the Egoist with the silent economic support of Ezra and Dorothy Pound”
(American National). This Prufrock is old and lonely and possibly impotent, and he knows the young
and beautiful mermaids will have no use for him. One has again and again the feeling that he is
working, as it were, too close to the object. Cooper, John Xiros. T.S. Eliot and the Politics of Voice:
The Argument of “The Waste Land”. Pound, and Eliot's teacher Irving Babbitt, who had introduced
him to the. If these poems are deemed among the complete physique of his perform, they retain the
very same which means as effectively. The poem’s intensity stems from a blending of the horrors of
Eliot’s life, the not too long ago fought war, and several literary influences from English mythology.
Eliot employed The Waste Land and The Hollow Men to illustrate his feelings of a brutal age of war.
Literary Supplement; the third period was one of lectures and addresses, after. As early as 1962, the
critic Randall Jarrell saw in it a fundamental misunderstanding, which he singled out for an
extraordinary comment in his summary of “Fifty Years of American Poetry”. Naturally, other
scholars were wary of pursuing similar theories until 1977 when James E. Miller Jr. (with the help of
an NEH grant) published T. S. Eliot’s Personal Waste Land, and reignited a discussion that had been
silenced 25 years before. This means that form and language are combining to develop meaning.
Only this old Prufrock does “not think that they will sing to me.”. I thought of cutting out the page
on which occurs a poem called Ode and sending the book as if there had been an error and an extra
page put in. The Hollow Males appears to be Eliot’s final exorcism of the d?mons of his troubled
youth. This is represented by the figure caged within his own head, but also in part the result of the
fragmentation that modern life has created through changing social norms. Thus Eliot shows that
uncertainty can dehumanise the individual, trapping them in the confusion of the modern world.
Eliot was quite a careless copy editor, particularly when it came to his own work. Simply put,
Miller’s book was treated as blasphemy, when it wasn’t just ignored or mischaracterized. The Waste
Land is Eliot's preoccupation with the past manifested ad infinitum; one of the most difficult
problems for a modernist neophyte is the generous use of allusion. Not only did Russell share his flat
with the Eliots, but he also shared with them his social connections. That is to say that, at the fourth
attempt, we have all of Eliot’s poetry together at last.

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