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NPM/ Name :

5201411037 Shifani Aisyah Putri

5201411036 Nur Kartika Ratri
5201411038 Annisa Diah Pratiwi
5201411020 Winar Nuralisa Oktasari




Independent learning build students' way of thinking and sharpen their strategy to face
the life after gaining education at school, which is working(Martín de León & García
Hermoso, 2020). In essence, teachers hope that their students could reach their success in
working by giving them many facilities in their independent learning like providing
references, such as bibliography, the ability to find and adapt sources to their needs, and even
make their own material(Martín de León & García Hermoso, 2020). Indonesia Ministry of
Education, Nadiem Makarim, published an open letter No.1 year 2020 about the policy of
“Merdeka Belajar” or “Kebebasan Belajar”. The concept of “Merdeka Belajar”, is giving the
freedom for education institution in pushing students in innovating and having creative
thought(Sibagariang et al., 2021). Many medias have been used for the needs of independent
learning. Generation Z in this era is getting used with the internet. In result, independent
learning could be done throughout internet facilities, such as e-learning, AI, coding, etc
(Hastini et al., 2020). However, the readiness of students to face independent learning is still
being questioned. In fact, lack of will and initiative in having independent learning, lack of
knowledge also the misunderstanding about independent learning is still commonly found
among the students(Nyambe et al., 2016). the readiness of students to face independent
learning is still being questioned. In fact, lack of will and initiative in having independent
learning, lack of knowledge also the misunderstanding about independent learning is still
commonly found among the students(Nyambe et al., 2016). the readiness of students to face
independent learning is still being questioned. In fact, lack of will and initiative in having
independent learning, lack of knowledge also the misunderstanding about independent
learning is still commonly found among the students (Nyambe et al., 2016).

Instability that occurs in independent learning is caused by various factors. This has
been studied from the results of research and the perspectives of researchers. The first factor
comes from the individual, because it is the personal internal of a student (learner), while the
second is social, where a teacher is created in classroom learning as a learning model/strategy
to achieve optimal learning goals (Azmi, 2016). The unsteadiness that happened in
independent learning The third factor is influenced by the perspective of sociology and
anthropology of education (Mandiri et al., 2021). The fourth factor is influenced by science
and technology (Krishnapatria, 2021). This is also supported by research on the use of online
learning media to improve independent learning (Sebayang et al., 2020). The fifth factor is
the unpreparedness of students in facing independent learning (Nyambe et al., 2016). Self-
directed learning is a process in which individuals learn without the help of others supported
by digital and mobile technology, technology applications are developed to take advantage of
the concept of self-directed learning (Walsh, 2017; Curran et al., 2019; Kim, Olfman)., Ryan,
& Eryilmaz, 2014). Independent learning in the digital era is also a growing phenomenon
with implications for the learning process and learner attributes (Curran et al., 2017)
(Fahlmann, 2013) (Scott et al., 2014). Skills in using digital technology make it easier for a
person to learn independently (Bullock, 2013). Increasing use of technology has important
implications for workplace organizations and policies that can support effective self-learning
processes in the digital age (Curran et al., 2019). A more successful transition to online
learning is influenced by user intent and technology usability (Yakubu, M & Dasuki, S, 2019;
Kemp, Palmer, & Strelan, 2019). Currently digital technology has become an inseparable part
of the world of education (Benson & Kolsaker, 2015). One of the reasons cognitive scientists
should be interested in self-directed learning is the fact that it is widely considered to enhance
learning, especially in educational contexts (Gureckis & Markant, 2012). Several previous
studies on web-based learning showed an increase in both the process and learning outcomes,
as was done by (Budi & Nurjayanti, 2013). Teaching students to become independent
learners is an ongoing goal for educators, but not all students have the self-regulation skills
necessary for online education (Tichavsky, L, Hunt, A, Driscoll, & Jicha, 2015). mediator
(Slavin, 1995; Suarni, 2005; Song & Hill, 2007; in Sunarto, 2008). At the heart of
independent learning is the idea that the learner takes control of his or her own learning by
taking responsibility and deciding what and how something is learned (Merriam & Bierema,
2013). The results of studies on independent learning are very diverse. Both from instability
and its causal factors, then independent learning which is stated to be in dire need of
technological assistance and the need for the development of technology to support
independent learning. Then several articles also mention independent learning as a
phenomenon and now in its application, independent learning shifts the role of lecturers and
educators to become facilitators and mediators in the learning process. From here, further
research is needed in the hope of being able to explain whether independent learning has an
effect and is related to the ups and downs of student learning performance, whether it has a
significant effect or not. Both from instability and its causal factors, then independent
learning which is stated to be in dire need of technological assistance and the need for the
development of technology to support independent learning

This writing is a response based on the application of independent learning which is

now increasingly being used as a learning method in Indonesia. In its application, Independent
Learning has flexibility in the use of modules and curriculum design. This study focuses on
what effects can be caused by the application of self-learning in education. In compiling this
paper, there are two questions that are the main issues that will be raised further. First, what
independent learning strategies have an effect on student learning performance. And second,
how independent learning can reduce student learning performance. The above questions
were formulated to be studied further in the preparation and discussion of this study.

Independent learning which is now used as one of the learning methods in Indonesia,
independent learning is an interesting topic that gave birth to several arguments based on two
aspects. First, the influence of independent learning strategies on student performance is quite
good, the application of independent learning depends on the character of the students
themselves. Because basically independent learning is a student-centered learning strategy
(student-centered approach), so students themselves determine the implementation of learning
and students determine for themselves what they consider important to learn. In
implementing the independent learning strategy students will have their own benchmarks to
control their learning, where, when, and what is learned. Second, based on the questionnaires
that we have distributed, independent learning is seen as being able to reduce learning
performance, independent learning will encourage active learning if it is planned properly.
However, students in general have differences in the level of education. Independent learning
is more recommended to be applied at a high level such as for students. Independent learning
is felt to be less in accordance with the learning system in Indonesia, independent learning
has a greater responsibility than joint learning in this learning method students are
accustomed and directed to study the material independently, students are also given the
freedom to interpret a material according to their respective creativity, with the lack of
teacher supervision in shared learning.


Definition of Independent Learning

The ability to learn independently is part of the life skills that are needed by a professional
educator. The development of science, the dynamics of social change and the growing
complexity of educational problems, according to a professional educator to carry out self-
development, the ability to learn independently becomes important in the context of self-
development to balance the dynamics of these changes and challenges. There are two terms in
English related to the notion of independent learning abilities, namely independent learning
and self-directed learning. The term independent learning is defined by Holec (1981) in
Hodgson, as the ability to take charge of one's learning” or the individual's ability to control
the learning process he does himself (2005: 1) The characteristics that a person has the ability
to learn independently include being able to make the right choices and being responsible for
the learning activities he does. In line with Hodgson, Kesten explained that responsible
decisions were made on the basis of their learning needs. “Independent learning is that
learning in which the learner, in conjunction with relevant others, can make the decisions the
necessary to meet the learner's own learning needs.” (Kesten, p.3) in conjunction with
relevant others, can make the decisions the necessary to meet the learner's own learning
needs.” (Kesten, p.3) in conjunction with relevant others, can make the decisions the
necessary to meet the learner's own learning needs.” (Kesten, p.3)

Progressivism in Education

As the name implies, the flow of progressivism philosophy emphasizes the progress or
progress of an individual learner. The progress in question is the progress of a student in
learning to face social conditions in the future. The future faced by a person is not the same as
the lifetime of the educators so that students must learn according to their needs and
according to their times. In the tracing of Djumransyah (2006:178-179), the philosophy of
progressivism has its roots to Heraclitus (±544 to ±484 BC), Socrates (469 to 399 BC), and
Protagoras. Heraclitus said that the ultimate nature and reality is change. Nothing is
permanent in the world, everything changes. Socrates said that knowledge is the key to virtue.
Protagoras said that truth and values are relative,

Factors Affecting Independent Learning

"The results of thinking on Djaali (2017) state that internal factors that influence learning
independence include: (1) Self-concept. Students are accustomed to learning when they
understand the material obtained by the teacher. (2) Motivation. Students will always develop
pre-existing interests (3) Attitudes. Students reflect positive behavior when in the community.
Meanwhile, external factors that influence learning independence include: (1) The
surrounding environment. The surrounding factors that can affect students at school (2)
Community factors. Factors that can give students a positive attitude. (3) School factor.
Factors that determine so that students can provide better changes and (4) family factors. The
most decisive and most important factor so that students have encouragement when they go to
school. "Based on some of the theories above, that according to the author, the factors that
influence learning independence include the following: 1) Internal factors are factors that
affect student learning independence from within, including: (1) Discipline, will make
students more skilled at managing time. Students understand the character they already have.
(2) Confidence, students will be more courageous in facing problems. Students can face the
problems they face. (3) Encouragement, students will be stronger for memory in the brain.
Students can have a broad perspective. (4) Responsibility, students will have the ability to
solve problems. Students can take responsibility for the problems they face. 2) External
factors are factors that affect student learning independence from outside. includes: (1)
customs, Students must be familiar with the customs in their respective regions. Students can
understand the material that has been presented previously. (2) The surrounding community,
students can provide a forum for change for the community for the better. Students have
above average abilities. (3) Natural conditions, students must take care of the nature around
them so that they can be perfectly maintained. Students can reap the results that are already
owned by these natural resources.
Learning Performance Using Independent Learning.

According to (Sanjaya, 2011) educators need to develop teaching materials so that students
have positive learning outcomes in accordance with the existing curriculum, the development
of learning needs and the development of information technology. This encourages educators,
especially lecturers, to be able to develop teaching materials that are in accordance with
learning needs and according to student characteristics. There are several types of teaching
materials in independent learning, namely printed, audio, and visual teaching materials. One
of the printed teaching materials is teaching materials in the form of modules. Modules are
teaching materials that can be used by students to study independently with minimal
assistance from others. It is said so, because the module is made based on an independent
learning program. The module contains objectives, materials, and learning and evaluation
activities. That the modules must be arranged systematically and focused in order to increase
student activity. The lack of supporting modules for each course makes lectures unable to run
optimally if the lectures are carried out independently by students. The absence of
independent learning-based modules that can be studied by students independently makes it
difficult for lecturers to prepare online lectures. Students also find it difficult to understand
the subjects in online lectures. So that the impact that students get is a decrease in student
understanding in the subjects being studied. And the lecturers are not able to monitor the
progress of learning courses for students. Based on the results of interviews with several
lecturers, student learning outcomes did not produce the expected values or were still below
the average. This can be seen when students do the assignments given by the lecturers. On
average, students can only work on the first step, but for the next step students are still
confused and do not understand. Teaching materials such as books used in lectures should be
used as a means of supporting lectures. But if textbooks are not available, it can hinder
lectures. Teaching materials should be designed according to the characteristics of students,
so that students can understand the material comfortably and well. One solution is for the
lecturer to develop teaching materials for the subjects being studied, teaching materials that
students can study independently. This makes it easier for students to study anywhere and
anytime. but for the next step students are still confused and do not understand. Teaching
materials such as books used in lectures should be used as a means of supporting lectures. But
if textbooks are not available, it can hinder lectures. Teaching materials should be designed
according to the characteristics of students, so that students can understand the material
comfortably and well. One solution is for the lecturer to develop teaching materials for the
subjects being studied, teaching materials that students can study independently. This makes
it easier for students to study anywhere and anytime. but for the next step students are still
confused and do not understand. Teaching materials such as books used in lectures should be
used as a means of supporting lectures. But if textbooks are not available, it can hinder
lectures. Teaching materials should be designed according to the characteristics of students,
so that students can understand the material comfortably and well. One solution is for the
lecturer to develop teaching materials for the subjects being studied, teaching materials that
students can study independently. This makes it easier for students to study anywhere and
anytime. But if textbooks are not available, it can hinder lectures. Teaching materials should
be designed according to the characteristics of students, so that students can understand the
material comfortably and well. One solution is for the lecturer to develop teaching materials
for the subjects being studied, teaching materials that students can study independently. This
makes it easier for students to study anywhere and anytime. But if textbooks are not
available, it can hinder lectures. Teaching materials should be designed according to the
characteristics of students, so that students can understand the material comfortably and well.
One solution is for the lecturer to develop teaching materials for the subjects being studied,
teaching materials that students can study independently. This makes it easier for students to
study anywhere and anytime.

Teaching materials with their function in learning and influencing the educational process.
The quality of learning can be influenced by teaching materials as well as the quality of
learning outcomes. Therefore, teaching materials have a function in learning and play a very
strategic and important role and determine the achievement of competency goals. The
limitations of textbooks and the absence of supporting modules in independent learning
activities by students in courses can affect the lack of maximum in providing materials and
assignments to students. The background of the previous school is also very influential on the
students' initial understanding, motivation, and way of learning. Independent learning which
is now used as one of the learning methods with the aim of improving skills in the learning
process which is very necessary to obtain good and maximum learning outcomes. The
influence of independent learning in students must be balanced or equal. Where it depends on
the character of each student, this influence can change and differ according to the situation,
based on the ups and downs or increases from the influence of independent learning. Of
course, one of the factors is that adequate students are of course different from students who
have limited facilities and so on, in this learning method students are asked to understand
their own material and express creative freedom in understanding the material that has been
obtained, minimal from teacher supervision. This influence can change and differ according
to the situation, based on the rise, and fall or increase of the influence of independent
learning. Of course, one of the factors is that adequate students are of course different from
students who have limited facilities and so on, in this learning method students are asked to
understand their own material and express creative freedom in understanding the material that
has been obtained, minimal from teacher supervision. This influence can change and differ
according to the situation, based on the rise and fall or increase of the influence of
independent learning. Of course, one of the factors is that adequate students are of course
different from students who have limited facilities and so on, in this learning method students
are asked to understand their own material and express creative freedom in understanding the
material that has been obtained, minimal from teacher supervision.

The purpose of independent learning is the curiosity of every student to find new things, so it
definitely brings students to always look for problem solving so that in this case student
learning independence cannot be separated from the effectiveness of the learning model
applied to educators. The learning model can be used as a teacher's guide and reference, so
that it can stimulate students to be active and independent in participating in learning.

Questionnaire Results

The results of the questionnaire on independent learning on average do not agree with the
existence of independent learning in Indonesia, they feel it is inappropriate because not
everyone can understand independent learning, they feel they still need detailed explanations,
in addition to doing independent learning in Indonesia there are still lack of facilities support,
such as modules, because there are still many people who need to be helped to understand
learning. The reason they are not able to apply independent learning is because many of them
feel less focused, less effective, feel bored, and become easily distracted by other things such
as gadgets. The obstacles felt when carrying out independent learning, namely lack of
understanding of learning, lack of focus, decreased learning motivation due to limited social

Independent learning and its effect on fluctuations in learning performance is the main
focus we take in this case study. The implementation of independent learning gives birth to
various kinds of opinions and assumptions that are varied and complex. This study uses a
qualitative research design written in a scientific descriptive narrative. Selective data
collection in this study was carried out using questionnaires distributed using google forms,
observations, interviews, and literature studies conducted online and offline. Where we use
descriptive data which is a perception from the point of view of the respondents we observed,
namely the 4th semester students of the English Education Study Program, University of
Technology Yogyakarta.

Questionnaire is a data collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions or

statements to other people who are used as respondents to answer. Some things that need to
be considered in the preparation are the principles of writing a questionnaire, the principle of
measurement, and physical appearance. The principle of writing a questionnaire involves
several factors: the content and purpose of the question, the language used must be adjusted
to the respondent's ability not to use language full of terms. We select respondents selectively,
meet the research criteria, and have known and attended independent learning courses
consciously and sanely.

According to the results of selective data collection that we have done, broadly speaking,
independent learning affects the ups and downs of learning performance due to the different
interpretation and understanding of students in digesting teaching materials. The most
dominant reason is that independent learning takes place without monitoring and directed
evaluation from the supervisor so that students are not able to socialize properly which causes
learning saturation.

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