1584867077-Outline-Nursery, KG, Std-I and Std-II

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Bangladesh International School & College

Nirjhor, Dhaka Cantonment

Lesson Outline for Assessment (01) - 2020
Class: Nursery
1. evsjv:
A - J ‡jLv
k~b¨¯’vb c~iY
Qwe †`‡L eY© wjL
Qwei mv‡_ eY© wgjvI

Avgvi cY
KvM‡Ri UzKiv
AvZv MvQ †ZvZv cvwL
5wU dzj I dj
7 w`‡bi bvg

2. English:

(A-Z) (a-z) writings
Fill in the blanks
Picture identification (A-H)
Matching letters (small/caps)
Matching letters with pictures (A-H)

Rhymes-Red red
1, 2, buckle my shoe
Bits of paper
5 fruits
5 vegetables
7 days

3. Math:

a) Number writing (1-30)
b) Fill in the blanks (1-30)
c) Before/between/after (1-10)
d) Count in write (1-10)
d) Addition with pictures (1-10)
Schedule of the Class Assessment (01) -2020

Day & Date Subject


1. Assessment will be held on 1st Period.
2. Regular classes will be held according to class routine.

Bangladesh International School & College
Bangladesh International School and College
Nirjhor, Dhaka Cantonment
Class: KG
Syllabus Outline of (CT-1) - 2020
1. evsjv:
K) v-Kvi, w-Kvi w`‡q kã MVb
L) ¯^ie‡Y©i mv‡_ ¯^iwPý wgjvI
M) Qwe ‡`‡L kã MVb Ki
N) evK¨ MVb Ki
O) K_vq wjL (1 - 5)
P) KweZv: Avgvi †`k (†gŠwLK)

2. English Literature:
a) Write down rhyming words.
b) Missing letters.
c) Identify pictures.
d) Reading test.
Book: 1. Oxford Reading Circle – Primer (ORC)
Page: 21, 27 & 28
e) Cross the odd one.
f) Rhyme: Ding Dong Bell.

3. English Language:
a) Match the words with their pictures
b) Write two more rhyming words
c) Draw lines to match the words
d) Complete the Crosswords

4. Mathematics:
Topic From where to study
Numerals (1-100) CW copy & Work sheet
Number name (1-20) CW copy & Work sheet
Write in Digits (1-20) CW copy & Work sheet
>/</= CW copy, Work sheet & Book
Table - 1 CW copy & Work sheet
Addition (Horizontal & Work sheet & Book
Subtraction (Horizontal & Work sheet & Book
5. Science:

Chapter Topic
1. Big and small plants 1. Fill in the blanks
2. Flowers 2. True/False
3. Leaves 3. Matching
4. Fruits 4. Identification
5. Write names

Schedule of the Class Assessment (01) -2020

Class: KG

Date & Day Subject

English Language
English Literature

Regular classes will be held according to class routine.

Bangladesh International School & College
Bangladesh International School & College
Nirjhor Dhaka Cantonment
Syllabus Outline of CT (01) - 2020
Class: Std-I (One)

1. English Literature

From where to read Question Pattern

1. Oxford Reading 1. Poem (oral)
Circle (Book-1) 2. Question/answer
 Two Little Dicky 3. Make sentence
Birds 4. Word meaning
 Doctor Dan 5. Fill in the blanks
2. Class work 6. Reading

2. English Language

Name of Where to
Topics Question pattern
Book read from
1. Noun: Fill in the blanks with
Nouns, 2. Writing Capital Letters(4 As done in
Capital sentences will be given and the class
Letters, students have to use capital letters work copy
Gender (He where necessary, page: 11, 14) and
Book-1 by
and She), 3. Writing gender (He and She, Language
Plurals, page: 19) Book
Describing 4. Writing Plurals (page- 17)
Picture 5. Describing Picture (Students
have to write 4 sentences about
the picture at page 5)

3. Bangla
cÖ‡kœi aiY ‡hLvb †_‡K co‡e
Kvi wPý w`‡q kã
K_vq †jLv C.W, H.W evsjv eB
¯^ieY© w`‡q kã MVb
evK¨ MVb
‡gŠwLK : Mí: KvK I Kjwm, ggyi mvZw`b evsjv eB
Qov: BZj weZj, AvZv Mv‡Q †ZvZv cvwL
mvZ w`‡bi bvg
4. Science
Chapter Topic From where to
Ch-1 (Living and Fill in the blanks ( without clue) Pg no-4,11
Non-living Fill in the blanks ( with clue) Pg no-5,13
Write down true or false Pg no-6 & WS 2
Ch-2 (A green Match the following WS 1
world) Answer the following question Pg no-7,13,14
Reading Pg no-
Board work (F/B, T/F) Pg no-4,11,5,6,13

5. Religion

Chapters taught Question Pattern From where to read

Word Meaning - 4
True/False - 3
Lesson- 1, 2 Fill in the blanks - 4 CW Copy & Worksheet
Matching - 3
Q/A - 3

6. Mathematics

Pages Items
01 - 44 1. Write the number names
2. Write in numerals.
3. Write down the place value from the followings:
4. Find out Even and Odd numbers
5. Times Table from (1 - 5)
6. Add.
7. Subtract
8. After, before and between
9. Fill in the missing numbers
N.B: No word problems will be given in CT - 01
7. Moral Science
Chapter Topic From where to
1. Tickets to the Word Meaning CW copy
Circus Matching CW copy
2. A Boy and A Fill in the blanks Pg no-4,11
Parrot True /False CW copy
3. On a Picnic Answer the following question CW copy
Oral- Reading story Pg no- 1,3,8,10
Recitation the poem Pg no- 7
Board Work- F/B, W/M CW copy
Bangladesh International School & College
Nirjhor Dhaka Cantonment
Syllabus Outline of CT (01) - 2020
Class: Std-II (Two)

1. English Literature
From where to read Question Pattern Marks Distribution
3. Oxford Reading Circle (Book-2) 7. 8 lines from the poem with poet’s 4
 Mice name
 Ruby’s Garden 8. Question /answer 1x2=2
 The Three Spinners 9. Make sentence 1x3=3
4. Class work 10. True/False 0.5x4 =2
11. Word meaning 0.5x4=2
12. Fill in the blanks 0.5x4=2
13. Speaking 5
Total 20

2. English Language
Name of Book Topics Question pattern Where to read from
1. Noun: Underline the nouns in the 1x5 = 5
following sentences(page-1)
2. Sounds: Writing the name of 1x4 = 4
Junior Nouns, As done in the class
English Sounds, work copy and
3. Preposition : Fill in the blanks with 1x 4=5
Book-2 by Preposition, Language Book
Haydn Comprehens
4. Comprehension at page 12: i. 2x3=6
Richards ion
Question Answer: 1-5 or,
ii. 12 word meanings given in the
Total Marks 20

3. Bangla
wm‡jevm cÖ‡kœiaib gvbeÈb ‡kLvi ¯’vb
1. kx‡Zi mKvj 1. kãv_©(kã I A_©) 1×4=4 eB I †kÖwYi Kv‡Ri LvZv
2. Rjcwi I KvVz‡i 2. k~b¨¯’vbc~iY (ïayDËi) 1×4=4
3. ePb 4. hy³eY© (hy³eY© †f‡½ 1 wU K‡i 1×2=2
4. Avwg ne kã)
3. cªkœ-DËi (kyay DËi) 2×2=4
5. ePb (cÖ‡kœvËi) 1×2=2
6. evK¨ MVb 2×1=2
7. †gŠwLK 2
‡gvU 20
4. Mathematics
Pages Items Question MARKS
01 – 28 1. Write the number names Fill in the blank 4
2. Write in numerals. MCQ 4
3. Write down the place value from the Numbers 3
4. Find out Even and Odd numbers Addition 4
5. Times Table from (5 - 7) Word Problems 5
6. Add. Total = 20
7. Word Problems
8. Successors and predecessors
9. Fill in the missing numbers

5. Religion
Chapter no. Question Pattern Where to read
F/B 13=3
Q/A 32=6
Lesson – 1 Book & Copy
Matching 15=5
Lesson – 2 as done in the class
T/F 13=3
W/M 13=3
Total 20

6. Computer Science
Name of
Chapters Question pattern Marks From where to read
Computers Chapter-1,2 Fill in the blanks-5 (Chapter Book- Chapter 1, Page-8
15= 5
Ahead 1, 2) and Chapter 2, Page-17
Book- Chapter 1, Page-8
True or False-5 (Chapter 1,
15= 5 and Chapter 2, Class work
Chapter-2, page- 13,15 and
Matching- 4 (Chapter 2) 14=4
Class work copy
Short Question-3 (Chapter 1,
23= 6 Class work copy
Total 20

Name of the Chapter Taught Question Pattern Mark From where
Book distribution to read
Social lesson-1: My Personal Dairy 1. Fill in the 15=5 From Text
Science and lesson-2: Our Family blanks Book & CW
General lesson-3: Duties in a family 2. Matching 14=4 copy
Knowledge  National Symbols of 3. MCQ 15=5
Bangladesh 4. Short 23=6
 Fruits Questions
Total 20
8. Science

Chapter Topic From where to read Marks

Fill in the blanks (with clue) Pg no-6,13 1x4=4
Ch-1 (Our Earth) Fill in the blanks (without clue) Pg no-3,5,10,12 1x4=4
Ch-2(A green Answer the following question Pg no-7,14 2x4=8
world) MCQ 6,7,13 1 x 4= 4


9. Arts & Crafts

Name of Question pattern Marks From where to read
My Favorite 1. Draw and color the 1. Drawing Art Book& From Class work
Drawing following topic: (1out of 1). (10X1=10). copy.
A) Swimming Dncks 2. Coloring
B) Peacock in the garden (10X1=10).
Total =

10. Hindu Religion & Moral Education

Chapter no. Question Pattern Where to read
F/B 14=4
1. Sheila’s Choice T/F 14=4 Book & Copy
2. Biggest of All Matching 14=4 as done in the class
Q/A 24=8
Total 20

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