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Today's society is more and more developed and modern, accordingly, the internet is also growing

stronger and stronger. The advent of the Internet brought many positive aspects to life, but everything
has good and bad sides, besides the positive sides, there are also many negative sides attached. First,
let's talk about the positives that it has brought us in the midst of this 4.0 era. Since the advent of the
internet, people's lives have become easier and more convenient. Previously, to meet someone, you had
to go to the place, now, you only need to have a phone and an internet connection at home, you can still
meet them. It makes it easier for you to shop online, easily find everything you want to know, and send
messages for free. With the current COVID epidemic situation, the importance of the internet is great, it
helps you to study online without having to go to school. Admittedly, the advent of the internet helped
us a lot, but it also brought many negative things. Now on the street, everyone just hugs the phone and
doesn't care about everything around. spend less time talking to family and friends. Even when eating
together without talking, just staring at the phone surfing the web. The most condemnable is the
parent's way of educating children, as long as the child is fussy and refuses to eat, the parents give the
phone to the child to play, have to show cartoons for the child to eat. Children today are old enough to
know how to use phones. So everything has advantages and disadvantages, so you have to know how to
balance it so that you don't depend too much on the internet. Use the internet as a tool and don't let it
control you.

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