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The Promised Land

Every person in this world has a dream to go to what we call the paradise. The word
paradise is subjective, but, whenever I hear this word, what comes to my mind is a place where I
can find peace, freedom, happiness, safety, prosperity, and a perfect place to live. It contrary to
the place and state where I have been living on. A state is a political association that consists of a
group of people that has the purpose of regulating society and the population within a territory by
formal institutions of government such as laws, rules, society, territorial boundaries, and
I am currently living on a state where full of rotten people with a characteristic of
corrupt, thief, power abuser, selfish, irresponsible, and full of dirty and wrong doings that causes
grow of crime, poverty, starvation, injustice, war, chaos, and even death. If I am given a chance
to create my own, I will use my own experience and search for the government style that is
essential and helpful for my people and within my jurisdiction. I will make my state as a
promised land where it nourishes the quality of human life, full of wealth and resources, good
justice system, freedom, peace, and good governance.
To achieve my desired state, I start by choosing the right system for my government,
which is the democratic governing style. This type of governance helps to shape the state in to
positive path with the participation and cooperation of the citizen. To help my promise land to
achieve all the benefits, the citizen of my state should become a good citizen that is loyal,
devoted, and willing to obey and follow the commands, rules, and laws of the authorities
regardless of the consequences. It will achieve the democratic government which promotes
freedom, equality, protection, and safety to the loyal citizen.
First, is I will be organizing my state by structuring and creating systems. The existing
branches of government including the judiciary, legislature, and executive is the main systems.
The judiciary has a significant role in interpreting and deciding the meaning of the laws and is
responsible for resolving conflicts regarding rights. Next, the responsible for altering, making,
and repealing laws through the country’s constitution is the legislative branch, while the
executive branch will be focusing on carrying out and/or enforcing relevant laws. In my
promised land, I want these branches to serve their duties and responsibilities for life to the state.
The citizen around my promised land has the power and right to decide to elect to become part of
the three branches, however, to ensure the credibility, trustworthiness, and authenticity of the
candidate they must have a background checking, assessment, credentials, achievements, skills,
abilities, and qualification. This will help to stop the corruption within my people such as
bribery, lobbying, extortion, graft, political dynasties, patronage, etc.
Second, in my promised land, safety, and security are my top priorities, I believe that
it is the heart of the prosperity of any state. I want my citizens to feel safe and protected from any
risk, injuries, abuse, and harm and secure them from danger and threat. I’ll start with
implementing and enhancing the diplomatic and defense capability to protect my sovereignty and
territorial integrity. Instead of wasting the funds, I make use of the build-up of aircraft, vessels,
and any material that increases the defense of my state. After that, I focus on my people through
prioritizing to prevent any form of criminality, cruelty, and illegal work. I will create a program
consisting of laws, policies, and strategies to build connections and trust between my people.
Third, elimination of poverty. The best way to reduce poverty in my state is by
maximizing, expanding, and promoting quality education and social welfare. The quality of
education is accessible, available, and sustainable for every person in my state. I ensure that
children, specifically in rural areas will provide a free high-quality education for them to gain
knowledge, talent, and life skills to realize their full potential. My promised land assures that it is
open regardless of your gender, age, ethnic, color, nationality, etc. It provides more
infrastructures for schools, provides transportation, and offers scholarships and financial
assistance. The promised land will nurture teachers and staff by training them and giving them
high salaries and compensation because they are the one should be given a full support. I believe
that true education is a key to open the door for new opportunities, jobs, resources, and skills.
Also, I have a social service program for my people. The promised land offers assistance such as
shelter, goods, services, and compensation to individuals and families in need. My aim is to help
my people physically, mentally, financially, and spirituality. I want them to feel that in this kind
of fight in life they are not alone and they have a government that they can trust, support, and
assure them they are the priority.
Fourth, as a nursing student, I want to expand and improve the healthcare system. My
state will provide affordable and accessible healthcare services and interventions for everyone. I
will build more health clinics, and hospitals, train healthcare workers, and invest in equipment,
tools, and medicine. The promised land will improve the quality of care, prevention, and
interventions, and reduce the costs. I will create facilities such as dialysis centers, nursing homes,
psychiatric hospitals, homes for the aged, birth centers, and community clinics. I highly respect
our healthcare workers, I will increase their salary, give them benefits, and protection, and
balance their working time. Since, I value them every once a month they will be assessed for
physical, mental, and social stability to ensure they are physically, mentally, and socially stable.
Fifth, my promised land has programs, laws, and rules that improves the judicial system.
The judicial system is a system of courts that passes judgement on whether a person or legal
entity has a broken the law and impose appropriate punishments. My promised land ensures the
rule of law and legal security for individuals. Our program is to have peaceful and inclusive
societies by creating and building effective justice for all. I want my citizen to feel safe and
secure physically and psychologically through reduction of crime, threats, and danger. I will be
implementing laws such as human rights, equality, non-discriminatative, and freedom to my
citizen. Also, I ensure that all convicted people have a decent jail or prison, they will be
punishment by the law, however they have still to right to have a quality of care such as foods,
shelter, and service.
Lastly, I want to increase my economy, resources, and wealth. In my promised land, I will
promote economic growth by increasing the production of jobs, higher wages, lending, and
investment. I will promote fiscal policies and currency devaluation. I also want to increase my
natural resources through the use of agriculture, aquatic preservation, and preservation of land
and water sources. To help my citizens, I’ll create a flexible labor market, reduce the tax, and use
of innovation and technology.
In conclusion, creating your own dream place such as state is not as easy as you think. It
requires a serious responsibility and duty not only for the state, but also to the people. The
promised land fosters the people and the society to experience justice, equality, freedom, peace,
quality of life, and opportunity for all. In this state, I use democracy style to achieve all the goals
and objectives of the state. It supports and promote high quality education, health care, and basic
necessities. As we stive towards this “Promised Land”, we cannot achieve something without
ourelves as well as our discipline, respect, responsibility, and duty to make our dream come true.

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