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1. Following are mentioned few duties which is not the duty of management?

(a) To keep stability.

(b) To motivate staff.

(c) To reduce wastages.

(d) To do manufacturing.

2. F.W. Taylor has given his highest contribution in _________________________

(a) Economics and management.

(b) Principles of management.

(c) Functions to management.

(d) Scientific management.

3. "Management is getting the things done by others" is said by _________

(a) Henry Fayol.

(b) Drucker.

(c) Mery Parker.

(d) Fayol.

4. Management is ____________

(a) Methodology

(c) Team activity

(b) Social science.

(d) All are correct.

5. Following is not the principle of management.

(a) Authority.

(b) Discipline

(c) Equity.

(d) Planning.

6. Position, designation, seniority defines

(a) Centralization.

(b) Initiative.

(c) Authority.

(d) Scalar chain.

7. What is Esprit de Corps?

(a) It is a function of management.

(b) It is a principle of management.

(c) It is a management concept in Russia.

(d) It is a name of a company.

8. Why plan fails?

(a) Lack of Kno ledge

(b) Insufficient data.

(c) Over confidence.

(d) All are correct.

9. Scalar organization is also known as ___________

(a) Line organization.

(b) Project organization.

(c) Staff organization.

(d) Functional organization.

10 . Line and staff organization is __________

(a) Horizontal.

(b) Vertical.

(c) Both horizontal and vertical

(d) None.

11. Authority enjoys ________ and ____________

(a) Duty, responsibility.

(b) Designation, responsibility.

(c) Status, dignity.

(d) None.

12. Staff includes ____________

(a) Selection

(b) Training.

(c) Promotions.

(d) All the above.

13. Decision-making skills comes under ___________________

(a) Technical skills.

(b) Conceptual skills

(c) Human relations skills.

(d) None of the above

14. Sales cannot be promoted by _________

(a) Advertisement.

(b) Personal selling.

(c) Design

(d) Sales promotion.

15. Who plan capacity of machine?

(a) Operator.

(b) Supervisor.

(c) CEO

(d) Quality Inspector.

16. Cycle time is concerned with __________

(a) Automobile

(b) Operator's work

(c) Machine and process

(d) Time office

17 _____________ is a financial statement prepared and approved prior to defined period of time.

(a) Audit

(b) Control charts

(c) Budget

(d) Order of payment

18. While planning which parameters does supervisor observe?

(a) Manpower

(b) Schedule

(c) Oversight

(d) All

19. Good relations in a group helps to _____________

(a) Increase comfort level.

(b) Closeness

(c) Friendships

(d) only (a) is more correct.

20. Supervisor fails to plan if _______

(a) He is not dynamic.

(b) He is not educated

(c) He is not popular

(d) He is not senior

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