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Q3 - LESSON 6 Student’s name: …………………………

Class: 6B… Corrector’s name: ………………………


I. Fill in many, much, or a lot of.
0. A: I've got ..........a lot of........... spare time today.
B: Great! Let’s go shopping together.
1. A: Are there ………………………………. cinemas in this town?
B: No, there's only one.
2. A: There isn't ………………………………. snow on the ground.
B: No. the sun has melted it.
3. A: There are ………………………………. flowers in the garden.
B: Yes, they're beautiful, aren't they?
4. A: How ………………………………. times did you have a shower yesterday?
B: Three! It was a very hot day.
5. A: I’ve got ………………………………. things to do today.
B: I'm busy today, too.
6. A: There isn't ………………………………. water in that vase. The flowers will die.
B: I'll put some more in.
7. A: Helen is always alone.
B: No she isn't. She's got ………………………………. friends.
8. A: Are there ………………………………. fish in this river?
B: No, not any more.
9. A: Can you lend me some money?
B: No, sorry - I haven’t got ………………………………. money with me.

II. Create questions with how many or how much. Use the information in parentheses to form Speaker A’s
A: How ...................many children do the Millers have ......................... ?
B: Three. (The Millers have three children.)
A: How ............................much money does Jake make......................... ?
B: A lot. (Jake makes a lot of money.)
10. A: How ...................................................................................................... on a soccer team?
B: Eleven. (There are eleven players on a soccer team.)
11. A: How ..................................................................................................... to do tonight?
B: Just a little. (I have just a little homework to do tonight.)
12. A: How ..................................................................................................... in the baskets?
B: A lot. (There are a lot of apples in the baskets.)
13. A: How ..................................................................................................... in the baskets?
B: A lot. (There is a lot of fruit in the baskets.)


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 1
III. Underline the correct word in each sentence.
14. Jack hasn’t got a / any brother.
15. There weren’t some / any letters for me this morning.
16. Could I have a / some water, please?
17. I went to the supermarket because I didn’t have a / any milk.
18. There isn’t a / any railway station in this town.
19. Sorry, we don’t have some / any boxes left.
20. Have you got a / any pen that I can borrow?

IV. Complete the conversations. Use a, some, any or no.

A: I’d like (0) .......some........ information about trains, please. Are there (21) .............................. trains
to Oxford on Saturday afternoon?
B: Let’s see. There’s (22) .............................. train at 4.35, but there are (23) .............................. trains
after that.
A: OK, the 4.35 is fine. Can I have two return tickets, please?
A: Can I help you?
B: Yes. I‘d like (24) ............................. oranges, please. Two kilos. And (25) .............................. bananas.
A: I’m sorry. We haven’t got (26) .............................. bananas today. Would you like (27)
.............................. apples instead? We have (28) .............................. special offer today.
B: Yes, thanks. A kilo, please.

V. Complete the sentence with some or any and a word from the box
chairs people petrol apples
wine ink programmes housework

The meeting was very short because there weren't ……….any chairs…….in the room.
29. There isn’t ………………………………. left in the printer cartridge. Can you buy a new one?
30. ………………………………. hate studying but I quite enjoy it.
31. There is ………………………. left in the bottle if you want some: 2004 was a good year for Rioja.
32. I couldn’t find ………………………………. in the market so I bought these pears.
33. TV in this country is awful. I haven’t seen ………………….…… interesting ………….…….………
34. I need to buy ……………………………… . The tank is nearly empty.
35. If you go to the chemist, can you buy ………………………………. ? I've got a headache.
36. I always cook the dinner and wash up. You never do ………………………………. .

I. Use the word at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Mr. Thomas
Mr Thomas was a teacher at our school. He’d trained as a (37) .............................................. HISTORY
and usually taught history. He definitely wasn’t a (38) ................................................ but for SCIENCE
some strange reason he taught us (39) ................................................ for a term. His lessons CHEMIST
were always (40) ............................................... but that was mainly because his experiments FASCINATE
always went wrong! If he was supposed to use (41) ............................................ water for an BOIL
experiment, Mr. Thomas would use cold water by mistake. Once, he was measuring the (42)
.............................................. of some pieces of sodium. I can’t remember exactly why he LONG


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 2
needed this (43) ................................................ but I think he wanted all the pieces to react MEASURE
(44) ................................................ . As he picked up the ruler, his arm knocked over a jug of IDENTICAL
water and the sodium caught fire. He almost burnt the lab down and they had to call the fire
brigade. I think after that Mr. Thomas came to the (45) ................................................ that he CONCLUDE
should stick to history! I learnt a lot from him, though. Whenever there was a question in a
science (46) ................................................ about what happens when sodium reacts with EXAMINE
water, I always got the answer right!

II. Choose the correct answer

47. I ............... across this book about the moon in the library. It's really interesting!
A. went B. found C. came D. looked
48. Jenny pulled ............... the handle so we can't open the cupboard now.
A. off B. away C. in D. over
49. I'd like to find ............... more about being a computer programmer.
A. across B. up C. off D. out
50. Our car has broken ............... again.
A. off B. down C. out D. in
51. Dean was late for physics so he ............... up a story about being attacked by a cat!
A. took B. wrote C. created D. made
52. ............... the TV off. This show is boring.
A. Put B. Set C. Turn D. Make
53. I'm going to throw these old shoes ................ . I never wear them anymore.
A. off B. away C. down D. back
54. I turned ............... the tap but no water came out.
A. over B. up C. round D. on

Choose the correct answer.
Modern technology is changing and improving all the time. Every month, scientists (55) …………… new
gadgets and (56) …………… to help us with our daily lives, and (57) …………… ways to make existing
technology faster and better. Our homes are full of hardware (such as DVD players and computers) and (58)
…………… (such as computer games and MP3s)
(59) …………… suggests, however, that it's young people who are best able to deal with this change.
Whereas teenagers have no problem (60) …………… a DVD player, their mums and dads and grandparents
often find using new technology (61) …………… and difficult.
But if you’re a teenager who criticizes your parents for their (62) …………… of technological awareness,
don't be too hard on them! Some time (63) …………… the future, when you’ve got children of your own,
your ability to deal with new technology will probably (64) …………… and your children will feel more
comfortable with new technology than you do. You won't want them to criticise you, will you?

55. A. estimate B. invent C. involve D. experiment

56. A. experiments B. effects C. laboratories D. equipment
57. A. involve B. discover C. decrease D. connect
58. A. screens B. gadgets C. software D. laptops
59. A. Research B. Experiment C. Program D. Technology
60. A. involving B. operating C. discovering D. inventing
61. A. automatic B. unique C. sudden D. complicated
Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 3
62. A. research B. experiment C. effect D. lack
63. A. to B. in C. on D. at
64. A. decrease B. involve C. lack D. estimate


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 4

Q3 - LESSON 6 Student’s name: …………………………

Class: 6B… Corrector’s name: ………………………


I. Fill in the gaps with ‘a lot of’, ‘much’ or ‘many’.
1. There are …………………………. birds in the sky!
2. I haven’t got …………………………. homework today.
3. John hasn’t got …………………………. CDs.
4. There aren't …………………………. cars in the street.
5. There is …………………………. sugar in the bowl.
6. Are there …………………………. apples on the tree?
7. Jane has got …………………………. money in her purse.

II. Underline the correct option.

8. I’m lucky, I have some / any good friends.
9. It’s a small room and there aren’t some / any windows.
10. Sundays are quiet; there is no / none traffic on the streets.
11. I’d love some / any chocolate cake, please.
12. Sheila doesn’t need no / any help.
13. I'm afraid there’s no / some beach.

III. Read the text and questions below. For each question, choose the letter next to the correct answer -
A, B, C or D.
Some people have complained about this year’s collection, New Writing 3, although I cannot understand
why. Surely 500 pages of original writing of this quality, for £6.99, is pretty amazing?
Fiction - both parts of novels and complete short stories - makes up most of the book. There are some
enjoyable pieces by famous writers, such as Candia McWilliam and Rose Tremain. It’s a strange fact that the
less well-known people seem to have written mainly about food. Take my advice about Jane Harris’s Those
Nails - this piece should definitely not be read just after meals. It contains some very unpleasant scenes which
could turn your stomach!
There is fine work from nineteen poets, including R. S. Thomas and John Burnside. There are pieces from
novels-in-progress by Jim Crace and Jane Rogers. Finally, there is a little non-fiction, which includes a very
funny article by Alan Rusbridger on certain newspapers, and an extraordinary piece about herself from Ursula
Owen. This is an exceptional collection and I for one can’t wait to see what next year’s choice will include.

14. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A. give her opinions about a new book B. give some information about new writers
C. give some advice to writers D. give her opinion of newspaper journalists

15. Why would somebody read the text?

A. to find out more details about something B. to learn what next year’s collection will contain
C. to find out about Alan Rusbridger’s new novel D. to decide whether to complain about something


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 1
16. What does the writer think of New Writing 3?
A. It’s too long. B. It’s very amusing.
C. It’s very good. D. It’s too serious.

17. How might you feel after reading Jane Harris’s piece?
A. hungry B. excited
C. unhappy D. sick

18. Which of the following describes New Writing 3?

A. Great value: two novels, poems and articles for only £6.99
B. Great value: the best of new writing for only £6.99
C. Great value: poems by Tremain, Harris and Burnside for only £6.99
D. Great value: newspapers for a whole year for only £6.99

I. Listen to a conversation about where Gemma plays different sports. Write a letter A – F next to each

1. baseball A. beach
2. hockey B. hotel
3. skating C. park
4. volleyball D. playground
E. sports club
F. stadium

II. Listen to Pat talking to her friend, Alan, about her family’s activities. What are each of Pat’s family
members doing at the moment? For questions 6-10, write a letter A – H next to each person. You will
hear the conversation twice.

6. Pat’s aunt A. cleaning something
7. Pat’s cousin B. eating something
8. Pat’s grandmother C. painting something
9. Pat’s father D. phoning someone
10. Pat’s mother E. playing something
F. reading something
G. repairing something
H. tidying something


Trụ sở: 28N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Q. Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội.
Hotline: 090 240 8989 2

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