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Active voice to Passive voice ပြောင်းခြင်း


1. S, V, O, adv အရင်ခွဲပါ။
2. O ရှေ့ပို့ကာ passive verb ပုံ စံ အဖြစ် ပြောင်းပါ။
3. by Subject ပေါင်းစရာလို မလို ကြည့် ပါ။
4. Adv နေရာမှ န်ထားပါ။

1.subject, verb, object နှ င့် adv ခွဲခြင်း agent = the maid

The maid arranged the flowers in the vase beautifully.
The flowers were arranged in the vase beautifully by the maid.

2.Object ရှေ့ပို့ခြင်း
အမည်/အရာဝတ္တ ုများ object မှ ာ အမည်/အရာအတို င်းပို့ပါ။
me (obj)မှ ာI ပို့ပါ။
us (obj)မှ ာwe ပို့ပါ။
you (obj)မှ ာyou ပို့ပါ။
him (obj)မှ ာhe ပို့ပါ။
her (obj)မှ ာshe ပို့ပါ။
it (obj)မှ ာit ပို့ပါ။
them (obj)မှ ာthey ပို့ပါ။
Kate showed me all the things she bought.
Me = indirect obj all the things she bought = direct obj
I was shown all the things she bought by kate.

(3) verb ပြောင်းခြင်း

Passive verb = be + V 3 ed/en
Active Passive
V1 Am/is /are + V 3
V2 Was/ were + V 3
Am/is/are + V ing Am/is / are + being + V 3
Was/were + V ing Was/were + being + V 3
Has/have + V 3 Has/ have + been + V 3
Had + V 3 Had + Been + V 3
Modal + V 1 Modal verb + be + V 3
Be going to + V 1 Be going to + be + V 3 agent ပေါင်း-မပေါင်း

အမည်/အရာ subject မှ ာ by agent ပေါင်းပါ။
I, we, you, he, she, it, they, people,
someone, somebody, no one, nobody, everyone, everybody(sub)
မှ ာ by subject မပေါင်းရပါ။
They did not inform me about this case.
I was not informed about this case.
no one, nobody ဖြုတ်တဲ့ အခါ verb မှ ာ not ထည့်ပါ။
No one locked the door yesterday.
The door was not locked yesterday.

4. Adv နေရာထားနည်း
1. ly-adv of frequency >>>v3 ရှေ့မှ ာကပ်။
Always usually sometimes never ever often
My cook always makes several tasty dishes.

2. adv of manner, place>>>

by subject ရှေ့မှ ာထားပါ။
The maid arranged the flowers in the vase beautifully.

3. Adv of time/ reason/ purpose>>>

by subject နောက်မှ ာထားပါ။
Somebody left the light on all night.

His mother beat him for stealing her money.

Our teacher divided us into small groups to discuss the question.

4. Direct object / indirect object နှ စ်ခု ရှိတာလူ /အရာဝတ္တ ု ခွဲပါ။

လူ ရှေ့ထု တ်ရင် အရာဝတ္ထုကျန်မှ ာပါ။
အရာရှေ့ထု တ်ရင် လူ ကျန်မှ ာ by+agent ရှေ့မှ ာ to/for ခံ ရေးပါ။
The teacher gave Aye Aye some books.
My uncle bought me a new laptop.

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