30 Secret Hacks For Instagram Growth

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30 Secret

Hacks For
Instagram Growth
Quick action points to attract
followers on Instagram.

Joy Akatukunda
Hello and Welcome!
Here's a secret... You no longer need to be a celebrity or famous to
grow your Instagram account.

In fact, with the right strategies, anyone can reach 10,000 followers
or more. This ebook contains 30 actionable hacks that you can
implement immediately to start growing your Instagram account.

By following these tips, you can set yourself apart from others and
achieve the success you desire. Are you ready to take the first step?

Let's dive in and start growing your Instagram account today!

Joy Akatukunda

1. Identify a niche and stick to it.

2. Define your target audience.

3. Optimize your account and include relevant keywords in your


4. Use relevant, well researched, hashtags. Avoud banned


5. Show up on instagram stories every day.

6. Collaborate with other creators, influencers or business


7. Create more reels ( 70% of your content.)

8. Add keywords to your captions.

9. Write click-worthy headlines ( you’ll need hooks).

10. Engage with 10 top accounts in your niche every day.

30 Secret Hacks For Instagram Growth www.joyakatukunda.com


11. Use different content formats on Instagram ( well balanced

content strategy).

12. Answer your audience's pain points through your content.

13. Go live at least once every two months.

14. Do not buy followers or likes to avoid getting penalized by


15. Create savable content ( think tutorials, lists etc)

16. Use relevant Call To Actions for different post formats.

17. Reply to all your comments and dms.

18. Use interactive Instagram story stickers.

19. Host a giveaway ( work with a brand or complementary

business for this).

20. Have well defined story highlights.

30 Secret Hacks For Instagram Growth www.joyakatukunda.com


21. Upload 2-3 stories per day.

22. Analyze your Insights every week to know what's working.

23. Be active on Instagram and engage for at least 15 minutes

after you publish a new post.

24. Go to a hashtag relevant to your niche and leave a comment

on 5 'top posts.'

25. Tag relevant brands mentioned in your content.

26. Post 3-4 times a week, consistently.

27. Like Instagram stories from 10 creators 5 minutes before

uploading your new post.

28. Leave a helpful or humorous comment on five posts from

your explore page (praise the content or supplement on it) .

29. Post 20 minutes before your peak time.

30. Be patient, Instagram growth takes time and consisitent


30 Secret Hacks For Instagram Growth www.joyakatukunda.com

Thank you!
I hope these tips help you jumpstart your
growth so that you can achieve your
business or personal goals on Instagram.

If you loved these IG growth hacks, take a

screenshot of the cover page, share to your
Instagram story and tag me

I'll be reposting your stories. Wishing you

the very best on your journey!

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Business on Instagram?
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"Dream big. Start small. But most of all start."

- Simon Sinek

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