Basic 3 Civic Education

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Choose the correct answer from the options

1. __________ is a component of civic education

[a] Respect

[b] Nationality


2. ___________ is one of the of the community values

[a] Cultural dresses

[b] Community

[c] Honesty

3. Paying our taxes and ____________ as and when due is one of our duties to our country

[a] Funds

[b] Rents

[c] Rates

1. Responsibilities are things expected of a ________________ to his/her country to do

[a] people

[b] country

[c] citizen
. Constituted authority act on behalf of the the people.

[a] True

[b] False

[c] Maybe

3. Leaders are chosen by ______________

[a] height

[b] election

[c] property

4. A good leader must be _____________

[a] proud

[b] stubborn

[c] humble

5. Constituted authority ensures _____________ in the community.

[a] problem

[b] sickness

[c] peace

6. The _____________ dimensions of civic education teaches us about the laws of the country

[a] Economic

[b] Social

[b] Legal
7. There are ____________ dimensions of civic education

[a] Six

[b] Four

[c] Two

8. ______________ teaches us about our relationship with other people in the society

[a] Social dimensions

[b] Legal dimensions

[c] Economic dimensions

9. Which of the following is not an element of national identity?

[a] Payment of taxes

[b] Respecting national symbols

[c] Working on your farm

10. We prevent ______________ when our bodies and surroundings are clean.

[a] money

[b] diseases

[c] people

11. We wash our clothes when they are _______________

[a] clean

[b] dirty

[c] short
12. We should brush our teeth every ______________

[a] month

[b] week

[c] day

13. We use ________ and ___________to clean the mouth.

[a] kerosene & dust

[b] water & sweet

[c] paste & water

14. A ______________ tongue cause mouth odour.

[a] dirty

[b] clean

[c] washed

15. ____________ is found in dirty hair.

[a] Honey

b] Lice

[c] Food

16. The nail is cut with the ___________

[a] knife

[b] teeth

[c] nail cutter

17. ____________ is the care and support that a citizen has for his or her county

[a] Federalism

[b] Socialism

[c] Patriotism

18. One of the reasons for patriotism is to promote peace and ________________ in the country

[a] Education

[b] Unity

[c] Healthy living

19. _____________ citizens make full and proper use of the resources of the country

[a] Patriotic

[b] Adult

[c] Female

20. One duty of a patriotic citizen is _______________

[a] Payment of taxes

[b] Vandalisation 0f government properties

[c] Stealing of ballot paper

21. A patriotic citizen_________________ public utilities of their country

[a] Protect

[b] Steal

[c] Destroy
22. A patriotic citizen _______________ during elections

[a] Votes

[b] Campaign

[c] Sell his voters card

23. _______________ the laws of a country is one of the duties of a patriot

[a] Memorizing

[b] Obeying

[c] Quoting

24. Patriotic citizen help their nation with their__________ and ___________

[a] Strength and vigour

[b] Knowledge and skills

[c] Time and money

25. National__________________ are things that are used to identify a country

[a] Symbols

[b] Arms


26. The official song of a country is called________________

[a] National song

[b] National Anthem

[c] National rhyme

27. The_____________ is an oath made by citizens of a country to be faithful,loyal,and to be honest and
to be of service to that country by supporting her unity

[a] National pledge

[b] National decision

[c] National Anthem


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