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Analysis of Fuel Pump Skimming Devices

Charles Begian and Houssain Kettani

The Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences
Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota, USA,

ABSTRACT Teller Machine (ATM) and Point of Sale (POS) devices rely on
Payment card fraud is a growing problem in the United States. reading user identification and account information recorded on
Credit and debit card numbers are harvested from automated the magnetic stripe of a payment card. For the data to be read, the
devices such as fuel dispensers, Point of Sale (POS) terminals, payment card must be physically “swiped” or moved across a
and Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in a process known as magnetic read head. Payment card skimming is the activity of
“skimming”. Skimming requires the installation of malicious capturing the data read during a card swipe, storing it and
hardware on (or inside of) the targeted device. As such, it serves exfiltrating it. The captured card data, which includes cardholder
as an example of a physical cyber threat. In this paper, we provide identities and payment account data, can be encoded on the
an overview of payment card skimming in general, before magnetic stripes of payment card blanks, essentially duplicating
narrowing our focus to payment card skimming occurring at fuel the payment card. These duplicates may then be used to make
pumps. We then reverse engineer skimmers which law fraudulent purchases.
enforcement has harvested from fuel pumps in Florida. We Payment card skimming is performed by physically tampering
consider only those skimmers which use Bluetooth to exfiltrate with an ATM or POS device to install a “skimmer”. Skimmers
the “skimmed” payment card data. The goals of our research are vary in design, with their form factor dictated by the device where
to analyze the internal operation of the skimmers and determine if they are installed. Skimmers may take the form of a false card
they can be disabled wirelessly, without requiring the fuel pump reader assembly that is installed over the ATM or POS card reader
cabinet to be opened. or an extremely thin “sleeve” that is inserted into the slot of the
card reader. For both of these skimmer types, whenever a payment
CCS Concepts card is inserted into the slot, the skimmer reads the payment card
• Security and privacy → Security in hardware → Hardware data at the same time that it is read by the magnetic card read
reverse engineering • Security and privacy → head. A third type of skimmer may be installed inside an ATM or
Intrusion/anomaly detection and malware mitigation → POS device, but does not read the payment card’s magnetic stripe.
Intrusion detection systems • Networks → Network Types → Rather, it is installed in line with the wiring carrying the payment
Wireless access networks → Wireless personal area networks card data from the card read head to the internals of the device.
This type of skimmer obtains the payment card data by recording
Keywords it as it travels over the wiring harness from the card read head to
Payment card skimmer; Bluetooth skimmer; fuel pump skimmer; the internal device hardware. Since this type of skimmer is not
gas pump skimmer; credit card fraud. physically constrained by the form factor of the card read head, it
is sometimes fitted with a wireless communication module for
1. INTRODUCTION exfiltration of captured payment card information. The skimmers
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced over 124,000 employed to skim payment card information from fuel pumps are
reports of payment card fraud in 2018, with combined losses of primarily of this third type. The consumer’s Personal
approximately $287 million. The US state with the highest Identification Number (PIN) may be harvested by using PIN pad
incidence of fraud in 2018 was Florida, with all types of identity overlays or small cameras to record consumer PINs as they are
theft accounting for 15% of the total fraud cases in the state, and typed [3]. When combined with the data skimmed from the
credit card fraud comprising 42% of those cases [1]. Credit cards, payment cards, fraudulent PIN-based payment cards, such as
ATM debit cards and vendor gift cards are all forms of payment ATM cards, can be created.
cards [2]. When payment card information has been captured, it
can be used to commit fraud in multiple ways, each being a form In the next section, the reader is introduced to fuel pump
of identity theft. It may be used to provide fraudulent payment skimming devices and their use. Their detection and analysis of
information for online purchases. It may also be encoded onto the their firmware as well as our findings are presented in Section 3.
magnetic stripe of a blank credit or debit card, effectively creating Finally, Section 4 presents concluding remarks, which include
a clone of the original payment card to be used for unauthorized suggested countermeasures and future research directions.
transactions. It may also be sold on the black market to other
malicious actors. One way of harvesting payment card data is to 2. FUEL PUMP SKIMMING (FPS)
capture the card’s data when the card is being used. Automated One form of payment card skimming targets consumers who
purchase fuel using payment card readers attached to fuel pumps
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for in a self-service manner. This activity, known as “fuel pump
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are skimming”, is a nationwide problem [4]. The US Federal Trade
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that Commission (FTC) has warned consumers to be alert for
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,
indications of fuel pump tampering, as that may indicate the
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. presence of a skimmer inside the pump [5]. Some US states, such
ICISDM 2020, May 15–17, 2020, Hawaii, HI, USA as Florida, track the number of fuel pump skimmers received by
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery. law enforcement each year [6]. Fuel pump skimmers are installed
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7765-2/20/05…$15.00 inside the pump cabinet by unlocking it using a duplicated master

key since a given pump manufacturer’s master key may open
several pumps. Persons desiring to install fuel pump skimmers use
various means to obtain master keys for duplication, with bribing
a fuel station attendant being one commonly used method. The
skimmer installer offers to pay a fuel station accomplice to
“borrow” a pump master key for a short period of time. The
installer quickly has the master key duplicated and returns the
original key to the station attendant [7]. The skimmer device is
installed by unlocking the fuel pump cabinet, unplugging the
wiring harness from the payment card reader and plugging it into
the skimmer’s wiring harness. The card reader’s wiring harness is
then plugged into the back of the skimmer’s harness. In this way,
the skimmer device is inserted in line with the card reader and its
wiring harness. The pump cabinet is then closed and locked. The Figure 1: Skimmer installed in line with pump wiring
entire installation procedure can be completed in less than one
minute. Detection and neutralization of fuel pump skimmers is
challenging. Installed skimmers are not visible from outside the
Because skimmer installation requires physically tampering with pump cabinet. Their data collection and download are invisible to
the fuel pump itself, the skimmer deployment person risks customers, fuel station owners and law enforcement. Researchers
detection during the installation process. To minimize the chances at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) have developed
of being observed, skimmers are often installed during the early a mobile application for Bluetooth skimmer detection [8].
hours of the morning, such as at 3:00AM, when the service station However, it depends upon the receipt of signals from skimmers
is likely to be unattended or at least have no customers. To who respond to Bluetooth inquiry messages. Skimmer designers
prevent security cameras from recording skimmer installation, the have adapted to this by disabling inquiry responses from the
installers operate in teams, with one team member blocking the skimmers. Detecting individuals downloading payment card data
security camera’s line of sight to the pump cabinet while another from a skimmer is also difficult. Most current fuel pump
team member installs the skimmer. Once installed, the skimmer skimmers use Bluetooth technology to download the skimmed
draws power from its connection to the pump wiring as shown in card data to a tablet or smartphone app. To perform the download,
Fig. 1, and thus can operate indefinitely [7]. Because these the recipient places themselves anywhere within communications
skimmers are installed inside the fuel pump itself, they are not range of the compromised fuel pump, connects via Bluetooth to
detectable by visual inspection without physically unlocking and the skimmer, and exfiltrates the data wirelessly. Even if a security
opening the cabinet. Even when the cabinet has been opened, camera or a human observer are present at the fuel station during
visual inspections sometimes fail to detect a skimmer, due to the download, that activity is likely to go undetected.
obscuration by wiring harnesses present inside the cabinet. When
a customer uses a payment card to purchase fuel at the pump, the Research resulting in technical solutions to assist in the
card reader reads payment account data from the card’s magnetic neutralization of skimmers and of the users downloading their
stripe. This data is passed on to the pump’s internal logic over the data is beneficial to fuel station owners, and to multiple law
card reader’s wiring harness. If a skimmer has been installed enforcement and governmental organizations. In the event that
between the card reader and its wiring harness, it captures the payment card information is being skimmed for criminal
payment card data as it is sent from the card reader. The skimmer purposes, then the community of interest spans local, state and
records this data in flash memory for later download. To exfiltrate federal levels. For example, in Florida local county sheriffs are
the payment card data, the skimmer owner wirelessly connects to responsible for skimmer detection. The Florida Department of
the skimmer, downloads the stored payment card data, and Agriculture is responsible for regulating the fuel dispensers
commands the skimmer to erase the flash memory, freeing it for themselves. The US Secret Service Economic Crimes unit
the storage of new data. investigates the individuals who manufacture, sell and employ the
skimmers. After downloading the skimmed payment card data, the
Bluetooth is commonly chosen as the wireless technology used to recipient either sells the data on the dark web to individuals who
exfiltrate captured payment card data from a skimmer. Bluetooth create counterfeit payment cards or uses it to create their own
technology is readily available, inexpensive, and allows common counterfeit cards. These cards may be used by organized groups to
consumer electronics such as smart phones and tablets to be used make fraudulent fuel purchases. The purchased fuel is then resold
for payment card data exfiltration. Skimmer designers have varied to unscrupulous fuel station owners at a price below market value.
the make and model of Bluetooth modules they employ. The These fuel resale transactions are performed entirely in cash,
Bluetooth modules used by the two skimmers considered in this without receipts or other documentation. These practices have
study are the Guangzhou HC Information Technology Co. Ltd. become lucrative enough to attract the interest of even persons
HC-05, and the Roving Networks RN-42. Both skimmers were outside the US who want to commit payment card fraud [7].
harvested from fuel pumps in Florida in 2019. According to the Solicitations for gas pump skimmers may be found on non-US
US Secret Service, the fuel pump skimmer design most commonly websites, such as [18].
found nationwide uses the HC-05 module, but it is gradually
declining in popularity in favor of a newer design based on the 3. ANALYSIS of FPS
RN-42 module [7]. In 2018, an application was developed to detect the presence of
skimmer devices that respond to Bluetooth inquiry messages [8].
In 2019, another study analyzed publicly available skimmer
detection apps, and their effectiveness in detecting six models of
skimmers [9]. Both studies were limited to apps which detected
skimmers that responded to Bluetooth inquiry messages [9].

Table 1: Skimmer Types to be connected in line with the fuel pump wiring, between the
Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) and the internal pump circuitry.
Skimmer # MCU Bluetooth Module Connected in this way, the skimmer is able to sniff and record
1 PIC18F4550 Guangzhou HC-05 payment card data as it is transmitted from the MSR to the pump.
This wiring harness also connects the skimmer to +12VDC power
2 PIC18F4550 Roving Networks RN-42 and ground from the fuel pump. Visual inspection of the PSLH-v5
PCB revealed that it contained the necessary circuitry to regulate
the +12VDC supply voltage down to the +3.3VDC needed by the
Skimmer designers have countered these apps by creating MCU and Bluetooth module. Therefore, the skimmer was
skimmers which do not respond to Bluetooth inquiry messages. connected to a +12VDC power supply and ground, using pins one
Although this allows the skimmer to avoid detection by the and seven of the 7-pin male header, respectively. Although the
skimmer scanner apps, it may still be detected by algorithms skimmers evaluated under this study used disparate Bluetooth
which do not depend on responses to such messages. A brute- modules, they both employed the same PCB and MCU, which
force method was presented in 2007 to detect such devices, but were Shenzhen Senyan Circuit Co., Ltd. PSLH-v5 and Microchip
the time required to complete this type of scan makes their Technology PIC18F4550, respectively. The MCU is an 8-bit
method impractical for law enforcement use [10]. A side effect of device, with 32KB of flash ROM, 2KB of SRAM, and 256 bytes
disabling Bluetooth inquiry responses is that the skimmer user is of EEPROM [13]. The PSLH-v5 has an ICSP programming port,
forced to perform Bluetooth pairing to another device such as a which provides a means of connecting to the MCU and reading its
Bluetooth-capable mobile phone or laptop computer, prior to firmware. Unfortunately, the PSLH-v5 does not have a header to
installing the skimmer. The fact that another device has been connect a device to the ICSP. Rather than alter the skimmer by
paired to the skimmer provides important forensic evidence when soldering a female header to the ICSP, we chose to press fit a 5-
skimmers and their paired devices are located [7]. pin wire-to-board connector to the ICSP. The connector provided
The two skimmers that form the subject of this research were screw terminals to which we connected five wire jumpers. The
provided by the US Secret Service and are representative of those jumpers were then connected to a Microchip Technology PICKIT
skimmer designs commonly encountered by law enforcement in 4 chip programmer.
Florida as pictured in Fig. 2 [11]. Both use the PIC18F4550 MCU Once connected to the +12VDC power supply and the PICKIT 4,
for capturing skimmed payment card data and Bluetooth the skimmer’s firmware could be downloaded to a laptop PC
technology for exfiltration of that data but differ in the type of using Microchip Technology’s MPLAB IPE X, v5.30 for analysis.
Bluetooth module employed as shown in Table 1. For each The PICKIT 4 was also used to upload the MCU’s firmware to a
skimmer, the Micro-Controller Unit (MCU) circuit board, control DM163025-1 PIC demonstration board from Microchip
firmware, and Bluetooth module were examined. Both were Technology. The DM163025-1 and the MPLAB X IDE, v5.30
manufactured using a combination of approximately twenty were used as a test environment for dynamic firmware analysis.
components from Chinese and US suppliers. While the skimmers Each skimmer’s firmware was also subjected to static analysis by
differed in their choice of Bluetooth module, they employed the using NSA’s Ghidra v9.0.4 for decompilation. The 010 Hex
same Printed Circuit Board (PCB) to mount the PIC18F4550 Editor, v9.0.2 was used for byte-level inspection. The skimmed
MCU and supporting components. The skimmers were designed data is downloaded to the skimmer user’s device over a paired
to be inexpensive to manufacture, with the PSLH-v5 PCB costing Bluetooth connection. Once powered on the breadboard, skimmer
approximately $5. The most expensive component was the RN-42 communications were captured and analyzed with Wireshark.
module, costing $18.95. Hand soldering these components, a Both skimmer models used a common MCU, the PIC18F4550.
skimmer could be assembled in under an hour, at a cost of less This device captures payment card data transmitted by the MSR
than $30. and records it on an external flash ROM chip. When the skimmer
user opens a Bluetooth connection to the skimmer, they can
command the MCU to send the stored payment card data to the
Bluetooth module for wireless exfiltration. The user can also
command the MCU to erase the contents of the external flash. The
skimmers we analyzed used a Micron Technology M25P16, a 16-
megabit flash ROM [14]. The skimmer allocates 256 bytes to
store each captured payment card record, giving it the capacity to
store approximately 8192 records before the device becomes full.
The skimmers differed in how they advertised their presence over
Bluetooth. The HC-05 skimmer responded to Bluetooth inquiry
messages with “HC-05”. It was detectable using common
consumer electronics such as a Bluetooth-enable smart phone.
This skimmer could be paired using a default password of “1234”,
and we were able to download payment card records from it as
illustrated in Fig. 3. The RN-42 skimmer did not respond to
Figure 2: Fuel Pump Skimmers. HC-05 (left) and RN-42 Bluetooth inquiry messages and could not be paired.
(center). Both built from PSLH-v5 PCB (right) We began analysis by attempting to access the MCU and
To examine skimmer operation, it was necessary to devise a download its firmware. The PIC18F4550 contains flash ROM for
means of supplying it with DC power and ground connections. storage of program code and fixed data, SRAM for volatile data
Each skimmer was analyzed independently by mounting it on a storage, and EEPROM for non-volatile data storage. The
breadboard, using the 7-pin male header provided by the PSLH-v5 PIC18F4550 organizes its 32KB of flash ROM into five blocks.
PCB. The intended purpose of this header is to allow the skimmer Starting at address 0000H, the boot block of 2KB followed by

block 1 of 6KB and blocks 2, 3, and 4, 8KB each. We were able other than the ISRs, in code-protected blocks, to prevent analysis
to download the firmware stored in the boot block. The MCU of the main application. For the skimmers examined in this study,
processes power-on reset as an interrupt, and loads the instruction we found that addresses above 0x007FF could not be read, due to
stored at address 00000H. That address is traditionally a GOTO code protection. This indicates that the boot block was not code
instruction transferring control to the beginning of the application protected. Although a configuration bit exists for code protection
program. Both skimmers followed this paradigm as shown in Fig of the boot block, it was not enabled on either skimmer. Likewise,
4. The HC-05 skimmer branches to a location in flash block 0, neither skimmer was found to have the EEPROM code protection
while the RN-42 skimmer branches to a location in flash block 1. configuration bit enabled. We successfully read the EEPROM, but
The remaining code in each skimmer’s boot blocks consisted of it contained only 12 bytes of data FF008000010F313233343536H
high and low priority Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs). The with the remainder being uninitialized storage. To overcome the
skimmer idles until an event occurs such as a card swipe at the MCU’s code protection, we attempted to use the technique
MSR, or the Bluetooth module reporting the receipt of a described in section III.C of [12] but were unable to access that
command. The event generates an interrupt, and the MCU part of the firmware stored above 007FFH, which is the last
branches to the appropriate ISR to process the interrupt. address of the boot block. We also contacted Microchip
Technology for technical support, but they declined to advise us
as to how code protection could be circumvented and would
neither confirm nor deny that sidestepping it was possible.
Visa and Mastercard have directed that the fuel dispenser industry
converts the payment card readers on all fuel pumps from
Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) to Europay, Mastercard, and Visa
(EMV) by October 1, 2020 [15]. The EMV readers read a
microchip built into the physical payment card to produce a
unique transaction code for each payment. The card issuer uses
that transaction code to verify the validity of the payment card.
This change would make the data collected by the current
generation of fuel pump skimmers obsolete. While they could still
be used to skim payment card data, fraudulent cards created with
that data would be unusable, as there is currently no method of
counterfeiting the transaction code generated by the real card’s
microchip. Despite this improvement in payment security, it will
not eliminate the need for the development of pump skimmer
countermeasures. We anticipate that skimmer designers will adapt
to the introduction of EMV technology and deploy new skimmer
designs which can overcome that security control. One way this
Figure 3: Tracks 1 and 2 (T1, T2) card data from skimmer could be accomplished would be by physically tampering with the
card reader to prevent it from successfully reading microchips.
After a preset number of failed attempts to read a payment card’s
microchip, certain card readers will fall back to reading the card’s
magnetic stripe.
Our research suggests certain countermeasures which could be
used to prevent fuel pump skimmer deployment, improve the
chances of successfully detecting installed skimmers, and provide
real-time alerts to law enforcement and fuel station owners of
skimmer data exfiltration. The first of these would be to increase
the physical security of the pump cabinet. Fuel pump skimmers
rely on the ability to be installed inside the cabinet. If access to the
interior of the cabinet can be controlled, skimmer deployment can
be prevented. One way to do this would be to simply add a
padlock to each pump cabinet. Skimmer deployers are most
vulnerable to detection during the installation of the skimmer.
Skimmer deployment could be discouraged by increasing the risk
of detection. There are several physical security controls which
Figure 4: RN-42 skimmer firmware in Ghidra could be employed, such as security cameras. Another physical
For both skimmers, attempts to download the contents of flash security control would be a system where each fuel pump cabinet
blocks 0-3 were unsuccessful. The PIC18F4550 contains a “code is fitted with a switch which detects when the cabinet door has
protect” feature which allows the developer to set certain been opened and sends an alarm to the station attendant. Reliance
configuration bits on the device to make blocks of the flash ROM on Bluetooth for wireless data exfiltration requires that the data
and EEPROM unreadable from locations outside of that block. recipient be within Bluetooth transmission range to download the
Attempts to read a code-protected block from a different block, or skimmed payment data. The Bluetooth modules used by the
from an external device such as the PICKIT 4, always return 00H. skimmers examined during this study were both Bluetooth Class 2
Although code-protected locations cannot be read, code stored devices [16,17]. The theoretical maximum range of these devices
there may still be executed. Both skimmers stored their firmware is ten meters, but shorter usable transmission ranges are likely to

be observed in the field, given that the skimmer is installed inside 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a metal fuel pump cabinet with abundant electronics, motors, and Special thanks to Sgt. Sam Peppenella, Cyber Investigations Unit,
other RF interference-causing devices in close proximity. This Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, and Senior Special Agent Jeffrey
reduced range means that the data recipient must be physically Katon, Tampa Bay Electronic Crimes Task Force, US Secret
close to the skimmer device when downloading data. A Service, for their continued support of this research.
countermeasure intended to increase the risk of detecting skimmer
usage could be implemented as an array of Bluetooth receivers 7. REFERENCES
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