English For Business

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Course Title : English for Business

Lecturer : Meylinda Sukmani, S.S., M.M

Final Exam
Instruction : Read the given sentences below and identify the adjectives. The first question has been
answered. (30)
1. The homeless beggar hasn’t eaten in days.
- Homeless
2. The fox is a sly animal
3. Mary had a little lamb
4. The brave army marched through the streets
5. Some oranges are sour
6. The ship sustained heavy damage
7. I had no idea such a fantastic place existed
8. The family didn’t have enough food for the winter
9. I had an eventful day
10. She will clean her messy room today.
11. The boy is tall
12. He is skinny
13. Jane is smart
14. I like old house
15. He is a fast driver
16. The house is big
Instruction: Read the sentences and identify the dependent clause and subordinating conjunction. The
first question has been answered. (10)
1. After I reached home, it started raining
- After I reached home
- After
2. Although I was not in the mood for a movie, I watched ‘Harry Potter’ with my friend.
3. We cannot go while it is snowing
4. John bought some chocolates which he wanted to give his brother
5. She was asked to come to the office though she was not feeling good
6. I don’t like beach because it scares me
Instruction : Read the given sentences and identify the noun used in the sentence. The first question has
been answered (10)
1. Her hair looks really good
- Hair
2. I didn’t go to the party last night as I was sick
3. Where can I find a bookstore?
4. The laptop is not working properly?
5. Brian likes his new cycle
6. My roommate just moved out
Instruction : Describe yourself using ten (10) adjectives and ten (10) nouns. (25) Below is the example.
My full name (noun) is Meylinda. People (noun) often call me Mey. I like reading and drawing. The
book (noun) I like the most is Winnie the Pooh. It follows the adventures (noun) of a big (adj) cute (adj)
bear (noun) and his kind (adj) friends (noun). The story (noun) is funny (adj) and adventurous (adj).
Furthermore, the animation (noun) is colorful (adj), cheerful (adj), and bright (adj). I recommend this
book (noun) to those who want to have a cheerful (adj) and blissful (adj) day (noun).
Instruction : Describe your best friend using ten (adjectives) and ten (10) nouns. (25)

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