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First Published 2010 Reprinted 2012 Reprinted 2014 Reprinted 2016 Book ISBN: 978-1-85609-414-6 eBook ISBN: 978-1-85609-415-3 © Witherby Publishing Group Ltd, 2010-2016 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. I | Notice of Terms of Use All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, Or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, | mechanical, photocopying, recor’ ise, without the prior permission ‘ding or otherwi: of the publisher and copyright owner. While the principles discussed and the details given in this book are the product of careful stu | dy, the author and | publisher cannot in any way guarantee the suitability of recommendations made in this book for individual problems, and they shall not be under any legal liability of any kind in respect of or arising out of the form or contents of this book or any error therein, or the reliance of any person thereon. ss, Wakefield Printed and bound in Great Britain by Charlesworth Pre: stHER, ; & eo \ I y S qa o Wsuimo OF Published by Witherby Publishing re i - 4 Dunlop Square, Livingston,’ ~~ Ecinburgh, EHS4 8SB Qn2493 —_——— Scotland, UK Tel Wo: +44(0)1506 40822055 Nucl of Fax No: +44(0)1506 493 999 ° , b&Z, ~ MAC ———— Email: info@emailw Web: CONTENTS QUESTIONS .......cecseeeesteeseeeessesteseetsteseseeeeneaeeeesessees 1 4 Seamanship Class 2 (Ch. Mat) .......ccccsseccccsssssssssssssennesseseees 3 2 Seamanship Class 1 (Master) .......sscessssescccseesssssssseeseeses 14 3 UK Specific — Navigation/Seamanship .........0...ssssseseessssseeseevee 27 4 Safety Regulations Management Level ..............sssseccsseescsseeee 28 5 Shipboard Management .............sssssssscsssssesssessssevesssssseveesssseveees 32 6 Ship's Business and LaW.....ccccccsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssessssssees 36 7 UK Specific — Business and LaW..........sscscccccccsssessssseesssseseneses 48 B COMPASS... sessssssesneesssssssssssssttesttnssiattnassesssuussasseseee 53 9 Cargo: Bulk ~ Management LeVEl....sccccscssecscccescsseeeece 58 10 Cargo: Lifting Apparatuses — Management Level seeeeeseseeesaseeees OO 11 Cargo: Dangerous Goods - Management Level ....ccccccccsseccccss 61 12 Cargo: RoRo ~ Management LEVEL... essecssscssoscssseesetreserseees 82 18 Cargo: Supply Vessel — Management Level.........ccccssccsssseecse 63 14 Cargo: Oil - Management LEVEL... eseessssssssensettettnatssssesee 64 15 Cargo: Chemicals — Management LeVEl .......cscecscsssscsseeeee 67 16 Cargo: Leg - Management LeVel....ssccsenussemeeneeec.., 69 17 Cargo: LNG Management LEVEl....smsscscneeeeeec. 71 Ml ANSWERS 1 seamanship Class 2 (Ch. Mate) .vsscssesssessensssssseeseesesssssesntenee 77 2 Seamanship Class 1 (Master) 3 UK Specific - Navigation/Seamanship ve 149 4. Safely Regulations Management Level .. 154 5 Shipboard Management..... 164 6 Ship's Business NL LAWessscssssssensssseeeennsnseeeeensaneanennnanennent 179 7 UK Specific - Business AN LAW .seseesssecssssecesesssesssessennneesseess 214 8 Compass 9 Cargo: Bulk - Management LOVEI.....-ss---sssesnseeeenssesesseres 240 244 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cargo: Lifting Apparatuses — Management Level...........::+0 Cargo: Dangerous Goods — Management Level Cargo: RoRo — Management Level.........s++» Cargo: Supply Vessel - Management Level. Cargo: Oil - Management Level .. Cargo: Chemicals — Management Level ........-s:e+ccessessseserereeees 16 Cargo: LPG — Management Level.........ssssssssssssssssesssesesessenett 17 Cargo: LNG — Management Level............::sssecssseesseeseseserteees QUESTIONS 1.10 11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 | 41 Seamanship Class 2 (Ch. Mate) A pumproom on your vessel is flooded. What precautions should be taken before sounding the space? When joining a vessel which does not have a self-stowing chain locker, how would you stow the chain? What is the maximum angle for positioning an accomodation ladder and can you exceed this angle? How many bulldog grips are used for making an eye in a wire? Describe a Stuelken derrick. What is a dracone? What preparations should be made before the onset of heavy weather? What is a Bill of Lading? There is a fire on your vessel in port. What information should be given to the fire brigade officer? When drawing up a planned maintenance schedule, what points should you consider? What markings should there be on a gangway or accommodation ladder? With regard to the corrosion of gangways, what precautions Should you be aware of? What information is found on an Anchor Certificate? When are anchors inspected by a Classification Society? What are the requirements for the legal discharge of machinery Space oil outside special areas? MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters ~ Questions eae re ears era 1.16 117 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24, 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 0) 1.31 1.32 What precautions should be take when drydocking with cargo onboard? On arrival in dry-dock, what arrangements must be overseen? What preparations can be made for dry-dock? You have a confirmed fire situation at sea. What action should you take? What actions should you take in the event of running aground/ stranding? What preparations should you make for leaving dry-dock? What actions should you take in the event of a collision? What effect can shallow water have on the turning circle of a vessel? What is the relationship between vessel size and turning circle size? How should a test be performed on a derrick? What information should be shown on a derrick rigging plan? What does a Safety Management System (SMS) require a company to do? What shipboard documentation is required in respect of the Safel Management System? What LSA equipment is required on a Class VII vessel over 85 metres in length? What preparations should be made when taking bunkers? a 2 What fire-fighting equipment is required on a Class VII vessel? 4 d? How often are enclosed space rescue drills to be held onboar MSE Pocket Book ~ Mates Masters - Questions On a double-hull tanker, what checks should be made of the double-hull space? What action should be taken if there has been a leak of oil into the ballast space on a double-hull tanker? Under the International Grain Code, what are the requirements for the loading of a grain cargo? What could cause the breakdown of a newly painted area? Which ships are required to be fitted with GMDSS equipment? In heavy weather, if your vessel is hove to and it is intended to turn and run before the sea, how would this manoeuvre be carried out? When on passage running with the sea and it is decided to turn and heave to, how should this be carried out? How often and to what weight (with respect to the lifeboat) should lifeboat release gear be tested? In order to comply with an amendment to SOLAS in 1998, launching appliances are required to be tested with lifeboat. How would this be carried out on your vessel? What maintenance of the hull would be conducted in dry-dock, regardless of ship type? What preparations are made for tank cleaning an oil tanker for dry- dock (segregated ballast)? When would it be considered acceptable to end for end a lifeboat fall and when should it be replaced? When loading cargo on an LPG carrier, what measures are available to control pressure? What should be remembered when anchoring a VLCC? , mse Pocket Book - Mates Masters ~ Questions 1.47 What protection measures can be used on the Hull in addition te paint’? When loading 4 Gargo in 4 Sumner region for discharge ata port hn m a winter region, what draft marks should ba loaded to? 1,49 What esscntial features doos 4 Permit to Work have? 1.60 When musta Confined Space Entry Permit be raised and can the work be cattied out undor that part’? 1.51 Prior to commencing 4 job with the craw, a talk should be givan addressing the workstope and satoly aspects, What should be covered spocivally? 1,02 How should mooring lines be correctly spooled on drume? 1.63 What records regarding lifting equipment should ba maintained? 1.64 What are the LOLER and PUWER regulations’? 1.56 What information has to bo obtained from the slilppar when packayod dangerous goods are to be loaded’? 1.66 What ate the dock cargo requiramonts for the Garage of timber? 1.97 What procautions should you observa to pravont damage to a mooring wire vihen operating 4 wire spoolod off a drum rool? 1.58 | When working a winch with a split dium, common on vassals over 40,000 Dut, how inany turns would be pul on the split drum? 1.60 What instrument intagrity chock) should you make before using 4 portable olocttical yas dotwctor? 1,60) What chooks should be made ona Dreyer chormical tube dotootor’7 1.07 What factors: would you take info account whon astablishing daluin point’? SE Pockol Book ~ Mates Masters - Questions ek 1 ee net nto A take 1,62 1.64 1.64 1.66 1.66 1.67 1.68 1,69 1,70 Pra 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.76 Describe 4 Williamson turn. Desorlbe 4 Scharnow tum, Your vousol Is due for a Loadling Survey, What document could be usad ag a chocklist to verity all in order before the survey? On which anchors i6 4 test certificate required? What typo of massages are transmitted when participating in AMVER? Dascrlbo tha procedure for the launch of a Gonventional ship's Waboat Ina force 6 sea, What aro the duties of a Safoty Officar? Whon carrying out an Inspoction of an area as Safety Officer, what should be chockad’? Whial size of vossal Is roquired to have a visual arrangement Jor sighting the compass reading from the emergency steering poultion’? As Mato, what Information would you document in the cargo loading or dischargo plan on an oll tanker? On a lanka, how would you chack that the cargo sea chest valve is Ina sallsfactory condition and rogularly monitored for leakage? Whion lying to a single anchor ina roadstead when a gale is oxpoctod, what action should you take? Whon lying ina lidoway moored to two anchors, how would you (ol tho vossol under way? Whon lying to two anchors In an open anchorage In bad waather, how would you ratrleve tho anchors to got under way? MSE Pocket Book ~ Mates Masters ~ Questions 1.76 V7 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 in an anchorage where the holding ground is poor, what precautions would you take to prevent the vessel dragging anchor Why do ships moor with two anchors? How would a cargo of long lengths of steel or railway irons be stowed? What information would you find on a Docking Plan? In which publication is the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code) found? What is the difference between clean ballast and segregated ballast? Unless liferafts can be readily transferred for launching on either side of the ship, additional liferafts should be provided for 150% capacity either side. What does readily transferrable mean? What are the launching exercise requirements for rescue boats? 1 | Crew members should participate in at least one abandon ship drill b and one fire drill per month. What should an abandon ship drill Consist of? Why should stickers not be placed on a safety helmet? At what intervals should safety helmets be replaced? How can you tell how many aspirations to make for the calibration | shown on the side of the Draeger tube? | How do you know if a Draeger tube is fitted the correct way for Making readings? When joining a vessel in lay-up, your handover mentions that we Of the ballast tanks have passing valves which are topped uP o to & Weekly basis {rom the fire main. What action should be taken 'mprove on this? —_— MSE Pocket Book ~ Mates Masters ~ Questions | ee }.90 91 }.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 an area of sub-zero temperatures, what When operating in hould be in place for mooring equipment? praventative measures Si When operating in an area of sub-zero ternperatures, what protections to fire fighting equipment should be checked? When deballasting or ballasting, what additional means can be taken to prevent implosion or over-pressurising a ballast tank? What maintenance checks should be completed on a ballast tank vent? You are on a vessel which is to secure to a mooring buoy using the anchor cable. How can this operation be conducted without the need to hang-off the anchor? If fresh water is taken from a water barge, what level of chlorine should it contain? On anew vessel about to depart on her maiden voyage, what preparations would you make for using the fresh water tanks? What routine maintenance should be conducted on a tresh water storage tank? After a routine dry-dock, what should happen to fresh water tanks? What routine maintenance should be carried out on accommodation shower heads? What routine maintenance should be carried out on fresh water hoses? What are the requirements for the discharge of sewage? What are the hazards of sewage systems? What precautions would you make prior to hot work on the open deck of a tanker? 1.104 1.105 1.106 1.107 1.108 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 1.116 1.117 MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions When using rope tails on a mooring wire, what length Should the — tail be? When ordering rope tails for a mooring wire, what strength should they be? Winch brakes are generally designed to give under load. What setting is this and can they be tested? In what direction should a mooring line be reeled on a drum? 1 If you are on a vessel which is to carry out an inspection of a cargo hold/tank with an inflatable boat, what precautions should be 1 observed? If you are on a tanker alongside a jetty and a fire is reported, what action should you take? a Explain the operation of the tankscope. 1 When using an 0, testing instrument with a 30 metre length of sample line, how would you know how many aspirations to give the aspirator bulb? ' How would a fire be fought in the accommodation? How would you replace a cargo runner on a derrick damaged during cargo operations? Describe the requirements for a type ‘A’ vessel under the Loadline Rules. Describe the requirements for a type B-60 vessel under the Loadline Rules. Describe a B-100 vessel under the Loadline Rules. 2 Why are vessels carrying timber allowed a reduced freeboard? 10 MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions st LEE LE EE 118 What are the stability requirements with regard to GZ curves under the Loadline Rules? 419 What precautions should be observed prior to conducting an inclining experiment? 420 What are the stability requirements that a vessel must meet for the carriage of grain? 121 What is the minimum information to be supplied by the builder in the Stability Book? 122 Describe the procedure for drydocking a vessel, in position in the dock, 123 What precautions should be taken for anyone entering a fresh water tank to engage in cleaning? -124 What action should be taken if the potable water tank is contaminated? 125 Why is the battery locker ventilated? 126 What steps can be taken to reduce the effects of interaction? 1.127 How would you carry out an emergency stop on your vessel from 14 knots? 1.128 What is the procedure when making an approach to an anchorage for a vessel? 1.129 What types of bottom do not afford good holding ground for an anchor? 1.130 What type of seabed affords the best holding ground for an anchor? 1.131 What amount of cable w ould you pay out when anchoring for a) a Short stay and b) along stay? an) MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters - Questions 1.132 1.133 1.134 1.135 1.136 1.137 1.138 1.139 1.140 1.141 1.142 1.143 1.144 1.145 1.146 What checks should be made on a Controllable Pitch Propeller unit, ie on sailing, weekly and monthly? What are the disadvantages of a Controllable Pitch Propeller unit? What advantages are there to a vessel fitted with a Controllable Pitch Propeller? What effect does squat have on the rudder control of the vessel and how does it affect the vessel's turning circle? What is Tactical Diameter? When would a gnomonic chart be used? What is the arrangement of a mediterranean moor and what are the main advantages? You are on watch at anchor and you note that another vessel is dragging its anchor down towards you. What actions should be taken? What is the danger associated with surveys before 1935? What factors must be taken into account when deciding on an anchorage position? What action should you take to assist an aircraft which indicates that it is going to ditch in your vicinty? You sight red flares that suddenly appear from the water surface. What actions should you take? What is luminous range? What is the nominal range of a light? What factors should be taken into account when determining under keel clearance? 12 _ | MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions oe 4,147 What cautions should you be aware of when mooring and unmooring with Controllable Pitch Propellers? 4.148 If, when accompanying the OOW for transit through the narrows of Singapore, the vessel blacks out, what action should be taken? 1,149 What information would the Master expect from the Pilot on his arrival? 4.150 What information should be exchanged between the Master and the Pilot? | 13 a4 2.2 2.3 24 25 2.6 2.8 2.9 2.10 211 2.12 2.13 2 Seamanship Class 1 (Master) ocean, describe an arrangement that you could use for a disabled vessel under tow. King a What are the two main types of fog and how are they caused? What is sea smoke? What is the purpose of the inclining experiment? t are some of the contributory causes of tug casualties? he difference between an admiralty standard stockless hor and an AC14? While underway. what should you consider if the vessel experiences unusual shaking, vibrations of the hull, unexplained movements or changes in engine revolutions? What action would you take if you suspect the vessel has touche the bottom? Your ship is an oil tanker and if it is involved in a collision with another vessel or structure. the Master must identify the extent 0 damage to own vessel. What should you consider in assessing th situation? What could cause 2 vessel to start to list excessively while at sea \p maintaining a detailed record of events after an oil spill, what should these records include? Whenever a spill occurs, from where should oil samples be taker Your vessel has had an oil spill at anchor. Whilst the vessel Contains the cause of the spill onboard, who is better equipped x Geal with the spill, the ship or the port? 14 Ee MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 What precautions should you be aware of when dropping off the Pilot? When picking up the anchor, another anchor cable is across the flukes. What action should you take? You are on a vessel preparing for rescue by helicopter. What initial information would you give to the authorities? With regard to the wind, how would you position your vessel prior to ahelicopter/ship operation? What dangers are there when engaged in a winching operation with a helicopter? How may an aircraft attract a ship's attention to another aircraft in distress? You are rescuing the crew of a vessel in danger whose lifeboats or liferafts are unavailable in rough seas. What action should you take? What action would you take in bad weather conditions when it is too dangerous to use lifeboats to rescue the crew of another vessel in danger? What action should you take on discovering undisclosed dangerous goods on your vessel? lf having to use a fixed CO, installation for extinguishing an engine toom fire, in addition to the need to ensure that all vents and doorways are closed and fans stopped before use, what factors Concerning time should be considered? When a rescue party has been dispatched to rescue a casualty from a cargo pumproom where there has been a gas leak, what precautions would you instruct them to take, with respect to revival of casualty? 15 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 ” = YOU Nave deere eS EE OS MESOC NY SAE c QU DAVE ¢ De to locate you. Discuss the method the aircraft would , Per ation 10 Ove v Id bring the aircraft’ se during SAR and how you wou ing the aircratt’s attention lo your — position? For a Registry Certificate, state the: Pernod of validity survey requirements coverage of Certificate ssuing Authority. aor w For an International Tonnage Certificate, state the: a) Period of validity b) survey frequency c) coverage of Certificate d) Issuing Authority. For a Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate, state the: a) Period of validity b) survey requirements c) coverage of Certificate d) Issuing Authority. For a Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate, state the: a) Period of validity b) survey frequency C) coverage of Certificate d) Issuing Authority. For a Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, state the: a) Period of validity b) survey frequency C) coverage of Certificate 4) Issuing Authority. For a Certificate of Fitness, be it Gas or Chemical, state the: a) Period of validity 16 32 33 34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 survey frequency b) c) coverage of Certificate d) issuing Authority For a Loadline Certificate. state the a) Period of validity b) survey frequency c) coverage of Certificate d) Issuing Authority For an International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate st a) Period of validity b) survey frequency c) coverage of Certificate d) Issuing Authority. For an Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate, state the a) Period of validity b) survey requirements c) coverage of Certificate d) Issuing Authority. For a Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, state the a) Period of validity b) survey requirements c) coverage of Certificate d) Issuing Authority. For a Safety Management Certificate, state the: a) Period of validity b) survey requirements Cc) coverage of Certificate. Which Certificate now covers the Deratting requirements? What reports (danger messages) is the Master to advise on in SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 32? 17 i MSE Pocket Book — Mdiéo WidolOlo SMUG OTOTTS 2 , rives at an anchorage where the tid 9 Your vessel arrives ai fn € has ty = 8 the direction of stream Is hard to make out due to the abso Yet other vessels or navigational buoys. How could you brepare of 2 anchoring? ” 2.40 Your vessel has anchored in a strong tideway. How Would you 9 y up the anchors? prc 2.41 _ Inthe northern hemisphere, what evasive action would YOu tak avoid a TRS, in the dangerous semi-circle? to 2.42 Inthe northern hemisphere, what evasive action would YOU take t |! avoid a TRS if you are in the navigable semi-circle? ° 2.43 What are the first indications of the approach of a TRS? 2.44 You are in harbour and a TRS is expected. What action should you take? 2.45 What are the additional fire protection divisional limitation requirements onboard a Class 1 passenger ship? 2.46 What are the notations for ice strengthening for first year ice? 2.47 What are the notations for ice strengthening for multi-year ice? 2.48 — What is an ice belt? 2.49 What are the benefits conferred by Classification? 2.50 What types of Class survey are there and what are their frequency! 2.51 — Give an example of the way that class surveys become more thorough with a vessel's age. 2.52 What is included in an intermediate survey of the hull on a tanker of ten years and over? 2.53 What certificates are checked during an annual Class survey? 18 : | MSE Pocket Book ~ Mates Masters - Questions LLL ED 54 55 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.64 2.65 2.66 During an annual Class survey on a tanker, what is checeed on the weather deck during the survey? When referring to bulkheads, what is: « AnA-0 e an A-15 « anA-60 e aB-class division? What are the aims of the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen? If your vessel has anchored while ‘waiting orders’, what precautions with regard to long term anchoring would you take? How can you maintain the integrity of the Permit To Work System on your vessel? If the NAVTEX receiver breaks on your vessel, what measures can you take for temporary receipt of NAVTEX messages? Where would you find details of a nation’s claims to jurisdiction? What items should be included in the Safety Management System? What documents must be carried to show compliance with the ISM code? When can a Safety Management Certificate be issued to a ship? You see the Bosun rigging the Pilot Ladder to allow the Surveyor to inspect the Loadline marks overside. What instructions would you give the Bosun? What sources of information are available to the Master regarding the possibility of ice for a passage across the North Atlantic? What orders should you leave to the officers on watch when in an ice convoy? 19 5 MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters - Questions @ 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.73 2.74 2.15 2.76 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 What problems can be encountered with navigational lights and = sectored lights in cold climates? Where can ice information for the Baltic Sea be obtainea? Where would climatological routing be advantageous? Describe your plan when engaged in a personnel transfer to a launch off-port limits. Where would a suitable location be for the sighting of the magnet compass? On what occasions would a compass swing be carried out? ' What factors can affect the amount of squat a vessel is experiencing? What factors should be considered when composing the navigational watches for a passage through a confined waterway such as the English Channel? How would you manoeuvre your vessel within 200’ of a TRS? What are the Master's duties when encountering a storm of Force 10 or more, of which he had not previously received warning? What does SOLAS '74 require the Master to do when ice is reported? What information is the Master required to report on meeting dangerous ice? What should you report on encountering air temperatures below zero, together with gale force winds, causing ice acretion on ships! In which areas are ice reports available? 20 in MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters - Questions EE ——————— 81 82 .83 84 2.85 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 2.92 i d tug that is proceeding along the When making fast a forwart ' midlength of the vessel, it is ‘sucked’ alongside. What action should you take? There are problems with ‘girting a tug’. How can this be avoided? You are on an oil tanker and while alongside at the discharge port, the Inert Gas plant fails. What action would you take? What size bollard pull tug would you expect when berthing a 100,000 bulker? When abandoning a passenger ship, the Marine Evacuation System on one side of the vessel fails. What action should you take? You are proceeding to the position of a fishing vessel's distress signal and while enroute, a liferaft is sighted 6 miles from the given position, being blown onto shore by strong winds. What action should you take? Your vessel is in open pack ice and is following an ice breaker. The ice breaker transmits a mayday and is taking on water. No helicopter assistance is available. What action should you take? What action would you take if a man fell overboard in rough weather? What onboard equipment is supplied/powered from tl generator? he emergency What is the maximum oil content to be discharged in clean or Segregated ballast? What does permeability mean? Are there any differences you would make whi i et en carryin Williamson turn ona VLCC? yngosrs 21 # MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions we 2.98 Outline the towing equipment that you might expect t trom a tug. which is going to engage in towing you t refuge 9 receive -_ Aport of 2.1 2.94 What additional information can be kept with a fire plan stow the gangway to assist shore fire-fighting teams? Ed a 2.95 After taking bunkers at the load port, sample results received show that the flashpoint of the bunker oil is alarmingly belo 2. required (60°C). What action would you take? W that 2. 2.96 Your vessel is set to operate in an area of sub-zero temperatures. 9 When formulating a plan with the heads of department, What general areas require protection? 2.97 What are the problems when drydocking with a large trim? 2 2.98 — What action would you take if the vessel is experiencing 2 synchronous rolling? 2.99 What steps can be taken onboard to reduce the effects of 7 interaction? 2.100 You are following an ice breaker when she hoists the Flag hoist‘: What does this mean? 2.101 What are the requirements for the discharge of machinery space bilges? 2.102 Your vessel is in a fairway and there is 10 minutes to the fairway buoy. A fire has broken out in the scavenge space of the main engine. What action should you take? 2.103 What are the air-start requirements on a motor-ship? 2.104 What are the requirements of an auxilliary steering gear? 2.105 At sea, how can an oil slick be expected to move? 07 108 109 At 113 114 115 2.116 2.117 2.118 MSE Packet Book Mates Masters Questions 16,000 Ow, what are the conditions tha tankers over a ‘ ent is to be able to withstand while the 72596! 5 mooring equipm alongside? In port, what international communications wauld available on a tanker? you have What should be recorded in the Oil Record Book Part 1? Ona bulk carrier, what steps can be taken to prevent infestation? When normal fumigation techniques using contact insecticides will not control a pest problem, what can make the treatment more effective? Who should apply a fumigant gas on a ship? What is the procedure for fumigating a hold in port? Describe how entry should be made into a fumigated hold. On passage, your vessel passes through an area where the GPS position differs largely from the position obtained by other means. What action would you take to report this? You are on a vessel, constrained by her draught, proceeding NE bound in the English Channel. When preparing tidal data for calculating UKC, what other factors would you take into account, particularly in winter? What instruction would you give officers on the making of entries in the Deck Logbook? When navigating on a vessel in a waterway where it may be a possibility that squat can occur, what signs provide an indication of squat? 's there any relationship between ship type/design and how she will squat? 23 2.121 2.122 2.103 2.124 2.126 2.126 2.127 2.128 2,129 h Propeller, what instructir fr tions, Hicer who is not farniliar with 7 i ollable Pitch Propeller. what action woyyy % nz wan a Contr pe tae n coastal waters in the event of a hydraulic failure? g take 7 fing veose! with 2 Controllable Pitch Propeller, what back-up ies should be fitted on the bridge? 1 Pitch Propeller has poor transverse thryy astern. Some newer CPP units can ion, Explain how this works, 2 Controllable Generally, ies when operated 2 4 Wransverse thrust act should ernergency steering drills be conducted? 3 S When and how if your vessel becomes stuck in ice, what options are available to you? strengthened) is navigating in pack ice, The OOW | Your vessel (ive ¢ ig ahead. What actions would you take? advises that ylacial 1c ice strengthened vessel, which is navigating in Your vessel is an i ¢ if the vessel were to be close pack ice, What action would you tak stopped by the sheer weight of ice ahead? é pack ice onboard an ice strengthened When navigating in clos Master and what progress vessel, what actions would you take as would you expect to make? When beaching a vessel, why should the engines be stopped immediately upon taking the ground? 24 130 1,131 132 1.133 2.134 2.135 2.136 2.137 2.138 2.139 2.140 2.141 MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters ~ Questions four vessel nas nad av due to the event of darn Your own vessel is ‘hove-to’ nea How would you turn your vessel is sinking. The weather at the time is Force 8/9 winds, with rough seas and heavy swell. What options do you have? Your vessel has undergone structural modificatio What action would you take regarding the compa n dry-doek. What is the AMVER organisation? You are in command of a twin screw vessel which suffers a complete failure of the steering gear. What action would you take? Your vessel is in collision with another. What are your obligations? When heaving up anchor, the officer on the foc’sle advises you that the vessel has fouled a submarine cable. What action should you take? On passage across the North Atlantic your vessel enters dangerous ice conditions. What are your obligatory duties? What information are you required to transmit when meeting a tropical storm of which no prior warning was received? You arrive at the scene of a distress, no ship in charge and Confusion exists. What action would you take? When proceeding to an area of distress, what action and preparations would you make? 25 | MSE Pocket Boon 2.142 2.143 2.144 2.145 2.146 2.147 2.148 2.149 oe you are in receipt of a distress signal. What is your j immed late action? What would your actions be on preparing to enter j ice? Regarding navigation in ice, what considerati ° atio| into account with your own vessel? nS Would yoy take Tr 3 Where would you find information on navigation in ice? ce? ‘ What are the signs of ice? Your vessel has hit a submerged rock and is sinking qui 3 communications would you make? 9 quickly, Wha What cautions would you be aware of when navigating ne ‘ ar a Ci bank and the charts for the area are from 1895? Os When the Master has taken the con in coa i ‘ stal or ‘ what does the OOW remain responsible for? Pot wat, : 26 3 4 5 1.6 7 .8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 ) 3) 3. UK Specific - Navigation/Seamanship What is the CPR Branch of the MCA? What is the penalty for proceeding to sea with navigational apparatus inoperable? Where would you find information on navigation in ice? What navigational related publications are required to be carried onboard? What is form FRE 13? What is the MAIB? What are the LOLER regulations? What is a Statutory Instrument? What are the aims of the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen? How, if necessary, does the Ministry of Defence pass messages to British flagged merchant vessels? Where would you find details of a nation’s claims to jurisdiction? Under the Lifting Regulations, what checks are made to derricks? What are the PUWER Regulations? 27 44 4.2 43 44 45 4.6 47 4.8 49 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4 Safety Regulations Management Leve) = ™ 4 There are four sea areas related to GMDSS. Which areas do they cover? 4 At what range could you reasonably expect to sight a person in the water? At what range can you expect to see a ship’s lifeboat light at ight; / in a SAR operation, who should assume the role of CSS? t On assuming the duty of CSS, who should you inform? How would a CSS communicate with SAR aircraft? What initial tasks should be performed by a CSS? What responsibilities does the CSS have? What records would you keep in the position of CSS? When should a distress be cancelled? What action should you take on receipt of a distress Message? What logistical data should you gather when Proceeding to an are: of distress? What onboard preparations would you make when proceeding to an area of distress? What signals should the CSS exhibit to identify himself? What measures should you take on approaching the scene of a search? SAR aircraft may drop special items in bags with coloured Streamers to survivors at sea. What do these bags contain? 28 eo———-,.C.,rlr— MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters Questions a A 18 19 1.20 1.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.28 4.29 jected fram base and At what range can helicopter assistance be 6/0 what is the seating capacity? sons? What sort of device can a helicopter use to hoist or lowe How would you determine what spacing for merchant vessels to use when searching for a survivor, life raft or lifeboat? What type of search patterns are prescribed by MERSAR? What reasons may there be if a casualty is not found after a thorough search? on of What factors should you consider when deciding on termination 9 an unsuccessful search? If an aircraft decides to ditch in the vicinity of a vessel. what action should the vessel take? An aircraft Pilot will normally choose his own heading to ditch. If not known, what action should the ship take? What questions should you ask of survivors from an aircraft casualty and transmit to CRS? At what approximate range is a SART visible on a ship's radar and by a SAR helicopter? What should be contained in a Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan? Name the special areas where the disposal of garbage overside is prohibited. Are there any limitations with EPIRBs operating on certain frequencies? Which vessels require emergency towing arrangements forward and aft? 29 ‘ 1 é MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Juestions 4.31 Your vessel is preparing for an ISM audit. What documentation * would you ensure is in order? ation 4.32 What action would you take if a DSC alert is sent inadvertent on 2187.5 KHz? y 4.33 What action would you take if an EPIRB is inadvertently activatay 4.34 Describe a five-yearly load test of a lifeboat launching appliance, | 4.35 Youareona vessel with open lifeboats which do not have an on-load release mechanism. Are you required to conduct a five-yearly test? 4.36 Youare conducting a five-yearly load test of a lifeboat and its release mechanism. In testing the on-load release of the laden boat, the boat has actually been lowered into the water and requires hoisting clear before release. Describe the procedure. 4.37 What should the SWL of maintenance lugs attached to a lifeboat be? 4.38 What initial action would you take if an attempt to board by pirate occurred? 4.39 What are the annexes to the MARPOL convention? 4.40 — What type of equipment should be carried in an emergency equipment locker such as on a RoRo passenger ship? 4.41 Whatis the basic principle of GMDSS? 4.42 In what time should steering gear be capable of putting the rudd over from 35 degrees on one side to 30 degrees on the other sid? 4.43 Where would you find details of agencies participating in Search and Rescue around the world? 4.44 — Willan aircraft see a SART on its radar screen? 30 eer MSE Pocket Book ~ Mates Masters - Questions Ce a 45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 4.51 What areas would be covered in a risk assessment? What are the main elements in the risk assessment process? How could you classify hazards for the purpose of risk assessment? In conducting a risk assessment, list examples of the findings of such an assessment. Where can information on risk assessment on merchant ships 9€ found? How many abandon ship drills are required each month? What action would you take if a seafarer is exposed to asbestos dust, with regard to his medical records (ie not the decontamination procedures that would need to be followed)? 31 61 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 6.12 6.13 5 Shipboard Management What are the normal trading limits for a foraign going 1d Vosnayy Which countries that are not party to the STCW . nya issued with a Certificate of Equivalent Compe Ntic ! ON Gan) tency? “a, f What checks can be made on a Foreign Certiticate Of Gc 1o determine if it is genuine? “ Melon, ' Ton (UK flagged shipyy | Who must you advise of changes to the List of Crew? How would you sign a new crew membe ' How would you discharge a crew member at the end of his tring ! What is the procedure after a death onboard? ‘ ! How many seamen need to complain before you are requirad to investigate regarding poor food or water? ! What are your duties after a collision with another vessel? Your vessel is berthing alongside a quay when the vessel lands heavily, damaging the vessel and the quay, What action should you take’? : f On joining your vessel as Master for the first time, what would your actions be from leaving the taxi on the quayside until taking over? Atter taking over as Master, which officers would you moat with ! and what Information would you require from each? ' This afternoon, you are to join a vessel as Master in the Waster Anchorage at Singapore, which your owners are 10 plichass tommorrow al noon. Your owner's superintendents at Foprssontatives have Comploted thelr Inspections of the vansel se St Pocket Book - Mates Masters ~ Ouvestions et RR What are the procedures for handover tomnarraw {rare satler \6 buyer? 14 Give examples of when you would Note Protest i 6 2 of 16 What is the difference between Noting Protest and a Letter 9 Protest’? 16 Give some examples when you may soue a Letter of Protest 1.17 What preparations would you make two hours prior to saving? 1.18 How would you go about obtaining medical advice ny radio and what information would you have ready to transmit? 1.19 How would you arrange for a medivac? 1.20 What is a safe port? 1.21 A sailor falls off the gangway while your vessel 6 berthed during Cargo operations, What action should you take? 1.22 What services would you require during a stay in dry-dock? 1.23 What Is a Part of Refuge? 1.24 — Outline the requirements for a Safety Management System 1.25 — You ara on a bulk carrier which, on completion af cargo operations, has a 40 hour passage down the Mississippi to undertake, What concerns do you have for the keeping of a sate bridge watch down river? 1.26 What Is anon Conformance and give some examples? 27 Whal are the Pilnciples Of risk assessment? 128 How would YOU Make a risk assessment? 20 1.30 Whon proparing a risk assossment, what should be assessed? What are the Foquirorants of the hours of work regulations? 44 tS —_— MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions | see ey 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.40 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.44 5.45 How should the hours of rest periods be allocated? | How should the hours of work and rest periods for each Position onboard be specified? In devising a schedule of duties that details the hours of work any rest periods onboard, what factors should be taken into account) Describe the procedure after the seafarer submits his hours of rey records. For how long should seafarer’s hours of work records be kept? What navigational duties should be taken into account when determining the safe manning level? What would happen in the event of a disagreement in the required safe manning figure onboard the vessel? Which vessels are required to carry a Safe Manning Document? What are the objectives of the Harmonised System of Survey and Certification (HSSC)? What are the types of survey under the Harmonised System of Survey and Certification (HSSC)? Why does the company have a Designated Person Ashore (DPA)? What are the duties of the DPA? What are the limits of the Shipboard Safety Officer's (SSO) responsibilities with regards to a casualty to the ship such as collision or grounding? How should the safety induction for new personnel be conducted in port? When would you create Generic Risk Assessment onboard? 34 ip MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions en 5.46 5.47 5.48 5.49 5.50 5.51 5.52 5.53 5.54 5.55 5.56 In conducting a ‘Tool Box Talk’ prior to starting a task, what must the supervisor must be aware of and highlight to his workforce? What is a near miss? What is a dangerous occurrence? What is the difference between a near miss and a dangerous occurrence? You observe a crew member committing what you determine to be an unsafe act. What action should you take? The Master suspects that a crew member has prohibited drugs in his possession. What action should be taken? How can you ensure the SOPEP plan is as effective as possible? If the ship is involved in a pollution incident, reports must be made to whom? Give examples of when a report covered by a shipboard oil pollution incident is required? In port, how would you determine who you are required to contact in the event of an oil spillage? In the event of an oil spill on deck, what steps should be taken to Prevent or minimise overside pollution? 35 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6 Ship’s Business and Law i When joining anew vessel, in addition to SCertains 6.1 dates of the various Certificates, what Other r ining the Feng check are being kept up-to-date? Ord Woulg you When Preparing for th € renewal of a Certifi what should be taken Cate on 6 into Consideration? OU ess When Preparing for a Survey, what should be consig, * deciding on a port for the survey? we 6. How would you replace 4 certificate in the Ship's file, a there is a delay in issuin , 6 sur; 9g the new Certificate? Stiming What action would you tak € if the Pilot came onboard 6 a drunk, when you were abo Parent ut to dock the vessel? 6 Your vessel has had an engine r 00m explosion. What Would yoy g, consider if offered Salvage by more than one vessel? | When being towed towards a port of refu Ge following damage ty 6 machinery, what arrangements would yo! u make? When might a discharge overside be ‘exe Mpt’ under the pollutia 6 regulations? What action should be taken after the election of every safety 6 representative? 6 How often should safety meetings be held? . ivy What documentation may the ISM auditor wish to see to verity compliance with the ISM code? vgs 9 What are the Master's responsibilities under the ISM code? How was the ISM code made mandatory? 36 ET lS MSE Pocket Book ~ Mates Masters ~ Questions a eeaRiaeninainaE 4 What surveys/checks are carried out when a ship's name is changed? 15 What happens to a vessel's certificates when her flag is changed? 16 What happens to a vessel's certificates when her Class is cancelled? 17 |s certificate valid from the date of issue? 18 | What happens when a survey proves to be unsatisfactory? 19 What is the purpose of ship registration? 20 What are Bareboat Charter terms? 21 When may an Interim Certificate of Class be issued? 22 What docking surveys are required with respect to Class? 23 On tankers, how often does the inert gas system require to be surveyed? 24 What are the requirements to have an in-water survey on a vessel rather than a docking survey? 25 What period of extension is allowed ona Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate? -26 Define the term ‘passenger ship’. -27 What are the consequences of sailing undermanned or with an unqualified crew? 28 — How does the Master ensure his vessel is seaworthy in respect of manning? 29 What are the basic Principles of safe manning? 1.30 Whatis a Crew Agreement? 3.31 What crew particulars are entered on a List of Crew? 37 Nt MSE Pocket Book — Mate. 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.38 6.39 6.40 6.41 6.42 6.43 6.44 6.45 6.46 6.47 IS WidolOlo ~ GUCSTUTS What is the procedure for discharge of a searnan? What are the IMO’'s objectives? What action should be taken when the Master is dealing with an disciplinary cases referred to him? y A vessel's hull is insured with Lloyds and is also Lloyds clasgeq Would a message to one party do in the event of an OCCurrences With regard to musters and training, what entries are made in the OLB? What is the aim of a position reporting system such as AMVER) What are the Master’s obligations on receipt of a distress message? It an ITF inspector inspected your vessel in port, who or what would he ask to see? What certificates are required to be carried on a passenger ship? What certificates are required to be carried on a cargo ship? Which vessels are required to carry a supplement to their Safety Equipment and Safety Construction Certificates? When is a cargo vessel required to carry a Dangerous Goods Manifest? Which vessels are required to carry an Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate? What certificates is a chemical tanker required to carry? What certificates is a liquefied gas carrier required to carry? What are the Master's responsibilities towards the vessel's certificates? 38 n-~= gag ua MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters - Questions RE TE PS TE FEET ST 51 52 1.53 5.54 5.56 5.57 6.58 6.59 6.60 6.61 6.62 Can passengers be carried on a cargo vessel? What information is on the front of the Official Logbook? Give some examples of entries in the narrative section of the Official Logbook. Give examples of entries which are recorded in special pages in the Official Logbook. Why should no exaggerated entries for weather be put in the logbook, such as to help with a Charter Party's requirements for speed? When can wrongful dismissal of a seafarer occur? What would you expect during a handover from the off-going Master when taking over the vessel? What checks would you make as Master after taking over and before sailing? What is a Running Agreement? When is a Voyage Agreement used? What actions would you take in the event of a seaman being taken ill on your vessel? From where can you obtain medical advice? As chairman at a safety meetin of the meeting. What skills or Chairman portray? 9, your role is crucial to the success qualities shculd the Master and What water content of an oil cargo would you note protest at? What reportable incidents are there uni der the MARPOL Convention and who should they be reported to? 39 MSE Pooket Book Mates Masters =~ Questions B89 Whatis the validity ofan International Sewage Pothition Move. Cortiticate? ') ' ” 6.04 After leaving port, aextowaway is diseavered onboard What wy! . \ should be taken? B65 You have just left port and made Full Away On Passage, Wwhon q i stowaway is discovered Would you ret to the port to land hi 6.85 Astowaway is discovered al soa, Would you constdey man a ott-port call to land Win? ¥ 6.67 Whatis the function of a Bill oF Lading? 6.68 How many sets of the Bill of Lading ate made, who are they at to and how can this prevent taud? 5. 6.69 Whatis the consoquence of signing a second set of Bills of Lage for a cargo which has already been signed for’? 6,70 Detling ‘seaworthy’ 5, 6.717 When is a deviation trom an agreed voyage allowed? i 6.72 — Is. a deviation trom the voyage ever permitted to Lake a ship in to? 6.73 When doos laytime begin’? 6.74 What is ‘demurrage’? 6.75 — What is ‘despatch’? 6.76 — When does a shipowner have a tien on the goods carried on his 3 ship? j 6.77 Under what payment conditions is salvage based? 6.78 — Give examples ot actions which may be eligible tor a salvage award, : 6.79 — What sort of risks are covered by P&l Clubs? 40 EE sit Pocket Hook Mates Mantors ~ Questions Oe i Ty 7 What door (onotal Average navel? What in roquited durin the tnitlal napwetion fara Loadtine Gortitloale? What gareral Information world you pais to the agent (to annint li Inaking AUANGeNOnls for the versal upon arrival it port? What Information should be contatned on ai Grew Et? What documents ata usually Foquitad for prosanting to boarding officials on arrival in pout? What doos the tery laydays! tater Lo? What is laylime’? How would you prasent your Notice of Readiness to the receiver or shipper? What is Early Departure Procedure (EDP)? What is somotinios referred to as Form E? When Is a vossal an artived ship within the meaning ofa Charter Party? What information is contained within the Bill of Lading? What action would you take Ifa BIL of Lading tor completion was presented to you in a foreign language? To whom are you lagally obliged to deliver a cargo? What action would you take If arriving at a port and two tecelvers produce an original B/L? What goods aro not covered by the Haguie-Visby rules’? Who would Issue a Fumigation Certificate? Where should a ship's cettiticates be posted? At MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions iE. pc EI RR 6.98 6.99 6.100 6.101 6.102 6.103 6.104 6.105 6.106 6.107 6.108 6.109 You arrive on a vessel as Master and the Chief Engineer a vises ™ you that “the fire pump is temperamental now and then but on th whole it works, but not to worry as its always been like that", We action would you take? R What deck certificates are recognised under STCW ‘95? You have an Officer onboard whose medical has expired and is unable to obtain a medical at your current port of stay. Can the Officer remain onboard and, if so, for how long? What is stated on a Voyage Clause? What are the effects of your vessel trading outwith the limits state in the Crew Agreement? What action would you take if you considered the berth that the charterer appointed to your vessel unsafe? Is there a revalidation requirement for Certificates of Equivalent Competency? What action would you take if a seaman was to be left behind ina foreign country? At what interval is testing of emergency lighting on the boat deck to be carried out? A seaman becomes infected with measles onboard. What action should you take? After taking disciplinary action against a seafarer, what paperwor should he be given? at {urther After taking disciplinary action against a seafarer, wh icial Logbo” action would you take when he refuses to sign the Off in receipt of copies referring to the case? 42 I eel MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters — Questions per RIES I 6.110 6.111 6.112 6.113 6.114 6.115 6.116 6.117 6.118 6.119 6.120 6.121 A seafarer comes to your cabin to complain about the food. What action should you take? What action would you take if the 2nd Officer calls you after midnight, believing his watchman to be drunk? What action would you take with a seaman who was drunk while off-duty? What is the Pilot's status onboard? Your vessel has landed heavily alongside a berth and the terminal manager has presented you with a Letter of Protest. What action should you take? Your vessel is arriving in the UK from a German port. What reports would you make to UK customs? Where would you find details of radio stations offering medical advice by radio? When destined for a port, where would you find details of who to address the Radio Quarantine Report to and information required in the quarantine report? When may the ship’s Classification Society withdraw or suspend her class? You are called to the bridge as your vessel has developed engine problems some 10 miles from a cliffy shore. What action should you take? When would your first point of contact be your owners where salvage assistance is required? Your vessel is to be taken under tow by a salvage tug. How can you still protect your owner's interests with regard to payment for salvage? 43 MSE Pocket Book ~ Mates Masters — Questions ” 6.122 6.123 6.124 6.125 6.126 6.127 6.128 6.129 6.130 6.131 6.132 6.133 6.134 6.135 Your vessel is in danger and requires immediate assistance. = form of salvage would you accept? Wha When requiring salvage, what are you protecting? When several ships offer their services to assist you in a Salvage situation, which would you accept? What action would you take if a vessel which has offered you a salvage service wants to leave you outside a port’s limits due tot density of traffic in and around the port? What factors would you consider when deciding whether or nott request salvage assistance? Your vessel receives a PAN-PAN from a vessel nearby in mid-oce: requiring towage after an engine room fire. What action shouldy. take? You agree to offer salvage services to a vessel requiring a tow. What action would you take now? In salvage, why use Lloyds Open Form? In the event of a salvage situation, would you be required to have copy of Lloyds Open Form onboard? What are the terms of salvage under Lloyds Open Form? Give examples of circumstances when you would proceed to ap! of refuge. What preparations for port entry would you make prior to arrivit at the pilot station? What messages would you send prior to arrival at a port? On arrival in port, what would you have ready for meeting the ship's agent? 44 MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters - Questions pte tn inane eg cee 6.136 6.137 6.138 6.139 6.140 6.141 6.142 6.143 6.144 6.145 6.146 6.147 6.148 Why would you reserve the right to extend protest? Give some examples of when your vessel may receive a Letter of Protest. Ona tanker at completion of loading, the ship’s figures are less than the shore’s figure. Which figure would you enter on the Bill of Lading? Ona tanker at completion of loading, the ship's figures are less than the shore’s figure. What would your action be if the shipper will only accept the insertion of the shore’s figure on the Bill of Lading? On a tanker at completion of loading, the ship’s figures are greater than the shore’s figure. Which figure would you enter on the B/L? What protections for your owner would you take when loading bunkers? What is Annex III of MARPOL? How would a Master ensure that illegal dumping did not occur? What systems/procedures are in place onboard to assist in preventing groundings under pilotage? What systems/procedures are in place onboard to assist in oil spill control/prevention? What sort of familiarisation induction would you expect a new cook to undergo? The gyro compass is out of action on a voyage across the pacific. What precautions would you, as Master, adopt? After loading On a tanker, the figures on the Bill of Lading do not agree with the mate's calculations. What action should you take? 45 ts > MSE Pocket Book — Mai 6.149 6.150 6.151 6.152 6.153 6.154 6.155 6.156 6.157 6.158 6.159 tes Masters — Questions # A seaman is injured by a jet of oil that has sprayed out fring ; i pressure pipeline forming part of the cargo valve pipework, in are your actions as Master? al The 3rd officer is on the foc’sle bringing up the anchor When he reports that the anchor is ‘fouled by a cable’. Discuss your Optiag as Master. What is contained in a Chemical Tanker Certificate of Fitness You are in command of a RoRo passenger ferry and are informey that there is a fire in the engine room. What are your actions? You are the OSC onboard a supply vessel proceeding to the aid of a passenger RoRo that is on fire. There is also a large tanker in ballast proceeding to the scene along with several fishing vessef How might all the vessels involved be utilised? What factors would you as Master take into account when assessing dangers to your vessel in responding to an onboard emergency? What preparations would you make as the Master of a laden LNG tanker travelling from the Persian Gulf to Japan? The Mate reports to you that he can smell cannabis in the crew alleyway during his rounds. What actions should you take? What should an initial survey for a Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate consist of? What should an annual survey for a Cargo Ship Safety Equipmer! Certificate consist of? To allow for operations, what degree of flexibility do you have wit the timing of an intended annual survey? 46 SS ——_—LULUlU—~— 6.160 6.161 6.162 6.163 6.164 6.165 6.166 6.167 6.168 6.169 6.170 6.171 MSE Pocket Book - Mates Masters - Questions degree of flexibility do you have To allow for operations, what u nan intermediate survey 's to be with the timing regarding whe conducted? Give examples of dishonest or fraudulent acts which would be regarded as gross misconduct and would normally lead to dismissal, and to criminal prosecution when warranted. Can the Master dismiss someone from the company? All disciplinary action must be supported by documentary evidence and the necessity for just and accurate reports on ability and conduct cannot be too strongly emphasised. Give examples of such evidence. When extracts of the Official Logbook entries accompany a Merchant Navy Disciplinary Report, how should they be endorsed? Ifa seafarer has a complaint or grievance related to a particular vessel, how should he raise this complaint? Ifa change of command coincides with a change of Crew Agreement, how should this be dealt with? What is the procedure for reviewing non-conformance reports to the SMS ashore? When does a non-conformance to the SMS require further investigation? What action would you take if berthed alongside and a passing ship causes you to range on the berth with resultant damage? Does the ISM Code replace any existing regulations? How can a company demonstrate compliance with the ISM Code? 47

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