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The Hindu Editorial words

These words are taken from last three year’s
Must know for SSC/BANK
1. Façade – मुखौटा - the way sth appears to be, 29. Benign – दयालु - kind
which mayn’t be real 30. Renaissance – पुनजागरण – revival
2. Notion – धारणा - an understanding of sth
3. Flawed – कमी - defect, fault
31. Sabotage – तोड़ फोड़ करना - deliberate damage
4. Taboo – विजत बात - forbidden, unmentionable
32. Deem – वचार करना - consider
5. Fade away – गरावट होना - decline, decrease
33. Stumble – लड़खड़ाना
6. Competent – यो यता - capable, able
7. Prominent – famous, well- known 34. Loom – संकट मंडराना - to appear threatening
8. Indigenous - वदे शी - native 35. Strain – तनाव - pressure
9. Glorify – तार फ - praise 36. Colossal – बड़ा - extremely large
10. Robust – मजबत
ू - strong 37. Oscillation – दोलन - regular movement between
11. Bar – नकालना - exclude, ban one position and another
38. Bolster – सहारा दे ना - to improve sth
12. Plunge – गोता लगाना - dive, crash, go down
39. Gushing – भावक
ु - expressing so much
13. Defunct – नि य - expired, invalid
enthusiasm that it doesn’t seem sincere
14. Bilateral – वप ीय - involving two sides
40. Gloss over - छपाना – to avoid talking about sth
15. Evolve – वक सत होना- develop gradually
41. Vary – अंतर होना – differ
42. Prolong – ल बा खींचना - to make sth last longer
16. Impediment – कावट - sth that delays the 43. Anxiety – चंता - the state of feeling worried
progress 44. Peremptory – आदे शपण
ू - to be obeyed without
17. Implausibility – असंगत - not reasonable question
18. Escalate – बदतर होना - to make sth greater, 45. Volte face – प प रवतन - a complete change of
worse, more serious opinion,
19. Unwieldy – भार भरकम - difficult to control
because of its size 46. Ordinance - अ यादे श - order
20. Fallout – हार - bad results of a situation 47. Take a dim view – अ वीकार करना - to disapprove
21. Scarcity – कमी - shortage of sth/sb
48. Manoeuvre – चालबाजी करना - to control,
22. Punitive – दं डा मक - intended as punishment
23. Renege – यागना - to break a promise
49. Precaution - सावधानी - protection
24. Amenable – आ ाकार - easy to control
50. Revive – पुनज वत करना - to become strong again
25. To make deep inroads – create a noticeable
effect 51. Alarming – चंता - causing worry and fear
26. Incense – गु सा दलाना - to make sb very angry 52. Mutation – बदलाव - change in cells
27. Volition – इ छा शि त- free will 53. Virulence – जानलेवा - extremely harmful
28. Inundation – बाढ़ - flood 54. Prevalent - या त – common
55. Pandemic – वैि वक - a disease that spreads over 77. Prevail over – बहस के बाद सहम त - to be accepted
a whole country/world after an argument
56. Immunity – तर ा - body’s ability to avoid 78. Rhetoric – वा पटु language that influence people
disease 79. Expeditious - भावी efficient
57. Vulnerable – कमजोर/ असुर त - weak and easily
80. Latitude – आज़ाद liberty/ leeway
81. Constraints - बा यताएं restriction
58. Uptake – the process by which sth is taken into
a body or system 82. Détente – दो दे शो के बीच र त म सध
ु ार an
59. Epidemic – थानीय - local, a large number of improvement in relationship b/w two
cases in a particular community countries.
60. Ramp up – बढ़ाना - to make sth increase in 83. Pull back - वापस लेना withdraw
amount 84. Escalate – ख़राब होना to become more serious
85. Rupture – अ छे र ते ख़तम होना the ending of
good relations b/w people
61. Promulgated: घोषणा करना to announce a new
86. Pilgrim – दालु a person who travels to a holy
system officially
62. Vis-à-vis: क तुलना म in comparison with
87. Regard – परवाह करना attention to or thought for
63. Spiral: घुमावदार a continuous harmful increase
or decrease
88. Semblance – गलत आक त a situation in which
64. Cope with sth: सामना manage
sth seems to exist although this may not, in
65. Blockade: नाकाबंद A barrier that stops people or fact, be the case
vehicles 89. Deluge - बाढ़ flood
66. Predecessors: पूव अ धकार a person who did a 90. Nucleus - क center
job before sb esle
67. Irrigation: संचाई water supply to an area of land
68. Obligatory: ज र compulsory 91. Wrangling - बहस argument

69. Appeal – नवेदन request 92. Trigger – शु होना to make sth happen suddenly,

70. Tenor: भावाथ Meaning of sth set off

93. Prediction – अनुमान a statement that tells about
71. Accommodate: समायोिजत करना consider
a future event that may happen
72. Amendment: बदलाव Change
94. Drainage – जल नकासी य था the process by
73. Presume: सोचना to think which water is drained from an area
74. Rankle: भड़कना if sth rankles, that upsets for a 95. Encroachment – अ त मण intrusion, trespass
long time 96. Traction – खींचने क या propulsion, drawing,
75. Leverage- फायदा उठाना take advantage of pulling
97. Fringe – बाहर इलाका the outer edge of an area
98. Downpour – a heavy fall of rain
76. Stand off - कसी नतीजे पर न पहुंचने क ि थ त
99. Evacuate – खाल करवाना to move people from a
place of danger
100. Havoc – लय lot of damage, destruction or 124. Reveal – उजागर करना to make sth known
confusion 125. Wane – धुंधला होना decrease, fade
101. Imperative - vital
126. Slackened – नबल होना to gradually become
102. Callous – नदयी not caring about other
slower, loosen
people, cruel
127. Deteriorated – गरावट to get worse
103. Underscore – रे खां कत करना stress,
128. Rebound – फर से उछाल आना bounce back
104. Ample - काफ enough 129. Boost – बढ़ावा to increase

105. Extinguish – ख़तम करना to destroy sth 130. Momentum – गत to ability to keep

106. Chunk – बड़ा ह सा a fairly large amount of increasing

131. Manifold - कई multiple
107. Bonanza – अचानक बड़ा फायदा होना to make lot 132. Juncture – प रि थ त a particular point
of money 133. Silver lining – अ छा पहलु positive side
108. Belie – झठ
ू ा होना to give a false impression of 134. Buoyant – फुि लत energetic
135. Swathe – प ट a long strip of land
109. Scourge – भय/पीड़ा दे ने वाला आदमी a person
that causes suffering
136. Soaring – तेजी से बढ़ना rise quickly
110. Swap - अदला बदल exchange
137. Tailwinds – अनुकूल हवा a wind that blows
111. Magic wand- जाद ू क छड़ी a stick used in
from behind
magic tricks
138. Annul – नर त करना official cancel
112. Collapse- गरना to fall down
113. Disruption – खलल to be difficult for sth to 139. Ethnic – व श ट सं कृ त belonging to a race
continue in normal way that shares cultural traditions
114. Crunch – कमी not enough of sth 140. Exasperate – गु सा दलाना to annoy or
115. Salient – मु य भाग most important irritate
116. Penchant – झक
ु ाव a special liking for sth, 141. Mar – नक
ु सान पहुचाना to damage or spoil
fondness 142. Brutal – बबर violent and cruel
117. Quixotic – का प नक वचार imaginary ideas 143. Tarnished – बदनाम करना to spoil the good
118. Decelerate – धीमा होना to slow down opinion people have of sb/sth
119. Estimate - अनुमान guess 144. Cumbersome – ज टल slow and complicated

120. Pegging – थायी करना to fix at a particular 145. Exacerbate – to get worse
146. Chaotic – अ य था lack of order
147. Verdict – फैसला decision made by court
121. Protracted ल बा खींचना – lasting longer than 148. Prerequisite – ज र precondition
expected, prolong
149. Steady – लगातार constant
122. Vary – अंतर होना differ
150. Erosion – कटाव to be destroyed or made
123. Dampen- न तसा हत करना to make feeling
less strong, discourage
174. Staple – मु य - basic, important part of sth
151. Mandate – जनादे श the authority given to
175. Gargantuan – बहुत बड़ा extremely large
govt by people in an election
176. Nail-biting – रोमांचक ि थ त making you feel
152. Stark – साफ़ clear
very excited
153. Incumbent – पदा धकार official
177. Squeak – च लाना high cry or sound that
154. Resort to – उपाय करना/ आ खर वक प काम म isn’t very loud
लेना utilize, make use of sth 178. Succinctly – सं ेप म expressed clearly and
155. Efficacy – भावी effectiveness in a few words
179. Formative – नमाणा मक important and
156. Mammoth – बड़ा huge, extremely large
lasting influence
157. Hustings – चुनावपव
ू क राजनै तक ग त व धयां
180. Fillip – बढ़ावा boost
political meetings, speeches before an election
181. Traction – खींचना drawing, pull
158. Prolong – ल बा करना to make sth last longer
182. Reiterate – दोहराना repeat
159. Starvation – भख
ु मर death caused by having
no food 183. Bolster – बढ़ाना boost
160. Mitigation – राहत a reduction in how 184. Acme – पराका ठा highest stage, most
unpleasant sth is excellent example
161. Peninsula – ायद प area of land that is 185. Clout – ताकत power and influence
almost surrounded by water but is joined to a 186. Comply with – पालन करना to obey a rule
larger piece of land
187. Stipulation – अनुबध
ं /शत Specify, to state
162. De- escalate – कम होना to decrease
clearly that sth must be done
163. Unabated – कम न होना without becoming
188. Segregation – अलग करना to separate
any less strong
189. Concurrent – एक साथ होना existing at the
164. Cock a snook at sb/sth – ऐसा काम जो कसी के
same time
लए अनादर दशाता है to do sth that clearly shows
190. Trash – फकना throw away
you don’t respect sb/sth
191. Embedded – अंतः था पत to fix sth into a
165. Ratchet up – बढ़ाना to increase
166. Appeasement – खश
ु करना to please 192. Discarded – फकना get rid of sth you don’t
167. Totalitarian – एक पाट क सरकार only one want
party have complete power 193. Refuse – (noun) कचरा – Waste material,
168. Quest - खोज search rubbish , garbage
169. Regime – शासन govt/administration 194. Stiff – मिु कल more difficult than unusual
170. Impoverished – गर बी to make sb poor 195. Ingested – नगलना to take food/drugs into
171. Parity – समानता equality your body, usually by swallowing

172. Beleaguered - मिु कल म experience a

196. Paradigm – नमूना model
197. Fester – सड़ना/ बुरा होना to become badly
173. Break the bank – बड़ा खचा - cost a lot of
198. Pivot – मु य बंद ु - the central point, 222. Reappraise - पुनमू यांकन reassess
199. Devised – नया तर का नकालना - to invent a 223. Narrative - कहानी story
new way of doing sth 224. Relegate – नचे के दज म रखना to give sb a
200. Allude – उ लेख करना - to mention sth in an lower position
indirect way 225. Amnesia – याददा त क कमजोर loss of
201. Entail – शा मल करना - to involve memory
202. Brick and Mortar – buildings, physical 226. Opprobrium – कटु आलोचना severe criticism
227. Embark on - शु आत start
203. Deter – भय दखाकर रोकना to make sb decide
228. Pantheon – all the gods of people
not to do something
229. Fraught – याकुल filled with sth unpleasent
204. Scrap – नर त करना to cancel
230. Behest – आदे श at the command of
205. Gauge – नाप - a measurement
231. Barrage – बाँध dam/embankment/
206. Endowment – पैसा दे ना - money that is given
232. Extol – तार फ करना to praise
to an institute
207. Downpour – मूसलाधार बा रश - heavy rainfall 233. Vignette – drawing, design, draft
234. Temerity – साहस audacity, daring
208. Gobble up – नगलना - to use sth very
235. Bequest – वसीयत legacy, inheritance
209. Warranted – an acceptable reason for doing 236. Crack down – कड़ी कायवाह - to prevent an
sth, justified illegal activity
210. Woe – परे शा नयाँ - the troubles and problems, 237. Deport – दे श नकाला- to force sb to leave a
misery country
211. Ill-conceived – बुर ला नंग -badly planned 238. Looming – संकट मंडराना - to appear
212. Obsolete – अ च लत - outdated threatening and likely to happen soon
213. Devastate – वनाश करना - to completely 239. Limbo – अ न चय क ि थ त - an uncertain
destroy situation
214. Sheer – the size, degree or amount of sth 240. Cohort – दल a group of people who share
215. On a par with – उतना ह अ छा as good as common feature
sb/sth else 241. Rescind – र द कर दे ना to officially state that
216. Proponent – समथक- supporter, advocate a law is not valid
217. Tantalizing – आक षत करना - tease, bait, 242. Piecemeal – टुकड़े टुकड़े happening at different
tempt, allure times
218. Vagaries – अ नि चताये - changes that are 243. Encapsulate – स पु टत करना sum up
difficult to control 244. Underpin – सहारा दे ना to support the basis of
219. Debilitating – कमजोर होना - weakening an argument
220. Flora and fauna – जीव और वन प त - plants 245. Gaping – खल
ु ा हुआ to become wide open
and animals 246. Modicum – कम मा ा म a fairly small amount
221. Spawned – कारण - to cause sth to develop or 247. Solace – सां वना a feeling of comfort
be produced
248. Foster – ो साहन to encourage sth to develop
249. Bickering – कहा सुनी to argue about things 273. Submerge – डूबना to go under, to hide ideas
that are not important 274. Lexicon – श दावल a list of words on a
250. Remedy – इलाज solution particular subject
251. Crackdown – कड़ी कायवाह - severe action 275. Utopian – का प नक a belief that everything
252. Genocide – जा तसंहार - murder of a whole can be perfect
group 276. Benefactor – उपकार to give money or help
253. Pronounced – घोसणा करना - to say officially 277. Foray – ारि भक य न to become involved in
254. Detention – नजरबंद - the state of being kept a different activity
in a place 278. Buttress – सहारा दे ना to give strength to sth
255. Treason – दे श ोह - the crime of doing sth 279. Perceive – समझना to understand sth in a
that could cause danger to your country particular way
280. Retreat – पीछे हटना to move away or back
256. Promulgate – स ध करना to spread an idea, 281. Leap –to move quickly
belief 282. Imperative – ज र vital, very important
257. Tenure – कायकाल the period of time when sb
283. Lofty – ऊँचा high & impressive
holds an imp job
284. Stark – गंभीर looking severe, 2. clear
258. Dictator – तानाशाह a ruler who has complete
285. Opulent – अमीर extremely rich, wealthy
259. Conceal – छुपाना to hide 286. Pageantry – धम
ू धाम ceremonies involving a

260. Ruthless – नदयी hard and cruel lot of people

287. Brass tacks – detailed practical information
261. Exile – दे श नकाला the state of being sent to
288. Forge – आगे बढ़ना to put a lot of effort into
live in another country
making sth successful, 2. To make an illegal
262. Protracted – ल बा खींचना lasting longer than copy
expected 289. Murky – धुंधला not clear, cloudy
263. Dispensation – यव था Special permission
290. Shortcoming – कमी defect
264. Aglow – चमकता हुआ shining
291. Portray – तत
ु करना Represent
265. Fierce – ती angry and aggressive
292. Contemporary – समकाल न belonging to the
266. Robust – मजबत
ू strong and healthy same time
267. Extinct – वलु त no longer in existence 293. Depict – वणन करना to show an image/
268. Dense – घना containing a lot of plants, describe sth in words
people and with little place in them 294. Mockery – उपहास travesty, actions that are
269. Natal – जनम स ब धी relating to the place intended to make sth seem ridiculous
where or time when sb was born 295. Opaque – अ प ट not clear; difficult to
270. Traverse – लांघना to cross an area understand
296. Whimsy – सनक पन a way of thinking or
271. Stranded – फंसा हुआ to leave sb in a place
from which they have no way of leaving
297. Captive – कैद kept as a prisoner or in a
272. Epitome – तीक a perfect example
confined space
298. Caprice – मनमौजी a sudden change in 319. Ubiquitous – सव everywhere
behavior for no obvious reason 320. Fallout – बुरा नतीजा bad results of an action
299. Hubris – अ भमान to fact of sb being too
321. Obstinate – िज द stubborn
322. Gleaming – चमकता हुआ shining brightly
300. Notion – धारणा an understanding of sth
323. Flag down – गाड़ी कवाना to signal the driver

301. Consensus – आम सहम त - an opinion that to stop the vehicle

324. Bug – उ साह का वषय/ क ड़ा an enthusiastic
all members of a group agree with
302. Acute – गंभीर severe interest
325. Reminiscent – कुछ याद दलाने वाला reminding
303. Tertiary – तीसरा third in order, rank or
you of sth
326. Siesta – दोपहर क नींद a rest or sleep taken in
304. Adjoining – सटा हुआ/ जड़
ु ा हुआ to be next to or
the afternoon
joined to sth
327. Glide - चुपके से चले जाना to move smoothly
305. Encephalitis – मि त ककोप a condition in
328. Envy – कुढ़न/ ई या the feeling of wanting to
which the brain becomes swollen, caused by
an infection be in sb’s situation
306. Outbreak – कोप the sudden start of a 329. Reluctant – अ न छुक unwilling
disease or violence 330. Spewing – वेगपूवक नकलना to flow out
307. Incidence – यापकता the extent to which sth quickly
happens 331. Inveigle – फुसलाना to achieve control in a
308. Indigenous – वदे शी native clever way
309. Contaminated – द ू षत to make a substance 332. Gallant – बहादरु heroic, brave
no longer pure by adding sth that is 333. Raving – खास वशेषता पर जोर दे ना to
dangerous or that carries disease emphasize a particular quality
310. Bottleneck – मागावरोध anything that delays 334. Extinct – अ च लत no longer active
development or progress
335. Vanish – च पत हो जाना to disappear
311. Intensify – ती होना to increase in degree or
336. Riddle – पहेल a question that is difficult to
312. Prone – likely to suffer from sth
313. Manifestation – जा हर करना show, revelation,
337. Envisage – क पना करना to imagine what will
happen in future
314. Quandary – असमंजस dilemma
338. Fragile – कमजोर easily broken or damaged
315. Reveal – उजागर करना disclose – to make sth
339. Cohesive – जोड़ना causing things to be
316. Heave – साँस लेना - to make a sound slowly
340. Tenet – स धांत principles or beliefs
and with effort
317. Eerie – भय त strange, mysterious & 341. Modest – साधारण ordinary

frightening 342. Expeditious – तेजी से efficient

318. Inconspicuous – अ कट not easy to notice
343. Dismantle – टुकड़े टुकड़े म तोडना to take apart 367. Akin – के समान similar to
a machine in separate pieces 368. Mar – नुकसान पहुँचाना to damage or spoil sth
344. Sanctuary – शरण थान a safe place good
345. Opium – अफ म a powerful drug made from 369. Veracity – स चाई the quality of being true
the poppy 370. Heyday – स ध का उ कष prime, the time
346. Vertebrate – ह डीवाला animals with a when sb had more power
backbone, including all mammals, birds, fish, 371. Pang – वेदना a sudden strong feeling of
reptiles and amphibians
physical or emotional pain
347. Obliterate – परू तरह से मटाना to destroy
372. Spectrum – व तत
ृ ेणी a complete range or
related qualities or ideas
348. Flora and fauna – जीव और वन प त plants
373. Depict – श द म वणन करना to describe sth in
and animals
349. Unprecedented – अभूतपूव something that
374. Absurd – अनथक not logical and sensible
never happened before
375. Plague – परे शानी trouble
350. Epoch – दौर/युग era
376. Understate – कम आंकना to state that sth is
351. Flourish – फलना फूलना to prosper
less serious than it really is.
352. Precipitously – तेजी से done very quickly
377. Penetration – पहुंच reach
353. Threshold – दहल ज/सीमा रे खा the level at
378. Burden – बोझ a duty that causes worry
which something starts to happen
379. Paradoxically – वरोधाभासी a person, thing or
354. Embed – म लगा दे ना to fix sth into a
situation that has two opposite features
380. Surplus – आव यकता से अ धक extra, more
355. Discourse – बातचीत a long and serious
than one need
381. In Tandem with – साथ काम करना work
356. Descend – नीचे आना to come down from a
together or happen at the same time
higher level
382. Deteriorating – गरावट to become worse
357. Deliberation – वचार करना the process of
383. Crippling – अश त कर दे ने वाला damaged
careful considering something
358. Contrary – वपर त against sth 384. See the wood for the trees – मु य बात समझ म

359. Pledge – संकलप a serious promise ना आना not to understand the main point

360. Spearhead – अगुवाई करना to lead 385. Perfunctorily – लापरवाह से done as a duty,

361. Enhance – बढ़ाना to improve the good quality without attention or feeling
386. Morbid – बीमार सा strong interest in sad or
362. Mandate – आदे श order, authority
unpleasant things
363. Belligerent – लड़ाकू unfriendly & aggressive
387. Elevate – लेवल बढ़ाना to make the level of sth
364. Cessation – कुछ समय के लए रोकना a pause in increase
sth 388. Piece-meal – अलग अलग करके happening
365. Distort – छे ड़छाड़ करना change facts or ideas gradually in different times and in different
366. Ubiquitous – सव everywhere ways
389. Abysmal – बहुत ह ख़राब terrible
390. Exorbitant- अ य धक much too high 411. Revile – बुरा-भला कहना to criticize sb in way
391. Impoverishing – द र बना दे ना to make sb that shows how much you dislike them
poor 412. Caucasian – सफ़ेद न ल का the races of people
392. Mitigate – कम करना to make sth less who have pale skin
serious/harmful 413. Eerily – भयंकर strange, mysterious and
393. Debilitating – दब
ु ल to make sb’s body or frightening
mind weaker 414. Bigot – क टर person with strong,
394. Quack – नीम हा कम a person who unreasonable beliefs
dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge 415. Thrive – पनपना to continue to be successful
or skills 416. Nuance – बार क a slight difference
395. Pervasive – या त existing in all parts
417. Profligacy – फजल
ू खच wasteful
396. Margins – हा शया the part that is not
418. Undermine – to make sth weakerकमजोर
included in the main part
397. Cynicism – नराशावाद a person who believe
419. Pulped – to crush or beat sth ख़ म करना
that people do things only to help themselves
398. Bear the brunt – झेलना the receive the main 420. Resurrected – to bring back into use दब
ु ारा
force of sth unpleasant शु करना
399. Manifested – य त to show sth clearly
400. Stereotype – ढ़वाद a fixed idea or image 421. Resonate – to remind sb of sth गंज
ू ना
which isn’t true in reality 422. Detract – to make sth seem less good छोटा
401. Cocooned – सुर ा कवच/ द ु नया से अलग रहना बनाना
protected 423. Complicity – collusion, the act of taking
402. Egalitarian – समानतावाद belief that everyone part with another person in a crime षड़यं
is equal 424. Subvert – to try to destroy the authority
403. Invocation – आ वान asking for a help from secretly or indirectly त ता पलट दे ना
God or a person in authority
425. Atrocity – a cruel and violent act अ याचार
404. Epistemic – ान से जड़
ु ा हुआ relating to
426. Legitimate – legal, acceptable according to
law वैध
405. Deplete – कम होना to reduce
427. Contravention – to do sth that is not
406. Vanish – गायब होना to disappear suddenly allowed उ लंघन
407. Inception – शु आत the start of an 428. Savage – aggressive and violent; brutal
institution, an organization etc. नदयी
408. Unleash – छोड़ना to suddenly let a strong 429. Abort – to end sth र द करना
force, emotion etc. be felt or have an effect 430. Coup – a sudden change of government
409. Annihilation – व वंश to destroy sb/sth that is illegal and often violent अक मात ् या
completely 431. Dissipate – to become gradually become or
410. Apocalypse – कयामत the destruction of the make sth weaker न ट करना
432. Emulate – copy अनुकरण करना
433. Defy – refuse to obey वरोध करना 460. Quite – completely परू तरह से
434. Evade – to find a way of not doing sth बचना 461. Undergo – to experience sth गज
ु रना
435. Dire – very serious डरावना 462. Intact – complete and not damaged पूरा
436. Surge – increase बढ़ना 463. Barrier – a problem rule or situation that
437. Pay off – a reward from sth you have done prevents sb from doing sth नाका
सफल होना 464. Protocol – a system of fixed rules आदश प
438. Spurred – motivation ो साहन 465. avert – to prevent sth dangerous from
happening रोक दे ना
439. Upbeat – positive and enthusiastic जोशपूण
466. Endeavour – an attempt to do sth यास
440. Cumbersome – complicated ज टल
467. Eliminate – to remove हटाना
441. Hinterland – rural area ामीण े
442. Cue – a signal for sb to do sth इशारा दे ना 468. Marooned – to leave sb in a place they
443. Irritant – something that causes trouble cannot escape from - फंसा होना
ोध उ प न करने वाला 469. Torrential – rain falling in large amounts
444. Orator – a person who makes speeches भार बा रश
व ता 470. Deluge – flood बाढ़
445. Cleanse – make free from शु ध करना 471. Alleviate – soothe, to ease कम करना
446. Taint – the effect of sth bad ध बा 472. Absorb – to take in सोखना
447. Hand down – to officially give a decision 473. Catastrophic – disastrous लय
474. Sprawl – to spread in an untidy way फैलना
448. Phenomenon – a fact in society that is not
475. Silted – sand, mud that is carried by
fully understood अ भत
ु घटना/ बात
flowing water मटट , क चड़ से कावट
449. Fray – a fight, competition or an argument
476. Replenish – to make sth full again फर से
त पधा
450. Expedite – speed up , precipitate तेजी से
477. Encroacher – the person who slowly begins
451. Gingerly – with caution सावधानी से
to cover more and more of an area अ त मणकार
452. Apparent – clear प ट
478. Mushroom – to rapidly grow तेजी से फैलना
453. Languid – sluggish धीमा
479. Mired in – in a difficult situation परे शानी म
454. Adjournment – postponement थ गत करना
480. Borne the brunt – to receive the main force
455. Stall – delay, hold up रोकना of sth unpleasant सहना
456. Redound – to improve the impression that 481. Dole out – to give and amount of food,
people have of you लाभ दे ना money etc रे वड़ी बाँटना
457. Smack – a hard hit थ पड़ मारना 482. Centenary – the 100th anniversary of an
458. Engender – to make a situation exist उ प न event शता द महो सव

होना 483. Scanty – very small कम

484. Tantamount – equal to बराबर
459. Hazardous – involving risk or danger खतरा
485. Gainsay – deny खंडन करना
486. Depose – to remove sb हटाना 511. Ventilation – to allow fresh air to enter and
move around a room, building etc वायु संचार
487. Emancipation – to free sb आज़ाद करना
512. Confer – to give sb an award दान करना
488. Unabashedly – not ashamed नल ज
513. Residue – a small amount of sth that
489. Perpetrated – to commit a crime गलत करना
remains at the end of a process बचा हुआ
490. Bourgeois – belonging to middle class
514. Congested –crowded, full of traffic भीड़ भाड़
म यमवग य
515. Morbidity – connected with disease णता
491. Preside over – to lead or be in charge नेतृ व
516. Rollback – a reduction in price - वापस लेना
517. Elevated – higher than normal ऊँचा
492. Moot – not worth considering ववादा पद
518. Drawdown – the act of reducing supply of
493. Expunge – to remove, erase हटाना
sth आपू त म कमी
494. Ratify – to make an agreement officially
519. Windfall – sudden gain अ या शत लाभ
valid मंजरू करना
520. Impede – to stop the progress of sth रोकना
495. Negate – nullify नकारना
521. Teething problems – small problems that a
496. Benchmark – something that can be
measured and used as a standard that other company has in the beginning ारं भक क ठनाइया
things can be compared with मानदं ड 522. Mull over – to spend time thinking carefully
गहराई से वचार करना
497. Pose – to create a problem सम या खड़ी होना
523. Turn out – the number of people who vote
498. Pledge – a serious promise वचन
in a particular election उपि थ त
499. Deplete – to reduce sth by large amount
524. Psephology – the study of how people vote
खाल करना
in elections चुनाव व लेषण
500. Absorb – to take sth into the mind and
525. Anti-incumbency – mood of the public to
learn सोखना
remove the current govt सरकार के खलाफ माहौल
501. Embrace – include sth शा मल करना
502. Spectrum – range of related ideas etc. 526. Discourse – a long discussion बातचीत
व तत
ृ ेणी
527. Vitriolic – full of anger and hatred अ त कटु
503. Deteriorate – to become worse बगड़ना
504. Swathe – a large area of sth प ट
528. Delineate – to describe sth in detail वणन
505. Grip – an act of holding tightly पकड़
506. Suffocating – making it difficult to breathe
529. Tweak – to make slight changes in a system
normally दमघ टू
507. Hazardous – involving risk or danger
530. Tacit – that is suggest indirectly अनकहा
531. Ambit – the range of the authority दायरा
508. Unconscionable – immoral अनै तक
532. Kick in – to begin to take effect शु होना
509. Indifference – lack of concern उपे ा
510. Impaired – damaged or not functioning 533. Spur – to make sth happen faster तेजी
normally ख़राब 534. Mandarin – bureaucrat नौकरशाह
535. Exchequer – the govt department that 559. Rivulet – a very small river छोट नद
controls public money खजाना
560. Strident – determined कठोर रा ता
536. Degenerate – to become worse, deteriorate
561. Pave the way – to create a situation to do
बदतर होना
sth तैयार करना
537. Wistful – thinking sadly about sth उदास
562. Deft – skillful and quick चालाक
538. Precede – to happen before sth पहले होना 563. Manoeuvre – a clever plan or action
539. Quadrilateral – including four sides 564. Impropriety – behaviours or actions that
540. Pertain to sth – to be connected with sth are inappropriate अनु चत यवहार
ु ा हुआ होना 565. Augur well – to be a sign that sth will be
541. Vow – a formal and serious promise वादा successful अ छा संकेत
542. Juncture – a particular point in an activity 566. Enjoin – to order sb to do sth आदे श
567. Furnish – to provide sb with sth उपल ध
543. Heed – to pay careful attention यान दे ना
544. Bearing – the way in which sth is related to
568. Zeal – great energy उ साह
sth or influence it से भा वत होना
569. Vacuum – a situation in which sth is
545. Rigid – inflexible कठोर
missing खाल पन
546. Mantle – the role and responsibilities of an
570. Lean on – to depend on sb नभरता
important person कसी क िज मेदार
571. Foothold – a strong position मजबत
ू ि थत
547. Leapfrog – to get to a higher position आगे
572. Speculation – the act of forming opinions
548. Abatement – to become less strong कम करना
573. Notch – a level on a scale एक तर ऊपर
549. Negate – nullify बेअसर करना
574. Logjam – bottleneck अड़चन
550. Sphere – an area of activity; domain े
575. Mounting – increasing बढ़ना
551. Strictures – rule that restricts बा यता 576. Slippage – a slight, gradual fall in the
552. Dithered – to hesitate about what to do amount गरावट
द ु वधा 577. Teething issue – small problems at the
553. Step down – resign इ तीफ़ा दे ना beginning शु आती सम या
554. Reprimand – rebuke डांटना 578. Allure – the quality of being attractive लुभाना
555. Tide over – to help by providing what they 579. Painstakingly – needing a lot of care, effort
need काबू पाना and attention to detail कड़ी मेहनत से
556. Engulf – to affect sb very strongly भा वत 580. Repudiation – reject नकारना
होना 581. Construe – to understand; interpret आशय
557. Under a cloud – if sb is under a cloud, बतलाना
other people think that they have done sth
582. Undue – excessive, more than you think is
wrong संदेह म
reasonable अनु चत
558. Reclamation – to get something back फर से
583. Vet – to check sth carefully भल कार जाँच 606. Apocalyptic – like the end of the world
सवनाश से स बं धत
607. Poignant – having a strong effect on your
584. Prima facie – based on what at first seems
feelings मा मक
to be true थम या
608. Hammer out – to discuss a plan until
585. Discretionary – decided according to the
everyone agrees हल नकालना
judgment of a person in authority ववेकगत
609. In fits and starts – irregular अ नय मत
586. Inscribe – to write/mark onto sth अं कत
610. Subsume – to include sth in particular
group शा मल करना
587. To make sb/sth fall in line – to agree to sth
611. Fledgling – an organization that is new and
सहमत होना
without experience नया नया
588. To face the heat – to accept and deal with
612. Flux – continuous movement and change
criticism or punishment कये का प रणाम भुगतना
589. Unnerving – to make sb feel nervous or
613. Belying – to give a false impression झठ
ू ा
frightened or lose confidence दहला दे ने वाला
614. Squabble – to argue noisily about sth that
590. Cue – hint संकेत
is not very important झगड़ा करना
591. Cartel – a group of separate companies that
agree to increase profits by fixing prices and 615. Nuance – very slight difference सू म अंतर
not competing with each other 616. Incur – suffer सहना
592. Profound – very great अथाह
617. Caveat – a warning चेतावनी
593. Quasi - partly अध 618. Loophole – a mistake in the way a law has
594. Notoriety – fame for being bad in some way been written कमी
619. Peril – serious danger खतरा
595. Slaughtered – to kill a large number of
620. Arbitrary – without logic and reason अकारण
people नरसंहार
621. Render – to cause sth to be in a particular
596. Scrawled – to write sth in a careless untidy
situation कारण होना
way भ दा लखना
622. Elicit – to get information सच
ू ना ा त करना
597. Paranoid – afraid or suspicious of other
people पागलपन स ब धी 623. dystopian – an imaginary place in which
everything is extremely bad मनहूस
598. Delusion – a false belief or opinion ाँ त
624. Conjure up – to make sth appear by
599. Gruesome – very unpleasant वीभ स
magical words जाद ू करना
600. Spree – a period of activity ग त व ध
625. Agnostic – atheist अनी वरवाद
601. Outlawed – to make sth illegal गैरकानूनी
626. Enshrine – to make a law official था पत
602. Infamy – an evil act द ु टता
603. Spawned – to cause sth to develop
627. Apathy – the feeling of not being interested
604. Resemblance – the fact of being similar
628. Amicus curiae – an advisor to the court
605. Lap up – to accept sth झपट लेना
629. Rollout – launch शु करना 650. Dwelling – a house where a person lives
630. Pavement – a flat part at the side of a road आ शयाना
फुटपाथ 651. Seep – to flow slowly through sth or into
sth रसना
631. Meteoric – achieving success quickly व रत
652. An ace up your sleeve - a secret advantage
632. Breach – to reach a particular level एक सीमा
653. Stockpile – a large supply of sth भ डार
पार करना
654. Blight – to spoil or damage नु सान
633. Starved sb of sth – to not give sth that is
655. Apartheid – former political system in
needed ज र सु वधा उपल ध ना करवाना
South Africa in which only white people had
634. In letter and spirit – obeyed but not full political rights रं गभेद नी त
followed मानना पर लागु ना करना
656. Incumbent – official पदा धकार
635. Impunity – freedom from punishment दं ड से
657. Root out – to remove नकालना
मुि त
658. Muddy – to make a simple situation more
636. Cognizable – capable of being known पहचान complicated मैला करना
637. On the brink of – in a very new, dangerous 659. Murky – not clearly known and suspected
or exciting position - के कगार पर of not being honest संदेहा पद
638. Famine – a lack of food during a long period 660. On the heels of – following closely behind
of time in a region- भुखमर sb पीछे पीछे
639. Misery – suffering - दग
ु त 661. Botched – to spoil sth by doing it badly

640. Rage – to continue in a violent way - जार ढलाई से कया गया काम
662. Insurmountable – that can’t be dealt with
successfully दग
ु म
641. To the fore – to become important and
663. Coveted – to want sth very much
noticed आगे लाना
664. Curate – to select, organize the objects in
642. Fissure – a long deep crack in sth दरार a art gallery
643. Splashier – bright and very easy to notice 665. Elusive – difficult to find, define or achieve -
चमकता हुआ हाथ न आने वाला
644. Amiable – pleasant; friendly and easy to 666. Repel – to puch away दरू भगाना
like सौ य 667. Annotate – to add notes to a book giving
645. Fringe – the outer edge कनारे पर explanations कारण बताते हुए लखना
646. Repression – the act of using force to 668. Topsy-turvy –in a state of great confusion
control a group दमन 669. Ravage – to damage sth badly ख़तम करना

647. Taint – to damage or spoil the quality द ू षत 670. Uproot – to pull a tree out of the ground जड़

करना से उखाड़ना

648. Tiny – very small in size बहुत छोटा 671. Parable – a short moral story छोट नै तक

649. Mutate – to change into a new form प कहानी

बदलना 672. Agape – surprised or shocked व मय
673. Plunder – to steal things from a place चोर 697. Perfunctory – done as a duty, without real
interest, attention or feeling लापरवाह से कया गया
674. Kaleidoscope – a continuously changing 698. Deposition – a formal statement बयान
situation लगातार बदलाव आना 699. Antipathy – a strong feeling of dislike घण
ृ ा
675. Slender –slim दब
ु ला-पतला 700. Slain – to murder sb ह या
676. Inordinate – excessive अ धक मा ा म 701. Fortitude – courage साहस दान करना
677. Sanctity – the state of being holy प व 702. Bestowed – to give sth to sb
703. Condign – punishment appropriate to the
678. Malfeasance – wrongful conduct by a public
crime उपयु त
official सरकार कमचार का गलत यहवार
704. Conveyance – the process of taking sth
679. Rip – to tear sth फाड़ना
from one place to another सामान एक जगह से दस
ू र
680. Wherewithal – resources - संसाधन
जगह ले जाना
681. Humongous – very big बहुत बड़ा
705. Burden – a duty that causes worry बोझ
682. Tillage – the process of preparing and using
706. Inflow – the movement of lot of money पैसा
land for growing crops खेत को फसल के लए तैयार
683. Orbit – to move in an curved path (orbit) 707. Plummet – to fall suddenly तेज गरावट
around a much larger object प र मा करना 708. Shortfall – to be less than expectation कमी
684. Mimic – to copy नकल 709. To feel the pinch – to not have enough
money पैसे क कमी
685. Vet – to check जांचना
710. Dilemma – a situation when one has to
686. Resonant – continuing for a long time
make choice द ु वधा
लगातार होना
711. Bump up – to increase sth बढ़ाना
687. Do away with – to stop समा त करना
712. Glitches – a small problem कावट
688. Caveat – warning चेतावनी
689. Takeaway – getting sth good out of an 713. Onerous – needing great effort मुि कल
activity 714. To raise eyebrows – to show that you
690. Take a hard look – to consider a problem disapprove or are surprised by sth अ वीकार
very carefully & without hurrying कसी सम या
को बना ज दबाजी कये सावधानी से सुलझाना
715. Shrouded – a thing that covers आवरण
691. Leap – a sudden large change छलांग 716. Reminisce – to think about a happy time in
692. Emblematic – that is considered typical of a past अ छ पुरानी याद
situation तीका मक
717. Unleash – release शु करना
693. Upheld – to agree that a previous decision
718. Assuage – to pacify शांत रखना
was right बरकरार रखना
719. Erroneous – not correct, based on wrong
694. Abominable – extremely unpleasant &
information गलत
causing disgust घ ृ णत
720. Shrift – to give little attention यान न दे ना
695. Wrath – extreme anger गु सा
696. Tardy – slow to act धीमा
721. Acquiesce – to agree without objection 742. Slump – to fall in price गरावट
सहमत होना Pipedream – a hope of plan that is
743. Bully – to use power to frighten people ध स
impossible to achieve याल पल
ु ाव
722. Emanate – to produce or show sth उ प न
744. Blip – a temporary problem सम या
745. Unravel – to start to fail असफल होना
723. Limping – to walk with difficulty लड़खड़ाना
746. Adversary – opponent वरोधी
724. Nag – to worry or irritate you continuously
747. Glowering – stare ु ध ि ट
ट स उठना
748. Discordant – not in agreement वपर त
725. Vanish – to disappear suddenly गायब होना
749. Derail – to leave the track पटर से उतरना
726. Rage – a feeling of anger that is difficult to
control गु सा 750. Fertile – that produces good results उपजाऊ
727. Forge – to put effort into making sth 751. Thrust – to push ध का दे ना
successful वक सत करना 752. Smitten – suddenly feeling that you are in
728. Nibble – to take small bites of sth दाँत से love with sb ेम म पागल

नोचना 753. On the same page – agree सहमत होना

729. Volition – the power to choose sth freely 754. Fissure – a long deep crack दरार
मरजी 755. Advent – invention खोज
730. Proclaim – to announce घोसणा करना 756. Pry – to try to find out तांक झांक करना
731. Bigotry – expressing strong, unreasonable
757. Behold – to look at दे खना
beliefs or opinions क टरता
758. Startling – surprising
732. Blatant – done in an open and obvious way 759. Echo – repeat
ु े आम 760. Curator – a person whose job is to be in
733. Rupture – a situation when sth breaks टूट charge of the objects or works of art in a
museum or art gallery etc
जाना 761. Apparition – an image of a person who is
734. Intensify – to increase in degree or strength dead पशाच
और मजबत
ू होना 762. Transmutation – transform बदलाव
735. Embrace – to include शा मल करना
763. Splendor – grand and impressive भ य
736. Prong – each of the separate parts of an
764. Motif – a design or pattern नमूना
attack, argument etc., that move towards a
place, subject from different positions 765. Counterfeit – fake नकल
737. Opportune – favorable ठ क समय का 766. Remit – control or influence नयं ण होना
738. Leverage – to take advantage of फायदा उठाना 767. Oversee – supervise दे ख रे ख करना
739. Upheaval – a big change बड़ा बदलाव 768. Fell – to make sb fall गराना
740. Uptick – a small increase in the value of sth
769. Pay up front – paid in advance अ म
770. Adjudicate – official decision नणय
741. Scout – to find out what an area is like by
searching ढूँढना
771. To the hilt – as much as possible िजतना 795. Sustainable – that can be continued for a
long time जो ल बे समय तक जार रह सके
यादा हो सके
796. Endearing – loveable
772. Hollow out – removing a part of sth नकालना
773. Intransigence – stubborn िज द 797. Plausible – reasonable
774. Convene – to come together for a formal 798. Rover – a person who likes to travel a lot
meeting आयोजन करना घूमने वाला

775. Grasp – to understand sth completely 799. Sabotage – to damage sth deliberately
समझना नुकसान पहुँचाना

776. Flattering – saying nice things about sb/sth 800. Smug – feeling too pleased about sth you
चापलूसी have done आ मसंतु ट

777. Grist to the mill – something that is useful 801. Meek – compliant, quiet, gentle आ ाकार
to sb for a particular purpose कोई बात कसी के 802. Plight – a difficult and sad situation गंभीर
लए कोई खास उ दे य के लए फायदे मंद होना ि थत
778. Traverse – to cross an area या ा करना 803. Comeuppance – a punishment for sth bad

779. Divergent – to be different अलग that you have done फटकारना

780. Clue – a piece of evidence सरु ाग 804. abject – terrible and without hope दयनीय

781. Endowment – a quality that you are born 805. reparation – the act of giving sth to sb in
order to show that you are sorry for suffering
with तभा
that you have caused मुआवजा
782. Elude – to manage to avoid बचना
806. glee – delight ख़श
ु ी
783. Complacent – too satisfied आ मसंतु ट
807. quaint – attractive in an unusual नराला
784. Panoply – a large collection of sth
785. Bottom of the pyramid – people who are at 808. insanity – madness पागलपन
lower income levels of the society 809. ludicrous – unreasonable, absurd,
786. Woeful – very bad or serious बुरा ridiculous बेतक
ु ा
787. Disbursal – to pay from an amount that is 810. feud – an angry and bitter argument झगड़ा
collected for a purpose बाँटना
811. ravaged – to damage sth badly वनाश करना
788. Remedy – solution इलाज
812. vim - energy
789. Afforestation – to form a forest by planting 813. chip away – to keep breaking small pieces
trees फारे ट बनाना of sth और छोटा करते जाना
790. Patchy – not complete; good in some parts 814. reconcile – to find an acceptable way of
आधा अधूरा doing things समझौता
791. Annexation – occupy क ज़ा 815. desolation- the feeling of being lonely

792. Contiguous – touching or next to sth साथ अकेलापन

816. Rival – A thing that competes with another
लगा हुआ
द ु मन
793. Apparatus – tools
794. Sequestration – to take control of sb’s 817. Pit sb against sth – to test their strength in

property ह थयाना a struggle or contest कसी के मक

ु ाबले खड़े होना
818. Grandiose – seeming very impressive भ य 838. Edge out – to move sb from their position
819. Venture – a business activity that involves हटाना
taking risks जो खम उठाना 839. Push out – to make sth less important than
820. Hedge against sth – to do sth to protect it was हटाना
yourself against problems 840. Hitherto – until now अब तक
821. Reiterate – repeat दोहराना 841. Spree – a short period of time that you
822. Adrift – feeling alone and without a spend doing one particular activity you enjoy
direction दशाह न गतवध
823. To make inroads – to have a noticeable 842. Iron out – to get rid of problems or
effect on the second thing कसी पर य भाव difficulties छुटकारा पाना
होना 843. Mojo – magic power
844. In the air–felt by a number of peopleसबके
824. Cede – to give control of sth हवाले करना
825. Beef up – to make sth bigger, better, more दमाग म
interesting, etc मजबत
ू करना 845. Frenzy – a state of great activity - पागलपन
826. Parley – a discussion between enemies to 846. Tap into – to make use of इ तेमाल करना
find a way of solving a problem बातचीत करना
847. Bizarre – very strange or unusual अजीब
827. Volatility – likely to change suddenly -
848. Notch up – to achieve sth such as a win or
अि थरता
high score ा त करना
828. Distortion – to twist or change facts, idea
849. Pre–empt – to do sth before sb else does
etc छे ड़छाड़
कसी और से पहले करना
829. Intractable – very difficult to deal with
850. Splurge – an act of spending a lot of money
ु ा य
on sth that you do not really need गैर ज र चीज
830. Stealth – the fact of doing sth in a quiet or
पर खचा करना
secret way गोपनीयता
851. Profligacy – wastefulness फजल
ू खच
831. Constraint – a thing that limits or restricts
sth बा यता 852. Thriftiness – careful about spending money
832. Heterogeneous – consisting of many
different kinds of people or things व वध 853. Decipher – to succeed in finding the
meaning of sth समझना
833. Pilferage – to steal things of little value or in
small quantities छोट छोट चोर 854. Hereditary – given to a child by its parents
आनुवं शक
834. Vagaries – change in sb/sth that are
difficult to predict or control अ नि चताएं 855. Glimpse – a short experience of sth झलक
835. Trail – a route that is followed for a 856. Plummet – to fall suddenly from a high
particular purpose - रा ता position गरावट

836. Gasp – to take a quick deep breath - साँस 857. Endogamy – the custom of marrying only
people from your local community केवल अपने
समुदाय म शाद करना
837. Realm – an area of activity, interest े
858. Synergy – the extra energy that is achieved 881. Pertinent – relevant; appropriate संगत
by two or more people or companies working
882. Conundrum – puzzle पहेल
together साथ मल के काम करना
883. Rejuvenate – refresh
859. Coherent – logical and well organized सुसंगत
884. Astonishing – surprising च काने वाला
860. Nascent – not yet fully developed आर भ होता 885. Conspicuously – easy to see or notice
हुआ आसानी से दखने वाला
861. At stake – that can be won or lost दांव पर 886. Meandering – to curve a lot घमावदार

862. Slobber – to let saliva come out of your 887. Knotty – complicated and difficult to solve
mouth लार गरना िजसे समझाना मिु कल हो
863. Slumber – sleep नींद 888. Mired in – in a difficult or unpleasant
864. Solemn – not happy or smiling, serious situation मिु कल ि थ त
गंभीर 889. Opaque – not clear enough अ प ट
865. Pasture – the circumstances of your life 890. Errant – doing sth that is wrong गलत
जीवन क ि थ त
891. Flawed – having a defect or fault in sth कमी
866. Whence – from where
892. Conscientious – to do things carefully and
867. Sullen – bad-tempered and not speaking
correctly कत य न ट
चड़ चड़ा
893. Disband – to stop sth from operating as a
868. Embed – to fix जड़
ु ा हुआ group बंद करना
869. Nuance – very slight difference बार क
894. Pitfall – a danger or difficulty खतरा
870. Transpire – to happen घ टत होना 895. Disparage – to suggest that sth is not
871. Ire – anger गु सा valuable; belittle - कसी को नीचे दखाना
872. Intrusive – direct in a way that is
disturbing or annoying दखल दे ने वाला
873. Wail – to complain शकायत करना
874. Travesty – parody हा य जनक बनाना
875. Impersonation – to pretend to be sb कोई और
876. Dissuade – to persuade sb not to do sth कुछ
न करने के लए समझाना
877. Hubbub – the loud sound made by a lot of
people talking at the same time कोलाहल
878. Embroidered – to make a story more
interesting by adding details that are not
always true झठ
ू बात जोड़ना
879. Ensue – follow बाद म होना
880. Myriad – an extremely large number of sth
बहुत सारे
896. Lacunae – gap अंतराल 922. Conscription – the practice of ordering
897. Imbibe –to absorb sth, especially people अ नवाय सै नक सेवा
information अंत न हत करना 923. Impose – to force sb/sth थोपना
898. Catalyst – a person or thing that causes 924. Epitomize – to be perfect example of sth
change उ ेरक तीक होना
899. Onus – the responsibility for sth िज मेदार 925. Motto – a phrase that expresses the aims
900. A grey area – when rules are not clear; and beliefs of an organization नी त-वा य
ambiguity अ प टता 926. Relentlessly – not stopping लगातार
901. Momentous –very important ऐ तहा सक 927. Far-Flung – a long distance away दरू दराज
902. Dissension – disagreement असहम त 928. Plunge – to decrease suddenly and quickly
903. Reverberations – the effect of sth that तेज गरावट
happens भाव 929. Avalanche – a mass of snow, ice and rock
that falls down the side of a mountain
904. Subside – to become calmer कम होना
हम खलन
905. Ferment – a state of political confusion संशय
930. Enshrined – to make a law respected or
906. Ominous – suggestion that sth bad is going official, especially by stating it in an important
to happen बुरा संकेत written document - था पत करना
907. Deliberations – to process of carefully 931. Bemoan – to complain शकायत करना
discussing sth वचार करना
932. Turn out – to produce sb/sth बनाना
908. Delineate – to describe समझाना
933. Haste – speed in doing sth ज दबाजी
909. Profess – declare
910. Convene – to come together for a meeting 934. Intrepid – fearless नडर
911. Fester – to become badly infected खराब होने 935. Fall by the wayside – to be unable to make
progress आगे ना बढ़ना
दे ना
936. Desert – to go away from a place and leave
912. Aberration – not usual; unacceptable
it empty जगह खाल करना
असामा य
937. Bloom – to become, healthy, happy or
913. Connoisseur – an expert वशेष
confident खलना
914. Teetotaller- a person who doesn’t drink
938. Wither – to become less or weaker मुरझाना
alcohol शराब से दरू रहने वाला
939. Spectrum – a complete range of ideas व तत

915. Vice – evil behavior बुरा यवहार
916. Sundry – various कई सारे
940. Confine – restrict सी मत करना
917. Stink – strong unpleasant smell बदबद
ू ार
941. Demographic – relating to the population
918. Genteel – quite and polite श ट
and different groups within it जनसँ या स ब धी
919. Drearier – that makes you feel sad
942. Vocational – connected with skills that you
need to have in order to do a particular job पेशे
920. Vile – extremely unpleasant द ु टता
से जड़
ु ा हुआ
921. Tenure – the period of time when sb holds
943. Discrete – distinct, separate अलग
an important job कायकाल
944. Scale up – the increase the number of sth 967. Antiquity – the state of being very old पुराना
968. Smog – a form of air pollution काला धुआं
945. Lacuna – gap अंतराल 969. Monument – a building that has special
946. Trail – a long series of marks that is left by historical importance मारक
sb/sth नशान 970. Funnel – to move sth through a narrow
947. Alarming – causing worry and fear खौफनाक space चमनी से नकालना
948. Sobering – making you feel serious गंभीर 971. Encompass – to surround sth completely
चार तरफ से घरा होना
करने वाला
972. Dent – to damage sb’s confidence पचकाना
949. Siphoned – divert बेईमानी
973. Augment – to increase the amount, value
950. Retracted –to change back वापस वैसाह हो
974. Quest – a long search for sth खोज
951. Flak – severe criticism आलोचना
975. Copious – in large amounts बहुत अ धक मा ा
952. Crusade – a long and determined effort

976. Pillar – a basic feature of sth आधार
953. Ordeal – a difficult experience मुि कल
977. Chronological – arranged in the order in
954. Malady – a serious problem गंभीर सम या
which they happened काल म स ब धी
955. Meteoric – achieving success very quickly
978. Indigenous – native वदे शी
ज द सफलता मलना
979. Modest – not very large, important etc
956. Volatile – not stable अि थर
957. Consolidate – to make something stronger
980. Confer – to discuss sth with sb चचा करना
ू करना
981. Strike down – to decide that a law is illegal
958. Subsequent – sth that happens after sth
अवैध घो षत करना
else आगामी
982. Arbitrary – without logic and reason अकारण
959. Bearish – showing a fall in the prices क मत
983. Sever – to completely end a relationship
का गरना
ख़ म करना
960. Ensuing – following बाद म होना
984. Render – to present sth तत
ु करना
961. Prudence – wisdom बु धमानी
985. Sacrosanct – that is considered to be too
962. Hindsight – the understanding that you important to change or question प व
have of a situation only after it has happened
986. Precipitate – happening very quickly तेजी से
प च ि ट
963. Sceptic – a person who doubts that होना
statements are true संशय वाद 987. Adjudication – to make an official decision
964. Solace – comfort सां वना
988. Stir - to try to cause trouble परे शानी होना
965. Gravitate – to move towards sth खंचना
989. Scrutiny – careful and thorough
966. Herald – to be a sign that sth is going to
examination छानबीन
happen कुछ होने का संकेत होना
990. Jostle – to compete strongly ध का दे ना
991. Beeline – to go straight towards सीधा रा ता 1014. Draw down – to reduce the supply कम करना
992. Obituary – an article about sb’s 1015. Part ways with – to break a relation र ता
achievements after they have died म ृ युलेख
993. Shrink – to become smaller सकुड़ना
1016. Slump – drop गरावट
994. Surrogacy – substitute थानाप न
1017. Hefty – large बड़ा
995. Nuance – slight difference बार क 1018. Offset – to use one situation to reduce the
996. Worthwhile – worth spending time, money, effect of another कमी परू करना
effort on लाभ द
1019. Dismal – showing sadness नराशाजनक
997. Perennial – continuing for a long time
1020. Proponent – supporter समथक
1021. Onus – responsibility िज मेदार
998. Ramp up – to make sth increase in amount
बढ़ाना 1022. Exchequer – treasury खजाना
999. Protégé – a young person helped by a more 1023. Absolve – to forgive माफ़ करना
experienced person चेला 1024. Affluent – having a lot of money अमीर
1000. Acumen – the ability to understand and
1025. Plausible – reasonable मम
ु कन
decide things quickly and well सूझबझ

1026. Evasion – the act of avoiding sth बचना
1001. Piggyback – to ride on sb’s back पीठ पर सवार
1027. De jure – according to the law कानन
ू के
1002. Disgruntled – annoyed or disappointed
नराश अनसार

1003. Interjected – to interrupt दखलदांजी

1004. Epiphany – sudden revelation अचानक ान
1005. Blend – to mix म ण करना
1006. Ad-hoc – temporary अ थायी
1007. Burn the fingers – to do sth that makes it
impossible to return to the previous situation
1008. Volatile – unstable अि थर
1009. Innate – inborn ज मजात
1010. Contingency – an event that may or may
not happen आकि मक
1011. Rock the boat – to do sth that upsets a
situation गड़बड़ करना
1012. Stymied – to prevent sb from doing sth
बाधाएं डालना
1013. Inventory – all the goods in a shop टॉक
(व तु सच
ू ी
1028. Elephant in the room – a problem that 1053. Fade – to disappear gradually धुंधला होना
everyone knows about but does not mention
1054. Sway – influence भाव
िजस बारे म जानते तो सब है पर कोई बात नह ं करता
1055. Farcical – not worth taking seriously
1029. Conviction – a strong belief पूण व वास
हा या पद
1030. Juggernaut – a large and powerful force
1056. Tire someone out – to make sb feel very
tired थका दे ना
1031. Roll out – to introduced शु करना
1057. Renounce – give up यागना
1032. Roll in – to arrive late at a place कट होना
1058. Petty – small and unimportant तु छ
1033. Weigh down – to make sb feel worried झक
ु ा 1059. Vintage – the best work of the particular
दे ना reason े ठ
1034. Recoup – recover त पू त करना 1060. Blend – to mix म ण
1035. Impaired – damaged दब
ु ल 1061. Squandered – to waste गँवा दे ना
1036. Latency – existing, but not very noticeable 1062. Compelling – so strong that you must do
अ त न हत sth about it
1063. Contemporary – belonging to the same time
1037. Intermittent – not regular क क कर
समकाल न
1038. Do away with – to stop ख़ म करना
1064. Ruminate – to think deeply about sth सोचना
1039. Mitigate – to make sth less harmful, serious
1065. Paid off – an advantage from sth you have
etc कम करना
done कसी पहले कये गए काम का फायदा होना
1040. Efficacy – effectiveness भाव
1066. Cliché – a phrase or an idea that has been
1041. Leverage – to take advantage of फायदा उठाना used so often that it no longer has much
1042. Agnostic – a person who believes that it is meaning and is not interesting चलन से बाहर हुआ
not possible to know whether God exists or not मुहावरा
अनी वरवाद
1067. Adjudicate – to make an official decision
1043. Sacred – holy प व नणय
1044. Impending – that is going to happen very 1068. Escalation – to become more serious बदतर
soon आगे होने वाला
1045. Malice – a feeling of hatred घण
ृ ा 1069. Paradox – a situation that has two opposite
1046. Morbid – having a strong interest in sad features and therefore seems strange वरोधाभास
things उदासी
1070. Stalemate – a disagreement in a situation
1047. Lament – to feel great sadness दःु ख ग तरोध
1048. Parched – very dry सख
ू ा 1071. Anti-incumbency – Public resentment
1049. Chaotic – in a state of complete confusion against the current government सरकार के खलाफ
अ त- य त माहौल
1050. Delirium – unable to think बेहोशी 1072. Enticing – attractive & interesting
1051. Narcissism – self-praise खुद क तार फ 1073. Conundrum – riddle पहेल

1052. Allure – the quality of being attractive 1074. Gordian knot – impossible task मुि कल काम
1075. Contingent – depending on something that 1097. Retreat – to move away पीछे हटना
may happen स भा य
1098. Asunder – into pieces टुकड़ो म
1076. Inception – the start of an institution शु आत
1099. Mayhem – confusion and fear अफरा-तफर
1077. Nurture – to care and protect पोषण करना
1100. Accede – to agree to a proposal मान लेना
1078. For a clean judiciary – the importance of in-
1101. Skirmish – a short fight छोटे झगडे
house mechanisms
1079. Impropriety – actions that are dishonest 1102. Balkanised – to divide a region into smaller
अनु चत काम regions छोटे रा य म बाँटना

1080. Adverse – negative and unpleasant तकूल 1103. Privy – allowed to know about sth secret भेद

1081. Deviate – to be different from sth भटकना जानने वाला

1082. Ignominy – public shame and loss of 1104. Preamble – an introduction तावना
honour अपमान 1105. Resplendent – brightly colored in an
1083. Impeachment – to charge in important impressive way चमक ला
public figure with a serious crime महा भयोग 1106. Remorse – the feeling of being sorry प चाताप
1084. Set off – to begin शु होना 1107. Repose – to be kept in a particular place
1085. Sobering – making you feel serious and टे कना
think carefully संयत कर दे ने वाला 1108. Amenable – easy to control सहज
1086. Cleansed – to take away sb’s guilty feelings 1109. Entrusted – to make sb responsible
शु ध करना िज मेदार दे ना
1087. Unwarranted – not reasonable or necessary 1110. Swallowed – to take in sb/sth in complete
अनु चत cover नगलना
1088. Cumbersome – complicated ज टल 1111. Purloin – to steal sth without permission
1089. Flagrant – shocking नंदनीय चोर

1090. Phase in – to introduce शु करना 1112. Flounder – to have a lot of problems

1091. Multiplier effect – an increase in spending
produces an increase in national income and 1113. Malleable – easily changed लचीला
consumption greater than the initial amount
1114. Quest – a long search for sth खोज
1092. Thrust – a sudden strong movement that 1115. Inimical – harmful to sth हा नकारक
pushes sth/sb ध का दे ना 1116. lip service – approve without providing their
1093. Refurbished – to clean and decorate नए जैसा support दखावट

करना 1117. Caprice – the tendency to change सनक

1118. Imbibe – to absorb sth, especially
1094. Nascent – not yet fully developed शुरआती दौर
information आ मसात करना

1119. Testament – a thing that shows that sth
1095. Lucrative – producing a large amount of
else exists or is true सा ी
money लाभदायक
1120. Rupture – a situation when sth breaks or
1096. Stipulated – to state clearly and firmly that
bursts अनबन
something must be done शत
1121. Sermon – a talk on moral subject उपदे श
1122. Austerity – The quality of being simple and 1144. Unimpeded – without nothing stopping sth
plain सादा जीवन बना कावट के
1123. Procession – a line of people that move 1145. Fragile – easily broken or damaged नाजक

along slowly, especially as part of a ceremony
1146. Reluctant – not willing अ न छुक
ु ुस
1147. Speculation – guess अनुमान
1124. Rutted – with deep tracks that have been
made by wheels ग ढे दार 1148. Bizarre – strange व च
1125. Relic – an object, tradition that has 1149. Recede – to become weaker कम होना
survived from the past अवशेष 1150. Serendipitous – the fact of something
1126. Venerated – worshipped पूजनीय interesting happening by chance अचानक कुछ
1127. Vagaries – changes that difficult to predict अ छा मलना
or control अ नि तताएं 1151. Fermentation – to experience a chemical
1128. Sporadic – happening only occasionally change रासाय नक या
अ नय मत 1152. Locust – a large insect that destroys plants
1129. Shrink – to become smaller सकुड़ना and crops of an area ट डी
1130. Hinge on – to depend on sth completely 1153. Menace – threat खतरा
नभर होना 1154. Laden – heavily loaded with sth भरा हुआ
1131. Mystical – powers or quality that are
1155. Prodigal – extravagant, waste money खच ला
difficult to understand रह यमयी
1156. Placebo – a substance that has no physical
1132. Opaque – not clear enough अ प ट effects, given to patients who do not need
1133. Ghosts in our machines medicine but think that they do, or used when
1134. Boils down to sth – to have sth as main testing new drugs ायो गक औष ध
part मु य भाग बनना 1157. Insurmountable – that can’t be dealt with
1135. Burial – the act of burying a dead body successfully अजेय
दफनाना 1158. Discrepancy – a difference between two
1136. Vulture – a large bird that eats flesh of things that should be same असंग त
animals ग द 1159. Willful – done deliberately जानबझ
ू कर
1137. Speculate – to guess अनुमान 1160. Obfuscate –to make sth less clear अ प ट
1138. Hook up –to connect जोड़ना 1161. Rot – to decay सड़ना
1139. Squander – to waste time and money बबाद 1162. Colluded – to work together secretly in
करना order to trick other people. षड़यं

1140. Resuscitated – revive पुनज वत करना 1163. At large – as a whole परू ा

1141. Conscientious – to do things carefully and 1164. Hitherto – until now अब तक
correctly कत य न ठ 1165. Contamination – no longer pure द ू षत
1142. Brusque – using very few words and 1166. Seminal – very important and having a
sounding rude खा strong influence मु य
1143. Nugget – a small thing of value काम क बात 1167. Take something by storm – to be extremely
successful - अपार सफलता
1168. Anointment – ceremonially confer divine by 1189. Forge – sth to put a lot of effort into making
rubbing with oil - अ भषेक sth successful सफल बनाने के लए यास करना
1169. Rarefied – exclusive सव कृ ट 1190. Brazen – shameless बेशम
1170. Struck a chord with someone – do 1191. Vacuous – showing no sign of intelligence
something that make people feel sympathy or भावशू य
enthusiasm लोग को उ सा हत करने वाला काम करना 1192. Veneer – an outer appearance of a
1171. Resonate – to be similar to what sb thinks particular quality सजावट परत
मैच करना 1193. Camouflage – behaviour that is deliberately
1172. Jaw-dropping – so good that it amazes you meant to hide the truth छपाना
शानदार 1194. Seething – to be extremely angry about sth
1173. Coming-of-age – to reach an age when one गु सा
can have legal rights and responsibilities
1195. Epithet – an adjective that is used to
िज मेदार य क होना
describe sb’s most important quality गण
ु सच
ू क
1174. Fallout – bad results of a situation झगड़ा
1175. Prejudices – an unreasonable dislike for a
1196. Paradigm – a typical example of sth तमान
person, group, custom, when it is based on
their race, religion, sex etc. प पात 1197. Impoverished – poor in quality, because sth
is missing शि तह न
1176. Harbour – to hide and protect sb आ य दे ना
1198. Assuage – to make an unpleasant feeling
1177. Belligerent – unfriendly and aggressive
less severe कम करना
1199. Catch up – to reach the same level as sb
1178. Annoy – to make sb slightly angry गु सा
बराबर करना
दलाना 1200. Unicorn – a unicorn is a startup company
1179. Deflect – to change direction टे ढ़ राह जाना valued at over $1 billion
1201. Snap up – to buy or obtain sth quickly
1180. Consensus – an opinion that all members
खर दना
of a group agree with सहम त
1181. Entail – to involve sth that can’t be avoided
शा मल करना
1182. Condone – to accept behavior that is wrong
अनदे खी करना
1183. Spate – a large number of things अ धक
सं या म
1184. Traction – the action of pulling sth along
1185. Congregation – gathering इकठठे होना
1186. Overtly – openly खल
ु े आम
1187. Inflection – a change in voice बोल म उतार
1188. Folly – a lack of good judgement मूखता
1202. Ample – plenty अ धक 1224. Hierarchy – a system in an organization
वग करण
1203. Abundance – a large quantity अ धक मा ा म
1225. Intuitive – obtained by using feelings
1204. Clout – power and influence ताकत
अंत ान
1205. Fragmented – in small pieces टुकड़ो म
1226. Scrutiny – careful and thorough
1206. Abound – to exist in great numbers अ धक examination जाँच पड़ताल
सं या म 1227. Condone – to accept sth wrong माफ़ करना
1207. Condensed – dense घना 1228. Perceived – to think in a particular way
1208. Pipedream – a plan that is impossible to सोचना
achieve क पना 1229. Vexing – to annoy गु सा दलाना
1209. Appetite – a strong desire for sth इ छा 1230. Doctrinal – a set of beliefs स धांत से जड़
ु ा हुआ
1210. Adaptation – The process of changing sth to 1231. Vociferous – in a loud way मुखर
suit a new situation अनुकूलन
1232. Slew – a large number of sth कई
1211. Vulnerability – weak and easily hurt कमजोर
1233. Deliberation – the process of carefully
1212. Address – to think about a problem and considering सोचना
decide how you are going to deal with it सुलझाना
1234. Impinge – encroach अ त मण
1213. Marginalized – to make sb feel as if they are
1235. Enumerated – to name things on a list एक
not important हा शये पर
1214. Encroachment – to cover more and more of एक करके बताना
an area अ त मण 1236. Waning – to become weeker घटता हुआ
1215. Entrenchment – the fact of being firmly 1237. Strata – a class in a society
established ढ़ ि थ त 1238. Prolong – to go on for a long time ल बा
1216. Worsen – to become worse than it was खींचना
before और ख़राब होना
1239. Sheen – a soft smooth shiny quality चमक
1217. Desalination – the process of removing salt
1240. Dismal – of very low quality नराशाजनक
from sea water समु के पानी को साफ़ करना
1241. Seep – to flow quickly in small quantities
1218. Aboriginal - relating to the original people
living in Australia ऑ े लयन आ दवासी
1242. Stifle – suppress रोकना
1219. Resilience – the ability to recover from a
loss ज द ठ क होने क वा लट 1243. Rampant – existing everywhere सब जगह

1220. Part and parcel – an essential part ज र 1244. Contingent – depending on sth that may
not happen अ नि चत
1221. Incorporate – to include sth शा मल करना
1245. Bleak – not giving any reasons to have hope
1222. Thwart – to prevent sb from doing what
कोई उ मीद न होना
they want to do रोकना Tendency – to behave in
1246. Takeaway – a key point मु य बात
a particular way व त
1247. Impasse – deadlock ग तरोध
1223. Ramification – complicated results of an
action प रणाम 1248. Discourse – discussion बातचीत
1249. Empirical – based on experiments आनुभ वक
1250. Pertaining – to exist in a particular 1273. Unveil – to show a plan उजागर करना
situation से स ब ध रखना
1274. Snub – to refuse to accept sth मना करना
1251. At the outset – from the begining शु से
1275. Disbanded – to stop sth बंद करना
1252. Rechristened – to give a name to sth नया 1276. Hush up – to hide information about a
नाम दे ना situation
1253. Discrepancy – a difference between two or 1277. सुचना छुपाना
more things that should be the same असंग त 1278. Roll-out – introduce लागु करना
1254. Bogus – false झठ
ू ा 1279. Introspection – to carefully examine your
own thoughts आ म व लेषण
1255. Fraught with – causing worry याकुल
1256. Detract – to make sth seem less good or 1280. Onerous – difficult मुि कल
enjoyable छोटा बनाना 1281. Thrust – to push धकेलना
1257. Modify – to change sth बदलना 1282. Vagaries – changes in sth that are difficult
1258. Sluices – a sliding gate for controlling the to control अ नि चताएं
flow of water पानी नकालने का फाटक 1283. Illicit – not allowed by law अवैध
1259. Cavil – to make unnecessary complaints 1284. Tumble out – to fall suddenly अचानक गरना
about sth नु ताचीनी करना 1285. Restrain – to stop sb/sth from doing sth
1260. Aggrieved – feeling that you have been रोकना
treated unfairly य थत
1286. Marquee – most popular स ध
1261. Stipulation – to state clearly and firmly that
1287. Shenanigans – secret or dishonest activities
sth must be done शत
that people find interesting or amusing छल
1262. Pragmatic – solving problems in a practical
and sensible way यावहा रक
1288. Pull the wool over the eyes of someone – to
1263. Adjudicate – to make an official decision
try to trick धोखा करना
नणय दे ना
1289. Wafer-thin – verb thin बहुत पतला
1264. Pose – to create a problem सम या खड़ी करना
1290. Foray – an attempt to become involved in a
1265. Impediment – something that delays the
different activity or profession नया उधम म यास
progress of sth कावट
1291. Latch on – to develop a strong interest in
1266. Dither – to hesitate about what to do घबराहट
sth कसी काम म दलच पी लेना
1267. Protracted – lasting longer than expected
1292. Elusive – difficult to find, define or achieve
ल बा खींचना
मुि कल
1268. Reluctant – unwilling अ न छुक
1293. Escalate – to make sth more worse बदतर
1269. Conscientious – taking care to do things
होना Ring-fence – to protect बचाना
carefully and correctly कत य न ठ
1294. Turnaround – a complete change पूर तरह से
1270. Devastate – to completely destroy ख़तम होना
1271. Pour in – to provide a large amount अ धक
1295. Limbo – a complex situation अ न चय क
मा ा म पैसा उपल ध करवाना
ि थत
1272. Pivotal – of great importance मह व का
1296. Diktats – an order given by a government 1320. Ingrained – deep-rooted अ त न हत
सरकार आदे श
1321. Obnoxious – offensive णत
1297. Inordinate – excessive अ य धक 1322. Cul-de-sac – a street that is closed at one
1298. Saga – story कहानी end एक तरफ से बंद गल
1299. Distinct – different अलग 1323. Bluster – to talk aggressively but will little
effect डींग
1300. Aspect – a part of feature पहलु
1324. Paradoxically – a situation with two
1301. Predicament – a difficult or unpleasant
opposite features वरोधाभाषी
situation मुि कल ि थ त
1325. Propaganda – spread false ideas to gain
1302. Prerogative – an advantage belonging to a
support चार
particular person वशेष अ धकार
1326. Obscure – not well known अ प ट
1303. Plight – a difficult and sad situation दग
ु त
1327. Hallmark – a feature that is typical of sth
1304. apocalyptic – like the end of the world द ु नया
वश ता
ख़तम होने जैसा
1328. Deterrence – a thing that makes sb less
1305. Colossal – extremely large बड़ा likely to do sth कावट
1306. Decouple – to end the relationship between 1329. Fortify – to make a place secure मजबत
ू करना
two things अलग करना
1330. Mitigate – to reduce कम करना
1307. Mandate – the authority to do something
1331. Gripping – interesting मजेदार
आदे श
1308. Incineration – burn something completely 1332. Discourse – discussion बातचीत
जलाना 1333. Flutter – to move lightly and quickly धड़कन
1309. Paradigm – modal आदश 1334. Rhetorical – intended to influence people
श दांडबरपरन

1310. Harness – utilize उपयोग म लाना
1335. Nomenclature – a system of naming things
1311. Daft – silly बेवकूफ
नाम नकालने क या
1312. Agitate – to protest वरोध
1336. Flatter – to say nice things चापलसी

1313. Perverse – deliberate wrong behaviour जान
बूझकर गलत यवहार करने वाला
1314. Fallacy – a false idea ाि त
1315. Abject – without hope दयनीय
1316. Embrace – to include शा मल करना
1317. Frown upon – to disapprove असहम त कट
1318. Ingenuity – clever चालाक
1319. Cripple – to seriously harm/damage नु सान
करना Behemoth – a very big and powerful
organization बड़ी सं था
1337. Dilemma – to make a difficult choice द ु वधा 1361. Lavished –extravagant or luxurious अ त ययी
1338. Eat humble pie – to say that you are sorry 1362. ramp up –to increase sth बढ़ाना
for a mistake गलती वीकारना और सॉर कहना
1363. illustration – drawing, sketch, graphic च ण
1339. Tatters – badly damaged बरबाद
1364. deftly –skillfully and quickly कुशलता से
1340. Ratchet up – to increase बढ़ाना
1365. parity – uniformity or evenness समानता
1341. Flounder – to be in danger of failing
1366. radically –in fundamental way मौ लक प से
completely लड़खड़ाना
1367. Verdict – a decision that is made by a jury
1342. Deft – skillful चालाक
in court फैसला
1343. Deterioration – to become worse गरावट
1368. Euthanasia – mercy killing इ छा म यु
1344. Disguise – to change your appearance भेष
1369. Concur – to agree सहमत होना
बदलना 1370. Grapple with – to try hard to find a solution
1345. Haul sb over the coals – to criticize because मिु कल होना
they have done sth wrong आलोचना करना
1371. Lay down – to make rule कानून बनाना
1346. Sweetened – to add sugar मीठा करना
1372. Encompass – to include शा मल करना
1347. Anaemic – week and not having much effect
1373. Allay – to make sth, especially a feeling,
less strong राहत पहुँचाना
1348. Impoverished – very poor, without money
1374. Overwhelmingly – very strong जबरद त ढं ग से
गर ब
1375. Invoke – to use a law as a reason for doing
1349. Grim – depressing नराश
something उपयोग करना
1350. Stellar – excellent उ म
1376. Lay down – to make a rule कानून बनाना
1351. Muted – not bright कमजोर 1377. Cluster – a group of things of the same type
1352. Hygiene – to keep clean to prevent illness 1378. Vulnerable – weak कमजोर
and disease सफाई
1379. Ruined – destroyed ख़ म होना
1353. Attribute – to be the result of a particular
1380. Resentment – a feeling of anger गु सा
thing उ रदायी ठहराना
1381. Budge – to change your opinion about sth
1354. Vitality – energy and enthusiasm उ साह
वचार बदलना
1355. Biennial – happening once in every two
1382. Cite – to mention sth as a reason or an
years ववष य
example उ लेख
1356. Put our money where our mouth is – to
1383. Arduous – involving a lot of effort and
action to support one’s statements or opinions
energy क ठन
अपने बयान पर काम करना
1384. Prohibition – the act of stopping sth by law
1357. Ambitiously-in ambitious manner मह वाकां ा
तब ध
1385. Sustained – maintain बनाये रखना
1358. Realm –an area of activity राज 1386. Referendum – when all the people of an
1359. Bifurcated –divided in two parts वभाजन area vote जनमत सं ह
1360. Aspirational- wanting things or success 1387. Hitherto – until now अब तक
आकां ी
1388. Dormant – inactive नि य 1415. Ecstasy – a feeling of great happiness ख़श
ु ी
1389. Buried – to hide sth in ground जमीं म गाड़ 1416. Dictum – a statement that people believe is
always true उि त
दे ना
1417. Manichaean – based on the belief that there
1390. Immense – extremely large बड़ा
are two opposites in everything वैतवाद
1391. Curb – check नयं ण करना
1418. Embodiment – a typical example of a
1392. Endure - bear सहन करना quality मत
ू प
1393. Outskirts – the parts of a town that are 1419. Advent – the coming of an important
furthest from the centre बाहर इलाका innovation आगमन
1394. Fritter away – to waste money पैसा बबाद करना 1420. Vested – to belong to sth legally म न हत
Inebriated – drunk नशे म 1421. Singularity – the quality of sth that makes
1395. Hoodwink – to trick sb लूटना it unusual नरालापन

1396. Nuisance – to cause troubles and problems 1422. Substrate – a layer which is under sth अधः
उ पात तर
1397. Rear – to care for young children पालन पोषण 1423. Arbitrage – the practice of buying sth in one
1424. place and selling it in another place where
1398. Erstwhile – former भत
ू पव

the price is higher अंतरपणन करना
1399. Get rid of – to make yourself free from
1425. Appropriate – to take sth without
something छुटकारा पाना
permission हड़पना
1400. Take cue – to copy नक़ल करना
1426. Entail – to involve sth के बारे म होना
1401. Persistent – determined to do sth despite
1427. Saviour – a person who rescues sb/sth
difficulties लगातार
from a dangerous situation बचाने वाला
1402. Contrary – different from sth वपर त
1428. Gobble up – take control of it नगलना
1403. Reluctant – unwilling अ न छुक
1429. Ivory tower – a situation where you are
1404. Adverse – negative and unpleasant मुि कल separated from the problems of normal life
1405. Babel – the sound of many voices talking at एकांत
one time कोलाहल 1430. Shattering – very shocking व ु ध कर दे ने वाला
1406. Epochal – related to an era 1431. Grapple with – to try hard to find a solution
1407. Hallucination – something that is seen or
समाधान करने क को शश करना
heard when it is not really there म
1432. Come up with – to find an answer समाधान
1408. Eternal – without an end बना अंत के
1409. Superstition – events without reason or
science अ ध व वास 1433. Formulate – to prepare sth carefully बनाना

1410. Aperture – a small opening मख

ु 1434. Exude – to come out नकलना

1411. Whence – from where 1435. Invoke – to mention or use a law उपयोग
1412. Wrapped – covered करना
1413. Obscure – to make it difficult to see धुंधला
1436. Endeavour – an attempt to do something
1414. Intuition – sixth sense अंत ान यास
1437. Conviction – a strong opinion पूण व वास 1462. Corroboration – to approve पुि टकरण
1438. Be bursting at the seams – to be very full 1463. Xenophobia – hate for foreigners वदे शी लोगो
परू ा भरा हुआ
को पसंद ना करना
1439. Malafide – in bad faith, बदनीयत 1464. Coup – the fact of achieving sth that was
1440. Twig – a small very thin branch टहनी difficult to do अ या शत सफलता
1441. Gait – a way of walking चलने का तर का 1465. Disenfranchised – to take away sb’s rights
1442. Trip over – to catch your foot on sth and fall कसी के अ धकार छ नना
फसलना 1466. Precarious – dangerous खतरनाक
1443. Grunt – to make a short low sound गरु गरु ाहट 1467. Dispense – to give out sth to people बांटना
1444. Surveillance – the act of carefully watching
नगरानी 1468. Cane – a thin stick, used in the past in
some schools for beating children as a
1445. Deprive – to prevent someone from having
punishment डंडा
something वं चत करना
1469. Strand – one of the different parts of an
1446. Frisson – a sudden strong feeling भय और
idea, a plan ह सा
उ ेजना का आकि मक भाव
1470. Tapestry – a pattern बुनावट
1447. Ponderous – moving slowly धीरे चलना
1471. Punitive – intended as punishment दं डा मक
1448. Ferociously – very aggressive आ ामक
1472. Swayed – influence भा वत होना
1449. Progeny – the young of animals and plants
1473. Hazy – not clear अ प ट
जानवर के छोटे ब चे
1450. Shenanigans – secret activities that people 1474. Congregate – to meet मलना

find interesting छल कपट 1475. Adrift – not in right position भटकना

1451. Utopia – a world where everything is right 1476. Avow – to say firmly वादा
वग 1477. Malaise – to problems affecting a particular
situation णता
1452. Premise – basis आधार 1478. Afflict – to affect someone in a harmful way
1453. Respite – relief राहत भा वत करना
1454. Dystopia – a world where nothing is right 1479. Dearth – shortage कमी
नरक 1480. Huckster – a person who uses aggressive
1455. Amplify – to boost बढ़ाना methods to sell sth आ ामक व े ता
1456. Isolation – separation अलग 1481. Bespoke – tailor-made ज रत के हसाब से
1457. Emancipatory – to free आज़ाद करने जैसा बनाया हुआ
1458. Aegis – with the protection सुर ा 1482. Visceral – resulting from strong feelings
rather than careful thought भावना मक
1459. Alienate – to separate पथ
ृ क करना
1483. Underpin – to support आधार
1460. Deprave – to make sb morally bad बुरा
1484. Punt – a bet दांव
1461. Exacerbated – to make sth worse और ख़राब
1485. Covetously – having a strong desire लालची
1486. Roll out – introduce शु करना 1511. Swanky – fashionable and expensive तड़क
1487. Stimuli – something that helps sth to भड़क वाला
develop more quickly ो साहन 1512. Residual – remaining at the end of a
1488. Pedagogy – the study of teaching methods process बचा हआ

अ यापन व ानं
1513. Surmise – to guess अनमान

1489. Impart – to pass information, knowledge to
1514. Quaint – attractive in an unusual way
other people सखाना
1490. Inhibitions – a nervous feeling that stops
1515. Envision – to imagine what a situation will
you from expressing your real feelings कावट
be like in the future क पना करना
1491. breakneck – very fast बहुत तेज 1516. Bootstrap – to improve your situation
1492. Obsolete – outdated अ च लत yourself
1517. Paradigm – a typical example of sth आदश
1493. Apprehension – fear डर
1494. Advent – the coming of an important 1518. Remunerate – to pay sb for work भगतान

innovation आगमन करना
1495. Flimsy – feeble कमजोर 1519. Empirical – based on experiments
1496. Pan out – to develop in a particular way अनभव
ु स ध
सफल होना 1520. Ennui – feelings of bored वरि त
1497. Presume – to suppose that sth is true सोचना 1521. Soirees – party म मंडल का सां य जमघट
1498. Do away with – to stop ख़तम करना 1522. Stigma – disapproval ध बा
1499. Redundant – excess अ धक 1523. Modest – not very expensive साधारण
1500. Leverage – to take advantage of फायदा उठाना
1501. The corporate media ignores the rise of 1524. Shroud – a thing that covers आवरण
oligarchy. The rest of us shouldn’t 1525. Haze – air that is difficult to see through
1502. Oligarchy – a form of government in which अ प ट
only a small group of people hold all the power
1503. कुल न तं
1504. Inundated – to give or send sb so many
things that they cannot deal with them all
अ धक सं या म
1505. Rig – to influence sth in a dishonest way
1506. Prescription - suggestion सुझाव
1507. Outrageous – very shocking and
unacceptable च का दे ने वाला
1508. Devastate – to completely destroy न ट करना
1509. Consciousness – the state of being able to
use your senses and mental powers चेतना
1510. Wringing – to twist and squeeze नचोड़ना
1526. Grumble – to complain about sth शकायत 1549. Piecemeal – done or happening gradually at
different times and often in different ways
आ ह ता आ ह ता
1527. In Rags – wearing very old torn clothes फ़टे
1550. Threshold – the level at which sth starts to
हुए कपडे happen or have an effect सीमा रे खा
1528. Shudder – to shake थरथराना 1551. Esoteric – difficult to understand गोपनीय
1529. Sustenance – the process of making 1552. Pedagogy – the study of teaching methods
something continue to exist भरण-पोषण अ यापन व ान
1530. Prodigious – very large अ धक 1553. Foray – an attempt to become involved in a
1531. Deplorable – very bad and unacceptable different activity or profession ारि भक य न
नंदनीय 1554. Utilitarian – designed to be useful
1532. Upkeep – the cost of keeping sth in good उपयो गतावाद
condition मर मत लागत 1555. Harbour – to keep negative feelings in your
1533. Thrive – flourish फलना फूलना mind for a long time मन म रखना
1556. Inhibit – to prevent sth from happening
1534. Nurture – to help sth to develop पोषण करना
1557. Legible – clear enough to read
1535. Resplendent – brightly coloured in an 1558. Bifurcate – to divide into two separate parts
impressive way काशमान 1559. Fervor – very strong feelings about sth;
1536. Myriad – an extremely large number of sth enthusiasm उ साह
अन गनत सं या 1560. Zeal – great energy; enthusiasm उ साह
1537. Reveller – a person who is having fun in a
1561. Ameliorative – to make sth better सुधारक
noisy way गल
ु छरे उड़ाने वाला
1562. Eradicate – to get rid of sth completely जड़ से
1538. Rudimentary – basic मुलभुत
1539. Fetish – that fact that a person spends too
much time doing or thinking about a particular 1563. Onset – the beginning of sth शुरआत
thing 1564. Perish – to be lost न ट हो जाना
1540. आव यकता से अ धक यान दे ना
1565. Bloom – a healthy fresh appearance खलना
1541. Heuristic – heuristic education encourages
you to learn by discovering things for yourself 1566. Plight – a difficult and sad situation दद
ु शा
खुद से ढूंढने क श ा 1567. Resentment – a feeling of anger गु सा
1542. Exponent – a person who supports the idea 1568. Rankle – to make someone feel angry भड़कना
1569. Fester – to become badly infected कटुता
1543. Redress – to correct sth ठ क करना
उ प न करना
1544. Ubiquitous – at all places सब जगह
1570. Tear apart – to destroy ख़तम करना
1545. Nadir – the worst movement of a particular
1571. Resort to – to make use of sth उपाय करना
situation न नतम तर
1572. Parlance – a particular way of using words
1546. Catastrophic – disastrous लयकार
श द बोलने का ढं ग
1547. Scarce – shortage कमी
1573. Impasse – deadlock ग तरोध
1548. Egregious – extremely bad बेहद ख़राब
1574. Behoove – it is right for sb to do sth यो य 1600. Peril – serious danger खतरा
होना 1601. Wager – an arrangement to risk money on
the result of a particular event दांव पर लगाना
1575. Spiral down – to decrease rapidly गरना
1602. Upstart – someone who has just started नया
1576. Incessantly – never stopping लगातार
बढ़ा हुआ
1577. Repulse – to make sb feel disgust हटाना
1603. Snowball – a situation that develops more
1578. Infirm – ill/sick over a long period दब
ु ल
and more quickly as it continues तेजी से बढ़ जाना
1579. Plead – beg गड़ गड़ाना
1604. Gumption – courage and determination
1580. Indisposed – unwell अ व थ साहस
1581. Disheveled – very untidy मैला कुचला 1605. Underplay – to make something seem less
1582. Part with something – to give sth to sb else important than it really is कम आंकना
छोड़ना 1606. Dilute – to make sth less effective कमजोर
1583. Swindle – to cheat धोखा दे ना करना
1584. Trample – to step heavily/ to ignore र दना 1607. Lucre – money that is obtained in a
1585. Hurtle down – to move fast तेज चलना immoral way काल कमाई
1608. Nexus – a complicated series of connections
1586. Commiserate – to show sympathy सहानुभू त
between different things सांठ गांठ
कट करना
1609. Crass – very stupid and showing no
1587. Nudge – to push ध का दे ना sympathy मख
ू ता
1588. Elicit – to get info or a reaction from sb ा त 1610. Sinister – seeming evil or dangerous
करना खतरनाक

1589. Flaw – defect, fault कमी 1611. Subsequent – happening or coming after
sth else आगामी
1590. Subliminal – affecting your mind even
though you are not aware of it अवचेतन 1612. Vindicate – justify नद ष

1591. Ubiquitous – to be everywhere सब जगह 1613. Dish out – to give sth दे ना

1592. Inherent – basic part of sth that cann’t be 1614. Entreaties –a serious and emotional
removed ज मजात request वनती करना

1593. Archaic – very old fashioned पुराना 1615. Outspoken – frank प ट व ता

1594. Surreptitiously – done secretly चोर चोर 1616. Skimpy – not large enough अ या त

1595. Nefarious – criminal; immoral घ ृ णत 1617. Reveal – to make known उजागर करना

1596. Curtail – to limit sth छोटा करना 1618. Circumspection – cautious सावधान
1597. Naysayer – someone with an aggressively 1619. Averse – not liking sth तकूल
negative attitude 1620. Amendment – change or improvement
1598. Prevalent – most frequent or very common
या त होना
1621. Chump – a stupid person मख

1599. Rampant – existing or spreading
1622. Hinterland – areas of the country that are
everywhere तेजी से फैलने वाला
away from the coast आंत रक इलाके
1623. Nascence – the event of being born उ प त 1649. Oxymoron – a phrase that combines two
opposite words वरोधाभास
1624. Baulk – to be unwilling to do sth कावट
1625. Dredge – to remove mud, stones, etc from 1650. Convey – to make known सू चत करना
the bottom of a river तलकषण करना 1651. Rigour – the fact of being careful तप या
1626. Mandate – the authority to do sth आदे श 1652. Discreet – careful in what you say or do
1627. Proximity – the state of being near sb/sth ववेक
in distance or time नकटता 1653. Dismal – causing or showing sadness
1628. Levy – tax नराशाजनक
1629. Synergy –the extra energy that is achieved 1654. Hands-on – doing sth rather than just
by two or more people or companies working talking about it ायो गक
together, instead of on their own सह या
1655. Spectacularly – very impressive असाधारण ढं ग
1630. Foster – to encourage sth to develop पालन
पोषण करना
1656. Cultivate – to develop वक सत करना
1631. Captive – kept as a prisoner कैद कया हुआ
1657. Devise – to invent sth new खोजना
1632. Virtuous – behaving in a very good and
1658. Nightmare – an unpleasant dream द ु वपन
moral way सदाचार
1659. Falter – to become weaker or less effective
1633. Holistic – treating the whole पूण प से
कमजोर होना
1634. Concerted – done in a planned way संग ठत
1660. Rumour – not true अफवाह
1635. Crank up – to make a machine work
1661. Pass off – to pretend कुछ और बनना
1636. Arterial – vein
1637. Penetrate – to go into घुसना 1662. Accomplice – a person who helps another to
commit a crime अपराध म सहयोगी
1638. Alter – to become different बदलना
1663. Sordid – very dirty; squalid घनोना
1639. Underscore – underline रे खां कत करना
1664. Culpable – responsible for having done
1640. Anatomical – to scientific study of the
something wrong आपरा धक
structure of human or animal bodies शर र रचना
1665. At stake – that can be won or lost दांव पर
स ब धी
1666. Hoary – very old and well known पुराना
1641. Underlie – to be the basis of sth आधार
1667. Abetted – to help sb to do sth wrong सहयोगी
1642. Maze – a complex system like a puzzle भूल
1668. Trivialise – to make sth seem less
ु ैया important मह वह न बनाना
1643. Contrarian – against sth वपर त
1669. Plummet – to fall suddenly – गरावट
1644. Paradigm – a typical pattern of sth आदश
1670. Extravaganza – large & expensive महं गा
1645. Constrain – to force sb to behave in a
1671. Dazzle – to impress भा वत करना
particular way ; to restrict बा य करना
1672. Gushing – flow बहना
1646. Depart – to leave a place थान
1673. Hordes – a large crowd of people झु ड
1647. Mandate – to order आदे श
1674. Undergo – to experience sth गज
ु रना
1648. Mystify – to make sb confused उलझाना
1675. Piercing – sharp ती ण
1676. Straddle – exist दोन और फैला होना 1700. Averse – not liking sth तकूल
1677. Pristine – fresh & clean 1701. Austere – simple and plain सादगीपसंद
1678. Paradoxical – a situation that has two
1702. Crumbled – to break टूटना
opposite features वरोधाभाषी
1703. Derogatory – insulting अपमानजनक
1679. Indigenous – native वदे शी
1704. Resilience – ability to recover ( तरोध मता)
1680. Gorge – a deep narrow valley संकडा पथ
1705. Setback – failure
1681. Perennial – happening again and again
1706. Upheaval – a change that causes confusion
(खलबल )
1682. Sheer – used to emphasise the size पूणतया 1707. Trait – quality
1683. Cavernous – very large and often empty 1708. Aftermath – result of sth (प रणाम)
ु ाओंवाला 1709. Meltdown – a situation where sth fails
1684. Regale – to amuse खश
ु करना 1710. Gratification – a state of feeling pleasure
1685. Intrinsic – part of the real nature आंत रक
1711. Embody – to include sth शा मल करना
1686. Mull over – think सोचना
1687. Imbue – to fill sb/sth with strong feelings, 1712. Hypocrisy – to pretend पाखंड
opinions or values दल पर असर डालना 1713. Retribution – severe punishment सजा
1688. Poise – a calm and confident manner 1714. Recast – to change sth बदलना
शांत चत
1715. Avenue – a choice रा ता
1689. Sterling – of excellent quality उ कृ ट
1716. Indulge – to take part in an activity शा मल
1690. Indispensable – essential िजसके बना काम ना
चले 1717. Endowed – to naturally have a particular
1691. Foster – to encourage sth to develop ो साहन quality गण
ु रखना
दे ना 1718. Sticking – a certain position न चय करना
1692. Embrace – to accept an idea, a proposal Resurrecting – reviving दब
ु ारा शु करना
शा मल करना 1719. Inhibitions - the conscious exclusion of
1693. Evoke – to bring a feeling into your mind unacceptable thoughts or desires संकोच
याद दलाना 1720. Trait - A distinguishing feature of your
1694. Endow with – to naturally have a particular personal nature वशेषता
feature गण
ु ी होना 1721. Retard – slow down the growth ग त रोकना
1695. Imbibe – to absorb information आ मसात
1722. Gaiety – cheerful स नता
करना 1723. Subconscious – connected with feelings
1696. Dichotomy – the separation that exists that influence your behaviour even though you
between two groups व वभाजन are not aware of them अवचेतन मन
1697. Cater – to provide बंध करना 1724. Basking – enjoying आंनद उठाना
1698. Endeavour – to attempt to do sth यास करना 1725. Oblivious – not aware of sth बेखबर
1699. At large – in general यापक प से 1726. Deterring – show opposition to रोकना
1727. Yelled - loud cry च ला कर कहना 1752. Curbing – to control or limit sth सी मत करना
1728. Reckoning - Judge to be probable अनुमा नत 1753. Plight – a difficult situation दग
ु त
1729. Glued - Join or attach with जोड़ना 1754. Tweaks - changes बदलाव
1730. Illuminated - make clear नि चत करना 1755. Skewed – not accurate गलत
1731. Pitted - Set into opposition वप ी 1756. Leapfrogged – to get to a higher position
ऊँचा जाना
1732. Chunk - A substantial amount टुकड़ा
1733. Bleary - Tired to the point of exhaustion 1757. Dabbling – to move करना
धुंधल 1758. Latched on – to develop a strong interest
1734. Accreditation - The act of granting credit or अपनाना
recognition माणन 1759. Set the cat among pigeons – to do sth that
is likely to cause trouble परे शानी करना
1735. Abandon – to leave छोड़ दे ना
1760. Gullible - naive भोला
1736. Hurdles – obstacle बाधा
1761. Regressive – becoming less advanced पीछे ले
1737. Distraction - An obstacle to attention यान
जाने वाला
भटकाना Devastated - Crushed by grief दःु ख से
1762. Tizzy – a state of confusion घबराहट
परे शान
1738. Mesmerized - Maintain the complete 1763. Nascent – beginning to exist शु आती
attention of someone मं मु ध 1764. Cosseting – pamper लाड़ यार करना
1739. Perseverance – constant नरं तर य न 1765. Feminism: a perspective through the ages
1766. Substantive – dealing with real, important
1740. Fatigue – tire out थकान
and serious matters वा त वक
1741. Recreational – done for enjoyment
1767. Sought – to ask for माँगना
मनोरं जना मक
1768. Lucrative – producing money or wealth
1742. Ditching – to get away from someone छोड़
दे ना
1769. Emboldened – to make more confident साहस
1743. Ample - Fairly large चुर
दे ना
1744. Aplenty - In abundance ढे र सारा
1770. Tease – to annoy परे शान करना
1745. Notched up – to achieve or get हा सल करना
1771. Lewd - offensive अ श ट
1746. Chores – a routine task or job काम काज
1772. Delegate – a person acting for another काम
1747. Scorching - Hot and dry enough to burn
स पना
जला दे ने वाला
1773. Echoed – to repeat दोहराना
1748. Rendered - Cause to become बना दे ना
1774. Stick our neck out – to do or say sth when
1749. Grieving - Cause to feel sorrow द ु खत करना
there is a risk that you may be wrong गलत होने
1750. Culminate – Reach to the highest point
का खतरा उठा के कुछ कहना या करना
परका ठा पर पहुंचना
1775. Lethargy – lack of energy or interest आलस
1751. Shielding – to protect sth from danger सुर ा
1776. Arable – cultivable खेती यो य
1777. Substantially – large in amount मु य प म 1803. Hoard – a collection of money जमाखोर
1778. Surplus – amount that is extra अ धक 1804. Weed out – to remove हटाना
1779. Anchor – to firmly base sth on sth else 1805. Perpetuate – to continue for a long time
सहारा दे ना लगातार
1780. Helm – a wheel used for steering a boat 1806. Heuristic – to learn by discovering खुद से
1781. Manifold- of many different types कई कार 1807. Haunt – to continue to cause problems for
के a long time पीछा करना
1782. Remit – to send money स पना 1808. Procurement – the process of buying for a
government सरकार खर द
1783. Untapped – available but not yet used दोहना
1809. Perspective – viewpoint ि टकोण
1784. Perspective - viewpoint नज रया
1810. Skew – at an angle तरछा
1785. Facilitate – to make an action easier सग
ु मता
1811. Remunerative – paying a lot of money
1786. Imbibe – to absorb sth सीखना
1787. Scrap – to cancel or get rid of sth र द करना
1812. Depress – to make the trade less active
1788. In the Throes of sth – in the middle of sth हतो शाह त करना
बीच म
1813. Fine-grained – excellent उ म
1789. Belatedly – happening late दे र से
1814. Enable – to make it possible for sb to do sth
1790. Fortnight – two weeks पखवाड़ा यो य बनाना
1791. Manifestation – a sign that sth exists होने का 1815. Utilization – to use sth उपयोग
संकेत 1816. Staggering – surprising च काने वाला
1792. Spurt – sudden increase in speed तेजी आना 1817. Inevitable – that can’t be avoided िजसे टाला
1793. Dispense – to provide sth वत रत करना ना जा सके
1794. Reluctant – unwilling अ न छुक 1818. Drought – a long period of time without

1795. Deploy – to use sth effectively तैनात करना rain सख

ू ा

1796. Ramp up – increase बढ़ाना 1819. Harvest – to cut and gather a crop खेती

1797. Replenish – to make sth full again फर से 1820. Sluggish – slow धीमा
1821. Euphoria – strong feelings of happiness
अ य धक ख़श
ु ी
1798. Abound – to exist in great numbers अ धक
1822. Chugging – slowly धीरे धीरे
सं या म
1823. Anecdotal – based on story, possibly not
1799. Attribute – to say that sth is responsible for
true कहानी के प म
something कारन बनना
1824. Strains – pressure दबाव
1800. Impending – that is going to happen very
soon होने वाला 1825. Stark –severe गंभीर

1801. Genesis – the beginning of sth शुरआत म 1826. Float – drift तैरना

1802. Gambit – a move दांव 1827. Pudding – a sweet dish मठाई
1828. Viability – that can be done जो कया जा सकता 1852. Enact – to take place
1853. Fickle – changing often and suddenly अि थर
1829. Explicitly – directly सीधे प म
1830. Dissuades – discourage to do something
हतो शाह त करना
1831. Prima-facie – at first थम या
1832. Contentious – likely to cause disagreement
between people असहम त पैदा करने वाला
1833. Compensatory –paying for damages मआ
ु वजा
1834. Flawed – having a defect कमी होना
1835. Stipulates –condition शत
1836. Incompatible –not acceptable together
पर पर वरोधी
1837. Plausible –logical मम
ु कन
1838. Utilitarian – designed to be useful and
practical उपयो गतावाद
1839. Coincide –to take place at the same time एक
साथ होना
1840. Contingent –depending on sth that may or
may not happen स भा य
1841. Wear down – to become weaker घस जाना
Bleakness – not encouraging अंधकारमय
1842. Persist – continue doing sth जार रखना
1843. Trepidation – great worry चंता
1844. Shield – to protect बचाव करना
1845. Prickliness – to feel frightened सनसनी पैदा
1846. Dwelling – a place where a person lives
आवास Clump – a group of things together झरु मुट
1847. Precarious – dangerous खतरनाक
1848. Contort – to become twisted वकृत करना
1849. Astonish – to surprise sb very much आ चय
1850. Bloom – to become happy खलना
1851. Indispensable – essential परम आव यक

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