KEFA Mag Flow Meter

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¢ € cd @ Sp suancuaneent Zone metering Foctory water, raw water metering KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter entire toner 2704, chna 400-820-2988 © Serene SHANGHAIKENT = Pgh ocarcey | stncient COMPANY PROFILE Shor Kent stent Co, Lis whichis high teh enters wo stb 1995. We alana nnd Tw, Inshan Dstt, Shangha. ‘Wie consist on 8D nvestent,procticalty and irsovato, esting the customer ‘mond nc mng pods ste for ar ven npn We hve the apo fot uur" My igen Yor reaesurans and adhere ost cttnantp sp ‘We contnus to narete the pornna design and & 0 of water supply ease iment scheme Wetom a conereerave sutton of ound bet and tine ‘cau meoeueent rom water source to facet '5)208,shenghal Kent has med soa coperoton with mare hen 2000 car ans in water spp nasty, We Dove more than 40 ter ses ence tes {2o1nd the wot and eer 20000 anne sepsis 2000° 27 V00"s Vision cure the ear of water mecsutement duty ound the won Mission: Redizewotr sag and zeae a beau erorment ore value My liganee, Your eossirace Corporate culture We oss en customers ond tls, Kea novotng ond pursue exalene C ontents oe ancient KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter | stancianent EFA Inigo lectromognetic Flowmeter cq on np esi te ee be porto ‘Stover ogee on em an cana ego a oo Se uNcHIET KEFA Intoligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Selection Method =) ee, = Gol 9 ERE ee cre mone (| - - SE = co ae 1 | Sancnanent KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Selection Table (0 Seca weer ee car S44 we epee tnfucunetorea open nets on voa eleven fone seen es at EEE a | 7 Sector Selection Table 1 stancianent KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter PLEEEEE LETH > Selection Table KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter 1s stancianent bentguHUEITUILAHL ae 1 Sanciaent over unit selection codes KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Single converter selection code bronlatra a oe Single seneor selection code rome: nEFA B40 BHM) ¥NH ED Sooner Technical KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Pee ora » sancianent © Semone KEFA Intligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter utine Size for Compoet Type ancient 2 Ssysoommnenr ‘Outine Size for "Remote Type KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter 2 SaNcakent = Sayer KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Dimension for Base KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter . Electromagnetic Foundation Map for Compact Type L 2 SANGHAKENT KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Electromagnetic Foundation Mop for Remote Type » @ewouee KEFA inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter ae = HS 2 SaNGHAKENT KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Dimension for converter Mater Box a Sanco KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Dimension for Solar Power Supply System Box 00 2 SaNchaKeNt KEFA Inteligent Electromagnetic Flowmeter Dimension for Solar Power Supply System accessory Stor Pe Fing Bago Soke Panel Fed Seat Feo atom ‘Appendix Secu Manufacturing Standard ond Metrological Verification Regulations of Electromagnetic Flow Meter

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