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Q . What is the structure of sales document?

A:Header Level ,item level ,schedule line level,

Q.What is table for header data?

A: The header data is stored in Header Tables and the Transactional data is stored in Item
tables. ex: VBAK is header table for the Sales Documents data which stores the Sales
Document number, date created, time of creation, name of the person created the Sales
document and the quotation/inquiry is valid from details.
Q. what is table for item data?

sales document: item data SD - Sales

Q. What is table for scheduline data?


Q: What is the purpose of pricing field?

A: It determine whether it is applicable for pricing or not

Q. What is the purpose of billing relevance.

A: it determine whther it is order elated billing or delivery related billing

A2: it dermine whether item is relvance for billing or not

Q. 3rd party billing relevance

A: 3rd party billing relevance in f

Q. What is the purpose if statistical value.


Q. what is the structured scope?

A: it is purely related to BOM

Q A value contract is essentially an agreement with a customer that contains the

materials and/or services that the customer receives within a specified time period, and for a
target value. A value contract can contain certain materials or a group of materials
Q. what is the purpose of contract release control?
A:we can release the contract through me35k
Q.whatis the purpose of create po automatic check?

No Confg. needed but needed setting in master data and are bellow the steps.
1) Material Master purchasing view tick automatic PO check box

2) Vendor Master purchasing view tick automatic PO check box.

3) Maintain Source list for Vendor & Material.(ME01)

4) Maintain Purchase Info Record.(ME11)

5) Create a Purchase Requisition.(ME51)

6) Use T.Code: ME59 & execute for PR for vendor, you will be able to create
automatic PO.


During creation of PR , select check box of Source Determination in the 1st

screen of ME51 /ME51N

Ensure that Purchase Info Record should be there.

If you have more than one vendor then fixes only one vendor in source list.

For Service auto- PO, you need to activate Automatic Purchase order creation for
Service requisitions in ML91. Create info record based on Material Group,For
Automatic PO , info record is mandatory.For more please read note 635511

Q. list out the movement type and its usage

Q. What is item is relavant for delivery?

A: tem Relevant For Delivery Text and value items do not contain schedule lines
and therefore cannot be delivered as such. When the check box Item Relev.For
Dlv is selected, it allows the text and value items to be relevant for delivery. By
making them relevant for delivery, it does not deliver text items from stock but
allows them to copy to the delivery document for informational purposes. Do not
select this check box unless you are configuring an item category for text or
value items that you want to make relevant for delivery. For example " Material
inside is Fragile" etc.

Item Relevant For Delivery Indicator in Schedule Line When selected, the check
box item Rel.F.Dlv. allows the items attached to a schedule line to be relevant
for delivery. Leave this field deselected for those schedule line categories where
you do not want the items to be delivered such as inquiry- and quotation-related
schedule line categories.
Q. when we use one step process?

A: If the receiving plant makes manual GR, then it is called two step transfer. If it
is automated, then it is called one step

Q: what is the difference between 1 step rpocees and 2 step process>

A . One Step Procedure: Stock Updation takes place between two destinations
at a time automatically by using Single Movement Type.

Ex:if u put movement type 301..stock updation will be done from plant to plant.

2. Two Step Procedure: Stock Updation takes place at Supplying and Receiving
Plant by using two different Movement Types.

Ex: movement type 303 is to remove the stock from plant 1.

movement type 305 is to post stock to plant 2.

Q: what is the purpose of ordfer type in scheduline category

A: Schedule line category: In SAP SD process, schedule line category in sales order decides
whether or how the system passes on requirements to materials requirements planning
Q: whatis the purpose of scheduline category in item category?
A Schedule line category can assign to item category based on Material Requirement Planning
(MRP) specified in material master. Together with the item category, the schedule lines
category determines whether the Transaction is relevant for MRP or not.
Q: what item category 5 controls in 3rd party
Q what is the purpose of account assignment category in scheduline categeroy
Q. what is the requirement of assembly check and availability check in scheduline category?

A: Availability check at Requirements Class level -

The requirements class contains all control features for planning such as
relevance for

planning, requirements planning strategy and requirements consumption

In addition, it is specified at a global level whether an availability check is to
take place for

the material in the sales and distribution documents on the basis of the ATP

(ATP = available to promise) and whether requirements are to be passed on.

2. Availability check at Schedule line category level -

A finer degree of control can be obtained for sales documents using the schedule
line category.

Replenishment lead time is only included in the check performed on the basis of

ATP quantity.

You can control with the schedule line category whether an availability check

transfer of requirements should be carried out in the sales documents.

Note -

1. At the global requirements class level, the availability check can only be
switched on in combination with the transfer of requirements. At schedule line
level, the settings are proposed from the requirements class.

2. If the availability check is switched on at requirements class level, it can be

switched off at schedule line level. However, you cannot switch on the
availability check at schedule line level, if it is switched off at requirements
class level. You can make this setting at schedule line level. But the system
ignores it and the setting for the requirements class applies.

3. Also, at schedule line level when the availability check is switched on, the
transfer of requirements can be switched off. For example, this makes sense for
inquiries or sales information.

4. The settings specific to schedule lines for performing an availability check are
only relevant for sales documents. In the shipping documents, the settings from
the requirements class and the delivery item category are used. As with the
schedule line category, the availability check can be switched off as required in
the delivery item category.

Q: list of delivery types

Q. split criteria for delivery

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