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1820 182.01 182.02 182.03 ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS I Introduction ‘Analogue electronics is a study that deals with electronic systems with a continuously variable signél. This module unit is intended to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes required to enable the trainee understand the principles of operations of various electrical circuits, equipment and devices in the industries ‘Trainees will appreciate and apply the knowledge and sills eamed in Analogue Electronics I of module I General Objectives ‘Al the end of this module unit, the trainee should be able to: 2). Understand the characteristies of special semi-conductor devices 'b)_ Understand the operation of electronic circuits ©) Apply semi-conductor devices ots ak Sry nd Tn Acton Analogue Electronics ML Code | Module Camtene Time Unit = Hrs TEZI [Special Seni [+ Painples of operation 2 Conducior o's Application of pecial Devices semiconductor devices TEEZ | Amplifies | + RC coupled amplifies 16 © Analyses of linear amplifiers © Amplifier gain * Power amplifier + Tuned amplifiers + Wideband amplifiers + Amplifier distortion TE2_ [Operational [+ Direct Coupled amplfins J 16 Amplifiers | 6 Differential amplifiers (Op-Amp) ‘+ OP-amp characteristics + OP amp circuits TEIa |Feedback — + Feedback principle 6 4 Feedback equitions + Eft ofnegatve feedback + Feedback comections TEES | Sinatoisl [+ Concept of oseilators 0 Osciltors _| + Osilation requirements 176 [ Oscillator circuits ] | 1826 | Wave ‘Wave shaping 1 Shaping and] + Pulse generation Pulse Generating Circuits TERT | Opto: ‘Theory of opto clechonies | 12 Bleetonics [+ Lasers and mars Properties and dive requirements + Photo devices Applications "Toul Time = 177 182.1 SPECIAL SEMI CONDUCTOR DEVICES ‘Theory 182.170 Specific Objectives By the end ofthe sub- ‘module unit, the trainee should be able to: ) explain principles of semi conduetor devices ) state the application ‘of semi conductor devices Content 182.171 Principles of semi ‘conductor devices 3). Varactor diode ®) UT iit) Programmable UIT ¢ jv) Silicon controlled > rectifiers (SCRS) > ¥) Silicon Control ‘Switch (SCS) vi) Diac vii) Triae 182.172 Application of semi conductor devices: Practice 18.21P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-madule unit, the trainee should be able to: 2) identify device terminals b) verify device ‘characteristics Content 182.1P1 Tdentification of terminals 182.1P2 Verification of chancteristis 18.2.1 Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to: connect and testa special semi conductor device Suggested teacking/Learning ‘ctvities nae a) o & lustrations ‘Demonstration Note taking Observation Practice exercise Suggested Teacking/Learning sources ‘Various special sem conductor devices Breadboard ) Circuit board iv) Power supply » Data/caalogue books vi) Intemet Suggested Evateation Methods 1322 Oral tess ‘Timed written tests Assignments ‘Timed practical tests Project AMPLIFIERS Theory 182.270 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be able t: 2) explain the performance ‘of RC coupled amplifiers 178 ) analyze the frequeney amplifiers ©) derive the gain of an amplifier 4) describe the operation of power amplifiers ©) describe the operation of tuned amplifiers 1) deseriber the operation of wideband amplifiers 8) explain distortion in amplifiers Content 18220) "RC coupled ampirs ) Bissing i) Stay it) Operating Contions Froneneyespome low raucey 1)” Mi band fequney Ih pany hin of angler ) Son it) parameter pl Power tuples i) Classes it Efficieney ii) Matching 1) Pushpa 18.2.2TS Tuned amplifiers Tame arena ib Response cures Stole tuned is) Dosble ned *) Steger tuned 18.2.2T6 Wide band amplifiers: i) Common base it) Carade i) Frequency compensation iv) Appleatons 182217 Dison in amplifiers i) Amplitude distortion i} Harmon ditrton 182.272 182.273 132.274 vy) Nor-linear distortion Practice 182.20 Specife Objectives By the end of the sub-module ‘unit, the wainee should be able w: 8). construct amplifiers ) verify amplifier performance Content 182.2P1 Construction of amplifiers Verification of permanence of amplifiers 18.2.2P2 & {5226 Competence The eine shuld have te sity to ably to condrct and vei the performance of an amplifier Suggested eaching/Learning Activities = Mustation Demonstration ‘Note taking Observation Practical exercise ‘Suggested teaching/Learning Resources 4) Assored electronic ‘components. ii) Power supply iii) Breadboard/circuit board jv) Connecting lauds vite ¥) Oscillascope vi) Signal generators vii) Multimeter ‘Suggested Bveluation Methods = Oraltests 179 ‘Timed written tests Assignments ‘Timed practical tests Project Project presentation 1823 OPERATIONAL AMPLIFTERS ‘Theory 18.2370 Specific Objectives By the end of the subsmodule ‘unit the trainee should be able |) Inverting and non- inverting amplifier ai) Subtractor i) Adder iv) Differentistor ¥) Integrator vi) Filters vil) Oscillators vill) Comparators 1823P0 Specific Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit, the trainee should be 2) deserbe operation of sist direct coupled spies 2) assemble nd operate 1) explain te operation of opanp create Seren anpliter t) tesoamp eee ¢) site characteris of < personal amplifiers content (p-amps) \1823P1 Assembling and operating 4) aly various X any cents Speatonl ampiier (182392 Fete opamp et chreuite 3 ee 18.2.3C Competence Content “The ane shoul ave the 182371 Direct coupled amplifiers sili circuit i) Assemble and 2 itations operate opamp 182.372. Differential amplifier cireuis 3) Common Mode iy Test op-amp circ ip) ifn Mode i) Common Mode Suggested teching/Learsing Rejection Rao Resources {CMRR) > Op-amp IC 182.373 Characteristics of Opps « Chreutiresd board Taput ressce 2 Foner supply nip reisnee = Ogaloseape Voltage gain 2 ncton generator in) Bad 2 Multimeter 1) Response ine 182.3T4 Analysis of Op-amp cireuits Suggested teaching/Learning ‘Activites = Mustration Demonstration 180 Note taking Practical exercise Calculations Project work Suggested Evaluation Methods Oral tests “Timed written tess Assignments ‘Timed practical tests Project 182.4 FEEDBACK Theory 182470 Speetfie Objectives By the end of the sub-module unit the trainee should be able 182471 182472 18.2473 182474 8) explain principles of & postiveand neste, Fence bere etek cavatons tape of negative bacon ample erfoce 6 sorb varios feed comers Content Feedback principles Feedback equations Effects of negative i) Feedback ii) Gain ii Stabality iv)Noise and distortions vy) Bandwidth vi)Input and output impedances Feedback ') Connections fi) Voltage shunt # ix) Practical amplifier circuits PRACTICE 182.4PO Specific Objectives By the end ofthe sub-module unit the trainee should be able tw: 8) verify the performance of negative feedback amplifiers 5) construct negative feedback amplifiers Verify performance of negative feedback amplifies 182.4P2 Construct negative feedback amplifiers 182.4C Competence ‘The trainee should have the ability to: |) Construct feedback amplifiers i) Verify performance of feedback amplifiers Suggested teaching/Learning Resources = Assorted electronic ‘components = Power supply = Circuitfread board = Oscilloscope = Signal generators Multimeter + Electronic toolkit 181 ‘Suggested teaching/Learning i) Colpits fants Hartcy station Spat Demonstration 4) Blocking Not king Ui) Deaton of 2 Goseraon fequeney of : 2 Protea exercise oesllion 2 Giutaons Projet wont Practice Suns Bvatation Metals 182500 specif Obectives ‘Grates By the ed of thse Tinea writen tests ts these should be 2 Assipomente Mie Timed pete! ess sity pvfermance Proce! fost eeu +b) construct oscillator 1825 SINUSOIDAL cree OSCILLATORS Content . Theory PL Peirmanc of esltor cree 182570 Spee Objectives 18282 Contraction of silator . By the end of the sub- 6 cirouits : rods, eine, > Should be ble: 1825C_ Competence explain hc conee ‘The aires should have the or osetatons abiiy te bate requvemens or 3)" Conaet ocr cecilars scale ©) Sewcnbe te 1) Vent perferanee of cpentionot cocilaor chet ‘alae rei Suggested aching/Leaning Content aout 182571 Concept of oslers 1) Assaed electronic Resonmce 182572 Requirement for . cecltrs 9 eetback iv) Matter i) Impedance *) Becton oot I) Poste feedback 1) Cheatbredboard 182573 Operation of ostilaor vit) Conrectng leadwire creas 2) Tied colecer Suggested tacing/Leorning Reps shit ‘enntes 182 = Mlustration = Note taking = Observation Practical exercise Suggested Evaluation Methods (Oral tests ‘Timed weitten tests = Assigoments = Timed practical tests = Project 182.6 WAVE SHAPING AND PULSE GENERATING CARCUITS ‘Theory 182610. Spec Objectives Byte endef able tn the ane sould Bist of 2) dese operon of seve shaping oes ‘v) explain the operation of pale generating ccs Content 182.671 Operation of wave ') Shaping circuits ii) Differentiators ‘aifitegrators iw)Integrators ¥) Clipping cireuits -v) Clamping circuit 182,672 Pulse generating cirevits (iserere and 1CS) i) Monostable ‘multivibrator i) Astable multvibrator + schmitt wigger + blocking oscillator Practice e@ the trainee should be able: 8) constructor waveshaping ani pulse generating circuits ») verify performance of \weveshaping and pulse severating cient Content 182.61 Construction of ‘waveshaping and pulse generating circuits 182.62 Performance of ‘waveshaping and pulse generating circuits 1888 competence Thetis snl hive ay 3 Costuct wave sang niu seen ip Valle pafomane of wave shaping nde posing cea Suggested teaching/Learning Resources ') Assorted electronic ‘components (@serete/ICS) i) Power supply i)Oseilloscope iv) Ciruitfreadboard ¥) Electronic toolkit vi) Fupetion generator vii) Connecting leads Suggested teaching/Learning ‘Activities + Tlustration * Demonstration + Note uking 183 = Observation 182.713 Operation of photo- Prva necse doves 2 Gleulaions 1) Photo rstor Project work i) Photo dode ii) Photo waste Sugeed Eaton Method 10) Photovoliells Onttese avalanche diode ‘Tne writen tests vp Pin ioge 1 Astemment 182.714 Drie requemens or > Ted practi ests conly 2 Prot te Pret presetion i) Leb i) Plasma 1827 OPTO-ELECTRONICS 182.715 _Aplcaons Theory Practice 182.710. Specie Ojeives 182290. Spec Objectives By the end ofthe ubmodue By tendo the tithe tine shuld be << ota nig te once sbi Show beable to 2) explain thar of opto- Const a cet usng Slecuoncs po device » Silinpncesot : fecous ond oid ses) Content Simoes 0) desrbe te operaoNof 182.71 Cretconstion plo avec 1) Design » i Consroton esting 182.70 Competence 6) sate aplcation of photo ‘The tine should have ences theably to 3 tly pote devies Content ineleeni eeu 182.711" Opesronic Theory i) Diagowe usin Dtneracton of Aeron devees tation td mater Absorption, emission Suggesed eachg/earing tnd wasemestn Raves Propet of mater Phot devices 182.772 Princip of aes and {Ble and eletonic ols ecw tnd rearing iatuete Dy Consvtion + Hectome Bred board i) Operation Copper arp boards 184 Suggested teaching/Learning Tlustration Demonstration ‘Note taking. Observation Practical exercise Calculations Project work Visits to industries Suggested Evaluation Methods Oral cests ‘Timed written fests Assignments ‘Timed practical tests Project 185

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