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Journal of Electrical Engineering & Informatics

e-ISSN: 3015-213X
Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023

Open Access

Nur Annisa Dewi Nayla 1, Riana Tangkin Mangesa 2, Andi Imran 3, Firdaus4, Zulhajji5

1 Electrical Engineering D4, Makassar State University, Indonesia

2 Informatics and Computer Engineering Education, Makassar State University, Indonesia
3 Electrical Engineering Education, Makassar State University, Indonesia
4 Electrical Engineering Education, Makassar State University, Indonesia
5 Electrical Engineering Education, Makassar State University, Indonesia

* Corresponding author: anisanaay@gmail.com


Received: 18-August-2023 Short circuit fault analysis is needed to determine the amount of short circuit current flowing in a system.
Accepted: 21-August-2023 This study discusses the single-phase short-circuit current to the ground at the point where the disturbance
occurs from the base of the network to the end of the Malewang feeder network. The purpose of this study
was to determine the amount of short circuit fault current in the Electric Power Distribution System at PT
PLN (Persero) UP3 South Makassar ULP Kalebajeng. This study used the ETAP program and manual
calculations. The results of the study found that the contribution of the largest single-phase short-circuit
fault current to the ground in the Malewang feeder occurred on Buses located at the base of the network
close to the Substation, namely Bus 1 (Exim-Rec Kalaserena) of 0.311 kA, while the smallest Bus
contribution occurred on Buses located at the end of the network far from the Substation, namely Buses
14 (Bilonga) of 0.292 kA. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the farther the interference
bus is from the Substation, the greater the channel impedance. The greater the impedance, the smaller the
short-circuit current.

Keywords: Power System Analysis, Short Circuit, Single Phase to Ground, ETAP

1. Introduction
Short circuit fault is a condition in a power system where a current conductor is connected to another conductor or to the
ground. Short circuit faults that may occur within the distribution network are 3-phase, 1-phase short-circuit faults to the ground,
inter-phase, and 2-phase short-circuit faults to the ground [1]. A frequent fault in a feeder is a 1-phase short-circuit fault to the
ground, the percentage of this fault is about 70% of the other short-circuit fault [2]. Short circuit interference will cause the
current flow to the fault point to be greater which can cause damage to the system as well as to electronic equipment [3]. One
way to overcome and reduce the risk of such interference is to conduct a short-circuit fault analysis [4].
Short circuit fault analysis is an analysis that studies the contribution of short circuit fault currents that may flow on each
branch in the system. This analysis can be performed again on existing electric power systems and is usually carried out on
systems that have undergone changes or developments in the form of network changes and the development of installed load
systems [5].
Researchers chose the research location at PT PLN (Persero) UP3 South Makassar ULP Kalebajeng, especially on the
Malewang feeder. The Malewang feeder is supplied from the Tallasa substation which has a total of 72 distribution substation
transformers. In the Malewang feeder, a cable replacement has been made from AAAC 50 mm2 with a new one, namely AAAC
70 mm2 with a network length reaching ±44,768 kms, allowing many short circuit disturbances to occur. In addition to network
changes, researchers obtained data stating that PT PLN (Persero) UP3 South Makassar ULP has experienced 291 disruptions
in 2022. So that there is always a disconnection in the distribution of electrical energy in the area. In this case, there are two
disadvantaged parties, namely PLN and consumers.
This short-circuits fault analysis uses simulation program analysis with ETAP (Electrical Transient and Analyzer Program)
to produce fast and accurate analysis. The results of this short circuit analysis are expected to be taken into consideration for
PT PLN (Persero) UP3 South Makassar ULP Kalebajeng to improve the performance of the protection system as well as for
planning, designing, expanding the electric power system and as a reference to find fault points easily and quickly.

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2. Materials and Methods

a. Type of Research
This type of research is ex-post facto quantitative descriptive research, with the help of ETAP (Software Electrical Transient
and Analyzer Program). This research was conducted at PT PLN (Persero) UP3 South Makassar ULP Kalebajeng located
on Jl. Pahlawan, No. 4, Limbung, Kalebajeng, Bajeng District, Gowa District, South Sulawesi 90233. The research period
was conducted from April to June 2023.
b. Data Analysis Techniques
Data analysis is one of the important steps in research, especially when used as a generalization or conclusion about the
problem under study. All short circuit faults, their fault current is calculated using the basic formula which is [6]:
𝐼𝑓 = …………………………………………. (1)

If : Fault current (A)
V : Voltage (V)
Z : Network Impedance (Ohms)
The equation used to calculate the single-phase short-circuit fault current to the ground is [7]:
Va = 𝑍𝑓 𝐼𝑎 …………………………………………. (2)
Ib = Ic = 0 …………………………………………. (3)
With Ib = Ic = 0, the symmetric component of the current is given by the equation:
𝐼𝑎0 1 1 𝑎 𝐼𝑎
[𝐼𝑎1 ] = 3 [1 𝑎 𝑎2 ] [ 0 ] …………………………………………. (4)
𝐼𝑎2 1 𝑎2 𝑎 0
So that 𝐼𝑎0 , 𝐼𝑎1 , and 𝐼𝑎2 each is equal to Ia/3:
𝐼𝑎0 = 𝐼𝑎1 = 𝐼𝑎2 = 3 𝐼𝑎 …………………………………………. (5)

The voltage at each phase in the form of a matrix is:

𝑉𝑎0 0 𝑍0 0 0 𝐼𝑎𝑜
[𝑉𝑎1 ] = [𝐸𝑎 ] − [ 0 𝑍1 0 ] [𝐼𝑎1 ] …………………………………………. (6)
𝑉𝑎2 0 0 0 𝑍2 𝐼𝑎2
From the above components of the matrix produce:

𝑉𝑎0 = 0 − 𝑍0 𝐼𝑎0

𝑉𝑎1 = 𝐸𝑎 − 𝑍1 𝐼𝑎1

𝑉𝑎2 = 0 − 𝑍2 𝐼𝑎2 …………………………………………. (7)

The phase voltage a in the form of symmetrical components is:

𝑉𝑎 = 𝑉𝑎1 +𝑉𝑎2 + 𝑉𝑎0 …………………………………………. (8)

Substitutions 𝑉𝑎1 , 𝑉𝑎2 , 𝑉𝑎0 to equation (7) and value 𝐼𝑎0 = 𝐼𝑎1 = 𝐼𝑎2 , produce:

𝑉𝑎 = 𝐸𝑎 − (𝑍1 + 𝑍2 + 𝑍0 ) 𝐼𝑎0 …………………………………………. (9)

Where 𝑍0 = 𝑍𝑠 + 3𝑍𝑛 , substitute 𝑉𝑎 to equation (9) and value 𝐼𝑎 = 3𝐼𝑎0 , Obtained:

3𝑍𝑓 𝐼𝑎0 = 𝐸𝑎 − (𝑍1 + 𝑍2 + 𝑍0 ) 𝐼𝑎0 …………………………………………. (10)

𝐼𝑎1 = 𝑍 …………………………………………. (11)
1 +𝑍2 +𝑍0 +3𝑍𝑓

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So the single-phase fault current to the ground is:

𝐼𝑎 = 3𝐼𝑎0 = …………………………………………. (12)
𝑍1 +𝑍2 +𝑍0 +3𝑍𝑓

Information :
Ia : Single phase short circuit current to ground (A)
3Ea : Phase voltage in the system (V)
Z0 : Impedance of zero order seen from the point of disruption (Ω)
Z1 : The positive sequence impedance seen from the point of disruption (Ω)
Z2 : Negative sequence impedance seen from the point of disruption (Ω)
Zf : Fault Impedance (Ω))
3. Result
a. Electrical System
The Malewang feeder is supplied from the Tallasa substation which has a network length of 44,768 kms using an AAAC
conductor type with a diameter of 70 mm2. Malewang Feeder which has a total of 72 distribution substation transformers
and for a total of total customers is ±19,072 customers.
1) Malewang Feeder Data
The Malewang feeder is the working area of PT PLN (Persero) UP3 South Makassar ULP Kalebajeng, which is supplied
from Transformer III, Tallasa Substation with a transformer capacity of 60 MVA.
Table 1. Malewang Feeder Data
Feeder Malewang
Voltage 20 Kv
Distribution Substation Count 72 Piece
Mode of Delivery AAAC 70 mm2
Network Length 44,768 kms
Burden 3,3 MW
Quantity of Clients 19.072 Clients
2) Data on Power Transformers
An air-conducted Transformer-III with a 60 MVA capacity serves the Malewang feeder.
Table 2. Specifications of Power Transformer III GI Tallasa
Pwer Trafo
Brand B&D Transformer
Power 60 MVA
Ihs on the side 150kV 4446.793 MVA
Voltage 150/20kV
Impedance (Z) 12,05%
Inominal 1732 A
Group Vektor YNyn0
NGR 40 0hm
3) Data on Network Length
The distance along the Malewang feeder network from Exim Kalaserena to its terminus is 44,768 km.
Table 3. Length of Malewang Feeder Network
Exim Kalaserena - Rec Kalaserena 0,708 kms
Rec Kalase'rena - Lbs Manual Doja 7,512 kms
Lbs Manual Doja - Dcc Doja 4,318 kms
Lbs Manual Bontobiraeng - Ujung 9,314 kms
Dcc Kampung Parang-Dcc Rappokaleleng 22,916 kms

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b. Simulation of Single-Phase Short Circuit Fault to the Ground

The single-phase ground-short-circuit analysis of the Malewang feeder was simulated with two scenarios. The first scenario
simulation was carried out by placing the fault location with a solid grounding system and the second scenario using a grounding
resistor, namely NGR (Neutral Grounding Resistor) with 40 Ω resistance alternately on the GI Tallasa III-power transformer.
The setting of grounding transformers with solid grounding and grounding resistors can be seen in figure 2 and figure 3 below:

Figure 1. Transformer Grounding Setting with Solid Figure 2. Transformer Grounding Setting with Resistor
Grounding Grounding

c. Short Circuit Simulation with Solid Grounding System

1) Simulation of Single-Phase Short Circuit to the Ground on Bus 1
Simulation of the calculation of a single-phase short circuit to the ground at a location located at the base of the network
close to the Substation, namely Bus 1. Running simulation can be seen in Figure 4 below:

Figure 3. Single Phase to Ground Short Circuit Running on Bus 1 with Solid Grounding
2) Simulation of Single-Phase Short Circuit to the Ground on Bus 14
Simulated calculation of single-phase short circuit to ground at a location located at the far end of the network from
Substation, namely Bus 14. Running simulation can be seen in Figure 5 below:

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Figure 4. Single Phase to Ground Short Circuit Running on Bus 14 with Solid Grounding
d. Short Circuit Simulation with Resistor Grounding System
1) Simulation of Single-Phase Short Circuit to the Ground on Bus 1
Simulation of the calculation of a single-phase short circuit to the ground at a location located at the base of the network
close to the Substation, namely Bus 1. Running simulation can be seen in Figure 6 below:

Figure 5. Single Phase Short Circuit Running to the Ground on Bus 1 with Resistor Grounding
2) Simulation of Single-Phase Short Circuit to the Ground on Bus 14
Simulated calculation of single-phase short circuit to ground at a location located at the far end of the network from
Substation, namely Bus 14. Running simulation can be seen in Figure 7 below:

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Figure 6. Bus 14 Relay Short Circuit Operating in Single Phase to Ground with Resistor Grounding
e. Results of Simulation of Single-Phase Short Circuit Fault to the Ground
The results of short-circuit fault current analysis from simulations using ETAP with solid grounding and resistor grounding
can be seen in the following Table 4. Based on Table 4 above, it is found that solid grounding has a greater contribution of
single-phase fault current to the ground than resistor grounding. A graph of single-phase to ground short-circuit fault
currents with solid grounding systems and resistor grounding can be seen in Figure 8 below.
Table 4. Results of 1 Phase Short Circuit Fault Current Simulation to the Ground
Solid Grounding System Resistor Grounding System
Bus ID
Ia Ia
Bus 1 Exim-Rec Kalaserena 2,919 0,311
Bus 2 Rec Klsrn-LBS Doja 2,788 0,309
Bus 3 DCC Kampar-Rpkllng 2,619 0,306
Bus 4 Bt. Langkasa 2,507 0,304
Bus 5 Bt. Kadatto 2,407 0,302
Bus 6 Salekowa 2,403 0,301
Bus 7 Salekowa 2,342 0,301
Bus 8_Ciniayo 2,341 0,301
Bus 9_LBS Doja-DCC Doja 2,331 0,301
Bus 10 Bategulung 2,214 0,298
Bus 11 Tangkebajeng 2,057 0,295
Bus 12 Borongbodi 2,032 0,294
Bus 13 Borongrappoa 1,950 0,293
Bus 14 Bilonga 1,916 0,292

Based on Figure 8, a single-phase short-circuit fault current to the ground with a solid grounding system has a 1-phase
fault current to the ground of at most 2.919 kA on Bus 1, while on the same Bus with a grounding resistor with a resistance
of 40 Ω a smaller fault current value of 0.311 kA is obtained.

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Figure 7. Single Phase to Ground Short Circuit Fault Current Graph

f. Results of Manual Calculation of Single-Phase Short Circuit to Ground
In this manual calculation of single-phase short-circuit current to the ground, a sample will be used on Bus 1. Figure 9 is
the sequence impedance value on Bus 1 simulated single-phase short-circuit fault current to the ground with a resistor
grounding system.

Figure 9. Bus Impedance Value 1 ETAP Calculation Results

For this calculation can be found by the equation:
𝐼𝑎1 = 𝑍 …………………………………………. (11)
1 +𝑍2 +𝑍0 +

Where value:
𝑉 = 20 𝑘𝑉

𝑉 20
𝐸𝑎 = = = 11,5470 𝑘𝑉
√3 √3

𝑍1 = 0,35841 + 𝑗2,1724 Ω

𝑍2 = 0,35841 + 𝑗2,1724 Ω

𝑍0 = 121,1153 + 𝑗8,57894 Ω

𝑍𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑍1 + 𝑍2 + 𝑍0

= 121,83212 + j12,92374 Ω

= 122,52 ∠ 6,06°𝑘𝐴
So that:
𝐼𝑎1 =
𝑍1 + 𝑍2 + 𝑍0

121,83212 + j12,92374

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11,5470 ∠ 0°
122,52 ∠ 6,06°

= 0,09424 ∠ − 6,06° 𝑘𝐴

𝐼𝑎 = 3 𝑥 0,09424 ∠ − 6,06°

𝐼𝑎 = 0,2827 ∠ − 6,06° 𝑘𝐴

The result of manual calculation of single-phase short-circuit current to the ground on Bus 1 is obtained as much as 0,2827
kA The results of manual calculation of each Bus can be seen in Table 5 below:
Table 5. Results of Manual Calculation of Single-Phase Short Circuit Current to Ground
Bus Manual Count (kA)
Bus 1 Exim-Rec Kalaserena 0,2827
Bus 2 Rec Klsrn-LBS Doja 0,2807
Bus 3 DCC Kampar-Rpkllng 0,2781
Bus 4 Bt. Langkasa 0,2763
Bus 5 Bt. Kadatto 0,2745
Bus 6 Bt. Biraeng-Ujung 0,2745
Bus 7 Salekowa 0,2735
Bus 8 Ciniayo 0,2735
Bus 9 LBS Doja-DCC Doja 0,2733
Bus 10 Bategulung 0,2712
Bus 11 Tangkebajeng 0,2681
Bus 12 Borongbodi 0,2676
Bus 13 Borongrappoa 0,2659
Bus 14 Bilonga 0,2651
g. Comparison of Single-Phase Short Circuit Simulation Results to the Ground
The results of the short-circuit fault current analysis from the ETAP simulation will be compared with the results of manual
calculations with an average difference of less than 1 kA. The comparison between the calculation results using ETAP and
manual calculations can be seen in Table 6.
Table 6. Comparison of Single Phase to Ground Short Circuit Fault Current
Etap Simulation Manual Count Difference
Bus ID
(kA) (kA) (kA)
Bus 1 Exim-Rec Kalaserena 0,311 0,2827 0,028
Bus 2 Rec Klsrn-LBS Doja 0,309 0,2807 0,028
Bus 3 DCC Kampar-Rpkllng 0,306 0,2781 0,027
Bus 4 Bt. Langkasa 0,304 0,2763 0,027
Bus 5 Bt. Kadatto 0,302 0,2745 0,027
Bus 6 Bt. Biraeng-Ujung 0,301 0,2745 0,027
Bus 7 Salekowa 0,301 0,2735 0,027
Bus 8 Ciniayo 0,301 0,2735 0,027
Bus 9 LBS Doja-DCC Doja 0,301 0,2733 0,027
Bus 10 Bategulung 0,298 0,2712 0,026
Bus 11 Tangkebajeng 0,295 0,2681 0,026
Bus 12 Borongbodi 0,294 0,2676 0,026
Bus 13 Borongrappoa 0,293 0,2659 0,027
Bus 14 Bilonga 0,292 0,2651 0,026
Based on Table 6, the results of the calculation of short circuit current using ETAP simulation are greater than the results
of calculating short circuit current with manual calculations. The difference in calculation results is because the ETAP
program has its own data processing accuracy so that there will be differences in data processing results and not the same
as manual calculations whose difference is not too large and can be ignored because it is still within a tolerance of 5%.
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4. Discussion
A single-phase short-circuit fault to the ground occurs when a phase of the electric power system is short-circuited to the
ground. [8]. Based on the results of single-phase short-circuit fault simulation to the ground using ETAP with a solid grounding
system and resistor grounding, it was found that solid grounding has a greater contribution of one-phase fault current to the
ground compared to resistor grounding, this is reinforced by research [9] which states that the short-circuit current with the
solid grounding method has a greater short-circuit current compared to the method grounding Neutral Grounding Resistor).
This is because the single-phase short-circuit fault current to the ground that occurs is reduced by NGR (Neutral Grounding
Resistor). NGR is a grounding method used to reduce single-phase short-circuit fault currents to the ground in medium-voltage
systems so as to reduce fault currents and protect the system from further damage [10].
Based on the results of single-phase short-circuit simulation to the ground using ETAP with grounding resistors, the single-
phase short-circuit fault current to the ground on each bus does not exceed the standard permitted by SPLN No. 26:1980 that
in a three-phase three-wire electrical distribution system with low resistance for a resistance value of 10 - 40 ohms, the one-
phase fault current to the ground is a maximum of 1000 A, whereas in a three-phase three-wire distribution system with high
resistance for a resistance value of 500 ohms, the one-phase fault current to the ground is a maximum of 25 A, used with
overhead line networks [11].
Different current ratings are produced on each bus by the modeling results of a single phase to ground short circuit fault
with various fault locations involving 19 buses. Consistent with theory [12], which states that the amount of fault current
depends on the length of the line, this difference is caused by the difference in the length of the line because the amount of line
impedance depends on the length of the conductor, the type of conductor, and the diameter of the conductor used. These findings
are consistent with the idea that the impedance determines the short circuit current [13]. The line's impedance increases with
distance from the substation to the fault bus. Conversely, the closer the fault bus is to the substation, the lower the line impedance
and the higher the short circuit current. The greater the impedance, the smaller the short circuit current. Accept the findings of
research, which indicates that the short circuit fault current value will increase if the fault is located closer to the substation and
decrease if it is located farther away. A further factor influencing this is the line cable impedance, which rises in value with
feeder length [14]. Stated differently, the relationship between the short circuit fault current and the line length's impedance is
5. Conclusions
a. The simulation results of single-phase short circuit disturbances to the ground on each bus on the Malewang feeder are
Bus 1 with a current rating of 0.311 kA, Bus 2 of 0.309 kA, Bus 3 of 0.306 kA, Bus 4 of 0.304 kA, Bus 5 of 0.302 kA, Bus
6 of 0.301 kA, Bus 7 of 0.298 kA, Bus 8 of 0.292 kA, Bus 9 is 0.302 kA, Bus 10 is 0.294 kA, Bus 11 is 0.293 kA, Bus 12
is 0.301, Bus 13 is 0.301 kA, Bus 14 is 0.295 kA.
b. The single-phase short circuit to the ground on the Malewang feeder with Bus contribution, the largest current occurs on
Buses located at the base of the network close to the Substation, namely Bus 1 (Exim-Rec Kalaserena) with a fault current
rating (Ia) of 0.311 kA. The farther the interference bus is from the Substation, the greater the channel impedance. The
greater the impedance, the smaller the short-circuit current. Conversely, the closer the fault bus is from the Substation, the
smaller the line impedance and the shorter circuit current.


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