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Purposes 1. To make a neat appearance in the unit 2. To economize time, material and energy of the nurse 3. To provide the client wth a safe and comfortable unit EquipmentiSupplies 1. Bed 2. Mattress 3. Two Bed sheets 4, Mackintosh 5. Draw sheet 8. Two Pillows 7. Two Pillow cases 8. Chair + Procedure [Nursing Action see poe Rationale 1. Wash hands and assemble necessary equipment 7. Place the chair at the foot end of the bed. Keep the back of the chair at the left side of the bed 3. Collect necessary tems and place on the chair in the order of use ‘Saves time and energy 4, Adjust the height of the bed toa comfortable working position and lower the side rails if necessary ‘Avoids strain on the back of the nurse © 5. Move the locker litle away from the bed, Provides adequate space for nurse to move 6. Adjust the mattress on the bed nee 7. the bed so that the ce! placed on the center oft nter fold of sheet is he bed with bord ©. Untold the bottor Jength wise and that the bottom of the sheet extends to the end of the mattress. 3 Tuck the excess sheet at the head of the bed and make a mitered comer as follows: a. Pick up the side edge of the sheet, so that the sheet forms a triangle. , Hold the sheet against the side of mattress using the palm of your hand and tuck the excess sheet under the mattress. . Drop the sheet from your top hand to the side of mattress and tuck under. m sheet crosswise and Place the bottom ‘gheet on lower end of pe ler eee + Gives a neatappearance ~~ Gives a neat appearance 70. Tuck the sheet under the mattress starting from the head side of the bed. 77, Unroll the mackintosh 18 inches from the head of the bed & tuck in on working side. 42, Spread the draw sheet 2 inches off the mackintosh and tuck in the working side, 13, Move to the opposite side and tuck the bottom sheet starting from the head of the ‘Saves time and energy (ENS bed without any wrinkle, 44. Tuck mackintosh and draw sheet Prevents wrinkles that ee ne jat may cau! ightl. discomfort for the patient 4 [erent ee 16. Place the top sheet at the foot end, unfold and spread (Keep the hem of the sheet up side. The centerfold of the bed sheet should be in the center) 16. Fold back the top sheet al the head of the bed keeping space equal to width of a pillow. Pull top sheet about 9 inches away from the foot end of the bed. ‘17. Miter the comers of the top and tuck the sheet at the foot of bed and allow the bed sheet hanging over the side of the bed. 18. Put on pillow covers on pilows and place them at the center of the head of the bed with open end of the cover away from the main door of the ward. If pillow cover is larger than the pillow make a fold at the ‘edge of the pillow cover. 18. Unfold the top sheet covering pillows, 20. Check for the neainess and tidiness of the bed. Ensures neainess 27, Rearrange the unit by keeping the locker and chair in the proper places. 22.Wash hands NB 2. When using a bed coverlet: 1. Ensure the cleanliness of all tems and supplies. 2 |. Spread the bed cover over the top sheet and make sure to cover whole bed, b. Miter both the top sheet and cover at the same time and tuck at the foot end (Renee Equipment’Supplios 4. Chair 2.Ina tray 2dusters ina bow! Abowl with clean water ‘Acchecked cloth Procedure ‘Nursing Action 7.Assess the patient and explait rocedure 2.Wash hands in the [Rationale _________> 3 Assemble the equipment and take to the unit 44. Keap the chair atthe foot end of the bed Keep one duster and the bow! of clean water on the locker and other duster on the lower bar of foot end of the bed Keep the checked cloth on the chair 6. Loosen the bed linen starting from the head end of the opposite side and proceed to the foot end, Move around the bed systematicall '5. Remove one pillow and place it on the seat of the chair | __t ‘Allows easy removal of linen Po %. Remove the top sheet while shaking it ently and fold itin to four. Place_it over the back of the chair : Vigorous shaking spreads dust 7. Remove the draw sheet in the same manner and fold it in to two. Place it over the back of the chair 8. Dust the mackintosh, rollitand pl eat place over 9, Remove the bottom sheet in the ‘same manner, ‘manner, ld tin to fur and place over the 70. Dust the bed frame, top of th , ie mattres D 5s and sides. (opt botom and avay fom the 11. Place the duster on the lower foot bar of the bed and go to the opposite side of the bed, 12. Dust the remaining parts of the bed frame and the mattress. 13. Straighten the mattress. 14. Spread the linen in and orderly manner and make the bed, 18. Fan fold the top sheet and place atthe bottom of the bed. | 16. Prepare the pillow and place on the bed 17. Wash hands and clean the locker in following sequence using second duster and clean water, after removing articles of the Patient. a. Inside the top drawer b. Inside the lower cabin ©. Top surface(keep the tray on the top of lower shelf to clean the top surface) 4. Sides e. Top of the lower to one hand) in(Take the tray 18. Straighten the bed and locker and make the unit neat. 19. Remove, clean and replace the articles, 20. Wash hands. NB. 4. In day to day practice clean the locker without us 2. Clean all the surfaces of the locker using soap or disinfectant solution once a week at ward cleaning day. soap. Equipment ‘Supplies (1) Chair (2) Tray with 2 (3) Checked cloth. Procedure ‘Nursing action 4. Assess the client ant Dusters in a bow! id explain the j and bow! with lean water procedure 2, Wash hands a 3. Assemble and bring the equi the bedside ipment to “.Keep the chair at the foot end of the bed 5, Keep the tray with one duster and the ow of clean water on the locker and other duster on the lower bar of foot end of the bed. 6. Remove excess pillows except one, Consider about patient's condition and comfort when removing pillows. and keep them on the chair. 7. Loosen all linen from the head end of the opposite side to working side . Cover the patient with the checked cloth Provides warmth and patient's privacy ‘.Insiruct the patient to hold the top edge of checked cloth if able to do so and remove the top sheet Fold itin to fourfold and place the folded sheet over the back of the chair 10. Slightly move the pillow to opposite side and turn the client to opposite side of the bed and have the to grasp the frame of the bed. Ifthe turing is contraindicated ‘move the patient to opposite side and keep the patient in supine position Positions the client away from the working area and protect from fall 11. Wet dust the draw sheet from to bottom and away from the patient. Shen ini and keep close to the patient's 12. Wet dust the mackintosh in manner and ot iowarts thepavere > back. [bag ee 13.Wet dust and keep the bottom sheet as instep 10 14. Dust the bed and matress in folowing | Stars Wom mosl Gean area and sequence a. Frame of the bed proceed to least clean area b. Top of the matters ©. Sides of the mattress d. Bottom frame @. Under the mattress and top surface of the bed 15. Unfold the bottom sheet and tuck under the mattress. Miter the corner. 16. Unfold the mackintosh and tuck under the mattress ‘17. Unfold the draw sheet and tuck under the mattress 18. Place the arranged pillow on your side of the bed. Move or tum the patient to your side of the bed (follow the step9} and remove the used pillow and keep it on the chair 19. Go to the other side of the bed and Repeat the steps 10-16 20. Place patient in supine position on the middle of the bed 21. Place the top sheet and fold back up to patient’s shoulder and remove the checked cloth 22. Ask the patient fo bend knees slighty _| Faclitates easy moving 23. Miter and tuck the top sheet atthe | Supports fo arrange the top cheat foot ends of the bed. comfortably to the patient 24. Askthe clientto staightenlegs. yO] |25. Place the arranged pillow to provide | comfort to the patient. 26: Position the patient comfortably. ‘27. Wash hands and clean the locker with clean water using the second duster after keeping the tray on the top of lower cabin. 28. Arrange the patient's unit properly and | Gives a neat appearance to the unit femove used equipment 28. Wash, dry and replace the articles. 30. Wash hands Prevents the risk of spread of infection Purposes 1. To prepare patient for physical examination 2. To provide patient's needs 3. To protect bed linen, Equipment Supplies 1. Articles needed for unoccu; - 2. Long mackintosh Supied bed-(bed should be cleaned or disinfected) 3. Checked cloth 4, Face towel 5. Bath towel R ~[4. Assemble equipment and take to bed side 6, Two sponge bags 7. Bottle of bolled cooled water and a glass 8, Ticket frame /File 9, Frame for temperature chart 10, Sputum mug, Procedure Nursing action Rationale 2. Keep the linen on the chair 3. Keep the bottle of water and glass on the | Provides facilities for the patient top shetf and the sputum mug on the top of the lower cabin of the locker. 4. Prepare the bed as you make an unoccupied bed and fan fold the top sheet. 5. Lay the long mackintosh overthe bed | Protects the bed linen from foot end to head end so as to cover the whole bed, 6. Lay the checked cloth to cover the Provides comfort to the patient. mackintosh completely. 7. Keep the unit neat and tidy ‘8.Wash hands NB When a patient is admitted to the ward; 1. Take patient to bed 2. Asses the cleanliness of the patient and give bed bath if necessary 3, Remove the checked cloth and mackintosh after the admission bath 4, Make patient comfortable. 5.Keep the bath towel, face towel and 2 sponge bags in a tray and keap in the utility room Care of used equipment 4. Wash the long mackintosh with soap and water and place it in arin the shade. 2. Put the checked cloth in the dirty linen cart. 3. Clean articles with soap and water if used for a bed bath 9; Place the foot board as needed. Prevents footdrop, [8. Place (he | : 70, Ensure that the patient is sitting [Pen sia ee aS comfortably in the new position. ent Ti, Record the observation made of the patient FS in nurses’ notes. 72Wash hands [;2Wasnhende 440 Cardiac Bed 1. To relieve dyspnea caused by cardiac disease 1 Purposes ‘ 2. To provide comfort with least strain 3. To reduce workload of the heart in cardiac disease Equipment ‘Supplies 1.Linen for a normal bed 2. Blanket 3. Pillows -6 4. Foot board 5. Back rest 6. Cardiac table / Bed Table | Procedure Nursing Action Rationale 1. Explain the procedure to the patient and how he or she will be comfortable in this bed. ‘Assemble equipment and, fold and arrange linen on the chair. Ensures smooth functioning. Prepare the bed as an open bed. [Place back rest at patient's back and nge pillows. 5. Assist pationt fo assume comfortable Position in bed and cover him properly. 6Place a pillow under the knees. T Provides warmth to the patient ‘Supports the patient's back and provide ‘comfortable position to the patient 7- Arrange Pillows either side of the both arms. ‘Supports the arms 8 Place cardiac table in front of the patient. Helps patient lean forward, v a HoEnuetartepalonemng | [Pevensie comfortably in the new position. ‘ent 71. Record the observation made of the patient oS in nurses’ notes. 72.Wash hands [raivesh ends ES

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