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Grade: 7 Subject: Science

Quarter: 3 Week No: 1 Day No. 2

Content Standard Motion in one Dimension
Performance Standard Conduct a forum on mitigation and disaster risk reduction
Learning Competencies Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance or
displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration. (S7FE-IIIa-1)
Knowledge Differentiate scalar and vector quantity.
Skills Analyzed the quantities of motion into scalar and vector quantity.
Attitude Relate how direction affects the quantities of motion.
II. CONTENT Describing Motion
Other Learning Resources
A. Preparatory 1.Prayer
activities 2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review of the past lesson.
B. Motivation Ask a male student to volunteer for a game.
1. Instruct a blind-folded student to find a ball to the teacher, he
will walk 2steps, then 3 steps, then 7 steps and then 8 steps.

Process Question:
1.Did you able to get the ball? No

2. By this time, instruct the same student to find the ball by

giving clear directional guides such as 2 steps north, 3 steps
west, 7 steps north and then 8 steps east.

Process Question:
1. Did you able to get the ball? Yes
2. Why did you get the ball? The second instruction was
given a direction.
3. Compare the two given instruction? The first instruction
given was only the magnitude or numbers to walk while
the second instruction given has numbers and direction
where to walk and find the ball.
C. Activity  Discuss Scalar and Vector quantity.
 Differentiating scalar from vector quantity.
Scalar Quantity - is a quantity that is fully describe by a
magnitude (numerical value) only.
Vector Quantity - is a quantity that is fully describe by
both a magnitude and a direction.

 Recall the different quantities that measure motion.

 The quantities that measures motions are:
1. Distance
2. Displacement
3. Speed
4. Velocity
5. acceleration

Answer a given problem below:

The distance between the house and the church is about 5 m. This
that the total path length between the reference point (the house)
and the
identified position (church) is the sum of the different lengths (1m,
1.5m, 2m, and 0.5m), which is equal to 5 m.


D. Analysis Show your solution:

Q1. What is the total length of your travel from your house to your
church? 5m
Q2. What is the total distance of your travel?
(1m+1.5m+2m+0.5m) = 5m

1. Abstraction What is your basis in categorizing the quantities of motion?

Based on magnitude with direction.

2. Application Identify the following:

1. A cat climbing at a tree. vector
2. My car can travel 100 km/hr. scalar
3. The boy is moving to the right of the road. vector
4. The baby is crawling on the floor. scalar
5. The stone is dropped 5 meters high. vector
3. Practical
Applications of
Concepts and Skills
in Daily Living
4. Generalization Motion can be best describe by its quantities namely: distance,
speed, velocity and acceleration. These quantities are categorized
based on the magnitude with direction and magnitude only. The
quantities that measures the magnitude only is called Scalar
Quantity while the magnitude that has direction are characterized
as a Vector Quantity. The quantities of motion that are under in
the vector quantity are displacement, velocity and acceleration
while on the other hand, distance and displacement are part of the
scalar quantity.
5. Evaluation Identify the following if its scalar or vector quantity.

1. 10 m - vector quantity
2. Distance - scalar quantity
3. Displacement - vector quantity
4. 5 J - scalar quantity
5. 7 km/hrs. SW - vector quantity
6. Additional activities List down at least 5 examples of scalar and vector quantities.
for application or

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