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B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agriculture

2019 Batch
AGR 302Rainfed Agriculture & Watershed Management (1+1)
MCQ - Lecture No. 5
Major crops of dryland in India and Tamil Nadu

Year : III Semester : V

Choose the correct answer
1. Farmers under drylands practice only farming practices
A) Traditional B) Modern
C) Both A and B D) None of the above
2. Application of FYM is in quantity in drylands
A) High B) Moderate
C) Limited D) Very less
3. In drylands weeding is followed mostly.
A) Manual B) Chemical
C) Biological D) All the above
4. In mixed cropping groundnut and redgram are sown in ratio
A) 1:6 B) 6:1
C) 1:4 D) 4:1
5. Traditional system does not build up status in soil
A) Moisture B) Calcium
C) Mineral D) Nutrient
6 Higher the rainfall the coefficient of variation.
A) Higher B) Lesser
C) No change D) None of the above
7 More than percent of total rainfall is usually received in 3 to 5 days
A) 20 B) 40
C) 50 D) 60
8 Prolonged dry spells should not be more than
A) 5 days B) 7 days
C) 10 days D) 15 days
9 In arid regions the main component for loss water is
A) Evapouration B) Transpiration

C) Both a and b D) None

10 Crusting of surface and sub soil hardpans leads to poor

A) Infiltration B) Water storage
C) Both a and b D) Soil properties
11 Dry land are not only thirsty but also

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