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Subject: Content / Geography / English

Title of the Unit: Climates
Course/Level: 7th grade

LESSON AIMS – Content:

By the end of the lesson the students will have greater understanding of what
climate is, how
different factors influencing climate , learn about impact of climate on vegetation
and human activities
LESSON AIMS – Language:
The students will have expanded their vocabulary in the field related to climate and
They will have practice the use of degrees of comparison and conditional
They will have practice the impersonal language to speculate about scientific topic.
Language skills: listening, speaking, reading.

Key Competences: linguistic, communication, digital, social and civic, basic

competences in geography
Resources/Materials Geography textbooks
Climate flashcards
Internet resources for video (hyperlinks)
Stage Procedure
Stage 1 (introduction) Discussing the importance of understanding climate material,
connection between climate and geography.
Stage 2 (checking Revision of their previous knowledge about climate.
previous knowledge)
Stage 3 (expanding knowledge Watching the video(
and specific si=CCntbbUcasksZO3o)
language) Listening task:
- To comprehend information about different climate zones
presented in the video.
- To practice listening skills and extract key details.
Before Watching:
1. Pre-teach Vocabulary

1. Identifying Climate Zones:

- List the climate zones mentioned in the video.
- What are the main characteristics of each climate zone?

After Watching:
1. Discussion:
Share your thoughts on what surprised you or what you
found interesting.
Stage 4 (developing Students read text and do a true-false and a gap exercise.
reading skills) They compare answers with partner.
Stage 5 (Developing Discussion on how climates can influence on human lives.
cognitive skills
Stage 6 (grammar) Comparison
- Compare the climates of two different regions mentioned
in the video.
- What similarities and differences exist between these
Conditionals(0 type, 2 type)
e.g. 1.When the air is heated it expands(in the text) –
2. the perfect climate for you(2 type) – explanation
Stage 7(applying their new Quizz
knowledge and grammar)
Stage 8 Conclusion
Evaluation (criteria and Evaluation will be based on learner’s participation, fulfillment
instruments)/ of lesson tasks, and the quality of the final presentation.
Criteria include accuracy, creativity, and understanding of
climate concepts.

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