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Name: UNIT TEST A4 Vocabulary 4 Uzupetnijiekstwyrazarniz.ramki. Ballet board games fancy drocs- ‘nine sloopcvare-videes T sometimes have sleepovers with my fiends, and Wwe doots of activites, We often wear 1 or doti_——_——Tand then sean ® 1 ana rims we chat (wih Fiorde from school, We aisoplay = when we ara in bed! 5 Z podarychuyraxéwiwyrabosulbizdania w czasiepresent sinpielibpresent continuous. Example: (1 often / play bashetbal /on Saturdays) often ploy baskowbah on Saturdays, 41 (they have a penis / at the momen 1 2 (Amy / sometimes / do batel 3 (a pret wah a lay now | Om 2 Zakresiwiasciwaodpowied2. Example: Do you want tobe an asta? Then come to thegeocaching / ub, 4: Where can you pat pictures? Bi: Atthe arts and crafts/ ecology cub. 2 I goto the sowing/ selene clu. Wo make clethes. 3. We make broad atthe technology / cookery cub 4 19010 me breakctanea drama du, Ne danca tohip op. 5. Tho arts and crate circus sis cubis hn We teaming magic ticks, im | Grammar 3. Uzupetnijedaniawyrazamipodanymi wrawiasachw formieczasupresent continuous. Example: Are they soarching the internet? io, they arent (search) 1 No, ‘online now. Fim having & picnie-(not chat) 2 What [1] you [—___ at the ‘moment?im going geocaching. (60) 3 1 they (to a concert? 1 an bo ae 2 exercise (wot watch) 5 Yes, we 2 plzza at Jordan's house, (eat) 2 play. She's doing os 4 Uzupetnijzdaniawyrazamipodanymi wnanwiasachw formieczasupresent ‘simplelubprosont continuous. Example: iWere.not chattinginot chat) online at the moment. 1) We usuelly (play) football at theweekend. 2 Asx! (ot 3 CS youotten (go) totne cinema? 4 We. 1 (not play) board games on Thursdays, 5 Jene [1 (ao) tte at ne moment Ca 4 (Kate / always /do her homework /after schoo!) i Reading 6 Preeczytajwpisna forum. Oznacalitera T (tue) zdaniaprawdziwe, a litera F (false) Hdaniatetszyne. Activities forum 8 Emma Join a clubt {im never boced because I'm always ding somethinginieresing.| love chatting oriine with my fends, but lao like meeting my fronds. | go to 8 cookery club every week and today were having @ sleepover and making a pizza at my house. Atha cookery club we all want to earn how to make nice things to eat Then wo ike to have a pleic ora sleepover 50 we can eat thern! My trends are ‘weighing the ingrodiarts in tho Ktchon now! We also Usually play board games or stream a video betore wwe ge to bee. When you jin a club, i's oasy to make fiends. {think there are ots of ferrets and you can find 2 good one for you! share coment a 8 N45 Example: Emma is always bored. FE 1. Emma doese't chat onine with fiends. (2) 2 Emma goes io a clubonce a week. S 3 Today, Emma's fiends are staying at hor house. Oo 4 Her friends are making 2 pizza now. 5 Emma and her tends go to bd ater making the pizza. D Name: unit TEST A4 Listening §=——— 7 @wysiuchajnagrania, w ktorym Emma i rena rreicnaboncela. Odpowiedznapytania. 11 What's Wan's favounte actly? 410 Preepiszponizazeztanisjokozdaniatwierdzace (+)preeczace (-) ipytajace (7). 1 Is dack chating oniine? (=) } 2 Vidiosewnga shat ihe nemert O) SS 3 (a 5 4 is eho watching a play? (+) C7 2 What does Emma thnk ofthe activity? | 3 Whocossvangowth?{ 4 When does he usualy go? [1 ‘5. Where & Wan in the photo? ———— Of 5. Iimdaing my homework now.(-) Speaking 8 Przeczyta| dialog iuzupetnijedaniawyrazami zramid. ‘Again can could do explain what Hi, Mark 1M, Ann. What are you doing? 1m doing an activty for the acchogy cu, s{ Lt netp? ‘Sure.* [you take the camara? Sony, can you ‘what you want todo, please? Er, yes, I want fo make o fim about the perk, Mark: OK. What can + 2 ‘Ann: Will, | want you 1 usa the camera, and Fant tove the presenter Mark: Sorry. can you say that °| l please? ‘Anni The prossintar.. te parson whe speaks ina “Twprogramme. Mark: Right! Gotit

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