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Class 10th

Biology assignment

Life process

Nutrition and respiration

Answer the following questions

Q1 Explain the process of nutrition in amoeba.

Q2 Describe the alimentary canal of man.

Q3 Explain the process of breathing in man.

Q4 Explain the importance of soil for plant growth.

Q5 Draw the diagram of alimentary canal of man and label the following parts.- Mouth, oesophagus,
stomach, intestine.

Q6 How do carbohydrates, proteins and fats gets digested in human beings.?

Q7 Explain the mechanism of photosynthesis.

Q8 Explain the three pathways of breakdown in living organisms.

Q9 Give reasons for the following:

A) The glottis is guarded by epiglottis

B) The lung alveoli are covered with blood capillaries
C) The wall of trachea is supported by cartilage rings.

Q10 After a vigorous exercise, you may experience muscular pain in your skeletal muscles. Why does
this happen.?

Q11 With the help of neat labelled diagrams describe the human digestive system.

Q12 Describe the respiratory system in human beings

Q13 Write short notes on the following:

A) Exchange of gases in tissues

B) Mechanism of inhaling and exhaling

Q14 Explain why the plants growing in the deserts take up CO2 at night and utilize it during the day in
the synthesis of carbohydrates.?

Q15 A student was asked to perform an experiment ` To demonstrate that carbohydrate is given out
during respiration`. Name atleast two precautions which he should take while performing the

Q16 Mohan set up the experiment to demonstrate that CO2 is given out during respiration. After
completion of the experiment, teacher asked him to answer the following questions:
A) Why is some KOH solution/pellets placed in a small test tube in the flask.?
B) Why are germinating seeds kept in the flask. ?

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