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School OCCES Grade Level VI

Teaching Dates and FEBRUARY 29, 2024 / 7:45-8:25 Quarter 3RD QUARTER

I. Learning Execute the Different skills involved in the dance Itik

Competencies/Objectives (PE6RD-IIIc-h-4)
Write the LC code for each
II. CONTENT Execute the Different skills involved in the dance Itik
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Kto12 curriculum, MELC
2. Learner’s Material pages Module 3
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Google, DepEd Learning Portal
Learning Resource (LR)


 Prayer:
May I request everybody to stand for a prayer? May I call Angelo to
lead the prayer? -- Everybody, please stand and let us put ourselves in the
presence of Lord.

Good Morning Class! How are you today?

- Good morning, Ma’am Cherry!
That’s good to hear.
- We are feeling great, Ma’am

 Daily Routine:
Please pick-up pieces of paper scattered on the floor and keep (Students are picking up pieces of papers and keeping
unnecessary things on your table. unnecessary things on their table)

Setting the rules

Rule 1: Listen to the teacher

Rule 2: Raise your hands if you have a question or answer.
Rules 3: Don’t talk to your seatmates
Do I make myself clear class? Yes or No?
Yes, Ma’am.
 Checking of Attendance:
Who is absent today class? No one is absent today Ma’am!

Wow! Very good! Everybody is present.

Clap your hands


1. Presentation  For today’s lesson class we are going to Execute the Different
skills involved in the dance Itik-Itik.

2. Importance  It is important for us to know how to Execute the Different

skills involved in the dance Itik-Itik for us to know and
understand Filipino culture better. Itik-Itik dance is not just a
dance, it’s a way to connect with Filipino heritage.
3. Formative Assessment  At the end of this lesson you are expected to:
Execute the different skills involved in the dance.

The teacher will show a video


4. Pre-requisite Skills
Is this dance familiar to you?
What particular dance is shown in the video?
Have you tried performing this dance?
If yes, how was your experience with the dance?
Do you know the skills as well as the basic patterns involved in this

One of the most popular folk dances in our country is Itik-itik. This
dance is a mimetic dance which originated in the province of Surigao
in Mindanao. According to the folklore, this dance was first created by
a young Filipina maiden-dancer named Kanang who was considered to
be best dancer in the Surigao province. Itik-itik is usually danced by
women accompanied by a song. However, in this day and age boys do
perform this dance too joyfully. This “mimetic” folk dance is created
by imitating the “movements of a duck” such as wading, flying, and
short steps and splashing water on their backs like the ducks do so as to
attract a mate. This unique dance was then named “Itik-Itik” since
“Itik” means “duck” in the local Tagalog language.

Costumes used in Itik-Itik:

For Men: barong tagalog or camisa de chino.

For Women: baro’t saya, patadyong or balintawak

For those who haven’t tried the dance you will eventually learn this as
our lesson progresses. So brace yourselves!

There are three skills involved in the Folk Dance Itik-Itik.

1. Flexibility- ability to bend and move parts of your body smoothly
and effortlessly
2. Balance- ability of the dancer to maintain an upright and controlled
position of the body whether in movement or still.
3. Coordination- ability to combine bodily movements in unison, in a
smooth and efficient manner. These skills are all important to develop
so as to perform the dance correctly and successfully.

Learning Episode 2:

A. Modelling I DO
Follow the written instructions of each step pattern given. You can
follow this afterwards.

1. Step, ball-close, ball-close. One foot leading forward

Step L(R) forward (ct 1), raise heel of L (R) foot and slide R (L) close
to L( R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct 2),small step forward on ball
of L (R) foot (ct. and ) and slide R (L) to L (R) in third position in rear
(ct 3) This step is done wiith one foot leading, going forward.

2. Heel, close-ball, close. One foot leading forward.

Step L (R) heel forward (ct 1), slide R (L) close to L(R) in fifth or third
position in rear (ct.2), small step forward with ball of L (R) foot (ct.
and), slide R (L) close to L (R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct. 3).
This is done with one foot leading, going forward.

3. Step, slide-close, slide-close.

Small step R (L) forward (ct. 1) twist trunk slightly to right (left) side,
bring L (R) foot in fourth in front and slide backward with ball of same
foot and simultaneously with spring slide R (L) forward to close with L
(R) in first position (ct. 2), repeat ct. 2 (ct 3). The L (R) foot bears no
weight on cts 2, 3. This step is done with alternate foot going to any


By Group Activity
Follow the written instructions of each step pattern given. You can
follow this afterwards.

4. Cross-step, slide-close, slide-close. Alternative foot going to any


Same as number 3 except that the step on ct.1 is done cross the other
foot in front.

5. arms extension/flexion.

Extend your arms and bend slightly forward count 1. Then count 2, 3 as
the a arm makes 2 small flaps upward to shoulder level and as its
flapping the wings, the other arm goes downward.

6. flapping of the arms


Follow the written instructions of each step pattern given. You can
follow this afterwards.

1. Step, ball-close, ball-close. One foot leading forward

Step L(R) forward (ct 1), raise heel of L (R) foot and slide R (L) close
to L( R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct 2),small step forward on ball
of L (R) foot (ct. and ) and slide R (L) to L (R) in third position in rear
(ct 3) This step is done wiith one foot leading, going forward.

2. Heel, close-ball, close. One foot leading forward.

Step L (R) heel forward (ct 1), slide R (L) close to L(R) in fifth or third
position in rear (ct.2), small step forward with ball of L (R) foot (ct.
and), slide R (L) close to L (R) in fifth or third position in rear (ct. 3).
This is done with one foot leading, going forward.

3. Step, slide-close, slide-close.

Small step R (L) forward (ct. 1) twist trunk slightly to right (left) side,
bring L (R) foot in fourth in front and slide backward with ball of same
foot and simultaneously with spring slide R (L) forward to close with L
(R) in first position (ct. 2), repeat ct. 2 (ct 3). The L (R) foot bears no
weight on cts 2, 3. This step is done with alternate foot going to any
4. Cross-step, slide-close, slide-close. Alternative foot going to any
Same as number 3 except that the step on ct.1 is done cross the other
foot in front.

5. arms extension/flexion.

Extend your arms and bend slightly forward count 1. Then count 2, 3 as
the a arm makes 2 small flaps upward to shoulder level and as its
flapping the wings, the other arm goes downward.

6. flapping of the arms

Learning Episode 2:
A. Guided Practice BY GROUP ACTIVITY
Directions: Execute the different skills involved in the dance Itik-Itik
and Perform each given step patterns.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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