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It is a procedure of collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative research and methods in a
single study to understand a research problem. Define mixed methods research. (FK)
A. Mixed Research C. Qualitative Research
B. Applied Research D. Quantitative Research

2. The following are characteristics of mixed methods research, EXCEPT Define mixed methods research.
A. It establishes cause-and-effect relationships.
B. It overcomes the limitation of a single design.
C. It complements the strengths of a single design.
D. It combines two types of data, qualitative and quantitative data.

3. The following are examples of mixed methods research designs, EXCEPT Distinguish various types of
mixed methods research. (CK)
A. embedded C. explanatory
B. experimental D. exploratory

4. It gives priority to one of the methods and guides the project, while another is nested. Distinguish various
types of mixed methods research. (CK)
A. embedded C. explanatory
B. experimental D. exploratory

14. Which of the following best differentiates sequential explanatory and sequential exploratory research
designs? Distinguish various types of mixed methods research. (CK)
A. Explanatory research aims to explore the main aspects of an under-researched problem, while
exploratory research aims to explain the causes and consequences of a well-defined problem.
B. Explanatory and exploratory research designs are both characterized by the collection and analysis of
either quantitative or qualitative data first. The results are integrated in the interpretation phase.
C. Explanatory is a two-phase design where quantitative data is collected and analyzed first, then
qualitative data is collected and analyzed based on the quantitative results, while exploratory design is
characterized by an initial qualitative phase of data collection and analysis, followed by a phase of
quantitative data collection and analysis, with a final phase of integration or linking of data from the two
separate strands of data.
D. Exploratory is a two-phase design where quantitative data is collected and analyzed first, then
qualitative data is collected and analyzed based on the quantitative results, while explanatory design is
characterized by an initial qualitative phase of data collection and analysis, followed by a phase of
quantitative data collection and analysis, with a final phase of integration or linking of data from the two
separate strands of data.

15. Which of the following is true about concurrent triangulation design? Distinguish various types of mixed
methods research. (CK)
A. It is conducted for a research problem when the researcher has no past data or only a few studies for
B. It is characterized by two or more methods used to confirm, cross-validate, or corroborate findings
within a study.
C. It provides a functional explanation as to why a solution has certain components in terms of the
requirements stated in the design.
D. It is used most often in quasi-experimental studies in which researchers have little or no control over
random assignment of observations into treatment conditions.

16. Which of the following is an example of exploratory research question? Distinguish various types of mixed
methods research. (CK)
A. Why do students find research subject challenging?
B. How does a child’s passion predict his/her future job?
C. How does parental death affect students’ academic performance?
D. What outcomes are associated with an authoritative classroom management?

17. Which among the following methodology emphasizes engaging in research where variables can be
controlled and manipulated? Discuss the three philosophical underpinnings of research. (CK)
A. constructivism C. postpositivist
B. pragmatism D. advocacy/participatory

18. Which of the following philosophical worldview is evident when a teacher allows pairs of students to teach
each other? Discuss the three philosophical underpinnings of research. (CK)
A. constructivism C. postpositivist
B. pragmatism D. advocacy/participatory

19. What type of quantitative strategy will a researcher use to know the impact of drugs on teenagers? Discuss
the three philosophical underpinnings of research. (CK)
A. case study C. correlation
B. causal-comparative D. cross-sectional survey

20. Which of the following philosophical worldviews is evident in this classroom scenario, “A student learns
about fractions in math class, she uses the skills to divide a pizza evenly with her friends”? Discuss the three
philosophical underpinnings of research. (CK)
A. pragmatic worldview C. participatory worldview
B. constructivist worldview D. postpositivist worldview

21. What is the primary goal of using mixed methods approach? Discuss the three philosophical underpinnings
of research. (CK)
A. To develop another research that is timely and relevant
B. To allow researchers to ask questions that cannot be easily put into numbers and to understand human
C. To collect numerical data from a group of people and generalize results to a larger group of people to
explain a phenomenon
D. To provide a better and deeper understanding by expanding and strengthening a study's conclusions and
contribute to the published literature

22. Which of the following is an example of quantitative research problem? Formulate the statement of
research problem. (PK)
A. What are the factors affecting students in choosing their careers?
B. How long do Grade 12 students prepare for their final examination?
C. How do student perceptions of the school environment relate to the differences in test scores?
D. Why do Grade 12 students got lower grade in Practical Research II compared to other subjects?

23. Which of the following is an example of mixed method research problem? Formulate the statement of
research problem. (PK)
A. What are the factors affecting students in choosing their careers?
B. How long do Grade 12 students prepare for their final examination?
C. How do student perceptions of the school environment relate to the differences in test scores?
D. Why do Grade 12 students got lower grade in Practical Research II compared to other subjects?

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