Advantages and Disadvantages - Transport - MCQs 02

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Test 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Automated Systems in Transport

1. What is an advantage of automated systems in transport?

 A) Increased job opportunities for drivers

 B) Improved safety through faster reaction times

 C) Higher fuel consumption due to technology reliance

 D) Reduced accessibility for individuals with disabilities

2. Which factor contributes to the efficiency of automated transport systems?

 A) Longer travel times

 B) Congestion reduction

 C) Higher carbon emissions

 D) Limited route optimization

3. What is a disadvantage associated with the implementation of automated transport systems?

 A) Lower initial investment costs

 B) Enhanced job opportunities for drivers

 C) Job displacement in the transportation sector

 D) Improved accessibility for all passengers

4. How do automated transport systems contribute to reducing emissions?

 A) By increasing fuel consumption

 B) By optimizing driving behavior

 C) By promoting traffic congestion

 D) By relying on outdated technology

5. What potential drawback is associated with technology dependence in automated transport systems?

 A) Reduced safety risks

 B) Enhanced accessibility

 C) Service interruptions due to malfunction

 D) Lower fuel consumption

6. What aspect of automated transport systems can improve productivity?

 A) Longer travel times

 B) Increased driver focus on the road

 C) Passengers using travel time productively

 D) Limited access to technology

7. What challenge arises from job displacement in the transportation sector due to automation?

 A) Enhanced economic stability

 B) Increased job opportunities in other sectors

 C) Unemployment for drivers and transportation workers

 D) Improved labor market conditions

8. How do automated transport systems address accessibility concerns?

 A) By limiting transportation options for individuals with disabilities

 B) By providing alternative modes of transportation

 C) By increasing travel costs for all passengers

 D) By reducing passenger safety

9. What potential issue is associated with data privacy and security in automated transport systems?

 A) Enhanced data protection measures

 B) Limited access to passenger information

 C) Concerns about misuse or compromise of passenger data

 D) Higher transparency in data collection practices

10. What regulatory challenge arises from the deployment of automated transport systems?

 A) Lack of interest from regulatory authorities

 B) Inadequate safety standards and regulations

 C) Limited liability concerns for manufacturers

 D) Enhanced flexibility in regulatory frameworks


1. B) Improved safety through faster reaction times

2. B) Congestion reduction

3. C) Job displacement in the transportation sector

4. B) By optimizing driving behavior

5. C) Service interruptions due to malfunction

6. C) Passengers using travel time productively

7. C) Unemployment for drivers and transportation workers

8. B) By providing alternative modes of transportation

9. C) Concerns about misuse or compromise of passenger data

10. B) Inadequate safety standards and regulations

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