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Long ago, there lived a rich merchant. He was blessed

with a son after many years of his marriage. The son
of the merchant was named Chandra and he was
pampered by everyone in the house.
Chandra became a young man who never lacked anything
in life, so his outlook towards life was different and at
the same time his father had established his business
with hard work. He saw that his son’s behavior was too
easygoing, so he decided that he must teach Chandra
the importance of the fruits of his hard work.
He sent Chandra outside the house and told him to find
a way to look for his food or money. He did not allow
any family member to help Chandra.
Chandra was so hungry that one day he looked for a
way to get money. An old man offered to give him
money, however, he must work first before earning the
money. Seeing no other option, Chandra agreed. Chandra
worked hard till dawn. When the work was completed,
the old man gave him money.
He went home and talked to his father. The merchant
told Chandra to throw the money he earned in the well.
Chandra was so disappointed and replied to his father, “
I cannot throw this money in the well. I worked so hard
to earn this.”
Hearing this, the merchant understood that today his
son understood the importance of the fruits of hard
work. That day, the merchant embraced his son and
handed over his business to him
Type your answers into the boxes. Use full sentences:
What do you think is the moral of the story?

If you were Chandra, would you not throw your money as well?

What is the message of the story?

What was the emotion that you felt while reading the story?

What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing the story

If you were the merchant, how would

you teach your child about the
importance of money?

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