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DC166425 DOI: 10.

2118/166425-PA Date: 18-June-14 Stage: Page: 141 Total Pages: 9

Fifteen Years of Expandable-Sand-Screen

Performance and Reliability
I.M. Ismail*, SPE, and M.W. Geddes, SPE, Weatherford

Summary Heiland et al. 2004). This concept of direct screen contact provides
Expandable-sand-screen (ESS), a technology concept envisaged a means of overcoming the limitations of SAS completions and the
by Shell and initially developed by Petroline, was first field trialed complexities surrounding openhole-gravel-pack completions.
in 1997 with the idea that eliminating the annulus between the Previously published papers have discussed the design and
sand screen and wellbore would improve downhole sand control construction of ESS in detail (Innes et al. 2005; Morgan et al.
and allow enhanced reservoir performance and management. By 2006; Nicol and Geddes 2010). However, a brief overview of the
the end of 2012, ESS was installed in 677 wells, with 418,184 ft concept is discussed as follows. ESS construction comprises three
of screen deployed globally. As such, ESS has matured as a viable sandwiched layers: the base pipe, the filter media, and the outer
sand-control technology combining openhole-gravel-pack func- protective shroud (Fig. 1). The base pipe is longitudinally slotted,
tionality with the installation simplicity of a standalone-screen as is the outer shroud. These slots open during expansion to
(SAS) completion. accommodate the change in diameter, and overlapped layers of
With performance, reliability, and long-term well life expect- filter media slide across each other to provide sand-retention in-
ancy of paramount importance to field-development economics, tegrity. The use of slots allows expansion ratios up to 45% greater
an extensive internal installation database has been maintained for than the original diameter and provides a larger inflow area than
Weatherford’s ESS systems. Over the past 15 years, observation perforated pipes.
and analysis of design, planning, field implementation, and useful
life cycle have been documented in this database. This perform-
ance insight provides the foundation for future reliability and has Installations and Performance
been used to identify learning opportunities, influencing the prod- Well-data capture is fundamental to understanding the performance
uct evolution and technology-application envelope. of a sandface completion. All ESS well installations have been
With performance and reliability analysis provided and dis- recorded in an internal proprietary database. The information cap-
cussed in detail, the applicable ESS envelope is outlined. Product- tured provides broad detail on each installation including: safety
design enhancement, methodical application evaluation, and rig- statistics, rig data, well type, well-geometry data, mud and fluid
orous operating procedures result in improved successful use. data, completion details, ESS-equipment information, operational
Analysis of both infant and production failure trends are presented details, formation details, productivity information, and well status.
and show improvement. These data are used to estimate future This database is frequently updated and has been used to analyze
life predictions by use of recognized reliability-analysis tools. The ESS performance to the end of 2012.
applicability of ESS in openhole wells is highlighted, with con- From inception to the end of 2012, ESS has been used to com-
tinuing performance in oil producers, gas producers, water injec- plete 677 wells with 418,184 ft of screen length installed. Fig. 2
tors, and underground-gas-storage applications. There are various details the installations of ESS by completion type. As can be
sand-control technologies successfully used in reservoirs around observed, 451 installations, representing 67% of all wells, have
the globe. This study outlines the applicable envelope for ESS been completed in an openhole environment. With regard to
use, providing insight to enable informed evaluation, life-of-well cased-hole applications, this accounts for 193 installations, 28%,
risk appraisal, and, ultimately, reliable sand-control-completion with open perforations and 33 installations, 5%, with either pre-
selection for existing or new field-development appraisal. packed or frac-packed perforations. Fig. 3 details a more exten-
sive openhole application of the technology in terms of footage:
355,877 ft or 85% of total screen length installed has been in an
Introduction openhole environment. As such, cased-hole applications represent
The first field trial of ESS was in the desert of Oman in Q1 1997 52,230 ft or 13% with open perforations, and a further 10,077 ft
to test the initial design functionality, and was then followed by or 2% with either prepacked or frac-packed perforations.
further field trials in both the southern North Sea and Oman (Met- A significant number of SPE papers detailing ESS case studies,
calfe and Whitelaw 1999). ESS technology has been installed in a performance reviews, and analysis have been published. These
wide portfolio of wells globally. Through introduction and use of have demonstrated the scope of technology use in a variety of
what was a new technology, much learning has been observed. applications, mainly in oil producers, gas producers, and water
Despite subsequent use in cased-hole applications, ESS was spe- injectors. With wells producing for more than 13 years, the cur-
cifically designed as an openhole sand-control technique for use rent maximum rates reported have been as follows: a maximum
in weak, poorly consolidated, or unconsolidated reservoirs. The oil-production rate of 30,000 STB/D, a maximum gas rate of 370
idea was that expansion of a sand screen to contact the wellbore MMscf/D, and a maximum water-injection rate of 65,000 BWPD.
face, eliminating the annulus, would support the near-wellbore Although peak rates, they demonstrate a significant increase in
rock matrix. In theory, sand particles could be stabilized to pro- the maximum performance achieved by ESS completions com-
vide effective downhole sand control. Furthermore, the resultant pared with the previously published ESS performance by Jones
large flow area presented and the increased inside diameter (ID) et al. (2005) and Morgan et al. (2006). Some more recently pub-
would benefit well productivity and reservoir drainage, and would lished examples of ESS applications are highlighted as follows.
result in reduced screen plugging and erosion (Gee et al. 2004; Nicol and Geddes (2010) documented the installation perform-
ance of 7-in. ESS systems in water-injector and oil-producer wells
for deepwater West Africa projects. 7-in. ESS enabled the opera-
* Now with Tendeka.
tor to target both single-zone and multizone reservoir sections,
Copyright V
C 2014 Society of Petroleum Engineers
affording greater flexibility through effective openhole sand con-
This paper (SPE 166425) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical trol with zonal isolation to provide cased-hole functionality.
Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 30 September–2 October 2013, and revised for
publication. Original manuscript received for review 4 July 2013. Revised manuscript
These installations were documented to provide operational time
received for review 25 November 2013. Paper peer approved 30 January 2014. efficiencies and cost savings, compared with alternative sandface-

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DC166425 DOI: 10.2118/166425-PA Date: 18-June-14 Stage: Page: 142 Total Pages: 9

Base Pipe Slots Open

During Expansion
Maximizing Inflow Area

Filter Media
Dutch Twill Weave
Weave Layers Slide Over
Each Other During Expansion

Outer Shroud
Protects Filter Media

No Change In Weave
Unexpanded Aperture Size Expanded

Fig. 1—ESS construction.

completion types, estimated at USD 10 million per multizone relevant and in use today, with wells dating back to Q1 2001.
completion. After review of the failure mechanism, the 5.5- and 4.5-in. con-
Ginest et al. (2009) documented successful ESS use in a high- nectors were redesigned and, after stringent qualification, reintro-
temperature gas well in the Unayzah A reservoir, Saudi Arabia. It duced for use in late 2002. To date, the failure mechanism
is reported that ESS was installed and expanded without incident. initially observed remains eradicated.
The well was successfully cleaned up and brought on line after a In addition to expandable-screen development, the expansion
21=2-year delay and continues to produce successfully at a sus- technology has also evolved. Early installations, 164 wells, used
tained, high sand-free rate. Al-Anazi et al. (2011) documented fixed-diameter expansion tools, sized to ensure that top-down
that ESS-completion performance in the unconsolidated Unayzah expansion continued fully to the bottom of the deployed screen.
reservoir, Saudi Arabia, shows an improved production rate in This technique did not meet the desired design concept of full-
comparison with other sandface completions used. It also docu- screen contact with the wellbore face. As such, variable expansion
ments that the ESS completion is more reliable, more robust, and tools were developed to provide fully compliant wellbore contact.
less risky in comparison with other sandface completions, with There are various studies published discussing the benefit of com-
the proviso that the appropriate selection process is followed. pliant expansion. Jones et al. (2005) reported field data showing a
Stevenson et al. (2007) documented ESS use to complete a noncompliant ESS average skin of 2.3 and a compliant ESS aver-
three-zone oil producer in combination with an internal string of age skin of 0.3, derived over a data set of wells. Heiland et al.
remotely operated intelligent-completion flow valves at the (2004) highlighted that sand movement in a screen/wellbore annu-
Okwori field in Nigerian offshore waters. This cutting-edge and lus could form dunes and blockages, which in some circumstances
challenging project marked a step forward in subsea-well technol- could lead to screen plugging and erosion hotspots. More recently,
ogy. The field started producing in March 2006. a study involving large-scale thick-walled-cylinder testing exam-
There have been many others who have noted increased pro- ined the effect of compliance and determined ESS provided a
duction and reduction in costs through ESS use. There have also 60% increase in productivity over an SAS under the same condi-
been many theoretical papers that document specific ESS benefits. tions (Hembling et al. 2008). These examples clearly show per-
For example, Jones et al. (2003a, 2003b) discussed the effect of formance benefits associated with openhole-compliant expansion.
the large ESS ID that results in very low frictional pressure losses, As time has progressed, expansion-tool performance and reliabil-
delaying water breakthrough, improving sweep efficiency, and ity have matured.
increasing the recovery factor of a reservoir. Over time, the application envelope has extended to encom-
pass cased-hole environments as an alternative for cased-hole
gravel packs and cased-hole frac packs. However, as observed
Current Systems and Applications earlier, the majority of ESS cased-hole installations have been
Since inception, ESS technology has evolved through initial and exposed to nonpacked perforation tunnels. In effect, ESS is acting
continuing field application. From 2000 to 2002, numerous 5.5- as a big-bore SAS in these applications and, should the perfora-
and 4.5-in. ESS-system failures were observed and widely publi- tion tunnels remain open, may be exposed to potential erosion,
cized. Investigations identified a weak connector design as the depending on perforation strategy, flow rate, particle size, and
cause of failure. These findings resulted in both system sizes particle loading. For this reason, ESS provides more benefit when
being withdrawn from use. It is notable that the 4-in. ESS-system applied in open hole.
design, dating back to the initial technology development, is still

(451) 67% (355,877 ft) 85%
(52,230 ft) 13%
(33) 5% (10,077 ft) 2%

Fig. 2—ESS installations by completion type. Fig. 3—ESS installed footage by completion type.

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DC166425 DOI: 10.2118/166425-PA Date: 18-June-14 Stage: Page: 143 Total Pages: 9


Size Hole Run Outside Maximum Compliant

(in.) Size (in.) Diameter (in.) Diameter (in.) Expansion Type Filter Media

4.0  5.88 4.40 6.06 Axial-compliant expansion Reverse Dutch twill

4.5  6.00 5.00 6.75 Expandable connections 120 mm
5.5  8.50 6.10 8.83 150 mm
7.0  8.50 7.60 9.25 Rotary-compliant expansion 230 mm
Premium connections 270 mm

In 2005, the 7-in. ESS system was introduced. Developed in col- This 351-well data set covers a variety of reservoir environ-
laboration with an operator to meet industry needs, the system was ments globally. Installations have taken place on various rig types
specifically tailored for 81=2-in. openhole, multizone applications. on land, offshore-platform, and deepwater-semisubmersible envi-
This involved integrating openhole-isolation devices, in addition to ronments. Well trajectories include vertical (<15o), deviated, and
improved collapse strength and increased compliant range in com- horizontal (>85o) reservoir sections, and encompass single-zone
parison with the 51=2-in. ESS system. There are various openhole iso- and multizone completions.
lation options that are compatible with 7-in. ESS. These include
expandable zonal isolation, mechanical zonal isolation, and swel-
ling-elastomer technology. Together, the 7-in. ESS system enables ESS Field Incidents
openhole productivity with cased-hole functionality. An understanding of product failure is central to the design
Further product developments have seen the introduction of improvement, application-envelope definition, and future product
120-lm weave in Q2 2006. Single-trip deployment systems for all performance and reliability. Reliability studies published by King
current ESS sizes and unidirectional fluid-loss control were inte- et al. (2003) and Capderou and DiLorenzo (2012) have detailed a
grated into the 51=2- and 7-in. ESS systems. Table 1 outlines wide range of sand-control completions: cased-hole oriented per-
details of current ESS systems. forating, SAS, openhole gravel pack, cased-hole gravel pack,
With a view to gaining a detailed insight into ESS-well per- cased-hole frac pack, expandable sand screen, and others. The
formance and to provide useful information for future sand-con- performance of the first 340 ESS installations to June 2005 has
trol-system evaluation, it is clear that product use has significantly also been documented (Jones et al. 2005). These studies began to
influenced the current ESS systems and where they are applied support the selection of a reliable sandface completion. However,
today. Therefore, the data set of wells used to investigate failure as described previously, ESS has matured considerably since the
analysis and assess reliability predictions will focus on these sys- work of King et al. (2003) and Jones et al. (2005). In addition, the
tems. Only current ESS systems, installed and expanded by use of ESS data set used by Capderou and DiLorenzo (2012) represented
compliant tools into an openhole environment, will be included in 30 wells, a very small subset of the 677 wells installed globally.
the following documented review. Cased-hole ESS installations In these studies, there was a larger data set used and the studies
are not included in this study because ESS is not truly compliant focused on current system, application in open hole, where the
with the sandface and requires detailed erosion evaluation to con- product is best used, and recommendations for future application.
firm suitability. In doing so, the total 677-well data set is reduced All field incidents reported by operators for wells where ESS
to 351 wells, or 51.8%. Although a significant reduction, this is has been used are investigated to determine the cause of failure.
still a considerable data set. Installations dating back to Q1 2001 The root-cause-analysis (RCA) process reviews all stages of ESS
remain included,with 267,030 ft of screen installed and a total cu- implementation (Fig. 5).
mulative production/injection time of 1,729 well years. It is recognized that well-failure definitions vary throughout
Fig. 4 details the 351 current ESS-openhole installations by the industry: installation failure, curtailed production or injection
application. Oil-producer wells account for 215 installations, or because of solids egress, well shut-in, remediated with an inter-
61%. Gas-producer wells account for 81 installations, or 23%, the vention, and so forth (King et al. 2003; Jones et al. 2005; Cap-
earliest of which dates back to Q1 2001. Water-injector wells derou and DiLorenzo 2012). In this study, to identify ESS-product
account for 48 installations, or 14%, the earliest of which dates performance, sand-control failure is defined as produced sand
back to Q4 2002. Other wells, including gas-storage and water larger than the filter aperture used. In addition, because the actual
producers, account for a further seven installations, or 2%. date of well cleanup or production startup is not always apparent
to the equipment supplier—where batch completions are con-
cerned—an addition to the infant-failure definition is used. There-
fore, infant failure is defined as the failure of sandface completion
during installation, resulting in loss of the reservoir section or pro-
215 (61%)
duced sand larger than the filter aperture within 180 days of instal-
200 lation. Production failure is defined as produced sand larger than
the filter aperture after 180 days from installation.
Use of the RCA process allows a methodical review of field

incidents to determine the failure cause. However, the quality of in-
formation and facts available can vary and depend on a number of
100 81 (23%) aspects: Multiple subsea wells may be serviced by the same flow
architecture, well production data may be limited, well intervention
48 (14%) for investigation may not be feasible, and so forth. It is therefore
understandable that absolute definition of the failure mechanism
7 (2%) can sometimes be challenging. For this reason, sand-control investi-
0 gations attempt to identify the most likely cause of failure, the pri-
Oil producer Gas producer Water Injector Other
(Water producer,
mary contributing factor. Two categories of primary contributing
Water connector factor are defined: controllable and uncontrollable. Controllable
& Gas storage) factors are classified as areas from which lessons learned can be
captured and fed back into the sand-control-selection due diligence,
Fig. 4—Current ESS-openhole installations by application. application planning, and operational processes. This enables

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Applications Well Site

Engineering Installation
Well & Fluid
Scope of Pre-Job
Requirements Preparation
Completion Hole
Design Condition
T&D ESS Makeup
Mud Modeling Hanger & Deployment
Testing Setting
Filtercake ESS
Testing Expansion
Technical Well
Review Suspension


Corrosion Equipment
Hole Potential Mobilisation
Sub Assembly
Geometry Make-Up
Erosion Equipment
Potential Inspection
Geomechanical Wellsite
EWBS Tallys
Weave 3rd Party
Operations sizing Installation Interfaces
Envelope Program
Basis of
Due Operations Well
Diligence Planning Clean-Up

Fig. 5—RCA-investigation diagram.



Controllable Factor Description Uncontrollable Factor Description

Formation/hole condition Unstable formation; washouts, swel- Reservoir Unappraised geomechanical issue; abnor-
ling shale, openhole-deployment faults/tectonics mally stressed reservoir (overburden
interface; tight spot, hangups, and so stress is smaller than maximum horizontal
forth stress/reservoir faulting/tectonic activity)
Wellbore/hole trajectory Wellpath issues; high dogleg severity, Third-party swell Client-specified third-party-equipment
deployment/expansion weight-trans- packer/openhole issue; elastomer design issue, early swel-
fer issues, and so forth interface ling, unpredicted reaction with openhole
Improper bean up High initial drawdown, not following caused sandface completion to hang up
beanup procedure
Improper weave size Poor weave retention, weave selected mitigation of future occurrences. These controllable factors are
on particle-size analysis not fully repre- categorized as six different types (Table 2).
sentative of the reservoir sands Uncontrollable factors include issues experienced because of
Design/installation Product and tool design, material unknown reservoir characteristics or third-party equipment. Les-
selection, rig-operational-related sons learned assist definition of the ESS-application envelope,
problem, nonstandard completion eliminating future occurrence. These uncontrollable factors are
design categorized as two different types (Table 3).
Mud/wellbore cleanup Fluids selection, mud conditioning/flu- Table 4 details well failures for the 351 current ESS-openhole
ids changeout, filter-cake cleanup/ installations by primary contributing factor. These are split into
mud flow back and other mud-related infant and production failures, as previously defined. The total
issues, solids deposit, casing number of failures observed is 55 installations, or 16% of the data
scraper, and so forth set. Infant failures account for 25 installations, or 7% of the data
set, and production failures account for 30 installations, or 9% of
the data set. It should be noted that uncontrollable factors account
for 17 failures. Removal of these from the data set reduces the
total number of current ESS-openhole installations to 334 and
Primary Contributing Factor Infant Production Total
observed failures to 38, or 11% of the data set.

FH Formation/hole condition 2 7 9
MC Mud/wellbore cleanup 4 4 8
WS Improper weave size 3 7 10
Number Well Infant Production Total
BU Improper bean up 2 1 3 Year of Wells Years Failure Failure Failure
DI Design and installation 4 3 7
FT Reservoir faults/tectonics 4 8 12 2003 58 70 3 0 3
SP Third-party swell 5 0 5 2006 176 342 13 16 29
packer/openhole interface 2009 299 915 25 24 49
Total 25 30 55 2012 351 1729 25 30 55

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2000 30%

Well Years 1729

Infant Failure

Installation or Well-Years
Production Failure

Total Failure

Failure Rate %
1200 (29) 16.5% (49) 16.4%
(55) 15.7%

1000 915 15%

(16) 9.1% 10%
(25) 8.4%
600 (30) 8.5%
(13) 7.4%
(25) 7.1%
(24) 8.0%
(3) 5.2% 342 351
299 5%
(0) 0.0%
0 0%
2003 2006 2009 2012

Fig. 6—Current ESS-openhole performance by year.

Reliability Analysis well years have grown significantly from 70 well years in 2003 to
With well installation and failure data captured for current ESS 1,729 well years at the end of 2012. During this time, early wells
systems installed and expanded by use of compliant tools into an have been producing for nearly 12 years. On average, each current
openhole environment, analysis to predict future reliability has ESS-openhole well has been producing for 5 years. Infant failures
been investigated. Table 5 details the cumulative well quantity have occurred at a relatively constant rate, from three wells in
and cumulative online well years in 3-year intervals from 2000 to 2003 to 13 wells in 2006 to 25 wells in 2009. There has been a
the end of 2012. marked change between 2009 and 2012, with no further infant
Illustration of these data in Fig. 6 clearly shows installations failures. This is attributed to implementation of lessons learned
increasing considerably, at approximately 120 wells per timestep into the sand-control-selection due diligence, application plan-
from 2003, through 2006, to 2009. This installation rate reduces ning, and operational processes. With regard to production fail-
to 51 wells between 2009 and 2012 as the technology-application ures, none were observed in 2003; this is attributed to the
envelope was further defined. In contrast, the cumulative online definition of the current ESS-openhole data set. From 2003

ReliaSoft Weibull++ 7 -

Reliability vs. Time Plot
Infant Failure


Reliability, R(t) = 1–F(t)




Production Failure


0.000 6.000 12.000 18.000 24.000 30.000
Time, (t)
2006\2006: β = 1.5490, η = 10.7611, Ζ = 0.926136363636364
2009\2009: β = 0.9735, η = 40.4870, Ζ = 0.916387959866221
2012\2012: β = 0.7659, η = 114.3491, Ζ = 0.928774928774929

Fig. 7—Current ESS-openhole reliability by year.

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indication of product performance as cumulative increase in well

TABLE 6—CURRENT ESS-OPENHOLE PERFORMANCE BY years. However, it is important to note that the MTTF value
APPLICATION assumes a constant well environment at both the start and end of
well life. Sand-control reservoirs are a complex and challenging
Number Well Infant Production Total environment. Furthermore, the majority of the ESS wells have yet
Application of Wells Years Failure Failure Failure to reach the end of their useful life.
Oil producer 215 1,085 23 26 49
Gas producer 81 371 2 3 5 Reliability by Application
Water injector 48 225 0 1 1 This section provides analysis of current ESS-openhole perform-
Other 7 48 0 0 0 ance and reliability by application. Table 6 details the cumulative
well quantity and cumulative online well years per application
type to the end of 2012.
Illustration of these data in Fig. 8 clearly shows oil-producer
onward, production failures were observed as follows: 16 wells in wells have the highest failure occurrence at 49 installations, or
2006, 24 wells in 2009, and 30 wells in 2012. This reducing fail- 22.8%. Infant failures account for 23 installations, or 10.7%, and
ure rate is attributed to understanding of the applicable ESS enve- production failures account for 26 installations, or 12.1%. Per-
lope maturing over time. formance is significantly better in gas-producer wells, with a total
As has been documented, understanding past ESS performance of five failures, or 6.2%. Infant failures account for two installa-
is critical to improving future performance. It is also true that this tions, or 2.5%, and production failures account for three installa-
information is useful in mathematical predictions of future reli- tions, or 3.7%. ESS has the best performance in water-injector
ability. To analyze this, Weibull reliability software has been used wells with no infant failures and one production failure, or 2.1%.
to predict the ability of ESS systems to control sand for a desired Although a small data set, no failures have been observed in other
period of time without failure. A statistical technique called Wei- applications such as water producer, gas storage, and water con-
bull 2p (two-parameter distributions) was chosen with maximum- nector (connecting reservoir to reservoir).
likelihood-estimation techniques. All ESS failures within 180 Weibull reliability analysis by well application has been
days were classed as infant failures, with their production time set repeated as previously described, with results illustrated in Fig. 9.
as zero. All ESS failures after 180 days were classed as produc- The reliability plot excludes water-injector wells and other wells
tion failures, with their production times recorded. Wells still in (water producer, water connector, and gas storage) because of the
production were treated as suspensions on 31 December 2012. small data sets. These results for current ESS-openhole systems
The Weibull reliability-analysis results (Fig. 7) provide a com- clearly indicate good performance in gas-producer wells. How-
parison of ESS-reliability performance in 2006, 2009, and 2012. ever, oil-producer well performance is below the overall reliabil-
The x-axis parameter scale indicates time in years, with the markers ity performance for the current ESS-openhole 2012 reliability.
on the x-axis indicating the suspension time of the wells remaining This is attributed to a number of early well failures that influenced
in production. The 2003 results are not recorded because of a small lessons learned and sand-control-selection due diligence.
data set and no production failures. These results for current ESS-
openhole systems indicate a significant reliability improvement at
each time increment. Performing mean life-function calculations Failure Mitigation
by use of Weibull software to measure the average time of product Understanding the performance and reliability of current ESS sys-
failure indicates that in 2006, the data set exhibits a mean time to tems is of paramount importance to mitigate potential future fail-
failure (MTTF) of 9.0 years. The MTTF improves in 2009 to 38 ure. Fig. 10 shows primary contributing factors for failure,
years and again in 2012 to 124 years. This MTTF trend provides an detailed for 3-year intervals. It is observed that the number of

300 1200

1085 Infant Failure

Production Failure
250 1000

Total = 215
200 800


150 600

100 400
Total = 81
50 200
22 (10.7%) Total = 48
3 (3.7%)
27 (12.1%) 2 (2.5%)
1 (2.1%) 48
0 Total = 7 0
Oil Producer Gas Producer Water Injector Other
(Water producer, Water
connector & Gas storage)

Fig. 8—Current ESS-openhole performance by application.

146 June 2014 SPE Drilling & Completion

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ReliaSoft Weibull++ 7 -

Reliability vs. Time Plot

Gas Wells

2012 Reliability
Reliability, R(t) = 1–F(t)
Oil Wells



0.000 6.000 12.000 18.000 24.000 30.000
Time, (t)
2012\2012: β = 0.7659, η = 114.3491, Ζ = 0.928774928774929
2012 Gas\2012: β = 0.8481, η = 216.9645, Ζ = 0.975308641975309
2012 Oil\2012: β = 0.7160, η = 86.8978, Ζ = 0.893023255813953

Fig. 9—Current ESS-openhole reliability by application.

failures increased sharply from three wells in 2003 to a peak of 26 Failures because of the third-party swell packer/openhole inter-
wells in 2006. This is attributed to the definition of the current face, classified uncontrollable, were observed in 2006 and 2009.
ESS-openhole data set, as described previously. The high number This equipment was specified and integrated outside the control of
of failures in 2006 and 2009 consists of those related to both con- the ESS manufacturer. Strict guidelines on their integration and
trollable and uncontrollable primary contributing factors. How- use, in conjunction with ESS, are now in place. As a result, this
ever, a considerable reduction is evident with six wells in 2012, failure mechanism has not been repeated in 2012.
consisting of one controllable and five uncontrollable primary Failures because of reservoir faults and tectonics, classified as
contributing factors. uncontrollable, are evident in 2006, 2009, and 2012. These

SP 3rdParty Swell Packer
Infant = 10 FT Faults/Tectonics
Production = 16 DI WFT Design & Installation
BU Improper Bean-UP
Total = 26
WS Improper Weave
SP, 1 MC Mud/Wellbore Clean-Up
WT Wellbore/Hole Trajectory
FH Formation/Hole Condition

FT, 6 Infant = 12
Production = 8
Total = 20

SP, 4
Failure Well

DI, 4

FT, 1
DI, 2

WS, 7 BU, 3

WS, 1
Infant = 0
Production = 6
MC, 3 MC, 5 Total 6
Infant = 3
Production = 0 WT, 1
Total = 3 FT, 5

WS, 2 FH, 4 FH, 4

FH, 1 DI, 1
2003 2006 2009 2012

Fig. 10—Failure primary contributing factors by year.

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Step Evaluation Description

1 Sand properties Aperture-size selection from sand-size data against retention-testing database or actual reten-
tion testing.
2 Wellbore fluids Flowthrough and filter-cake flowback testing performed during planning phase. Quality-control
checks performed at rigsite.
3 Geomechanics Consider borehole-stability modeling or FEA modeling for complex scenarios (e.g., sands/
4 Erosion Evaluate level of risk (e.g., velocity, particle size/type).
5 Well geometry Consider trajectories, build angles, dogleg severities, and review string-design-deployability by
means of torque and drag.
6 Well condition Good drilling practices (e.g., hole gauge/washouts/shale instability/effective mud filter cake).
7 Functional design system Integral/inner-inflow control, zonal-isolation requirements, fluid-loss control, instrumentation
interfacing, and others.
8 Corrosion Design for chemical environment (e.g., corrosion, acid stimulation, scale treatments).
9 Well unloading Define appropriate procedure/parameters (e.g., staged slow rates).
10 Process integrity Ensure correct first-time installation.

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Failures because of controllable primary contributing factors are ability Supports Sand Control Selection. Presented at SPE Annual
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increased. It is evident that these failures have dramatically reduced ber. SPE-159541-MS.
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cess is designed as a series of stage gates. Each gate requires Sand Screen Case History in a Deep, Corrosive Gas Well Application.
application-evaluation engineering to confirm suitability or to cap- Presented at 8th European Formation Damage Conference, Schevenin-
ture and flag any issues. All stages must be completed satisfactorily gen, The Netherlands, 27–29 May. SPE-122847-MS.
to confirm sand-control-system applicability. In addition, all les- 10.2118/122847-MS.
sons learned through RCA investigations are fed into the processes Heiland, J., Cook, J., Johnson, A., et al. 2004. The Role of the Annular
and procedures within OPMS, assisting future-failure mitigation. Gap in Expandable Sand Screen Completions. Presented at SPE Inter-
national Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control,
Lafayette, Louisiana, 18–20 February. SPE-86463-MS. http://dx.doi.
In more than 15 years of field application, ESS has matured as a Hembling, D., Lauritzen, E., Phillips, J., et al. 2008. A Comprehensive
viable sand-control technology. During this time, the product has Study on the Effect of Compliance on Productivity. Presented at SPE
evolved into the current systems used. Maximum benefit of the Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado,
technology is realized when ESS is compliantly expanded into an 21–24 September. SPE-116581-MS.
openhole environment. A review of ESS current systems that are MS.
compliantly expanded in an openhole-environment data set, Innes, G., Morgan, Q., Macarthur, A., et al. 2005. Next Generation Ex-
including oil-producer, gas-producer, water-injector and gas-stor- pandable Completion Systems. Presented at SPE/IADC Middle East
age wells, has identified trends of improvement in performance Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 12–14
and reliability, including both infant- and production-failure September. SPE-97281-MS.
modes. RCA of all failures is improving product understanding Jones, C., Cameron, J., and MacKay, E. 2003a. Productivity, Water Break-
through capture of lessons learned and feedback to an OPMS, through And Ultimate Recovery In Horizontal Wells With A Range Of
assisting future-failure mitigation. Use of a 10-step sand-control Completion Types. Presented at Offshore Technology Conference,
selection, evaluation, and due-diligence process, embedded within Houston, Texas, 5–8 May. OTC-15150-MS.
OPMS, is improving candidate-well selection. 15150-MS.
Jones, C., Cameron, J., Owoeye, O., et al. 2003b. Production Issues Influ-
Acknowledgments encing The Choice Of Completion Type In Horizontal Wells With
Sanding Problems. Presented at Offshore Technology Conference,
The authors wish to thank the operators and the regional teams
Houston, Texas, 5–8 May. OTC-15131-MS.
who took time to supply the information for the database; col-
leagues past and present who have influenced this study; and
Jones, C., Tollefsen, M., Metcalfe, P., et al. 2005. Selection, Performance
Weatherford for permission to publish this paper.
and Reliability of Expandable Sand Screens, a Perspective from the
First 300 Installations. Presented at SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling
References Technology Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, 12–14 Septem-
Al-Anazi, H. D., Al-Qahtani, A. A., Rahim, Z., et al. 2011. Selecting Opti- ber. SPE-97282-MS.
mum Completion Strategy - Examples from Saudi Arabia’s Unconsoli- Jones, C., Watson, K., and Morgan, Q. 2011. Formation Loading and De-
dated Unayzah Reservoir. Presented at SPE/DGS Saudi Arabia Section formation of Expandable Sand Screens. Presented at SPE European
Technical Symposium and Exhibition, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 15–18 Formation Damage Conference, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 7–10
May. SPE-149058-MS. June. SPE-143941-MS.

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King, G. E., Wildt, P.J., and Connell, E. O. 2003. Sand Control Comple- Completions Offshore Nigeria. Presented at Offshore Technology
tion Reliability and Failure Rate Comparison With a Multi-Thousand Conference, Houston, Texas, 30 April–3 May. OTC-18484-MS. http://
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Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 5–8 October. SPE-84262-MS. http://
Metcalfe, P. and Whitelaw, C. 1999. The Development of the First Ex- Isma Mohd Ismail is the Product Line Manager for Sand Con-
pandable Sand Screen. Presented at Offshore Technology Conference, trol/Inflow Control for Tendeka, based in Aberdeen. He is
Houston, Texas, 3–6 May. OTC-11032-MS. responsible for sand-control and inflow-control product de-
11032-MS. velopment, material selection, and subsurface modeling.
Morgan, Q., Jones, C., and Macarthur, A. 2006. Expandable Sandface Ismail has previously worked in multiple roles in sand-control
Completions—Design and Performance Review of Single-Zone Appli- product line and operation, subsurface engineering, and
cations and Journey to Next Generation Multizone Systems. Presented research and development for Weatherford. He holds mas-
ter’s and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from the
at Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu
University of Leeds, UK, specializing in oilfield sand erosion and
Dhabi, UAE, 5–8 November. SPE-100747-MS. corrosion.
Nicol, M. and Geddes, M. W. 2010. Application of Multizone Expandable Martin Geddes is Completions Group Manager–Europe and
Sand Screen Completions in Deepwater West Africa: Cased-Hole Caspian Region for Weatherford, based in Aberdeen. He is re-
sponsible for Weatherford’s upper, lower, and sand-control
Functionality With Openhole Performance. Presented at SPE Annual
completions business throughout the Europe and Caspian
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, 19–22 Septem- markets. Geddes holds a Higher National Diploma in mechani-
ber. SPE-135066-MS. cal and offshore engineering from the Robert Gordon Univer-
Stevenson, J., Lacy, R., Neumann, J., et al. 2007. A Combination of Ex- sity, Aberdeen. His career spans 25 years in the drilling and
pandable Sand Screens and Intelligent Control Systems in the Okwori completions sector, and he joined Weatherford in 2001.

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