Physics 111 Past Midterms

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Physics 111 Past Midterm Exams with Solutions Package Includes: Fall 2004 Fall 2001 Fall 2000 Fall 1999 Fall 1998 Fall 2009 Caution: Some glitches may still exist in the older exam solutions, however there are no known glitches! Phys 111 Midterm Exam Fall 2009 Tim Cooper ‘Your best S questions count, you are allowed formula sheets and calculators ony. Pick 1 4) Lkaow the material, but I just couldn't do the problems, ) Yaur dog ate my notes ©) My calculator is tuck in radian mode @) Fm going to bea history major ©) Tm pregnant and male and unhappy. Ten doing well, don't need any excuse! tn pate sta i aveling a 30 ns inthe positive direction when th driver spots ight TaxParked 200m in front of him on the tack, At his time (cll his =) the passenger vain SENet applies the brakes, geting an acceleration of y(t) = (1-020) must, At he crest the Scenes Height wain i alerted and accelerates with an acceleration of a(t) (1020) a) Calculate ¥ (0), ¥() Dy Asauming a co-ordinate origin where the passenger train i athe instant raking bens, caleulate x9 (0), (0) D Whar eerie (= x40-40) you wil sea collision happens. What time did it happen? Nat was the relative velocity Gust the magnitude is fine) athe two tins an metant ee the collision? = etd i $ alt): 304-2 2 220m BL =0-> Be | sen clans, 5 2 3 nl 2004 iG RE PE rae cegcenCenor xy ©) dys 2614) - 20, le) a zeo-s0t +t a) wpler= (alndes (-c-the)t e-taths te ie tolliwey acest, aT E2105, dbs 0> 200 -32t 40° Velo) = 30 > CxO se Se ay yy l= fll. ete ee Ulty- 30-t 1t'ho = 10s = -30 42Ce) Vel+)= qin 2 tao Vpee (10) = = 30 a, lt Up la\elt = soe Ped | 50 Collison Speed is 109% b +t so callise ) ple Fvpla be rple\2 0D cf =O 2. A snowball rolls down a roof of though the air and lands Sm from ism, 8) How fast did the snowball leave the roof? ) A Im garden gnome is standing 3mm from the fy? a house that B= -V sinus’ € - 41rd) 's sloped at 45 degrees, eaves the roof, fies the house, The height from the ground tothe roof ofthe house house, How far over his head does the snowball )) He rise bally FA wimg tbat 9-097 pus” ba Ee 3 > t = 0-46953 cf ecaly 5-9,. We ahate” eeoresme ates tees ate So a Aegrgle f ¥- 4.082 4-220 snow bull pases Onane 27 et tee roo cet seese's eae, > ve 0s? os 3) A dead cat is dropped from the oof ofa build is 1m from top to batom, and notices thatthe above the op oftheir window was the cat released? i 0.258 Since cat 1s hpepped, v= 0 oS nee Be ote @) | a te vaknows, . Bee > kgf gots 2903) . ‘ng te ay A person in the top story has a window that <8 0.255 to pass the window. How high Se a ‘ zat, 2 Gas) (0-2832)" O- 34246 - EE] 494) Consider three position vectors F=T+2}K = 2048.7 = ]-+26 all of which star atthe origin i) What are the magn tudes (lengths) ofeach one? ii) Construct vectors. 3=7, +47, and ii) What is the distance between the tips of position vectors Zand i? Recall that both their tals are at the origin, b) A cat leaps in the sir, and its position vector is seen to be FO) =G440i +8e-5P)}+2~SHE Calculate DFC), i) a). IJ points up, and 7 and rr 202s 10? What is the 2) placement vector) and distance (sar) between the cts landing and starting points? a 4+4t)2 afst-Se)} 4 C2-se)k Vis ule (3-108) . ic a Gsyh 1). 2 Ce 848 iw) a Bet . = @u)s -.0F £ = -3h 427F- zh ee the F darecbion, bewsler | gle)= aboot” when oe eX l. a 2 $2708 '5) A car is stationary and i pointed up a 20 degree slope. The ear starts from rest and accelerates upwards at 2m/vs ) How long does it ake to go 9m up the slope? 'b) Draw a free body diagram of all the forees acting onthe ca: 6) Ifthe mass of the cari 1Tonne (000k), how big is the friction force? <4) What isthe minimum co-efficient of friction between tres and road (stati assuming the ties sretenee Tace Qe a) ie 6) Joe cool rides his motorbike at great speed (SOn/s) along a track, The track has a bend it ia ‘where the road surface is banked so much it actually goes vemical. The co-efficient of fretion between his tres and the wall is 0.8. What is the smallest radius of the curve Joe should attempt? Fe ya 7 = a Nate Phys 111: Mechanies Midterm Exam, Fall 2004 + There are sz questions inthis cam. AU are worth equal marks. Your Best ive sation wil count + Throughout, take g = 980 m/e? + Good tuck 1 ‘dragster (car) with no brake traveling at 38 m/s when the driver pops open a parachute which slows te cat. Obvioul, the fnew the parachute exerts on the cat creme asthe car cova dew at fan be modelled a FW = (1o00N) ~ 10% /s)¢ (uot the car stops it is zero after that point! Also, thi is sagitude; think eatfily about the ‘lvection). The mass othe dragster lus the mas of the der Ba en (8) What the accretion (ok, deceeetion) ofthe dragster asa function of tne? () What isthe velocity of tho dragster asa function of tna? (c) At what time dost tho dragitr come to ext? (4) After depioving te parsthute, how far does the dragster inove before conning to rest? (©) Consider the time interval between the sdagaes came to rat Over thi ner 5. what isthe average velo ofthe dragster? Ye, what isthe average acceleration ofthe deugiter? i e— Fl) Cheering Ve in cbinechin of velocity = 4 FID = ~ (1020 ~ 104) (@) FU\snal) > alt) = ~Cie0e ~10t)/svo Instant the parachute was poppod and the instant the = t/so)ul W vids faindts -(2t-Cfee)ee Dg 26 oe Ue) ee © vile comes te rest whey vit) =? (© Dragster gto goo b 4500072 SS 2 (b-r0)(t-ney7e stops th 225 Tete ee eed oe Dragster = re a &) x= Sulrrete 2368 |G “f Ao = 34 65m ee). AG(ee) G2) tee 0236 = -L Bm s* ©) Gos ex: MEER = ls WE” BE" Se yO ee ae xle)ro® ce 2. Asohler throws a hand grenade at speed of 0 1/8 at an angle of 50° abore the horizontal (Sce the diagram below.) The grenade faves the soldiers hand at «ight of L.0 above the ground, A Skinny toe of Height 121i divetly inthe path of the han grenade distance 30m aay Dos he and grenade clear the tres? oe (a) How heh above th top ofthe tro doe tps? (b) What ate the magritude and dvetion ofthe grenades velocity panos oer the tro? Ie: (9) How high above the ground dows tht the tee? () What ace the mgeitae and ditetion ofthe grenades velocity nats the tee! wed am | ‘ 30m 1) Lets calelate the hele wher r230% henseahally H [Ve Magnitude A V Ujt+hat® |ocxeue+tat® Ve 7 F o= 2ousso'e |oe-1 taxeemzert -Llna)t™ 2 ata ls Dt=+2335 ae UY Lae an angle : Se hits 10:07m above prom los Tar’ PE 2 30-U2 j 12-86 Je Vg+at below oo 2 20esso? [Vs tosmso-98E hecizonte = 12. Bais 2 BSS al Se r are rlesed om rest ona plane acid at 20° to the horizontal (ae the gear belo) sliding. The fst box has mass 10 kg the secon tx hax ts 20 ha i higher ip tan the frst box. The two are connected ym light string. ‘Te fist lower) box see Ietionlesty, wheres the coeficent of Kinet frtion brteen the eon (higher) bos al the ramp (a) raw few bd dageame fr bah bones leat ab al frees (b) Calculate the magritude ofthe (mutual) acceleration of the two boxes down the plane (©) Calculate the magritid ofthe erson in the sting, Ae Mar oF ee isolate ma “ pee To 98h YF npette me" my hh in O-Fe amg sin O-Fe a J ‘oO = mez | > Aen ISPD Fu. mg (2392 Oo Iyelete rm, Aurillinngy) Stony 24 200% Fn, © gsm O-Ta mia] Fy -m90sO © We nal to solve 0+OOO e wow OF DT = m9 sme B-m& LOO Fe Mynes sonia te Czas sme / . ee de eee 1D 1 951% > a= Cts - Marr d 28 wy tete iy = 1S tals’ / 11,9 sin =m, 4. Consider the following thro veto: B= 200 + 405 + 5.0 B= 101-205 = 208 80k (a) Which vector legen? () Evaluate 23 ~ 8 {) What isthe angle between Bande? (4) If 20 g bee bunts its way around «room with position vector given hy Se M0) =e + ha with Bin units of m/s and in unite of em, what the et fore om the hoe at E = 1.0 9? (atch the unite) = [ateates® = eeae ie ae yeleJomer = WF = 7? Hoe eee ei ek), Jeo = 3 | so 2 i longest [62-wh) = BP 43th PL (plz) + @)le) + (206-8) = 2 LICE) sSe > Ones 3777 aoe {Ele panglaudesdlnle 8) lst (ab aug ash) mls Bets mee Que ha)¥ ob L(g dea pert)e ie 5. cat of as L0 mete tonne (1 metric tonne nqvas 1010 kg) is travelling at m/s whee Wt ornes to acrcular en ithe snd of ra of 20 (a) tee roa is pertctly Rat what the smallest posible coefcent of static frition between ties and ron! that wot allow the ear can go rx the bend without ding (0) Ifthe oad is totally slippery (retin), what is te angle of banking nee fo the car o stay fom the road oem rou hs curve? (e) If the rond is banka to 10°, what ithe minimum value ofthe coeficient of static fiction such that the ear stay othe ron Pak [Fe Me er Ommy Mp ue a Byrne amg =2 > Farm oe jooper > msn = ap D THO > “Ve coe. 466° “7 Went oe” Fyn mle Les tose ee ee s aU, = 5 S FysinB te CoB Od GR ae TusnB 4B Or ol” "Opie Sin 8 + Hres los - Mss B 4p Ry + ks Tan O= Dus ee iegien ee oes paat hg 40 Ten 0-262 $75.48 6, (9) Seen below i 4 paston-sine graph representing the motion of x truck moving along an zis ‘rented sich that the positive rection points righ. 5. What isthe tuc’sdaplacement betwen 0-60 5? ii. Compute the ruck’s average velocity betwoen 10 30¢ and azn beewoan 405-605 li Determine the track’ instantancous veocty a bot 5 ad 5 |v. On which ine interval) i the trick experiencing « domo acceleration? For each ofthe four tie intervals 0-10, 105-30, +-40 5, and 4 =-60s, state whether the trek i wig Hel ight, o ober, Position vs Tho Graph for the Truck 160 £0) og () xy-, . e-e+ 2 @) GF (we 305) > 220m Sms Finls e518 U (yes ose) = o-200 = ~20%6 raeue (iid) At Cs, vis)s slope = SP 2 Sls At uss Vilas) > slope = nee ~ -2onls (Wu) whe tee slope is cheayng, 5¢ ton 10s 10 325 O -105 = moving right &) : ote lo = 325 - yo los - Stepped lo = $05 - Medmy Left () Seon below i» velocy-tine graph corresponding to a ar ing along an sexs with pity clea iin: Note the two motions depicted in pact (0) od (@) ae not a 5. Determine the cars average acceleration between 0-40 Fi Caleulate the ors stataneons aereration at both 10 and 40 1. On wha ine interval) ithe ear spoting up? Iv. On what tine acral) ithe ear moving? olocity ve Time Graph forthe Ca vaio * EX ‘0 - - o w = 30 40 0 1) Gi) & (o> ve) = yluor—vle\ = 0 = (12) = ty mls a us 2 (i) @ fes)> slope s won Ged = tals ye _ ex (ues) = slope = s1a2 tie) 2 ~ '*'% (py ee [ec ee Po Gr co ee Phys 111 Midterm Exam, ABA, Fall 2001, Tim Cooper Your Best 5 question: will count 1)) A rockis thrown horizontally rom the top of 20m high building It strikes the ground at anangle of 45 degrees. With what speed was the rock thrown? Ver tee! Hociseuk<( vt aut ¢2a (ema) | "Vis Us oot v 2", = Unt em 2 vst! wy U2 20-0 fale SUE ID 1 que (2/2) Freel Veoethy We revtae Me ae F uyx20'9 So rech ut How uf 205 8) A atis thrown horzontaly fom the top of the building, but witha speed of 30m/s. What are tg the horizontal and verical components ofthe cat's displacement after 1s? ose Veeck “ : Sher | ae x eons Uy b+ bet : z Pee nwox,s 3o)eo | = 20 ee)! 7 Hers =52Vot + Lek" | 30m | eof 4b So compouk of ab Maplin tne 30m CHorryoatelly) @ -S (verkeally) tyhene ¢Ue obi reclems Ane 48 qe lef 2)Letr=2F1 +31) - aCe) be the postion vector ofan atom (say alom ‘A’ ina box. Let ree] tion vector of another atom (ator 'B}) inthe box. a) What is ry + fp? (2e ue) F « (GET ~ WED 2 2 Whats the poston vetr of Ba sony any observeron ton A tu? fy PR Coy F pan ieueca) r Ate me Se é = ie Cn: e297 - 4S 4a ©) Whatis the acceleration of atom A as function of time (a4(t))? Vilt)= ue? «£33 - 2th Ble. ut- eh ©) What ie the speed of atom B at time =25? > 2 Vv, = Ys —-27 dl (peetees = 2 yet 1,2) = ar 4) Att=1, what are r ,(1), rp(1) and the angle between them ? + 5.06 Gye eo.) ae a A, = = 2. oe og ea Gree aan lA@) or | Myer? Or6 a 26 os 8, ~ cr 2) Agron om oe tat sang of ders om he orate sd 0 ‘another 4kg mass hanging vertically. Upon release, the hanging block is seen to accelerate downwards at rus 8) What is the tension inthe string? a Isolate 8 di eng qe a ne" Digg -T Mig | wh SEH I-A » og lg-a) ‘ al = @Uo-2 = 32 (I 3 'b) What is the friction force acting on the block on the slope? ot lyelete we Wey fo Plane « Pm TH 92% (\) - a oe u Hy TH Fg =p DEO § My L AQ =D Fas T- 1,954 B -uy@ = 32- &loleS) - ¥@), 3 ‘¢) What is the co-efficient of friction between the block on the slope and the surface? aw. \\ ae bh Pane ae Nee ee boprrrnntaae D Fyn gresO =O Ans Fhe» ee ~ue" Vee o-use() {) Whatisthe minimum co-efentof at ition between he block onthe slope athe Surface 5 that when he angng lock sles, wil ot acseae? PTL pong cos8 pet D> Fy = Ylodes3e)= 3460 From FBP in B 60 ae see tne weeol Bae) A> Far 22 aro T= mgeuou 3b Fam Pen dy Alu) = O-S78 TH Fag = 90 O = mp aee D Fy 2 T-386 O = 40-20 = 2eu 3 Fy Uw chaazee! 4)a)_A.rock is dropped om a 20m high tower. Ifthe acceleration due to gravity is a=10m/s* downwards 2 () how log des it tke? (i) with what speed does the rock hit the ground? (i) to 3g Ul enh o-22 = 0- St ea 2 b-2s ag] (tl ve tet toby Ve @ = fa) s ~ 2046s Wits grovel at speed of 20-776, ») A small robot spacecraft is hovering (ie. stationary) 20m over a small asteroid, taking pictures. When fuel runs out the asteroids gravity causes the spacccraft stats to accelerate ‘down. The acceleration increases as the block gets closer tothe asteroid and can be described bya()= 225 més (@) How long does it ake to hit the asteroid? (Gi) With what speed dors the spacecraft hit the asteroid? ey y+ t2 vl): OD Y= {ales Ee ule)= Vy * ES : ee (2) Le Mee coe | ee ec ee) 1360 44) want Line 60, eo ee nro : ay Lo = Crpeew) = 365 egal ae 5) A bioyedst travels ina circle of radius 25m at a constant speed of 9n/s. The bieycle-ider f assis #Skg. Calculate the magnitudes o 48) The force of friction an the bieyele ftom the road b) Theft force from the road onthe bicycle(Hint, thre is mote than just ection!) OMemiiom eet efoto rd stain 28, JL he a thee *D ~Q 4 a —f os! ay j a a > gong 2 wy eee . -ason(U) rg ( : i > 2 z 7a eat ced 18, Fenn >, tf + 2 aoe sa (0 : = a 843-5 Ve] (275-4) “# @ ove ly 6) A red car is parked ata traffic ight. At ¢-05 a blue car passes it at 1Onvs and is accelerating at Inns, ACt=Is the red car stats to accelerate at 2m’ 1) How long before the ed car catches up with the blue ear? 'b) How far away’ from the traffic light do they meet? ©) Caleulate the average velocity for both the red and blue cars from t=0 to their meeting time. «d) What i the relative speed ofthe cars when they meet? oo nh 2eb® @ zB enh min’ ie a 0 Let's sketch & ach. /*6 ~~ t wel 20 Iqat®’ we ee oe hare splot hart car the accel tion O71 Do Ge Thee 7 Foc 5 ouly Conshawt tio why bf it} + “at To bind! whey the Cars met, x= 246) Dd lot +," @-)" = . a erat ai = ere > yer nize t! oo on fies = One 23-45% or acupt pel se > t we ¢ 23-45 85) wad enn) 250287 Ove ee Seni ae 527-082 z x ome S27 Oy eee he as ee je bot cues, %° = ahs gt Bt Tis Masiee y= Boum ce ee Hts too late now. Fass the exam you wii! be trapped inte sac aipnysteise, fail the exam and you're even saras oft oa Please attcnpt a1] questions. Your best five vill count. A12 eegtions casey eqssl ssrkes Nove: Snip Ered vel! peepsene which you solve your problens carefully. '" “he Ore 4m 2) Acar of mass 1000 ig fe when (at 1-0) 3 Siow it net Ge epzlond fa Glee ato) sina So moat is the acceleration of the car az a function of ime? Bi iat 1a the acceleration of th iF a El Wat is the velocier of ‘the cor sea fu } Revanat Elbe! dog, the yelocity ofthe 2) thats is the posseion of the cay soe tunstise of las? 18 How tar does’ the cor sravel while beating? fe ae +) Qi) ee lee 2) vif) = false = g-Rtec 26 als vlo)= 36 9 0% ~wled+e= 36D So leds (£522 £436) ols a) vals gem ft? ize 3e-o D (t-i = 0 e455 Yoox fvardes Boe ee +e 5 at bo. we)s0 > Ee fe s (pe rece) 2 x” ee t*+36t) AV braking last bs, 50 elastase trandbd 9 (6) 6° -6l6*) © 36> F2- 18 +26 = 72m Pees eo ofueg coe are @) “tee 2 sf-3f Gn mem s C324 6S rah) ~ (ad ~ cf -v28) Rca ge alk (8) mat te Jett eye? 2 fhe 5.04 (irl het is he ample between @ an Pike HOS Oe Fh > ty O2 01592 2 Oe i =F OH + Go 303 + sstnzere 14S) that gue, st9 velocity (W(Eh) and acceleration (a(cl) as = Vale 32 33 titesauk | @ Gls 640 - ssh Que 1 TSS Mae Lathe magnstude of the MEY force scting on the eee se) (66)? samba) (eri Za 29 ave" Bla PPM. 2aa7 wow 2 naar S$ if — 06/6 and an angie of 20 degrees below y sch shatteeted by any diag foresee 3)an ateplane avis ‘the neeizontal soi falas: freely and 12 pote Brice are the speed an PEG and direction of travel of the bom» on we Lew seenly “yews Wot thet! = 50: form )t 4Cr ase 0 92g BUDE - SCO Feds vee Uo Uytat oe 2 190 1093 Cue > ve : 7 = aap) = : 2 ee ZF als a ait —— e Jesnypagee)® . X\- 7 Speed = L, = 14 Oe7T mls a Diet che 7899 re 2 O- ual? below verserkl 41 B stone of mass mllgitied to the end of @ Light zod of Length Lin) end whisted around in's vertical eisele with wnttors 2o8 vine 2 the tension in the rod when the atene 4a at the S),Whae ore the horizontal and vertical components of the force the stone is going up? 4] hae Sa the angular velocity of the rod a measured in Citedlar abun 2 ee. { Veecheally rahe Pot ogat |B oa | > Tem al % + ge | > 2a, os Oo ov 0.08 ‘ : S2v0e8 peta atone ahaha (ie 82 Oe u als erie 611 am descending a hilt at 30n/e in my car, The hil makes and angie of 10 degrees vith respect to the horizontal, The co" fféictent of ftiction between my Fixes and the Load te'O.8 (both Kenerie" ana starie) 3) Wit 15 the shortest distance in vhich 7 can step? B) Rapeat a) seh me ascending the isi ae Jona Mae OB Ms Isvlate car Fy ner O78 > 6, = uaF ngs Om wren = ma Sa glsind pend) = b.02als* 2 Uy a aloe) ee oo gl es ee ee) eo Dar Wath | Tr 9? pb saplene 02109 > O > maa. Physics 111 Midterm Exam, 1999. Tim Cooper Abby Sections ab2 and aba Please attempt all questions. Your best 4 will count. All questions carry equal marks. 1} Vector stuff: Vectors are in bold face. a= Gh + + oe) b= (24 ~ 55 - ok) es = = . (ay gee CAC ape isk \- CID - 20) 36k) Ll ife= a4 75 (444) what to" Jel = — Vau7 . faaet- () What is the angle between a anda? [a .fe 9 428-37 oO: Rew PF B= Y 6-6? A moth of mass 1 gram flies around a toad Tes position as» function of cine {s"seen to be. Bit) = (1 + 4 + (+ sin(sey3) (vi) Mat are its velocity (wit)) and function of time Pl): Zee - seo (ea = 224 4snGM)) acceleration (a(t) ) as a (vit) What is the NET force acting on the moth at time t-287 ete [C4 agnfels)w : oe 9 safe ) > g.002L -25IV SF )M 2) Wayne Gretsky is standing at the purple line when he lets fly with a slapshot. The puck (mass 0.1 kg) is launched at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizontal and a speed of 20 m/s. The puck flies towards an empty goal. The goal is 30m from the purple line, and the top of the goal is Im abov goes over the goal, there is no score. ¢ gets a goal by calculating the height of the goal-line ave ewe a) ail? Taos Q) 4 yas If the puck fperosns tt] C1160) 5 = on2ten p= 022" a Gee ae, “i (aot) he Ons Fe cee See! pod or ae Pe aden ee oe bye Gra taky seae® =) jut 5 3) Joe cool is traveling at 30m/s on a wet road. He wants to take @ corner to the right at this speed. The corner is of radius 100m, and the co-efficient of friction between road and tires is only’ 0.85 (both static and kinetic). Josephine, the cool physics student and his beautiful girlfriend is sitting in the front Passenger seat. She quickly calculates that they are not going to make it and throws a rope out over a post located at the centre of curvature of the road, and hangs onto it. The pair then successfully negotiate the turn. Assuming that the car, Joe and Josephine together mass 1 Tonne, what is the tension in the rope that Josephine holds to get them round the turn? 2 a Ce aa (Xe 7 ee 5, S* — ae gre \ Us y T i (al nee) Ue ae) eo 4 7 ae l tye 7 oD sve) (1020) / G2 1000 («hte -25) + 4, Find the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the 10kg block in the setup as shown, Assume the covefficients of Friction between the blocks m1 and m2 and the plane are 0.1, ew 5.a) You lean out of the window of your office and drop a/iead engineer from the botton sill of your window. You notice tt cakes (Cong second before you see the red smear. Prove that your bottom Window sill is 45m above the pavement. ee eat v oe V2le)G@) = «sy We [) DI» eeccad cold, ceed eoginens 40 thrown off a top Gf a eg ee fake 1/S6th of «second to pace your window. there 1s 100 aetre between the top and botton Of your windows Racher then iootisy Zor "the aplaty you restize you can fisetiy find ov how bien yoor buvidlng "How nigh sec ies fee Cae eye = | te V4) +50) Co). : i pO ae oe - 3 ae 14}, ols a 2) (ayia 2 2696-09 oe Wo = WS : fo tbe orem So ee ht of be 2 eee 6) A 2kg ball is attached to a vertical rotating rod by two massless strings. The strings are taut, and the ball rotates around with the Same angular velocity 4s the rod. The strings and rod form an equilateral triangle. The tension in the upper string is 60N. a) Draw a free body diagram (i.e. draw all the forces acting on the bali). tm | ac | “ 3 ce = b) What is the tension in the lower string? ech ably Ties be > Tewsoo4 ng PD _GOcosOo-ma 21 8 (62 Tes pene =» 20M ©} What is the net force (magnitude and direction) on the ball at the instance shen, with the ball to the right? Was, PTT = Ty e990 4 Teees}o = Feces PoP = Og. ade = ear ptea Te Left —~ d@) What is the speed of the ball? ae 3 Foe) ee ee 2 GV? + VF co530°) Physics 111 Midverm Exam. 1998. Tim Cooper Please attempt 211 questions. Your best 4 will coun! questions carry equal marks. all a)A rock is thrown straight off a cliff by a short man standing at the edge of the cliff. The cliff is 100m high and the rock is seen to land 20n from its base. If the rock is thrown horizontally, with what speed is it thrown? ve erica Hee Beer ae omy Ut oe risgs of ~gtoyt ro 2Ute >t: feo vye dre Waals b) The short man now pitches another rock and throws it up at an angle of 37 degrees with respect to the horizontal and at 5 m/s. How far from the base of the cliff does it land? Chane +Ve 5i3 te W7825 2) Vector stuf: Vectors are in bold face. (si + af + se oad = i - 55 - 9 What are Gi 32-8 is ests 5 2) = JFer = 7-62 (141) what is [el? (iv) What angle does @ make with the x (i.e. 1} axis? ‘5 Wint, draw a picture) f tue = Hh D> Ge b6be9° % (v) What 4s the angle between @ and b? Seed c a > ws6+ 2 \ai= fe Wil Jue ' wel, > OFw2-F te Fie = ae ene ae sine what is a(t)? V ie) 2tL - yea GH > alts 22 445m (05 3) A road is built with a radius of curvature of 200m. It is banked just the right amount so that a car can travel at 25n/s round the curve without the need of any friction force. Joe Cool decides to take the corner at 30m/s. What is the minimum co-efficient of static friction needed between the road and the tires so that Joe Cool does not slip? Ui Pd eer wish 7 . v 4 Fyn 2 BY IC Pe yeooag] PML Tus | Fwd i ee a fi a | Stn Gs Tea geo | Fu SHO = ar ct Fed 9: We "9 eye og 7 eae | ce - F, sna, CoB: F > ln Os Ne ar 1—WytanE 4. Find the magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the 10kg block in the setup a8 shown. Wsolete 1h (nr) Suuseceritnl( Sutesesee (Sond i 7 Fy = Mead (r-snd) Secu! fe eee sere) 2703 — a Oo Blinn my Hares a, = samls Ieolats zoho (es) solar 7009 © Et pe mngg 27 ‘o pdt ana” J : ) wg - 27 omaha (2 5, Nicholas has a toy electric train. The locomotive weighs 1.5kg and all of its steel wheels are driving wheels, The locomotive drags 5 $00-grem coaches behind it, and each of these puts Up @ velocity-independent drag of IN, The co-efficient of static friction between steel wheels and steel rails is 04, take oe arbi My a) If the loconotive and wagons are ‘stationary, how iong at maximum possible acceleration would it take the train to travel ee Sa fel be So) Sol Goel Bere RE Ong Ie poten penne oe, fe PP re Eg aed oe = Fan by wom ee mat pws (SHES TE = ee ale ee a oe Gels 42 Jax Petes b) ‘The train has been running a while, and is speeding along at im/s. Suddenly the power is cut and the locomotive's wheels lock up. The train skids to a halt. If the co-efficient of kinetic friction between steel wheels and steel rails is 0.3, how far does the train skid? (NOTE, the coaches' wheels do not lock up!). egos 6. I Ge) —— oe ao Teel) ee bu 26 se): 4.50 pet a” pu whale tran a neesasals® (becwwds) + 24 Ce-%o) 2 2z(-2 375) Ohm) rows Bel cn 6) A vector @ is of length 3cm and points at a bearing of 20 degrees. A vector B points at a bearing of 260 degrees. Vector ¢= 2 +B is seen to have @ length of cm. How iong is vector By From cosine cult bd ° #, aC, h a : ae - Db blbeesco") «4 ) FF Spas wrpersible, e 3+ as He son z Se be be uch on

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