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X 4- A - 33 0.
III INTEHOO. ATION 9- /9/ / s-15--

NO 1/59 , 22 • ay 1945
This bulletin was iJrepared as o 59 of the :obile Field Interrotion
Unit No 1 series ana is numbered as such.

n eiehs 3icherheits rl,coptaat

1. Organiation
.2, Si4terheitsdienst
3. g.estapo
r •

C. Alitr,ry intelligence'
7. Jesearoh Rnd Counicatione
8, Yield. -,-)rni.7ution

Identific a tion of f.ents

.Abwehr Activitie •


12. Abwehr I (s;)ionage)
1 3 •-,behr 'ZI-odqu.arters
14. Identified :gents
DATE 2001 2007
15. Identified.OiTicers
16. A>rei .gn .2,gents
17. Radio (ode 1j8
19. lerman Lents in Britin
============ =-1.============='=========

17'1 (Kriminl. Ko iissar •.bert \DOKL U. with the V:rNN
for 17 Yrs and grcluted 17 e2 frog. speoial trap: school for
officers of the Security Uianl '!;as ther asE ,:i g Led t.'J the
Zripo where he remained t11 arch.T' • cl ! lis to be fully
liar ' J the ltest c}i...L.Tiges in org-niation and personnel 'rithin
3icherheits ITuptt)and. its subordinte units in
followinz report is not intended as general review' of n
the g erman Polie systerp but is confined to recent ch.2,nzes and anendif
- ents,supplementing tiT.R9/0Y-C1/30/45.
1. Organizatin
The BSHA • is organized into 7 deprtments 1:14(1 3 recently' added .
. 1 ecia1 breaue It is under co wand of II I Tiin his colti
17:hief of the g en nfth-r
if' thP
At I - (,mt Personal (Personnel Office)
Arrt I I 3rni'zation,7er'r Iltung u echt (Organi7r;tion, dTini-
stration,and Legal)
Art III Deutsche Lebenszchiete Si; (Spheres of German TifP)
Ge cmor Erforschung fung. Gestapo (Investition
Amt - and Suppression of anti-n-zis)
At V -Verbrechen I3ekAmpfon KriPC (Criminal Police)
Ault VI -Ausland (6oreign ,;ountries) VII-eltanschF;uliche Forschun g u Auswertun7, (Ideological
ileseario and l'Iplication)
Amt VIS-S-botage
ALA ,,IL-Strrtegic•llit ,qry Intelligence
Art N -Nachrichten (Technical office for dissemination)

At I and II.
Although operating as separate departmentsmAmt I rind'il are
united-under one department head,Stndertenfahrer
cul=ly trusty henchman of IIIIY R . .The former heads,9(3.Grupfenfuhrer
frwin SCNUL7 P.nd 0/3truTbannfuhrex EI,NEL,temnined as depUtie.The
reason for combining the deprtment under , MRLINGYR was to bring the
organization and personnel of the Germ a n L oliT.e completely up to SS
stndarts. •
2. Sichetheitsdienst
III,the Sicherheits Dienst (SD).is still the party intelli-
gence organi7.ation,and is still paid from party funds.The salries
are an average of 50 %, higher than those of the rezular police nit-
ces.The Office has increased in siz . e,but-is still cencerned solely
with Germans.Its '"interest" extends into all spheres of (Jermn life.
Amt III is the only departmnt of the RSHA which is designted.. as
Function of is the collection of information r?.nd its
aissertAwAion to all executive agencies concerned.The importance of
its surveillance reAches• so f a r that all promotions or appointEents
i.0 administrations,government,patty,school,universities,indstr y and
other fields are subject to approval by Si.
It is organized of highly trustworthy and well trained agents
who. control three categories of assistants:Ehrenamtli.che
(volunteers),GelegenheitliChe Atarbeiter (occPsional collaborators).
and 7 ubringer (agents) .SL proudly disclaims using stool-pigeons .
Head of .,mt IY,Gestapo,is ex officio deputy chief of the Sino.
The position was held .(Lnrch 0/Gruppenfuhrer 1:01,LER .The GestFt-
po Mnintains its own ortvni7ation for the collection of inforri.ation
perteining to political opponents, including the so-called -Komune,
Church,Free-massons,and lately- "reactionary forces°.It also super:
vises foreigners within Germny.
The Gestapo is the active branch or. the political police. It
acts on its own and 3D information,and can he considered. the execu-
tive of the SD.The close .coopertion. is asSured through the tact
that the Gestapo is largely n q nned by SD men.
In line with Its duties of supervisin . foreigners within C,erma-
ny Gestapo.has . now taken over the supervision of prisoners of wax •
ag::,inst all objections from
r •

In ndditio to its vrried. funktions Gestpo'took over some of

the duties of the milit.ry- intelligence service,especially those of
ooanter-espionge and nonter-abotge.especially since the advance
of the flllies carried riny of these activities from occ lapied 7,:ones
into .lermany proper.
According to some sotxmxt.x.alkt l'rontlAafer (agents 'v,to infiltr
.rte throazh enemy lineE:,glher information ,A.nd either-report hy
radio or return in person) are controlled by the Gestapo tbtough its
subordinate ;r.t .- Amt N in the coordinatr for Gestapo spies and .3stmilr,
stool-pigeons employed in could not be de-
finitely established through interrogation . of additional a hether
this office also exercises' control over Froat1ufr which,acording
to other reports,are controlled j military' ibwehr.
In bearing ith the tendency of bringing military- intelligence
unLer control of the throgh thee newly IL na7ified,
ones,i;ay have encroached on Jurisdiction of the military intelligen-
co,ontrolledtherefore by the politically not fully reli.nble"
14.1 exact transfer of jurisdiction could not me established in some
It understood tht III () .et.ploy :only party ',,embers
who offered their services volunt9,rily and are therefore considered
reliable .Contrary to this policy,the . ]estaao frequently 'presses
people into service.Iliven outspoken opponents are em,ployed by RA4ans
of threats,promises of leniencY for alleged. crimes,or p.: of
hostes. -
flounter sabOt;:ze for protection od wr industries,especjAlly
the safe guarding of top-secret instnlintiOns for V-wenpons,hms been
duty of sub-division 3 of the .T,;estapo since Dec 43. .
The border patrol (Grea7polvzei)bec2me nn ory,nic pnrt of the
'Clestapo in A lataftn 1944.
q rappe F.
unit which probably cores ander eom:, mand of the . Gesto is
-TL rape P, although some of its "aspects coincide with that of Grooe
of Nrioo (below),It could not be estnblisrled if the two arc identi-
cal or in That connection they operate jointly if at all.
. Grunpe F occupied. itself .1rgoly with oper!Aions on the blYick.
r.nrket,not so much with the purpose of checking black IftnTket
tios !s to dr ,*ft blck mnrket opertors into smin servicos.A.avove-L
rei] hick. market Operators 7ere often only too willing,to.coperte
7-ith SD or r.;estapo and thdis escape panishment.They were enlisted to
inform against ti-Fa7is in telir orgni7ations or clientele.
In occupied areas it ' employed Ouislings aislin,T,.orga-
nizations in the fight -aqi.nst subversive elements.Thkress in 1°1'.nce
, ere lartely drafted from the rti Popul iire and from D . 01.0Ts follo-
ers.The prty,led by T.ISSERT,supplied forces for 7ollnd
E was involved. for so:re time,but nileg:edly succee rled in
extricating #is forces from the net.
Vmarice of TOUL,brother of %lbcrt
himself very unpopular . with the Th.?.i through hi2 writinif,8 in
:El'ECNE DE TOULOME.The Gestnpo thereupon' got in contact with
Gaoton PETIT and jean ',UVAT2ADIMT,both of Trappe F in TCiT51,01.M,to
P ave SARIi.AUT lig. u.idnted.These to worthies hired-two profeSsional
killera who shor RARF(AJT when he returned home work 19.,,3.hrs one
evening toward the end of Nov 3'.The aardetera were mpprehended nded by
the German military police,put into lervan uniform and sent via...
laris to Lake CONSTANC7, where they were wunrtered in a villn along
with the two from Gruppe .vho had hired them.

The meeting pince for rjrupee E. was. (or may still be)in the bar
of Hotel NePOLEON,LILL., certain FP,T0'6 (nom de guerre).wha worked
in the bar is a member of the .4.roue.PkT0 is 32 yrs eld.wears good
. clothes,is reputedly a gambletihas arrogant manners . .
'any Jews in e'.A.H1.:3 were murdered by }rue F.A jeweller G-OLD- .
3011:!,ITT was shot down in bright dnylight by . e. passing cyclist in Rue
• Leader Of Gruppe F,BRUSSELS,was Eptrn who also acted
as inofficiaL liaison between Army and Gestapo.7-IiitilANN is a war
criminal without any moral couvictiens.Over 50 yrs .old,medium hight,
wrinkled face,piercin es,shrill angry voice,mostly used at a
screaming pitch.
any agents of • Gruppe F conexegated in the lower part (house-
numbers 200-240) of Avenue Louise,BBUSSELS.
• .4. Kripo -
GrupDenfuhrer t4EBE,head of At V,Kripo,fled toSwit?earland after
the Incident oe 20 July.0/Grupeenfuhrer KtI,TENBY.UNNER took personal
charge of the department and oppointed 0/Fahrer PAN7IaE1l as his.deputj
for Amt V.PANIGM was formerly head of the subsection • for combetting
the Kommune (the leftist elements).During 1943-1944 he was Befahlsha
ber OST. with HQ at HIGA.Like most of his department heads imxmatxt
he is not a specialist but a policeman of provelp politicel reliabilit-
Fis predecessor was an experienced old time criminological expert.e
MEBE s flight from Germany' was officially explained as an act of men-
tal illness.
According to the latest instructions given at the trng course.
during Dec- 4, the basic difference between. Kripo and Geetapo lies
in the question of penal jurisdiction.Kripo deals only with offen-
ders against the 011711 penal code and has no juriddical authority.
All case must be-broliffht before civil courts where they are dealt .
with according to the penal code.The judicary has the right of inter-
vention (Finspruehsrecht)in cases hendled by the•Kripo.PersOns detai-
ned by it mast be presented to a judge within 24 hrs after. ferrest.
.rests can be made only upon order from legal authorities.
1,7.y of contrast i lestapo rtF3 own. initiative or upon orders
from ar).It acts as its own jadicflry or brings its cases before the
people s court In of treason offenders are judged. by ondergcR
gericht$hof.The regulnr juidieFiry , hs no influence on ections•of the
festapo l which hes the_ right to talcs any case from the Xripo
sees fit.
Gruppe P,o;ae of the kno'm s qb-division. of Amt V is not a sector
which is directly under the he e d of the deprArtment,but is 'n sabordina
te part of . ru e V-A (irts • hftsverbrechen ar,inst the
national economy).It concerns itself principally with me.tere•referre.
to it by the financial rluthoriltie,swth ns eses of hoardir7,selling,
or stluggling of foreign currency, negotiable instruments,golde or silve

5. Foreign Denartment
Tbe foreign department (Amt VI) is commanded by '33 Groneenfuhrer
SCHELLENr3WG,former lawyer fro the Rhinelend.His personal aide is
-turmbennfuhrer Dr SC H IT Z (in his fortles,medium height,stout,acts
very jovial and eordial,and is said to be extremely shrewd and dange-
•/ •


Offices of Amt . VI,until end of Jan • 45,were at Berkberstr.corner
Teohenzolleradamm,BERLIN-SOMokRGENDORF.Dispersal locetions were in the
woods nr DARUTH (vic . 'OSSEN),and in the forest E of FURSMI,eLDE.Code
designations were BEL1NDE for the BARUTH station,and TALDBURG for the
figRSTENNALDE station.Other dispersed offices were in numerous unident
tified houses in the suburbs of BERLIN,in Potsdamerstrend Friedric.h.
str.PT claims that knowledge of all locations was known. only to a few
select high ranking functionaries.
• elost of the ezeloyees were SD and Gestapo men,elthough some none
eerie meebers were employed lately provided they had the endorsement
of some minister of cabinet,01or OKH.All non.parte • members however,
• verye closely checked' before being employed,andeinvestigetion. including
7shedowing" and intercepting of the individual s mail.
The department is organized. in a central offiee,two overhead offe(
ces. and eight operative sections.
The. central office is occupied by.SCHELLENBERGER,his Ride SCBMITt
and Sturmbannfuhrer ULENBERG 0 liaison officer with the 'einistry alit for
Overhead office (Gruppe e) is concerned with administration per-
sonnel,finance legal. thatters, is directed by0/Sturebennf:Ihrer
Dr SANDBERGER .(medium height,slender,quick,reputedly very estute 4.hd
thorough,lawyer,former administrator of Latvia or Kurland at the front
which are handled through Lehr-Regiment Ygitiat KURFURST.His . aide is
Sturmbannfahrer OLERUCK (tall),athletic.huilde.
In charge of officers of the areed forces is itci.j PERSON,while an
0/Lt of the Kriegsmariee is in charge of enlisted personnel,Obst-Aich-
ter LENZER (or LORENZ) . is the chief of judiciary,legel.questions,and.
Gruppe A is in direct liaison with the Chief of kmt VI and all
departments.It is located in barracks of the camp in the forest nr
eartith (vic ZOSSEN).
Section B (%EST) deals with all information,especially concerning
military matters,regarding England,Holland,Belgiurg ,Franee,Spain,Portu-
gal,Seitzerland,Italy,and the United States.A s p ecial sub-section
( laeferat)is maintained for each country.Each sub-section is staffed •
with various specialists for the various aspects of each country,and a
number of interpreters tChief of the Section is Standartenfuhrer STEIM
•CLeter thirties) from 'URTEVBERG (STUTTGART?).ffis military Advisor is
-aj VON TREfSEN.Numerous staff officers from frmy,GAY,and griegsmarine
work in the section.
Officers are located at ,oLDBURG ir URSTEN ,eLDE).
section C(EAST) collects information concerning Soviet flussia,
Scendinavie,end the Far Eest.Orgenieation the saee as '73eet P.It is
directed by 0/Starmbannfuhrer VON' TS 'HIRSCHKY.Officers are et eLD-
Section D (SOUTH-?AST)coneerned with matters dealing with 7eeho-
slovakia is the saile as Sevt.PChief of section is 0/Sturmbennfuhrer
S7HUBACK.Officee are in VIErNeeTeletype connections are eeinteioed wit
offices in Peraerstr.,REIILIP-SCITheUGENDORF.
It would not be ascertained whether the three operational reeione
al sections ere,in direct connection with front elements through the
12 or the erey intelligence service,or whether it employs own forces
such as elements of KURFURST,exclusively and eontrols them directly.
is,however,certein that 7-eanner (also designated as re-eAnner)were
seen on their way to the office of eedefuhrer SCHELLENBERG on several
oecasions.'especially important secret agents had direct access to *awe
S.7: 7, 2LT,SNEET,end Dr SCUeII7 seemed to know many of the most vital
agents personally and by their right name.
4 •

7 •

8ection E (Evaluation?) :as quartered seperately from the other

eeetions,in•yerious houses in and nr aERL,nt.Little could be asertai-
' ned regarding the nature of tki its etivit, seemed to operate
in connection with the 3EBITTY; world-wide wireless monitor station
end the leopolitische field seeeed to overlap with that
of a :3-ection . KUI. . (below).It ees heQd.ed by an unidentifiel j/Sturie.
Section TUI, (Kultur)ee,rts,5viences,duketion apparently had
close connection with the Gerean 'etudents organization,the fecul-
ties of aniversities,and. various research sccieties.ther threads'
lead to veroious ministries,universities,and trng camps (5chu1ungs-
laUer).It i.e headed by a StuMbennfuhrer (nieme unknow.A 0 believed to
have doctor s degree).Exact location of offices could not be ascer-
teined,some are believed nr Xerkaerstr,other on Potsdameretr.
Section IT (VA.rte haft uhd•Teehnik)-D,onomics and Technia,has
evidently a very large field of eetivity as many offices in Nerkaerst.
And at ',::1-4.DBURG. are °coupled by it.Sturmbenftfuhrer OLBRUCK (of
Gruppe A)eentioned depotsehops,eed laboratories belonging . to this
section.Chief of the ssction is Standartenfuhrer Prot.Dr STIIID his
f'irst assistant 0/turmbennfuhree . RANK.
It eould net be ascertained whether thethree last named speeia-
lieed groups .derive their material from the reeion groups or through
on agents.
,;ection 7 (11.ndio):0 details are known of this sections
(Sabotage)was formed in Autumn 44 and took over and ”
enlarged rhe existing orgeni7ation for sabotege,subversive activities
and terrorism.its activities are-kept even more secret than thet of.
the other departments of emt VI.Some of its offices are on the, ground
floor of the bldg in Berkaerstr.The .deputy ehief,U/turmfuhrer 4:TERe
S,was seen often in close conference with 3IIELLENPEY.0.17ead of the
eeetion is Germmnys greatest expert in the field,0/3turmbennfuhrer

'3ectione -7 B (entral f3uro)is the second of the two overhead offi:'

ces.It is the agency for colleetion,evaluetion and dissemination of
all intelligence.All intelligence in this offie was elessified
" .. treeg q eheimm ,soee travelled ns "geheime Reichssnehe"(non-eAliterY .
.top-secret matter), same as "geheime Komlandosache"(militery top-secre
eetter).Among the known . sources of informations were:DNB,Trens-Ozeane
DIIIV, G,01U,OKH,TILI,,mNistriespespecielly•theministry for propaganda
and its •departments Foreign Countries, Foreign Press,Propagenda,3er-
en Press,Eestern Department.Parther:sueveillanee of the meile•and • •
tf:onitOrs of all wireless transmitters.
Chief of the office is Sturmbennfuhrer Dr SCRINDOWSKY (aepr 40
yr8 old,tall,gaunt,"crookeVexeression,mester of intrigues,fond.of
drink end women even during office hourseeas in Me administretion on
the f front) .His assistant is 0/Sturefuhrer TABBERT (middle twenties,
ective,ambitious,origineted from police servieee"knifes" his chief).
ell top .secret comMunicatione are received personally by SCINDROW
or Tf.,.P.Tii7aT who take them personelly to 5 .MELLENP.ERG or :3Ci7.WT.T7.,..
They are also the eutors bf deily report for q TI,,73 whjah is sent
through. Firl."7 S offi c e by special courier.
Other secret message's received are broken down acCordire to con-
tent and sent to the section concerned with the greatest possible sx_a
.speed.attere of general interest are incorporated in e 2. - 5 page. .
bulletin which is Issued in 15 - copies twice deily and distribu-
ted in seeled envelopes to section chiefe,theirx deputies,end several:
chiefs of overhead departments. .
orkers in Section B incJude:Kapitanleutnant -.RUETTUN,formerly
stationed et IST.Mie9ULeDr 'eeGN'EReohief editor of the DIITAG correspon
de:ace,Yrl B.7.,ISTE,formerly of' the "PIMPISCU,E KUFJER (newspaper) /
• •

unitiêntified urah
mfrer fron; TlihN3-052-iband. argaLPAI'llESS,
. GOTTESGAB,originally from VIENII.A.,now with the foreign
Trequent-comprehensive reports- dealing with si: , ecial•mnttere are
written for 1-i-1. 7 1,1".t.they ar composed by DT g :7FIIND3-3 -M. ,who employs as
advisor for military mritters :faj 'f i'reiherr II2 (ap.r 50 yrs-old,
relative of the 'r2,I.TNS (electrical)family,leader of a • ?teikorps in the
7a1tic1919-1919,foreign representfAive for !:71I'S 5CTLICKEET,probably
non-party member). •
SCHINIDO:'SM was heard . to state that much of his inforation
care fro "very industrious and effective" (SD) eontributors• who were
scf-;ttered over the various Linistries,government aencies, •Ai- HO and
echelons,unbeknoTnt to the heads of these offices.He added that
1. .T.,.ollaborators were especilly successful la the 'Forein.
0X --.P,Tand the SP7=, inistry. .•
re'.)olts are often written by . aiselher .- IZTAIWG,Puthor of a
. very unfriendly bet seller describing life in the Thited :3tates,''.Der
KCNTINT"..ihitc reports are written by 0/Lt V-C)
Pertinent iortnt iatellizence tzc,f .!•Llso 1-e forwarded to other •
interested'agencies,s;Ich 'as • the officer for F.Tr, .(,),,urmfuhrar
c f'D iho 1;io su1ies lai•on with S';: -; 7tandarte KnT:Ti3 ,the
ar Correspoddente ..Jegiment.Other ite r. mily be sent to the 11 son
officer of Ostabschnitt .:(Drden (N. seCtion of the front)oV,V.Y3turmfuhrer RG. is pn.rticulnrly interested in ER,b1dgs,
:-.i.r2orts,a1nned zf-:therings,and proinent- perSonalities 1on the 3
frott,L. K.P..aHfl -
scnInwsaY and ZICHIT we t'e heard caxplining that news from the
T jnited tates was s;arse and uns(.;tisfactory,thnt from 19ng1and dealt
only with airerft lovetfent d 2roduction,whi1e reports frot6
were sntisf-. 0 tory,from 7ussi excellent.
VT is saitfl_ to Jiose over 1ar;7e confidntial fun.ds. eiaims
!,cr.ov, from a ',e;Eber of the deprtment that photographic eopies of the
agreeent ere bougt. for a.. 700.000.
sharp distinction reg 7,Arding the l'ielde of activity r betwe
VI 7b . i .7s h !onerraoa with. foreizn o p tictr1eF.3,And t Ti (easta
(o;hich. is eomf2etent in lerny•and adjoining border areas.
ost of the t It nre SI:, men who are still on the
onrty pay.roll and. Cestapo rt.or.t 'no were large1y . drawn froq
Of II.
(-oiarce for item B.'3onderfuhrer
6. Alitary Intelligenee
ilttary IntelTigee ..Ter-trice prior to Jue . 44.The entiTe rAlita--
ry intelligence service was an. integrta part oP OF:': as l'Ae o June 44..
=A l'ad no influene on it rIctionS and decisions.There were soe
fir0..i:Is in hi h the activities Of the milL„ary Ab.w.ehr
• the civilian poide fl?.wehr met especially . in ouvied on tactical
!,but the se i-wrntio!I of operations. was strictly mcintained: sPe-
• li7ed. 1,1 th. field Lnd et-i-'iployed its own agents,the Foreign
C)ffice coliecAed .trough its consuir offiers,r.:2.j
Uhou. yt its forein correporldts.lo 0 degree the f1e16,of t.tx.e
overied thit of the
The hi-het 'Er of the 'intelligence serviee in was :,[nt. Ausland•
...:rehr,20!mancaed by ::,dmiral Y.RIS.It was divided. into-three•d.lpart7
with e pionge ():: counter-
• o ( 'i: I II . ,
T,comn;aed by ()bst •
espioauge and -!:ri.,,for this-puTpo$e,dlvid.el into hufLerous groups
:,cor.:in.z, to subjut as. well ro II controlled the two
Mehr PegiAenter E 1 rid RTJRFUST.Amt TIT
2J ii, Obst I V ., T- h-w.a charged 7ith oounter-espionage
• and protective )measures for all strntegically important- militery and
production instelLetions,es well as discovery of enety intelligence 4
and evaluation and statistic of its findings,Vesides the three. opera-
tive offiees,Aet Ausland ebwehr had severei overhead-oreanieetiCne,
ineluding filing deeartment,legal . department, archives arid personnel
seetion. •
The field agencies were orgenieed similerly to the general 'T and
had sections (ruppen)I,II and i T,eorreseondIng to the Amter of the
eeee number.
nbwehrstelle XII. Abwehretelle XII,in 'ehrkreis XII, was located
in the at of the 7ehrkreiskOmeendo,IE&BAJOM.It had seetione I and
III.eetions II,PT thinks eere only foued et .Abwehrstellen
Section. I including su'--section.- (Beferate)IH (Heer)of hit only
special section Freede fieere est es represented,i luft, the correspon-
ding, section pertaining to Allied air forces.Iei which occupied itself
espionage of enemy economies,eepecially war-industries.oecial section
IT.n.-dealt with technical . espionage and seetion II with trnet,equipment.
end.briefling of espionage ngent.
fadio meseage eenter EISRNE HAND (5 km from 'eT.F,S73ADN)was atta-
ched. to Section ToThe station zeintained connection aeong the various
ebenehr offices and with the espionage agents. . .
e ..
eetion III cov•anded by Obet SCINITT (formerly ebwehr
wes coeposed of the following su-sections-
III e I, co.:. anded by Oej S.Ve'eLD
III c 2, eotemanded by eaj EleETAICH (P 7: reporting)
III U, eomeanded by Hetm LULE1
III L. comeanded by 117 ptm TOPPER
III tigf
III A., ehieh included the offi c ers charged with protection of
industriel plant.
flroftpx III c 1 was.responsible for security of wire coemunications
and the safeguarding of restricted areas:In - this capacity . it he,d juri-
saietion over-all. teleOratita and telephone traffic with foreign count-
ries,contrilled and supervised all industrial enterprises whieh invol-
ved frequent, crossing of the frontier,eueervision of civilian muthori-
ies through employeent of special officers Who were charged with se-
curity of restricted . areas,permits for foreigners in,frontier . areas and
restricted zonesesupervision of granting of hunting and fishing licen-
eee to foreignera,travel permits for civilians in employ of the-armed
forees,espeeially in occupied an. . restrictedesonese
. Group III e 2 was charged with evaluation and statistics of enemy
espionnge and sabotege,eveluation from the counter-espionage and eounte
ter-sabotage akele of foreign letters an telegrats,whiehe were colla-
ted through foreign men and telegraph censorship,cheekup on officer
candidates and enlisted personnelwho.are to be eeployed in confiden-
tial eiesions,oheek-op on officials and eeployees to be employed in ell,
viii r cepecity be the armed forces adeission to are service of :4,,rme
eens who bed ser'eed in foreign areies,eseecielly fore in legions,edmis-
sien to the aree forees of foreiners state-less persons and doule
netionalities,eooPeretion in restitution of "ehrwurdigkeit'.
Group III 15 eonnter-intelligence.within the Arey,acoerdieg to
eepionage,sabtage,cprruption and demorelization.Special officers were
employed ad far down. as bne and security lectures were given , under the
'auspices of the groupePertinent material WSS.00lleetel,evaluated ,and
listed stetisticelly • froe, reedede ad trials for violation Of seoutity.
Group III L performed the eaee duties in the Luftwaffe •as 1-roup
III F within the fm e of the Army.
Group III Kgf.(Kriegsgefangene)collected information perteining
to counter-intelligence through interrogation of rWs,and throu g h infor-
mation collected by Abweh?- officers dispersed in Pg'cames.
4roup III i (A.rtsehaft)dealt with secrecy in war.produetion,
the employment and supervision of foreigners and P's in s(4, ret produc-
tion,physicel safeguards,in-luing inJ e!re_Loyment.The
hroup office was merely a directive and supervisory egency.The actual
oeeration rested with Ahwehr -offi g iere fdr die litistung (A0;eL;)wio were
stationed at central loontions,or at individual plants.
Troup III I, eommanded by Hptm I LKO , SKI,concentreted on identi-
f f ing enemy intelligence eeents and systems and eounter-esnionege.
ell Army pereonnel employed oonsisted of officers d tached from
the three branches of the service.The officers remained os ie:ned to
their respective brenches,which kept their personnel recorda, paid them
and kept them within their commend powers.The lest identified head of Al
nbwehrstelle XII was Obst .AKU_STEa who disappeared efter 20 July.liumors
heve it that he was killed.
tleorgani g ation of Feb.194•
UITLJ decreed in FeL 44 a unified command for all intelliFence
nnd counter-intelligence activities,and charged HhinliN:-with tf;e-exe-
cation of the program.Execntive orders of HIhALEfl and M:,coupled with
c. numner of particular orders,appeared in May,other orders followed in
due tillie,and the entire system was reorganiezed by early Oct.In executf-
on the - system showed plainly that control of the 1)wehr was taken from
OK and given to aiHA under HIL. LJR and his S3.
I new office i'ILAiT,of the JIMA tdok over the control of all the.
branches of eilitary intelligence and counter-espionage service.It is
both a personnel and service office (it has control over a field of
activities: and at the same time over all personnel trained in these act
vities,whom it can shift at its convenience f om one sector to another.1
the personnel remains,at the sane the,assigned to' its former branch of
servioe,and is only attaehed to
Obst HhYBEV remained at the heed of the newly created office, as
he had been the cheif of the Army intelligence service and the indepen-
enee from civilian and intern.1 matters,ixtxtke of concern to other
branches of the FiSRA (30,Gestapo),was preserved.The distrust m±xkima
ittatitecialtrixtimita toward the Gerenal Staff following 20 July,casy its
shadow over Amt :i.IL,and the presence and relative independence of the
military personnel eeeame subject of increasing attacks.Beginning of
.Fireh 45 Obst TW I SEN and other militery commenders were relieved of
their assignment and Amt : I n was put under the eommand o'fP -ruppen-
fuhrer SCHEU,ENBERG,chief of Amt Vi (Yoveign ifepartTent)oi" the EIHAnFor
the ti e being the two offices remained under one head,but in the same
order which announced the appointment of SCHELLY,NBIDRC3 as chief of Amt
1 IL it WES stated that absorption of the entire • organization by Amt VI

was to be prepared inmediately.:ereparations began at once,and while An

to leek of trained personnel it wes necessary to retain mueh of the
orinnlArey oereonnel,SITA beienu investiatieeti e reliebllity of eact
officer, obviously withthe plan of replacing them as son e's feasible by
own personnel.
• In the field,offices (such as nbwehrstelle XIII,A1 11:3PeDEP Gruppe
I e and assumed also Gruppe II dn those Abwehrstellen where such a
section existed)were subordinated to Amt 1.11, end designated as Korn rando
eeldegebiet, 7 1.FSEAD N (or the aame of rfly other office according to loc
tion).Sections III E and III L remained unchanged as to field of acti-
vity and personnel The title ,fas changed to Abwehroffizier beim ':!ehr-
kreis, followed by the numLer of the respective 4ehrkreise.Section III t
was taken fro: O clod assi gned to nreei grou p as Zerontanfklerung s Komma

411* II/
units (Fronta ufklrungs Trupl)e)were assigned to ArMiet.Their task
was limited to discovering of enemy intelligence actiVIU at and
near the front.They work in conjunction with the Icaut also report.
to -..And receive orders fro' 11 otjer functions wer6delegated
to riaati Amt IL. -
cource of iteT 6: i:9j KAH:E.RIM ,Amt 'owehr •ehrkreis Kommando XII

Another claims* to know that Amt I .(spionage)Was in . 70r1D0- .

:rated to Amt Jr.. .) ,rid. was p•t into close liA.son with ttIt VI (FOreign
eprtment),A(1,t II (abotae)cre under jurisdiction of VI
hea:ied by 3X=5 n . .,aadthAt i.!;:t III (Counter-Intelligen0.)was.divitlee
• c IL and the ,ibwehr• section of the q estapo.Adihistrtion and ovel
h.ezd was divided amone, the •varions depnrtment- whinh 11.(26taken over
the operative..branThes.
Fr(b.ntlufer (agents . who infiltrate through enerny lines)are edny
trolled by the 5eEt ripo,and receive their essi.mments fro61:,Xmt N
hi .h. is under jurisdiction of j-,rt IV. (Gestapo).

7. JAesearch arid Counications

and research (lepettment ( VII oOiec .to and evalu-
tes Inforfration on political trendsfor iiolitiCal and histor;Cal .sig.
depf-ittment is ur)cTer jr SIX one of the few Specialists I
it.,1=.1mnnfuhrer EiL?I anJ'i311.AriaiiiILLE c6: for four yrs.

(Nachriohben)created In utun 44 is in .charge of the

rtre Np, m6lunications systeria of and its affiliated 'oranizatiOnS
Vor reasons of securiti of the comunications funtion formerly
aoJer the Omo were taken over.The department attends on.l.j to the
. chnical end and would e.g,suply and install apparatus for inter--
7!cpt,,while the aotuo3.1 iaterceptine: would. be done by members Of the de
rtment concerned with the mt',er under invetigationx.,
Amt N is not to be oOnfused • . ection N of Amt TV 11estapo,.
ch controls . spdes and informer.
It is climed that r:SIIA dos not hJve its on aable net for
counications with the exception of a few lines attong the highest
17.ey-Ten,suh ns EfIOLFri.KAIAWNIER,but thot lihes of the official
u cetal 2orf•munications ri rt are used.
A former foofA_ center for intA..ligene,Prov r Nan 'ELM:TOYER
hnS digappeared frot!1 the scerle formerli consalted,epecinlly
• it VII,on all ratters of 1 . a lose friend Of •
h , 101f PESS,who had bee,n 7 7 970Yens assistant at the ',„1,7A1C11. 7niversi-
ty,nd it -,vJs brobhbly•Ssumed. that HBS3 s trip to -. gland was- not
too !ruoll of: sur=ise for H'AUSilanR.The PrOfessor.lso disapproved
of' the pls for coloni7ing the .Elst,an.d. thus fel into diegrace.He •
loner , ;-reFident of th ;Thopojftisc'ne institujnd
flt mentioned,e 'ven in ref'érenc to on.(7: of his book. t: I.
have been put on the index expurrgtorius.
International Criminal . ±:olice Comission
Due to preent conditions the activities of the international
?Olice Commission (IKPE)are very much retricted.The store-
t ry'gerenal is 'liegieruhadirektor )L) ,hi secretary or Brana.z
8. Field
• •Ort,ani7ation.
The rebent and in part still operating,systex of fieldorganiia-.
tion iader regional IS (Ins.2ekteumew der 3ipo and des 3..4)fai1ed to
prove entirely satisfotory fro. the N1171 ptlidnt of view,..A . reorganiza-
tion into Befehlshaberstellen was begun during 1944.
'he new system. as well as Poli7eifuhrer and Y,omandeure 'ere
tried out in occupied territories,1942-1944,and the Pefehlshaber
syste ,.vas found the Tost satisfantory,for which reason it was adopte
for Geriny proper. It. wacfouni •Advistable to strt with the change.ov
in the section wh:ch ],s lost difficult to control (AUstr.W;iad the
,first "lefehlshberstelle vas orwtni7ed at sAL-Igmq.
Under the cold syt.e . , of Id,who coatrolled the territdry of a•
3a7,-vic:es of ':1 - estpo,nd Kripo operated Independentlit
of each other,and the Inspekteur acted only • as rogion1=A1 coordinator
while the three br:,.achea of the police worked through, tei.r own chan-
nels directly vith te1r resective ..rter in the ft=3-,.
13efehlshr der 10 und def3 52 heads :24 retionAl organi-
t'(ie final authoritY of departents (Ahteilur
.- 7 . T2thih fulfill the saxe funtion:,.: within all of
'c 'r of the 2L. :, ftJlh greater j..r1 thts rangement than,
that the? Tdction can he en much [ore quickly and coordination •
ithir the territory o eac!?1. Tsd.!3.
In the f s.istem te executive brm,n!lea of Geetapo end.
'.re under tHe joint oad of'. cbE. , ander who is F,s!,figLed. to the
7(? 4-"ehish.fab .o r to aocrcint,,,two br ,an:thec.In T,II:t1A the cor,c is
r:t the i iheCi of thc JeF,ta30.1 in tnin the
tv!0 deprtt3,-ants in ::11' to effec!t loser ou:ervision of th:
Of -!:',e-T:TTLE nolicemen.
JeFtaspo.The utep prooarily was cused,In part by- the :: 1.-07.1.1t of
77"7:: after ".;".
: efehlshaerstellen,ein.F, re , iont1 cormands,do n:)t, hove d part-
aperte on 'a larger basis.)The area
of the lidS,unlike that of the icl,does Lot necessarily coin rq de with
the are!A or : hrkrrq s.2.0f, lower ec tielon offices ,:re no:w headed by .1(
2N ril-ndeure 7jlo ore . uncr ,,D7:!;3 of the 5efehlsbaber of the larger
aitriet.The noiatrol to d-partriints in their offices,if
oore one Wartment 13 :-:resent. ,:bteiiungen. I hfl,A IT •are usually
not found below: the levl of efehlshaberstellen.

In . '.iddition to the u 1. 1: known five Le is of Mhadongen
.(earh on on rd5,st b'rrier!:. ;,polic:!e raid,searc!ia at frontiers) a
category ",3oaderfiA adung" been radjed.F. cen be order by the
'ALleif of rn it '1I or hiter echelon-There are tnree degree
of ers,ergence:.
FahndunFsutufe .A.,1)11F. c.n ba applied to a lied
onnel of the exeptive brnc..hes (eri.00,estai)o,and.
have to leave their to i7)rticip;:Ate in tb.e

'EdIndungsstura Heta wh1i, h ::?on also be a)1)11ed to lirLited area

-lis into , action,in .( t,te three police executive b.ranches
11 . 1 rtj ore q ni?!.ations,su. cth as 7.3[:NSEK,1111ger;:eine
rJrosefah16ung ( Jeneral A_ert :)extends over of 1e In addition
totl. the 'organ'; ization er..ploye ,a in alert st: rLen 16-65yrs
are called to action.The 7ons:7turm to which practically all men -
belong is inc1uded.71J is ,:Jd only 'in searching for juinniles.

etatw that the ec-OEve of Gen MUD r(Imated in a &,(tv:rea

alert which 11,43te1 ZDV a attraer AOCOraliV to P1I,G0t1 arRAID occciW,_
o 31113711-17111JirrattOMItaltig 030tratql v,a;tt to a -place yr
pit GU WhOPO C!AOd LIU> arran anew taliforn,r,e non tpavolled
to Svitmtp1:.-471.11 1r mysqpcoro2 a Rittpx014veluz yloac-or utmob ra holryful
beeatoo ho wt,:y3 not akaely ehedx.O. tt the bo-rtlev.

Cerna_rilez oi's EID non ......crre Irxxl. to 11to /iptfr..4 at the consIcrienti
the p:Trt4r.Tirizi ning2e on eAzAevx10 fial FJti311) trouble throull inflarni
cpcoches a;y:alenriate cerntriloc operatal oonspiello
In rio-W- ccniret Jemleimz churchjambar.,arkl renmek.Intativee
age. poworo I
raecutive policeCtul ofi of the pence veva notificra in
oe th.t ths1 mfulation rould be 'Indignaca l at a deeionatal tiro
alaceaal -,ore prohibited frm uttlesirritge intexiorence.SoTyvioao fiC
the nonflialiir.coros holptal in killima of Jews tapd °thv.? pet,
tf1"4) --,Ierc not condemned V3 death by the jlitiary,altoough th1-3 -o:
vor,7 much decirkid it, aso in cam the dinconoarance of urpciryal:..-
tfi!te fr4. parrt-
Another function me the mention of lx)rder ncicnth o1er4ver
oonvenimt to the 710.,„ goverunent,nueh ao on the P.A.leh boand. in
the r;Irloten.

- 1.3 office ar the Any 1)oct::1 mneo p ,t11.1011 also inst.;)octio mail fron
to the. frt. has a opocial Intanch /*Id), intercept lottere from
clorynen to a0:16.1(r• and for-Tim:1s tiro to TO Or (IV allatian ard futuVe
noo.The Collection waz to 'Tx,' tral to lorevido neamyse ibr abolition
of the charelf/ rf.rtar the
Goetzpo orders to act vith _moderation toward the
Ch--arch durirc 113,3w ixt order not to carltagorde the population.

A special interecp on IPA (runt. 41b1r) rdienet)te attached to

ap.t IV. evoz IeoUmt Ly pped irctoreept stations are maixttailea
Et ceerete locatione lam< lout Gerratoi 0ial wow tranainfilar,M
ding atIversilreC and . t. uricnions O cralital foroign re-)palaatati-
-roe intereq).tod.Decoli., apecialicts ,are crulttjed et all cytationn,

lon3 tine offioz of thtJ to,et.rateo 'hat raemberr,,:ØJ t7y)

Cp'leetEpo tIn.,"'/. 2.1D be moot intororiteil inhitalr.c, t hel p tme connoctiom
in ocaupled temiterloolwhi3.o the r,1,7-,vab gre of no regular 201:loo (Oz?o)
ma the rinai bo 'c,futto ready to cAr..lit
ton , t cetive orgentrl ,_:.1.107.00 1.oin.m. thelp actiono
MrE) COVertNi alating 1 arL r3txtutern,

For identificationof .1.'10. time pal(3. agert,t3 of ,F.ID r4,4 Gestcpo

PW supplIcd the f allowing I cant poilktier;
• •
While nearly every Germon over 18 yrs of ace has either a Sold-
buch or an Arbeitoblieh,manbers of the police •have no such eartifica!-
te s t would be irreeSsible in UP
's opinion, to f elo ify Arboi teb-Rchor
within a short tio and to make ell the e_eceseary entries which could
be checked with records ad Arbeitsant and Arboi tsfront.
zaly policemen were issued Soldblicher within the last few months.
All these books aho y the agency to which the bearer telowcod.Siportan
were issued SS $eldbucher,ohoedng the issuinc agency and the respecti-
ve eolice organization.
The listing of decorations in the Soldbuch is also indicative,
, because it ray show any one or more of the four significant mad alopvi z
Golder, Party Boage,Order of the B1ood,10 yrs membership meOal and 25
yvs membership medal.
The velidity of the Seldbuch may be checked against the following
1. Uehrstaimrolle at the 'Nehrmelfitant (see pa 1 6f Soldbuch,
2. Record of Ers units
3. Field Post nuMbers shown on stam p s in the Soldbueh
4. Signatures of commanding officers
5. Mill tary his tory.
Since civilians normally can be expected to have an Arbeitsbuch
addition to discharge papers, all those who can not produce an Arbei ts-
buch should be open to s USW. Oi ombecw , se discharge explanation for their
civilian status.-ven so,mony of than were detained by ordinary police
and were released only a Aar they had inditified at higher police 141.
Men in civilian clothes who claim to be desertes or have lost their
uniforms o houid be able to produce a Soldbueh or be treated as suspects.
Most Si)- and Gestapo agents will have no Soldbuch, as stated abovo,but
only a Wehl,uass,pessibly diseharge papers and an identification card.
k; ach police precint kept records of all persons living within its
cibnfines, and else listed their previous residnece. A canolete register
of all inhabitants is kept at the Mo ld e a r a t of each corsatnity.Many Volde-
enter have been dispersed,others destroyed,but records as far as availa-
ble should prove useful in checking oral statements or doubtful docu-
ments.These records are usually kept in alphabetical o rder according
to name.d ate a d place of birth,parents,dates and places of birth, and
the registrattmes p rofession and previous all-tresses.
A, record of every p erson over 16 yrs of age 1.s kept at the local
tax collector's office where (Since 1043)all taxes are recorded.For the
trades tax a saperate record is heet.ManY personal data/ especially pro-
fession and residance,can be checked by this record.
Insurance records also may bravo he3pful.All reculue p olice in
Germany were insured with the Hall-Fursorgo, consequently a record for
each regular police shoeld be found thore.Sipo did- not have a spe-
cial insurance cangery, although the majority Is insured by B ARMINI Ay
VAPPERTAL. All AtIO t*ri n government a rre 1 oy e e s are insured with the Bundos
Kr atkenkes e.
If police headquarters are captured intent, the dcpartnont Perso-
nal and Ilirtschaft will furnish required information.In section where
the system of &ministration by Inspekteure is still in foree,Personnel
section can be found et Stollen mid Lcitstellen or Abschnitten and
Leitabschnitton respectively.Ebder the Befchlohaber sys tam all records
are concentrated at the Befahlsbaber

t :Lo Lela. 1,x)re, t.tli.:4-17.)135:3*.o.r and
-rloo t!.-1 o! ‘..s.i .rc 3 Ce.,.013r1,th Ci 71:Paid ..101.1.:}0123.,
s cfat.1 on,
t Dcznoa.•.el
r.-rtA rth g rno orrilq-,7000 r.- y.f! the .ottrty
'Dorty fi2r.p2wie a:741 1 u,601v 71:1.431i-Krib
oT.O. a.zio ViIsn
fln.c.; of the cthiartay6 r1i1
t,y is occnc);?rtr,mrt of hin 1.:10,n1s 11.0..cirv.. 2-
bOrtre3, ( lobar/131i 't tart :rtort7 4:6012e
1.11th 1 IOO yn.doxkl, at VI°-
o.r. ' the NarqtrIto.,..7erat, LC1t In 7.11)
C.1 OntirlatO offico

oter tryflo.:-% miter cor-nrIcx.1. nmr.,t3 :Do :forced to iNxq;,-.

,-proDoxs rgr208 Vitt the ri,T: ticvl board)ar.d Vlore
Gortnarvi today TrA.10 ean live i7 14:274:,712t of UT,
cord„not avarl Et).7:%,7.110 r2tion. board cor_iluct vor::" rJervi:r,ilono chi3elmthaqt a ration
idontit*es uxt nEpos aro creopectal-.
s ince part of the ipo is 110W
in iriforn7,thn ,1-700,-)gnitAI.Ort crg
arit Geat:VO rItIftbeoMir tO a certain cleartVa
arld p olleeliniforiar.‘, Allotim-the
a chevron (Diorlt do7.1a i for cite Kik:rear%
F1 -in, I l nicio the chevror... to dee,imiete thet the 177.,:o.. io manbetz? ana
co ropc0.4, 01(sitb shoes a..:2) mon r..11,a-;Li2.1y of 7),:,21-/:or th

vol. both oe7-dvic,..)s corlen5a

372 an, fv.)-lied , ezeit.,t
KM:cfn raalsmtra
71 3:P tT.i marftlfr, , „ crL)eci:212::22:1 C atrlan to as old'
1.10131.7,1iLot ty-Des
14",7ooct c 1t it t.71.11 .2-y.T3siblo
tr of 1.(ripdi officials 'kr tiarAillOrtr o eo.,'„.1.laish idonti-
tbzr; i canrpot" by
afi a 3.7 1 er of
•-,. -,..., '-' --,. =-'
2 LiaLii.E.:41 . .if or,...) o:i.. l'A-t ,,, otb ,, r (.10.L)al,f,111.ents...
1:1;11, • tP 2-4., AA; 00 .;',-

7 ,or-lt . olci. -:. )orty Miar !bortl v.ithin to 2:::::lice *force 7a7.7(4
sp or Cr G t'..-po ,----.,t the tirlo r.r. bln TrETLm ocAntia :-.),-)tcol, ts ilyx,2 11 takm intc.)
7,1)± 1..1 oar.
3,17', in AustrThtm Men: 172•10 i 01210d t-,?ie n:z.-p ( , fiurize 4,6110
first four of five nx.rits after that tk.: ,-,.- 1 Or cht.92 .4!pa CaP artrams
duri y.T; th-A tine_ ar-e vg nreahh ODCA1 to ottepinioa, ta
It iv, 1., ike 1 1V CnStrritiOn thnt man IY.I.:boT,?erly diseharoø3. fr
St,1 cro p0 antia ft 10 elc-Nztr-3 0,a1:4-J • or.1 the
, nipo rol .pforoalont vore
dram fram the Wciffen f.T.'„?
Tho r, zistor of toLvhone onlls at tho 1,Dce.2 I
go in -y 'be a 8toal sottroo for Sip° r.51: ?,resses 011...o t7,..L:m a-alt) tr,.1. n00 cocCtatal-"
,:ls 3.-Lotinclu-
des the secret to:Lep:11=3. ralrabors.
2kg ;4".alls ands looses of detention aerr:7 (.3 '..-..-1,Thbri:01.1 ,...71.7 .17.-,,ftkartoi
( Th312, finter or aPrest2)11stixr, all yy., :thorlorsT keco .3:7&,.1 „,--; ro-j..,- :-,,,; ate the
rl. .1--. 1.o :1-.F. the "fl ,.., ol'.1. 0LIrbe:ftter*TIo '..,f:.:2 ezw.:7c1d. 71
to tile ppio op.or...T7y: ...e:::acsistor sl yyp c c.:1 3.,-7.- t. ; .1 : nit -
f -0P q ''),',3':rtf.Orlir''T
• the r-• offices of .11•."-:-._.?i.)„,.m .'L'e tn,r11.y.-) p of'..,.,af.„; fieont..s .
( Givl selriftkir,Itollc.m.,,i '11 p ersons c ,;.:117.:1.1.-1,2: coatv othoal.,,o
- ontf a a.T.7(...'ncies
rPlch r-.:....alsters ( C P., OP 00.110:inbuc 4, i 0 1 asencif..
Inty., Costcriy) ;.. .:1 t''','..*',chattel:I:20h -

slmiu.3.0 .-1:,,,o-,7 t':o r.41:1%3 ..7.107

,,,r12,t, docalice,
• Tho Gorraa.r. nolderg
thrfougbly orEsa,vazed 3:.41esen?ayattIni of regin
vrddely iureal that ir.?,tmtlan of pc:mon:4 4
ollr..13, 1.xl raxt to irroc.--
. e so
ssibio to :liberate all rcosonle,ai .,(3. one crs; mom of to c: ,.,,,xttre 00Tht
idontification should be avaiI6b104 of
A corrploto list of alc 11- zreere, of kli-;y3 c .tre. OD z-4.41 ooDlon of all
psomel rocoltin ar•:. at Prat of TV-ILA.,Inmekteur aistr q cts eaj f.•If. pan--
rz3 °n•fx31 moorelo of ' 112- artaoYeez. frPlon-x , '!. ::71thin tNn1,,,1 f,o7rws44-fwb . ..,t. 4;t...z,

tr1o.t oxj Domon2-,e1

119,. *Ye

of tho di 1 et
ch fl.anplccom
11rItal,7_(,13 3.:713.-.01.LC 7:1 . 1'70 r .ocrydfl
all ,..
-)erso-ol -,,,z,1121lia thei r, 3 tro-neoti . '):.2.-7,In to v.rlt1 tit ic ro fA-3•
'',..)roal-,--elo,71 a?. tho f3rir-ACri V-10 1-1.,11-1.107:k."4;017,
70*Drcita of 'k'11) r1 C3 tit) ,-;: ;Onta ;
tom, ,5:1:,--ota.7 t:coe roc ,71 1, o yr
z24,rc Abschaitt
ct ,7.1r tol7 to
o1.1to a1c„0 be faro,
tl-io arl'Ico of no tretAratrree,!YACTI.

1,12:It Mar,
f.rl oatlial i tco
Quo p/.7400011F,3 to floidblIch
rThom3f the b(),...-imr ii730 a 7-.,7c.>ol'etinienal
fullationa r..7 1,yor.1 bocAti i Peb.4,45,01(qsw) inconoltrivc
paaee-,ifl tIte 311) .v 1,1.70r411-
%.113d tile bearer in 1-..,,:::ta,tcr unifom photoi37.4.1p1r., 13-7.11011 : 6b3.
A orleoltit °tot-, 1 ,4 Vek.A of 0-Aafr.14r.rint TRI.T11,17T .
pro:roeofon all nril..4btollw11.01eiter YNP"rAsai phareotl to 'Ic,:altetuteratachcls' or Jonaotita
ehnn,,c3tx7.: rnt-§3.o ln1:At.11. dirootIvo?...1 :Cte ,c/71 thrzt 414110.30
that they tvnlial. to :Ala 17.,01-1v Df;..:a:rt
( s ourkirmr.o/nceltit..."3 seTZ:MIT 1103 Arbeitr, yaziu-xic,

sznothw PT? 1th thnt a largo Tax) of ;-)arty Gaotwo

(1±:):ar it to (1.15guise fr fr ,c2:1 tho s co of thwir
tomer, activ1tlos4?oeara out silch "Pepes P17 sti,v)f.It the .1,
-zplatu 03.10t44,3
corraftrision for poIrtx.4. 7101 - reseaml-1. shoula lxi
at tho
location .of ovary Nazi ortzmtipe.Tho calasnion chol=11 caniot 01"
3.43T1 Ic elti.m.r3 O hz-Ne lived at the plolot; Vcir not lczn t1-67.1,
.21 17:v*4:areal! , •racrtlxv of tho Ortetyptr:Do houW lxirv3-.7,oa toro,..1.nter
vIth the orrlatiefaiall f:fr4:1, give a dotallW accerrat of 1'4E3 rikxmoaout
aotivitiot; durirz, 12)35.-V459T•e teak of the earpisnien olNal.
VO7P ,.,(7 Ertleat CrtaterThentr. either by doeirlentar,cy ovi ;• e3. be to
rerTivtroticm, ,zdtb tc.!-3e boll) of,pf..,,ro0210... caoluall :xtczt.c. , dorsco:o3ucla 2:4110.0.
z.-T!,..or .t1r?olvp.
Lth tho Olyt.c.r.tope veilono thc. regUltx-,:o.t claiT7n to .7:
duri:t...}g 'mat pe:17,i0!:i. 14,g o lived
All tlx.roe Tillable to DIN A- utva 173 ,,itleft,;ietory ;-„mx,.)og' or i'cu.r3
Tomer ciaanta of fru M ..Ind 11171.0.1110 q ot '00
flotairod anf t --1.cea by ay.T.rt of
IN)gli.7.-tz , attma mrtificat;.) 1.'j;: photo
priD '13 or the 1:5,,rer. Age.'•"'"
( 1-c-r.mee , ,11:(3:ka V
cr-pasta7, an
..1.'11„e71:3.0.f. 0;7 tic*,MI:;'.71"fl .4:7:11(qt:to scim..1, rtc,
ria,otatror;.It, 'MDSI o ea in
rifrfolairr,71a bulle111103.,
j3 lore' ro ,Pol er,ii.A.I.or tuarm2.13:.
IOC lorzor. yerf.;:i,c.1). were ozt..oanoly

to (TicrovvW,The htflor,froiat
wan rqpr. yrti:il to contain 1,a7..::•?,0 stores of ftv.x2,,:,171.1:',13:1(1.
A Gocvt:.(vo run that L Ji ocitdb1-101 . !)0. -40 mon in
au.s! 31.15Th 3;yoi,r4ti3:), out W t c of tI y,e :0::17.:1:.-.>torot7,
Prench.,13.1-0 cv(12-1 more 1 ntn te I
E70/11 are
a- err' for the Dutch 0 1,11Tella-
te ineragypp, of Vrolo
the .Q01,4111t.433X11,:/:11.
boo y
sa ftrea twos .ettat 00-t. v...

117,0 217oan,,me C:41' )1 #311.:

• •
1.11CR. T

*).?'::.,f.-',orilerfulun-4", ;7, !.r.c):In.1-11 WIT Tv,azs-lorx C 7,71

baron 2,0 1022. rf: anclatlatx:,,,2
ocly.)01 %WO OtAboocluo,atlyri . 7 flV.440.Tairr
y 1
, Trabiltillinc 1 -107E0 tri 112 i1A anfl. t.7 .10 nt7AZ.11
ho 7,:Allat to :co cxi f:f3 tr 1J31ator.11 Tw.) LrthorPitod Qfl
(.Wri.atle g oa)to milt to livo ovartofl ace,Innt
froat tirlclono ;-.4-30 4,-) 0.10tIon 5ti LIATTE-07.1"., ,m-lc; cm-Neeted, (10711).t,ffx.1. oex2,-
tmeed Ifforlsortlmt rol dmorted t V ..13 La p aricin 1..slaz-dgt4,
btzt !Tic contenoe, rcitslaor3. to :sale 11:ta:141,;..11-2.07.:01
undlo;the proolnont
to sior.: of 4daqy for Artc arZ t-', 01040co at DIADAP4OT
eze. later rrinitor for eauoLtion P ti-,z1‘ OtactimW polat 74:4/'.111(3 colin*om,)on-
()Ant on art t,,:y.)ater for 't/' NEM tr'n7.4 " PECIP3I-41:13 nottam exl to VI-a2
12j7 tayl twyr,si c zimpacrxrilOt
fOr the Etc7TtrattaQc, oacterrriontst:s-lac 14,
fonorri ne r 711. arrects4 1.7 t!".0 171. dor attixvtIrc t() 1.7.ftzto
ti ora t"1-...crocalt to r.t., "!Tiziracollt vipc, tr. 12,311 to
ozobv0:1. 7)r:00,os:tic:ill 7o11-.21teerir, for the alined forceo,nocoun. o OR
111itl 0 foroi rm f foroicr: cxr rntr.wioo ty..)
(7 to tho b cr-71.1211-
in rTriD.,0b I/it:,
ix r1r)1/ interr, :zy:lan (194e)ttdch an :1 agneart,attari
ctry . ta? t tO er--„blierr3lIto fr.intr:,,,r103. !-,i,r3
contonc,:, fo7r§ fiv<), 7 3 0-f IttvX
. .1 .ard
but ly )oc) thIc Influaloo of tde occuarglinc af!..,.771,cor ,-,t F.,:iritETVELV', tic)
diti t .00ntorzo.,
v-sr:10 arY.Yontocl ecialp. Irov for etthvorcdve opoochon. ar.O. ansul-
tirz 1:;.-P.:.{,-na to xolm = 117, 014 aarstoncoel deatharothoi
tcts...cfn, to DIEla,17,a12-).iifwv.1 r.)11.17,-.;--,oez. to RVII TLAL2 Varooutim.ukr1
hio vicrrrtifIniTi4 other oatylicIL,too 21113 t7: 4ci2. r,. 7)..zrt vitto
ta3r,on. .M.1 green liborate
0Oy,01(3.07:11 Ikali able fir.1-1 VOrjt C iJC tJ.V II2tQt ;.:Det gifted
vrith csn. ototrxIinc ! -.)ctiory.flo Tj oveep on to (lo'..tit thri t talj VstatorInanto
1.740 T:%.:00- to ban 't y KP1. T'f,3

tanralr:, entlm CkYrimal out3tm

71:: aro ot tIx.) tr.5 7110 r -
2n tin 11 4V trO
of:?icial 11°41 af.' t71 r3

tlntf.1.2 11-.44 vni..3 AIM)

-: •11h<D r onocac,-,y0,,x1 "(0-; oba t
1, co:
trn fin ..1*tom-_,th of €.7r) ia-.)vp-.1,1c57
Damn t7-.' 1nv0lvo'7. to fAttara. :,rt
fluort,40(xl of:1., I 7,..;,..Z?n aoon nf:yt knoti
L t L.A, . nolltIonod
7.1ont t.7,-. IVY:1)21P cr....,c./..).i_zation
LL t) oz:It'arYoc5 ouvi‘ai vcr..
de-a ly:e Ciret.terra') 0107:' 747 CATITIC)11^-
4i) 1.71s. ,t o tho
tho r. 2 1..t 5- orn tat:1,1 t o::.)z2710 1.)o w oort c .:,:r .T ',0d.?1,1.013(1707.*0 rIcit:'-(247/t
/lee ro rtutlan vrintla V.14"3 AbViabr r3VT3 tan of the x t rz) !..) 1r7.; riczcar-
nod t7i. appr:1)orlolon of political offondom Laid° C .e..rtnark7 caxl
ttri ti.tacx1.1.ZXJ t YO ,:tIontiC)V3 !I:I,. 1:. tor,•r
Ivo of In:11.i ry C:(1,11.00 a'1:1
intotliroo , grmr)o vith. zaet1 1,7e
:11710 (Yi
AbWr.;','e'7) ) CrATnter124-
CillY.Cdt)11,:aCre 0012:later-a
Wt fl tIK) reniin of.
• •
Almehr two Sep Or O. V) organ/ nation) noon -
etrist.Cino 0.7.4canized ca ,:,N.3 t113. VE"-tf) 'iloor W -sa hap
Abil•r:ithr.10:1 to
clir.c to Ti:";: of` Mhrhwinot..':'.:',oltrbe,-..dirk..,.:;:.1'4, va-)t I•rxr,ew
o tzlo f.:74.6t4onr, of the Abwehr trAto thnt ony.:41zatim,r11,401, 1, two
aloe la-Lom Ibinat AbwoIlr.
Thz other trIstan Yont Abw01 1.4*.,toti'mizaonjInction ulth
.,,yr,,r1lon,.,:t.te emotion mansto bo onDionage,wt on2z. :, for tootloca vm'por.
son„but ifl onno•tion rilth plarbo nrieh wider 1e.:0)e thaa that oa:* the
nresent 1.:7'..:1-L'or tactic-al enplancea i!Ve• attaalta
to A011:3„A vcat a ioii3n f.ZOTita hafl boon ootabliolled for post-'
troy oramt1.022,,
;tntoylimnee Icmrilersv.00.rtriolm of AbwolvAtaradna0 •
which ttate etva 1)4tIrsont-3.01 C2i 1)act,..;i Wririat
0-00174 mon thoo gpo1ifleat3ona.
6.8 Fr oti.tatelslalnultsetr14)Do of 317$4.11) men (i11014.1.1: pc tochaloal
)0roone(11)0ach, time") ca. front lArto intol izWanoo c.goncti oz 0'41' oath . •
Abvinbrkerlarlden- at-`,:aetiod to aT1h L hofr (hation *Dualet op k. . 1 ). receiving. •
.111 polocrl ri..0-3006;on from own ct,, -, .1te behind tbe onv. at: Wxra
brinriLliro dti
inpatining Y..9rontlfs.e.201., (r.5) orals Itt,ag netivittea
avi:441ayo tor•itr0110.5 iit.Ach are ralmrt to be 0-ampieet by
7170•Pnes nmIt1107,1xLP threlleW Pole ocinammario paattene dna
statr-aases oonTixx_1. Ixr soldim3 or ØIA.71.11tuae.10-1 ;, (20ta cti.IV anal'? cZellts
ao vilrolwn rrIGOC Z,C00. 177.NTI
tic a-073:38n h.,-,j3/..1. torrl,to ect, ,Sor
a radio-tie ct•[Ateil (.1 non frt •r.v•zcilEr II $.n
( r3;2 collecting T.Ipel intorT.,.egatinr., anent; prinonors wo:r.71;i stataa tt
clfieers (.104-710).tNY.11;4; a1•10 °color to Interrocato that en1istedrlorio(7)fcz*-
wmtlinv al1 :,;:ntf.-Allzarocike to the neXt ?I:1E0M t oal):0101").;by
aham-.:010 OSEAnTv.. 11. far' ,franr$1.1' 171W1....;.CV1PS 6 .4)t3 1611,y, All
1?-',.i. ,catattrit10Trt.rimtzegyo-EfO 7.710.1t. 10 1. tS 0 . 'VZ17:X.D
VI M a`,7x) 1-n7 aleluato Trimbor a. rotor velaeles vhIch,
wor'o a17;LQz sunDliOta th nutflaiett eDvcr's o1iz2 te
seater of.' the front:42On 1,21,11iWrV°4Y9 103 1 aperet,3.-1 in the necItor
PRI11-410100TIAT:411111.0h mts oztars3.(x1 1tP (Lt I :30 •..lciv;,
rrontavAlaarttstrIvp are not 1,1rat:-.Jrt o oraa iyr. 'the Arty but
maintattn 0.,:xaneat1 ono v./2th tho Art7 "tx,) t.74.1-dch cal° attad%ed
offic.,ext.113a;) 1:113091)3I, wcv lialson of fieor of •cal. re'r=tcarrtaa°-
.,,m103trtlyps attached to 7 ,I.rxiticung Tvt,tr,-) 13.5.4k:€141 Pont :lumber.'
f 1°1 4 e' COS
k.;:. - lf" • .„„ '5.-'01 rt"-. . tn ef. MIA)
103)1a . 02724
- -

nt:$.7.1tos that all rold t xr becircrAnts. yrith•

ato Panoehr.

orvionc,00 brt-11011 oz)er atasprfl LiiyL foralai oottatriettl

r;MO Zain 00 -art."0 of irSorrlati y i ar0 orOntri toe. ?r1":1 rene i7,,ado for-
criariorks,00r. ,,, nal r1170 37:•votilore...Y433.11:•:1 Zamillor vrit71 1,,....--;1120runtafro,
lffmotr•vzo, 71,110 t eji t fr.:),T*eiC:a o(r1ntl.1,1. Of; ae v 1-etl::Lr3 of
pernemtion. c.ri.),0 t:=.?•,0 tan': gbioWit,1 aUre.
tu ic to p a a. .1, 71:1M. and cmIto 01; ththee,41',`.f, Ontp'1,
0,003 not consider to. onl ()a .C.71 ti t 1.1,3 cessation of
hen .r.1.9.:10 03..a1erate to continuo the•unit
of? aStor t10 total 00011) t 21:57k7


MO a:Via:N:44 414 197.47.4 ore Oe 1 tOaryzt to Ectj 147,5)11 a . tIbtel.

RMIt- j;:itetirntaa.74tr. ,0 .M.P12.1.7 in the Gano j4tt the to P1 ,7 was
met b,s7 oPw ItY) ezmitml hin for ;am:wow HAlf,:dirionti ortil ti than
r. 10

that ioh f:rrt ettltuao r.,Dulia to 00mtriActod ao dluDboa101100 to the

= o'Lklt-WO f v1 V3 to ad Z,3 11-41„01-v,c1. thon
11,31 to ntx-jcTc2 f:K..1th aoark;cc,7,.
ror t o 2 non V"' llvoa at I T LLA g".'2"STPW . 1:1,11'';11LTM-
7 .67.:‘ C011rea ire) ti.,71i0tiOn 117::"*Garli t CS.Y1
re 1V 1.j3 1,441-4020f1C, I1X OO ocdo CI a 11-1 0 prOCAaitr..70 74:01.01,30
icr cr4 z r,x,;0(3.`7,1-fo's.
f ) rYatTOC,11,7J, un 07_1' tilirlOti
!V.v.)," t.1 -,0 00.102.11:1 : 5: t%7-c.p.: 0 (int 41:X7)

LL L0 L.: `":„ DR F..1 :; .430 .1:10 Vocol7o:1 t-f-allta7j ti'

of4'",,ort .merv t .::ot41 of • onaa A7;:t:1)
ozi , covItl yz t'',L.),Itrkerf.:1:j,f:',ZY-1. ':?otzKalco
CTIO 001.1n0 1 DS t-e1:1;. t.7. 1?0C3 Mk:7 )11 tcyco Izotruct
entzr tst,c,i ow-0 tI^A) Dub:loot 171'11.01 ,, zy-tot learned
Y !. 0 tam) T.73P to 1 caR.itional a. :7: 1:4D 3 VOOCOntt
L (" 7.-1 o1L,1% JbC1 )11tatiOla oC
'trvt,1o3'z3 Itattted0
ZIZZAPATit. '')Dritra, but Tol (Awe a V.:41p op0-
:':.‘ntes, and a fAret olaie 7.11t ret621.,
4‘17,7ettc)r pl 000:POOY th:nc.. Itatee•
13141.of inatmetod VoltsGtWril OM aril ',II' (11 OCK)Ver011
racmom tho inialtniZetifi.qportanco a describe it
3otivatior3 crnoorro3 7,6,t1-2 co,anter-oaDionacka a.toi'Lloi'vely,Tho
ollanoo rick/ the otatanent 4t7-Tt the ,Q.1.ios
rvwczto lYmitr.? m..bert 77.1.thatit fail.l.brocom,,Abrnitr . Impoolarkel
tO attalA eseciPinC from cadtdvite co noon an 7 :. 33ib1e and to
g r/tht-n,c,t,,t1.1.13b:Lo laterantIon 1.71 •11lo taztAzi.vit aril On tZ*
tl yo nr_TIA at tilt) ar.rtd,tc.rt,:, t":141. to arit
LTioe EILIF-tr 7,-nliable non a?, :00.,n.tbacesel
no mrfio to scitior :1,2 •Lf.ortaa 4oiantvirtc, oLtotiv1:47 roL)ortto,NbItotte
tpo:. the17., rettm.

.1-yaeirAr oatire oitrrco oent: I f3,11zal (at 1.0t02, OnTli Val

,VIE13134VD:Z;,,f pa7't of the AbvIelt,r) orrianizatIon.1.1t12o ocat
'-}117t- 1 t:.:41,(3 cantor .174.1'):1
.11L•doon bat1:7:-K47', 1.1-3 Query' ar.1 tine orcic
2.:-Ja4tocl t le.a30 43,4;7,1c:it alot/31-,;k3y u elocaelp-
onC, fore:1,71 m .;,,trorrart 121 ori mem olld wary
O di3cuiso,13 3.00Elted at Irrh7a,OF0.1.,,A rc:dio station Vor
cra ‘loeutod at IISTrwanci. col pporatxl. for tho ITEL1311111'
ntatic.)7 Oontnot; :12,1 'APTorlec,,t wen

2. zwrefIr 1)01, tto r, it front

°antral ooka at 1:3
001r Jot Of ter! bi C3O blion rocir• the stv.)oot 1Uj ty-
give tiqo itvrension a a re:, r3i.d.e.riw, the rof..v . blacxt Oltuated
:In 1.:Krason the • yDl.qo imortont doz,)calttaontn.r, t,Von emtaluire,
oar. ,•,3r; aro trcrn4.1. vallol, the gr..twel" tn the
111,7 stDtc)v, tt arf.) a'ISe lxv%I.,..1.1 in t,:).0 of the
r."1 001V1CLOIN:3, SO vloll 0;..;?7iovall:006,
t11 ,. . t : u 1)0 loft
ral_ c•ircacro.f3ton to 3) iw000111;
Lt 3t0 oril colooteet,
a T-',A.-)to1 tho otationat P Coy)::i on of rowzid.o, of:0004. 013$
of c4.:::;o7.,:t3 1int:1.1,737 0o bo take:n to '''AjArmi c_,,,31-10
foro ilrant X ow:to-p oi .170. Oetiaberrtr1r,com
on tTrte,-5 V1 oc:.,>r .0v tho el)orytrxrit,,F2- rofvortotb-10
for T,tral„no t:r,o 13c),111:21n.

Of the tl-rfkyi ph000n Abriolv cotivi )ri.). -iiTI730,1071,pooti-lirir &len

7-y )st- t7ar.', or:),!-7 tho third ic ctzt fl or 7,,p,4 it ante *JO
, • — 2.,4, )-; ' ,10
It in otill In p ropbratIon,
are isoneralki not :7ot oDorntb.:tc...,,,„
TILe •-fo7, a lorc time. oorriideTs42
dine dato-nt. :In vie,,;,.../ It it thn vT.:117, :11:::; 2,,oft,„ !
1:3(....T;an,aftoV fl',:::1.1.3:1.k1:?,,,i) ...„ tho ctry caillotatior t 0, a
a Trido not fx.-"'L.' oopiontve IT.t7:410, ir;',,, moactocl t..:
(7pu1nal nilltrx,•:77 d.oloat caai..1 no orcl of fo.1 .
(Jr flr::71,,,„,t: 'ila:!,,,,i;),, o•o:171 4,m tx•l
. conti l:7.14x1 •t7,:ootk-3-11 ti ...e tul„rao
10,1, 000,4) ,-.-q 0,-,„ :=t t.1-K, taco
oo,ps and al.:•:.:72.11 t:r o ta. V0c1;:pnell -&,:t: tit:7):r0 o- ')Øj •
on over - -,: urapo,ali-d ti,•?,o ttle for ontablisrl.::.-orit, (..): :,7' . ,.
start l n fore.t.:n oomItrioo wan:i•..:tregt•':Aof..3,,'•• on tritcr.;,:ypota-il•
.1,210 D:rr ocg-l s „D i" oly3 cral,,,..:?.ati()n
wao Et tonootlful,f. yel tio rotreatl ' 3 '.1,cnt,,?..f,11
torinorly 000tri alto:•.',•,. itor:'.?..00 cl, ,ioot.T.1.1,7; farIcto-O 2,01,''t • '")':::.e"fiard 12.1 :1.1...1 .
ax:d 1rifortito.1:: ,• fl3rtits that thci.,. .r,illo. Totion.-.1::. ':,i?; q7la tcr..: of tx :Prit$
111117 t1 tain:1113F: :.. .Inte' 3orlty or 4:3011 t1:1 hao r1:,-....t t yrodueed
.'illoonee, act'. ttf:It •tilole •!: ,r15c,1 t741,1tary ,:•:•::),:?:..i0::F,4 7rao at
t3,230o ratly31.1 alogololntfil r4„th tto results (::e.'Ift
gide, tlac tho l •ioir cs,na,po,tvr ar,:e-.)but PT
atir.ft tir-Ana . l fly:QT.-Ito !co not yet began. •c9
r6tionssi . ,-Do.-
- : ::gentn 1,,,t3.1.0.,:i "%ill 14)oc,-41
mx.1 ln oc,o1.4)" ,-,,tor,:ltori !:yD ',..K.37,-?e aftor
tl- on:'...tin tio ti 1,:::t,o1:arcy,y
-..1OVC13021tS 1 6 t -,ea.) 7..opOrt:-.,:t1 rNoann witb. tho, tanit ol! 7,t3nort.L:•::,4,2,,. tr,:oo Evil 0141)PILY
taxi 1-0ton of- tritr,72 ,:
ontionc. 1:x ..0. eo•-.0:4:•.tgontl
Pl i ,..:,,,,, , ,..........,
. ,
coaaal :._,A... :•;:twx.,,til ,n (,,,,,,a*..f:tr,413r1 v..r.,,...
4 . , 1 4 ■ , ■ .0 ...,
co/..r.Lua.,, lii; .•;„:,•,r, ut,,,,
z", .:•• , . ,,,----, Ne., vz,
nel'-'.14 ov1 11.7 tv•,!,101.m.z:lotic.3.:s.,,,,T.:•.7.=•,,In vior‘o 1r
1,13- 1131,k7rout•ofl ',,,l,";, . ar3ohlf,,;t:En 4 i •
tivxyz,•;.11- V t,r:riova coulatr-1, on alm%,c, roiltoo 7,714 ol
the tr. ao!..! bi..7,,a`?.:7: to Oornart r• ,,,:-11- •,.: Donal, tto:'.1 .c.-)bli
1 Odd r.ot altouso trucrInlolc .. ,:vi ill t1:g) o•tivItry
of pit,2 0Q...,-,: mt-,PLav ae:Tratinis a.? czerito
e Tafab -•-•_37,.:*actiocx..1. r.Z.1.7L1z7 in rr0,3uon.t1y
.. OCCrittl 1.1,:z,r-0ar0 ::.),pCX1'zi rirkar) tiny over
'.,"...o 17iouto to t!le Itritoa Stator, ilf.,:fnot, 3,,t);y1..c.,, 'it,:ia
lists (plx,x)oi..:wa;.,rn,27)ct::::.1..)1:zro.:. Iv (for [27. ,..4,-.1(1 r 0r11:31-24
aL74011 'CZ .,1C1.10f."0 8 t;t0 f1.1..):11.r.:4,1711.- border ., p 30,0-1 •: :•3• atrIala
aant7i than cm, r.'irc:17.z,7 . n . erzel, ao raftb-
Goeo :in Gorme4.7 vID l',v.,:), been in ty
lnemitratd.on ocr.,•)0. or 11.,12 'bowl.
foreo1 to leave for oti •loT, •politioal reasm.wl.„T1,14,
with llo t Arly.Ar.?lof.r.., cnnOnlatoo or the orlbeatr.l . -.r utruany roLlotoral .
1,ypit ted .t•,,t,f,astee,f,7 0„,,xv• r,i7,0 Otill in nnran aro r,A.n.c.I.,1 ace;Doo to the
e41'.0nr4 betvoczi: tlit,,) '••7.:-)tc•IIish ::fril ii..InA:tod rtatoo maitinc for the t ..1;:o ttlo7.1 relt.r.
ocr/O7,:nicintr, 17: z:,:g (.3 ::•,:o t
to 11021M22 . S Ca* t/:?1:rr., atnoct to (tor wit'P l
t . .Pelltr,1 t;;A-40 rt../Art1t731X0. WI th €1 l
. otzt al:Icy:ming sumso 0:1,cal,71 100p .
fl tatoo.Ona man 1,..i.x.),175,ttini7 . .M.:00(19 of omtaot min 13:1-„tkn: t.,1,1o, r.t4tod
or Irralttin:::fki- ,,,V1ped
woos:P.21z to 1::'1,),-;. in Li ,L1.00I/ 7 ,E>Arago ovz.401: ,o 'Rte de proT,1n,py.
C-art Izo .4:71•atcs in.
rky ,. 1 0 ov7_,,,r 3t7, :,,:r:tr, old 0 nieraor 0 ,:r11,3144L,
,7rozitv ,tri,ir,txt:'1:itri, tiolcI • rt. Abi:7','
Lar:IAT" -"• ..t :.::.,ozo,.-.:4-2 cv2 ltsmtnti,3o boamme of ILI.r,:i ,ohr mod,
oaintuotf73 ;. • th V1,3)tr-i:11,111 'border
. „..c..• :c.,,.z. ::i.loo covvW ao )2071 a •=trrs!'•11.or
014014.43 1) . 1,7i O4, ,., ,.i...,eo i.p,...,(3,DEi (rot1•1?irito,1.1241ctlo •agent(3
no arrt1.,of.)-w,:y•)o,••••01Q i . al.p0Ottia to 1)0 ;,
oorr..,••;. .1,.c.;i an,' tanallent 0allii .) r3 1 trttbOO l
.„•. •th toray,', 7:17 m. t,DrA t i: ; '"r0 1400 -O d ;) tlY47.1 MIter VIO .
ro to n,13,ov tharlato:4Voe, "Go be 7.,..(z)t,•..txxl t.(2...- the
ctt the oar:Lief:It ormortztitz :7 ,,,,:zoo wt .° t70'.7,:" Gemitrit
nor() to -_•rtrr,)ci,',•,-Ao 01;:ol tor 1.•.:Dr other coorit„ .) not ,.•;1C1'11!(.3V) toe, '.'Or tIle filreas
fitlx.r.•' oco::-:,t3 c: •11to.rt4. tt y ,./ .., . . ..,. .,
, 4711E) f"*!. 411 C,::`, i:7, 0.2 Aitoll„ DV* ''.. t.,,,, .) Br:It:loll 10..i....(Jo„!.•:',V411.3.174:;; T..:: ,o0rasardp' , lonl er
4 ,..,in 4 l' -'1
:::141toil .1313 y.)•:::m1,,, i,..1.•-....o D.1.7,(14.",,rxliarN7) .i.,./a,, t.1). r•I er::::■0
0 OS CPC , 4 .:. C.7..A. =Inc • ',•:.:)••'` al.', fi.i....7;vntr., l',.7 0 rr-r4•2:.''.
O f3V tkUra l -. i, O. r3111;:•;.2..rt-,:leo,.3.,',Viri till 8 ttflont Ve
ans,vo of:VI. CZ1 r.1 r•770(1 110 CI fIrli all t . C-c•,/,-t",,tal, OI.:, •;.:
f:Arei. ,,Tall:11')'.!.(... ,,,a).-'2;
ffIAVIVI,Is)'IT,'„,":`,, 1,,;:it co 1,:,•:,,,(•:,:l c, 1,0 '',Iept A P. 11.:r60 f"ncf,F.! .1..izl'4? :01,,Nt.
eldl=„lt oo?:,:s•flod wyxatkit 'Ail QI'l woN) to . b424
tinamed o'creriet,flifl,
Contc.o t v7lt7.; t.•Jo • intellaconeo (x)2.11..otd.:,,;(_.7,
ol•t.'•,or t'l•zk,:),,,•/-1 ,m1(102o-tara lal 1IC711"Z3, ozorolos :111 Ge.:11.-.1•!tv to
001ZI,t113, elt;
r-l i i'lQ0 iN:3(241tn. 017V iOtt13.,1 2 or 47 rai94, 0.
0 Linn° t enter tlIo oc,A1,174:tru Cc'Irry.1.4c, P, p,,if,:.)3).10iouts.
'1)e1tI,247, 717.Y.).'.U.m,7,: n eto,t1.16,,,,r !two to n. ,
tbo 11,'kritinh lo3,,•as 1.-,.-1,Kyfforoblz• )4,11.norarle In Oeltal..1 0 m.,44 :1 fl:Inare 01:'
r- fa clotion in t?.'1,0 ri Oottioli 7-doblexilin.t.tlero
CL 17 z11,1, C) 7-3ot •,,,711:.1 i. ( e0:2o1.1 7:,-•::, 1),,-.).7?::_ml-i-uto (.:,-,,•';',, c.: prairley,-,:okr ctr.Doantod
tine. •

These Set0 flP0. 01010 Oryetel sot0,0T24.0d 0114' EVIt4
ario freotIon•az , bunt into s t.l.t-oaeetil Or Val li's:An tur,,0 wil 0711m00,02a Ond
state oa:AI
ren :n4 7.4 1, • i-.) r31;z1 t t!'!,::.: I.I.,.:*..ixt '',7.,. al r43.1.3.1tm , .
X7 C:',ZI T-3021t i r':.' j;!. v an ..:i1C,rennor„ ..,'Afjrc..3 -.1g3. .1,t7..,. ..a.±:i::-.00t0:1 to noo
0V,1 Or TI.;-x-.fre ilo ezx;:. fIr,,,,.."F cf.-Altact mon c..7,z ether ;.;kc;ozto,;I:de-iitil',-,..
.1)n.: t::;,302 5x; I S I t' fl:1011 Cind COI:in 07. " 0 a C.;i"-, , MCI tote.::. ..',Ii':; ::::i 'a 0000 Or 1. ,: cper
tc7t.r.f.1; from bod7, ,,,iiato,(,•:ther 0,..:Ittlrnerot Iritall:10173 OUVF4OnCrY Lai tts) ar0
aPYS t rA C '''',:';)t.0 t0 r:11:10 00 t . ) 3 CYS.: F!,1,71122 'MVO f.-47+-ri 0:.,.Q.:7 ti:- arzionto
vl..' 0 0%-pootal to ra1317.Q S.n. Grect 11`ott3:1:1 ate? V'n
ili.,:nce r„0:.::o ::,,„:Arittl were aapturod. ';:.-1,z17, V.Y.iir c;:ptro0 roma/m y
oyniomocA I:1;z rcf, So; it boot:rile 1.4e0011 077 t) avxsrf.1 oz.::00341.1 :pmzavors:,,was to
acient3 -7.r:11,,72,-, t:r... .J rif.'lz tl-leir nool.:0.1‘.0:7,11 .4a1 'ilte;) ',,rtr?c, to 0,„:,lritr, 00034)104,,r.20c; og, CO7 *,ilt?2, 0E1 Vt101'e; forolporn Tat!) q arrvari trirnmef; d
a.,r01 . .se mplol.o:: '-awc] etyma alone 175:Lual2eo 1)0-o-,...3 CI 02:411MAtttatt;.1(I net
. et COMO
el eV On al" 't1;?.(.7:4' vr.1.710 ce the mat. !.:7:,Lo entielpato,
Aotivitios In tfyrriltoriorl eVamtet..1 to tho .11.7110o 7/31141 otireetttV..
TyPcs)ared coj. osafat's trx)ro in irztc2.26,1
laaoos lloro /11110C1 solfliers worts
(33pootoc? "'■;c. 61A/4 :. ...? ■alleti cuiarly reotawczt71..„Ika-.1102,-13.11:01.7,!, 4 :ZOOM. On 0 tar:41:X)
Vild. Oh t:70',.'0 ''.f.a.1 otodted to attz. :::ct a1lentc.:! “-.):12 (probe:Au ,
all:a:logy ,vith Ofal.Txra 2ztrou p'Petttioco)maile p arttou1ar1y'eetive 1.?.1 misguided.
f oriole
agents Imre p1ziv,Iti1J. in brothas where tow tom t0 axerolee theat*
msolotcy3 ..-il,t,-..,, orl eM,oers„,
Al2.. cr.loh (xt-tablftoll :onto vb.:lob, orAx.-.0:1 7:4:;) atal ii.;! t-.:e ia.flt to gm
won if t'iltv \'')7.-,0 not petrilg1)toc4 b;,' t'ple ',7074-irelo!it;„ aro to 1.1e oemidetxxl
,w OUT:, ciot..., states thflt eripeatially in r.s.:2oari vtnTo 0 '''. Or.lerit/3 OR thVet
1:30TYUI et:12'111 CE':: . -1712 Cst 7 th:10d Vig th VIC) GOITlailii W in Fixdsh parts, Ixt7; 74)1,31,,tjmo.
,., '711, ,I,'-'1.1 ' . .t Allzfarir ..otorea elril hernef7 of ill :i.,naltd c00
tO be tvated
r4. th p ,:irtto;73,..,11), or ,:uttor.,';',7aTly of' thma hc77:: direct rolfyt.o cot-
coot:Len vith
Gemti. : !rxty 4L--..-.x. 17.):'';r1T,-47.,,,,me tl,,at. r Vcrri,,,"Loon 1.137R131,.Tai c,;c1 `.':',' Da,v,.1.1A14473.1114
plaoocl . 1;:') rn-A, ct 11710 tn:-Ie of Herr rtrfirati,F:19 9.trotr.T.T.OUTITAM.'1 ...vm,, mon
111-1 boar: tri-4syyl lr. r.:-.410 ommalieetion at Ifl:q','11,,ixtr ::vxl: rle0 to l'x'a na Oa
01) 'F'.rontlai.CY"' Or ,. 1,0 tOr..mts in ETPUI azy, rea13..W.1',.7,
, informati,or., al.rdrz V'c, invw:lon of C", : ozneinu ;-,, .4:43 irmen....
oiontohlt CS of 3.?":, a;„Txritz e3tab1ellX1 in. t1:0 11 ,-;,Slar.014:43.1:,,CIT, 0-porated. in
.tho recent 4l1icv..1 offensivo. p. oonn3ael,a1 thIn a 000d pc...)roentcqp,
7:-.z.zry-c-4z,, the e./.;711m-:,t Mtot t,-,:0 p-0110:-/ Ir.) to ostabios,,,,,T1 tyrx :1:4-1,10to
1:rotreGt not) old ofly ocrpocied or 11.1tholfortaron 17110 ht-fr..-::- tIY)- alvantsge
of bef&r.43 tr:,:,,,f,ince, 7 ,1:11,0 oportittorc“:.z.41. 7.i1,-;..1.:irtlofi. cza d1zablof.1 IreterLw,s3 tritli
no of„1-43 cf.lalifla.2ti.oris,11- y3 caentro aro in ezzOtant o0aneatio:i.). vrith the
rot!.,ralrleritellen,.no zr; 4 ttor where the front 1..,1ren nny bo at 1.1v,) tine*
4.otr.: for 'c.00.1t11).,9110 Iwo Ismovarea tr, lato cle C7.--1,1
Pl:',' so1120, idaritify (by oe(10 ,4 2-tane or) rr)tt-ic Tellawink
To4.31r. e,r0::::ICLIP:::'UZ ;1-41. Sanaa::: t41 IltrP3. 4:./J.,:,t'ir) ln T,.. ,-1-Vor arpoto in, the
tiumv a icial
110191Amn iri. 4,.17,0177,2riant*Tran. c,r...1 ti..le 7!)c,rtio 770p taati:io
otctionett VI, t..., "‘ :"7.17L1I:Cia!(7,111.5:::7=ind. , =tie 0,,::alcitoo, Iv tzD AbutIrn .. i3o (pz.:4')
Oviznootod to 7itm-y.": or IT1 OM O ct am ETA we
l'! Citiri:::'',r-`•"-.4-!''
I ' tS cm oarte., id= 7:4 " ::._norittnatattG o lnita fX3,
. . 194.4 'no Paj.:Y ..7131.1,2, "10- 01.,.', .T. ,:,, c.)
" . ,t r. -A-9„
MA17 l'oantain 17),Whi3 in
,:n'nLIIM .',.:::,:'; " .s,..'': Crr
" , COrttCan L! ''..:'' rYNO.A.,0 03.:'::70 0.;:f1::::::,1Zi, II :?,:." A nk. 471 whiceh a
mall ::'...ilcce cf,T" p42o ,:' o:Ar„ I2o 711.(1 ..'impor 17L,,,, a L,),,xn.z. lo oher,C0a47!
treato;.D ,•. '.3.1" C 1 ',1:: I:t la r.:"::.:;':;cr.:' V:::at tTic l!ml,t:.,Caii mor): 'C',00
tlx3 in. :1::.: th;.7:: aDntailiar,-.,, A; 0Z)3..1,;:toztntail 14),y
to co vq,l.thn,,,.(tletz:-..1,. in
on :It :,„o a)t, fintorot.naa,
tly-.3 oll.,.::-.7t----ie:v2;:-A f"1.(,:)7(:-.1 i,.at.,I.t (74-.)noentrater3 . On t3,.)-0 noxt mir in
wIlich -1.i-i2-?:..':: iri boll tf.) f)14y. a 3,),:::!*t.Itf,) po ,tlerl ,-,:,...1',•0 shrzio::3 biocordine-
Ab',7 1 :-.,:r Ii 1 •': w:-;:tob, . , sit. ". of" tem1 , :1 bottN.)or-, t?' •:? 0 . ,,;;I:?,:c3h apeo-
,T,Ang rt•iont,1 ,E,,r.e.1 *.'• 711r,l.a.,cril. Lt the It rot pz,c,1"..bitwn racariaart : :1 3., release
its samirn.0.71y prceano(1. prop co3rau /..wroaretin -.121 0.1 1-1.elan,tyln ma
raatorl f.1 ,o,1-.u:.2:0 Ty:: •:--)72,t at t7,'13 disnosal of VI() 4m 0 nnen; '1. nZ, l' ...'.t tionnv
and Vie .G,,--.11-1-a-,,n 7.:-..nti-',.31.7.0.ger.:00 voi22(1 'N.) r.-)n7)00tos, , oc.)q)oliiitte,,
• •
The '`ei; pesrible to must bo made of an7 vestiges of an army
left to Gen:la:iv after the vizir, and the wiclous now arm* must ly3
erePted.Ab-sc:7..a.the task t devlo p atd. 1-.aint;.:,inc13. fixitoui-
E,rence corpssuit i. for t ".."10 1 r{c of the futurc,I .,,. the me, ntine
comolete intolliwrmce 1-.1u5t be El.intained. reo:Ardinc .; strenzth anl charac-
ter of on.,iesof urrouy.I3ing cozaltrier, an their weqi. ons, and the new
Gen DEM lialrkyvri th the ari: , 1 es of s urr emir i cnitco

tjn2o tLat ho proposed for the pc)st-1.1a$ libwohr wiLl be in

a povilered z facterw in Switzerland, with the ostensible purpose of •
feeding undernourished Gorman children after tho war.Stops for the esta
blishment od such a factory may alreadyr havo he= taken through the.
German embassy inn:U: 013.A Certain Ri chard MAIM vas sent from KAUIZRUHIC
to v.itzer1aM (Nov 44) to Oar T:.:ZT en negotiations. He Ktay not have travelled
uncler his re. .A. nale..A 'fund of 25 million -SIAS'S :Ae)(11102J wa0 accumulated
t zerl and since 1933.IngeneUr STEL41147,.SIT. (both ;3 d German
reen.)D.431Z re,presentative of acri i$ 'considered Imowledgeable raxi the
project. The 0 1,?1(30 entc,-)rprise i branized to 'op erate oytirely indepen-
dently of all developments in Germany and can support itself for three
yrs after cessation of hostilities.After that period it must have found
means . otV support or new funds. mother contact man in Switzerland is the
well-knom sportsman Dr .B1W-9 •
avitzerland been very active throuzhout the war,
especially in the GUTWA area 'where they are established in fashionable
shop s hairdressers ostablish1ents,ar.d little private vi llas in the
mountains . The work was D res) axed, s bout tar4 the necessary can-
oes procured by the staff of Liaj t=LVQ111,,CQ Abwehrkoliraando (lately re-
named 1expozted L io to tho .entire
Swiss section of the )0o7,1fehr.
, Since a steady flew of persowlel froi Germany ouJd ive rise to
suspicions, a detour throw,Ph France was establisho(1.The new route gees
by way of LAO DU VILLER11 kvic moRTEM) to Le L0CLT.'7. en the Swiss stele of
the f.7!'ontier.Fer a foe of 5.000 French France, agents cc , o led over the
e. ATITs pg DoLss by nrao RmiliTETR who arms a. boarding house at LAC DU VILLERi
(on the French side).aac . hz,,:s been in buzkness. for DOM() 1;1E20 and expects .
to continue after .th war.The necessary papers arc procured by Mama&
Monsieur DGO1V9a Swiss Citizen and resident of BPIRS111,Who represerst a
awiss watch manufacturer for Belgium. He is described as very- tally slem-
der,athletic,ho11ow checks d ark hair. Tie frequents the Swiss consultte
In .13RM2LUII,T,ie • is . enlisted . for serviee after the war, can be 'expected to
know •sial. and counter-W.611.M does not ho an agent's . crystal-set radie•
Richard I.C.1401Z4negatiater in . matters of the powdered milk factory
is qopr 45 yrs old, tall, roUnd faced ., sparse hair, wears Ltss es, stooping
posturo,,heavy massive 4)pearance fleskioprominent n00e 9 well educated and.•
well manneree:L,

d. 3: 7.1 tzer 1 ,31) ain was a, fertile grow Abwohr ctivi ti es.
D lving the 1 African aYiL Italian camp aign,i an E.1,[, ;ent travel under the
nfine of Vili.1E1 cave accurate reports on the P•alied situation I./11i chper-
haps not entirely accidentally coincided al .ust verbally with the reports
of the obsonrem of the Spanish General Staff.Llagf Italians were drafted
for work in Germany where they wore inducted into the Abwehraeceived
the usual traininc n.d then were sent to BAD IS where they were
trained as waiters,, ,L17::.ny were then planted in Sp ain and Portl y al s wai-
ters with the instruction to seek eily,j2loyment on ocean liners after the
•war.They are briefed for acrivities in thi: past-war ear, and are also
supplied with c-drosoc,N s where they can Jrop their in=:ormat•on.
, 0- ICY k )4, )1#41,


Cc.ortoz,24;In 1.'..$3,1'.7...4VK
ilotcar..1 1A-1 f31 13CritCht 7.,17 Colb j o ato
000r) (IP n tr) , to
rru.:,:xy 03? Pri001"....)nr, 0.1"0
. t 110
1-3.:2-n 0 IV

11: "B;1:),APlipT.*
but-, wj: 0 thOr, t or
1:14) ovnors 7
catl<yz,t o.:17,11 :.24:;1-7101.2.1.tura3, iirs. o;,-.3ran aril -Oro .-1,:aritraoted
t01,11. 1..xtrrici'.11`, to
(x),ntinuotlmI tmv, (=tau.
.t.17:70 Ifkr.:701.1-117.10212,77 eo&let: ,,T W[13 etr tabli. !XXI :321 " vrit71 ozsento4 cir*.
147:" tk.․)
-,r2.8tit ofzy),,rc,.::.:Alt,htt tii areao


o:o. Isien
Ibtal OPP:RO f s (.1)f•
l';'sr,,,r, of .Y..31Q.';?r,,,TeT2:,
the t 7r,o
t ji czpice«.
cr14)ecte0, c3tri,,ok7 to 1>a emplayc -/.1.
, by
tho .r.-:,43eril,13 on the 03.411:-1:.4, can
ro..?"0 tha-t lo £t tthpoo
asn igrufmtfa,but PF ,.. 7?..nito,..ittmimOzz.,,-.21zs! f..)rtrs. coz.koll aor3:1,1317nontias,
tirariatloT.i of tho .Abt-x.111r th0
trEin 1,:xi the ccrarrrala ririt
tri nontip,07.7tt by tlo,i
of OTZ.,..11,11P;51.'..7,',.':'7::.(3 tyret
o'rfey'ityto 0:17'
tra not 1,:c7:x-rin 1 -10'7:1 -2,11C,C-rnal,711,.1
17,41121t tr:a

. ; : p73 c1oi/IT •;*, or.

riotz .-7.. ?nr;:trxj1..Ltn 5..."31.32.c;nn1,*,10 oc.xmr;too
son° of 110 aclunris
u 2)171 riernZ,7 cl;ottlor3oot3 oinexm
Grp 104 , 7:trk:3 pMt etZy . 7A2TpTi
'brie: : 3 PI::: fl OV OR:t i
i a rit raPp ri De
t Cr413.11 tO 1:tor
017 1.11an 31111.T 7 •21 T:: Eyzday arzil, Easzi
p tien t:till n:13 ryyrj •tho cyS, Abv5:11rrItrait
1:1.3nz 3 10a I (7,,ork:-:-.arru„7.11.1
Elaw rzYpz.1.1ent71.4.', 7 gemtl,.fle t:ritraton I-10 020
pfal.N.r..)cr,to 711701)02:ri 0.t . t;h0
V.47081,.71T vz, 0 r;van V, 0:1 07)10 1'10 tC 7)0 ror.)ctr o74:1toel.
etor 1-47 1•„17.,.o
not to: intac,;(2,1::3tcay bv.l.t 1-3 ry.mt7.1,
after to a cr. J:. 0 011 A7,:l 1oil 1; rslztr:t!lae3og
71:9',0 Q3. Or; tt.,11:.1) 2;;T: I sr,1: 11 9 31' inco y 1:17-0cocZ 71:4::".7. tfr41
;1 , 1 t7. 1. X ! yri,7c ;!•. •
f-rir$4117:: the to ,0071,1,:r.T.Y) Tinanwilai
o aorin,A.;b. olo

0 1;!',16:1703 . 1...'497:79,.. r:',Ide of

.f:zzg -7. 11r1L
0: 'A r,"17.17.N.3.11 ,E.1,to 1; ', 4
*.71/' '

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en.lictotl fo7.3 Doc31;),.,war wozI::4) ) of.3(alpt.i.01113
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