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ISL 360 E


2023-2024 SPRING

Prof. Dr. Burç Ülengin Office Hours: Tuesdays before Class

Prof. Dr. Elif Karaosmanoğlu Office Hours: Tuesdays before class

Course Objective

The quality of the business decisions in today’s dynamic and competitive environment is to a great extent
dependent on the information available to the decision makers.
Thus, both users and practitioners need to know when business research can and should be used, what
research alternatives exist, how to recognize effective and ineffective research and how to interpret and
apply the results.

The objectives of this course are to build skills and knowledge in integrating quantitative research into
planning and decision making processes, demonstrating ethical dimensions associated with research,
understanding major steps of conducting scientific research, developing and writing research proposals,
learning how to execute a research design including collecting and analyzing the data. This course is
designed to provide a review of research process and type of research design, a summary of univariate
data analysis methods and selected dependence and interdependence methods of multivariate data
analysis. Conceptual issues necessary for an appropriate application of each technique are addressed
along with the statistical considerations. The main emphasis is on when to use the various techniques
and how to interpret the results of the analyses conducted by using SPSS

Text Books

Malhotra K.N., Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 7tht ed., Pearson, Harlow: England, 2020
Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C.,Griffin, M (2012), Business Research Methods, 9th ed. South-
Western College Pub.
Field, Andy (2013) Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics, Sage Publications, 4th Ed.
M. J. Albers (2017) Introduction To Quantitative Data Analysis In The Behavioral And Social Sciences,
John Wiley & Sons.
D. J. Treiman (2009) Quantitative Data Analysis: Doing Social Research To Test Ideas, John Wiley &
A. Aljandali (2016) Quantitative Analysis and IBM SPSS Statistics: A Guide For Business And Finance,
J. MacInnes (2017) An Introduction to Secondary Data Analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics, SAGE
Publications Ltd.
D. Cramer (2003) Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis, Open University Press

Statistical Software

Mühendisliği İTÜ
Course Evaluation

Homeworks: 30%
Midterm: 30%
Final: 40%

It is your responsibility to keep up with any assignments or announcements made in class or posted
electronically, so check the class web-site regularly. Contributing to class discussions is an important part
of your learning experience—feel free to ask questions or make comments on topics as we cover them in
class. You are also welcome to talk with us outside of class about the course.

Assignment 1: Literature Review from previous works of scholars is expected. A broad research
statement should be made as well as the research objective statements. Proper methods for citation
should be followed. Detailed research questions, variables, and hypotheses will be written. We expect the
groups to come up with an original model when answering their research question.
Scales and their sources to be used in the questionnaire. Sampling procedures should also be included.
The final version of the questionnaire will also be included in the homework.

This assignment will be prepared by 5 students that form a group. Your groups will be randomly

Topics are selected – (If not randomly assigned) by the 8th of March

Times New Roman 12 font size, MAX. 6 pages long, single spaced., excluding reference list and
Documents more than 6 pages will NOT be accepted and marked. Not even two or three lines should be
on the 7th page!!!

Deadline: 2nd of April via NINOVA

Assignment 2: You will be handed a data that requires you to apply all the tests covered in class. The
students in the first assignment groups will work together to submit this assignment too.

Deadline: 24th of May via NINOVA.

Mühendisliği İTÜ
List of Topics for Homework

1. The Impact of Internet on Supply Chain Effectiveness

2. The Role of Negative Word of Mouth on Social Network Sites
3. Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Consumer
Responses (Attitudes or Purchase intentions)
4. The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Image
5. Brand Image and buying behavior
6. Brand extension strategies and brand image
7. The internet vs. Salespeople as an information source: Which one is more effective on
consumer buying decision
8. Manufacturers' willingness to adopt the internet as a distribution channel and switch to multiple
channel systems
9. The relationship between logistics performance and firm performance:
10. The factors underlying the E-business Success: lessons from b2b and b2c applications
11. E- Store loyalty:
12. Buying Motives and Buying behavior: Individual Brands (retail brands)
13. The Factors Affecting purchasing of consumers from e-stores
14. Attitudes towards adapting technological products
15. The Factors Affecting New Product Success in a Selected Industry
16. Service quality and Loyalty
17. Employee Satisfaction and Its antecedents
18. The impact of Word-of-Mouth communication on brand preference of young consumers
19. Employee motivation and Performance
20. Sustainability applications in business
21. Any subject of your own interest is accepted too. Check with our research assistants for
its suitability.

Other Points

All work in this class is expected to represent your own efforts. Collaborating with other students
on exams or assignments is prohibited. By remaining in this class, you are agreeing to abide by the

Academic Honor Pledge: “I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved with cheating,
plagiarism, fabrication, or misrepresentation while enrolled as a student at Istanbul Technical

Mühendisliği İTÜ
Tentative Schedule
Date W Topic
Introduction and Ethical issues in
Feb 13 1 Definition and scope of research,
Research sector in the world and Turkey,
The research process
Defining the research problem and
developing a research approach
Feb 20 2 Research design and research methods Topics are selected – (If not randomly
Exploratory research / Descriptive assigned) by the 8th of March
Research / Causal Research
Types of quantitative data and data
collection methods
Feb 27 3 Primary and secondary data Case Study – Case 1
Primary data collection– Survey and
Theoretical Framework and Developing
Mar 05 4 Case Study – Case 2
Measurement and Scaling
Mar 12 5 Case Study – Case 3
Attitude Measurement
Mar 19 6 Questionnaire and Form Design Case Study - Case 4
Mar 26 7 Sampling & Selection of Data Analysis Techniques and Data Preparation
Assignment 1 via NINOVA:
April 02 8
Secondary Research for Literature Review,
Research Questions, Definitions of Concepts, Hypotheses, Variables, Scales for the
Concepts to be Measured and Their Sources, Sampling Design and Questionnaire
Apr 09 9 Term Break
Data analysis: Hypothesis Tests
Apr 16 10
Parametric tests and SPSS application: Testing between group differences
Apr 23 11 National Sovereignty and Children's Day
Data analysis
Apr 30 12
Parametric tests and SPSS application: Correlation and Regression analysis
Data analysis
May 07 13
Parametric tests and SPSS application: Factor analysis and Reliability
Data analysis
May 14 14
Multivariate data analysis SPSS application: Discriminant Analysis
Data analysis
May 21 15
Multivariate data analysis SPSS application: Cluster Analysis
Assignment 1 via NINOVA:
May 24 15
Data Analysis

Mühendisliği İTÜ
Journal List for Articles You will Use in Your Assignments

- Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Research
- Journal of Consumer Research
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
- Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Advertising Research
- Journal of Marketing Research Society
- European Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Interactive Marketing
- Marketing Science
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of E-commerce
- International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
- International Journal of Mobile Communications
- International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
- Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing
- International Journal of Research in Marketing
- Journal of Product Innovation Management
- Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
- Journal of Retailing
- International Journal of Market Survey
- International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies
- International Journal of Electronic Commerce
- Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
- Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
- International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies
- Electronic Commerce Research
- International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing
- International Journal of Online Marketing
- Journal of Services Research
- Journal of Product and Brand Management
- ……….

Mühendisliği İTÜ

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