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Unforgettable Scotland

By Jan Althuis

Scotland, a country with beautiful nature, imposing buildings, kind people. It is a country that you
really need to have seen. I will tell you more about the trip we made to Scotland in this article, and I
hope you will like the country as much as I do.

We visited a couple of cities during our trip in Scotland. The most important ones being Glasgow and
Edinburgh. Edinburgh was this really old city with a lot of old, very British architecture which I really
liked. Glasgow was a bit of a more modern city with less old buildings. Glasgow also felt more lively,
this was because there were more people walking through the streets and talking which each other
than in Edinburgh.
What I really liked about visiting the cities was that you visit some of the hotspots in a group, but
after that, you could explore the city together with your friends.

You don’t stay at a fancy hotel during this trip, instead you stay with two to four people in a host
family. Every day in the early evening, after a trip to a city, we returned to the pickup point where we
got picked up by our host families. Our host family made dinner in the evening and in the morning,
they made a lunchbox for us for the day. I really liked that we stayed with a host family. We really got
to know what living in Scotland is all about. We got to know Scottish people and learn about their

We also went to two universities. One being the university of Glasgow, where we went to and just
walked around the courtyard. And that may not sound very exciting, but it was one of the most
beautiful places I’ve been. You had this old British building which looked like a castle, with this
beautiful courtyard. I’m not a harry potter fan but I think if you are, you would’ve liked this place.
We also went to Strathclyde university. There we had a lecture about a study called home economics.
It teaches you for the most part about food and making healthy and delicious food. We tasted some
Scottish delicacies and it was a lot of fun.
The day after we also went to Strathclyde university to hold an interview about the life as a student
in Scotland. What I noticed however was that a lot of the students were pretty old for students. This
was probably because a lot of students had a break during that time. It would be fun to have
interviewed younger people as well, but this was still fine. A lot of the students that we asked all did
home economics and I didn’t really expect that, because that is not even a study in the Netherlands
and in Scotland it is very popular. Also, we found out that it is really expensive to study in Scotland.

In conclusion, Scotland is an amazing country, it has beautiful cities, kind people, a beautiful
language. I learnt a lot about the culture of Scotland and the Scottish people. I really want to go back
there sometime. I had a lot of fun during the trip, and I think you will too.

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