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Czech Companion WORK I N G
Slovníček a přehled T RAV EL L I N G
mluvnice v češtine SOC I A L I ZI N G

Liz Taylor

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Student’s Book
Přehled gramatických termínů
Gramatika Přehled gramatických pojmů ...................................... strana 5
6 Druhý a třetí stupeň přídavných jmen ................................... 6
10 Podmínkové souvětí typ 1 ..................................................... 6 Přídavné jméno rozvíjí podstatné jméno, udává jaké mají osoby, místa, věci,
11 Podmínkové souvětí typ 2 ..................................................... 7 An adjective události atd. vlastnosti.
4 Vyjadřování budoucnosti: going to + infinitiv ...................... 8 a beautiful city, an enjoyable holiday
4 Vyjadřování budoucnosti: přítomný čas průběhový .............. 9 interesting people, terrible news
10 Vyjadřování budoucnosti: will + infinitiv .............................. 9 Příslovce rozvíjí sloveso, přináší informace o tom, kdy, kde nebo jak se
3, 7 Nepravidelná slovesa ............................................................. 10 An adverb odehrává děj vyjádřený slovesem.
5 Počítatelná a nepočitatelná podstatná jména: some/any, She wrote the report yesterday.
a lot of/lots of, much/many, a little/a few .............................. 11
8 Způsobová slovesa ................................................................. 12 He’s waiting outside.
12 Trpný rod ............................................................................... 13 Please drive slowly.
3, 7 Minulý čas prostý .................................................................. 14 Frekvenční příslovce vyjadřuje, jak často se děj odehrává.
2 Přítomný čas průběhový ........................................................ 15 An adverb of frequency I always play tennis in the summer.
1, 2 Přítomný čas prostý ............................................................... 16 I’m rarely late for work.
1, 2 Přítomný čas prostý: frekvenční příslovce ............................ 16 Pomocné sloveso (be, do a have) se používá ve spojení s dalším slovesným tvarem při
7, 9 Předpřítomný čas prostý ........................................................ 17
An auxiliary verb tvoření různých časů a trpného rodu.
9 Předpřítomný čas průběhový ................................................. 18
10 Předložky: čas, místo a směr ................................................. 19 She is working in Geneva.
1 Tázací výrazy ......................................................................... 20 Where did you go?
9 since a for ............................................................................... 20 The window has been broken.
Angličtina v různých 10 Žádáme o informace .............................................................. 21 Infinitiv je základní slovesný tvar (see, buy, etc.). Používá se ve spojení s to
komunikačních 5 V restauraci ............................................................................ 21 The infinitive i bez to.
situacích 8 Pozvání ................................................................................... 22 It’s good to meet you.
6 Domlouváme si schůzku ........................................................ 22
I’d like to introduce you to a friend.
1 Seznamujeme se s lidmi ........................................................ 23
9 Nabídky a žádosti ................................................................... 24 I must go now.
7 Názory a návrhy ..................................................................... 25 Způsobové sloveso je například sloveso might, can, a should. Způsobová slovesa
12 Loučíme se ............................................................................. 26 A modal verb používáme pro vyjádření možnosti, dovolení, nutnosti, k udílení rad atd.
11 Zdvořilostní fráze .................................................................. 26 She might arrive late.
4 Pobyt v hotelu ........................................................................ 27 Can I use your phone?
2 Telefonování .......................................................................... 28 You should see a doctor.
3 Máme hosta ............................................................................ 28
Jiné užitečné Americká angličtina ............................................................... 30 Podstatné jméno označuje osobu, místo, věc nebo myšlenku.
informace Žádáme o pomoc ................................................................... 31 A noun a journalist, an office, books, beauty
Země a národnosti ................................................................. 32 Předložka nese význam místa, času, směru apod.
E-maily, faxy a dopisy ........................................................... 32 A preposition I live in a flat.
Časové přímky ....................................................................... 34 He walks to his office every day.
Matematické termíny ............................................................. 35 They begin work at 8 o’clock.
Fonetické symboly ................................................................. 35
anglicko-českým slovníčkem ................................................. 36 Zájmeno zastupuje podstatné jméno.
A pronoun The restaurant is very good but it is expensive.
Do you know Sue? I saw her at the theatre last night.
Sloveso vyjadřuje děj nebo stav.
A verb He writes for a magazine.
I speak French.
She didn’t enjoy the film.
© Oxford University Press 2013
Druhý a třetí stupeň přídavných jmen OTÁZKA KRÁTKÁ ODPOVĚĎ
Comparative and superlative adjectives If you ask him, will he give you the information? Yes, he will.
ZÁKLADNÍ TVAR DRUHÝ STUPEŇ TŘETÍ STUPEŇ Will she change her job if she gets the chance? No, she won’t.
Pravidelná small smaller smallest
(jednoslabičná 1 syllable) near nearer the nearest POUŽITÍ PŘÍKLADY
big bigger biggest Možné budoucí děje a jejich výsledky/důsledky If we invest in a new system, we’ll solve
(dvojslabičná, zakončená na easy easier easiest our problems.
the You won’t pass the exam if you don’t study.
-y 2 syllables ending in -y) happy happier happiest
(dvou- a víceslabičná efficient less efficient
least efficient • Vedlejší věta s if může stat před hlavní větou i za ní. Jestliže stojí před hlavní větou, zpravidla za
2 or more syllables) important more important most important ní píšeme čárku.
If they agree to our requests, we’ll sign the contract.
Nepravidelná good better best We’ll sign the contract if they agree to our requests.
bad worse worst
far farther/further the farthest/furthest • Jestliže jsme si jistí, že se určitá věc stane, používáme spojku when, nikoli if.
much/many more most When I get the information, I’ll send it to you. (Jsem si jistý, že ty informace získám.)
little less least
Podmínkové souvětí typ 2 2nd Conditional
if + Past Simple, would/could + infinitive (without to)
Ve spojení s druhým stupněm přídavného jména London is bigger than Madrid.
používáme than.
K naznačení velkého rozdílu používáme ve spojení s Tokyo is a lot more expensive than
If I had more time, I’d learn another language. If you didn’t work so hard, you’d be happier.
druhým stupněm přídavného jména much nebo a lot. Rome.
Our cities would be more pleasant if there was I wouldn’t buy that car if I were you.
Třetí stupeň přídavného jména se vždy pojí se China has the biggest population.
less traffic.
členem the.


Pravopisná podoba Spelling
Jednoslabičná přídavná jména zakončená na samohlásku a souhlásku obvykle zdvojují koncovou If you became a millionaire, would you stop
Yes, I would.
souhlásku: working?
hot hotter hottest Would they start a business if they had the
big bigger biggest money? No, they wouldn’t.

Podmínkové souvětí typ 1 1st Conditional
Nereálné nebo hypotetické situace a jejich If public transport were free, there’d be no
if + Present Simple, will + infinitive (without to) pravděpodobné výsledky/důsledky traffic problems in cities.
If I didn’t need a car, I wouldn’t have one.

If they offer me the job, I’ll accept it. If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss your plane.
You’ll have to work hard if you want to succeed. He won’t visit us if he’s very busy.

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• Vedlejší věta s if může stát před hlavní větou i za ní. Jestliže stojí před hlavní větou, zpravidla za • Slovesa come a go zpravidla užíváme ve tvaru přítomného času průběhového
ní píšeme čárku. (Present Continuous).
If they produced better quality goods, they’d be very successful. They’re coming to see us soon.
They’d be very successful if they produced better quality goods. Are you going abroad next summer?
• Po I, he a she můžeme ve větě s if užít was namísto were, obzvláště v neformální mluvené • going to lze také užít pro předem zajištěné budoucí děje.
angličtině. I’m going to play tennis this afternoon.
If it was easier, I’d study Japanese.
• Could plní funkci minulého času a tvaru podmiňovacího způsobu (Conditional) slovesa can. Vyjadřování budoucnosti: přítomný čas průběhový
He could walk to work when he lived close to the office. (Minulost = bylo to možné) Future: Present Continuous
He could walk to work if he had more time. (Podmiňovací způsob = bylo by to možné)
(Tvoření přítomného času průhěhového Present Continuous viz str. 15.)
• Minulý čas (Past Simple) v prvním a druhém podmínkovém souvětí nevyjadřuje prostou
minulost. Vztahuje se k hypotetické situaci. POUŽITÍ PŘÍKLADY
If I were the Prime Minister ... (ale nejsem premiér). Předem zajištěné budoucí děje They’re arriving at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
He isn’t coming to the meeting next week.
Vyjadřování budoucnosti: going to + infinitiv What time are you leaving?
Future: going to + infinitive
Vyjadřování budoucnosti: will + infinitiv
KLADNÝ TVAR ZÁPOR Future: will + infinitive
I ’m (am) I ’m not
You You I I
We ’re (are) We You You
going to begin. (are not) going to begin. won’t
They They We We
He He They ’ll (will) begin. They begin.
She ’s (is) She He He
(is not)
It It She She (will not)
It It


Am I I
No, ’m not. I I
you you you Yes, you will
we Yes, we are.
Are we we
they going to begin? No, they aren’t.
Will they begin? they
he he he he won’t
Yes, is. No,
Is she she she she (will not).
No, isn’t.
it it it it


Plány a záměry do budoucna, rozhodnutí I’m going to change my job. Budoucí situace a děje The situation will be worse in future.
Budoucí situace, které můžeme s jistotou It’s going to rain very soon. The work won’t start next year.
předpovědět na základě současného stavu Look out! That car’s going to hit you! Rozhodnutí učiněná v okamžiku promluvy I’ll email you the results tomorrow.
Nabídky Shall I order a taxi for you?

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Nepravidelná slovesa Irregular verbs Počítatelná a nepočitatelná podstatná jména
Mass and count nouns
Nepočitatelná podstatná jména Mass nouns
be být was/were been mean znamenat meant meant
become stát se became become meet potkat, met met Mass nouns do not have a plural form. I’d like some information, please.
setkat se We use them with a singular verb form. Relaxation is good for you.
begin začít began begun pay platit paid paid We do not use a or an with them. I enjoy good music.
break zlomit, zničit broke broken put položit put put
bring přinést brought brought read číst read read Počitatelná podstatná jména Count nouns
build stavět built built ride jet rode ridden
buy koupit bought bought ring zvonit rang rung
catch chytit caught caught rise zvedat se, rose risen Count nouns have a singular and plural form. This book is interesting.
vycházet We use them with a singular or plural verb form. These books are expensive.
choose vybrat chose chosen run běžet ran run
We use a or an with them. Would you like an apple?
come přijít came come say říci said said
cost stát (o ceně) cost cost see vidět saw seen
Nepočitatelná a počitatelná podstatná jména Mass/Count nouns
cut říznout cut cut sell prodat sold sold
do dělat did done send poslat sent sent Některá podstatná jména mohou být užita jako počítatelná i jako nepočítatelná.
draw kreslit drew drawn show ukázat showed shown POUŽITÍ PŘÍKLADY
drink pít drank drunk shut zavřít shut shut
drive řídit drove driven sing zpívat sang sung Mass Nepočitatelná podstatná jména James writes about wine.
eat jíst ate eaten sit sedět sat sat (v obecném významu) She has a lot of experience in sales.
fall padat fell fallen sleep spát slept slept Count Počítatelná podstatná jména He’s writing a book about Italian wines.
feel cítit felt felt speak mluvit spoke spoken (specifický význam) She’s had some strange experiences in her life.
find najít found found spend strávit, utratit spent spent
fly letět flew flown stand stát stood stood some/any, a lot of/lots of, much/many, a little/a few
forget zapomenout forgot forgotten steal ukrást stole stolen POUŽITÍ PŘÍKLADY
freeze zmrznout froze frozen swim plavat swam swum
get dostat got got take vzít took taken
some S počitatelnými a nepočítatelnými I bought some coffee.
podstatnými jmény v kladných You’ve got some letters.
give dát gave given teach učit taught taught
oznamovacích větách
go jít, jet went gone tell sdělit told told
grow růst grew grown think myslet thought thought V nabídkách a zdvořilých prosbách Could I have some fruit?
have mít had had understand rozumět understood understood Would you like some biscuits?
hear slyšet heard heard wake vzbudit woke woken any S počitatelnými i nepočítatelnými I didn’t buy any tea.
hit uhodit hit hit wear nosit, mít na wore worn podstatnými jmény v záporu a v We didn’t have any visitors.
sobě otázce Do you have any luggage?
keep držet kept kept win vyhrát won won Are there any questions?
know vědět knew known write psát wrote written
leave opustit, left left
odejít, zanechat
lend půjčit lent lent
lose ztratit lost lost
make dělat made made

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a lot of/ S počitatelnými a nepočítatelnými There’s a lot of traffic today. can, could, may, might, should
lots of podstatnými jmény v kladných There are a lot of cars in the city centre. • Tvar slovesa je stejný pro všechny osoby.
oznamovacích větách Lots of people came to our party. Ve třetí osobě jednotného čísla nepřidáváme -s.
I/You/He/She/It/We/They may arrive late.
much S nepočitatelnými podstatnými jmény We didn’t do much work.
He can speak German.
v záporu a v otázce How much money did you spend?
many S počitatelnými podstatnými jmény There weren’t many people at the meeting. • Způsobová slovesa se neužívají s to.
v záporu a v otázkách How many suitcases are there? I should to go now.
V kladných oznamovacích větách Many companies are doing well right now. • Zápor tvoříme přidáním not nebo -n’t. Nepoužíváme don’t ani doesn’t.
She cannot/can’t speak French.
a little S nepočitatelnými podstatnými jmény I drank only a little wine.
You should not/shouldn’t use first names.
v kladných oznamovacích větách
He may not understand very well.
a few S počitatelnými podstatnými jmény We had a few problems.
v kladných oznamovacích větách • Ke slovesu may nepřidáváme n’t.
He mayn’t understand very well.

• V kladných oznamovacích větách užíváme spíše a lot of/lots of než many. • Otázka u sloves could, may, might, should se tvoří předsunutím slovesa před podmět I/you/he atd.
Can I leave now?
• Lots of se užívá převážně v mluvené angličtině. Should I email you the information tomorrow?
• A lot of/lots of, a little, a a few užíváme v záporu a v otázce. have to
• Tvar slovesa have to se mění stejně jako tvar slovesa have.
Způsobová slovesa Modal verbs
• Ve třetí osobě jednotného čísla užíváme tvar has.
She has to work on Saturdays.

Rada Advice should/shouldn’t • Otázka se tvoří pomocí do/does/did, zápor pomocí don’t/doesn’t/didn’t.
You should be punctual for meetings. Do you have to work overtime?
You shouldn’t use first names. They didn’t have to get permission.

Možnost Possibility may, might, can Trpný rod The Passive

They may smile when they don’t want to give an answer.
They might think you are rude. to be + past participle (produced, built, found, etc.)
Decisions can take a long time.
Dovolení Permission can, could KLADNÝ TVAR ZÁPOR
Can I borrow your dictionary? Tyres are produced from rubber. Smoking isn’t allowed in the cinema.
Could I use your computer? The company was founded in 1890. The public wasn’t told about the danger.
Schopnost Ability can, could A new government has been elected. The information hasn’t been published.
Can you speak German?
The new hotel will be opened next month. Prices won’t be increased next year.
Could you ski when you were six?
Nutnost Necessity have to/don’t have to
You have to get permission first.
You don’t have to make an appointment.

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OTÁZKA KRÁTKÁ ODPOVĚĎ • Minulý čas prostý se často užívá s různými časovými určeními minulosti, např yesterday, last
Is cork exported from Portugal? Yes, it is. year, a month ago, in 1998.

Was champagne invented by an Italian? No, it wasn’t. Pravopisná podoba Spelling

Have the roads been repaired yet? Yes, they have. Slovesa zakončená
Will the work be finished soon? No, it won’t. – na -e přibírají zakončení –d: live – lived, close – closed.
– na samohlásku a souhlásku zdvojují koncovou souhlásku a přibírají zakončení -ed: travel –
Trpný rod používáme, jestliže osoba nebo věc, která je činitelem děje, není důležitá nebo nám není travelled, plan – planned.
známa. Jestliže chceme činitele děje vyjádřit, používáme spojení s předložkou by. – na souhlásku a -y mění -y na -i a přidává se -ed: study – studied, try – tried.
Činný rod Active Trpný rod Passive
The Mayan people used rubber 2,500 years ago. Rubber was used 2,500 years ago by the Přítomný čas průběhový Present Continuous
Mayan people.

I ’m (am) I ’m not (am not)

Minulý čas prostý Past Simple
You You
We aren’t
(Viz nepravidelná slovesa Irregular verbs, str. 10, a časovou přímku Past Simple, str. 34.) We ’re (are)
They (are not)
They working. working
I I She isn’t
She ’s (is)
It (is not)
You You It
We We
arrived yesterday. didn’t arrive yesterday. OTÁZKA KRÁTKÁ ODPOVĚĎ
They They
began last week (did not) begin. last week.
He He Yes, am.
Am I I
She She No, am not.
It It you you
Yes, are.
Are we studying? we
OTÁZKA KRÁTKÁ ODPOVĚĎ they No, they aren’t.
I I he he
Yes, is.
you Yes, you did Is she she
we we it No, it isn’t.
arrive yesterday?
Did they they
begin? last week?
she No, she didn’t
Děje odehrávající se právě teď She’s talking to a visitor at the moment.
it it
Dočasné a přechodné děje Which hotel are you staying at?
POUŽITÍ PŘÍKLADY Současné trendy People are living longer.
Ukončené minulé děje a situace They lived in Australia for three years. Předem domluvené/zařízené budoucí události They’re arriving at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
He flew to Japan two days ago.
We didn’t have a holiday last summer.
• Informace o tom, zda se koncová souhláska zdvojuje (travel, travelling) a kdy se vypouští
How long did you stay in New York? koncové e (make, making), je nutno vyhledat ve slovníku.

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Přítomný čas prostý Present Simple Předpřítomný čas prostý Present Perfect Simple

KLADNÝ TVAR ZÁPOR (Viz seznam nepravidelných sloves Irregular verbs, str. 10, a časové přímky předpřítomného
času Present Perfect Simple, str. 34.)
work. don’t (do not)
We We I I
They They work. You ’ve You haven’t
He He We (have) We (have not)
They started. They started.
She works. She doesn’t (does not) left. left.
It It He He
’s hasn’t
She She
(has) (has not)
you you
Do I I
we we Yes, have.
No, don’t. you you
they work? they Have
we we
Does he he they started? No, they haven’t.
Yes, does.
she she left?
he Yes, he has.
it No, it doesn’t. she she
it No, it hasn’t.

Dlouhotrvající děje She lives in Brazil. POUŽITÍ PŘÍKLADY

Where do you work? Situace nebo děje, které se staly The company has grown a lot since 1998.
Běžné rutinní činnosti I often make business trips v období od určitého okamžiku v We’ve recently reduced costs.
How often do you play tennis? minulosti do současnosti Have you had a holiday this year?
Pocity a preference Do you like your job? Zážitky a zkušenosti, které jsme He’s worked for two foreign companies.
I agree with you. nabyli během života od počátku až do She’s never studied a foreign language.
Fakta The journey takes an hour. současnosti Have you ever lived abroad?
Prices increase every year. Situace, které začaly v minulosti a dosud She’s been a doctor for ten years.
trvají The family has had the business since 1990.
Rekvenční příslovce Frequency adverbs How long have you known her?

0% never rarely sometimes often usually always 100% • gone to nebo been to?
Ann’s gone to New York znamená, že je právě teď v New Yorku nebo na cestě do New Yorku.
Ann’s been to New York znamená, že už není v New Yorku, její pobyt tam skončil.
• Stažené tvary
V mluvené angličtině zpravidla říkáme I’ve, you’ve, he’s atd.
Ve formální, psané angličtině užíváme I have, you have, he has atd.
VIz také poučení o užití předpřítomného času a minulého času prostého Present Perfect Simple/Past
Simple v britské a v americké angličtině na str. 30.

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Předpřítomný čas průběhový Present Perfect Continuous Předložky: čas, místo a směr
Prepositions: time, place, and direction
(Viz časovou přímku předpřítomného průběhového času Present Perfect Continuous na str. 34.)

KLADNÝ TVAR ZÁPOR Předložky s významem času Prepositions of time

I I • měsíc/roční období/století • denní doba • časo becně/čas k jídlu
You ’ve You haven’t June the morning six o’clock
We (have) We (have not) in winter in the afternoon at lunchtime
They been working. They been working. 1996 the evening midnight
He He the 21st century
’s hasn’t
She She • dvou- či třídenní období • den/datum
(has) (has not)
It It the weekend Tuesday
at Christmas 6 December
I I Christmas Day
Yes, have. Friday morning
you you
Have Wednesday evenings
we we
they No, they haven’t.
been working. Předložky s významem místa a směru Prepositions of place and direction
he Yes, he has.
Has she she
it No, it hasn’t.


Děje, které začaly v minulosti a We’ve been producing wines for two hundred years.
pokračují do přítomnosti He’s been living in Finland since last year. under/below across behind over/above
How long have you been studying English?
Děje, které začaly v minulosti a He’s hot because he’s been jogging.
právě skončily You look tired. Have you been working a lot?

• Průběhový tvar continuous form zpravidla užíváme pro zdůraznění trvání děje, prostý tvar při
důrazu na výsledek děje. on between in out of
I’ve been writing emails. (Ještě jsem neskončil.)
I’ve written ten emails. (Už jsem skončil.)
• Předpřítomný průběhový čas Present Perfect Continuous užíváme pro vyjádření, jak dlouho daný
děj trval.
He’s been talking on the phone all morning. into in front of beside/next to up
She’s been interviewing people since 8 a.m.
• Předpřítomný čas prostý Present Perfect Simple užíváme pro vyjádření počtu, kolikrát se děj
He’s made fifteen phone calls.
She’s done six interviews.
through around on the right on the left

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Where do they live? In Milan.
What do you do at weekends? I go cycling.
When does he start work? At 8 a.m. Žádáme o informace Asking for information
Which newspaper do you read? The Independent.
How do you travel to work? By car. Ptáme se
How often do you study English? Twice a week. I’d like some information about … (flights to Paris). Rád bych získal informace o ...
Whose dictionary is this? It’s mine. (letu do Paříže).
Who (Whom) do you work with? A team of six people. I’d like to know … (how long it takes). Rád bych věděl ... (jak dlouho to trvá).
Who arrives at work first? The manager does. Do you know … (when the train arrives)? Víš ... (kdy ten vlak přijíždí)?
• Whom je velmi formální, užívá se jen zřídka. Can Můžete you tell me … (how often the trains leave)? mi říct ... (jak často ten vlak
Could Mohl byste jezdí)?
since a for since and for Vyjadřujeme pochopení Ujišťujeme se
(Viz časovou přímku since a for, str. 34.) I see. Aha. Let me check. Dovolte, přesvědčím se.
Right, I’ve got that. Ano, chápu. I’ll look that up. Vyhledám si to.
since So, … (the next train’s in half an hour).
Takže ... (další vlak jede za půl hodiny).

Označení určitého časového okamžiku since 7 a.m. today Žádáme o zopakování Omluvy
yesterday Could you repeat that, please? I’m afraid I don’t have any information about
last week Můžete to prosím zopakovat? … (domestic flights). Obávám se, že nemáme
12 January Could you say that again? žádné informace o ... (vnitrostátních letech).
2001 Můžete to říct ještě jednou?
he left university

for V restauraci At a restaurant

POUŽITÍ PŘÍKLADY Doporučení Nabízíme
Označení určitého časového úseku for ten hours What do you recommend? Do have some more … (wine).
five days Co byste mi doporučil? Dejte si ještě trochu ... (vína).
a month The … (meat) is usually excellent here. What about … (a dessert)? Co takhle dát si ... (dezert)?
two years ... (maso) tu většinou mají vynikající. How about … (some strawberries)?
a long time I recommend the … (beef). Co si dát ... (pár jahod)?
ages Doporučuji ... (hovězí). Would you like … (a coffee)? Dal byste si ... (kávu)?

Objednávání Přijímáme nabídku

Yes, I’d like that. Ano, to bych si dal.
I’ll Já si have … (duck and red cabbage).
Yes, that would be very nice.
We’ll My si dám/e ... (kachnu a červené zelí).
Ano, to by mohlo být moc dobré.
I’d Já bych si
We’d like … (cold cucumber soup). Odmítáme nabídku
My bychom si dal/i ... (studenou okurkovou polévku). Thank you, but I couldn’t eat any more.
Could we have … (a bottle of mineral water)? Děkuji, ale já už nemůžu.
Mohli bychom dostat ... (lahev minerální vody)? No, thank you. Ne, děkuji.

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Děkujeme a reagujeme na poděkování Měníme čas schůzky
Thank you for a really excellent meal. 씮 Don’t mention it. To nestojí za řeč. I’m very sorry I have to cancel the appointment on … (Friday). Je mi to moc líto, ale musím
Děkuji za opravdu vynikající jídlo. zrušit tu schůzku ... (v pátek).
Thank you for a lovely evening. 씮 I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m afraid I can’t manage our meeting … (tomorrow). Obávám se, že mi nevyjde ta schůzka ...
Děkuji za krásný večer. Jsem rád, že se ti líbil. (zítra).
Could we arrange another time? Mohli bychom se domluvit na jindy?

Pozvání Invitations Seznamujeme se s lidmi Meeting people

Pozvání Přijímáme pozvání Představování
I’d like to invite you to … Thank you. I’d be delighted to accept. May Mohu I introduce myself? My name’s ... (James Turner). Jmenuji se ... (James Turner).
(have dinner with me). Děkuji, s potěšením přijímám. Can Mohu se představit? I’m ... (Monique Bresson). Já jsem ... (Monique Bressonová).
Rád bych vás pozval ... (na večeři). Thank you. I’d love to. Děkuji, velmi rád.
Would you join us … (for a game of tennis)? Thank you. I’d enjoy that. Děkuji, to budu rád. May Mohu I introduce a good friend of mine? This is ... (Roberto Angelini).
Půjdeš s námi ... (na tenis)? Can Mohu vám představit svého dobrého přítele? Toto je ... (Roberto Angelini).
Would you like to … (come swimming)? Odmítáme pozvání
Nechtěl by sis ... (jít zaplavat)? I’d love to, but … (I’m afraid I can’t). Excuse me, are you ... (Duncan Ross)? Promiňte, jste ... (Duncan Ross)?
Why don’t you … (have lunch with us)? Rád bych, ale ... (obávám se, že nebudu moci). Hello, you must be ... (Luigi Bastini). Dobrý den, vy musíte být ... (Luigi Bastini).
Co takhle ... (dát si s námi oběd)? Thanks a lot, but … (I’ve made another arrangement).
How about … (joining us)? I’d like to Rád bych introduce you to ... (Tony White).
Děkuji moc, ale ... (už mám něco domluveno).
Co takhle ... (jít s námi)? Let me Dovolte mi vám představil/představit vám ... (Tonyho Whita).

How do you do? Jak se máte? 씮 How do you do? Jak se máte?
Domlouváme si schůzku Making arrangements Pleased to meet you. Rád vás poznávám. 씮 Pleased to meet you, too.
Domlouvání času Také vás rád poznávám.
Please call me ... (Luigi). 씮 Then you must call me ... (Monique).
would be convenient for you? by se vám to hodilo? Prosím, říkejte mi ... (Luigi). Tak to mi musíte říkat ... (Monique).
When Kdy could we meet? se můžeme sejít?
What time V kolik hodin are you free? máte volno? Pozdravy
would suit you? by vám to vyhovovalo? Hello, ... (Roberto). Ahoj, ... (Roberto).

Shall we say … (next Tuesday)? Yes, … (Tuesday) suits me fine. Good Dobře
to see you again. že vás zase vidím.
Řekněme ... (příští úterý)? Ano, ... (úterý) mi vyhovuje. Nice Je hezké
Is … (9.30) possible for you? Yes, that’s fine. Ano, to je dobré.
How are you? Jak se máte? Fine, thanks. And you? Dobře, děkuji. A vy?
Je pro vás ... (9.30) možné? Yes, I can make it on … (Friday).
How are things? Jak to jde? Not too bad, thanks. Celkem dobře, děkuji.
How about … (Friday)? Ano, ... (v pátek) můžu.
How’s the family? Jak se má rodina? Very well, thank you. Velmi dobře, děkuji.
Co takhle ... (pátek)? No, I’m afraid I’m busy then.
What about … (the afternoon)? Ne, obávám se, že v té době budu mít práci. morning. ráno.
A co ... (odpoledne)? No, I’m afraid I’ve got another appointment then. Good Dobrý/dobré afternoon. odpoledne.
Could we arrange ... (to have lunch)? Ne, obávám se, že už na tu dobu mám něco domluveno. evening. večer.
Domluvíme se ... (na oběd)?
• Good night pouíváme pouze když večer odcházíme, nepoužívá se jako pozdrav.
I look forward to meeting you on … (Wednesday). Těším se na setkání ... (ve čtvrtek).
See you … (next week). Uvidíme se ... (příští týden). Rozloučení
I must go now. Už musím jít.
We really must leave now. My už opravdu musíme jít.
I must be off. Už musím.
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It was very nice meeting you. 씮 I really enjoyed meeting you, too. Odmítnutí
Velice rád jsem vás poznal. I já jsem vás velmi rád poznal. I think that will be difficult … (There isn’t enough time). Myslím, že to bude obtížné ...
trip. cestu. (není na to dost času).
Have a good Thank you ... (and the same to you).
journey. cestu. 씮 I’m afraid not … (I’m very busy). Obávám se, že ne ... (mám moc práce).
Šťastnou(ý)/příjemnou(ý) Děkuji ... (vám také). I’m sorry, but that’s not possible … (I’m leaving now). Je mi líto, ale ... (už odcházím/odjíždím).
flight. let.
I’m afraid not. Obávám se, že ne.
I hope to see you again. 씮 I hope so, too. Také doufám.
Doufám, že se ještě uvidíme.
Názory a návrhy Opinions and suggestions
I look forward to … (seeing you again). Těším se ... (až se znovu uvidíme).
I’m looking forward to … (our next meeting). Těším se ... (na naše další setkání). Ptáme se na názor Uvádíme svůj názor
What do you think about ... (the design)? In my opinion … (it’s excellent).
on the … (1 July). ... (1. července). Co si myslíte ... (o vzhledu/designu)? Podle mého názoru ... (je to vynikající).
See you next week. příští týden. What’s your opinion of ... (the quality)? I think … (it’s rather expensive).
Uvidíme se soon. brzy. Jaký je váš názor na ... (kvalitu)? Myslím, že ... (je to dost drahé).
How do you feel about ... (the price)?
Have a good trip back. zpáteční cestu. Co si myslíš ... (o ceně)?
Šťastnou(ý)/příjemnou(ý) flight back. zpáteční let.
Vyjadřovní souhlasu Vyjadřování nesouhlasu
I agree. Souhlasím. I’m afraid I don’t agree.
Nabídky a požádání Offers and requests I certainly agree with that. Obávám se, že nemohu souhlasit.
S tím samozřejmě souhlasím. I’m sorry, but I disagree.
Nabízíme I agree completely. Naprosto souhlasím. Je mi líto, ale já nesouhlasím.
Shall I … (open the window)? Neměl bych ... (otevřít okno)? Žádáme o návrhy
Do you want me to … (post the letter for you)? Chcete, abych ... (vám ten dopis poslal)? Do you have any suggestions for … (the agenda)? Máte nějaké návrhy ohledně ... (programu)?
If you like, I can … (give you some help). Když budete chtít, mohu ... (vám s tím pomoci). Any ideas on … (the parking problem)? Nějaké nápady ohledně ... (problému s parkováním)?
Would you like me to … (arrange a meeting)? Chcete, abych ... (domluvil schůzku)?
Dáváme návrhy
Přijímáme nabídku Odmítáme nabídku I suggest … (we meet at the hotel). Navrhuji, abychom ... (se setkali v hotelu).
Yes, please. Ano prosím. Thanks, but please don’t bother. How about … (going by plane)? Co takhle ... (letět letadlem)?
Thank you. Děkuji. Děkuji, ale neobtěžujte se. What about … (giving a talk)? Co takhle ... (přednést referát)?
That’s very kind of you. Thanks, but that won’t be necessary. Why don’t we … (have a meeting)? Proč si teď ... (neuděláme schůzi)?
To je od vás velmi milé. Děkuji, to nebude nutné. Why not … (finish with a party)? Proč ... (nezakončit večírkem)?
Thank you. I’d appreciate that. That’s very kind of you, but … (I can manage). We could … (arrange a tennis tournament). Mohli bychom ... (uspořádat turnaj v tenisu).
Děkuji, to bych vám byl vděčný. To je od vás velmi milé, ale ... (já si poradím).
Přijímáme návrhy Odmítáme návrhy
Požádání Souhlas Yes, that’s a good idea. Yes, but … (it’s too far away).
Ano, to je dobrý nápad. Ano, ale ... (je to moc daleko).
Can you … (come tomorrow)? Můžeš ... (přijít zítra)? Yes, of course. Yes, let’s do that. Ano, uděláme to. I’m not sure about that. Nejsem si tím jistý.
Could you … (write her a letter)? Mohl byste ... (jí napsat dopis)? Ano, samozřejmě. I’m afraid I don’t like that idea.
Would you … (book the hotel)? Mohl byste ... (zarezervovat hotel)? Yes, certainly. Je mi líto, mně se ten nápad nelíbí.
Do you think you could … (check it)? Ano, jistě.
Myslíte, že byste ... (to mohl zkontrolovat/zjistit)?

Would you mind … (checking it)? Not at all.

Vadilo by vám, kdybyste ... (to zkontroloval/zjistil)? Ne, vůbec ne.
Do you mind … (checking it)? No, of course not.
Vadilo by vám ... (to zkontroloval/zjistil)? Ne, samozřejmě že ne.

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Loučíme se Saying goodbye Odmítáme prosbu

Děkujeme za pohostinnost Could I borrow your car? 씮 Sorry, but I need it.
Mohl bych si půjčit vaše auto? Je mi líto, potřebuju ho.
for inviting us. za pozvání. We’ve had a wonderful time. Do you mind if I smoke? Well, I’d rather you didn’t.
Thank you for everything. za všechno. Moc se nám to líbilo. Vadilo by vám, kdybych si zapálil? No, byl bych raději, kdybyste nekouřil.
Děkuji very much for your hospitality. It was really enjoyable. Bylo to velmi příjemné.
za vaši pohostinnost. I really appreciated it. Opravdu to oceňuji. Vydáváme a podáváme si různé věci
Everything was great. Bylo to skvělé.
Thanks a lot. Moc děkuji. Have you got the tickets? Máte vstupenky? 씮 Yes, here they are. Ano, tady jsou.
Could you pass the bread, please? 씮 Yes, here you are. Ano, tady je.
Odpovídáme na poděkování Mohl byste mi prosím podat chléb?
could come. jste mohl přijít.
I’m glad you enjoyed it. jste si to užil. Vyjadřujeme překvapení
Jsem rád, že found it interesting. vás to zaujalo.
They’ve got six children now. Oni už mají šest dětí. 씮 Really! Opravdu!
liked it. se vám to líbilo.
Reagujeme na dobré zprávy
Zdvořilostní fráze Social responses I’ve passed my final exams! Congratulations! Gratuluji!
Poděkování Složil jsem závěrečné zkoušky! That’s great! To je skvělé!

Thanks for all your help. Don’t mention it. To nestojí za řeč. Reagujeme na špatné zprávy
Děkuji za všechnu vaši pomoc. Not at all. Není zač.
Thank you for your advice. Děkuji za radu. You’re welcome. (US) I failed my driving test. 씮 Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. To je mi líto.
Rádo se stalo. (americká angličtina) Neudělal jsem zkoušku v autoškole.

Omluvy Reagujeme na různá přání

Sorry I’m late. Omlouvám se, že jdu pozdě. It doesn’t matter. To nevadí. Have a good weekend. Hezký víkend. Thanks. You too. Děkuji, vám také.
I’m sorry. I’ve broken a glass. Don’t worry. Netrapte se tím. I hope you enjoy your holiday. Thanks, and the same to you.
Omlouvám se, rozbil jsem skleničku. Never mind. Nic se nestalo. Doufám, že se vám dovolená vydaří. Děkuji, ať se vám také vydaří.

Žádáme o zopakování Pobyt v hotelu Staying at a hotel

Sorry? Promiňte Could you repeat that, please? Můžete to prosím zopakovat?
Rezervujeme si pokoj
Pardon? Pardon I’m sorry, I didn’t catch ... (your name).
Omlouvám se, nepochytil jsem ... (vaše jméno). I’d like to book a single jednolůžkový
room for 4 April. pokoj na 4. dubna.
Rád bych si objednal double dvoulůžkový
Žádáme o dovolení a reagujeme na ně
Žádáme o služby
Yes, of course. Ano, samozřejmě.
May I sit here? Mohu si tu sednout? I’d like a room, please. Rád bych si objednal pokoj prosím.
Please do. Poslužte si.
Could I use your phone? Mohl bych si od vás zavolat? Could I have an early morning call, at 6.30? Můžete mě prosím vzbudit telefonem v 6.30?
Yes, certainly. Ano, jistě.
Could I have my bill, please? Můžete mi prosím připravit účet?
Do you mind if I open the window? 씮 No, not at all. Can I pay by credit card? Mohu zaplatit kreditní kartou?
Vadilo by vám, kdybych otevřel okno? Ne, vůbec ne.
Přijíždíme do hotelu
I have a reservation. Mám rezervovaný pokoj.

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Telefonování Telephoning Počasí Sport a volný čas
What was the weather like in ... (London)? What do you do at the weekends?
Představujeme se
Jaké je v Londýně počasí? Co děláte o víkendech?
Hello. This is ... (James Turner). Dobrý den. Tady je ... (James Turner). Do you play any sports? Děláte nějaké sporty?
Is that ... (Monique Bresson)? Je to ... (Monique Bressonová)? 씮 Yes, speaking. Ano, u telefonu. Cestování a dovolená Novinky
Could I/I’d like to speak to ... (Mr Brown). 씮 Who’s calling, please? Do you travel a lot? Cestujete hodně? What’s the latest news on … (the election)?
Mohl bych mluvit s ... (panem Brownem)? Kdo volá prosím? Which countries do you visit? Jaké jsou poslední zprávy o ... (volbách)?
I’m calling about ... (the letter I sent you). Volám kvůli ... (tomu dopisu, který jsem vám poslal). Do jakých zemí jezdíte? Is there any news about … (the conference)?
Hold the line, please. Počkejte na lince, prosím. Where did you spend ... (your last holiday)? Jsou nějaké novinky o ... (konferenci)?
Kde jste strávil ... (svou poslední dovolenou)?
(Mr Brown) is in a meeting at the moment.
I’m sorry, ... Je mi líto, ale ... (pan Brown) je teď na schůzi.
I’m afraid ... Obávám se, že ... (he)’s busy at present. je teď zaneprázdněný.
(she) isn’t here. teď tu není.

Necháváme vzkaz
take a message? mu něco vyřídit?
Can I Mohu
leave a message? mu nechat vzkaz?
Could you take a message? Mohl byste jí něco vyřídit?
ask ... (her) to call ... (Luigi Bastini)?
Could you (ji) požádat, aby zavolala ... (Luigimu Bastinimu)?
Mohl byste tell ... (him) that ... (Duncan Ross) called?
(mu) říct, že volal ... (Duncan Ross)?
Could you spell ... (your name), please? Mohl byste prosím hláskovat své jméno?
What’s your number, please? Jaké je vaše telefonní číslo?

Máme hosta Welcoming a visitor

Cesta na místo pobytu Host

Did you have a good journey? Where do you live? Kde bydlíte?
Měl jste dobrou cestu? Which part of the country/city is that?
How was your flight? Jaký byl let? V které části země/města to je?
Did you have any problems finding us?
Našel jste nás bez problémů?
How did you get here?
Čím jste přijel/jak jste se sem dostal?
Are you here on business? Jste tu služebně?
Zaměstnání První dojmy
What do you do? Jaké je vaše zaměstnání? What do you think of … (the new airport)?
Where do you work? Kde pracujete? Co si myslíte o ... (tom novém letišti)?
What are you working on currently? Is this your first visit to … (Barcelona)?
Na čem teď právě pracujete? Jste v ... (Barceloně) poprvé?
How long are you here for?
Na jak dlouho jste přijel?

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Britská angličtina Americká angličtina
Americká angličtina American English 2.11.04 2 November 2004 11/2/04 November 2 2004

V tomto oddílu se popisují některé rozdíly mezi americkou a britskou angličtinou. Rozdíly nejsou Data (v řeči) Dates (spoken)
velké a mohou se v různých oblastech USA lišit. Britská angličtina Americká angličtina
have/have got She started work on the second of She started work on November
V britské angličtině se pro vyjádření vlastnictví častu užívá have got. November, two thousand and four. second, two thousand and four.
Britská angličitna Britská/americká angličtina Slovní zásoba Vocabulary
I’ve got a German car. I have an Italian car. Britská angličtina Americká angličtina Britská angličtina Americká angličtina
Have you got a fax machine? Yes, I have. Do you have any children? Yes, I do.
flat apartment post mail
No, I haven’t. No, I don’t.
car automobile cinema movie theatre
Rozdíl je pouze v přítomném čase prostém Present Simple, v jiných časech nikoli. Sloveso have se
užívá také pro vyjádření děje stejně v britské i v americké angličtině. taxi cab trousers pants
Britská/americká angličtina chemist drugstore wallet pocketbook
I have an English lesson every week. lift elevator railway railroad
Do you have coffee for breakfast? Yes, I do. autumn fall toilet restroom
No, I don’t. tap faucet return ticket round trip ticket
ground floor first floor pavement sidewalk
Předpřítomný čas prostý/minulý čas prostý Present Perfect Simple/Past Simple
motorway freeway tube/underground subway
Tam, kde se v britské angličtině používá předpřítomný čas Present Perfect, používá se v americké
petrol gas holiday vacation
angličtině minulý čas prostý Past Simple.
Britská angličtina Americká angličtina
I’ve just finished the report. I just finished the report. Žádáme o pomoc Asking for help
Have you seen her yet? Did you see her yet? Sorry, I don’t understand. Promiňte, já nerozumím.
I haven’t finished the work yet. I didn’t finish the work yet. I don’t know what ... (‘currently’) means. Nevím, co znamená ... (‘currently’).
What does ... (‘working knowledge’) mean? Co znamená ... (‘working knowledge’)?
We’ve already met. We already met.
What do you call this in English? Jak se to řekne anglicky?
How do you say ... (‘chtěl bych si objednat pokoj’) in English? Jak se anglicky řekne (‘chtěl bych si
Předložky Prepositions
objednat pokoj’)?
Britská angličtina Americká angličtina Could you say that again, please? Mohl byste to prosím říci ještě jednou?
at the weekend on the weekend Could you repeat that, please? Můžete to prosím zopakovat?
Could you speak more slowly, please? Můžete prosím mluvit pomaleji?
five minutes past two five minutes past/after two Could you spell that, please? Mohl byste to prosím hláskovat?
ten minutes to six ten minutes to/of six Could you write that down, please? Můžete to prosím napsat?
write to me write me
meet someone meet with someone
stay at home stay home
Tuesday to Saturday Tuesday through Saturday
visit somebody visit with somebody

30 31
© Oxford University Press 2013
Země a národnosti Countries and nationalities Zakončení
Please contact me again (if you need any more information).
Země Národnost Země Národnost Let me know (if you need anything else).
America (the USA) American Ireland Irish I look forward to (welcoming you …)
Australia Australian Italy Italian Hoping (to see you soon).
Austria Austrian Japan Japanese See you (in Prague).
Belgium Belgian Mexico Mexican
Brazil Brazilian the Netherlands Dutch Ukázka obchodního dopisu
Canada Canadian Norway Norwegian
China Chinese Poland Polish CUNNINGHAM ASSOCIATES
the Czech Republic Czech Portugal Portuguese 26, Trent Rd, Bicester, Oxon OX6 8RN
Denmark Danish Romania Romanian Tel: 01869 204950 Fax: 01869 204900
Finland Finnish Russia Russian
France French Slovakia Slovak/Slovakian 22 February 2004
Germany German Spain Spanish
Great Britain/the UK British Sweden Swedish Jean Paul Leclerc
ZigZag SA
Greece Greek Switzerland Swiss
74, rue Jules Ferry
Hungary Hungarian Thailand Thai 75116 Paris
India Indian Turkey Turkish
Dear Mr Leclerc
E-maily, faxy a dopisy Emails, faxes, and letters Thank you for your letter of 15 January. I apologize for not replying sooner.

Oslovení Závěr I am writing to confirm that I will be in Paris on 7 March and will be very happy to meet
you for lunch and visit your factory in the afternoon, as you suggest. Unfortunately I will
Dear Sir/Madam Yours faithfully
not be able to attend your company dinner as I am flying to Rome in the evening.
Dear Mr Murphy/Ms White Yours sincerely
Dear Andrea Best wishes/Best regards/Yours Could you please send me your catalogue and price list as I would like to show it to my
Hi Jon See you soon colleagues at our meeting next week.
I enclose a printout of our latest design, which I hope will be of interest.
Úvodní pasáž Uvádíme důvod, proč píšeme
Following (our phone conversation today …) I am writing (to enquire about …) I look forward to meeting you next month. Please let me know if you would like me to bring
In reply to (your fax received …) I am pleased (to confirm …) any samples of merchandise.
Thank you for (your fax of ...) This letter is (to thank you …)
Thanks for (your email …) This fax is (to give you details of …) Yours sincerely
This email is (to get in touch …) David Cunningham
Požádání Soubory v příloze (e-mail) Manager
Could you please (reserve …) I attach (two files …)
Would you please (tell me …) enc.
Přílohy v dopise
Please fax/email me (your mobile phone no.)
I enclose (a copy of …)
Uvádíme špatné zprávy Omluvy • Jestliže dopis začínáme Dear Sir nebo Dear Madam, zakončujeme ho Yours faithfully.
I am sorry (to inform you …) I apologize for (the delay ...) Jestliže dopis začínáme křestním jménem adresáta (např. Dear Mr Leclerc), zakončujeme jej
Unfortunately (I will not be able to …) I’m sorry about (the mistake …) Yours sincerely.
Sorry (I didn’t get back to you earlier …) Píšeme-li příteli či blízkému obchodnímu partnerovi, zakončujeme Best wishes, Best regards,
• Pomocí Ms můžeme nahradit Mrs a Miss. Ms neudává, zda je žena vdaná či nikoli.
Předpřítomný čas prostý
32 33
© Oxford University Press 2013
Časové přímky Grammar timelines Matematické termíny Mathematical terms
+ 3 + 5=8 three plus five is eight
Minulý čas prostý Předpřítomný čas prostý - 7 – 1=6 seven minus one is six
Past Simple Present Perfect Simple ÷ 20 ÷ 2 =10 twenty divided by two is ten
x 3 x 3=9 three times/multiplied by three is nine
= 1 + 4=5 one plus four is/equals five
% 75% seventy-five per cent

started in the
UK in 1992
She’s been a doctor for 10 years.

a quarter
a third
a half
three quarters
one and a half

Past Now Past Now

Fonetické symboly Phonetic symbols
Předpřítomný čas prostý Předpřítomný čas průběhový i: jako ve slově see /si:/ u jako ve slově situation /%sItSu"eISn/
Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous I jako ve slově sit /sIt/ 3: jako ve slově girl /g3:l/
e jako ve slově ten /ten/ @ jako ve slově ago /@"g@U/
& jako ve slově hat /h&t/ eI jako ve slově page /peIdZ/

A: jako ve slově arm /A:m/ @U jako ve slově home /h@Um/
In recent years the price of Q jako ve slově got /gQt/ aI jako ve slově five /faIv/
coffee has fallen. O: jako ve slově saw /sO:/ aU jako ve slově now /naU/
U jako ve slově put /pUt/ OI jako ve slově join /dZOIn/

K Saint-Gobain has been making glass

since 1665.
jako ve slově
jako ve slově
too /tu:/
cup /kVp/
jako ve slově
jako ve slově
near /nI@(r)/
hair /he@(r)/
i jako ve slově happy /"h&pi/ U@ jako ve slově pure /pjU@(r)/
Past Now Past Now
p jako ve slově pen /pen/ s jako ve slově so /s@U/
Předpřítomný čas prostý since a for since and for b jako ve slově bad /b&d/ z jako ve slově zoo /zu:/
Present Perfect Simple t jako ve slově tea /ti:/ S jako ve slově she /Si:/
d jako ve slově did /dId/ Z jako ve slově television /"telIvIZn/
k jako ve slově cat /k&t/ h jako ve slově how /haU/
g jako ve slově got /gQt/ m jako ve slově man /m&n/

Í jako ve slově chin /ÍIn/ n jako ve slově no /n@U/
since 2003 since since dZ jako ve slově June /dZu:n/ N jako ve slově sing /sIN/
last month Monday f jako ve slově fall /fO:l/ l jako ve slově leg /leg/
v jako ve slově voice /vOIs/ r jako ve slově red /red/
You’ve written a lot of books about T jako ve slově thin /TIn/ j jako ve slově yes /jes/
the business world. D jako ve slově then /Den/ w jako ve slově wet /wet/
Past Now Past Now

34 35
© Oxford University Press 2013
WORD LIST cooking n /"kUkIN/ vaření, úprava jídel My event n /I"vent/ událost, plánovaná veřejná/
husband does all the cooking. společenská akce It is a very important social
Unit 1 They have spent billions on the new building.
correct adj /k@"rekt/ správný, bezchybný event.
a lot adv /@ "lQt/ velmi, hodně, mnoho boss n /bQs/ šéf/šéfka, vedoucí I hope my
Do you have the correct answer? exact adj /Ig"z&kt/ přesný She gave an
There are a lot of people in this room. boss is happy with my work.
country n /"kVntri/ venkov We had a exact description of the woman.
about adv /@"baUt/ kolem, okolo přibližně both pron /b@UT/ oba, obě Both women
wonderful holiday in the country. example n /Ig"zA;mpl/ příklad Can you
It costs about 10 Euros. were American.
country n /"kVntri/ země, státi např. Francie, give me an example?
about prep /@"baUt/ o kom, čem It’s a book bracket n /"br&kIt/ závorka The dates are
Itálie She was happy living in a foreign country. expect v /Ik"spekt/ očekávat, čekat, předpokládat
about birds. in brackets after the name of the book.
cuisine n /kwI"zi;n/ tradiční kuchyně, We are expecting him to arrive at 1.00 p.m.
activity n /&k"tIv@ti/ aktivita, činnost The business card n /"bIzn@s kA;d/ vizitka,
místní kuchyně Italian cuisine is very popular. expert n /"eksp3;t/ odborník/odbornice,
club provides a wide variety of activities. navštívenka We exchanged business cards.
daily adj /"deIli/ každodenní Mr Harris znalec/znalkyně He’s a computer expert.
actually adv /"&ktju@li/ ve skutečnosti, business trip n /"bIzn@s trIp/ služební
reads a daily newspaper. explanation n /ekspl@"neISn/ vysvětlení
vlastně It’s not actually raining. cesta He made several business trips to China.
decide v /dI"sAId/ rozhodnout, rozhodnout se His explanation was not very good.
add v /&d/ sčítat, sečíst, přidat She added business n /"bIzn@s/ obchod It’s been a
It was difficult to decide between the two people. export v /Ik"spO;t/ vyvážet The country
the eggs to the milk. pleasure to do business with you.
decrease v /dI"kri;s/ snížit se, klesat, exports fruit.
against prep /@"genst, @"geInst/ proti The people camping n /"k&mpIN/ táboření, kempování
klesnout The price has decreased this year. fair n /fe@/ veletrh, prodejní výstava Are
are against the decision to close the hospital. I love camping.
diagram n /"daI@gr&m/ diagram, grafické you going to the fair in Madrid?
agenda n /@"dZend@/ program, pořad jednání case n /keIs/ případ, situace In some cases
znázornění The results are shown in diagram 2. ferry n /"feri/ trajekt, převozní loď We took
The next item on the agenda is the finance report. people have to wait for a long time.
dialogue n /"daI@lQg/ rozhovor The book the ferry from Dover to Calais.
although conj /O;l"D@U/ ačkoliv, přestože certainly adv /"s3;t@nli/ určitě, jistě,
has long dialogues. figure n /"fIg@/ počet, množství Figures for
Although the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm. samozřejmě I’m certainly never going there again.
different adj /"dIfr@nt/ odlišný, rozdílný, jiný this month are better than last month.
always adv /"O;lweIz/ vždy He always cheap adj /tSi;p/ levný, laciný Computers
British English is different from American English. file n /faIl/ soubor, shromážděné a setříděné
arrives at 7.30 a.m. are very cheap today.
dine v /daIn/ stolovat, jíst, obědvat, večeřet dokumenty/informace I had many files to organize.
appointment n /@"pOIntm@nt/ schůzka I’ve check v /tSek/ kontrolovat, zkontrolovat
We dined with my family at an Indian restaurant. fill in v /fIl "In/ doplnit, vyplnit, vepsat
got a doctor’s appointment at 3.00 p.m. Check your work before giving it to me.
discuss v /dI"skVs/ diskutovat, projednávat, Please fill in this form.
approximate adj /@"prQksIm@t/ přibližný choose v /tSu;z/ vybrat, vybrat si, zvolit, zvolit
projednat Have you discussed the problem with fine adj /faIn/ v pořádku, těšící se dobrému
The cost is only approximate. si There are many restaurants to choose from.
anyone? zdraví How are you? Fine, thanks.
area n /"e@rI@/ oblast She knows the local city centre n /sIti "sent@/ střed města This
edition n /@"dISn/ vydání, edice The story fine adv /faIn/ dobře, fajn, to mi vyhovuje
area very well. bus doesn’t go to the city centre.
was in Tuesday’s edition of The Times. - vyjádření souhlasu Can I have a look? Fine,
arrange v /@"reIndZ/ dohodnout se, ujednat coach n /k@UtS/ autobus, autokar, zájezdový
editor n /"edIt@/ redaktor/redaktorka, go ahead.
si, sjednat Can you arrange the meeting? autobus They went to Paris by coach.
vydavatel He is a dictionary editor. first adj /f3;st/ první It was the first time she
arrangement n /@"reIndZm@nt/ úmluva, colleague n /"kQli;g/ kolega/kolegyně
employer n /Im"plOI@/ zaměstnavatel/ had been abroad.
dohoda plán I’ll make arrangements for your Peter is a colleague of mine from the office.
zaměstnavatelka They are one of the largest flexitime n /"fleksi;taIm/ pohyblivá
journey. communicate v /k@m"ju;nIkeIt/
employers in the area. pracovní doba She works flexitime.
article n /"A;tIkl/ článek, stať Have you seen komunikovat We communicate by email.
employment n /Im"plOIm@nt/ zaměstnání, fluently adv /"flu;@ntli/ plynule, plynně He
that article about the college? communication n /k@mju;nI"keISn/ komunikace
zaměstnanost It is difficult for young people to speaks German fluently.
at present idiom /@t "preznt/ v současné We are in regular communication by email.
find full-time employment. focus n /"f@Uk@s/ pozornost, zaměření,
době, v současnosti, momentálně Jane is commute v /k@"mju;t/ dojíždět She
enjoy v /In"dZOI/ bavit se, užívat si I really ohnisko It was the main focus of the meeting.
working in London at present. commutes to work by car.
enjoyed the party. for prep /fO;/ pro, ve prospěch čeho The people
at the moment idiom /@t D@ "m@Um@nt/ competition n /kQmp@"tISn/ konkurence,
enter v /"ent@/ přihlásit se, účastnit se are for building a new school in the village.
právě teď, v tomto okamžiku We’re very busy soutěž Sarah’s team won the competition.
soutěže Many people entered the competition. foreign language n /"fQr@n l&NgwIdZ/ cizí
at the moment. complete v /k@m"pli;t/ dokončit The
estimated adj /"estImeItId/ odhadovaný, jazyk How many foreign languages do you speak?
attend v /@t"end/ účastnit se, zúčastnit se, project took five years to complete.
odhadnutý The building is estimated to cost form n /fO;m/ formulář You need to
navštěvovat Twenty people attended the meeting. consultant n /k@n"sVlt@nt/ poradce/poradkyně
€10 million. complete a form.
back adv /b&k/ zpět, zpátky, dozadu Sit He works as a management consultant.
European Union n /ju;r@2pI@n "ju;nI@n/ free adj /fri;/ zdarma, bezplatný, k dispozici
back and relax. conversation n /kQnv@"seISn/ konverzace
Evropská unie There are 27 countries in the Is this seat free?
billion n /"bIlj@n/ bilión GB, miliarda US I had a long conversation with her the other day.
European Union. gap n /g&p/ mezera There is a large gap in
36 37
© Oxford University Press 2013
the window. He works for an international company. motorbike n /"m@Ut@baIk/ motorka He picture n /"pIktS@/ obraz, obrázek I have got
genius n /"dZi;nI@s/ génius Professor Jones interpreter n /In"t3;pr@t@/ tlumočník/ rides his motorbike to work. many pictures on my walls at home.
is a genius. tlumočnice Lisa works as an interpreter. museum n /mju;"zI@m/ muzeum There are plane n /pleIn/ letadlo What time does your
go down v /g@U "daUn/ snížit se, klesat, interview n,v /"Int@vju;/ pohovor, interview; many valuable objects in the museum. plane leave?
poklesnout The price of petrol has gone down. mít pohovor Good luck at your interview! / We never adv /"nev@/ nikdy I have never been population n /pQpj@"leISn/ populace,
golf n /gQlf/ golf He plays golf every weekend. will have to interview all the candidates. to New Zealand. obyvatelstvo 50% of the population speak
government n /"gVv@m@nt/ vláda The introduce v /Intr@"dju;s/ představit se nice adj /naIs/ pěkný, hezký, milý Did you English fluently.
government is discussing new education laws. formálně seznámit jmény Let me introduce have a nice time? practise v /"pr&ktIs/ cvičit, procvičovat
greet v /gri;t/ pozdravit, přivítat, uvítat She you to my manager. notebook n /"n@UtbUk/ zápisník I must Musicians have to practise for hours every day.
greeted us with a smile. introduction n /Intr@"dVkSn/ představení write it down in my notebook. present v /pr@"zent/ prezentovat
greeting n /"gri;tIN/ pozdrav, uvítání They After the introductions, the meeting started. of course idiom /@v "kO;s/ samozřejmě, představovat, představit/ukazovat, ukázat The
exchanged greetings and then the meeting started. join v /dZOIn/ spojit se, připojit se, stát se zajisté Don’t you like it? Of course I do! Queen will present the prizes.
grower n /"gr@U@/ pěstitel/pěstitelka The členem čeho Helen has joined a gym to try to offer v /"Qf@/ nabídnout, nabízet He offered presentation n /prez@n"teISn/ prezentace,
vegetables are from a local grower. get fit. her €2,000 for the car. předvedení He is giving a presentation to his
guest n /gest/ host, návštěvník/návštěvnice journalist n /"dZ3;n@lIst/ novinář/novinářka often adv /"Qf@n, "Qft@n/ často She often boss.
We have guests this weekend. She’s a TV journalist. visits her grandmother at the weekend. producer n /pr@"dju;s@/ výrobce, osoba/
happen v /"h&p@n/ stát se, přihodit se What June n /dZu;n/ červen June has only 30 days. on time idiom /Qn "taIm/ včas, přesně The organizace vyrábějící zboží France is a
happened? key n /ki;/ klíč The key to doing well in train was on time. famous wine producer.
hard-working adj /hA;d "w3;kIN/ pracovitý, exams is to study hard. once adv /wVns/ jednou, jedenkrát I’ve only profile n /"pr@UfaIl/ profil, popis The
pilný She is a very hard-working student. later adv /"leIt@/ později Can you finish that been there once. magazine published a profile of the famous actor.
helpful adj /"helpfl/ užitečný, prospěšný It later? opinion n /@"pInj@n/ názor, mínění What’s pronunciation n /pr@nVnsi"eISn/ výslovnost
would be helpful for me to see it. leisure adj /"leZ@/ volný What leisure your opinion? What’s the pronunciation of this word?
holiday n /"hQl@deI/ prázdniny, dovolená activities do you do? opposite adj /"Qp@zIt/ opačný, protilehlý, publisher n /"pVblIS@/ nakladatel, vydavatel
Where did you go on holiday last year? lifestyle n /"laIfstaIl/ životní styl They have nacházející se naproti The bank is opposite the
Oxford University Press is a publisher.
horse-riding n /"hO;s raIdIN/ jízda na koni, a very exciting lifestyle. supermarket. quiz n /kwIz/ kvíz, test Did you win the quiz?
jezdectví Horse-riding is her favourite hobby. long-term adj /"lQN t3;m/ dlouhodobý This organize v /"O;g@naIz/ organizovat, rarely adv /"re@li/ zřídka, vzácně, málokdy
how often adv /haU "Qf@n, haU "Qft@n/ jak is long-term investment. pořádat The school has organized a trip. I rarely eat meat.
často How often do you go to the cinema? look forward to v /lUk "fO;w@d tu;/ těšit organizer n /"O;g@naIz@/ organizátor/ rate v /reIt/ hodnotit, ohodnotit, posuzovat,
I’m afraid idiom /aIm @"freId/ obávám se, se I’m looking forward to seeing him. organizátorka, pořadatel/pořadatelka He is a odhadnout kvalitu Schools are rated
bohužel omluva I’m afraid I can’t help you. magazine n /m&g@"zi;n/ časopis The good organizer. according to exam results.
imagine v /I"m&dZIn/ představit si It was pictures in the magazine were beautiful. pair n /pe@/ pár, dvojice He bought a new really adv /"rI@li/ opravdu, skutečně Tell me
exactly how I imagined it. main adj /meIn/ hlavní The main problem pair of trousers. what really happened.
import v /Im"pO;t/ dovážet The country has is the money. parent n /"pe@r@nt/ rodič Her parents live in record v /rI"kO;d/ zaznamenat, nahrát,
to import most of its materials. meaning n /"mi;nIN/ význam, smysl What Canada. zapsat, zachytit fakta The secretary recorded
important adj /Im"pO;t@nt/ důležitý This is the meaning of this word? partner n /"pA;tn@/ partner, partnerka, everything that was said at the meeting.
job is very important. meet v /mi;t/ setkat se, sejít se, dát si osoba, která se účastní aktivity jiné region n /"ri;dZ@n/ region, oblast, území
importer n /Im"pO;t@/ dovozce They are a schůzku They first met at school. osoby Paul is my tennis partner. There is a large unpopulated region in the
car importer. meeting n /"mi;tIN/ schůzka, setkání Where percentage n /p@"sentIdZ/ procento What north of the country.
increase v /In"kri;s/ zvyšovat, zvýšit, zvětšovat is the meeting? percentage of the population are over 60? regularly adv /"regj@l@li/ pravidelně Water
se, růst, narůst The price of petrol has increased. midday n /mId"deI/ poledne Let’s meet at personal adj /"p3;s@n@l/ osobní That is a the plants regularly.
infinitive n /In"fIn@tIv/ infinitiv ‘Can’ is midday. very personal question. repeat v /rI"pi;t/ opakovat, zopakovat I’m
followed by an infinitive without ‘to’. midnight n /"mIdnaIt/ půlnoc She arrived photographer n /f@"tQgr@f@/ fotograf/ sorry! Could you repeat that?
inform v /In"fO;m/ informovat Please inform home at midnight. fotografka He is a wonderful photographer. reply n /rI"plaI/ odpověď There were over
us of any changes. million n /"mIlj@n/ milión His house is photography n /f@"tQgr@fi;/ fotografování 100 replies to the advertisement.
information n /Inf@"meISn/ informace worth a million. He usually does wedding photography. represent v /reprI"zent/ zastupovat,
Please contact us for further information. missing adj /"mIsIN/ chybějící, nepřítomný phrase n /freIz/ fráze, vazba, slovní spojení reprezentovat David Williams represented the
international adj /Int@"n&Sn@l/ mezinárodní Her cat is missing. Do you have a phrase for that in Czech? Prime Minister at the ceremony.
38 39
© Oxford University Press 2013
response n /rI"spQns/ odpověď, reakce The the conference. twice. has a garage full of automobiles.
response made her angry. special adj /"speSl/ speciální, zvláštní, underline v /Vnd@"laIn/ podtrhnout automotive adj /O;t@"m@UtIv/ automobilový
restaurant n /"restrQnt/ restaurace Which výjimečný She has a special ability. Underline the correct answer. He works in the automotive industry.
is your favourite restaurant? specialize v /"speS@laIz/ specializovat se, unemployed adj /VnIm"plOId/ birth n /b3;T/ narození What’s your date of
rewrite v /ri;"raIt/ přepsat I will have to zaměřit se The company specializes in nezaměstnaný I’m unemployed at the moment. birth?
rewrite that letter. children’s clothes. unhelpful adj /Vn"helpfl/ neochotny The box n /bQks/ krabice, skříňka Your present
right adj /raIt/ správný That’s the right answer! spirits n /"spIrIts/ lihoviny, silné woman in the shop was very unhelpful. is in the box.
routine n /ru;"ti;n/ obvyklý postup, běžná alkoholické nápoje I don’t drink spirits. useful adj /"ju;sfl/ užitečný It’s really usefulbrand n /br&nd/ značka, obchodní značka
praxe, rutina You should make exercise a part of stand n /st&nd/ stojan, panel, stánek; to have a car. výrobku What brand of toothpaste do you use?
your routine. konstrukce, na které se něco vystavuje She usually adv /"ju;Z@li/ obvykle, běžně brief adj /bri;f krátký, stručný We tried to
rule n /rU@l/ pravidlo, předpis There are helped at their stand during the fair. I usually get up at 8.00 a.m. keep the meeting brief.
many rules when you are at school. suitcase n /"su;tkeIs/ kufr Have you packed vineyard n /"vInjA;d/ vinohrad, vinice The call v /kO;l/ volat, telefonovat I called Sue at
run v /rVn/ vést, řídit, provozovat, být za your suitcase? vineyard produces some of the best wines in the her office in London.
něco zodpovědný, velet čemu They run a sunbathing n /"sVnbeIDIN/ opalování I world. caller n /"kO;l@/ telefonující, volající The
small business in the centre of town. don’t like sunbathing. way n /weI/ způsob, jakým se něco dělá caller didn’t leave a message.
sailing n /"seIlIN/ plavba, plachtění Have sure adj /SU@, SO;/ jistý, jasný Are you sure I hate the way she speaks to me. care n /ke@/ péče, pečlivost Choose your
you ever tried sailing? this is the correct way? welcome v /"welk@m/ vítat, uvítat, university with care.
salary n /"s&l@ri/ plat His annual salary has survey n /"s3;veI/ průzkum The company přivítat Karen welcomed us with a big smile. career n /k@"rI@/ kariéra, povolání It is
just increased. carried out a survey of people’s attitudes to the what adv /wQt/ jaký, který, co What does difficult to have a career in business and
sale n /seIl/ prodej The sale starts on traffic. he do? finance without any experience.
January 1st. task n /tA;sk/ dát za úkol Our first task is to when adv /wen/ kdy When does your train centre n /"sent@/ centrum; místo, odkud je
sales conference n /"seilz kQnfr@ns/ organize a meeting. leave? něco řízeno The building is the centre for all
obchodní konference John is at the sales tennis n /"tenIs/ tenis Would you like to play where adv /we@/ kde, kam Where is the the company activities.
conference in Liverpool. tennis? railway station? change n /tSeIndZ/ změna There have been
second language n /sek@nd "l&NgwIdZ/ thanks exclam /T&Nks/ poděkování; děkuji, which adv /wItS/ který, kdo, co Which is many changes in technology in the last few years.
cizí jazyk nemateřský Do you speak a second díky Thanks for your help! better – swimming or running? channel n /"tS&nl/ vysílací kanál, např.
language? theatre n /"TI@t@/ divadlo How often do you who adv /hu;/ který, kdo (o osobách) Who televizní There are never any good films on
service n /"s3;vIs/ služba The service in the go to the theatre? are you? the movie channel.
restaurant was very slow. three quarters n /Tri; "kwO;t@z/ tři čtvrtě wine n /waIn/ víno Would you prefer red or company n /"kVmp@ni/ společnost, firma It
several det pron /"sevr@l/ několik The The journey takes three quarters of an hour. white wine? is one of the largest companies in the world.
journey took several days. three times adv /Tri; "taImz/ třikrát He earns wine-producing adj /"waIn pr@dju;sIN/ consumer durable n /k@nsju;m@ "dZU@r@
shake hands v /SeIk "h&ndz/ podat si ruce, three times more than he did ten years ago. vinařský Burgundy in France is a famous bl/ spotřební zboží Cars are a good example
potřást si rukama British people shake hands tick v /tIk/ zaškrtnout, odškrtnout, wine-producing region. of a consumer durable.
when they meet. ‘odfajfkovat’ I ticked the names of the consumer n /k@n"sju;m@/ spotřebitel
sightseeing n /"saItsi;IN/ prohlížení students in the class. Unit 2 Consumers want more information about the
památek Do you enjoy sightseeing? top adj /tQp/ nejlepší, zaujímající nejvyšší food products they buy.
místo v žebříčku He got top marks in his exam. abroad adv /@"brO;d/ zahraničí, do zahraničí, v contact n /"kQnt&kt/ kontakt There is little
situation n /sItju;"eISn/ situace, stav The
translation n /tr&nz"leISn/ překlad, zahraničí Have you travelled abroad much? contact between the companies.
situation is very difficult at the moment.
překládání What is the translation of this word? another det pron /@"nVD@/ jiný, další Would cooker n /"kUk@/ vařič, sporák It is an
skiing n /"ski;IN/ lyžování He’s gone skiing
translator n /tr&nz"leIt@/ překladatel/ you like another drink? excellent gas cooker.
in France.
překladatelka She works as a translator. appliance n /@"plaI@ns/ zařízení, přístroj coordinator n /k@U"O;dIneIt@/ koordinátor/
someone pron /"sVmwVn/ někdo There’s
travel n, v /"tr&vl/ cestování; cestovat The That shop sells a wide range of appliances. koordinátorka The project needs a good
someone at the door.
pass allows unlimited travel on the trains. / around adv /@"raUnd/ kolem, dokola, co-ordinator.
sometimes adv /"sVmtaImz/ někdy, občas
Kate has travelled all over the world. okolo He left around 5 o’clock. courage n /"kVrIdZ/ odvaha, kuráž He
Sometimes I go to work by car.
travelling n /"tr&vlIN/ cestování The job arrive v /@"raIv/ přijet, přijít, dorazit What showed great courage.
speaker n /"spi;k@/ mluvčí; kdo mluví
requires a lot of travelling. time did she arrive? current adj /"kVr@nt/ současný, nynější,
určitým jazykem He was a guest speaker at
twice adv /twaIs/ dvakrát I’ve been to Spain automobile n /"O;t@m@bI@l/ automobil He týkající se současnosti The current exchange
40 41
© Oxford University Press 2013
rate is very good. extract n /"ekstr&kt/ výtažek, výtah The independently adv /IndI"pend@ntli/ needs of the entire group?
customer n /"kVst@m@/ zákazník/ face cream contains natural plant extracts. nezávisle, samostatně It was the first time she memory n /"mem@ri;/ paměť She’s got a
zákaznice I’m one of their best customers. factory n /"f&kt@ri/ továrna The factory is had lived independently. good memory.
data n /"deIt@/ data, údaje The data was closing next month. job description n /"dZQb dIskrIpSn/ popis message pad n /"mesIdZ p&d/ poznámkový
collected from 100 countries. finance n /"faIn&ns/ finance The finance for práce, popis pracovní náplně The job blok Write it down on the message pad by the
date from v /"deIt frQm/ datovat se, the project cannot be found. description didn’t really give much information phone.
pocházet z doby The custom dates from the for the moment adv /f@ D@ "m@Um@nt/ about the job. message n /"mesIdZ/ vzkaz Would you like
17th century. prozatím I’m living with my parents for the job title n /"dZQb taItl/ název funkce His to leave a message?
decision n /dI"sIZn/ rozhodnutí Ben knew moment. job title is Managing Director. mountain n /"maUntIn/ hora How high is
he’d made the right decision. free time n /fri; "taIm/ volný čas I don’t journey n /"dZ3;ni/ cesta The journey took 3 that mountain?
describe v /dI"skraIb/ popsat, have a lot of free time. hours. nationality n /n&S@"n&lIti/ národnost
popisovat Can you describe him to me? freezer n /"fri;z@/ mraznička, mrazák My freezer kendo n /"kend@U/ kendo, šerm s What’s your nationality?
development n /dI"vel@pm@nt/ rozvoj, isn’t working and my kitchen is full of water. bambusovými meči Kendo is the Japanese need n /ni;d/ potřeba We have to think
vývoj The environment is being damaged by fridge n /frIdZ/ lednička Don’t leave the form of fencing. about the child’s special educational needs.
the development. fridge open! lawn mower n /"lO;n m@U@/ sekačka na negotiate v /nI"g@USieIt/ jednat, projednávat
director n /daI"rekt@/ ředitel/ředitelka He is full-time adv, adj /fUl "taIm/ na plný úvazek trávu You should clean your lawn mower every Charles is the best person to negotiate the deal.
the finance director of the company. I work full-time. / I’m looking for a full-time job. time you use it. office n /"Qfis/ kancelář I work in a large office.
discussion n /dI"skVSn/ diskuse, debata, future n /"fju;tS@/ budoucnost Do you think letter n /"let@/ písmeno, např. A, B, C Write official adj /@"fISl/ oficiální, úředně schválený
rozhovor The discussion lasted for hours. we will find a cure for cancer in the future? your name in capital letters. The country’s official language is Spanish.
dishwasher n /"dISwQS@/ myčka nádobí global adj /"gl@Ubl/ globální Maybe the letter heading n /"let@ hedIN/ záhlaví, on strike adj /Qn "straIk/ stávkující, ve
Please empty the dishwasher. warmer weather is caused by global warming. hlavička dopisu The letter heading is usually stávce Most of the teachers are now on strike.
distribution system n /dIstrI"bju;Sn sIst@m/ go up v /g@U "Vp/ stoupat, růst The price of at the top of the page. operations n /Qp@"reISnz/ provoz, podnik
distribuční síť The company was experiencing corn has gone up. limited adj /"lImItId/ omezený, The company is involved in many overseas
problems with its distribution system. head office n /hed "QfIs/ sídlo společnosti limitovaný We are doing our best with the operations.
division n /dI"vIZn/ oddělení, divize, útvar The company’s head office is in London. limited resources that are available. organization n /O;g@naI"zeISn/ organizace
He works for the company’s sales division. hero n /"hI@r@U/ hrdina When the soldiers list v /lIst/ vyjmenovat, sestavit seznam We I work for a very large international organization.
double adj /"dVbl/ dvojitý, dvojnásobný returned, they were treated as heroes. were asked to list our favourite books. out of work phrase /aUt @v "w3;k/ bez
She ate a double helping of the dessert. hold the line v /hQld D@ "lain/ zůstat u local adj /"l@Ukl/ místní Our children go to práce, nezaměstnaný I have been out of work
economy n /I"kQn@mi/ ekonomika, např. telefonu, nepokládat, nezavěšovat Can I the local school. for nearly a year now.
světová ekonomika The world economy is in speak to Mr Brown? Please hold the line and manager n /"m&nIdZ@/ manažer/manažerka, outdoor adj /aUt"dO;/ venkovní, konaný
recession. I’ll just check if he’s available. ředitel/ředitelka Tim is a manager at the bank venku I’m not really the outdoor type.
email n /"i;meIl/ elektronická pošta, e-mail holiday n /"hQl@deI/ prázdniny, dovolená in town. outside prep /aUt"saId/ zvenku, mimo, vně
I got an email from Simon. Where are you going on your next holiday? manufacture v /m&nju "f&ktS@/ vyrábět, něčeho That is outside my area of responsibility.
employ v /Im"plOI/ zaměstnat The company home n /h@Um/ domov I live at home with vyrobit The factory manufactures plastic toys. part-time adv, adj /pA;t "taIm/ na částečný
employs over 500 people. my parents. manufacturer n /m&nju "f&ktS@r@/ výrobce úvazek She is working part-time at the moment.
employee n /Im"plOIi;/ zaměstnanec/ homework n /"h@UmwO;k/ domácí úkol They are a toy manufacturer. / She works as a part-time shop assistant.
zaměstnankyně The firm has over 500 employees. I’ve got lots of homework to do tonight. market share n /mA;kIt "Se@/ podíl na trhu paternity leave n /p@"t3;nIti li;v/
enormous adj /I"nO;m@s/ obrovský, ohromný hope v /h@Up/ doufat I hope I get the job. They have a 30% worldwide market share. rodičovská otcovská dovolená Nowadays,
That is an enormous amount of money. illness n /"Iln@s/ nemoc Flu can be a very match v /m&tS/ hodit se k čemu, odpovídat most companies pay some paternity leave.
equipment n /I"kwIpm@nt/ vybavení, serious illness. They painted the doors blue to match the walls. pensioner n /"penS@n@/ důchodce/
zařízení They work with very expensive pieces improve v /Im"pru;v/ zlepšit se He’s living maternity leave n /m@"t3;nIti li;v/ mateřská důchodkyně She is a pensioner now.
of equipment. in Oxford to improve his English. dovolená Sally is taking six-months maternity period n /"pI@rI@d/ období, doba, lhůta The
exam n /Ig"z&m/ zkouška Unfortunately, he improvement n /Im"pru;vm@nt/ zlepšení, leave. factory will be closed for a 2-year period.
failed his exam. zdokonalení There has been a great mayonnaise n /meI@"neIz/ majonéza phone call n /"f@Un kO;l/ telefonní hovor
expand v /Ik"sp&nd/ rozšířit se, rozrůst se, improvement in your work recently. Mayonnaise is made with eggs. John, there’s a phone call for you.
expandovat The company is hoping to expand in work adj /In "wO;k/ v práci, pracující meet v /mi;t/ splnit, vyhovět, uspokojit, phone v /f@Un/ telefonovat, volat Can you
next year. There is support for mothers in work. např. uspokojit potřeby How can we meet the phone him back?
42 43
© Oxford University Press 2013
plan n /pl&n/ plán What are your plans for right now adv /raIt "naU/ právě teď Give turnover n /"t3;n@Uv@/ finanční obrat The archeoložka As an archaeologist he travels the
the weekend? that back right now! company turnover for last year was the best ever. world.
powered adj /"paU@d/ poháněný The role n /r@Ul/ role, úloha, postavení What underground n /"Vnd@graUnd/ metro The archaeology n /A;ki"Ql@dZi/ archeologie
factory is powered by green energy. exactly is your role in this company? underground in London is very convenient. She is a professor of archaeology at Oxford
prepare v /prI"pe@/ připravit, připravovat I sales n /seIlz/ tržby Retail sales fell by 5% vacuum cleaner n /"v&kju;m kli;n@/ University.
have to prepare for the presentation. last year. vysavač Our vacuum cleaner is broken. arena n /@"ri;n@/ aréna The concert arena
president n /"prezId@nt/ prezident/ salesman n /"seIlzm@n/ prodavač, obchodní wartime adj /"wO;taIm/ válečný Fruit was was full.
prezidentka stojící v čele organizace Mrs Davis zástupce He is a very good salesman. a luxury in wartime Britain. at sea idiom /&t "si;, @t "si;/ na moři, na
is the president of the bank. save v /seIv/ šetřit You should try and save washing machine n /"wQSIN m@Si;n/ pračka lodi He is at sea for 6 months of the year.
problem n /"prQbl@m/ problém What seems some money every month. How long have you had your washing machine? attack n /@"t&k/ záchvat, náhlá nemoc/
to be the problem? self-employed adj /self Im"plOId/ na volné welcome v /"welk@m/ uvítat, přivítat Matt nevolnost Brazil began to attack in the second
produce v /pr@"dju;s/ produkovat, zajišťovat noze, samostatně výdělečně činný He is welcomed us with a big smile. half of the match.
výrobu; např. televizního programu She currently self-employed. well-known adj /wel "n@Un/ známý, dobře attraction n /@"tr&kSn/ zajímavost, atrakce;
produced a TV series about crime. short answer n /"SO;t A;ns@/ krátká známý, slavný He is a well-known singer. např. turistická atrakce London has many
produce v /pr@"dju;s/ vyrábět, vyrobit The odpověď The short answer is ‘No!’ winter n /"wInt@/ zima This winter is much tourist attractions.
company produced 30,000 cars last year. sick leave n /"sIk li;v/ nemocenská, colder than last winter. average adj /"&vrIdZ/ průměrný The
product n /"prQdVkt/ výrobek We need to nepřítomnost v zaměstnání z důvodu nemoci working conditions n /wO;kIN k@n"dISnz/ average age of the students is 21.
think of new products to sell. He has been on sick leave for two weeks. pracovní podmínky The working conditions in band n /b&nd/ hudební skupina I have
professional n /pr@"feS@n@l/ profesionál, social life n /"s@USl laIf/ společenský život some countries are very bad. never heard of this band.
odborník He is a professional. She has a very busy social life. working hours n /wO;kIN "aU@z/ pracovní be born v /bi; "bO;n/ narodit se I was born
project n /"prQdZekt/ projekt The research soon adv /su;n/ brzy See you soon! doba Your working hours will be 9-5. in Cardiff.
project showed some interesting results. spell v /spel/ hláskovat slovo po písmenech, worldwide adj /wO;ld"waId/ na celém světě bill n /bIl/ účet, stvrzenka, potvrzení dlužné
receive v /rI"si;v/ obdržet, přijmout He správně psát How do you spell your name? The company employs 1,000 people worldwide. částky Excuse me. Could we have the bill, please?
received an award for his good work. state n /steIt/ stav The goods were in a biome n /"baI@Um/ biom There are two
refrigerator n /rI"frIdZ@reIt@/ lednička, terrible state when they arrived at the shop. basic aquatic biomes, freshwater and marine.
Unit 3
chladnička She took the milk out of the story n /"stO;ri/ příběh He told us the story boarding school n /"bO;dIN sku;l/
refrigerator. of his life. achievement n /@"tSi;vm@nt/ úspěch, internátní škola He went to one of the most
refuse v /rI"fju;z/ odmítnout The boy refused to strike n /straIk/ stávka There is going to be úspěšný čin, dosažení It was a remarkable famous boarding schools in the UK.
help me. a strike at the airports next week. achievement. book n /bUk/ zamluvit, rezervovat He
regional adj /"ri;dZ@n@l/ regionální, oblastní subsidiary n /sVb"sIdj@ri/ dceřiný podnik, adventurous adj /@d"ventS@r@s/ dobrodružný booked a table at the restaurant for 8.00 p.m.
There are regional food differences in France. pobočka firmy She is working for an overseas There is plenty to do for the more adventurous breathe v /bri;D/ dýchat I can’t breathe
regular adj /"regj@l@/ pravidelný Regular subsidiary of the company. tourists. very well in this.
exercise is good for you. successful adj /s@k"sesf@l/ úspěšný She is a aeroplane n /"e@r@pleIn/ letadlo I have building n /"bIldIN/ budova, stavba It is a
relax v /rI"l&ks/ relaxovat, odpočívat very successful business person. never seen such an enormous aeroplane. very old building.
I decided to stay at home and relax. suitable adj /"su;t@bl/ vhodný The again adv /@"gen/ znovu, zase, opět Could business affairs n /"bIzn@s @fe@z/ obchodní
research n /rI"s3;tS/ výzkum I have done programme is not suitable for young children. you say it again, please? záležitosti Mr Evans is currently organizing
some research to find out the best prices. summer n /"sVm@/ léto The summer is too airline n /"e@laIn/ aerolinie, letecká his business affairs before he goes away.
retailer n /"ri;teIl@/ maloobchodník/ short in the UK. společnost It is a very famous airline. cards n /kA;ds/ karty, např. hrací
maloobchodnice They are one of the country’s take v /teIk/ vzít si, např. dovolenou Have alone adj /"@l@Un/ sám, samotný I don’t like karty Let’s play cards!
largest food retailers. you taken all your holidays for this year? going out alone at night. carefully adv /"ke@f@li/ opatrně, pečlivě,
retired adj /rI"taI@d/ penzionovaný My team n /ti;m/ tým, pracovní kolektiv amazing adj /@"meIzIN/ úžasný, ohromující pozorně She opened the present carefully.
father is retired. I enjoy working in a team. It was the most amazing film I have ever seen. carry on v /k&ri "Qn/ pokračovat Don’t stop!
retirement n /rI"taI@m@nt/ důchod, odchod these days adv /"Di;z deIz/ v dnešní době, amount n /@"maUnt/ množství You will Carry on!
do důchodu It can be difficult to keep busy v současnosti These days people have more receive a bill for the full amount. celebrate v /"selIbreIt/ slavit, oslavit,
during your retirement. money to spend. amphitheatre n /"&mfiTI@t@/ amfiteátr The oslavovat How do you celebrate Christmas in
revenue n /"rev@nju;/ příjem, výnos The tour n /tU@, tO;/ prohlídka, exkurze, okružní amphitheatre has a view over the sea. your country?
company’s annual revenues rose by 10%. cesta/jízda We went on a tour of Ireland. archaeologist n /A;ki"Ql@dZIst/ archeolog/ challenge n /"tS&lIndZ/ výzva The new job
44 45
© Oxford University Press 2013
will be a considerable challenge. delay n /dI"leI/ zpoždění The delay lasted for naštěstí Fortunately, the car wasn’t badly people have been killed by the hurricane?
challenging adj /"tS&lIndZIN/ náročný, 2 hours. damaged in the accident. impression n /Im"preSn/ dojem, pocit z
představující výzvu Teaching is a challenging depend v /dI"pend/ záležet, záviset na čem frightening adj /"fraItnIN/ hrozivý, hrůzu čeho My first impression was very positive.
but rewarding career. He is the sort of person you can always depend on. nahánějící It’s a very frightening film. in general idiom /In "dZenr@l/ obecně,
charity n /"tS&r@ti/ charita She works for a desert n /"dez@t/ poušť This area of the fuel n /fjU@l/ palivo, pohonná látka Domestic všeobecně In general, Japanese cars are very
charity. country is mostly desert. fuel bills have gone up again this year. reliable.
chart n /tSA;t/ graf, schéma Please look at difference n /"dIfr@ns/ rozdíl, odlišnost The get to know v /get t@ "n@U/ poznat, dozvědět in tears idiom /In "tI@z/ v slzách,
this chart. difference between them is that Clare works se It took me a long time to get to know him as plakat The ending of the film had me in tears.
chess n /tSes/ šachy Do you know how to harder. well as I do now. incredible adj /In"kredIbl/ neuvěřitelný,
play chess? difficult adj /"dIfIk@lt/ obtížný, těžký, giant adj /"dZaI@nt/ velký, obrovský, velký úžasný She is an incredible person.
childhood n /"tSaIldhUd/ dětství I had a složitý It was a very difficult decision. Leaving home was a giant step. instead adv /In"sted/ místo, namísto
wonderful childhood. directions n /daI"rekS@nz/ pokyny; pokyny, glad adj /gl&d/ rád, potěšený I’m glad to čeho She was ill so I went instead.
choice n /tSOIs/ výběr, volba You have a kam jít (udávající směr) Could you give me hear you’re feeling better. interested adj /"IntrestId/ mající zájem
choice. Which one would you like? directions to the nearest petrol station? go it alone idiom /g@u It @"l@Un/ udělat Martin is very interested in art.
cinema n /"sIn@mA;/ kino I’ll meet you disabled adj /dIs"eIb@ld/ invalidní Does the něco He decided to go it alone and start his January n /"dZ&njU@ri/ leden January is the
outside the cinema at 7pm. theatre have facilities for disabled people? own business. first month of the year.
climate n /"klaIm@t/ podnebí, klima The discover v /dIs"kVv@/ objevit At the end of grant n /grA;nt/ grant, peněžní příspěvek jogging n /"dZQgIN/ jogging I go jogging
climate in India is very humid. the book, you discover who killed him. He has been given a grant by the government. every morning.
commission n /k@"mISn/ poplatek, provize during prep /"dZU@rIN/ během They were grapevine n /"greIpvaIn/ vinná réva The judo n /"dZu;d@U/ džudo Bill has taken up judo.
The commission on that money is about 2%. very popular during the 1990s. terrace was covered in grapevines. kilometre n /"kIl@mi;t@, kI"lQmIt@/ kilometr
company n /"kVmp@ni/ společnost, dělat early adj /"3;li/ brzy The early morning is greenhouse n /"gri;nhaUs/ skleník How many kilometres is it to London from here?
někomu společnost I enjoy her company. when I work best. Tomatoes grow much better in a greenhouse. later on adv /leIt@ "Qn/ později I saw him
complain v /k@m"pleIn/ stěžovat si If you earn v /3;n/ vydělávat, vydělat Do you ground n /graUnd/ země, půda, pevný povrch again later on.
are not happy, you should complain. know how much lawyers earn? země The ground was frozen this morning. leave v /li;v/ odejít, odjet We left the party
computer game n /k@m"pju;t@ geIm/ electric adj /I"lektrIk/ elektrický People grove n /gr@Uv/ lesík, hájek She had a at midnight.
počítačová hra Some of the computer games may start to use electric cars. small olive grove on her land. lemon n /"lem@n/ citrón Have you tried
that are available are too violent. excellent adj /"eks@l@nt/ vynikající, skvělý grow up v /gr@U "Vp/ růst, vyrůst Children lemon and hot water in the morning?
concert n /"kQns@t/ koncert There is a He’s an excellent piano player. grow up too quickly these days. light n /laIt/ světlo, zdroj světla, např.
concert at the church tonight. excited adj /Ik"saItId/ vzrušený, rozrušený hate v /heIt/ nenávidět, nesnášet I hate lampa Can you switch off the light, please?
conditions n /k@n"dISnz/ podmínky Emma was so excited that she couldn’t sleep. poetry – it’s so boring! loneliness n /"l@Unli;n@s/ osamělost That
Conditions are ideal for skiing. exercise n /"eks@saIz/ cvičení, tělesná aktivita heroine n /"her@UIn/ hrdinka The heroine is was a period of loneliness in his life.
construction n /k@n"strVkSn/ stavba, Most people need to do more weekly exercise. played by a famous actress. love v /lVv/ milovat, mít rád I love chocolate.
výstavba, proces stavby; např. budovy The experience n /Ik"spI@rI@ns/ zážitek, zkušenost; hit n /hIt/ hit, něco populárního The new March n /mA;tS/ březen The weather
construction industry is doing well at the moment. událost, která nás nějak ovlivňuje Mike had a bad product was a hit with children. usually starts to get warmer in March.
continue v /k@n"tInju;/ pokračovat The bad experience while on holiday. hobby n /"hQbi/ hobby, koníček I need to May n /meI/ květen We normally go on
weather will continue for a few more days. experience n /Ik"spI@rI@ns/ zkušenost, find a new hobby. holiday in May.
cost v /kQst/ stát (o ceně), mít cenu How zkušenosti; proces získávání vědomostí/ hole n /h@Ul/ díra, otvor There is a hole in medicine n /"meds@n/ lék What medicine
much does it cost? dovedností The new manager has a lot of your jumper. are you taking for this?
create v /kri"eIt/ tvořit, vytvořit The experience. host n /h@Ust/ hostitel Let me introduce you Mediterranean n /medIt@"reInI@n/ Středozemní
government plans to create more jobs. fear n /fI@/ strach, obava I have a fear of to our host, Mr Cribb. moře, Středozemí Cyprus is an island in the
cycling n /"saIklIN/ cyklistika He tries to go flying. huge adj /"hju;dZ/ obrovský, ohromný He Mediterranean.
cycling at least once a week. feeling n /"fi;lIN/ pocit, cit He finds it is a huge star. merchant n /"m3;tS@nt/ obchodník/
damage v /"d&mIdZ/ poškodit Be careful difficult to show his feelings. human n /hju;m@n/ člověk Dogs can hear obchodnice Venice was once a city of rich
not to damage the car! flight n /flaIt/ let It was a very quick flight. much better than humans. merchants.
dangerous adj /"deIndZ@r@s/ nebezpečný football n /"fUtbO;l/ fotbal Football is an humid adj /"hju;mId/ vlhký It’s very humid millennium n /mI"lenI@m/ tisíciletí,
Drugs are dangerous. international sport. today. milénium How did you celebrate the millennium?
dark n /dA;k/ tma, temno I’m afraid of the dark. fortunately adv /"fO;tj@n@tli/ bohudík, hurricane n /"hVrIkeIn/ hurikán How many moment n /"m@Um@nt/ okamžik,
46 47
© Oxford University Press 2013
moment Can you wait a moment, please? Which sports do you play? had run out of money. can I help you?
music n /"mju;zIk/ hudba The music they politics n /"pQl@tIks/ politika Politics must row v /r@U/ veslovat, pohánět loď pomocí take turns idiom /teIk "t3;nz/ střídat se The
played in the church was beautiful. be an interesting subject to study. vesel Have you ever rowed a boat? rules of the game say that we have to take turns at
musical adj /"mju;zIkl/ hudební She is a profession n /pr@"feSn/ povolání, rower n /"r@U@/ veslař/veslařka He became throwing the dice.
very musical person. profese She was at the top of her profession. a rower while he was at university. tanker n /"t&Nk@/ tanker, cisternová
musical instrument n /mju;zIkl "Instr@m@nt/ programme n /"pr@Ugr&m/ program, plán run out v /rVn "aUt/ spotřebovat, loď The oil tanker arrived at the port safely.
hudební nástroj Can you play any musical akcí We have a busy programme for you. vypotřebovat I’m sorry, we’ve run out of milk. temperate adj /"tempr@t/ mírný A
instruments? progress n /"pr@Ugres/ postup, pokrok, safety n /"seIfti/ bezpečnost The police are temperate climate has four seasons.
musician n /mju;"zISn/ hudebník/hudebnice vývoj She is making great progress. concerned for the safety of the boy. terrible adj /"ter@bl/ hrozný, příšerný
He is a very talented musician. proper adj /"prQp@/ pořádný, řádný, satellite phone n /s&t@laIt "f@un/ satelitní Something terrible has just happened!
navigation light n /n&vI"geISn laIt/ náležitý; takový, jak má být, např. ‘pořádné telefon We were able to keep in touch by the following idiom /D@ "fQl@UIN/ následující
polohové světlo určující polohu lodi nebo jídlo’ We should have a proper discussion satellite phone. We arrived the following day.
letadla The navigation lights helped the ship before we make our decision. section n /"sekSn/ sekce, oddělení This theatrical adj /Ti;"&trIkl/ divadelní,
reach the port safely. pub n /pVb/ hospoda Where’s the nearest pub? section of the museum is closed to visitors. teatrální He can sometimes be very theatrical.
newspaper n /"nju;speIp@/ noviny Which purpose n /"p3;p@s/ účel, cíl The purpose of shark n /SA;k/ žralok The shark bit the thousand n /"TaUZ@nd/ tisíc The ring cost a
newspapers do you read? this meeting is to decide what we should do. man’s leg off. thousand euros.
night n /naIt/ noc These animals only come race n /reIs/ závod; soutěž, kdo je sharp adj /SA;p/ ostrý My pencil isn’t sharp thunderstorm n /"TVnd@stO;m/ bouře,
out at night. rychlejší He won the race easily. enough. hromobití The picnic was cancelled due to the
nightclub n /"naItklVb/ noční klub The radio n /"reIdI@U/ rádio Can you turn the ship n /SIp/ loď The goods come by ship. thunderstorm.
nightclub opens at 10.00 p.m. radio up? similarity n /SImI"l&r@ti/ podobnost, tired adj /"taI@d/ unavený She was so tired
November n /n@U"vemb@/ listopad I like rainforest n /"reInfQrIst/ deštný les The podoba There are some similarities between them. that she went to bed at 9.00 p.m.
November as it is almost Christmas. rainforest must be protected. solo adj /"s@Ul@U/ sólový, samostatný, tooth n /tu;T/ zub She has lost one of her
ocean n /"@USn/ oceán Which is the largest raise v /reIz/ vybírat, vybrat peníze How vykonaný jednotlivcem He made a solo front teeth.
ocean? much money did the charity concert raise? attempt to cross the Atlantic. topic n /"tQpIk/ téma What’s the topic of
Oceania n /@USi"A;nI@/ Oceánie Oceania is reality n /ri"&l@ti/ realita, skutečnost The squash n /skwQS/ squash Squash is a very today’s discussion?
a geographical region. reality is that there is not enough money. hard game. torch n /tO;tS/ baterka, kapesní svítilna
October n /Qk"t@Ub@/ říjen October is the reason n /"ri;zn/ důvod I’d like to know the storm n /stO;m/ bouře, bouřka The storm Luckily, they had a torch in the car.
tenth month of the year. reason why you’re so late. left as quickly as it arrived. traffic n /"tr&fIk/ provoz, dopravní ruch
oil n /OIl/ nafta, olej Olive oil is much healthier recent adj /ri;snt/ nedávný, poslední There study v /"stVdi/ studovat You have to study The traffic in London is getting worse.
for you. have been many changes in recent years. hard if you want to be a doctor. train v /treIn/ trénovat, cvičit You have to
olive n /"QlIv/ oliva I love olives on my pizza. reception n /rI"sepSn/ recepce; místo v subject n /"sVbdZekt/ předmět ve škole apod. train very hard if you want to be an athlete.
opening n /"@Up@nIN/ otevření, zahájení, hotelu/kancelářské budově, kde se vítají How many subjects do you study at high school in transport v /"tr&nspO;t/ doprava, přeprava
slavnostní otevření; např. nové budovy The klienti Where is the reception? your country? Most of our luggage was transported by sea.
Prime Minister is doing the opening of the new receptionist n /rI"sepSnIst/ recepční She is success n /s@k"ses/ úspěch His success was trip n /trIp/ výlet, cesta The trip to France
hospital. working as a receptionist in the new hotel. due to his hard work. was a success.
orange n /"QrIndZ/ pomeranč Oranges are remember v /rI"memb@/ pamatovat si, sudden adj /"sVd@n/ náhlý Her sudden tropic n /"trQpIk/ obratník The tropics are
one of Spain’s biggest exports. vzpomínat si Remember to post this letter! disappearance was unexpected. the hottest part of the world.
packaged adj /"p&kIdZd/ zabalený, v obalu repair n /rI"pe@/ oprava The school building suggestion n /s@"dZestZ@n/ návrh Have you tropical adj /"trQpIkl/ tropický A tropical
Nowadays, our food is too packaged. is badly in need of repair. got any suggestions? climate is usually warm and moist all year round.
panic n /"p&nIk/ panika, zděšení The alarm rest v /rest/ odpočívat She lay down on her supertanker n /"su;p@t&Nk@/ obří tanková Turkey n /"t3;ki/ Turecko Turkey is
caused panic. bed to rest. loď Oil is often transported by supertanker. considered to be part of Asia and Europe.
particular adj /p@"tIkj@l@/ konkrétní, jednotlivý right here idiom /raIt "hI@/ tady, zde, právě survive v /s@"vaIv/ přežít He had to eat turn over v /t3;n "@Uv@/ mít obrat The
If a particular food makes you ill, avoid it. tady Put it down right here! anything he could in order to survive. company turns over $3.5 million a year.
petrol n /"petr@l/ benzín I need some petrol. rock n /rQk/ rock (hudební žánr) Rock table tennis n /"teIbl tenIs/ stolní tenis The unhappiness n /Vn"h&pin@s/ neštěstí, smutek,
plant v /plA;nt/ zasadit, zasázet When music is too loud. Chinese are very good at table tennis. zármutek His unhappiness showed on his face.
should you plant these flowers? roofless adj /"ru;fl@s/ nezastřešený, take a seat idiom /teIk @ "si;t/ posadit se, university n /ju;nI"v3;sIti/ univerzita The
play v /pleI/ hrát, účastnit se sportovní hry otevřený The building was roofless as they sednout si Take a seat Mr Wallis. Now, how university is one of the best in the country.
48 49
© Oxford University Press 2013
video n /"vIdi@U/ video They watched the video.
accommodation n /@kQm@"deISn/ ubytování break n /breIk/ pauza, přestávka How long ožít, probudit se k životu The film came to life
violent adj /"vaI@l@nt/ násilný, bouřlivý The accommodation was excellent. do we have for a break? towards the end.
Some TV programmes are too violent for young air-conditioning n /"e@ k@n"dISnIN/ klimatizace break v /breIk/ zlomit, rozbít; např. ‘rozbít computer/fax point n /k@m"pju;t@/ místo s
children to watch. The air-conditioning has broken down again. sklenici’ I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve broken počítačem/faxem We need to get a separate
vision n /"vIZn/ vize (v představách) He apologize v /@"pQl@dZaIz/ omluvit se one of your glasses! computer / fax point in the office.
had a vision of a world without war. I apologize for causing any problems. brewery n /"bru;@ri/ pivovar You can smell conclusion n /k@n"klu;Zn/ závěr After
volleyball n /"vQli;bO;l/ volejbal Volleyball apology n /@"pQl@dZi/ omluva I accept your the brewery. listening to him, I came to the conclusion that he
is a very popular beach sport. apology. bridge n /brIdZ/ most The bridge connects was telling the truth.
wake v /weIk/ vzbudit se, probudit se What architect n /"A;kItekt/ architekt/architektka the two sides of the river. conference facilities n /"kQnfr@ns f@sIl@ti;z/
time did you wake up this morning? The architect won an award. briefing n /"bri;fIN/ krátká porada Please konferenční vybavení The hotel has excellent
waterfall n /"wO;t@fO;l/ vodopád It is one of artist n /"A;tIst/ umělec/umělkyně He is a make sure that you can come to the briefing conference facilities.
the largest waterfalls in the world. well known artist. tomorrow morning. confirm v /k@n"f3;m/ potvrdit When will
wave n /weIv/ vlna vody We jumped over astronomical adj /&str@"nQmIkl/ astronomický brochure n /"br@US@/ leták, brožura We you be able to confirm your availability?
the waves. The scientists did some astronomical observations. ordered a holiday brochure. congratulations interj /k@ngr&tZu"leISnz/
weather n /"weD@/ počasí What wonderful attach v /@"t&tS/ připojit My payment is business centre n /"bIzn@s sent@/ obchodní gratuluji!, blahopřeji! Congratulations on
weather we’re having at the moment! attached to this letter. centrum They’ve built a new business centre. your new job!
weight training n /"weIt treInIN/ posilování attachment n /@"t&tSm@nt/ příloha, café n /"k&feI/ kavárna I’ll meet you in the café. connection n /k@"nekSn/ spojení,
dokument poslaný e-mailem I have included
Weight training can help to build up your muscles. car park n /"kA; pA;k/ parkoviště Do you elektronické spojení A faulty connection
wind n /wInd/ vítr The wind woke me up some photos as an attachment. know where the nearest car park is? stopped the computer from working.
last night. August n /"O;g@st/ srpen It’s my birthday in castle n /"kA;sl/ hrad, zámek The castle was consulate n /"kQnsjul@t/ konzulát Please
windsurfing n /"wInds3;fIN/ windsurfing August. completely restored. go to your country’s consulate if you have any
My brother loves windsurfing. away adv /@"weI/ pryč The station is a few cathedral n /k@"Ti;dr@l/ katedrála The problems.
winery n /"waIn@ri/ výrobna vína A winery minutes’ walk away. cathedral is in the centre of the city. consultation n /kQns@l"teISn/ konzultace,
is a place where wine is made. ballet n /"b&leI/ balet We’re going to see the century n /"sentZ@ri/ století The population porada I went to the hospital for a consultation.
without prep /wI"DaUt/ bez I don’t like ballet on Saturday. is expected to increase dramatically by the end copy n /"kQpi/ kopie, výtisk I will make you
coffee without sugar. baroque adj /b@"rQk/ barokní That style of of this century. a copy of the report.
wonder n /"wVnd@/ div, zázrak; věc/osoba, architecture could be described as baroque. check in v /tSek "In/ ubytovat se, zaregistrovat correspondence n /kQrI"spQnd@ns/
která vzbuzuje pocit údivu It is one of the bath n /bA;T/ vana, koupel I only have a se, zapsat se v hotelu po příjezdu Please make korespondence I have been in correspondence
wonders of the world. bath if I’m feeling ill. sure you check in two hours before departure. with him for months.
wonderful adj /"wVnd@f@l/ skvělý, báječný, beer n /bI@/ pivo Would you like another beer? check out v /tSek "aUt/ odhlásit se z hotelu credit card n /"kredIt kA;d/ kreditní karta
úžasný She is a wonderful cook. hall n /hO;l/ hala The hall was very big. při odjezdu You have to check out of your room Do you accept credit cards?
work of art n /wO;k @v "A;t/ umělecké dílo beginning n /bI"gInIN/ začátek Tell me the at 10.00 a.m. cross-cultural adj /"krQs kVltS@r@l/
His creation was a work of art. story from the beginning. church n /tS3;tS/ kostel We normally go to mezikulturní The university did some
worker n /"wO;k@/ pracovník/pracovnice, bell n /bel/ zvonek The bell rang for the wedding. church on Sunday morning. cross-cultural studies.
pracující The workers were unhappy with their best regards idiom /best rI"gA;dz/ s city-break n /"sIti; breIk/ krátká dovolená cultural awareness n /kVltS@r@l @"we@n@s/
conditions. pozdravem Give your brother my best regards ve městě We’re going on a city-break to Rome. kulturní povědomí, uvědomování si rozdílů
yacht n /jQt/ jachta Every year he sailed his when you see him. classical adj /"kl&sIkl/ klasický (architektura mezi kulturami In today’s world, cultural
yacht to France. best wishes idiom /best "wISIz/ s přáním apod.), vážný (o hudbě) He plays classical music. awareness is very important.
yoga n /"j@Ug@/ jóga Yoga is very good for všeho nejlepšího You can finish that letter with clear adj /klI@/ jasný, jednoduchý na pochopení culture n /kVltS@/ kultura, zvyky určité
relaxing. ‘Best wishes’. Your ideas are clear and easy to understand. skupiny There are many differences between
body language n /"bQdi l&NgwIdZ/ řeč clock tower n /"klQk taU@/ věž s hodinami the two cultures.
těla, gesta, pohyby atd. Her body language The clock tower was destroyed by the storm. culture shock n /"kVltS@ SQk/ kulturní šok
Unit 4
told me that she was cold. closely adv /"kl@Usli/ blízko, těsně, podrobně When I moved abroad, I suffered from culture
abbreviation n /@bri;vi"eISn/ zkratka I don’t booking n /"bUkIN/ objednání, rezervace I sat and watched everyone very closely. shock.
understand that abbreviation. The booking was made for 8.00 p.m. cocktail bar n /"kQkteIl bA;/ koktejlový delighted adj /dI"laItId/ potěšený, mající
accept v /@k"sept/ přijmout, přijímat I can’t brasserie n /"brA;s@ri/ francouzská bar We must go to that new cocktail bar. radost I’m delighted to meet you.
accept your offer. restaurace Have you been to the new brasserie? come to life idiom /kVm t@ laIf/ oživnout, demonstrate v /"dem@nstreIt/ demonstrovat
50 51
© Oxford University Press 2013
You need to demonstrate that you are the right find that fax. / Can you fax it to me, please? informacemi We will distribute a handout at luggage n /"lVgIdZ/ zavazadla How many
person for the job. figure n /"fIg@/ postava There was a bronze the end of the presentation. pieces of luggage do you have?
dentist n /"dentIst/ zubař/zubařka I’ve got a figure of him. historical adj /hIs"tQrIkl/ historický You market n /"mA;kIt/ trh, např. ‘světový trh’
toothache! I must see the dentist. file n /faIl/ počítačový soubor Oh no! I’ve need to understand the historical background The market has been slow recently.
destination n /destI"neISn/ cíl, místo určení lost all my files! to the war. mechanical adj /m@"k&nIkl/ strojní,
What’s the final destination of this train? find out v /faInd "aUt/ zjistit Can you find identify v /aI"dentIfaI/ poznat, rozeznat, mechanický The plane is unable to take off
detailed adj /"di;teIld/ podrobný I’ll send out her email address, please? identifikovat The passengers were asked to due to a mechanical fault.
you more detailed information. fire n /"faI@/ oheň The fire destroyed the house. identify their suitcases. minibar n /"mIni;bA;/ minibar Would you
details n /"di;teIlz/ detaily, podrobnosti fitness room n /"fItn@s ru;m/ posilovna illuminate v /I"lu;mIneIt/ osvětlit, nasvítit, like a drink from the minibar?
I don’t know all the details at this moment. The fitness room was recently refitted. posvítit na co The floodlights illuminated the mistake n /mI"steIk/ chyba You have made
dial v /daIl/ vytočit telefonní číslo What fixed adj /fIkst/ dohodnutý, sjednaný, již stadium. two spelling mistakes in that document.
code do you dial for the UK? dohodnutý nebo rozhodnutý I’m sorry, but it’s in case of idiom /In keIs @v/ v případě, pro mobile phone n /m@UbaIl "f@Un/ mobilní
district n /"dIstrIkt/ oblast He lived in one of too late! The date has already been fixed. případ pokud se něco stane In case of fire, telefon What’s your mobile phone number?
the best districts in Paris. following prep /"fQl@UIN/ po; následující ring the alarm. monastery n /"mQn@stri/ klášter We visited
disturb v /dIs"t3;b/ rušit, vyrušit Please do jako výsledek čeho Following your advice, I individually adv /IndI"vIdjU@li/ individuálně, the monastery at the top of the mountain.
not disturb! went to see it for myself. samostatně The manager spoke to them all Monday n /"mVndeI/ pondělí The traffic is
double room n /dVbl "ru;m/ dvoulůžkový found v /faUnd/ založit, zřídit The school individually. always worse on Monday.
pokoj s manželskou postelí We’d like a double was founded by Dr Skinner in 1892. informal adj /In"fO;m@l/ neformální The multi-line phone n /mVltilaIn "f@Un/ telefon
room, please. Friday n /"fraIdeI/ pátek Friday is my atmosphere was very informal. s více linkami If you work from home it is
duration n /djO;"reISn/ doba trvání, délka favourite day of the week. in-house adj /In "haUs/ domácí, podnikový often better to have a multi-line phone system.
You should wear a seat belt for the duration of full-board n /fUl "bO;d/ plná penze, She writes for the in-house magazine. near future idiom /nI@ "fju;tS@/ blízká
the flight. ubytování s noclehem a všemi jídly Do you intention n /In"tenSn/ úmysl, záměr My budoucnost I hope to see you again in the near
elevator n /"elIveIt@/ výtah Take the require full-board? intention was to go to university. future.
elevator to the top floor. fully adv /"fUli/ plně, úplně He is not fully intercultural adj /Int@"kVltS@r@l/ mezikulturní news n /nju;z/ zprávy, pravidelně vysílané
embassy n /"emb@si/ velvyslanectví, aware of the situation. She had an intercultural marriage. zpravodajství The news reported that 11
ambasáda The embassy is open from 9-5. get back v /get "b&k/ vrátit se, získat zpět invitation n /InvI"teISn/ pozvání, pozvánka people had died in the fighting.
enclose v /In"kl@UZ/ přiložit, dát něco do Can you get back to me as soon as possible, please? The birthday invitations were sent out two nightlife n /naItlaIf/ noční život The
obálky spolu s dopisem I have enclosed the get in touch v /get In "tVtS/ navázat kontakt, weeks before the party. nightlife in London is fantastic.
information you requested. spojit se I’ll get in touch as soon as I can. jazz n /dZ&z/ jazz I prefer jazz to classical noon n /nu;n/ poledne We should be there
ending n /"endIN/ konec, zakončení The glass n /glA;s/ sklenice The glass broke in journal n /"dZ3;n@l/ odborný časopis I get by noon.
ending was poor. her hands. that journal monthly. notice n /"n@UtIs/ oznámení, zpráva The
exit n /"eksIt/ východ, odchod The exit is golden adj /"g@Uld@n/ zlatý She had golden keycard n /"ki;kA;d/ karta elektronického notice says that everyone needs to wear a helmet.
over there. hair. uzamykacího systému Most hotels use observation tower n /Qbz@"veISn taU@/
expensive adj /Ik"spensIv/ drahý I couldn’t gothic adj /"gQTIk/ gotický I would keycards nowadays. vyhlídková věž, pozorovatelna You could see a
believe how expensive the restaurant was! describe the building as gothic. landmark n /"l&ndmA;k/ pamětihodnost long way from the top of the observation tower.
explain v /Ik"spleIn/ vysvětlovat, vysvětlit great adj /greIt/ skvělý, výborný That was The Empire State Building is a familiar on prep /Qn/ u, při, přilehlý; např. ‘terasy u
Can you explain exactly what you mean? great! landmark in New York. řeky’ He lived in a small house on the river.
explore v /Ik"splO;/ zkoumat, prozkoumat ground floor n /graUnd "flO;/ přízemí She lane n /leIn/ ulička, úzká ulice We live at on foot idiom /Qn "fUt/ pěšky It’s only
We need to explore this matter further. lives on the ground floor. the end of the lane. about 30 minutes on foot.
extensive adj /Ik"stensIv/ rozsáhlý The hairdryer n /"he@draI@/ vysoušeč vlasů letter n /"let@/ dopis When was the last time online adj /"QnlaIn/ online How often do
police did an extensive search of the area. Have you got a hairdryer I can borrow? that you wrote a letter? you do online shopping?
facility n /f@"sIl@ti/ zařízení, vybavení, half-board n /hA;f "bO;d/ polopenze; lift n /lIft/ výtah The lift is out of order at the opera n /"Qpr@/ opera I have never seen an
poskytované služby The hotel has excellent ubytování s noclehem, snídaní a jedním moment. opera.
facilities for children. hlavním jídlem You can just choose half- local n /"l@Ukl/ místní člověk/občan/osoba žijící outside line n /aUtsaId "laIn/ přímá linka
famous adj /"feIm@s/ slavný He is a famous board, if you prefer. v určitém místě The locals are very friendly. pro volání mimo budovu How do you get an
football player. handout n /"h&ndaUt/ papír s podklady k lounge n /laUndZ/ hala, společenská outside line?
fax n, v /f&ks/ fax; přenášet faxem I can’t přednášce apod., informační materiál, leták s místnost We’ve just had our lounge redecorated. palace n /"p&lIs/ palác The palace was the
52 53
© Oxford University Press 2013
most magnificent building I had ever seen. žádat, prosit, poprosit Can I make a request? / sign v /saIn/ podepsat Can you sign here, please? naneštěstí Unfortunately, he didn’t pass his test.
participant n /pA;"tIsIp@nt/ účastník/ We request that you do not smoke. single room n /sINgl "ru;m/ jednolůžkový vacate v /veI"keIt/ uvolnit, opustit,
účastnice She was an excellent participant. requirement n /rI"kwaI@m@nt/ požadavek pokoj Do you have a single room for two nights? vyklidit We need to vacate the room by midday.
partner n /"pA;tn@/ společník/společnice, It is a requirement of the restaurant that you speciality n /speSi"&l@ti/ specialita, valuable n /"v&lU@bl/ hodnotný, cenný; např.
partner/ partnerka, obchodní partner We’ve got wear a tie. výrobek/pokrm typický pro dané místo It is a šperky You should put any valuables in the safe.
a new partner. reservation n /rez@"veISn/ rezervace Can speciality of the region. view n /vju;/ výhled The view from the
PC n /pi; "si;/ PC, osobní počítač What type you make the reservation for 7.00 p.m.? spire n /"spaI@/ špička kostelní věže The hotel was magnificent.
of PC have you got? reserve v /rI"z3;v/ rezervovat, zamluvit I’d spire is one of the highest in the country. vital adj /"vaItl/ nezbytný, důležitý It is
personnel manager n /p3;s@"nel m&nIdZ@/ like to reserve two tickets. sports centre n /"spO;ts sent@/ sportovní vital that you contact her as soon as possible.
vedoucí osobního oddělení, personalista/ role-play v /"r@UlpleI/ hrát roli, např. osoby centrum They are building a new sports centre wake-up call n /"weIk Vp kO;l/ buzení
personalistka She has just become a personnel v dialogu Role-play allows students to practise outside the village. telefonem We’d like a wake-up call for 6.00
manager. language. stay n /steI/ pobyt They enjoyed their stay. a.m., please.
photocopy n, v /"f@Ut@UkQpi/ fotokopie; romantic adj /r@U"m&ntIk/ romantický It suggest v /s@"dZest/ navrhnout What would walking tour n /"wO;kIN tO;/ pěší
udělat fotokopii, okopírovat Here is that is a very romantic film. you suggest? procházení památek There are many different
photocopy you asked for. / Can you photocopy room service n /"ru;m s3;vIs/ pokojová summary n /"sVm@ri/ shrnutí, přehled He walking tours of London that you can do.
this for me, please? služba Let’s order something to eat from room gave an excellent summary at the end of his talk. wide adj /waId/ široký There is a wide
play n /pleI/ hra, divadelní hra, drama Have service. Sunday n /"sVndeI/ neděle Many shops are variety of trips available when you get there.
you seen his latest play? safe n /seIf/ sejf We should put our open on a Sunday. wine cellar n /"waIn sel@/ vinný sklep,
play v /pleI/ hrát Do you know how to play passports in the hotel safe. superb adj /su;"p3;b/ skvělý, vynikající sklípek He has a very large wine cellar.
badminton? sales figures n /"seIlz fIg@z/ prodejní She is a superb singer. winner n /"wIn@/ vítěz/vítězka, výherce/
pleasure n /"pleZ@/ potěšení, radost She obrat The sales figures are up on last year. swimming pool n /"swImIN pU@l/ bazén výherkyně She was the winner by 5 minutes.
took pleasure in telling them the good news. satellite TV n /s&t@laIt ti;"vi;/ satelitní TV The gym has a wonderful swimming pool. yours faithfully idiom /jO;z "feITf@li/ s
political adj /p@"lItIkl/ politický I think that You get much clearer pictures with satellite TV. symbol n /sImbl/ symbol It is a symbol of peace. úctou (pozdrav na závěr v dopise) If you start
there is a political agenda behind all this. Saturday n /"s&t@deI/ sobota I’m going to take up v /teIk "Vp/ zabývat se čím, věnovat a letter with ‘Dear Sir’, you should end it with
porter n /"pO;t@/ vrátný/vrátná, portýr The wake up very late on Saturday. se čemu, učit se nebo věnovat se nějaké ‘Yours faithfully’.
porter carried their bags to their room. sauna n /"sO;n@/ sauna A sauna is very good činnosti I would like to take up sailing. yours sincerely idiom /jO;z sInsI@li/ se
practical adj /"pr&ktIkl/ praktický, účelný for your body. terrace n /"terIs/ terasa The terrace srdečným pozdravem (pozdrav na závěr v
He gained valuable practical experience. second floor n /sek@nd "flO;/ druhé patro GB, overlooks the gardens. dopise) If you start a letter with ‘Dear Mr
press v /pres/ stisknout, stlačit You press první patro US His flat is on the second floor. town hall n /taUn "hO;l/ radnice The town Hale’, you can end it with ‘Yours sincerely’.
the button to switch it on. secretary n /"sekr@tri/ tajemník/sekretářka hall is opposite the library. yours idiom /jO;z/ Váš, Vaše, Tvůj, Tvá ...
provide v /pr@"vaId/ poskytnout, Her secretary speaks four languages. traditional adj /tr@"dISn@l/ tradiční He is (na závěr v dopise) You can finish an informal
poskytovat Can you provide any references? self-access adj /self "&kses/ samoobslužný, quite a traditional person. letter with ‘Yours’.
quarter n /kwO;t@/ čtvrť, část města The se samostatným přístupem; např. knihovna training materials n /"treInIN m@tI@rI@lz/
church is in the old quarter. Self-access allows students to work at their own školicí materiály The training materials for Unit 5
receipt n /rI"si;t/ stvrzenka, potvrzení Have speed. the course were excellent.
you still got the receipt? seminar n /"semInA;/ seminář Did you go to training n /"treInIN/ školení Few people advertisement n /&d"v3;tIsm@nt,
refreshments n /rI"freSm@nts/ občerstvení, Dr Hawari’s seminar? have received any training. &dv@"taIzm@Nt/ reklama The new advertisement
malé jídlo a nápoj Refreshments will be September n /sep"temb@/ září We’re going try v /traI/ zkoušet, pokoušet se, zkusit You will sell lots of products.
available during the break. away for two weeks in September. should try it. advice n /@d"vaIs/ rada Please listen to her advice.
registration n /redZI"streISn/ registrace session n /"seSn/ zasedání, konference The twin room n /twIn "ru;m/ dvoulůžkový alcohol n /"&lk@hQl/ alkohol They don’t sell
Registration will start at 9.00 a.m. session lasted one hour. pokoj s oddělenými postelemi I’d like a twin alcohol.
renaissance n /rI"neIsQns/ renesance The show v /S@U/ ukázat Come into my office room, if possible. apple n /&pl/ jablko The apple was very
British film industry is enjoying a renaissance and I’ll show you. twin-bedded room n /twin bedId "ru;m/ good and looked delicious.
at the moment. shower n /SaU@/ sprcha Your shower is very dvoulůžkový pokoj s oddělenými postelemi aspirin n /"&sprIn/ aspirin Have you got any
republic n /rI"pVblIk/ republika A republic powerful. Do you have any twin-bedded rooms? aspirin?
doesn’t have a King or Queen. sign n /saIn/ znak, značka, symbol unfortunately adv /Vn"fO;tS@n@tli/ bohužel, attract v /@"tr&kt/ přitahovat, lákat What
request n, v /rI"kwest/ žádost, prosba; Someone has taken down the sign. attracted you to him?

54 55
© Oxford University Press 2013
aubergine n /"@Ub@Zi;n/ lilek, baklažán avoided by some quick thinking. fun n /fVn/ zábava, legrace We had a lot of likely adj /"laIkli/ pravděpodobný Tickets
I always put aubergines in the oven. cucumber n /"kju;kVmb@/ okurka I like fun at the party. are likely to be expensive.
ban v /b&n/ zakázat There was a ban on all cucumber in salad. good for you idiom /"gUd f@ ju;/ dobrý pro lose v /lu;z/ ztratit, např. ‘ztratit na váze’
liquids. cutlet n /"kVtl@t/ kotleta A cutlet is a thick tebe/vás, prospěšný Fruit and vegetables are How much weight do you need to lose?
beef n /bi;f/ hovězí maso I’m cooking beef slice of lamb or pork. good for you. lovely adj /"lVvli/ krásný, rozkošný,
with vegetables tonight. cycle path n /"saIkl pA;T/ cyklistická stezka grape n /greIp/ hroznové víno You need půvabný Thank you for a lovely evening!
benefit n /"ben@fIt/ výhoda, přínos, užitek Use the cycle path not the road. good grapes to make good wine. lunch n /lVntS/ oběd What time do you
There were more benefits than disadvantages. delicious adj /dI"lIS@s/ lahodný, velice chutný grilled adj /grIld/ grilovaný Try grilling the normally have lunch?
birthday n /"b3;TdeI/ narozeniny When’s That was delicious! fish. main course n /"meIn kO;s/ hlavní chod
Heather’s birthday? dessert n /dI"z3;t/ zákusek, dezert She is guide n /gaId/ příručka, průvodce, knížka jídla I’ll just have a main course.
boiled adj /bOIld/ dušený, vařený, uvařený fantastic at making desserts. obsahující informace I couldn’t really hear make sure v /meIk "SU@, meIk "SO;/ ujistit se
She boiled the vegetables. diet n /"daI@t/ strava I can’t eat that, I’m on what the guide was saying. Make sure your seat-belt is fastened.
breath n /breT/ nádech, nadechnutí The water a diet. headache n /"hedeIk/ bolest hlavy I’m sorry, maximum n /"m&ksIm@m/ maximum
was so cold she could only take small breaths. dinner n /"dIn@/ hlavní jídlo, večeře nebo I can’t come. I’ve got a terrible headache. There was a maximum of thirty allowed in the room.
butter n /"bVt@/ máslo You should add some oběd Dinner will be at 8.00 p.m. health n /helT/ zdraví Your health is very member n /"memb@/ člen/členka, např.
more butter. disappear v /dIs@"pI@/ zmizet, ztratit se She important. klubu We had five new members this week.
cabbage n /"k&bIdZ/ kapusta I hate the just disappeared. healthy adj /"helTi/ zdravý Eating well will menu n /"menju;/ jídelní lístek Could I see
smell of cabbage. dish n /dIS/ jídlo, pokrm, chod, připravené keep you healthy. the menu, please?
caffeine n /"k&fi;n/ kofein Too much jídlo The dish is best served with some green heart n /hA;t/ srdce He had a problem with method n /"meT@d/ metoda, způsob This is
caffeine is bad for you. vegetables. his heart. a reliable method for getting results.
car alarm n /"kA;r @lA;m/ autoalarm The duck n /dVk/ kachna They went to the park horrified adj /"hQrIfaId/ zděšený The whole microwave n /"maIkr@weIv/ mikrovlnná
car alarm went off during the night. to feed the ducks. country was horrified by the killings. trouba A microwave can heat food very quickly.
celebration n /sel@"breISn/ oslava The economic adj /ek@"nQmIk/ ekonomický hostess n /h@U"stes/ hostitelka, movement n /"mu;vm@nt/ hnutí, skupina
celebrations started at midnight with fireworks. The minister explained the government’s new společnice Mary was always a perfect hostess. osob se společnými cíli The women’s movement
champagne n /S&m"peIn/ šampaňské economic policy. housework n /"haUsw3;k/ domácí práce changed many things for women today.
Would anyone like a glass of champagne? else adv /els/ jiný, např. ‘něco jiného’ I try to do all my housework on a Monday. neon-lit adj /"ni;Qn lIt/ neonový, osvětlený
character n /"k&r@kt@/ charakter, vlastnosti Would you like anything else to drink? human being n /hju;m@n "biIN/ člověk, lidská neony The whole area was neon-lit.
His character makes him unsuitable for the job. energy n /"en@dZi;/ energie Where does she bytost That is no way to treat another human being. new potatoes n /nju; p@"teIt@Uz/ nové
cheese n /tSi;z/ sýr I’ll have a cheese get her energy from? inexpensive adj /InIk"spensIv/ levný, nijak brambory New potatoes are delicious with just
sandwich, please. excuse n /Ik"skju;s/ omluva, výmluva I’m drahý The weekend was actually inexpensive. some butter and salt.
cherry n /"tSeri/ třešeň The liqueur is made sorry, but that is not a very good excuse. ingredient n /In"gri;dI@nt/ ingredience, onion n /"Vnj@n/ cibule Slice the onions very
from cherries. fast food n /fA;st "fu;d/ rychlé občerstvení přísada The recipe needed too many thinly.
chicken breast n /"tSIkIn/ kuřecí prsa You There are too many fast food places now. ingredients that I didn’t have. order v /"O;d@/ objednat si Are you ready to
need chicken breasts to make this dish. favourite adj /"feIvr@t/ oblíbený What’s inhabitant n /In"h&bIt@nt/ obyvatel/obyvatelka order?
chocolate n /"tSQkl@t/ čokoláda I eat your favourite dish? He is the oldest inhabitant in the village. organic adj /O;"g&nIk/ bio, bez chemického
chocolate every day. festival n /"festIv@l/ festival The festival introduce v /Intr@"dju;s/ zavést co kam; hnojení (o potravinách) Organic food is more
cider n /"saId@/ jablečný mošt, jablečné takes place in February. uvést něco v platnost, do užívání The company expensive than normal food.
víno Cider is made from apples. founder n /"faUnd@/ zakladatel There is a is going to introduce the new policy next year. outlet n /"aUtl@t/ prodejna, odbytiště; místo,
citizen n /"sItIz@n/ občan/občanka He is statue of the founder outside the building. invasion n /In"veIZn/ invaze, vpád There is kde se prodává zboží určité společnosti The
Italian by birth but now an American citizen. fresh adj /freS/ čerstvý That shop has the the possibility of another invasion. company has 34 retail outlets for its products.
cognac n /"kQnj&k/ koňak Put some cognac best fresh vegetables. just adv /dZVst/ právě, zrovna, pouze I got pace n /peIs/ tempo, rychlost The pace was
into the cake. fried adj /fraId/ smažený Some fried food here just after nine o’clock. too quick for me.
completely adv /k@m"pli;tli/ naprosto, úplně I can be too greasy. keep v /ki;p/ držet, udržet, zachovat, painkiller n /"peInkIl@/ analgetikum, lék
completely forgot that we had an appointment. frozen adj /"fr@Uzn/ mražený, zmrzlý dodržovat The things they found had been kept proti bolesti Take this painkiller. It will help.
courgette n /kO;"Zet/ cuketa Courgette is I need some frozen peas. in excellent condition. park n /pA;k/ park They lived across the
really a summer vegetable. fruit n /fru;t/ ovoce You should eat five lamb n /l&m/ jehněčí maso The best lamb road from the park.
crisis n /"kraIsIs/ krize The crisis was pieces of fruit every day. comes from Wales. paté n /"p&teI/ paštika Probably the most
56 57
© Oxford University Press 2013
famous pâté is foie gras. salmon n /"s&m@n/ losos Most salmon is him the menu. bank n /b&Nk/ břeh břeh řeky He jumped in
peach n /pi;tS/ broskev Peaches have furry farmed nowadays. waitress n /"weItr@s/ číšnice, servírka The and swam to the opposite bank.
skins. sandwich n /"s&ndwItS/ sendvič I usually waitress asked them if they were ready to order. be sure of idiom /bi; "SU@r @v, bi; SO;r @v/
pear n /pe@/ hruška We have a pear tree in have a sandwich for lunch. way of life idiom /weI @v "laIf/ způsob být si něčím jistý How can you be sure of that?
our garden. seafood n /"si;fu;d/ plody moře There is a života For some people eating fast food every beautiful adj /"bju;tIfl/ krásný, pěkný It
pepper n /"pep@/ paprika, zelenina; např. new seafood restaurant in Oxford. day is a way of life. was a beautiful evening.
‘červená paprika’ I’m allergic to peppers. secret n /"si;kr@t/ tajemství What’s the website n /"websaIt/ webová stránka Have board v /bO;d/ nastoupit, nasednout,
philosophy n /fI"lQs@fi;/ filozofie, přesvědčení secret to your success? you seen our new website? vstoupit na palubu letadla, nalodit se
She believes very strongly in her philosophy of selection n /s@"lekSn/ výběr The selection weekend n /wi;"kend/ víkend What are Passengers are waiting to board.
life. of the right candidate may take a few weeks. your plans for the weekend? both … and adv /"b@UT @nd/ jak … tak,
physical adj /"fIZIkl/ tělesný, fyzický You serve v /s3;v/ servírovat, podávat jídlo weight n /weIt/ váha, hmotnost You look nejen … ale i Both his mother and his father
should do some physical exercise three times a Breakfast is served between 7.00 and 9.00 a.m. like you’ve lost some weight. will be there.
week. serving n /"s3;vIN/ porce jídla Could I have work it out idiom /w3;k It "aUt/ vyřešit, briefcase n /"bri;fkeIs/ kufřík, aktovka He
pleased adj /pli;zd/ potěšený, mající a smaller serving, please? vypracovat Can you work it out? was carrying a black leather briefcase.
radost I’m very pleased for you. skill n /skIl/ dovednost The job requires a yoghurt n /"jQg@t/ jogurt There’s yoghurt if call v name /kO;l/ říkat komu jak, nazývat,
pork n /pO;k/ vepřové maso Muslims don’t great deal of skill. you are still hungry. oslovovat She called his name, but he didn’t
eat pork. slow down v /sl@U "daUn/ zpomalit You hear her.
prawn n /prO;n/ garnát Prawns only turn need to slow down when you are eating. Unit 6 cancel v /"k&ns@l/ zrušit I’m afraid the
pink when they are cooked. smoked adj /sm@Ukt/ uzený Smoked meats meeting has been cancelled.
promise v /"prQmIs/ slíbit I promise not to advantage n /@d"vA;ntIdZ/ výhoda Being
and fish are delicious. centre n /"sent@/ centrum; místo, ve kterém
do it again. tall gave him an advantage over the others.
sociable adj /"s@US@bl/ společenský, jsou soustředěny nějaké aktivity They
promote v /pr@"m@Ut/ podporovat, agency n /"eIdZ@nsi/ agentura She works for
družný She is usually a very sociable person. received messages from several centres.
propagovat, povzbuzovat The government a travel agency.
sole n /s@Ul/ mořský jazyk (ryba) A sole is check-in desk n /"tSek In desk/ odbavovací
needs to promote this environmental awareness. aircraft n /"e@krA;ft/ letadlo The aircraft
a flat fish. přepážka Can you please go to check-in desk 5
protect v /pr@"tekt/ chránit, ochraňovat took off.
square n /skwe@/ náměstí Everyone usually immediately?
These animals must be protected. airport n /"e@pO;t/ letiště The airport was very
meets in the square in the evening. club n /klVb/ klub She belongs to a book club.
protest n /"pr@Utest/ protest, nesouhlas The busy as it was in the middle of the holiday season.
starter n /"stA;t@/ předkrm What would you come to v /"kVm t@/ přijet kam, dorazit The
protest was not violent. aisle seat n /"aI@l si;t/ sedadlo do uličky
like as your starter? time has come to decide.
psychologist n /saI"kQl@dZIst/ psycholog/ I’d prefer an aisle seat.
statement n /"steItm@nt/ prohlášení, tvrzení comfort n /"kVmf@t/ pohodlí Your comfort
psycholožka He is a very important psychologist. along with idiom /@"lQN wID/ společně s,
Are the following statements true or false? is our most important concern.
publish v /"pVblIS/ vydat, publikovat My zároveň s She lost her job when the factory
strawberry n /"strO;b@ri/ jahoda Let’s go complaint n /k@m"pleInt/ stížnost If you have
new book has just been published. closed, along with hundreds of others.
and pick some strawberries. a complaint, please contact Customer Services.
quality n /"kwQlIti/ kvalita The quality of announcement n /@"naUnsm@nt/ oznámení,
stress n /stres/ stres, napětí The stress of complete adj /k@m"pli;t/ úplný, celý,
the goods was poor. hlášení Today’s announcement was a bit of a
his job made him ill. kompletní It came as a complete surprise.
quality of life idiom /kwQlIti @v "laIf/ kvalita surprise.
tip n /tIp/ tip, rada Here are some useful tips complicated adj /"kQmplIkeItId/ složitý,
života People move to Australia for a better architecture n /"A;kItektS@/ architektura
on how to save money. komplikovaný The instructions look very
quality of life. The city is famous for its architecture.
tradition n /"tr@dISn/ tradice This culture complicated.
recommend v /rek@"mend/ doporučit, arrivals screen n /"@raIv@lz skri;n/
has many unusual traditions. connecting adj /k@"nektIN/ spojovací The
doporučovat Which one do you recommend? informační tabule s časy příjezdů/příletů
true adj /tru;/ pravdivý Is the story true? rooms had connecting doors.
reduce v /rI"dZu;s/ snížit, omezit The Please check the arrivals screen to see if her
tuna n /"tju;n@/ tuňák Most people eat tuna contemporary adj /k@n"tempr@ri/ současný,
company is aiming to reduce waste by 2010. plane has landed.
from a tin. soudobý The design was very contemporary.
relaxation n /ri;l&k"seISn/ relaxace, art n /A;t/ umění Can we call television art?
unique adj /ju;"ni;k/ jedinečný The convenient adj /k@n"vi;nI@nt/ vhodný,
odpočinek What do you do for relaxation? attention n /@"tenSn/ pozornost, pozor She
contract will put the company in a unique vyhovující I can walk to work, which is very
roast adj /r@Ust/ opékaný, pečený We was attracting a lot of attention.
position. convenient.
normally have roast chicken at the weekend. attractive adj /@"tr&ktIv/ přitažlivý,
vegetable n /"vedZt@bl/ zelenina The vegetables convert v /k@n"v3;t/ přeměnit, proměnit,
salad n /"s&l@d/ salát What do you usually atraktivní She was one of the most attractive
should be steamed for just a few minutes. změnit účel užívání; např. budovy The old
put in a salad? women I had ever met.
waiter n /"weIt@/ číšník The waiter handed building was converted into flats.
58 59
© Oxford University Press 2013
costs n /kQsts/ provozní náklady We have yesterday evening? in front adv /In "frVnt/ vpředu, v čele She počitatelných podst. jm.) Many people
had to increase our prices due to rising costs. exactly adv /Ig"z&ktli/ přesně I know walked in front of him. attended the meeting.
crowded adj /"kraUdId/ přeplněný, exactly how she felt. industrial adj /In"dVstrI@l/ průmyslový It mean v /mi;n/ znamenat, vést k čemu,
přecpaný The train was very crowded in the exchange v /Ik"stSeIndZ/ vyměnit Perhaps has been described as an industrial city. skončit čím Spending too much money now
mornings. they will let me exchange this jumper. inside prep /In"said/ uvnitř, v If it’s raining, means we will have problems next year.
customs n /"kVst@mz/ celnice; místo např. exhibition n /eksI"bISn/ výstava Have you I’ll meet you inside the cinema. near adj /nI@/ blízký, nedaleký Where’s the
na letišti, kde celníci kontrolují zavazadla seen the exhibition at the museum? instruction n /In"strVkSn/ pokyn, příkaz nearest bank?
They may want to check your bags in customs. exterior n /Ik"stI@rI@/ exteriér, zevnějšek You should always read the instructions. no-frills adj /n@U "frIlz/ strohý, bez zbytečných
cut v /kVt/ snížit His salary has been cut by 10%. The exterior of the house needed repainting. interest n /"Intrest/ zájem By the end I had nákladů; např. nízkorozpočtové letecké
date n /deIt/ datum What date did you start? extra adj /"ekstr@/ další, dodatečný The lost all interest in the idea. linky They offer a no-frills airline service.
December n /dI"semb@/ prosinec It government has promised an extra £1 billion it’s no problem idiom /Its "n@U prQbl@m/ normally adv /"nO;m@li/ normálně, obvykle
sometimes snows in December. for education. žádný problém, bez problémů It’s no problem She normally has tea in the morning.
demolish v /dI"mQlIS/ zbourat, demolovat far adj /fA;/ vzdálený, daleký They sat in if you arrive a little late. number v /"nVmb@/ číslovat All the seats
The factory took two days to demolish. the far corner of the room. keep v /ki;p/ ponechat, nechat; např. are numbered.
design v /dI"zaIn/ projektovat, navrhnout fare n /fe@/ jízdné The train fare to London ‘zůstaňte připoutaní’ Please keep your on the line idiom /Qn D@ "laIn/ na příjmu,
He designed and built his own house. is more expensive than the bus. seat-belt fastened at all times during the flight. mít telefon Mrs Webster, I’ve got your husband
destroy v /dI"strOI/ zničit The building was fastened adj /fA;s@nd/ uzavřený They label n /"leIbl/ značka, štítek What does this on the line.
completely destroyed by fire. found the gate fastened. label say? order n /"O;d@/ pořadí What do you think is
destruction n /dI"strVkSn/ zničení, zkáza few adj /fju;/ málo Few people understand landing card n /"l&ndIN kA;d/ lístek the correct order?
The destruction of the rainforests must be stopped. the difference. vyplňovaný při přistání Can you please fill in originally adv /@"rIdZ@nli/ původně The
directly adv /daI"rektli/ přímo, rovnou; film set n /"fIlm set/ scéna, výprava filmu this landing card? company was originally very small.
např. ‘prodávat přímo’ We have not been I was allowed onto the film set. last call n /"lA;st kO;l/ poslední výzva, overhead locker n /@Uv@hed "lQk@/ skříňka
affected directly by the news. find v /faInd/ najít I can’t find my glasses poslední hlášení před odletem letadla This is nad hlavou v letadle určená prona příruční
disadvantage n /dIs@d"vA;ntIdZ/ nevýhoda anywhere. the last call for flight BA357 to New York. zavazadlo Please put your hand-luggage in the
One of the disadvantages is that we will have to flexible adj /"fleksIbl/ přizpůsobivý, late adj /leIt/ pozdě Why are you so late? overhead locker.
move. flexibilní You need to be flexible to do this job. leg room n /"leg ru;m/ prostor/místo pro pack v /p&k/ balit, zabalit Did you pack
discount n /"dIskaUnt/ sleva When you flight attendant n /"flaIt @tend@nt/ letuška, nohy There is never enough leg room on your suitcase yourself?
have worked there for one month you receive a stevard She wanted to work as a flight cheaper airlines. package n /"p&kIdZ/ balík, balíček,
10% discount. attendant for one of the big airlines. like prep /laIk/ jako She is wearing a dress obal The package was delivered this morning.
dislike v /dIs"laIk/ nemít rád, nemít v oblibě form v /fO;m/ vytvořit, formovat, navázat; např. like mine. paperwork n /"peIp@wO;k/ kancelářské
She couldn’t understand why everyone disliked ‘navázat spolupráci’ The band formed in 2005. little adj /"lItl/ malý The baby’s hands were práce I’ve got lots of paperwork to do this evening.
her. gate n /geIt/ brána, příchod k letadlům so little. passenger n /"p&sIndZ@/ cestující, pasažér/
distance n /"dIst@ns/ vzdálenost What’s the Would all passengers please make their way to location n /l@U"keISn/ umístění, poloha, místo pasažérka They had to wait for the last
distance between London and Bristol? gate 10 immediately. Location is very important when you are buying a passengers before they could leave.
duty-free shop n /dju;ti "fri; SQp/ bezcelní general adj /"dZenr@l/ obecný, celkový The house. passport n /"pA;spO;t/ cestovní pas Can I
obchod I want to buy something in the general opinion is that the event was a success. mail v /meIl/ poslat poštou dopisy, balíky see your passport, please?
duty-free shop. get on v /get "Qn/ vyjít s někým I get on atd. Can you mail it to me by Friday? passport control n /pA;spO;t k@n"tr@Ul/
efficient adj /I"fIS@nt/ efektivní, výkonný, with my sister. make v /meIk/ vydělat, získat peníze How pasová kontrola, zóna pasové kontroly; místo
účinný We offer a fast and efficient service. guide n /gaId/ příručka, rádce, návod She much do you make? např. na letišti, kde se kontrolují pasy Please
either … or adv /eID@ O;, i;D@ O;/ buď … lets her feelings be her guide. make it idiom /"meIk It/ moci přijít, být go immediately to passport control.
nebo v kladné větě, ani … ani v záporné hand-luggage n /"h&nd lVgIdZ/ příruční schopný přijít; např. ‘Mohu přijít v pedestrian n /p@"destrI@n/ chodec/
větě I think she’s either Russian or Polish. zavazadlo How many pieces of hand-luggage úterý.’ I’m sorry, I can’t make it on Friday. chodkyně The pedestrian was injured when
electricity n /elek"trIsIti/ elektřina The cost can we take on board? manage v /"m&nIdZ/ stihnout, zvládnout, the she was run over.
of electricity has risen again this year. ideal adj /aI"dI@l/ ideální, dokonalý It was být schopný přijít; např. ‘Na zítřejší schůzku perfect adj /"p3;fekt/ dokonalý, perfektní,
entrance n /"entr@ns/ vchod, vstup, vjezd I’ll the ideal place to live. nezvládnu přijít. I’m sorry, I can’t manage the bezchybný The house is in perfect condition.
meet you outside the entrance to the museum. immediately adv /Im"i;dI@tli/ okamžitě, meeting on Monday. platform n /"pl&tfO;m/ nástupiště na
evening n /"i;vnIN/ večer What did you do ihned I asked to see him immediately. many adj /"meni/ mnoho, hodně (u železničním nádraží Which platform does the
60 61
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train to London leave from? are required to take a short test. Thursday n /T3;zdeI/ čtvrtek The match is on an advanced student of English.
popular adj /"pQpj@l@/ oblíbený, populární return v /rI"t3;n/ vrátit se, navrátit se I have Thursday. agree v /@"gri;/ souhlasit I’m afraid I don’t agree.
She was a very popular member of staff. to go to the library to return this book. ticket n /"tIkIt/ lístek, jízdenka, letenka, anniversary n /&nI"v3;s@ri/ výročí It was
possibility n /pQs@"bIlIti/ možnost, route n /ru;t/ cesta, trasa Which is the vstupenka I’ve lost my ticket. their first wedding anniversary.
pravděpodobnost There is no possibility of quickest route? transformation n /tr&nsf@"meISn/ proměna, as usual idiom /@z "ju;ZU@l, &z "ju;ZU@l/
leaving early today. row n /r@U/ řada, věci uspořádané do řady přeměna, transformace What a transformation. jako obvykle She was late as usual.
power station n /"paU@ steISn/ elektrárna The vegetables were planted in rows. You look great! banana n /b@"nA;n@/ banán I like baked
The residents were unhappy with the idea of a save v /seIv/ uchovat, zachránit, zachovávat trolley n /"trQli/ vozík, např. na zavazadla na bananas with yoghurt.
new power station in the area. We must do something now to save our planet. letišti There will be a trolley with drinks on it. bar of chocolate n /bA; @v "tSQkl@t/ tabulka
powerful adj /"paU@f@l/ silný, působivý, seat-belt n /"si;tbelt/ bezpečnostní pás You Tuesday n /"tju;zdeI/ úterý I’ve got a day off on čokolády, čokoládová tyčinka Can you get me
mocný He was a very powerful man. are breaking the law if you don’t wear a Tuesday. a bar of chocolate at the shop, please?
prefer v /pr@"f3;/ upřednostňovat, dávat seat-belt while driving. turbine n /"t3;baIn/ turbína The turbine bean n /bi;n/ fazole There are several types
přednost čemu před čím I prefer coffee to tea. seated adj /"si;tId/ sedící, usazený Is made a lot of noise. of bean.
price n /praIs/ cena The price of petrol has everyone seated? turn off v /t3;n "Qf/ vypnout Can you turn bonus n /"b@Un@s/ příplatek, zvláštní odměna,
increased considerably in the last few months. security n /sI"kjU@rIti/ bezpečnost, that music off, please? prémie He received his bonus from work this month.
prisoner n /"prIz@n@/ vězeň, zajatec/ zabezpečení, opatření přijatá za účelem turnaround n /"t3;n@raUnd/ otočka, doba nutná borrow v /"bQr@U/ půjčit si Can I borrow
zajatkyně He was taken prisoner by the terrorists. zajištění bezpečnosti They carried out k přípravě ke zpátečnímu letu; proces, při kterém your pen, please?
prisoner of war n /"prIz@n@ @v wO;/ válečný security checks at the airport. se vyloží náklad z letadla a znovu se naloží The career development n /k@rI@ dI"vel@pm@nt/
zajatec/válečná zajatkyně He was a prisoner see you idiom /"si; ju;/ uvidíme se, tak cheaper airlines have a very quick turnaround. kariérní růst She decided that she needed to
of war for a year. zatím (při loučení) See you later! type n /taIp/ typ, druh What type of music speak to someone about her career development.
punctuality n /pVNktju"&lIti/ přesnost, serve as v /s3;v/ sloužit jako This sofa also do you like? charter v /"tSA;t@/ pronajmout, najmout loď,
dochvilnost The teacher insists on punctuality. serves as a bed. ugly adj /"Vgli/ ošklivý, škaredý, nehezký letadlo They decided to charter a boat.
put through v /pUt "Tru;/ spojit, přepojit similar adj /"sImIl@/ podobný, obdobný We It’s a very ugly animal. chemical n /"kemIkl/ chemikálie The
telefonický hovor I’m just putting you through have similar interests. unattended adj /Vn@"tendId/ nehlídaný, chemical was very dangerous.
now. something pron /"sVmTIN/ něco (neurčité bez dozoru They took her bag as she had left it chief executive n /tSi;f Ig"zekj@tIv/ vrchní
rating n /"reItIN/ ohodnocení čeho Health zájmeno) We stopped for something to eat. unattended. výkonný pracovník/výkonná pracovnice The
has been given a high-priority rating by the space n /speIs/ prostor, místo, plocha The value n /"v&lju;/ hodnota, cena Some things chief executive decided to leave the company
new government. building has so much space. hold their value more than others. after the news.
ready adj /"redi/ připravený, nachystaný spectacular adj /spek"t&kj@l@/ působivý, vote v /v@Ut/ hlasovat, volit He is now old cocoa n /"k@Uk@U/ kakao If you can’t sleep
Are you ready to go? velkolepý, okázalý The views from the top of enough to vote. at night, drink a cup of cocoa.
record n /"rekO;d/ záznam, známá fakta o the mountain were spectacular. Wednesday n /"wenzdeI/ středa I’ve got my community n /k@"mju;n@ti/ společenství,
minulosti The airline has a good safety record. standstill n /"st&ndstIl/ klid, zastavení, exam on Wednesday. komunita The community worked together to
reference number n /"refr@ns nečinnost The traffic is at a standstill. what a pity idiom /wQt @ "pIti/ jaká škoda, get the park built.
nVmb@/ referenční číslo, číslo jednací This is station n /"steISn/ stanice Where’s the train to je ale škoda What a pity you couldn’t come contract n /"kQntr&kt/ smlouva, kontrakt
your reference number for this transaction. station from here? to the party! They signed a six-month contract.
relationship n /"rI"leISnSIp/ vztah, suit v /su;t/ vyhovovat, hodit se, být window seat n /"wInd@U si;t/ sedadlo u cooperative n /k@U"Qpr@tIv/ družstvo;
souvislost What exactly is the relationship vhodný pro Which day suits you? okna Can I have a window seat? podnik, který vlastní a provozují v něm
between you and Sean? surprisingly adv /s@"praIzINli/ kupodivu, World War n /wO;ld "wO;/ světová zaměstnané osoby The factory is now a
remain v /rI"meIn/ zůstat, trvat Train fares překvapivě She looked surprisingly well. válka The effects of a World War are terrible. workers’ cooperative.
are unlikely to remain the same. technical adj /"teknIkl/ technický We yourself pron /jO;"self/ ty sám, vy sám cottage n /"kQtIdZ/ chalupa, domek,
remaining adj /rI"meInIN/ zbylý Would the couldn’t watch the programme on TV due to a (zvratné zájmeno) Have you hurt yourself? chata We rented a small cottage by the sea.
remaining passengers please board the plane technical error. crèche n /kreS/ jesle, zařízení pro hlídání
now? telephone box n /"telIf@Un bQks/ telefonní dětí, např. v podniku My daughter goes to the
Unit 7
remind v /rI"maInd/ připomenout, budka It’s difficult to find a telephone box crèche in the village hall.
připomínat Can you remind me tomorrow? these days. active adj /"&ktIv/ aktivní, činný Although crop n /krQp/ úroda, sklizeň The crop was
require v /rI"kwaI@/ vyžadovat, být that’s fine idiom /D&ts "faIn/ v pořádku, to je v he is 80, he is still very active. very small this year due to the bad weather.
zapotřebí, důrazně žádat All the candidates pořádku I’ll see you next week then. That’s fine! advanced adj /@d"vA;nst/ pokročilý She is deal n /dI@l/ dohoda, záležitost They have
62 63
© Oxford University Press 2013
fantastic deals on furniture at the moment. His grandfather was a farmer. the airport. publication of your new book?
decade n /"dekeId/ desetiletí, dekáda The fitness centre n /"fItn@s sent@/ posilovna, model n /"mQdl/ model, vzor It provided a rate n /reIt/ tempo; míra stanovující, jak
2000s is the current decade. fitness centrum There is an excellent fitness model for all the other companies to follow. rychle se něco děje Most people walk at an
deep adj /di;p/ hluboký The water was very centre on the university campus. mostly adv /"m@Ustli/ většinou We are average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.
deep. forget v /f@"get/ zapomenout Don’t forget mostly out on Saturdays. reach v /ri;tS/ dosáhnout I hope this letter
definite adj /"defIn@t/ definitivní, určitý the meeting later today! nowadays adv /"naU@deIz/ v současné reaches you.
Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? foundation n /faUn"deISn/ nadace; době, nyní Nowadays, most children prefer reject v /rI"dZekt/ odmítat, odmítnout
democratic adj /dem@"kr&tIk/ demokratický organizace založená pro to, aby poskytovala watching TV to reading. Unfortunately, the company rejected his offer.
You have a democratic right to vote. peníze na určitý účel The money will go to the occasion n /@"keIZn/ příležitost, událost relaxing adj /rI"l&ksIN/ uvolňující,
dental treatment n /"dentl tri;tm@nt/ ošetření children’s foundation. I’ve met him on several occasions. uklidňující I find gardening very relaxing.
zubů The dental treatment was excellent. generation n /dZen@"reISn/ generace, etapa of course idiom /@v "kO;s/ samozřejmě Of rent v /rent/ pronajmout si We’ve rented an
dining-room n /"daInIN r@Um/ jídelna vývoje; průměrná doba, za kterou děti vyrostou I course you can come! apartment.
Come through to the dining-room to eat! wonder what future generations will think. opportunity n /Qp@"tju;nIti/ příležitost, retire v /rI"taI@/ odejít do důchodu At what
disagree v /dIs@"gri/ nesouhlasit I’m sorry, graph n /grA;f/ graf The graph shows how šance, možnost You’ll have an opportunity to age do people retire in your country?
but I totally disagree with what you’re saying! house prices have risen in the last year. ask any questions at the end. round-up n /"raUnd Vp/ přehled, např. zpráv
disaster n /dI"zA;st@/ neštěstí, pohroma, help v /help/ pomoci Can you help me, please? optimistic adj /Qpt@"mIstIk/ optimistický First, let’s have a round-up of the top stories.
katastrofa The party was a complete disaster. in common idiom /In "kQm@n/ společně, He is usually such an optimistic person. set up v /set "Vp/ zařídit, zřídit He set up a
dramatically adv /dr@"m&tIkli/ dramaticky dohromady např. have sth in common = mít pay n /peI/ plat, výplata Her job is hard, but business selling ice-creams on the beach.
The figures have increased dramatically since něco společné ho We have so much in common. the pay is good. sharply adv /"SA;pli/ ostře, prudce, náhle
last year. include v /In"klu;d/ zahrnovat, obsahovat payment n /"peIm@nt/ platba When should Share prices fell sharply after the announcement.
eastern adj /"i;st@n/ východní There is more What does the price include? I expect the payment? shipping n /"SIpIN/ lodní přeprava zboží
snow on the eastern slopes of the mountain. inflation n /In"fleISn/ inflace, růst cen a peak n /pi;k/ vrchol, nejvyšší bod Traffic She arranged for the shipping of her furniture.
economy class n /I"kQn@mi klA;s/ ekonomická mezd What is the current rate of inflation? reaches its peak between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m. simply adv /"SImpli/ jednoduše, prostě
třída, levnější cestovní třída v letadle invite v /In"vaIt/ pozvat, zvát, vybízet We pension n /"penSn/ penze, důchod She was Simply add hot water and drink.
Unfortunately, we have to fly economy class to would like to invite you to dinner. able to collect her pension from the post office slightly adv /"slaItli/ nepatrně, lehce, slabě
the USA. item n /"aIt@m/ položka, kus What’s the every week. Profits rose slightly this year.
education n /edj@"keISn/ vzdělání A good next item on the agenda? performance n /p@"fO;m@ns/ výkon, social adj /"s@USl/ sociální, společenský He
education is very important these days. latest adj /"leItIst/ poslední, nejnovější He’s dosažený výsledek The manager was unhappy has a busy social life.
emphasize v /"emf@saIz/ zdůraznit, got the latest mobile phone. with his staff’s performance. socialize v /"s@US@laIZ/ žít společensky,
vyzdvihnout, dát důraz na co She emphasized level off v /levl "Qf/ ustálit se, stabilizovat se plantation n /plA;n"teISn/ plantáž He chodit do společnosti She enjoys socializing
that the new job would mean a lot of hard work. The prices rose and then levelled off. owned a coffee plantation in Kenya. with other students.
escape v /I"skeIp/ utéct, uniknout, living conditions n /"lIvIN kQndISnz/ životní poor adj /pO;/ chudý, mající málo peněz solution n /s@"lu;Sn/ řešení The solution to
vyváznout Two prisoners have escaped. podmínky They were living in the most It’s one of the poorest countries in the world. the problem was clear.
Europe n /"jU@r@p/ Evropa Europe is one of terrible living conditions. position n /p@"zISn/ pozice, funkce, zaměstnání stable adj /"steIbl/ stálý, ustálený, stabilní
the seven traditional continents of the Earth. look after v /lUk "A;ft@/ starat se o I can I’m applying for the new teaching position. The country’s economy was stable at that time.
executive n /Ig"zekj@tIv/ vedoucí look after them for you. poverty n /"pQv@ti/ chudoba, bída Many old steadily adv /"stedIli/ vyrovnaně, stále,
pracovník/vedoucí pracovnice, výkonná lucky adj /"lVki/ šťastný, mající štěstí You people live in poverty. plynule růst apod. Profits rose steadily during
moc He is a top executive in the company. were very lucky to win that prize. premium n /"pri;mI@m/ prémie, příplatek You the first half of the year.
executive director n /Igzekj@tIv daI"rekt@/ maker n /meIk@/ výrobce, zhotovitel If it have to pay a high premium for quicker delivery. story n /"stO;ri/ zpráva, reportáž, část zpráv
výkonný ředitel/výkonná ředitelka She is an doesn’t work, send it back to the maker. private adj /"praIv@t/ soukromý, pro užívání The top story on the news was the death of the
executive director in one of the largest management n /"m&nIdZm@nt/ management, konkrétní osobou The hotel has a private beach. politician.
advertising companies. řízení, vedení The report blames bad private healthcare n /praIv@t "helTke@/ subsidized adj /"sVbsIdaIzd/ dotovaný Some
fair adj /fe@/ fér; v souladu s tím, co je správné management for the problem. soukromá zdravotní péče, tj. nestátní One of of those projects are subsidized by the government.
nebo rozumné I don’t think that this is really fair! medical adj /"medIkl/ lékařský, léčebný the benefits of working for that company is that support v /s@"pO;t/ podporovat I’ll support
family n /"f&m@li/ rodina How many people You need to bring a medical certificate. they offer private healthcare. you if you want to do that.
are there in your family? miss v /mIs/ chybět, promeškat We missed publication n /pVblI"keISn/ publikování, technology n /tek"nQl@dZi/ technologie,
farmer n /"fA;m@/ sedlák, farmář/farmářka the plane because of the traffic on the way to vydání, publikace What is the date of technika Computer technology is advancing so
64 65
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quickly nowadays. living in a new country. She has a very creative side to her character. foreigner n /"fQr@n@/ cizinec/cizinka Being
third world n /T3;d "wO;ld/ třetí svět, adaptable adj /@"d&pt@bl/ přizpůsobivý If cross v /krQs/ křížit se, protínat se The two a foreigner was a big disadvantage.
rozvojové země How are we ever going to you want to be successful, you have to also be athletes crossed the line together. formal adj /"fO;m@l/ formální, oficiální,
stop third world debt? adaptable. deceive v /dI"si;v/ podvést, klamat, oklamat úřední It was a very formal dinner.
trainee n /treI"ni;/ posluchač/posluchačka, alcoholic n /&lk@"hQlIk/ alkoholik He has She deceived him into giving her all his money. gesture n /"dZesdZ@/ gesto, posunek He
účastník/účastnice školení, zaučující se lost his job as he is an alcoholic. decline v /dI"klaIn/ odmítnout, nepřijmout made a very impolite gesture.
pracovník/pracovnice He started in the ambitious adj /&m"bIS@s/ ctižádostivý, She declined the invitation to the party. good manners n /gUd "m&n@z/ slušné
company ten years ago as a trainee. ambiciózní She is a very ambitious person. description n /dIs"krIpSn/ popis She gave a chování Their children had very good manners.
treasure n /"treZ@/ poklad The story said analysis n /@"n&l@sIs/ analýza, rozbor The very good description of the criminal. honest adj /"QnIst/ čestný, poctivý,
that the treasure was hidden on a desert island. report is an analysis of the research done. direct question n /daIrekt "kwestj@n/ přímá upřímný What is your honest opinion?
treasure hunt n /"treZ@ hVnt/ honba za appearance n /@"pI@r@ns/ vzhled, otázka Do you mind if I ask you a direct question? image n /"ImIdZ/ image, celkové vzezření a
pokladem The children played a treasure hunt zevnějšek, vzezření, vnější forma He gave the dishonest adj /dIs"QnIst/ nekalý, nečestný, vystupování His public image is very different
at the party. appearance of enjoying himself. nepoctivý What you did was very dishonest. to the real person.
trend n /trend/ trend, tendence There is a Asia n /"eIZ@/ Asie Japan is in Asia. disorganized adj /dIs"O;g@naIzd/ impertinent adj /Im"p3;tIn@nt/ drzý,
growing trend towards retiring earlier. assistant n /@"sIst@nt/ asistent/asistentka neuspořádaný, rozrušený She is the most neomalený That is a very impertinent question!
unemployment n /VnIm"plOIm@nt/ She worked as his assistant for several years. disorganized person I know. impolite adj /Imp@"laIt/ nezdvořilý It’s
nezaměstnanost Unemployment is not as bad blow idiom /bl@U/ smrkat, vysmrkat se When doctor n /"dQkt@/ doktor/doktorka He impolite to ask people how much money they earn.
as it used to be in the UK. you have a cold you always have to blow your nose. trained for 5 years to be a doctor. in turn adv /In "t3;n/ jeden po druhém,
unit n /"ju;nIt/ jednotka, celek, lekce v brainstorm v /"breInstO;m/ hledat nové dress v /dres/ oblékat se nosit konkrétní popořadě The children called out their names
učebnici Family is the basic unit of society. nápady, řešení při diskusi apod.; přemýšlet They typ/styl oblečení She dressed the children in in turn.
via prep /"vaI@/ přes co, pomocí čeho decided to brainstorm any ideas in the meeting. their best clothes. indoor adj /"IndO;/ vnitřní, pod střechou
I heard about it via Jane. Buddha n /"bUd@/ Bbudha Buddha is the easy-going adj /i;zi "g@UIN/ dobrácký, They’ve got an indoor pool in their house.
village n /"vIlIdZ/ obec, vesnice They live in founder of Buddhism. tolerantní He was a very easy-going person. inefficient adj /InI"fISnt/ neefektivní,
a small village outside Birmingham. characteristic n /k&rIkt@"rIstIk/ typický effort n /"ef@t/ úsilí, snaha He put a lot of neschopný, neúčinný Our old heating system
voucher n /"vaUtS@/ poukaz, poukázka, znak Even though they are twins, they have effort into making the party a success. is very inefficient.
kupon You can use this voucher for goods up to very different characteristics. emotion n /I"m@USn/ emoce, cit She was intensive adj /In"tensIv/ intenzivní She
the value of 10 Euros. cloakroom n /"kl@Ukru;m/ šatna You can unable to control her emotions on the day. went on an intensive training course.
wage n /weIdZ/ mzda, pravidelná platba za leave your coat in the cloakroom. even number n /i;vn "nVmb@/ sudé číslo interrupt v /Int@"rVpt/ přerušovat,
práci The workers receive their wages at the close friend n /kl@Us "frend/ blízký přítel/ Pick any even number. přerušit I’m sorry to interrupt you!
end of every week. blízká přítelkyně She is a very close friend of expressive adj /Ik"spresIv/ expresivní, interruption n /Int@"rVpSn/ přerušení He
well n /wel/ studna They had to get their mine. výrazný She has wonderfully expressive eyes. couldn’t remember what he had been talking
water from a well. collide v /k@"laId/ srazit se, střetnout se, být v eye-contact n /"aI kQnt&kt/ oční kontakt, about before the interruption.
western adj /"west@n/ západní She lives in rozporu The cars collided in the middle of the road. pohled z očí do očí We made eye-contact across joke n /dZ@Uk/ vtip She didn’t understand
western Spain. communal adj /k@"mju;n@l, "kQmj@n@"l/ the bar. the joke.
willing adj /"wIlIN/ ochotný Would you be veřejný, společný The university flats have a family name n /"f&mli neIm/ příjmení How kiss v /kIs/ políbit He kissed her on the cheek.
willing to help me with this? communal kitchen and living area. do you spell your family name? knock v /nQk/ klepat, zaklepat He knocked
wine-tasting n /"waIn teIstIN/ ochutnávka communicator n /k@"mju;nIkeIt@/ ten, kdo fine n /faIn/ pokuta, peníze placené jako trest on the door loudly.
vína We went to a wine-tasting. komunikuje, dorozumívá se We are in regular The punishment for speeding is usually just a fine. Latin America n /l&tIn @"merIk@/ latinská
communication by email. first name n /"f3;st neIm/ křestní jméno Amerika Mexico is in Latin America.
Unit 8 compliment n, v /"kQmplIm@nt/ poklona, What’s your first name? leave v /li;v/ nechat, zanechat, nevzít si She
kompliment; složit poklonu It is a great follow v /"fQl@U/ držet se čeho, řídit se čím left her newspaper on the train.
accurate adj /"&kj@r@t/ přesný, důsledný compliment to be asked to do the speech. / She Follow this road and at the end turn left. look v /lUk/ vypadat o vzhledu It looks delicious.
Accurate records must be kept. complimented him on his excellent speech. forbidden adj /f@"bIdn/ zakázaný, manners n /"m&n@z/ chování, způsoby,
across prep /@"krQs/ přes, napříč We will have control v /k@n"tr@Ul/ ovládat, kontrolovat; nedovolený The children were forbidden from společenské chování He has the manners of a pig!
to swim across the river to get to the other side. např emoce The whole area was now controlled opening their presents before midnight. mix v /mIks/ míchat, mísit se, promíchat Mix the
adapt v /@"d&pt/ přizpůsobit, upravit, by the army. foreign adj /"fQr@n/ zahraniční, cizí It is a oil and the vinegar and then pour over the salad.
zvyknout si It is often difficult to adapt to creative adj /kri"eItIv/ tvořivý, kreativní foreign-owned company. motivation n /m@UtI"veISn/ motivace Most
66 67
© Oxford University Press 2013
people say that money is their main motivation react v /ri"&kt/ reagovat, zareagovat, odpovědět understand v /Vnd@"st&nd/ chápat, rozumět château n /"S&t@U/ zámek We have rented a
at work. How did she react when you told her the news? I don’t understand what you are trying to say! huge château in France for the week.
necessary adj /"nes@seri/ nezbytný, reliable adj /rI"laI@bl/ spolehlivý She is a unreliable adj /VnrI"laI@bl/ nespolehlivý collocation n /kQl@"keISn/ kolokace, slovní
potřebný It isn’t necessary for us to meet. very reliable person. My car is very unreliable at the moment. spojení Can you give me an example of a
non-verbal adj /nQn "v3;bl/ neverbální, beze respect n /rI"spekt/ respekt, ohled, zřetel waste v /weIst/ plýtvat We should try not to collocation with the word ‘success’?
slov Non-verbal communication is very important. I have the greatest respect for your father. waste food. column n /"kQl@m/ sloupek, rubrika, část
normal adj /"nO;m@l/ normální, obvyklý return flight idiom /rIt3;n "flaIt/ zpáteční Westerner n /"west@n@/ obyvatel/obyvatelka tištěného/psaného materiálu He writes a
She had a normal childhood. let I met a friend of yours on my return flight Západu He had lived in Europe for so long that column for the local newspaper.
obligatory adj /@"blIg@tri/ povinný, from Italy. he now thought of himself as a Westerner. communist adj /"kQmj@nIst/ komunistický
závazný A uniform was obligatory at my high rude adj /ru;d/ neomalený, neslušný, witness n /"wItn@s/ svědek/svědkyně He He describes his politics as communist.
school. nezdvořilý There’s no need to be so rude! was a witness to the killing. compete v /k@m"pi;t/ soutěžit, soupeřit,
on time idiom /Qn "taIm/ včas The train schedule n /"Sedju;l, "skedju;l / plán, rozvrh, work and play idiom /w3;k @nd "pleI/ konkurovat Several companies are competing
was on time. harmonogram, jízdní řád She had a very busy práce a zábava It is difficult to find a balance for the work.
one thing at a time idiom /wVn TIN @t @ schedule. in life between work and play. competitor n /k@m"petIt@/ soupeř/soupeřka,
"taIm/ jedna věc v daný okamžik You need to senior adj /"si;nI@/ starší, nadřízený He is a protivník/protivnice, konkurent/konkurentka We
learn to do one thing at a time. senior member of our team. produce cheaper goods than our competitor.
Unit 9
organized adj /O;g@naIzd/ organizovaný, sensitive adj /"sens@tIv/ citlivý She is very consumer goods n /k@nsju;m@ "gUdz/
spořádaný She worked in an organized office. sensitive to other people’s feelings. accompany v /@"kVmp@ni/ provázet, spotřební zboží Examples of consumer goods
outgoing adj /aUt"g@UIN/ společenský, separate adj /"sepr@t/ oddělený, samostatný doprovodit He accompanied her on the trip. would be food and clothing.
nesobecký, otevřený He was a very outgoing It happened on two separate occasions. afford v /@"fO;d/ dovolit si, dopřát si I can’t consumption n /k@n"sVmpSn/ spotřeba
person. serious adj /"sI@rI@s/ vážný, závažný We afford a new car. Gas and coal consumption always increases
patient adj /"peIS@nt/ trpělivý She was the have a very serious problem here. apartment n /@"pA;tm@nt/ byt, apartmá The during the winter.
most patient teacher I ever had. silence n /"saIl@ns/ ticho, mlčení I need apartment was on the top floor of the building. covered adj /"kVv@d/ krytý, se střechou; např.
pause n, v /pO;z/ pauza, odmlka; odmlčet se, silence when I am studying. appear v /@"pI@/ vypadat, objevit se He ‘zastřešená plocha’ The stadium had a covered
udělat přestávku There was a long pause steal v /"stI@l/ krást, ukrást The men stole a appears a perfectly normal person. area if people wanted to shelter from the rain.
before she answered. / She paused at the door lot of money from the bank. appreciate v /@"pri;SieIt/ oceňovat, ocenit, být cultural adj /"kVlt@Sr@l/ kulturní There are
but didn’t look back. stranger n /"streIndZ@/ neznámý člověk vděčný I really appreciate all your help with this. many cultural differences between the two
permission n /p@"mISn/ povolení They I opened the door and there was a complete author n /"O;T@/ autor/ka The author of this communities.
didn’t get the correct permission before they stranger standing there. book is unknown. develop v /dI"vel@p/ vyvíjet se, vyvinout se,
built the house. subway n /"sVbweI/ podzemní dráha, available adj /@"veIl@bl/ dostupný, k dispozici rozvíjet se She developed the company from
polite adj /p@"laIt/ slušný, zdvořilý What a metro You don’t need to cross the road, you I’m afraid Dr Bone is not available at the moment. nothing.
polite young boy! can use the subway. banking n /"b&NkIN/ bankovnictví, economics n /i;k@"nQmIks/ ekonomika He
politeness n /p@"laItn@s/ slušnost, suffix n /"sVfIks/ sufix, přípona If you add a provozování banky She’s thinking about a studied economics at university.
zdvořilost He stood up out of politeness and suffix to a word, you can sometimes make career in banking. economist n /I"kQn@mIst/ ekonom/ekonomka
offered her his seat. another word. best seller n /best "sel@/ bestseller, nejvíce He now works as an economist.
pour v /pU@, pO;/ lít, nalít Could you pour system n /"sIst@m/ systém The transport kupovaný His first novel was a best seller. economize v /I"kQn@maIz/ šetřit, hospodařit
me a glass of water, please? system is working well at the moment. bother v /"bQD@/ obtěžovat, rušit zabírat We will have to economize in some areas.
prefix n /"pri;fIks/ předsunuté znaky The timetable n /"taImteIbl/ časový plán, jízdní/ čas, obtěžovat se s čím I’m sorry to bother environment n /In"vaIr@m@nt/ prostředí,
prefix LH before the number stands for the letový řád We have a new timetable each term. you but have you got a light? životní prostředí Children learn better if they are
initials of your name. title n /"taItl/ titul, oslovení; např. ‘pan’, budget n /"bVdZIt/ rozpočet We have a very surrounded by a pleasant learning environment.
present n /"prez@nt/ současnost, ‘paní’ What is your title? small budget for our holiday. especially adv /Is"peS@li/ zvláště, hlavně
přítomnost, dar, dárek What can I get David truth n /tru;T/ pravda Tell me the truth! calculator n /"k&lkj@leIt@/ kalkulačka I love Rome, especially in the spring.
as a birthday present? turn n /t3;n/ řada na kom; např. ‘čekat, až I can’t work this out without a calculator. establish v /Is"t&blIS/ založit, zřídit The
professor n /pr@"fes@/ profesor/ka The na mě přijde řada’ It’s your turn to try and hit camera n /"k&mr@/ fotoaparát, kamera group was established in 1917.
professor told me that I had passed my exam. the ball. Take a picture with your camera. expansion n /Ik"sp&nSn/ expanze, rozšíření The
punctual adj /"pVNktjU@l/ přesný, uncomfortable adj /Vn"kVmft@bl/ nepohodlný carry v /"k&ri/ nosit, nést, přinést He country is experiencing a period of rapid expansion.
dochvilný She has always been punctual. The hotel beds were very uncomfortable. carried his heavy suitcase. extend v /Ik"stend/ rozprostírat se, sahat až,
68 69
© Oxford University Press 2013
rozšířit se Your visa has been extended for small investor. pick up v /pIk "Vp/ vyzvednout, např. je, bezesporu It sure is quiet out there tonight.
another year. joint venture n /dZOInt "ventS@/ společný podnik, ‘vyzvednout tě na letišti’ I’ll pick you up at temple n /"templ/ chrám, svatyně We
financial year n /faIn&nSl "jI@/ finanční rok podnik se společnou majetkovou účastí The joint the airport. visited lots of temples in Sri Lanka.
The financial year ends in April. venture would mean some job losses. point n /pOInt/ bod, okamžik, chvíle, časový text n /tekst/ text The text was very difficult
flat n /fl&t/ byt He wants to buy a flat this year. labour force n /"leIb@ fO;s/ pracovní síly, okamžik We were on the point of giving up. to understand.
forecast v /"fO;kA;st/ předpověď The experts ekonomicky aktivní obyvatelstvo The pollution n /p@"lu;Sn/ znečištění The today n /t@"deI/ dnešek Today is my birthday!
are forecasting a very good year. majority of the labour force is unskilled. pollution in the city centre is getting worse. unhappy adj /Vn"h&pi/ nešťastný What’s
free market n /fri; "mA;kIt/ volný trh She large-scale adj /"lA;dZ skeIl/ ve velkém production n /pr@"dVkSn/ výroba, produkce, the matter? You look very unhappy.
was a supporter of the free market economy. měřítku It will involve a large-scale proces zhotovování There has been an increase valuable adj /"v&ljU@bl/ hodnotný, cenný It
goods n /gUdz/ zboží There are a lot of development of the area. in the level of production in the factory. was an extremely valuable ring.
cheap goods from China at the moment. lend v /lend/ půjčit Can you lend me some property developer n /"prQp@ti dIvel@p@/ win v /wIn/ vyhrát, získat The company has
great adj /greIt/ velký, významný, slavný money? projektant/ projektantka, stavitel/stavitelka He won a very big contract.
Dickens was a great writer. lift n /lIft/ odvoz Do you want a lift to the station? has decided to become a property developer. windscreen n /"wInskri;n/ přední okno,
grow v /gr@U/ pěstovat We grow our own manufacturing adj /m&nju"f&ktS@rIN/ pyramid n /"pIr@mId/ pyramida It looked čelní sklo vozidla She had to clean the
vegetables. výrobní, zpracovatelský Many jobs were lost like a pyramid. windscreen before she could drive off.
growth n /gr@UT/ růst, nárůst There was a in the manufacturing industry. quarter n /"kwA;t@/ čtvrtina, zlomek His worry n /"wVri/ trápení, starosti You should
rapid growth in violent crime last year. mass adj /m&s/ hromadný, masový Their time only improved by a quarter of a second. discuss your worries with someone who might
headline n /"hedlaIn/ titulek, nadpis The new product is aimed at the mass market. quite something idiom /kwaIt "sVmTIN/ be able to help.
headline didn’t give all the details. material n /m@"tI@rI@l/ materiál, např. opravdu něco that’s quite something = to už
history n /"hIstri/ historie, dějiny It was an ‘stavební materiály, hmoty’ The cost of tedy něco znamená It’s quite something to have Unit 10
important point in history. building materials has risen dramatically. a good job at all these days.
home page n /"h@Um peIdZ/ domovská Mexico n /"meksIk@U/ Mexiko She goes to rapid adj /"r&pId/ rychlý They are going ability n /@"bIl@ti/ schopnost, dovednost He
stránka What have you got on your home page? Mexico at least once a year. through a period of rapid growth. had remarkable abilities.
impact n /"Imp&kt/ dopad, vliv, působení mind v /maInd/ vadit, namítat, protestovat rapidly adv /"r&pIdli/ rychle Crime figures according to idiom /@"kO;dIN tu;/ podle čeho,
na co We have to consider the environmental Do you mind if I sit here? are rising rapidly. v souladu s Everything went according to plan.
impact of tourism. mirror n /"mIr@/ zrcadlo If you break a recently adv /"ri;s@ntli/ nedávno, v poslední adventure n /@d"ventS@/ dobrodružství She
in advance idiom /In @d"vA;ns/ předem, mirror, it is unlucky. době I haven’t seen them recently. went to Africa looking for adventure.
dopředu The rent is due one month in advance. modernization n /mQd@naI"zeISn/ report n /rI"pO;t/ zpráva She was able to advisable adj /@d"vaIz@bl/ vhodný, hodný
in business idiom /In "bIzn@s/ v obchodě, modernizace The modernization of the give a progress report. doporučení It is advisable to book early.
působící na trhu All we need are some orders hospital has taken much longer than planned. right adj /raIt/ správný, přijatelný, OK age v /eIdZ/ stárnout, zestárnout I couldn’t
and then we’ll be in business. natural adj /"n&tSr@l/ přírodní, nezhotovený John’s here! Oh, right! believe how much she had aged.
in favour idiom /In "feIv@/ pro co, zastáncem člověkem We only sell natural products. shopping mall n /"SQpIN mO;l/ velké agriculture n /"&grIkVltS@/ zemědělství The
čeho He was in favour of the strike. not at all idiom /nQt @t "O;l/ vůbec ne, např. nákupní centrum The best place to go is the number of people employed in agriculture has
incredibly adv /In"kredIbli/ neuvěřitelně She ‘Ne, vůbec ne.’ Do you mind if I open the shopping mall. fallen.
survived the accident. She was incredibly lucky! window? No, not at all! software n /"SQftwe@/ software His antibiotic n /&nti;baI"QtIk/ antibiotikum
industrialization n /IndVstrI@laI"zeISn/ not only … but also idiom /nQt "@Unli bVt software had a virus. You need some antibiotics for that infection.
industrializace The country went through a A;ls@U/ nejen …, ale i … She not only works spend v /spend/ utrácet, utratit peníze, trávit, at risk idiom /@t rIsk, &t rIsk/ v nebezpečí,
period of industrialization. as a nurse but also as a shop assistant. strávit čas I’ve spent too much money this week. v ohrožení Old and young people are at risk of
industrialize v /In"dVstrI@laIz/ industrializovat office block n /"QfIs blQk/ administrativní standard of living n /st&nd@d @v "lIvIN/ this illness.
The south of the country was slow to industrialize. budova, kancelářská budova The office block životní úroveň They have a better standard of atom-bomb n /"&t@m bQm/ atomová
institution n /InstI"tju;Sn/ instituce It is a is going to be destroyed. living in Spain. bomba The atom-bomb exploded.
famous educational institution. on credit idiom /Qn "kredIt/ na úvěr We steel n /stI@l/ ocel It’s made of steel. balance n /"b&l@ns/ rovnováha, bilance You
invest v /In"vest/ investovat Are you going bought the dishwasher on credit. style n /staIl/ styl, konkrétní vzhled, design should check your bank balance.
to invest in that company? painting n /"peIntIN/ malba, obraz, malování We stock a wide range of styles. behind prep /bI"haInd/ za There was a
investment n /In"vestm@nt/ investice I think The painting was worth over $2 million. suburb n /"sVb3;b/ předměstí He lives in the small river running behind their house.
you made a very good investment in that company. pattern n /"p&t@n/ vzor, vzorek His suburbs of the city. believe v /bI"li;v/ věřit Do you believe me?
investor n /In"vest@/ investor He is only a sleeping pattern was very irregular. sure is idiom /SO; "Iz/ to určitě, opravdu to tak beside prep /bI"saId/ vedle He sat beside

70 71
© Oxford University Press 2013
her all night. many problems. involve v /In"vQlv/ zahrnovat, obsahovat personal organizer n /p3s@n@l "O;g@naIz@/
between prep /bI"twi;n/ mezi dvěma I sat enquiry n /In"kwaI@ri/ poptávka, dotaz A The job involves a lot of travelling. plánovač, záznamník, organizér I write
down between Sarah and Sally. public enquiry was held into the proposal. keyboard n /"ki;bO;d/ klávesnice He played everything down in my personal organizer.
bin n /bIn/ odpadkový koš Put your rubbish essential adj /I"senSl/ nezbytný, keyboard in the band. photocopier n /"f@Ut@UkQpI@/ kopírka The
in the bin! nutný Experience is essential for this job. lamp n /l&mp/ lampa The lamp is too bright. photocopier has broken down again.
birth rate n /"b3;T reIt/ porodnost The birth exist v /Ig"zIst/ existovat Does life exist on level n /"levl/ úroveň, hladina Profits were planet n /"pl&nIt/ planeta The planet is
rate in Europe is declining. other planets? at the same level as the year before. getting smaller and smaller.
canoeing n /k@"nu;IN/ kanoistika They went factor n /"f&kt@/ faktor, činitel, okolnost life expectancy n /"laIf Ikspekt@nsi/ policy n /"pQl@si/ politika The new policy is
canoeing along the river. The result will depend on a number of factors. předpokládaná průměrná délka života Life being discussed.
capital n /"k&pItl/ hlavní město What’s the female n /"fi;meIl/ žena More females than expectancy is increasing. predict v /pr@"dIkt/ předpovídat, předpovědět
capital of Poland? males are employed. lifetime n /"laIftaIm/ život, doba existence, Who do you predict will be the next leader of
centenarian n /sent@"ne@rI@n/ člověk, filing cabinet n /"faIlIN k&bIn@t/ kartotéka, životnost His books were not published in his the country?
kterému je sto a více let There are more skříň na spisy Can you please put this away in lifetime. prediction n /pr@"dIkS@n/ předpověď,
people becoming centenarians nowadays. the filing cabinet? limit v /"lImIt/ omezi, limitovat They had to proroctví Your prediction was incorrect.
chip n /tSIp/ lupínek, např. ‘chipsy, brambůrky, fit adj /fIt/ fit, zdravý He is very fit from all limit the amount of imports. present adj /"prez@nt/ současný, přítomný
bramborové lupínky’ Would you like some chips? the running he does. location n /l@U"keISn/ umístění, poloha The The present situation is very difficult.
coastal adj /"k@Ustl/ pobřežní We went for forest n /"fQrIst/ les They went for a drive location of the new building was a secret. printer n /"prInt@/ tiskárna (součast počítače)
a coastal walk. through the forest. look up v /lUk "Vp/ vyhledat, najít, vyhledat The printer is jamming.
coffee machine n /"kQfi m@Si;n/ kávovar free adj /fri;/ svobodný, volný, neomezený; v příručce/informačním zdroji I don’t know privileged adj /"prIv@lIdZd/ privilegovaný
There is a coffee machine next to the lift. mající povoleno jít/dělat, co chce A true the answer. I’ll have to look it up! He came from a very privileged background.
computer n /k@mpju;t@/ počítač Where do democracy means free speech. maintain v /meIn"teIn/ udržovat, zachovávat productive adj /pr@"dVktIv/ produktivní,
you keep your computer? gas n /g&s/ plyn There was a smell of gas. The two countries have always maintained výkonný The meeting was very productive.
content n /"kQntent/ obsah, náplň The global warming n /gl@Ubl "wO;mIN/ globální close relations. profit n /"prQfIt/ zisk, výdělek, profit The
content of the document was a secret. oteplování Global warming is a worldwide mat n /m&t/ rohožka Wipe your feet on the company made a lot of profit last year.
contraceptive pill n /kQntr@"septIv pIl/ problem. mat before you come in! promotion n /pr@"m@USn/ povýšení, získání
antikoncepční pilulka The contraceptive pill has habitable adj /"h&bIt@bl/ obyvatelný The medicine n /medIs@n/ lék, léčivo Did you důležitější práce I’m going to try for that promotion.
recently become more easily available in the UK. island is habitable. take your medicine? public n /"pVblIk/ veřejnost The public were
cost of living n /kQst @v "lIvIN/ životní habitat n /"h&bIt&t/ přirozené prostředí, medicine n /medIs@n/ lékařství, medicína, going to be very difficult to win over.
náklady The cost of living is increasing. lokalita výskytu zvěře apod. The panda’s lékařská věda People would like to try recipe n /"res@pi/ recept, návod The recipe
desk n /desk/ psací stůl His desk was very natural habitat is the bamboo forest. alternative medicine. was very easy to follow.
untidy. healthcare n /"helTke@/ zdravotní péče melt v /melt/ tát, roztát The ice eventually refer v /rI"f3;/ odvolávat se na něco,
developed country n /dI"vel@pt kVntri/ Healthcare is an important issue for people. melted. odkazovat na, vztahovat se k čemu Who are
rozvinutá země Some countries have been holidaymaker n /"hQlIdeImeIk@/ rekreant/ mouse n /maUs/ myš (součast počítače) you referring to?
trying to provide financial aid to less developed rekreantka, prázdninový/prázdninová, návštěvník/ The mouse wouldn’t move very easily. religion n /rI"lIdZ@n/ náboženství Do you
countries. návštěvnice The plane was full of holidaymakers. next to prep /"nekst t@, "nekst tu;/ vedle, u study religion in schools in your country?
developing country n /dI"vel@pIN kVntri/ ice n /aIs/ led The ice was very dangerous. Put it down next to the book. remarkable adj /rI"mA;k@bl/ pozoruhodný,
rozvojová země Some illnesses associated with impossible adj /Im"pQs@bl/ nemožný, note down v /n@Ut "daUn/ zapsat si, stojící za povšimnutí She is a remarkable
stress do not occur in developing countries. neuskutečnitelný, nereálný It was impossible to zaznamenat He noted everything down in his diary. young woman.
diagram n /"daI@gr&m/ diagram, schéma, see the road. object n /"QbdZekt/ předmět She took lots of resource n /rI"sO;s/ zdroj We don’t have the
grafické znázornění The results are shown in in front of prep /In "frVnt @v/ před kým, everyday objects with her. necessary resources to do this job.
diagram 2. čím The car was parked in front of the house. on the left of prep /Qn D@ "left @v/ nalevo responsibility n /rIspQns@"bIl@ti/ zodpovědnost
dining car n /"daInIN kA;/ jídelní vůz Is individual n /IndI"vIdZU@l/ jedinec, od Paul is sitting on the left of Isobel. It is not my responsibility to do this.
there a dining car on this train? jednotlivec, osoba We spoke to each individual. on the right of prep /Qn D@ "raIt @v/ rich adj /rItS/ bohatý, majetný He is a very
disease n /dI"zi;z/ nemoc The disease is industry n /"Ind@stri/ průmysl She got a job napravo od Isobel is sitting on the right of Paul. rich man.
very difficult to cure at the moment. in the tourist industry. over prep /"@Uv@/ v průběhu, během čeho rise v /raIz/ zvednout se, stoupat Prices
emission n /I"mISn/ emise The emission of infectious adj /In"fekS@s/ nakažlivý, We’ll discuss it over lunch. rose after the news was announced.
carbon dioxide into the environment is causing infekční Flu is very infectious. rock climbing n /"rQk klaImIN/ horolezectví,
72 73
© Oxford University Press 2013
lezení po skalách Rock climbing can be quite Unit 11 continuing the fight against crime. light rail n /laIt "reIl/ lehká městská
dangerous. achieve v /@"tSi;v/ dosáhnout He had finally cycle v /"saIkl/ jezdit/jet na kole He cycles kolejová doprava The city needed a larger
sanitation n /s&nI"teISn/ hygiena, achieved success. to work. light rail system.
hygienická zařízení The spread of the disease administrative adj /@d"mInIstr@tIv/ cyclist n /"saIklIst/ cyklista/cyklistka He is lively adj /"laIvli/ živý, čilý, rušný Her eyes
resulted from the lack of sanitation. a professional cyclist. were bright and lively.
administrativní He had an administrative job
scientist n /"saI@ntIst/ vědec/vědkyně He’s dull adj /dVl/ nezajímavý, hloupý, nudný matter v /"m&t@/ mít význam, záležet It
in the company.
working as a research scientist. all expenses paid idiom /O;l IkspensIz "peId/ The countryside was dull and uninteresting. doesn’t matter to me what you do.
seawater n /"si;wO;t@/ mořská voda Be elegant adj /"elIg@nt/ elegantní She was mention v /"menS@n/ zmínit se Don’t
všechny výdaje uhrazeny He’s going on an all
careful not to drink any seawater! expenses paid trip to America. wearing a very elegant dress. mention her name!
see v /si;/ chápat, rozumět I see what you mean. arcade n /A;"keId/ pasáž, podloubí The encourage v /In"kVrIdZ/ povzbuzovat, metro n /"metr@U/ metro, podzemní
social security n /s@US@l sI"kju;rIti/ sociální arcade was full of beautiful small shops. podporovat, povzbudit You should encourage dráha The metro is the quickest way to get
zabezpečení Some people have to live off social audience n /"O;dI@ns/ obecenstvo, publikum him to try harder. around in the city.
security. everywhere adv /"evri;we@/ všude He modern adj /mQd@n/ moderní She lives in
The audience clapped at the end of the show.
society n /s@"saI@ti/ společnost It is a bicycle n /"baIsIkl/ jízdní kolo He rode his follows me everywhere. a very modern flat.
problem in all areas of society. except prep /Ik"sept/ kromě, až na We work motorist n /"m@ut@rIst/ motorista/motoristka,
bicycle to work.
species n /"spi;Si;z/ druh, třída živočichů bike n /baIk/ jízdní kolo (hov.) I usually go every day except Sunday. řidič/řidička motorového vozidla The
They discovered a rare species. to work by bike. express v /Ik"spres/ vyjádřit se, vyslovit He motorist called the police.
spectacle n /"spekt@kl/ podívaná, výhled, business park n /"bIznIs pA;k/ obchodní expressed his concerns about the project. multinational adj /mVlti;"n&Snl/
působivá podívaná The fireworks were a zóna His company is moving to the new financial adj /faI"n&nSl/ finanční He works mnohonárodní, nadnárodní It is now a
fantastic spectacle. business part. in the financial sector. multinational company.
study n /"stVdi/ studie, výzkumná práce, butcher n /"bUtS@/ řezník I’m going to buy free adj /fri;/ bezplatný, volný, zdarma, off work idiom /Qf "w3;k/ mimo práci, mající
součást výzkumu A detailed study was done some chicken at the butcher’s. zadarmo, bez poplatku The newspaper is free. volno She’s off work at the moment as she is ill.
by the company. catch v /k&tS/ chytit, zachytit, postřehnout, geography n /"dZQgr@fi/ zeměpis, geografie overall adj /@Uv@r"O;l/ celkový, souhrnný
take action idiom /teIk "&kSn/ jednat, slyšet I didn’t catch your name. She always wanted to be a geography teacher. There has been an overall improvement in his
podniknout kroky As soon as we get his category n /"k&t@gri/ kategorie, skupina, get around v /get @"raUnd/ cestovat, např. po standard of work.
decision, we’ll take action. městě She gets around with the help of a stick. overcrowded adj /@Uv@"kraUdId/
třída The results can be divided into three
tax n /t&ks/ daň How much tax do I have to pay? different categories. get married v /get "m&ri;d/ uzavřít přeplněný, přecpaný, přelidněný The train
temperature n /"temprItS@/ teplota The change v /tSeIndZ/ změnit se, měnit se, manželství, vdát se, oženit se They’re getting was very overcrowded this morning.
temperature dropped to freezing during the night. married this Saturday. panel n /"p&nl/ tým, skupina, komise; např.
vyměnit Is there anything you would like to
transfer n /"tr&nsf3;/ převod, přesun, change in your life? golf course n /"gQlf kO;s/ golfové hřiště It ‘panelová, tj. vícestranná diskuse’ The
převedení He asked for a transfer to a charge v /tSA;dZ/ účtovat si How much do took them four hours to get round the golf course. interview panel chose John for the position.
different department within the company. headquarters n /hed"kwO;t@z/ sídlo, ústředí, park v /pA;k/ parkovat, zaparkovat You can
you charge for one hour?
triple v /"trIpl/ ztrojnásobit se You could commuter n /k@"mju;t@/ dojíždějící The centrála It is the headquarters of the entire company. park here.
triple your money on that investment. ice-skating n /"aIs skeItIN/ bruslení She parliament n /"pA;l@m@nt/ parlament The
five o’clock train is always full of commuters.
underground adj /"Vnd@graUnd/ podzemní compare v /k@m"pe@/ porovnat, srovnat You broke her leg when she went ice-skating for the laws are made by parliament.
There are many underground caves. first time. per prep /p3;, p@/ za při udávání poměru,
need to compare the differences before you decide.
wheel n /wI@l/ kolo The wheel fell off his bike. congestion n /k@n"dZestS@n/ ucpání, imaginary adj /I"m&dZInri/ imaginární, pro jednotku času, např. ‘aut na osobu’ There
whitewater rafting n /waItwO;t@ "rA;ftIN/ dopravní zácpa The traffic congestion was pomyslný, fiktivní I had an imaginary friend is only one per person.
rafting v divoké vodě We went whitewater when I was a child. pharmaceutical adj /fA;m@"su;tIkl/
becoming a serious problem.
rafting in Australia. continent n /"kQntIn@nt/ světadíl, kontinent impressive adj /Im"presIv/ působivý, úchvatný farmaceutický She is a sales representative for
wildlife n /"waIldlaIf/ divoká zvěř The natural How many continents are there? She was very impressive in the interview. a pharmaceutical company.
habitat of the wildlife would be in danger. contraction n /k@n"tr&kS@n/ staženina, stažený integrate v /"IntIgreIt/ začlenit, integrovat poor adj /pU@, pO;/ ubohý, chatrný, špatný,
worried adj /"wVrid/ znepokojený, utrápený, tvar slova ‘I’ll’ is a contraction of ‘I will’. They need to integrate into the local community. nedobrý It was a very poor performance.
ustaraný She was very worried about her exam cover v /"kVv@/ zahrnovat, pokrývat, jog v /dZQg/ běhat rekreačně pro zdraví rather than prep /"r&D@ D&n, "rA;D@
results. (forma cvičení) He jogs 3 kilometres a day. D@n/ raději než, spíše než I’ll have a cold
obsahovat The price covers all your meals.
year planner n /"jI@ pl&n@/ plánovací kalendář crime n /kraIm/ zločin The government is lane n /leIn/ trasa, pruh; vyznačená část cesty, drink rather than a coffee.
na celý rok Have you filled in your year planner? silnice She pulled out into the fast lane to overtake. responsible adj /rIs"pQns@bl/ zodpovědný,
74 75
© Oxford University Press 2013
mající povinnost Steve is responsible for the Unit 12 clients. graduate n /"gr&dZ"U@t/ absolvent/
entire project. accident n /"&ksId@nt/ nehoda He had an cloud n /klaUd/ oblak, mrak Look at the absolventka She is a science graduate.
result n /rI"zVlt/ výsledek, důsledek The accident in his car. clouds! I think it’s going to rain. harmful adj /"hA;mf@l/ škodlivý Drinking
results didn’t tell us anything that we didn’t amphora n / "&mf@r@/ amfora An amphora collect v /k@"lekt/ sbírat, sesbírat Can you too much coffee can be harmful to your health.
already know. is a Greek or Roman container. collect my watch while you are there? heat v /hi;t/ hřát, ohřívat, rozehřát The fire
safe adj /seIf/ bezpečný She didn’t feel safe amusing adj /@"mju;zIN/ zábavný His story commerce n /"kQm3;s/ obchod He was heated the room.
in her own home. was very amusing. engaged in commerce. herbicide n /"h3;bIsaId/ herbicid, přípravek
Scandinavia n /sk&ndI"neIvI@/ Skandinávie ancient adj /eInSnt/ antický, starověký, commercial adj /k@"m3;Sl/ obchodní, na hubení plevele Some farmers don’t like to
Scandinavia is made up of a number of starobylý The city centre was full of ancient komerční She is developing the commercial use herbicides.
countries including Sweden and Norway. monuments. side of the company. hi-tech adj /haI "tek/ hi-tech, vyrobený
scheme n /ski;m/ plán, program They have anger n /"&Ng@/ hněv, zlost, vztek He was controlled adj /k@n"tr@Uld/ řízený, podle nejnovějších technologií His flat was
introduced a training scheme for young people. unable to control his anger. regulovaný He has to live in a very controlled very hi-tech.
season n /"si;z@n/ roční období, např. jaro, Asian adj /eIZn/ asijský I love Asian food. environment. hopeful adj /"h@Upfl/ nadějný, slibný, plný
léto My favourite season is spring. assemble v /@"sembl/ shromáždit, sestavit, cork n /kO;k/ korkon, uzávěr The cork flew naděje She is very hopeful of finding
service industry n /"s3;vIs Ind@stri;/ odvětví dát dohromady We have to assemble the bed out of the bottle and hit the wall. somewhere to live soon.
služeb Their company would come under the ourselves. current affairs n /kVr@nt @"fe@z/ nejnovější, hospitality n /hQspI"t&lIti/ pohostinnost
service industry. be off idiom /bi; "Qf/ jít, běžet; např. I’m off! poslední události He tries to keep up-to-date Thank you for your hospitality!
share v /Se@/ sdílet, podílet se, podělit boil v /bOIl/ vařit se, být ve varu, vřít Boil with current affairs. hug n /hVg/ objetí I gave her a hug.
se She shares a house with three other girls. the pasta for about 10 minutes. danger n /"deIndZ@/ nebezpečí Some hunger n /"hVNg@/ hlad Around a hundred
single adj /sINgl/ jediný, jednotlivý; např bottle n /bQtl/ láhev The bottle was empty. animals are in danger of dying out. people die every day from hunger in the area.
She is single at the moment. by hand idiom /baI "h&nd/ ručně The letter discovery n /dIs"kVv@ri/ objev, objevení impress v /Im"pres/ zapůsobit, působit
solve v /sQlv/ řešit, vyřešit It took hours to was delivered by hand. They have made an important discovery in this dojmem You must try and impress them at the
solve the puzzle. camel n /"k&ml/ velbloud They made the field. interview.
staff n /stA;f/ zaměstnanci, personál The journey on a camel. driving n /"draIvIN/ řízení auta apod. Her including prep /In"klu;dIN/ včetně It is $20
staff was allowed to leave early. campaign n /k&m"peIn/ kampaň She has driving is terrible. per night including breakfast.
stomach n /"stVm@k/ žaludek She had a been involved with the campaign for many years. dry v /draI/ sušit se, osušit, schnout Where insulation n /Insj@"leISn/ izolace The house
problem with her stomach. careful adj /"ke@fl/ pečlivý, opatrný, can I dry my boots? needed insulation in the roof.
the same to you idiom /D@ seIm t@ "ju;/ to důkladný, pozorný Be careful when you cross economical adj /i;k@"nQmIkl/ úsporný, invent v /In"vent/ vynalézt Who invented
stejné tobě, tobě taky ‘Happy Christmas!’ ‘The the road! hospodárný It is more economical to buy the the telephone?
same to you!’ cartoon n /kA;"tu;n/ kreslený film, kreslený bigger size. knowledge n /"nQlIdZ/ znalosti, vědomosti
tourism n /"tU@rIzm, "tO;rIzm/ turistika, seriál např. v novinách The cartoon in the engine n /"endZIn/ motor The engine just He has a wide knowledge on this topic.
cestování Tourism is the country’s main industry. magazine was very funny. stopped. knowledgeable adj /"nQlIdZ@bl/ dobře
traffic jam n /"tr&fIk dZ&m/ dopravní catch fire idiom /k&tS "faI@/ chytnout, enjoyable adj /In"dZOI@bl/ příjemný, informovaný, erudovaný She is very
zácpa He was late because of the traffic jam. vzplanout, vznítit se Don’t go near the fire or radostný, přinášející radost We had a very knowledgeable about gardening.
tram n /tr&m/ tramvaj They are introducing your jumper may catch fire! enjoyable evening. latex n /"leIteks/ latex Her dress was made
trams to some cities. catch v /k&tS/ chytnout, chytit; např. ‘chytit entirely adv /In"taI@li/ úplně, naprosto, of latex.
treaty n /"tri;ti/ smlouva, dohoda, úmluva vlak’ Which train are you catching? zcela I entirely agree with you. law n /lO;/ právo, zákon The new law says
The treaty was signed by all the countries. cause n /kO;z/ příčina, důvod The bad every … years idiom /evri "jI@z/ každých that you can’t smoke in public places.
unpopular adj /Vn"pQpj@l@/ nepopulární, weather was the cause of the accident. … let I try to visit my daughter in Australia liquid n /"lIkwId/ tekutina, kapalina They
neoblíbený His actions made him very Central America n /sentr@l @"merIk@/ Střední every two years. poured the liquid into the glass.
unpopular. Amerika Costa Rica is a country in Central fashion n /"f&Sn/ móda Do you try to keep lose v /lu;z/ ztratit I’ve lost my bag!
unnecessary adj /Vn"nes@seri/ zbytečný, America. up with the current fashion? machine n /m@"Si;n/ stroj The machine
nepotřebný All of this is totally unnecessary. chemist n /"kemIst/ chemik, lékárník/ get together v /get t@"geD@/ setkat se, sejít didn’t accept my money.
unreal adj /Vn"rI@l/ neskutečný, nereálný lékárnice He works as a chemist. se; např. ‘všichni se scházejí’ We must get mackintosh n /"m&kIntQS/ nepromokavý
I think your expectations are unreal. client n /"klaI@nt/ klient/klientka, zákazník/ together for a drink sometime. plášť, plášť do deště She was wearing a
wood n /wUd/ les Let’s go and have a zákaznice She is one of our most important goat n /g@Ut/ koza, kozel She kept a goat on traditional mackintosh.
picnic in the woods. her farm. mark v /mA;k/ značit, označit, dát
76 77
© Oxford University Press 2013
známku Prices are marked on the products. is finally here I can wear my sandals.
monk n /mVNk/ mnich The monk was praying smoking n /"sm@UkIN/ kouření Smoking in
silently. pubs is forbidden.
noise n /nOIz/ hluk, rámus, zvuk There was sparkling wine n /spA;klIN "waIn/ šumivé
no noise in the room. víno Some sparkling wine is as good as
oak n /@Uk/ dub The oak fell down due to the champagne.
bad wind. stage n /steIdZ/ fáze, etapa, bod ve
on the increase idiom /Qn Di "Inkri;s/ na vývoji The product is in the early stages of
vzestupu, mající vzestupnou tendenci Violent development.
crime is on the increase. stopper n /"stQp@/ zátka, uzávěr She put the
painful adj /"peInfl/ bolavý, bolestný, stopper into the bottle.
nepříjemný store v /stO;/ skladovat, uskladnit You can
Her arm was very painful after her fall. store tins of food for many years.
paint v /peInt/ malovat, namalovat, strange adj /streIndZ/ zvláštní, divný,
nabarvit She was learning to paint. neznámý, cizí She gave me a very strange
petroleum n /p@"tr@UlI@m/ ropa, nafta They look.
had to go very deep under the ground to find strictly business idiom /strIktli
the petroleum. "bIzn@s/ výhradně obchodně Our relationship
plastic n /"pl&stIk/ umělá hmota, plast The is strictly business.
cup was made of plastic. strip n /strIp/ pruh, pás Cut the piece of
port wine n /pO;t "waIn/ portské víno It is paper into strips.
nice to have a glass of port wine at the end of a supermarket n /"su;p@
meal. mA;kIt/ supermarket They have opened a new
process n, v /"pr@Uses/ proces, zpracování; supermarket.
zpracovat It was a long and difficult process. / supplier n /s@"plaI@/ dodavatel They are our
Most of the food we buy today is processed. biggest supplier.
raincoat n /"reInk@Ut/ plášť/kabát do synthetic adj /sIn"TetIk/ syntetický,
deště Her raincoat kept her dry. umělý Her shoes were actually synthetic.
remove v /rI"mu;v/ odstranit I asked him to totally adj /"t@Ut@li/ úplně, naprosto I’m
remove his things immediately. still not totally sure.
rent out v /rent "aUt/ pronajmout dům trade n /treId/ obchod Trade between the
apod. We’re going to rent out our house while two countries has increased.
we are away. treatment n /"tri;tm@nt/ péče, ošetření;
replace v /rI"pleIs/ nahradit, vyměnit What např. ‘kosmetické ošetření’ I go for regular
can we replace it with? treatments at the salon.
risk n /rIsk/ riziko The risk of catching the tyre n /"taI@/ pneumatika The tyre burst.
disease was greatly increased. unusual adj /Vn"ju;Zu@l/ neobvyklý,
rocket n /"rQkIt/ raketa The rocket rose nezvyklý, zvláštní She had a very unusual
quickly into the sky. accent.
roof n /ru;f/ střecha The roof needed to be vulcanization n /vVlk@
completely replaced. naI"zeISn/ vulkanizace Due to the process of
rub out v /rVb "aUt/ vymazat, vulcanization, the material was much stronger.
vygumovat She rubbed out her name. waterproof adj /"wO;t@
rubber n /"rVb@/ pryž, guma The ball is pru;f/ nepromokavý Her jacket was
made of rubber. waterproof.
sandal n /"s&ndl/ sandál Now that summer

78 79
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