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I. Tick the correct answer
1. The pumping organ of our circulatory system is
(a) heart
(b) artery
(c) vein
(d) all of these
2. They are pipe-like, consisting of a group of specialised cells. They transport substances and form a
two-way traffic in plants. Which of the following terms qualify for the features mentioned above?
(a) Xylem tissue
(b) Vascular tissue
(c) Root hairs
(d) Phloem tissue
3. The fluid part of the blood is known as
(a) membrane
(b) plasma
(c) RBC
(d) WBC
4. The red pigment present in the RBC of the blood is
(a) haemoglobin
(b) WBC
(c) pulse
(d) none of these
5. Which blood vessel carries oxygen-rich blood?
(a) Arteries
(b) Veins
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
6. Which of the following plant bear bisexual flower?
(a) Corn
(b) Papaya
(c) Cucumber
(d) Mustard
7. Which of the following is a part of a pistil?
(a) Stigma
(b) Anther
(c) Filament
(d) Pollen
8. Which of the following is not a vegetative plant part?
(a) Root
(b) Stem
(c) Flower
(d) Leaf
9. After fertilisation, ovule develops into
(a) fruit
(b) stem
(c) root
(d) seed
10. Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of a flower is called
(a) pollination
(b) fertilisation
(c) reproduction
(d) fruit
11. In a bulb there is a thin wire called
(a) filament
(b) coil
(c) element
(d) fuse wire
12. A glowing bulb becomes warm due to the
(a) heating effect of current
(b) magnetic effect of current
(c) chemical effect of current
(d) physical effect of current
13. The amount of heat produced in a wire depends on its
(a) material
(b) length
(c) thickness
(d) all of these
14. Which of the following is being used in place of fuses?
(a) MCB
(b) Nichrome
(c) Filament
(d) Switch
15. Which of the following is not a reason for excessive currents in electrical circuits?
(a) Direct touching of wires
(b) Short circuiting
(c) Switch in ‘off position
(d) Overloading
16. The coloured band of light obtained by dispersion of light is called
(a) image
(b) spectrum
(c) convergence
(d) scattering
17. The image that cannot be obtained on a screen is called
(a) real image
(b) virtual image
(c) diminished image
(d) none of these
18. The path of the light is
(a) always a straight line
(b) a curved line
(c) a zig-zag line
(d) depends on the medium
19. White light is composed of
(a) three colours
(b) seven colours
(c) five colours
(d) eight colours
20. The coloured band of light is obtained by------- of light .
(a) reflection
(b) refraction
(c) dispersion
(d) none of these
21. Which of the following is not a source of wastewater?
(a) Sewers
(b) Homes
(c) Industries
(d) Hospitals
22. Which of the following is a part of inorganic impurities of the sewage?
(a) Pesticides
(b) Urea
(c) Phosphates
(d) Vegetable waste
23. Open drain system is a breeding place for which of the following?
(a) Flies
(b) Mosquitoes
(c) Organisms which cause diseases
(d) All of the above
24. Sewage is mainly a
(a) liquid waste
(b) solid waste
(c) gaseous waste
(d) mixture of solid and gas
25. Chlorine is used in municipal water treatment plant to
(a) change the teste of water
(b) prevent evaporation
(c) kill the harmful microorganisms
(d) prevent sedimentation
II. In the questions given below, a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given. Choose the
correct answer out of the following choices:

(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true.
1. Assertion- there are two types of blood vessels arteries and veins, present in the body.

Reason- arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to all parts of the body.

Answer: C
2. Assertion- the doctor feels the heart beats with the help of an instrument called stethoscope.

Reason- a stethoscope is used to amplify the sound of heart.

Answer: A

3. Assertion- vegetative propagation is the method of asexual reproduction in plants.

Reason- In vegetative propagation new plants are produced from different vegetative parts such as
leaves, stems and roots.

4. Assertion- a bisexual flowers have both the male and the female reproductive parts.

Reason- the male gametes are found inside the ovule and females gametes are found inside the pollen


5. Assertion: filament of bulb is made of tungsten.

Reason: The filament should have low melting point.

Ans. C

6. Assertion (A): Copper is widely used in electrical appliances.

Reason (R): It is a very good conductor of electricity.

Ans. A

7.Assertion: A plane mirror produces virtual, erect image for any position of the object.

Reason: Lateral image is an important property of image formed by a plane mirror.

Answer: B

8. Assertion (A): Rainbow is an example of the dispersion of sunlight by the water droplets.
Reason (R):In rainbow there are 7 colours.

Ans. B

9. Assertion : The distance moved by an object in unit time is called its speed.
Reason (R) : Faster vehicles have higher speeds.

Answer: B

10. Assertion: Speedometer records the speed of the vehicle generally in km/h.

Reason : Odometer measures the distance moved by the vehicle in one hour.

Answer: C


A. White light is a mixture of seven colours (VIBGYOR). When these colours combine, they appear white.
The colour of an object depend on the light it reflects. An object appears blue, green etc on the basis of
light reflected by it. The leaves of plant appear green because it reflects green light and absorbs other
1. Expand the word VIBGYOR.
2. Why red rose appear red?
3. Name the device which proves that white light consists of 7 colours.
B. Blood is the fluid which flows in blood vessels. It transports substances like digested food from the
small intestine to the other parts of the body. It carries oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body. It
also transports wastes for removal from the body. Blood is composed of a fluid, called plasma in which
different types of cells are suspended. Red blood cells (RBC) which contain a red pigment called

Que. 1) Which fluid flows in blood vessels?

(a) Plasma

(b) RBC

(c) Blood

(d) All of the above

Que. 2) Haemoglobin bind with-------and transport it to all the parts of body and to all the………….

(a) Tissues, cells

(b) Organs, cells

(c) Muscles, cells

(d) Oxygen,cells

Que. 3) What makes blood appear red in colour?

(a) Antigen

(b) Iron

(c) Haemoglobin

(d) None of the above

Que. 4) What role does blood play in the body?

Que. 5) How is oxygen transported in the body?

C. The production of new individuals from their parents is known as reproduction. Most plants have roots,
stems and leaves. These are called the vegetative parts of a plant. After a certain period of growth, most
plants bear flowers. You may have seen the mango trees flowering in spring. It is these flowers that give
rise to juicy mango fruit we enjoy in summer. We eat the fruits and usually discard the seeds. Seeds
germinate and form new plants. Flowers perform the function of reproduction in plants. Flowers are the
reproductive parts.

Que. 1) Pistil is the--------. reproductive part and stamen is the……. reproductive part of flower.

(a) Female, male

(b) Male, female

(c) Male, male

(d) Male, ovule

Que. 2) Papaya produces which type of flowers?

(a) Hermaphrodite

(b) Unisexual

(c) Bisexual

(d) No flower

Que. 3) How a zygote is formed in sexual reproduction?

Que. 4) What are the parts of the pistil?



Speed= Distance Travelled/Time taken

Distance= Speed x Time
Time= Distance/Speed
Time Period of simple pendulum= Time taken /number of oscillations
To convert km/h to metre per second multiply by
For example 80 km/h = 80x5/18=22.22 m/s

1.How much distance is travelled by an object if it travels at a speed of 60 km/h for 2 hours?
Distance= Speed x Time
=60 km/h x 2 h
=120 km
Answer:120 km
2.The distance between two stations is 240km.A train takes 4 hours to cover this distance.
Calculate the speed of the train.
Speed= Distance/Time
= 240/4
Answer: 60 km/h
3.A simple pendulum takes 16 s to complete 10 oscillations. What is the time period of the
Time Period= Time taken/number of oscillations
= 1.6 s
4.If the speed of an object to travel 3600 m is 60m/s.Find the time taken to cover this distance in
second and minute.
Time taken= Distance/speed
= 3600/60
= 60 s
60s = 1minute
So, speed in second is 60s and in minute is 1minute.


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